Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1962, p. 15

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17--Mele Help Wanted STRONG conscientious middle - aged Spece and Garages 25--Apts. & Flats for 27--Real Estate tor Sele 27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Real Estate For Sale AGP SS CE EM TY Va ge ' 27-~Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey.12, 1962 15, man for caretaking and general labor in pg ag building, $50 weekly. Wri Box 329, Oshawa Times. STUDENTS to help take care of estab- Ushed Fuller territories while perma- = staff on holidays. Telephone 723- WAITER required for part-time em- ployment. Apply Beverage Room, Gen- osha Hotel. TRUCK driver wanted for egg route. Mos be neat, dependable and bond, '> with leasing personality. Tele-| OPENING for high graduate for as manager. Apply in Pee Ag Bel to % 8S, Kresge Co. Ltd., WAITER Tiare' for preferred bev- erage room. Must be able to work one or two days a week. Plus two or three nights. a week. ag Po eed Star- Ute Room, Genosha Ho' GameTiAN man saded Full or part- -- Mfetime security. Experience Bs agg ges | try helpful, Earn $100 weekly up. No competition. Write John Rudin 5 + 22 West Madison BRAND NEW OFFICE |S AVAILABLE Newly Built... Elevator Ser- vice... Bright... Freshly Painted iled Floors... Available in Few .Days... Moderate Rent... Lease Available... Third Floor . Ask for T. L. Wilson. THE TIMES BUILDING WHITBY -- be saga = ment, balco 'ator, laundry facilities. Suit couple, phone MO 38-5940. stove, Tele- "ROOM gsr ranch bungalow, VLA SIX: ne ped iblic and soperass ite schoo! e mile from Shopping Centre. Telephone 725-9506. KING STREET WEST, 318 -- Two housekeeping rooms, partly quiet home, close to Shopping Centre Private entrance. 728-7998. $26,900 PICKERING AREA be MONTHLY -- rant gece b-wrggroo door. Hydro and heat supplied. Whitby, 0" 8-5188 anytime. Most scenic location, near conservotion parks. New executive home. Four - bed- |SOLINA ROAD, new four-bedroom un- furnished apartment, near High School, a miles from. Oshawa, after 6 p.m. 725-5085, room, three bathrooms, 30-ft. balcony, walk-out basement, double garage. MO 8-2336. THREE Smeal rooms pn eon light and water, reasonable rei tral, near Library and City Hall Ve cant June 1. No children. Apply 97. Queen Street or telephone 725-0453. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment in- cludes cupboards, hot water, heating, private bath, parking, Near General MARY & KING STREETS Hoes faut Ps uakaree eluate $75 FOUB-ROOM self-contained apart- OSHAWA gg t bachelor apartment, $60. ae Street, Chicago 2, Ll ENJOY SELLING ? ? ? tf you do, then you con sell our Bests Seiling during business jours five s a week, our men moke up to $18, 000.00 per year 'on direct commission. in a busi- HOUSE wanted by middle-aged business;DUPLEX -- lower, PRIVATE SALE WHITBY Transferred. | must sell! Three bedroom, solid brick bungalow, three years old, in excellent condition, Com- plete storms and screens. Large fenced lot. Close to . In an 23 Went 4 to R ent ing. Telephone 725-4569. GREENWOOD, %32 -- TWO or three bedroom house, wanted |apartment, unfurnished, separate en- by Dutch family, one child. Reason-|trance, private bath, built-in cupboards, able rent. Telephone 728-4012. hydro and heat supplied. 728-4263. three rooms and man and wife, references if required.|four-plece bath, stove, private entrance, Oshawa district. MO 68-8769 after 5.30/central location, Vacant. 725-2395. p.m. EE-ROOM heated apartment and Three - room mess where 85% of our customers repeat year after year. Many of our men have been with us ten or and more because they en- the selling they do. No cash THR: FIVE- or six-roont farm house, rea-|bath. Available May 26. Telephone 725- sonable. rent, between Whitby and | 7462. bus and public school, Make offer. MO '8-5279 5- BRKK Pickering. Have good | BACHELOR a partment, bedroom, Iir- heeded. 