THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 10, 1962 29 TELEVISION LOG : ) a Maple Grove A WHISTLE s "THE DOORS 10 A CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channe! 6--Toronto : ' r H id Wuk-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channe! 4--Buffalo ' . , Unit 0 0. WKBW-TV Cha~vel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester ys . CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie N : * "at : i May 23 Tea THURSDAY EVE. 8:0 A.M | 4:00 P.M. 4 } fi | 5:00 P.M. | 7--Showcase | ~The ee a - eon & | | : : ; i--Family theatre | 4--Captain Kangaroo 7~American Bandsta' ' ¢3--Razzle | 6--C } R pe t 2 MAPLE GROVE -- Unit 1 of Seas | 2Today | Feo aees Mount ive Nes \ : ' p : *. ? = The-United Church Women met 5--Boz0 8:30 A.M. | Daddy . Ry oP . : t the hi 4--Fun To Learn | 7~Talk of the Town | & the Brighter Day on { f | ai ie home of Mrs. W. H. 5.15 P.M. | ¢00 AL 3--Women's Show . i ' . y iat y suey = 13 mem- 4--Dick Tracy's 11 site Sens Grey Show | os a 8 -- SY ~ . i Na rs 'our visitors. nav PM. Bp aig ee a a : : =< y -- ON 4 : Mrs. Howard Bradley present- 1 Becly oe $-Popeye's Playhouse |}Huckleberry Hound : 7 é ed orto Jeffery with a life s~Tettre rele 9:15 A.M | s--Here's Wollrweed ' gi : rae Church pha! gi 4--CH. f ae | 6-3--Friendly Giant ' * naar so mes Re vag Time 4:45 P.M. ) - T Solos 4 Lead e Pierre and 2 . 5 nies : | ccmdge Of Night erry Russell, a duet the 9--Man From Cochise Sh ead veer Fanti | 63--Sing Ring 'Around | i iY 2, . boys and a piano solo A Ene eas | | cae AsouriT Ann Doyle were enjoyed Lae FRIDAY EVENING ; Ss A tea is to be held on May 23 $--Henoock's Half Hour) 's" Free and Easy F.M. wl SHIT ui Ny at the basement with eve 3--Farm Report 7--Jane Wyman Show tantly Cheatre W? OU BOL/GHT \ ' bringing clothing to pack bales. 6:30 P.M. 5-% Say When 6-3--Razzle Dazzle , | = The apron basket w: discussed. 11-5-2--News 4-News and Features | 5--Kukla ' fe a ? - : ! | a" " = ae (een, me . : oboe ef iiss Gen ane : .M. . M. Ms J F . the home of Mrs. Cecil i--Family Theatre | 7 -Barly Show 4 45 2--News S-Fres and Rasy | 6--Tidewater Tramp \ ; a | < on May 24 with Mrs. Howard Smeg) BoM | ac tlan Your tunch | SBnestr ' = NG ay Bradley and Mrs. Harold Stev- S--Leave It To Beaver '7 Love tucy 7, B ; Zui ens as helpers, 70 Oe Topeegeeee Sree | ptdtan Wras Cookie (b. ' : UNIT TWO ews, | 5-2--Price Is Hight 6--News NIT TWO cial : } 4--Video Village | 3--Three Stooges rm) Sports i P Fs 3) a | of Unit 2 of the UCW wa S--The Fumes | 3--Romper Room |'2-Sea Hunt ORD = Ay). Sy : at the home of Mrs. De 1 | 11:5 AM 6:15 P.M. = ' 7:15 PM. tovoure Fork bea | Gcliueas Sele --_-- ' a) Chute recently with the leader be Concentration 3--Farm Market Report \ ; s = i i Los f Mrs. Morley Burgess in the ae age Og | 6.30 1.M os : 3 gasad g & : -- chair. 2:4. NOOD | News ACROSS . Stops * mass Cis The UCW Unit No. 3 ll--Bugs Bunny and | ae Aaa : 0. 3 met at 7--Orsie and Harriet rte a ; . DOWN AKICIER aoumae the home of Mrs. Neil Brownell Unt wis | ba--vomr Fire |\U--Family Theatre : social group Se OIG recently. Scheu! Meter | Impression | 5--Huntley-Brinkley P 2. Bay window . The devotional period was con- 8:00 P.M, 9-4--News: Weather: sald - 3, Wizards' ducted by Mrs. Roy Metcalf, "THERE'S ONS , oa Netare Of s--Donna Reed Show | 12. Wi sticks : SAGE THING Ye HAVEN'T es Mrs. Ted Foley, Mrs. Howard Sports 3--Popeye and Pals ¢ Frontier Cres M. . | 6--Seven-0-One . Unit of 25.2 INTLY oe Q Fg fe and Mrs. Neil : r rownell. 