THOUGHT FOR TODAY Taking a hottle to bed may not cure the cold bu t it makes the patient sleep tight. She Oshawa Fimes WEATHER REPORT Sunny Sunday, by evening, not temperature. clouding over much change in VO! 91--NO. 112 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA,-ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Ma! Ottawa and for payment il Post Office Department, of Postage in Cash. TWENTY PAGES jthorities, Secret CP from AP-Reuters ORAN, Algeria -- French au- proclaiming intensi- fied war on the Secret Army, herded 12 Oran civic, leaders and two Roman Catholic cler- gymen to a detention camp in the Sahara today. Police Chief Joseph Biget an- nounced the arrests of 14 Euro- peans he described as "nota- # \bles" and blamed Oran city of-| 3 ficials and church leaders for} Secret Army terrorist activities lin the west Algerian port city.| Biget declared European) youths carried out most of the| terrorist attacks in Oran, but that the church and elected mu- 'Steamroller To Destroy Army forcements are en route t Oran. "We will set in motion a veritable steamroller to crush the Secret Army." Fifty Europeans were ex- pelled from Algiers Friday while 10 civil servants in Oran were fired because of suspected Secret Army loyalties. The Oran raid was one of aj} series in the French crackdown on the Secret*Army announced by French High Commissioner Christian Fouchet. Despite the loss of a number of its most ac- tive agents, the Secret Army continued its bloody campaign to block Algerian independence. Terrorist attacks killed 28 Mos- lems, including five women, and ,/nicipal authorities bore the re-\two Europeans Friday. Eight- dl ON WAY TO 15 YEARS Four Sons of Freedom Douk- hobors leave Nelson, B.C. | court house after being | tenced to 15 years for con- sen- spiracy. to bomb a_ power pylon and 15 years concurrent for placing the bombs. They are from left John koff, 17, Harry Rezarsoff, 27, Arishen- | Jack Kalmakoff, 25, and Ari- | shenkoff's brother Bill, 24. De- struction of the pylon put al- most 1,000 men out of work. --CP Wirephoto Commonwealth Still Trade Union Barrier BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Brit- ain resumed key talks with the Common Market over. member- ship today with Commonwealth trade still the major stumbling lations with Commonwealth countries. A Commonwealth prime ministers' conference is scheduled for Sept. 10 in Lon- don. The ministers dealt in detail dia, Pakistan and Hong Kong. Common Market officials will present a report on British Commonwealth preference pref- Commonwealth preference pro- posals at a May 29 meeting sponsibility because they had not shown the proper example. He did not identify the "nota-|-- bles' or the '"'church", Most Europeans in Algeria are Ro- man Catholic and it was learned that two of those arrested were Catholic canons, including Canon Carmouze of Oran Ca- thedral. "All those arrested," Biget |said, "will take the road to the south (toward the Sahara) and will remain with us in Algeria until the (referendum of) self- determination."" He said they will be held "at the Arcole de-| tention camp in the Sahara. Biget said fresh troop rein- Four Charged © After Aurora | een Moslems and a European were wounded. Try Britain-wide Dock Walkout To Reest | | LONDON (Reuters) -- Labor] § j Minister John Hare today headed into 11th-hour talks with union and management leaders in an attempt to avert acoun- try-wide dock strike schedued for Sunday midnight. With the strike less than 48 hours away, Hare will try to solve the wages-and-hours dis- pute in a meeting with the top leaders of both sides this after- noon. As the government planned block. Friday night with British pro-) The Common Market Six have . jemergency measures to keep| "We have made a little bit of/posals on the gradual elimina- emphasized that they agree in Midway Brawl progress," Foreign Minister Jo-\tj9n of Commonwealth prefer- principle, but not in detail, that |vital supplies flowing if the| seph Luns of The Netherlands ences of goods manufactured by|there should be some special) AURORA, Ont. (CP) -- Four|Sttike, Prime Minister Macmil-| | TV BOSS James T. Aubrey, Jr., pres- ident of the CBS TV network division, testified Friday be- fore the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency as senators resumed hearings on |stevedores go through with the) said after Friday's meeting ad- journed at midnight. Foreign Minister Paul-He Spaak of Belgium added: the Commonwealth problem can) be settled, everything is set-! tled." The nri| "Ht seven-month-long Canada, Australia and New Zealand, sources close to the)wealth members for a limited!tario talks said. DISCUSS REPORT This item was among seven entered the stage of hard bar-| cussing the remainder of the re- gaining with Britain commitments from Common Market the nations six on) seeking|port today, including