'Telephone MO 85491. ing-ro0m, 'kitchen and 'bath, refrigera- tiicestmnent: All replies treated in the strictest confidence. Why not investigate for yourself by writing the Certified Electric Company, Dundes, Ontario. $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Becouse we poy our top men in other cities from $8,000 to $15,- 000 in a year, this opening in the Oshawa area. is worth just as much tothe right man, If you ore over 30... can moke short auto trips . . . can call on small town, rural and industrial operty owners . . . | hope to ar from you right away. | would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time. All replies confidential. L. C. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Pet- roleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth _!, Texas. Texas. TOOL AND | DIE MAKER REQUIRED | IMMEDIATELY Experienced preferred in au- tomotive tooling, compony group Insurance benefits, con- toct T. COOKE LAKE SIMCOE INDUSTRIES BEAVERTON--426-7311 YOUTH TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE Must be 16 to 18 years old ond have at least grade 10 education. Apply in person to the Information-desk for epplication forms. "THE OSHAWA TIMES" | NO TELEPHONE CALLS, | PLEASE 24--Houses for Rent tor and stove, Close to South General BUNGALOW Close to schools and city bus. Fenced back yard, aluminum Motors and Shopping Centre. Telephone SIX-ROOM brick and ol furnace, three 725-9839. bedrooms, McMillan Drive. Vacant|F NISHED June 1, $85 monthly, Telephone 723- 3634. apartment, steel sink, cupboards, three-piece bath. Suitable for workling couple or school TVE-ROOM house three-piece bath .gas teachers, 723-9507. heated. All conveniences, $55. Immed-|THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or iate possession. Apply 214 Celina Street./unfurnished, very central, all conven- NEW six-room house, spacious y jiences, separate entrance, washer and between Oshawa and Whitby, 100 Seedg| UTer supplied. Telephone 725-1423. _ from Highway 3. Telephone 725-0310)140 GIBB -- lovely three-room m apart- jment, nice view from picture window, 5 miles|? private entrance and bath, heavy wir- m jing, newly decorated. Adults only. ay. Mod-| ern heating and plumbing. Immediate) jAvaiiable_1 nmediately. possession. $75 monthly. W .Shatzman |UNFURNISHED 1 MO = 8-3338, jroom apartment, private bath, entrance land parking. Two children acceptable. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|® Reasonable. _762 King East. 728-1559. |CADILLAC South, 72, Thre . -basement large, , clean, "three |ENJOY iiving in Ajax. One- and tWo-|pright unfurnished rooms, hea bedroom mpd niga 871 and up. Tele-| wiring, Suitable adults, $60 ned Rig xsi cludes hydro and heat apart- | BRIGHT attractive Spartans "down- be oe town location, three rooms and bath, ©.| refrigerator and range, reasonable rent to good tenants. Telephone Michae) Clayton, 725-3501 eight until five p.m. 48 DREW STREET Two partly furnish- ed housekeeping rooms. Couple preferr- ed, Telephone 722-4152 between 3 and § p.m. |MAIN FLOOR, three-room flat, unfur- nished, completely private, hardwood floor, all conveniences, utilities paid, $75 monthly. Telephone '725-5798. TYLER CRESCEN » 14 room apartment, private bath, cupboards, stove,. washing facilities. Quiet home, Telephone 728-3818. THREE-BEDROOM apartment in new brick apartment building, hardwood Moors. 1 di » Ti 725-7938. ae in ment building, parkiing, mores erator, laundromat, ample closet s e Street. it. Telephone 725 3038, MODERN APARTMENT BURNS BUILDING Living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom, stove and refrig- erator, laundry facilities Business couple. Apply: Burns Shoe Store 725-4611 storms ond screens. Full price $11,150.00, $1,750 down, 6% mortgage, $68.00 per month covers Interest and principal, Robert S. McCallum REALTOR PHONE 725-6402 87. LASALLE AVE. $1,500 DOWN With one mortgage of $9,300 end payments of $80 month- ly buys this four bedroom 1% storey brick, on good residential street. Fenced in lot, with trees shrubbery ,etc. Paved drive, mony extras -- A good family home. GORDON OSBORNE Broker __ Call: 728-3341 STONE HOUSE 5 miles north of Oshawe 419 ALBERT STREET -- three large rooms, heavy wiring, close to church, school and bus. Private entrance, new- ly decorated: Available sow, 935 monthiy. 465--BACHELOR "apartment, complete- lly furnished bed-sitting room, electri- cally equipped kitchen, TV outlet, at bus stop, references. 723-4967. ecorated apartment, APARTMENTS FOR RENT $70 and $75 Four room apartments with stove and refrigerator. Close to NEWLY decorated apa, rooms, private bath and entrance, near bus, parking and laundry facilities, near shopping centre. 