8:30 P.M. 9--Free and Easy 5--Flintstones : paleo Roll call reported an attend- 6:15 P. l1--Debbie Drake MICKEY MOUSE 11--Panic co espe ae the House pa ek pa k ; . Chest 26. 9-7--The Real McCoys } Best | : sound 7--Window Shopping 3~Father Knows Be " ance of 13 members and $i-br. Kildare | 6--Movie Matinee a loth a Es visitor. Mrs. Stewart Morton *| 5-2--Truth or : iM. . Flay ° a 9:00 P.M, Consatieases jwewee Waste Curl re uaiiee 36. Latvian . |President, presented Mrs. W. "j--Theatre | ee eee 7 or © M. "Greek 28, Hesitation people Laird with her life membership T--My Three Sons | >Sent, Weathers $--Try For Tea | 36, : . Brighten sound 38. Handle pin and certificate. Coie Deteaders 12:45 P.M. gc cn 'Affairs 31. Opposite to 40. Sharpen The next meeting will be held as PM 4--Guiding Light 5-2--International Show Flicks what is 43, Small at Mrs. Harry Freeman's on M--Mr. Lucky -- 1:00 P.M. Time , 19; City trains 21, Askew: expected barrel ' 4 May 28 with Mrs. Clifford Swal- 1>Marsie y Bir Maen eo "ton. | a emeee British .Medieval 45. Japanese é % : low, Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. W. Tucks tines 'Theatee | ScPentere Mave. 3--Donna Reed Show note dialect tales song Y c if O'Neil and Mrs. Harold Cooney 10:00 P.M. i ait 8:00 P.M. | 22, Odin's 5 = Ai in charge. 11--Bob McLean jaa 9--Roaring 20's brother 2 13 6 8 |? Mrs. Lawrence White report- Rag erg os pag we 1:30 P.M. 6-3--Country Hoedown | 28. Schemer ed on the project of selling all- 5-2--Mitch Miller 9--A Kin To Win 8:30 P.M. 26. Gloss ; occasion cards. It was decided 4--Birth Contro! and the} 4--The World Turns u seahest 29. Mexican that the group would al: 1! Law 3--Movie Flintstones workmen Christmas cards Mees en) PM. smannes P.M. | 63Car 54 -- where 30, Eden We welcome Mr. and Mrs. 3 a". eatre Ar 'ou ° le %--Peter Gunn a | SocChez Helene | 4--Route 66 os | 32, _-- ' = Murray Doyle, and little daugh- Tete" 6 6 | Cuee | e e Sutin Beane 1 HAVE GEVERALHEAVY) | |... BUT ID LIKE A REAL IN CAGE TSHOULD HAVE?l]' Iter, to our community, having 11:00 P.! 33. Preposition : L6O/ pA | SMACK A FRIEND 1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News: 2:15 P.M. Hm ev | $4. Sodium oii a COARSE BROOMG I UGE| | | GOFT ONE ALSO.' z OCCASIONALLY? (il moved into the house formerly Sports. Su | 6--Nursery School 1L-Man From Interpol | ' GhIGAa? ; on ON GALEGMEN ONCE IN 1 i : _ by Mr. Silversmith on 11:15 P.M. | 2:2 " Have Gun Wi : 0 F | AWHILE we A J q y,.--2 0. 2 Highway. T--Late show 11--Here's Looking at : Travel ua « a y y ( all . : : Gonertiataiins to Miss 6--Viewpo: You prt A by . Japant "ai if (ih f 11:30 P.M. | 7--Seven Keys 63--Tommy Ambrose apa - . Hew i, sail " 2 Heather Maclean. She came 11--Blockbuster Movie | 6-3--Open House reregerre £y ; ry] ' <a ) ' us first in her school in the senior 5-2--Loretta Young 11--The Law and Mr. class "i 5 j ; ie ~ ; ? i ; Eyes acre | Theatre : Jones 39. Excl ° M( De, f Ne psi : art category of the Brooke Bond 4--Riverboat 4--House Party 8--Country Style tion : G . 3 ) Ty ae ° é 4 and Travel and Educational Santen it Show R hg oe Sayer Montand on 41. Mimic Z y ow a. a ~y pas \| Awards. The judging is now take oe PM "FrQueen For A Day | Broadway | 42, Hockey Z i . é A : \ ing place for Provincial and Nae 4--Half-Past Midnight | 63--Quintet -- +-Fether of the Brits "field" ae ; BL, p tional Awards. Her entry is in FRIDAY Musical 10:00 P.M. 44. A con: yy, Desa bok the running. 