Jo Aldwinckle, Women' WJemen s Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Thursdey, Moy 10, 1962 7 'Twenty Third Guides, Brownies | The 23rd Guides and Brownies held their annual Mother and Daughter banquet recently at St. Stephen's United Church. White chrysanthemums and candles tipped with. gold and small dolls dressed as Brownies and Guides decorated the tables. The national anthem was sung by all with Mrs. David McDuff at the piano. Mrs. A. J. Evans, Brown Owl, said grace which was followed by a toast to the Queen by Guide Captain, Mrs. Charles Nickerson. Head table guests were introduced by the president, Mrs. Roy Forster. A toast to the mothers was proposed by Ann McKenzie, a Brownie, and responded to by UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES CALVARY BWF The Calvary Business Wom- Blair of Oshawa. en's Fellowship met recently at --Photo by Hornsby |the home of Mrs. Walter ~|Zimmerman, Taunton, with Miss Phyllis Sprostak presid ing. The theme of the meeting |was "Love". Following the |singing of several hymns and |prayer, Mrs. Harry McLean read the scripture Iseson. Mrs, Meta Hoagland led in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KENNETH Celebrating his eighth birth- day today is Kenneth Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard A, Wall, RR 1 Oshawa. Ken- The Challenge Of Motherhood Theme at Westminster UCW "Motherhood" was the theme|August 20-24,. Bible study on the various "of the May meeting of West-| Mr. Porter asked the UCW tojaspects of love stressing 'the minster United Church Women.|co-operate with him, and with/love of God, our love for God, In her opening remarks about|the other organizations ofjand our love for others'. An 'The Art of Great Living" the/the church in an all-out effort\interesting group discussion on president, Mrs. Kenneth Young,|to reach everyone in the com-|the subject developed to which said that life's greatest chal-| munity who is not yet affiilated all present contributed lenge to women is motherhood,/with any church A toy shower was held for neth is the grandson of Mrs. Alfred Wall and Mr. Ernest and she presented these chal-| Refreshments were served by the nursery department of Cal- lenging thoughts. Interesting|the committee for the evening,/yvary Baptist Churcl. Miss Lil- minds talk about ideas, Aver-|Mrs. Gordon Clark, Mrs. R. G.\jian steele closed th err wae - | lian Steele closed the meeting age minds talk about events.|Schad and Mrs. John Umphrey.|with prayer Small minds disparagingly talk) -- : att i z The next meeting held about people. The = of great M ti M k on May 22 at the home of Mrs. nag S toverentin ae ee ing arks Russell Lunney, Brooklin, when Teeny there is a pron Hh that M th ' D Mrs. Mae Deevers will give an will never come again. Today omers vay art demonstration ot should -- best ory Mrs. William James opened PILOT CLUB a had to pad y using their'the meeting with some choruses At the May meeting of tt ; Mrs RG "Ss hod toad t ,after which Mrs. Major Mars-\Qshawa Pilot Club Mrs. J. W _Mrs. R. G. Schad read a story/jand Rankin made a few an-\mqwards Sra: Gea "The Mother of Roland Hayes : : seij cowards, the incoming presi : : 7 |nouncements regarding the visit|gent. gave a repor : which describes how the mother tos Caenk to ' jdent, gave a report of the pro- pa 4, /0f Miss Carol Lane, who will be} peed; * adil of this great negro singer, with) : "f ceedings at the spring conven- Me Deve walked 00 inti |the guest speaker at the Citadel| er three boys, walke miles/Tuesday, May 15, at 2.30 p.m.,lin Hamilt barefoot to Chattanooga where| 44 the followine week. Mav 99)" menLtON. the boys could get an educa-|the visit of Captain and Mrs.| The installation of the 1962-63 tion. Today Roland Hayes pays) austin Millar, who are returned| {Certs of the Oshawa club will great tribute to his mother. missionaries from Hong Kong, |take place at a buffet Junch- Guest soloist, Mrs. Ronald|During their stay in that|¢®% 0m May 17. The officers Kellington, sang "My Mother's\country they started a farm for| Wil be installed by the Gover- Prayers Have Followed Me" |the boys under their care, and| and "One Night As I Lay\the Oshawa Home League, Dreaming" during the worship,|among many others donated': accompanied by Mrs. Clarence|money towards the venture. is an honorary member of the Scott at the piano. Mrs. Gordon! Mrs. Rankin then mentioned|"lU>, has also indicated her in- Clark read from Proverbs 3l:\the sick and -shut-ins. Mrs. '¢mtions to be present. which describes the work of a|Charles Langfield offered pray- Pho virtuous woman providing forjer on their behalf. is the needs of her family, taking care of business, financial and}, ers. The mayor of Oshawa, Mrs. Christine Thomas, who a plant for the oldest mother The devotional period was led|present and Mrs. Ernest Sar- ; y Mrs. Robert Young, assisted/geant a plant as the