725-9161. two Well kept, -- 8 rooms. All modern conveniences, Run- ning stream, landscaped grounds, with numerous trees end shrubs. Large gorage. Excelient road. Apply Concession 8: Lot 6 East of Simcoe St., North 350 MONTHLY, five rooms and bath, oil heat, garage and garden. Few min- utes to Oshawa or Bowmanville, Tele- Downtown Shopping area and Bus Service. whens CO rank CALL: 26--Rooms for Rent ED. DISNEY "seri. aaa = Realtor =, clean, Sul slingle persons or 82 Simcoe South wo --) rooms, stove and retrig- 723-2333 erator included, parking space, all con- lor two Apply 202 Albert Street, |17--Mele Help Wanted Full price (te qualify you must eorn $3,600 er more ennually), $10,950 Brick construction, full base- saad ee housekeeping rooms POLICE CONSTABLE VILLAGE OF PICKERING State age and qualifications. Applications will be received until noon May 22, 1962 by Mr. L. Burningham, Chairman of Police Committee, Pickering, Ont. schools, Suit- able adults. abate 227 Dearborn Ave- nue. Telephone 725-9298. ONE furnished, extra large, combina- tion bedroom and kitchen, private hey c ters ~~ PD gg hag an Shopping Ce: parking. 77 Gibbons treet. TaeiTtes near ment Bungalows. And yes, 3 bedrooms, private drive. One mortgage 614 %. Small down poyment ,no other costs, $59.80 MONTHLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. One single also double room, suitable to share. Kitchen with heavy duty gg refrigerator. Bath, parking. 728-6108, FURNISHED or unfurnished clean quiet private home. Sultable. Fins bina lady or gentleman. 728-7197 after 5. Includes Interest and Princi- pal--No Second Mortgoges. 725-1186 W. T. Lomeon Rei Estate Ltd. LARGE, bright, fe room, in private home, Studio couch, refrigerator, large closet, near hospital and downtown, Abstainers. 725-5228. COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator and rangette, DREW FOOD PRODUCTS Division of Drew Chemical Ltd., Ajax EDIBLE OIL REFINERY OPERATORS REQUIRED PHONE WH 2-0630 rasa suitable for one gentleman, central. Apply 237 Athol Street East. FURNISHED room, $5 per week, for gentleman only. Telephone 723-2853. PLEASANT, comfortably furnished ble for Idealty located. "Convenient to buses oe downtown. Private entrance, 725- GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. S. RESIDENCE OF DIGNITY Comfort and stability ore of- fered in this English. type ick furnished single room in quiet home, parking space, very central. Telephone 728-9632. FURNISH¥D apartment, single house- keeping room, private entrance, cen- tral, parking. Apply 96 Centre Street. SINGLE or double furnished room for ladies. Use of kitchen and washing machine, central location. Telephone 2% storey brick. Cleon Prin #tectural lines make this home 2 pattem for graceful living. Tile floor vestibule, with center hall pion, chorming living room 13 x 22 with notural fireploce, den or T.V. room adjoining, opening onto 33--PRIVATE roome, telephone, TV, restaurant on premises. Hollywood 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Motel, 800 Brock Street North, Whitby, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) Mo #:se2s PHARMACIST, male or female, full or time, good hours and working con- Apply ' 149 725-7063. , in a new store, partnership pos- LEA NEED extra income? Average $3 an| contained, working, CENTRAL to hospital and downtown, aed iy a Seg Bacnelor apartment,|/two private furnished rooms. Complete kitchen facilities, t kitchen jand toilet. Excellent shopping.| may share. Also Pi MR Pe dll suit one. 725-0238. ~______. | SIMCOE STREET 60UTH, 648 -- Two apartment, self-| |rooms, furnished if desired. Hot water, couple preferred, share bath. $40 monthly. Apply 848 Selina three-room hour and more in spare time. Be head-|near South General Motors, Telephone) Simeoe Street South. quarters your neighborhood .» Repeat orders. Large profi Wroe' * tor free copy of Homeshopper Catal then decide., Rawleigh , Prod-| for | 725-3703. ~-- line of Cosmetics and Loner THREE rooms, heated, furnished, cen- tral, LADY pensioner, Canadian, refined, would share her country home, Pick- ering, with same. TV and telephone. | Reasonable. Telephone WH 23-1247. private entrance, laundry and parking facilities. Suit two adults. Available June 1. Telephone 723-7692. aha FURNISHED foom suitable for one ucts, D-310-CD1, 4005 Montreal. i |FABK Road South, redecorated three|gentieman. Close to Shopping Centre HELP WANTED -- To make May | a memoral day for our new citizen There will be a semi-formal ball at 10 SIMCOE Street North. One and Hote} Genosha May 18 from 9 p. 1 a.m. The chairman of the citizenship |t eouncil invites everyone to come out) and enjoy themselves. For tickets call} Rudi Maeder, 725-9931. Couple $3,'T ladies Bi, gentlemen $2. 