30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 10, 1962 Attention People of Oshawa and Ajax!! HERE'S THE GREATEST SAVINGS EVENT OF THE YEAR!! GLORY ANN SHOPPES .»*° BOYD'S 5 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX BANKRUPT Al Pattenick Stores have purchase the bankrupt estate of Glory Ann Shoppes, 5 Simcoe St. South, Oshawe and Boyd's of Ajex from M. Perlmutter, C.A., Murray Hann trustees in bankruptcy. He hes been given a limited time to dispose of this high quelity name brend merchondise such os Keyser, Grand'mere, Sun Valley, Daisy, . Smarties, Pleytex, Style Rite, Exquisite Form, Joyce Palmer, Lou Lerry, ete. Regardless of former selling price this name brand stock hes been priced way below cost. HURRY! HURRY! TIME IS LIMITED SMARTEES -- VAL HUGHES ARNEL AND COTTON LINED ITTED SLIMS All colors, sizes S-M-L Reg. $10.95 3.88 IMPORTED ANGORA AND WOOL §- CARDIGANS All shades, sizes 34-40 Reg. $10.95 ® : SBE IL A a Late SMARTEES LINED KNITTED CULOTTES White and colors, sizes 12-20 Reg. $10.95 2.88 REVERSIBLE All Weather Coats s 8-20 hey, "$24.95. VAL-HUGHES ARNEL BLAZERS Red, navy. Sizes 12-20 Reg. $10.95 3.88 VAL-HUGHES Stretchee Slims White ond colors. Sizes 12-20. Reg. $12. 95 Sale Staris Friday, May llth-8 A.M. Starts 2 Friday MAY Il, 8 a.m. SMARTEES -- VAL HUGHES ARNEL AND COTTON LINED STRETCHEE NYLON GLOVES Beaded Pearl -- Embroider- ed. Fits all sizes. White only. Cc Reg. 1.49 Smartee-Double Knit BERMUDAS KNITTED SH RT All newest style and colors. Sizes S-M-L, ie 4 4 Reg. 5.95 ie - 4, Bermuda Shorts and Blouse Sets 2 PIECE SETS KRISKY SUMMER NYLON and ACETATE ELIZABETH TAYLOR Many colors--All sizes Ad BONNIE BROOKS BANLON CARDIGANS All newest colors and styles. ( Sizes S-M-L, , Reg. 5.95 All colors and sizes. DUSTER POPTOP Half Slip RUFFLE Reg. 4.95 COATS ; BLOUSES | Pantie Sets eri SMART NO-IRON SUMMER DRESSES ! colors nts and All sizes and plain ' ri Reg. : Reg. $3.95 Reg. $1. 95 Reg. $5.95 36-44. Ah -- on or Flak 1.33 : 1.66 88 _ 2.88 Reg. 12.95 GRAND'MERE BANLON PHANTOM-KAYSER GALEY AND LORD TARPOON SLIMS CARDIGANS NYLONS By Val-Hughes. newest tar- > j Ames Li Hee ered! 1s é. tan plaids, jacquards and Sizes 12-20, 38-44 Alans . \ 13 ee i fe: 7 Mony shades -- All sizes novelties. Sizes 8 - 20. | Reg. $7.95 Reg. $1.50 Reg. 8.95 4.88 99. KUMFY : Se nylons. newest spring shades, my EXQUISITE individually wrapped. Sizes 81/2 SLIPPERETTES QQ" oo FORM Solid leather ° 2 Reg. 98c 5 a A . BRAS 3 3 c 166 NYLON AND ACETATE PANTIE ee LADIES' BULKY KNIT -- oy ~<a. CARDIGANS Reg. 79c ; tbe White - pink - blue. 29 Reg. $5.95 € PRINTED NOVELTY 266% Ly * \ i nN YOUNG COSMOPOLITAN LONG LINE BRAS All Sizes Reg. $3.95 SEAMLESS NYLONS First quality, seamless mesh PLAYTEX. GIRDLES Reg. $10.95 . 7.88 on BEACH LASTEX BATHERS SUN VALLEY POLISHED SKIRTS Printed and solid colors. All sizes, des Shs Reg. $12.95 eg. $1. Reg. $10.95 Reg.$2.95 eg. $ 47- tss 5.88 5.88 THESE 5 EXTRA SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT AJAX ONLY MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE %4-Length Rubberized -- Fisherman's 2 - 6X% 100% ORLON CANADIAN MADE my oa CAR COATS TRAINING ARGYLE BEDFOR D CORD Sport Shirts Full lightweight plaid linings-- Beice, PANTIES DIAMOND SOX SLIMS $-M-L --- Many colors. Grey. Sizes 36-46. Prints and solids. Sizes 2-6x. Reg. 29c¢ Reg. $1.50 Reg. $2.95 Reg.$7.95 Reg. $1.98 1.00 2.99 12< 50- 77 36" x 60' PRINTED BEACH APRONS TOWELS