Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings | TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronte Stock Exchange--April 10 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2. lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS High Low a.m. Ch"ge 47% 16 23% 23% 30% 30% 12 12 16% 16% 23% 23% 48% 48% 2M 21% 2% 16 Stock | Eddy |Faicon |Fed Farms |Fleet Mfg |Ford Cda 300 100 91 j 1 i z115 $3 250 65 $93 205 300 275 125 200 750 $60 Guar Tr rts 1010 Fraser Gatineau Gen Bake GS W pr GL_ Paper 4 Hendshot p H Dauch |Hur Erie Imp Life ,|Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Int Nickel 1 $li% il Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 750 $244 $58% 200 $5% WA 24% 58% 5% 5% 9 91 225 $149'4 50 $25% 25 16% 16% 16% 16% 18% 18% 60 300 «300 105 105 53% 53'4 60 60 140 45% 15% 25% 17% 19% 81% i Sy GO NE gp aged ne ie OR te yt Net | Sales 25 Stock Roe AV pr 900 +15 |Steel Can 2176 Tor-Dom Bk 75 + \%\T Fin A 780 \fr Can PL 285 | Trans-Mt 695 Trans PPL 50 | Union Ace 225 Un Ace 1 pr 225 0 --s WCoast vt Weston A Weston B 225 11 Net, High Low a.m, Ch'ge 5 85 8% 80% -- % 154% -- 92 14% -- % 10% -- Ys 22% -- % 7 31 4 W-- Vs 65% 15 4 22% 14% 3314 % 51 10 22\6 --w 59 $59 i 574 $57% $16%4 16% $17% 2 17% $18% 18% 186% 57% 16% 1714 '4 Cariboo MINES 11 Net | Hollinger High Low a.m. Ch'ge|Hud Bay Sales 10400 500 1000 Stock Abacus Am Larder Amal Rare Area A Arcadia Atl © Cop Aunor Bankfield Barnat Bary Expl Baska Si 31 22% 2244 53 -1 224 154% 110 110 110 60 6 --2 --1 +5 105 355 26 104 104 119 25 9% 13 | Bethim Bidcop Black Bay Bouzan ** Camp Chib C Teng Cdn NW Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore 12% 200 154 154+ % r --25 |New Ath | Bales 130 405 6100 2100 4000 Stock Inspiratn Iron Bay Jacobus 1000 700 350 205 4800 500 2070 2500 1500 5000 |New Bid 2000 |New Hosco 3000 Newnor 3500 McWat Merrill Multi-M Murray M Nat Expl M1 Net High Low a.m. Ch"ge ; 7. ee Se, et a 857% 57% STM --%, 5oO 48 50+ 1 138 #152 155 56 0C"CKACSS 7 7 7 875 870 870 $27%4 27% 27% 540 «(550 550 285 285 «(285 42 42 #4 64 8% 8% 4 --5 --3 ---5 +10 ~M 4 4 --% 217 215 217 «+2 10 % w%---h% 6 &@© 6% ---2 $454 45% 454 -- % 60 58 38 4 --1 +2 --2 + I 2 70 1 +2 5% were hard hit. year were touched by Alberta' Ga', Algoma Steel, BA Oil and as 15%. Huge Plunge For Market TORONTO (CP)--Widespread ndustrial losses plunged the stock market into its greatest} one-day drop in more than two _|years during light trading Wed-| nesday. | Most sections in the main list) Lows for the} mperial Oil, all down as much} Moore Corporation fell; 5% and Abitibi 144. | Royal Bank and Canadian 1 |Breweries. were among the few! gainers, each up %. On index, industrials fell 6.61) a 0 ee TCE hag Be iu etn ty eT a an ae ieee dl ie eed ¥% and Noranda and Consoli- dated Mining.and Smelting hi. each. Denison gained 4%. Spec-| ALPINE PLANT ulatives saw Lake Dufault slip} Edelweiss, the high Alpine} 30 cents to $5.40 and Northgate|plant, is regarded in Switzer- 20 cents to $6.75. 'land as an emblem of purity. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 10, 1962 4g HIDE YOUR WHISKEY AND LOCK UP YOUR WOMEN! HERE COME... THE BOX-OFFICE OPEN----8:15 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! ALL COLOR aan shel 3 PROGRAM* STARRING HELLION ragiadssp to 610.08--their biggest single-| session drop since Sept. 15, | ,/1959. Golds slipped .32 to 90.38, | base metals 1.06 to 210.62 and) western oils 2.07 to 108, 99--theit | lowest index level since Decem- ber Volume was 2,589,000 shares compared with Tuesday's 2,132,000. Among base metals, Labrador dropped 1, International Nickel Shows at 7-9 p.m, fi! SAT. 2% . orricefy PM | MAY 12 OPENS Ldatel || SO SCARY--WE DARE YOU! Sit Thru ft All--And You Win FREE «>= PASS <3: CUTURE | MOVIE: | ' George Plus! ... 'Midnight Lace' Starring DORIS DAY |New Rouvn 2000 --s |Norgold 1000 --jo |Normetal 15D Northgate i N Goldert 1166 + % Oka Rare 500 --1 |Opemiska 350 +3 | Orenada 1500 Pe Pick Crow 2315 <2|Pax Int 1100 Que Man 1000 1, | Radiore 1500 + 14) Ranger 1000 Rio Algom 1100 Rix Athab 500 Roche 000 Rowan Cons 500 }San Ant 300 Sherritt 2368 Sil Miller iscoe Stanrek Steep R Sullivan Sunburst Tombill Torbrit 90 940 «(940 $43% 43 0 «380 West A wts zi2 Wood J A 175 Zenith 725 Curb C Paper Cheskirk Chimo Coch Will Coniagas 645 $43% 43 3 C Bellek OILS Callinan Discov 1000 42% 42% Arrow 15 Halli 125 775 775 1000, 7 7 Marben 4% Marcus 124 300 Mosher 222 6300 Northid 35 2 254 250 160 +1 100 84 -- % 600 395 500 1 10 1642 100 35 500 400 471 lIntpr Dis +18 linter PL Int Stl P Iny Syn A Jockey C Labatt Lafarge wts vakeland Lau Fin A Lau Fin 140 Leland Levy Lob Co Aw 270 ( _. y%| Lob Co B C Delhi 5 Lob Cop so 6050S C Dethi wt Maclaren B Can Dev 19 |MB PR C Ex Gas »|M Lf Mill Cent Del Mass-F 1 Be 13 2 ic Mie 2? Mass-F 5%. 55$ 108% 108 "ene ag Maxweil S 185 185 Some Pe Mex LP ; anea _ | Molson A -- % Home B -- % Mon Foods '| Jump Pnd Moore 2| Medal Denison Nat Drug ' Diskien 1 Noranda 093 ¥ 64% 64% -- %/NCO Pp NE ay 5 ded Come y4|NO° NGas 1 1 18 Pac Pete u15 $1 Josie PS Nor Phone ' § * Petrol 7 7 74 74 2 Oshawa A 7 14 Phillips 5 ae 21 2, | Ea Overland Ponder Overland pr Provo Gas 112% -- %4|Page-Hers MY | Quonto 310 5 |PC Jewel Ranger 47 ™%4 | Phantom & Stanwell 61 Pow Corp Trans ( 105% \% | Revelstoke &/Un Oils 13% -- %|Rob 2 pr Union Oil 20% Revenue pr Wstates 17% -- % | Robin W Decalta iRoe AV C si Yan Can 46 505 79 5 5 295 «295. 295 670 670 670 27 a see -- bh woo + M% 6 6 8% 8% 8% 610 600 610 6 6 6 65 65 65 284 2B 284 18 18 18 50 09 49 53 53 53 $10% 10% 10% 45 45 45 126 "8 55 G - 44 Anglo Un Bailey SA Bata 4'Cal Ed Chieftn i ane ( < ( r r i \¢ C $22%4 22% 22 4° 6 o 415 195 390 8 { 140 640 350 Cons Ramb 5 |C Red Pop 2: Sannorm 1 4 6 190 400 34 177 155 630 130 38 10% 20% 1 52 48 12 390 2% + VM mphi 227 --3 | Torment t Sul d 5 175 Ult-Shaw Eldler 70 148 1 uU Can Eldcich %|Un Buffad Fatima +34 | Vauze Frobisher ¥4| Ventures Geco Mines Werner Willroy Wiltsey 30 |West Mines Zenmac Coprand +1 | Coulee THORNTON RD, AT HIGHWAY 401... PHONE 723-4972 CHILDREN under12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Daering , Deer Horn s|D'Eidona 4|Delhi Pace Delnite es 1000 1700 1000 1620 200 1009 190 112 1009 11300 16000 1500 1000 300 169 2109 1500 10500 100 1335 #1 659 150 15% 112 500 ma Well worth a trip fo TORONTO! BEST PICTURE Winner of 10 Academy Awards! 