agricul- ture, association of certain Commonwealth members, and arrangements for Common- |period of time. | The Six want Britain to make ithe first 30-per-cent alignment jon the common externa! tariff points of a report on the nego-linon entry into the market, in- talks|tiations. The ministers were dis-|inaq of Jan. 1 , 1965 as she roposed. The length of time that Com- monwealth countries would en- joy tariff concessions and the arrangements for its trade re-|manufactured exports from In-ist of Commonwealth products May Have Tested Atom Sub-Killer WASHINGTON (AP) The United States may have fired a nuclear missile that the navy claims can seek out and kill an enemy submarine within a range of eight miles The first underwater explo- sion of the curren: U.S. nuclear test series was one of two blasts detonated Friday in the Pacific It followed the air burst of a more powerful nuclear device dropped from' an airplane, be- lieved to be a B-52 bomber, in the vicinity of Christmas Island. The two shots--the first one- day doubleheader of the Paci- fic series--were the eighth and ninth of the tests that began April 25, There have been reliable re- ports that either Asroc or Sub- roc -- anti-submarine weapons -- would be tested with a nu- clear charge. Asroc is a 15-foot missile de- signed to be fired from destroy- ers, cruisers or frigates. It al ready is operational and about 150 ships of the fleet are due 'submarine's to be armed with them within the next few years. FOLLOWS SOUNDS When fired, the 1,000-pound Asroc speeds through the air to the target area, then hits the water and homes in o.. enemy submarines by following their sounds. It can be fitted either with high explosive torpedo warheads or depth charges armed with nuclear warheads. The Asroc, experts say, is capable of destroying an enemy submarine at ranges up to eight miles. The Subroc, another powerful weapon, still is in development. It is a guided missile designed to be fired from a submerged torpedo tubes or from the surface. The missile travels through the air, enters the water for the kill. Navy specialists say the sub- roc system can detect another submarine at long range and receiving special concession jhave been the major points of jdisagreement between Britain and the Six | WANTS HER IN Friday's meeting opened with the possibility that West Ger- }many would throw more blocks in front of Britain's entry, but the West Germany foreign min- istry said: "West Germany con- siders it desirable that Britain j/ become a full member" of the} Common Market. The announcement followed reports that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer had stated that Brit- ain should only be an associate Market member. In Washington An- France's cultural minister, An- dre Malraux, said that France also will not oppose Britain's entry into the Common Market. Malraux, a close associate of President de Gaulle, said .e- ports that France is blocking Britain's entry into the group "are wholly in error and a com- plete fallacy." Britain's foreign secretary, the Earl of Home, told a con- tives in Inverness Friday that the British government will de- mand "complete safeguards"' to preserve jmen were arrested by the On- Provincial Police anti-} gambling squad Friday during} a raid at the Royal Canadian' Legion sponsored midway in this town 27 miles north of Tor- onto. While police were questioning the four subsequently charged} with cheating at play, midway workers toppled the tent on five police officers and set fire to it. A call for assistance made to every detachment and police de- partment in York County was janswered by seven cruisers and police broke up a mass fight. Charged by the anti-gambling squad are: Marshal C. Douglass, 28, To- ronto; Alex Gretton, 22, Sweets- burg, Que; Fred Laparle, 20, of Cornwall, and George Mar- jshall, 28, of Toronto. Newmarket provincial police said there were no injuries re 'ported when the lights at the {midway were doused and a flaming gasoline soaked shirt was thrown on the toppled canvas tent. Police cruisers from Brad- iford, Newmarket, Richmond |Hill, East Gwillimbury, North |Gwillimbury, Bond Lake and |Vandorf answered the county: | jwide ca}l for assistance | Took $1000 Gift | Official Resigns | | } | _WASHINGTON (AP) -- Light-|spread damage and spreading) then re- ference of Scottish Conserva-jning from the Billie Sol Estes|panic. storm struck high up K Jerry compute its course and speed tem before the Common Mar- he had accepted $1,000 from the before the missile is launched ket. MASS OF BEWILDERING EVIDENCE HEARD indicted Texas financier. lan cut short a weekend trip to Scotland to return to London. Hare met representatives of the Dockworkers unions and the port employers Friday night for 90 minutes in what later state- ments made clear were discus- sions designed merely to put him in the picture. Franco To Avoid Strife-Torn