20--Room and Board BOARDER wanted, preferrably ne Ush cone SB ereeenY week, $15. Telephone 728-44: SUIT two Tain rooms, $18 weekly; Tavodry and TV. Central. 725-9087. two single) |unfarnianed. I SaRLINGTON Blvd. $15 for five days. trap ppin: rtment, privat - ine inna reontignee caine, ree Apply 63 Grenfell or telephone~725-8721. able May 20. $60 monthly, 725-6106. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 furnished or Tele-| m apartments, Available June 1. phone 7: ne lf. apart- | ment, near Shopping Centre, parking, adults, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-8245. |$46 MONTHLY -- Three-room ground apartment with bath, heavy w wir- 7B- an outside patio. The formal dining room is 12 x 15, kit- chen, breakfast room, and a 2 pc. tiled powder room, complete the first floor, A charming stairway heads to the second floor with three lorge bedrooms, two bath- rooms, 1 4 pc, tiled and | 3 pe. with stoll shower. Exe- cutive with a family will find this on ideo| set up, centrally locoted, but in « selective oreo, reasonably priced. ESTATE SALE -- VERY CENTRAL 6 room, 2 storey home with privete drive and garage, con be purchosed with or without furniture. For appoint- ment to inspect coll today. LAW ST. private entrance. Ti |27--Real Estate for Sale This quolity ranch bungclow which will stond rigid inspec- North, ht rooms and bathroom, private en- ince, available May 1, $53 monthly. 728-3600. EIGHT-ROOM brick bungalow, two fireplaces, less than one year old. North of Whitby. No reasonable offer CM te Da weeearny <t6 two boys, six-day week, good meal town. 725-2 CARNEGIE Avenue, 708 board in quiet home, home-cooked meals, lunches packed, home privil- eges, laundry service, parking. Gentle- man. i at FOR GENTLEMEN room anc board, tutches packed, singles or to share, very central, at 296 King Street East,| tear Ritson Ri LOOKING for a job offers listed in the Oshawa Times today and every day. 22--Storage Space and Garages OFFICE for rent on » private entrance, central. Telephone 726-8441 TWO stores, 299 Simcoe Street Soath,| Ample store front, parking, rear en- frances. (609 and 1,000 sq. ft areas.)| Cobourg, FRanklin 2-9992. TRADE FOR CASH those unused arti eles through an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Is a smart way to get quick cash. Dial. 723-3408. right ground floor, parking, jer job? Check the| "Help Wanted" in| Classified Section refused. Owner leaving district. Tele- OF IMMEDIATE pos possession. "Ground round floor] phone Brooklin 655-4843, 5, apartment, lunches ga between hospital and kitchen, bedroom, with livin, ro | c° relcigardton "the village of Woodville, bathroom Large yard,|!nsul-brick house, hydro, soft range, washing machine. water, ya Room and\heat, water, hydro supplied. Telephone |rlove to bus service, school and stores. 728-5824. eee) possession. Price $3,850, Box 18! vill h THREE-ROOM unfurnished Lena ace sd metre brarae cna a ule percng "Wsi| = YY) AN HERWERDEN "| Fairleigh Avenue, 725-5187 after 4, REALTOR FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment, near 741 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA, 723-4471 | LA SALLE GARDEN DIAL 725-4964 with ble down t. | shopping centre, stove, fridge, laundry facilities, practically new building and call L. S$. Smelgrove Co, Ltd. Realtors, 723-9810 or 135-876): 10 ACRES FARM, north APARTMENTS |", & Witty, 2 fom road; 2 storey Chickenhouse nse, gorage. Excellent gar BEDROOMS ind strawberry land. 6 house with hardwood floors, bothroom ond oi! fur- newly decorated, to inspect ONE and TWO for 500 chickens, Brooder- nace. Asking price $18,000 tion can be yours ot en un- believable price. Super