5-2--Dr Malone 1--Bob McLean A 7:0 A.M $--Millionaire 7--Target: The fection " é 7--Divorce Hearing 3:30 P.M. Corruptors 46. Comfort i 4 4 hy af . $2--To-d 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours) 4--The Twilight Zone 47. Unimpaired . i ' SdanSeiny ; NEWS BRIEFS H .M. l--The Cap'n Andy | | ane pO 48.A catch A : ~ On Thi Show Zane Grey The , Word" . . PPR aiid Five Daughters | 6--On [he Scene in hose 10 4--College of the Alr 7--Who Do You Trust 5--Keyhole | ; WORLD TRIBUTE STRATFORD - On - Avon, : ie cats oo Due to TREMENDOUS RESPONSE To Our April Vauxhall Sale .. . ies atended the 396 she ; ; : tions of Shak Ys birthday. We have a large stock of Quality Reconditioned Used Vauxhalls. Guaranteed for many miles of economical, safe % 400 59 200 Figs wae uid rom ie driving. All models Standards to Station Wagons. RANGING IN PRICE FROM [ Coast, Kuwait, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Sie: PHONE 723-4634 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS. LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST | |Leone, Somali and Tanganyika. LOOKED GOOD LAKENHEATH, England i a bnk te Savannah, Ga. 2 WHAT KIND OF LAWMAN ARE YOU TO oa) MEANWHILE, IN THE LONE RANGERS CAMP, [iam 7 |meant to send a refund of $36 Ta NAMING ie H=THEY'RE GIT YORE PEA Tile leANeeR ABDDLET MY BaOTian, i 4 to Cre 7 Paul weg tery hy Ov i v's BETTER" THE DESPITE a U.S.A.F, base near this Suf- TRIS Li MISTAKE, )\ BIG STATUE OVER TH' FRA 7. 7 machine nade ft out ior peat IKUM JF . i Wi : sad WIDDER SOKU! epee nea bw Gurchick sadly re- ABN urned it. PUB CLOSED RAASAY, Scotland (CP)--The only pub on this tiny island in the Hebrides was purchased by Dr. John Green, who promptly closed it down to turn it into a tourist centre. Now thirsty folk have to row over to nearby Skye for their drinks. RABBIT STEW GLENCOE, Ont. (CP)-- f nea us i hear Lowe ie a > Dustociod ty King Poatares Syodicsta TRACT mes eves more people eat ral T LOVE 10 DISCLISS FOREIGN] Pore Deane NOW, WHERE ASL J-- TH bit meat as the price of other AFFAIRS! LET ME TELL S, COME meats increases. He will build YOU WHATS & ge all é, BLA. 1AN. ; tony S a plant for processing rabbit x vs y we } ? Ne Die ' Vv LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER meat at Wardsville, 40 miles south of London. Rabbits will come from the Glencoe rabbit breeders' association. OIL SEARCH VANCOUVER (CP) -- A 152- foot oil drilling rig for offshore operations in Alaska is on its way north by scow. The rig was built by Johnson Terminals Company here. SALLY'S SALLIES DONALD DUCK HERES THE FINE. BECAUSE WELADIES COME ON, HILARY, ARE SWEET, GENTLE, LOVABLE CREATURES, WHENEVER A LADy ENTERS THE ROOMP eg 63 BA | ol Vong ~ fas © King Festures Syndicate, Inc, 192, World Fights reserved. YOU'LL HAVE To LEARN BEFORE You BUY TO DISCIPLINE YOURSELF, )}] |SOMETHING, JUST SAY TO YOURSELF, DO I x f WE'LL GET THE y : TIME I'VE ¥ THE ; , PLANE AND ' E ' \ 3 a ALREADY MSS STORY, MAC. J Hii) scotty6 veer AX Tires on Tim BOUGHT IT CRACKED UP THE TOG H TOO... THE f) PLANE IN A BLIZZARD. f VAPORTANT THING ' b Z BUNGLED 1S SCOTTY PULL-\$ é BUY NOW!! THINGS GOOD ' ING THROUGH. PAY AS YOU RIDE! I'M SO DISCOURAGED =+, I JUST CAN'T MAKE MY World nights reserved. © King Features Syndicate, Ina, 196% CAMPBELL AND . YOU WEREN'T % fo z J} | 88 KISS ST. W. 725-4543 LARRY BRANNON a tae HA tan eh it IRR Ee NOTE AT CEI TIE LO ENON ty Sige 8