Area MADRID (AP) -- Generalis- simo Francisco Franco sud- denly cancelled a vacation trip to strike-torn southern Spain to- day and remained in Madrid to deal with the country's mount- ing labor troubles. Informed sources said Franco changed his travel plans at the behest of his worried ministers in a 15-hcur cabinet session on the labor crisis, one' of the se verest of his 25-year strongman rule. Massive ON WARPATH Indians OTTAWA (CP) -- The white man is reeling before an on- slaught by red men opposed to Centres of the modern-day In- dian war are the Caughnawaga Indian reservation near Mont- real and the St. Regis reserva- near Cornwall, Ont., and an- other a few miles away in ue bec. The Mohawks of Caughna- waga and their brothers of the Six Nations on the St. Regis Tremor Shakes Mexico MEXICO CITY (AP)--A dev-)man to die of shock and injured) astating earthquake believed set off by a rumbling volcano struck South Central Mexico |Friday killing two persons, in-| juring 100 others, causing wide- The quake rocked Mexico City for nine seconds causing one Probe Questions Piling Up TORONTO (CP) swered questions are piling up as Ontario's royal commission on crime weaves its way through a maze of often-be-) wildering evidence in its cur-) rent search for links between gamblers and officialdom Dermott and Vincent 3. What became of the $1,000 ing for the time being with a Riggs collapsed briefly on the which Deputy Provincial Police|minor gambling joing function-|witness stand while Mr. Justice| Commissioner James Bartlett said he found in a flower pot at his home in 1957 after a visit money in the flower pot -- with|mMemory, notably points involy-|derwent stiff grilling Friday on| lary now dead. The deputy told of finding the Roach was roughing him up 'verbally on persistent lapses of -- Unan-jhave swapped his empire for)sion tracked it along a devious|evidence cannot be used against|amined later. Both are under that of homebreds Joseph Mc- trail pointing in the direction of}them should a prosecution en- Feeley? |McDermott and Feeley but end-|sue. viction for obtaining police in- formation illegally. The deputy commissioner un- New ones that cropped up or 30 other persons and ranged as |far as 190 miles south of the capital, racking five states-- Querrero, Morelos, Oaxaca, 'Puebla and Mexico, (The shock which hit at 10:12 ja.m, was described as "'one of: hh 1 in the} Mexico is teeming with tour-| the largest earthquakes I have ennedy administration Friday.|ists at this time of the year, but/ever recorded" by Dr. J. C. afeg Holleman, assistant la-|first reports said no foreigners|Derbremaecker, associate pro- its constitutional sys-/bor secretary, resigned, saying) were injured. fessor of geology at Rice Uni- versity in Houston, Tex.) |WING COLLAPSES | Authorities said two persons }were killed when a church wing |collapsed in Chilapa about 60 miles from the Pacific coast re- sort of Acapulco, one of the hardest hit areas. Thirty - six| |persons were injured in Aca- |pulco. | The government launched an jinvestigation into reports from jaround Nuxco, near Acapulco, that a volcano triggered the jsubpoena as they await out- quake. A potential volcano had {come of an appeal from a con-|been reported earlier in an area jabout 60 miles east of Acapulco where farmhands said water had boiled up in local streams killing animals. | | The agriculture department's) members of their race voting) in the June 18 federal election.| tions, one on Cornwall Island,| La TESTIFIES impact on youth of crime, vio- lence, and sex on television programs. CBS television net- work executives were accused of attempting to inject "pruri- ent sex" into one program. Reject Right To Vote reservations have passed res- olutions that they want no part of their new right to vote in federal elections. The white man has taken |them at ther word, but has jmade preparations--off the res- ervations--for them to vote just in case they change their minds |by June 18. Chief John Sharrow, a mem- |ber of the St. Regis band on! }Cornwall Island, said Friday| \night that if any polling booths| are placed on the reservation| |"I will take the voting booth joff the island and throw it in the St. Lawrence River my- self." NOT ENUMERATED As a result of the resolutions passed by the Indians, no poll- ing booths will be located on the reservations and no elec- tion officers will be stationed on them. There also was no enumeration ov voters on the reservations, However, polling booths will be located adjacent to the res- ervations, This will enable the few white people on the reser- vations to cast a vote and any Indians who change their minds. Voters have been enumerated by using lists provided by the federal Indian affairs branch. Officials of the branch say the jlists are up to date. The Cornwall Island Indians are in the federal constituency of Stormont While the other two reservations are in Chateau- guay-Huntingdon-La-prairie. | | Engine Crew Dares Flames STRATFORD (CP)--A Cana- dian National Railways yard- engine crew Friday night \snatched a gasoline-filled tank from the path of a fire on the ~|HAS AVOIDED CLASH gained more emphasis during the present week of testimony before Mr. Justice W. D. Roach include 1. What the extent of United States. gangster infiltra- tion into Ontario's seemingly lucrative gaming business? 