NON-CHALKING wood siding, choose a non-chalk-;wash away in the rain and wri the , side of house, or other masonry helow the/ally designed so that it will not/staining the area below. ne a Annual Card Party If your home has brick, prone toh paint. This paint is specific-|down the Successful Event The annual card party of the ° ELECTROHOME | Oshawa Branch, WCTU, Elects New Officers For 1962-63 The May meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Common Room of St. Andrew's United Church with Mrs. Clayton Lee, president, presiding. Mrs, Lee welcomed those present and asked Mrs, Orville Eagle to con- duct the devotional service. Mrs, Eagle gave an excellent meditation on the theme of poem entitled "Another Spring" by Patience Strong, The speak- er quted from Solomon 2-V, 11-12 on the miracle of the transformation of Spring. Mrs, Ealge said "Spring is like the advent of Christ -- all things are change -- a new hope and a new vision." The guest speaker, the Rev, L. Wesley Herbert, was intro- duced by Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs, Stanley Gomme install- ed the officers as follows: Past president, Mrs. Charles Langfield; president, Mrs. Clay- ton Lee; ist vice-president, Mrs. Howard Brown; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. E. A. Henley; recording secretary, Mrs. Fred (President) Cook; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Harold Parrott; treasur-/-- Mrs. Charles Langfield; er, Mrs, L. H. Muldrew; pianist,|world and Canadian missions-- Mrs, J. L. Pegg. \Mrs. Heareld Parrott; publicity The sperintendents of var-|and social meetings -- Mrs. H, ious departments were chosen|A. Mellow; Peace and interna- as follows: tional relations -- Mrs. E. A. Evangelism and_ Christian|Henley; posters and scrap books Mrs. A. E. Micklash, Mrs. M.| stewardship Mrs. Charlesi-- Mrs. Charles Langfield; Cook, Mrs. William Lock. | Langfield; flower mission --|press -- Mrs. Fred Cook and) | Martha Branch of the WA of Christ Memorial Church was held recently. Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon wel- comed the guests in the upper hall and Mrs. Donald Moore, president of the group, presided in the lower hall. The committee responsible for the evening were: general con- vener, Mrs. William Gibbie; food, Mrs. C. H. Chaytor; as- sistants, Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, Mrs. John Greer, Mrs. Douglas Bailes and Mrs, W. A. Holland; tickets, Mrs. Ian Currie; tables, Mrs. Reginald Garrett; prizes, Mrs, Matthew Sutton and Mrs. Stanley Loyko; euchre, Mrs. Al- bert Taylor; candy, Mrs. R, E. Hobbs. : Prize winners were Mrs. A. G. Stapleton, Miss Millie Gal- lagher, Mrs. J. M. Greer, Mrs. Stanley Myers, Mrs. J. B. An- nand, Mrs. George Reid, Mrs. Ronald Lambert, Mrs. W. Mur- rall, Mrs. D. Gray, Mrs. Alice Peebles, Mr. N. Tabb, Miss Grace Wilson, Mrs. G. W. Pin- ner, Mrs. H. P. Bull. Mrs, G. Murdoch, Miss Orma Robinson, Miss Dorothy Lander, Mrs. S. Boudreau, Mrs. J. V, Saunders, Mrs. E. W. Young, Mrs. A. F. Annis, Mrs. C. C. Baxter, Mrs. C. 8. Johnston, Mrs. C, J. Higgs, Mrs. Frank Farncombe, Mrs. J. Anderson, THE CAMILLE: Here is stereo in elegant new styling for the French Provinee ial decor. Housed in the beautiful hardwood cabinet are these fine compon- ents: Handcrafted chassis with AM/FM radio, Facility for FM Multiplex and stereo tape. Garrard AT6 auto-turntable with professional type counter bal- anced tonearm, Matched speaker system: 2-10' woofers, 2-312" tweeters, Full gree Satellite Speakers. Ap- proximately 47" x 28" x 16" d, 3 6 9 . | . *TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Day tea and fashion show by the Toronto Spinners and Weav- ers, held on Saturday, in Sala- da Tea House Exhibition Park, . \Toronto, ; F. Richardson of! Whitby, president, Oshawa) Presbytery United Church} MRS. CLAYTON LEE | - any, and Spanish Brown Ma- Mrs, H. A. Gray; medal contest'Mrs. Clayton Lee. HOUSEHOLD