loca- tion, completely landscaped fot, attached garage, paved drive, 20 ft. living room and full sized dining room two large bedrooms with double closets ,many extras go with this one, such as broadloom, underground hydro -- service, twindows. If you ere looking for a special home that will be the envy of your friends call us for an appointment. RITSON ROAD Good 6 room family home, hardwood and tile floors. Forced oir oi! heating system. Privote drive, low taxes. For full porticulers call Steve Zurba, Roy Flintoff, trene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Leon Monitius, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock, ot 723-1121 | YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING SEE the All-Electric CASTLE HOME MODEL Simcoe At Athol Street. Open 9 a.m. Until 9 p.m. Telephone 725-1186. TWO serviced lots, north Oshawa. 49° x 150', Terms. Telephone 728-7245. 27--Real Estate for Sale' ar --tee Estate for eq ESTATE SALE --Must sell six rooms, extra stool, furniture, Ltd., win nettrale Call, Gulde 'Realty |bouse $500 DOWN 237 GRABURN Nice home, three bedrooms, lying room, kitchen with bullt-in cupboards, . porch, new oil furnoce, longe back lot. Private sale. Reasonable . for quick sale, Telephone: 723-3211 ,or EVENINGS 725-2539 without|/KING Street East, seven-room Commercial brick] HO: on site. Lot 40° x/bu: 133', Term arranged. 725-4483. OPPORTUNITY BUY ror Ager i ' bedroom 2964, ' id brick split-level home. 7 : Immaculate condition finish- North Oshawa School, School. "Ap iy ska = ed rec-room, beautifully de- vost, 22 Orchard Wow. Wa Oshawa. corated; paved drive, colored --_|#i5,000. 100 ACRE farm, good well, duck flagstone patio, double win- dows and doors, fully lond- scaped, near school and bus. Full price $13,200. Minimum down payment $1,700. Call 725-8060, ONLY 3 LEFT! YES! These lovely brick bungalows by A. R. Jeffery Construction are really selling fast. Call for yours today -- LOCATION: -- Shakespeare and Addison Sts. $11,295. FULL PRICE. . $565. DOWN PAYMENT LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 NORTH WEST LOCATION Five room brick veneer bungalow, with carport, side-. | Route, det walks, front sodded, starms and screens, living room, kitchen and bathroom, beautifully decorated. Many other features. PRICE $15,575.00 DOWN PAYMENT $1,975.00 JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 latge living THREE-BEDROOM od of} hardwood floors. throughout. 7768 after 5 p.m ESTATE 'sale, private, five bedroome chen, seoreation beseaeeat, tee beth a Broadloom ~ rooms, shower, rig oP living room, stairs and halls. Coogee tua Must sell Price $0905. 'Terma. Ta reste? SPECIAL -- Gent will ade good Tt ppd ret dia Call immediately. peg Crawford, MA 3-3672. aaaee 'ia on two paved cada Wit Msn ES. ae a Le 50 -- large lot, TAKE ADVANTAGE We have been authorized to sell three large homes in Rossland Manor on the basis of the best accep- table offer. CASH TRADES LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS. ALL CONSIDERED HOUSE NO. 1 --. 1900 sq, ft. Attached. garage ranch split-level 4 bedrooms master bedroom has built-ins and double entry 5 pe. bath - living room, full dining room, large kitchen with built-in stove and oven, pannelled rec room with fireplace plus laundry room and 3 pe. bath on ground level, fully decorated ond londscaped with many other extros HOUSE NO. 2--1350 sq, ft. Attoched gorage ronch bungalow with stone front -- 3 bedrooms, sunken living room, full size pannelied dining room, large family kitchen with built-in stove ond oven, two bathrooms. Also completely landscaped and decor- ated. This is a most unusual home and should be seen. HOUSE NO. 3 -- 1300 sq. ft.Attached garage ranch bungolow with stone front -- 3 bedroms, large living room, dining room, beoutiful hollywood kitchen with built-in stove and oven, double @ntry both - fireplace In rec room area, landscaped and decorat- ed. Shown by appointmert only through HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 days call 728-1679 coll 723-3770 doys call 728-1679 days call 728-1679 doys coll 728-1679 Charles Smith evenings 728-8254 Loreen Kellet John Field Syd Goodfellow Horry Millen evenings 723-2874 evenings 723-7335 evenings 723-2524 TO SETTLE ESTATE we offer CHOICE OF WOODED OR CLEARED LOTS on north side of Rice Lake at 'BB' Beach with _ price from .