2. Have the Ontario pickings really been so lush and the pro- tection machinery so well oiled! that. Detroit's top gambling boss, as he is reported to have said in March, would willingly CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ~ is \ from the Toronto pair, and why|ng apparent strings attached--|ing the extent of McDermott-|why he never mentioned the did he not report it to his su-|after a voice on the telephone--| Feeley interests in the Jordan|flower pot incident to his com- iwife, perior for more than a "year?|which he first identified as Mc-|Club here and_ the 4, How did information leak to gamblers from top OPP levels and particularly from a 257 meeting in the com- missioner's office at which new secrecy measures were planned? 5, Mhy did the attorney - gen- eral's department get a confi- dential report on part of the past life of Police Chief W. J. Shrubb of Peterborough, for- mer member of the force's anti- gambling squad, and Shrubb's important commission witnesses? RESUMES MONDAY The saga of the $1,000 in Deputy Commissioner Bartlett's flower pot remains a question mark until at least Monday when the commission heaginigs resume. Friday, the compiis- |Dermott's but later as Feeley's --told him to look under his porch, Concluding it was other, he gave the roll of 10s and 20s to Clayton Keyhoe, a friend with gambling connec- |tions, to be returned. to the pair. Keyhoe testified Friday he gave the parcel to Jack Riggs, a potato chip salesman owning a small piece of McDermott- Feeley enterprise. Riggs testified he passed it along to Robert McLaughlin; another part - owner and a bet- taker in the club, to be given to McDermott. That was the last he heard of it. McLaughlin died The two intermediaries in- volked the Canada Evidence |Act, which ensures that their one or an- Veterans} Club at Cooksville. | He revived quickly but came subject to memory trouble later, and finally was told to come around Monday} }with his recollection refreshed. | Riggs reported being cut in jon profits --and losses -- of! |the two clubs but said he never| |made enough to put in his in- jcome tax returns, though he said he had a 1959 net worth of $50,000 and drives a Cadillac despite his potato chip salary jot between $5,000 and $6,000 a year. y He could not remember '"'ex- actly" how his stake got built up MAY TAKE UP LATER Presumably, the scent of the j$1,000 will be taken up when McDermott and Feeley are ex-| missioner for a year, but stoutly maintained that the op- be-|portunity did not present itself. | Mr. Justice Roach finally this. After his stint on the stand|Hotel, badly damaged by a 1957) was completed, he was recalled for questioning about his fi- nances, His funds were not make pulbic, but the judge ex- amined his bank book and was told he has just one account and no trust funds or safety de- posit boxes. The deputy also denied vari- ous earlier suggestion--emanat-|g ue rrillas blew up. three} ing from gamblers and relayed to the commission--that he took money for tipoffs on police raids. He also said he never did favors for people seeking liquor licences while this was under his jurisdiction. jgeographic and meteorological service said it had no confirma- jtion of the volcano reports, but ja government official was or- dered to fly over the area. The earth shocks cracked ceil- jsaid he could not understandjings and shattered windows in Mexico city's continental Hilton |quake, Many frightened guests |hurried into the street in their |pyjamas. Guerrillas Blast S. Viet Nam Train | SAIGON (AP) -- Communist lcoaches of a train killing 29 jgovernment civil guards, injur- jing 30 and apparently capturing 'six, the South Viet Nam govern- ment reported today. None of the civilians aboard the train lwas reported injured. freight platform in the yards here. |. Engineer Frank Simpkins of |Stratford and a crew of four |rode their diesel engine into the {path of the flames and hauled 15 scorched cars to safety. | At least one of the 15 coupled cars was loaded with canned | gasoline. The flames engulfed one box- --|car loaded with scrap, where \firemen believed the fire |started, and spread to a loading |platform, burning about 150 feet jof its length. The flames crept to within inches of a gasoline- filled car, scorching its sides. Two other cars, filled with bags of charcoal, were partly burned. Assistant Superintendent A. N. Little of Stratford esti-| mated