HINT hogany. Use bluing in rinse water to restore the black shade to clothes which have turned) brown. In Fruitwood, Walnut Mahog- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Bes. Te THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 9, 1962 7 | Women, will open the Maytime| bazaar and tea to be held this) week at Albert Street United) Church under the auspices of| PERSONALS | 5 KING STREET WEST 723-3425 Alben Street UCW. Globe Theatre in London on Saturday night and was in| -- Stratford, Ontario, Sunday A successful night of cards was held recently at Glenholme School under the auspices of TO MODEL FOR ISRAELI FASHION SHOW Mrs. Harvey Kalnitsky, Mrs. R. J. Murphy and Mrs. Douglas Sager try on some of the dresses they will model in the Israeli Fashion Show, sponsored by the Piyah Chap- ter of Hadassah at Beth Zion Synagogue this evening. The British Labor Party Elects A Woman As National Agent By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times |en's officer. Because of the im- A 58-year-old British woman has been ap: 4.| woman may probably get this| LONDON -- pointed to one of the top jobs British politics, that of secon in-command of party's political machine. the Labor [national agent and chief wom- portance of maintaining contact with the women's organizations) n the constituencies, another) job. The only alternative would) be to split the two duties that |Miss Barker previously com- Migs Sara Barker, a life-long bined worker in the Labor cause, has) . been named as the party's na- tional agent. Her status in her| new job, which will pay her/the appointment, Miss Barker $6,000 a year, ranks next only|jed all the way. There were to that of Len Williams, who|four candidates for the position, | | National LED ALL THE WAY is general secretary of the|the other three being men. On party. She is the first womanithe first ballot, Miss Barker|4tch, the Horse Guards, the Houses of Parliament, the Tate to rise to so high a post in alpolled 11 votes, James Catter- British political party. |mole 5, Ron Hayward 4, and which will be floodlit by the When it came to voting on|Ministry of Works from May 1 |to October 28 are Nelson's Col- jumn and Trafalgar Square, the Gallery, Somerset House and parade of high style fashions will be repeated tomorrow. --Oshawa Times Photo party agent at Halifax, then regional women's organizer in Yorkshire, before being moved to Transport House. Miss Barker realises the task ahead of her. On her appoint- ment, she said: 'The first thing is to strengthen the party or- ganization throughout the coun- try, to increase individual mem- bership, and then to expand the organization in readiness for the general election." LONDON LIGHTS Among London Buildings Gallery, Admiralty Southmead Park Ladies' Auxil- iary. The hall was gaily decor- ated in spring colors. Mrs. Wil- son Stauffer and Mrs. Gene Rymdzionek presented the prizes for cards to Mr. William Hobbs, Mrs. J. S. Brown, Mrs. M. Murrell, Gladys Kurotek, Charles Musgrave and Mrs. L. W. Bowers. Other prizes were won by Doris Mitchell, Mrs. L. Economy, Reginald Henning, Mrs. M. Cheski, Helen Hall, Thomas Kidd, Jean Lee, Shirley Shearer, Pat Dewsbury, Anne Ireland, Fredia McGlaskan, Wil- liam Forman, Elsia Gatchell, Anne Sholdra, Peter Dewsbury, Doris Vann, Fred Kunkel, Phyl- lis Murdock, Violet Graves, D. Tymchuk, Jean Ellison. Mr. Christopher Plummer ar- rived at Stratford, Ontario, at the weekend and started rehear- sals immediately of the title role for the opening of the Shakespearean Festival. On Fri- day, May 4, Mr. Plummer mar- ried an English journalist, Pat- ricia Lewis; played his final the Tower of London. performance in "Becket" at the night. Mrs. Plummer did not accompany her husband to Can- ada, but will join him later in) the season. | Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbert- son, Mary street, have return- ed home after visiting their daughter, Mrs. K. E. Sproule