youngest --"* matters for her house-/hy the young mothers: the rs present. J 2 ae hymn "When Mothers of Salem') The meetin : The minister, the Reverend|nreceded the dedication of an wave oo John Porter then spoke to the|infant child, which Major Mars------ group, remarking at the extent)jand Rankin conducted. Mrs. to which children dominate the) wijjiam Short Jr. gave a read- Bible. The story of the infant)ing "A Mother's Prayer'. Mr. Moses was one of the best/\Murray Whitehead sang two known stories of the Old Testa-|coi9s Mrs. Ruth Young read the| ment, Motherhood was a grave origin of '"Mother's Day" and| responsibility. His mother's in-|the following mothers put on a fluence showed in Moses' future) «Mother's Day" skit: Mrs. life. "We must prepare our chil-|ridon McDonald, Mrs. Rankin,| dren to be leaders of the na-|Mrs, John Dixon, Mrs. James tion, arid to become servants of Garvock, Mrs. Clayton Hurlbert, God," he said. Mrs. Robert Young, Mrs. John During the business presided|Bellingham and Mrs. William over by Mrs. Young, various;/Short Jr. Mrs. Frank Buller projects were discussed and an|gave a reading from "Ideals"| announcement was made about|/and was introduced as the new} the School for United Churchjassistant Home League secre- Women to be held at Ontario|tary. Ladies College, Whitby; from' Mrs, Drinkle, age 91, received! with Hold Mother, Daughter Banquet jembellished with appliques of jre-embroidered Alencon Mrs. Curtis Fast. Wendy Bas- {sett, a Guide, proposed a toast |to the world wide Guide move- |ment. Thanks to the parent com- |mittee was given by Terry |Brooks, a Guide. Mrs. Ralph |Kimmerly thanked the caterers. | Presentation of a warrant to |Mrs. Nickerson, Charter for 23rd {Guide Company and service lstars and badges, to Guides |were made by Mrs. J. L. Bird. \Mrs. Forster presented the shield to the Elves' Sixer and gifts to the winning six for uni- forms, courtesy and games. Mrs. Edward, Bind presented title tapes to the Guides. A special thanks was extended to Mrs. R. M. Wilson, who dec- orated the tables. The executive was introduced as follows: pres ident, Mrs. Roy Forster; vice- president, Mrs. Ralph Kimmer-| ly; secretary, Mrs. Curtis Fast; | treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Neil; | phone conveners, Mrs. James| Gould and Mrs. Howard Cook. Mrs. Forster, on behalf of the Parent Committee, asked Mrs.| |Bird to accept the colors for the} |23rd Guide Compahy. Brownies "flying up" were: Monica Sietle, Daniel Leberge, |Brenda Hatt and Charlene Shew- ring. The evening closed with camp fire and the singing of "Taps". TO BECOME A JUNE BRIDE The engagement is nounced today of Miss Joanne Elizabeth Storie and Dr. Terence Martin O'Heany FRCS (C) who plan to be married at St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, June 2. The bride- | to-be, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dudley Storie of John Allen Black Marries Sandra McGuire in Flint, Mich. A marriage of interest : Oshawa was solemnized recent-| lly in Lincoln Park Methodist! Church, Flint, Michigan, uniting) The bride is the Mr. and Mrs. Allen Black daughter of of Oshawa. The Reverend John Howell ,e officiated with wedding music church Hubert and|mother received in a powder| |blue linen sheath with lace|or Oshawa wish to ann \bodice and a matching pillbox ounce the The bridegroom's mother hose a navy blue corded silk played by Mrs, E. : \Mrs. Carey Jesiek as soloist. | The bride was given in mar-| riage by her father. She wore} jtion of district 17 held recently|a full-length gown of silk or-| jganza over taffeta with sab-|S rina neckline and chapel train, lace, the} |Tiered pouffes accented waist back and a crown of se- nor of District 17, Mrs. F. Sand-|quins and pearls held her bouf-|9 |fant veil. She carried a cascade) }bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor was Miss| Ruth Ann Meyer of Flint, Michi-| gan, and the other attendants) were Miss Ruth Senne, Flint,| land Mrs. 'William Kellar, Osh- jawa. They wore informal dresses of | apricot, satin-faced organza) draped in soft folds across the} pouffes accenting the waist. com and lilies of the valley. McGuire of Flint. an- | Oshawa, Branksome Hall and attended the University of Toronto. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fran- cis O'Heany of Toronto, grad- uated from the University of specializing graduated | | prospective bridegroom, | Toronto and is | in gynaecology in Toronto, --Aldsworth Photography from ' | Ellen Densmore Feted Bride-Elect Miss Ellen Densmore, whose marriage to Mr. William Brit- ton takes place on Saturday, May 12, in the chapel of King Street United Church, has been honored at pre-nuptial events. Mrs. Nicole Stankovits enter- tained at a miscellaneous show- er at her home, Richmond street east. The guests were co-work- ers from the Bell Telephone. The Misses Lois Bradbury and Carol Morrison were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held at the former's home , Athol |street east. Guests were neigh- |bors and some of the members of the Young People's Associa- tion of King Street United Church, and former school- mates of the bride-to-be. Miss Myrna Britton, sister of the prospective bridegroom, en- tertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home on Burk street. The future bride was also given by Mrs. Gordon Buchanan at her home, on Bala drive. The bridal pair was also re- cipients of a lovely toaster pre- sented by the bowling team at the banquet held last Satruday night at the Acres. guest of honor at a _ shower! STORING BABY FOODS Before opening, cans or jars of baby foods should be kept in a dry, moderately cool place. Avoid extreme temperatures. Store cereals away from strong- flavored items: 1.e., soaps, de- tergents, vegetables such as jonions. Home stocks of baby foods should be "rotated", us- ing up those on hand longest before opening newer pur- chases. FAT SIDE UP When roasting, always place the meat, fat side up, on a rack in a shallow uncovered pan at 325 F. The fat helps baste the ~oast while it cooks. WHITE CROSS now HY-GE feat mace SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dudley to bodice and skirt, with tiers of Storie of Oshawa announce the back/engagement of their daughter, Matching pillbox hats) Joanne Elizabeth pleted their ensemble and " Sandra Lynn McGuire and John/they carried white baby roses! ence Martin O'Heany, 9 Church, Oshawa. A reception followed in the) parlors: The hat. flowered hat. The honymoon was spent in 1 \the Poconos Mountains, Penn-|: : and Mrs,|in Westmount U sylvania and Mr. bride's FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE and Mrs; Thomas Neal Mr. forthcoming marriage of their jelder daughter, Carol Beverley, | heath with a "'shocking" pink|to Mr. Robert Talbot, son of| Mrs, Arthur Keating of Cobourg. } 'he marriage is to take place| nited Church on| Black are making their home in Saturday, May 19, 1962. shawa. and beige accessories. made SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers will be cut and pinfitted in your home. 926 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3144 For travelling, the bride wore) a rustic brown suit with gold' ¥ Regular stat unit $349 Value! KUBA AM/FM Stereo WITH SHORTWAVE RADIO FOR OVERSEAS RECEPTION =_ SS SIX SPEAK Music lovers will ERS... TEN TUBES appreciate the quality of the sound and cabinet of this elegant Stereo Hi-Fi Combination -- a masterpiece of German work- manship, Just as an organist adapts the sound of the organ to the character of the music you con by meons of the Hi-Fi tone register, get excellent clarity and tonal reproduction of all instruments and sounds. The Poly-stirene polish- ed dark walnut cabinet is truly a masterpiece and combines engineering skill that will satisfy the most critical six speokers .. . connoisseur, Equipped with 4-speed automatic record changer. Stop in for a demonsthxtion. SHOP CHERNEY'S spit WIN A BRAND NEW TAR oe Money-Saving Specials TAG SALE OW ON In All Departments to Dr. Ter- FRC (C), son of Mr, and Mrs. Mar- Mr, Donald Leask was best|tin Francis O'Heany of Toronto. Floyd F. McGuire of Flint and)man and ushering were Mr./The marriage will take place the bridegroom is the son of/paul Black and Mr. William|on Saturday, June Mr. and Mrs. John M. Black|Kellar, Oshawa, and Mr. John|4 o*iock in St. 1962, at Andrew's United| © PROPER YOU CAN'T WEAR BETTER FITTING SHOES Your dreams have been realized. brings you amazing comfort with the intriguing difference--fashion. You'll feel marvelous in. these smart styles any time of the day and wherever you go, "NIC AN ALL CANADIAN COmPARY SHERRY WHITE CROSS FOR FASHI LOOK TO DANCEY'S FOR © RIGHT PRICES © THE BEST QUALITY FIT 4 ON AND FIT GOOD SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 13 MOTHER'S DAY J lenceyy, IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-1833 Buy One... Get One Free ! SBAGELS,KAIS ROLLS, DINNER ROLLS "4 or DOUGHNUTS by 2 The Open Window Bake t Shop, Toronto. BUY 1 DOZEN GET 1 DOZEN FREE ! ER A complete line of Rudolph's. Finest German Pastry and Smoked Sausage from Toronto Special This Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Special This weekend is our Ist anniversary and we are celebrating by having Special Prices on everything in our store . . . so come See and Save on our sensational Ist Anniversary Sale! 8:30 10 p MPORTED FISH from Central Fish Co. Polish Kalbassa by Superior Sausage Co, Toronto BR ist Anniversary Price, |b. Imported -- Poland, Czechoslovakia Germany, Chocolates, Syrup, Candies, Cheese and Canned Goods from Switzerland, and 543 by David Ashley Imports, Toronto Toronto VIANNA DELICATESSEN RITSON RD.S. FREE DELIVER to m™, We also carry a complete line of Groceries and Sundries 728-3281 Y! - ney s