4 150 1544 4 Lae 112 00 2 17 168 «6169 40% 40% + 135 135 733 $19% 19 125 $18% 100 180 10 $112% 100 310 3 $25 $47% 132 $61 100 $10% 645 $1344 740 $20% 200 $i7% mB $31% o% 180 1000 1000 000 1010 500 275 $1 300 700 2050 105 65000 12 an 94 315 575 970 1500 18 200 231 6! Genex 10% 13% 20% 17™% 31% 24 235 2835 285 3% 3% 314+ % 310 965 18 231 310 965 18 231 Granduc Gunnar H of Lakes High-Belll 1 Du 31% 11% 1% Christian Unity Committee Plans MONTREAL (CP) -- A per-|John XXIII, to restore Christian manent commission to work forjunity. unity of Christian churches was Oe established Wednesday by the ey PROJECTS ee Montreal diocese of the Roman e commission sa ' Catholic Church agnor already are planned for Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, |' i a oo shite aud Archbishop of Montreal, an-|_A sroup of J0 priesis an nounced the formation of a per-|! rotestant ministers are to : {spend June 3 and 4 in a retreat manent diocesan ecumenical) : ' commission, the first one in house to pray, study and ex- Canada to try to make officialjchange views on the problems contacts between the Catholic/! unity. church and other religious; May 29, a group of Roman groups. Catholic theologians are to meet) j in Ni fessors at the McGill Univer- The first such group in North) PTO } BAC America was ca recently in|Sity faculty of divinity and rep- Baltimore ; : resentatives of Protestant Rev. Irenee Beaubien, a Jes- churches. . Pes uit and director of the Catholic) Father Beaubien said he feels Inquiry Forum, was namedjunity can not be brought about chairman of the nine-man com-\by compromise, but rather by} mission. He told a press CO™!)reaking down prejudices and ference th aims of ie i. commission are to "bring mie going back to common ruths. n end to this scandal of division Two laymen were named to among Christians."' He said he} the commission, "as they are} i; able to go farther| | JOIN FIELD BALTIMORE (AP) -- Roman Bales to i a.m.: 637,000. 000 - added Preakness May 19. Also checking in as a possibil-| DIVIDENDS | oor r-up ir » Ke 'kylity for the 1 3.16-mile race was} |Line, runner-up in the Kentucky Ct Stable's |S AL Derby z Crimi Sate iristiana Stable's Smart. Al-} i s Derby, and rimson Satan ready on hand were Derby win- By THE CANADIAN PRESS joined the at Pimlico|ner Decidedly, Sunrise County Exquisite Form _ Brassiere |Wednesday awaiting the $150,-|and Greek Money (Canada Lid., pfd. 15 cents, : July 2, record June 1. Walter M. Lowney Co. Lid., 25 cents, July 14, record June 15. | Massey Ferguson Lid., 10 cents, 514 per cent pfd. $1.37, June 15, record May 18; 4% per cent pfd. $1,124, June 1, record) | May 18. Milton Brick cents, June 15, bo NOT JUDGE BY ANYTHING SEEN BEFORE! NOT JUST ANOTHER SPOOK SHOW ! MONSTERS GRAB GIRLS party Released thry UNITED ARTISTS PREMIERE THURSDAY MAY 17th MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED T | Vv oO L | EVENINGS 8.15 p.m, MON, TO FRI. ...... $2.00 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE SAT, SUN, & HOLS, $2.50 MATINEES 2 p.m. RICHMOND AT VICTORIA STS,, TORONTO EMPIRE 4-4341 FEATURE TIMES: 1:30 3:30 5:35 7:40 LAST SHOW 9:20 "ee a WILLIAM WYLER AUDREY HEPBURN SHIRLEY MicLAINE JAMES GARNER = (THE CHILDREN'S but probably can be repaired.