the damage to cars a platform at $5,000. Cause of the U.S. MAY BOOST TROOPS IN ASIA = Top-Level Talk On Laos Crisis WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- dent Kennedy called in his se- lior military and diplomatic »olicymakers today amid re- vorts he is planning to streng- hen U.S. military power in) joutheast Asia to meet a} i:preading crisis in Laos. It was understood U.S. Navy orces may be sent to the area n the next day or so. Summoned to the White ouse for the mid-morning con- 'rence on Laos were State Sec- etary Rusk, Defence Secretary icNamara and Gn. Lyman L. emnitzer, chairman of the} vint chiefs of staff. All returned only Friday night com trips around the world. {cNamara_ spent considerable ime in Southeast Asia, where 1e new outbreak of fighting be- veen Laos government forces nd Communist-backed Pathet ao rebels is proving a source) of great concern to the U.S. gov-| ernment. | Kennedy is reported consider-) ing strong measures to deal) with the situation, assuming) that diplomatic efforts to re- store a year-long cease-fire in| the embattled kingdom prove) futile. In the past, the United States has avoided direct military in- tervention on behalf of the gov- ernment forces. The question of U.S. military action in the coun- try was recently reopened for] review by the president. The U.S. training and observ- ation mission in Laos is re- ported to total only about 170 military men and 30 civilians. This is a small group in com- parison with approximately 5,- 000 Americans engaged in train- ing and supporting government Diplomatic attempts to bring the situation under control hinge mainly on the hope of So- viet co-operation. Both Britain and the United States have appealed to Russia to join in halting the fighting by using its influence with Com- munist and pro - Communist leaders. So far the Soviet gov- ernment has declined to com- mit itself, officials said. One major concern of Ken- nedy administration leaders is that the Communist military surge in Laos might upset and endanger the rest of Southeast |Asia. Thailand is a U.S. ally in the Southeast Asia Treaty Or- ganization. In South Viet Nam the United States already is en- gaged in assisting government forces to combat widespread, Communist - supported guer- rilla activity. British, Russian Talk About Laos MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Brit- ish Ambassador Sir Frank Rob- erts today called on Russia's first deputy foreign minister, Vassili Kuznetsov, for a furthet talk on the Laos situation, a British embassy spokesman said. Roberts, making the call on foreign office instructions, Stayed at the foreign ministry for about 15 minutes. The spokesman declined to in- dicate Soviet reactions to Brit- ish representations about the re- cent capture of the town of Nam Tha by pro-Communist Pathet Lao forces, which the West has described as a viola- forces in South Viet Nam. tion of the Laotian cease-fire. VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) -- Prince Boun Oum's royal gov- ernment feared today that pro- Communist rebels are closing) in for an all-out attack on the twin capitals of Laos that would give them complete control over the landlocked Southeast Asan kingdom. The defence ministry charged Soviet-made Ilyushin transport planes were rushing rebel troops and arms to new-won territory in an apparent build- up for a thrust at the royal seat of Luang Prabang in the heart of Laos and the administrative capital of Vientiane to the south. The Communists were re- ported beefing up bases at Mu- ong Sing, 60 miles south of Luang Prabang, and at Van Vieng, 100 miles above Vien- tiane. King Savang Vathana ap- pealed to Laotian leaders to try to solve the issue peacefully. The king did not name the Laotian Capitals Fear Red Attack the national assembly at Vien- tiane. But he clearly directed his remarks at the rebels who have surged more than 100 miles past the year-old cedse- fire line to the border of Thai- land. The monarch declared that jroyal army troops are sacrific- ing their lives to oppose inva- sion from foreign soil. This was a reference to Communist Viet- namese and Chinese units re- ported by the Vientiane govern- ment to be spearheading the rebel offensive. The breakthrough by the reb- els in defiance of neutralist Prince Souvanna Phouma ap- peared certain to bring de- mands by neighboring Thailand for counter action by the United States or the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). President Kennedy was re- ported planning to bolster U.S. military forces in Southeast Asia to meet the threat to the leaders in his throne speech to general area. Philias O.- Letourneau, 63- year-old electrician from Montmagny, e., last night 're was unknown, was sentencedto. be hanged SENTENCED TO HANG Aug. 17 for the bomb slaying of Charles-Eugene Baillargeon last year. : -- CP Wérephoto