$500.00 to $1200.00 with as low os $100.0 ends. 5:30 'at 725-6983. 40 KING ST. E. COTTAGE LOT RICE LAKE For oo partiguldee call Lolyd Metcalf at 728-4678 or ofter Salesman on site for the next two week- To reach "BB Beach turn east ot Bailiboro, travel paved rood for 3 miles to yellow wagon wheel entrance to subdivision, turn south to lake and enquire at store. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. DIAL 728-4678 Realtor--Bowmanville 623-5919 oon Insurance John A, J. BOLAHOOD $813 Full Down Payment $12,900 Full Price 3 -bedroom choy brick bungalows, 1035 2a. ft., eustom built, extros galore, choice of all colors, brick etc., prepaid services and one year warranty. Due to the response for lots. We are now sub-dividing Linden Court ot Farewell ond Taylor Ave. Models open all week-end, For Information call Mr, Gower ot 725-6544 or 728-1005. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. 100 acres, Abi gt trees, bel Good Terms. 60 ocre farm, 10 ccres woods with large trout streom ond he ong ae rg Neor for tobocce or market gerden. $13,000. Xmos hordwood, rood "just off 135. REALTOR "Your Key Ld Action" 728-9474 52V4 SIMCOE $T..N. PAUL RISTOW (Continued on Page 16) BAILEY -- A Mother's Day tridute to the memory of a dear mother and cere who passed away May 13, Those whom we love go out ef sight, But never out of They are cherished in 'the hearte Of those they leave behind. --Always remembered. by povciginand sim and grandchildren Ruth and W: BUNKER -- In remembrance of my mother, Mary Bunker, November 1953; and mother-in-law, Alexa Cormack. April 1935, CAYLEY -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Catherine Cayley, who passed away October 10, 1959. Ob for the touch of a vanished hand, The sound of the voice that is. still, --Lovingly remembered by daughter Mary, son-in-law Reg, and grandson rian, COLLISON --A loving Mother's Day tribute to a very dear mother and grandmother, Jane Gray Collison, who Passed Syny, dams aiind 2». 1925, at There are eaae miles between us, And things have changed «# lot; But the flower that grows between us Is the sweet forget-me-not. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son, Bob Collison, and daughter-in-law, Annie, and grandchil- + a Jack and Marie Collison and fam- GIBBS --- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Florence Irene, who passed away September 13, 1946. The depth of sorrow, we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we love dso well; And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. ~Lovingly remembered by husband Owen, Louie and family. GIBBS -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of our dear mothers, Florence Gibbs, who passed away September 13, 1946, and Margaret Isabelle Ashby, who passed away No- vember 1, 193. In memory, a daily thought, In heart, a silent sorrow. --Ever remembered by Helen, Orville, grandchildren Noe) and Pamela GREENTREE --In loving mem ef mother, Mercy May, who passe: away March 24, 1960. The tears In my eyes will wipe awa But the ache in my heart will always stay --Sadly missed, daughter May (Mra. Gordon Bunker) SRENTER--A Mother's Dey tribute in loving memory of @ dear mother, Veronica Grenier, who passed away Oc- tober 23, 1958. Past her suffering, past her pein, Cense to weep for tears are vain She who suffered ie at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest. ~ Ever remembered by daughter Paul- ine, son-in-law Frank and grand-deugh- ter Karen. AREBORUKR -- A Mother's Day tribute in lo mem of a dear mother and grandmother, y Hre- boruk, who passed away May 13, 1951, You're not forgotten, mother dear, Nor ever shall you be, ~Lovingly remembered i) the family. RUTCHISON -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of a devoted and dearly beloved wife and mother, Myrtle Anna Hutchison, who passed away May 13, 1960, --Deeply and sadly missed by her hue dand and family. KELLY --A Mother's Day tribute t* loving memory of a dear wife and lov- ing mother, who passed away Decem- ber 16, 1960. ants ged and just in all her ways, Loyal and true, through all = banded Silently suffered, patiently bore, God took her home to sige no more, ~Ever remembered by her family . KOLTUZKI -- A Mother's Day trib- ute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Polly Roltuak, who passed away September Li What would we stve i we could "fell Mom" in the same old way, To hear your » see your smile, To sit with you and chat a while, So you have a Mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know tho heartache Til you see her vacant chair, ~Lavingly remembered by husband Nick and family, MANNS -- In loving memory os Mother's Day of a dear wife and mo- ther, Pearl Manns, who passed away, November 11,. 