} 723-2843 om. churches actually was possible, HOUR ers.' . i = Stephens, director of cargo and 4 mash oF 08 OF On -_\\ but that this was "the ultimate} PLAZA, (owe - | T re Claude Ryan, sec- - of ee PT, cates ete | | military sales for Northeast Air- goal," The creation of the Montreal eit tare oom commission is part of the Ro: retary of the Catholic Action in : bi | man Catholic Church's world-|Canada, and Dr. Harry Gold ) \lines, was working on the 135- wide movement, begun by Pope|lsmith, a research chemist. mile-an-hour phase of his speed-| TOMORROW jgot away from him on _ the LAST DANCE «+: SEASON Co. Ltd., 10 record June 1. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Reitman's Canada Ltd.,| 3 year ended Jan. 31, 1962, $737,- 389, 80 cents a share; 1961, $826,716, 89 cents, Wednesdays. Sat., Sun, & Hols. $2.00 THE MIRISCH COMPANY PRESENTS a HE BRINGS. THE DEAD BACK / FROM THE 'NUT HOUSE' THAT CRAZY 'MIXED-UP* DR. JEKYL AND HIS CRASHES DURING TEST INDIANAPOLIS (AP)--Leon-| ard (Gig) Stephens, 35, of North Reading, Mass., crashed into the outer wall. at the Indiana- polis Motor Speedway Wednes- day but escaped injury. The car, owned by Harry Turner of! Kenosha, Wis., was damaged did 'not know whether unity be- tween Catholic and Protestant| than a priest in their contacts with business, industry and oth- BEAUTIES AT MERCY OF INHUMAN MONSTERS SO SCARY You'll HAVE | NIGHTMARES FoR A WEEK! | OF CORPSE' ais tovractare | AMBULANCES & NURSES ON CALL AT ALL TIM@S !1 PLUS HORROR MOVIE! ALL SEATS $1.00 (tex incl.) BILTMORE ncoecreesenguntnsrerse cecmenncoramers si | southeast turn. THE SPINORAMA AT THE SAT. MAR, 12 . - W. C. A. 8 P.M. 199 CENTRE STREET CHILDREN'S 9 -- 12 P.M. ARENA With The Steve Backwell Trio. -- EVERYONE WELCOME wih MARI BLANCHARD. (Op TODAY & FRIDAY by THE HARVEY TWIRLERS and VISITING MAJORETTES Children 50c -- Adults 1.00 Prime Minister John Diefenbaker wishing Percy Vivian from Durham County every success in the election campaign. They are shown standing in Mr. Diefenbaker's office in front of a painting of Sir John A. Macdonald, MALDOVERS sii saturvay THE GREATEST HUMAN DRAMA. THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN Percy Vivian says: John Diefenbaker is the Greatest Prime Minister since Sir John A. Macdonald He has loyal supporters in every walk of life from all parts of Canada The policies of the Diefenbaker administration are planned to assist all Canadians wherever they live. THE POLICIES INCLUDE: Further development of our natural resources, encouragement to the prosperity of agriculture and manufacturing, the provision of easier credit and the rapid expansion of export trade. The stabilization of the Canadian dollar will further assist all these endeavours, help to create more jobs in secondary industry and give our tourist industry, which is our third largest, an even greater opportunity. These policies have brought Canada through a difficult recession to the beginning of a period of Unprecedented opportunity. a Diefenbaker is the outstanding leader of our time . . . his vision, wisdom dee Ag Mos abcd and ability place him far above the leaders of any other political party. He should have the mandate of the Canadian people on June 18th... to CAPTAIN MORGAN RUM DISTILLERS LIMITED achieve greater results, A STORY OF THE CHRIST AND THE INSPIRATION OF HIS SPOKEN WORDS. SUPPLIERS TO THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY DURHAM COUNTY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ADMISSION PRICES: SHOWN AT 2:00 - 5:00 - 8:00! ADULTS (till 5) ; ADULTS (after 5) ' STUDENTS (anytime) CHILDREN (anytime)