1959, Gone dear, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place, A happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fil! ~Sadly missed by husband and family, FROM THOSE WHO WEAR A WHITE FLOWER ON SUNDAY, MAY 13TH MARNIEN -- fm loving memory of &@ dear mother and grandmother, Della Marnier, whe passed away January 3, 1953. A cherished smile, « heart of gold, The dearest Mother, the world could hold; With loving memory, fond and true, From us who thought the world of you. --Lovingly remembered by daughter Dorothy, son-in-law Allen and children, McQUAID --A Mother's Day tribute See cee ,oF aL one Se eee who passed away Memories are like threads of sold, They never tarnish or grow old, And when old times we do recall That's when we miss her most of all. aoe remembered by _ husband nice, uae and families. METCALFE ---A Mother's Day trib- tte to the memory of Margaret Met- calfe, who passed away September 18, 1960, It only takes a little space To write how much we miss you, These Ge ia ee To forget the day we --Gadly missed by taeaet Sin, ea daugh- ters Rosemarie, Doris and son-in-law, Leonard. MONAGHAN --- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Monaghan, whom or eee ltt tie October 31, A wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who was better God never made, A wonderful worker, loyal and true, ar in a million, that, mother was Just | in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by friend and all you knew, A Pts iia mother, that mother was ~itiny remembered and sadly missed by daughter Theresa and sone, William and George. MORDEN -- A Mother's Day tribute for a dear mother and grandmother, Mildred Grace Morden, who passed away July 12, 1959. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so welli And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. ~Sadly missed by Barrie, Joyce and grandchildren Debbie, Brenda, Barbara and Kenny. PATFIELD -- A Mother's Day tribute to the memory of Ada Minnie Patfield, who passe daway February 13, 1948. In 'all the world there is no other Can take the place of my dear mother, --Ever ted by her Luella, son-in-law Don, granddaughters Judy and Brenda and son Sydney. OVENDEN --Mother's Day trinte to the memory of Ross Ovenden, whe passed away September 9, 1980, Looking back with, memories Upon the path you trod, We biess the hours we had with you And leave the rest to God. Sadly missed by son Leonard, daugh- ter-in-law Doris, daughter Leura and family. SPEIRS A ee ey pp dia A -- a » Lanarkshire, rie "Collison and. family Aste: bat Bab lion Sad aa THOMPSON --A Mother's Day trib- ute to a dear mother, Lily Thompson, who passed away March 13, 1933. You are not forgotten, Mother, Nor ever will you be As long as life and memory lasts I will remember thee, Dearly loved and eadly missed by won, David. TURNER -- A Mother's Day tribute away, rished » eilently kept, Of a wonderful mother we'll never Always remembered by daughters Onda and Shirley. WALTERS -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of -- dear mother, Margaret E. fe a saa passed away October 23, Wonderful monaco' woven in gold, This is the picture we tenderly hold; Deep in our hearts. your memory ie 7 love ané to cherish and never =iorinety remembered by Lillian and WASYLYK ---in sad other phage who passed away Dece: 21 Though her smile is gone forever, on her hands we canhot touchs we have so many memories ot "he one we loved so much. Her memory our keepsake, With which fi Sao never part: God has her in His keeping, We have her in our hearts, ~--Sadly missed and always. remem- bered by daughters Mary, Pearl, Lena, Jennie and their families.

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