and Mr. Sproule and grandchil- dren at Pointe Claire, Quebec. While there they attended the Northview Ballet Project recital) of Sleeping Beauty in which their granddaughter, Kathryn, | took part. Mrs. J. K. Moffat and Mrs. Lloyd Brown are opening the 3rd Oshawa Scout Mother's Auxiliary Maytime tea and jbake sale. Mrs. W. D. Arnold, Miss | Rose Capel and Mrs. Fred) Lloyd, Oshawa, Mrs. 8. J. Stewart and Mrs. A. Boyes, Brooklin; Mrs. L. H. West-) wood, Pickering, Mrs. Ray-} mond Pacquette, West Hill; all members. of the Oshawa Weav- ers' Guild, attended the May ...trom WARD'S Special ! NYLON HOSIERY Choose from @ big voriety for most every purse and purpose » » 2 SEAMLESS MESH A well-styled hosiery with comfort foot finish, Light or medium- dark beige shades. Size 9 to 11. 69° 3 4 1.89 SPECIAL, pair It is a triumph for Miss|Reg Underhill 2. On the second Barker, and a credit to the|ballot, Miss Barker had a clear Labor party, that being a|majority of 12 votes, with five woman did not prejudice herjeach for Mr. Cattermole and| chances for the job. And she|Mr. Hayward. may not be the only symbol| Miss Barker started her poli- of "petticoat rule' at Trans-|tical career in Halifax in help-| port House, the Labor Party|ing her father, later the mayor, | headquarters. Her promotion|to be elected to the city council. | leaves a vacancy as assistant'She later became the Labor SEAMLESS MESH A "Ban-Lon" top finished mesh nylon for additional wearing eomfort. Two popular shades in sizes 9 to 11. A special feature-- Hosiery at a special. Pair ARDELE NYLONS by 'WELDREST' Always @ popular 400-needle mesh hosiery ot @ very popular price. Assorted light and dark shades and white. Measured sizes 82 to 11. Polr ....sseeeeee Weevriy ty JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING ... CUSTOM MADE DRAPES CHOOSE ALSO FROM SUCH FAMOUS HOSIERY BRANDS AS "SUPERSILK", "GOTHAM", "ORIENT" Special ! Straw-Styled Handbags A delightful new collection of these colorful handbags . « Styled for her in color, size and ever-so-light to carry. Materials used are straw, rayon-straw, split bamboo and wicker, also the novelty of the trims will delight every mother . . . Pastel colors: white and beige tones. Special Price 2.98 OTHER SUMMER HANDBAGS TO 5.98 Spring is here, if you have been thinking of new drapes, have them made now, check these low prices, and don't For Mother . . . for her home ! ! "BUCILLA" TOWEL -- MAT ENSEMBLE A famous brand line of towels and mats in the well-known "'Rose-tree" pattern at DISCOUNT PRICES for this event .. . The complete line of bath and hand towels, face cloths and 2 sizes in matching chenille mats and nylon frilled seat covers are all reduced .. . A wonderful gift at a fine saving that she will enjoy for its beauty and service. BUCILLA "'ROSE-TREE" pattern in colors of pink, yellow or blue BATH TOWEL each 1.79 HAND TOWEL each .99 FACE CLOTH each .40 CHENILLE RUG Size 22" x 35" each 4.50 CHENILLE RUG Size 26" x 46" each 6.99 FRILLED SEAT COVER each 1.79 wrestle with it yourself. Have Your Drapes Custom Made Size 22" x 43" Size 16" x 27" Reg. 1.98 Reg, 1.19 Reg. .49 Reg. 4.98 Reg. 7.98 . 1.98 Draperies REG. 1.98 -- 3.95 WEEK-END 79: tn 1.95 SPECIAL PRINTED Sateens Reg. 1.89 Week-End SPECIAL These "Bucilla" towels end mats are designed in lovely eye-pleasing colors ere completely washable. EVERGLAZE Cotton / Reg. 89c Week-End SPECIAL FRENCH Ginghams Reg. 79¢ Week-End SPECIAL 4 YARDS 4 YARDS 3 YARDS FOR 3 YARDS 198 | 1.98 | 2.09 | 1.29 House of Fabrics Ltd. 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA PHONE 728-7751 DRIP DRY Broadcloth Reg. 89c Week-End SPECIAL SPECIAL ! FOR HER TO GET HELP FROM ALL -- LARGE LINEN TEA TOWELS at a tremendous saving -- buy two and get one for FREE! -- ond the whole family will be able to help dry the dishes In quick time . . . Multi- stripe pattern with woven border, colors of mauve, yellow, aqua, blue, red 3 for 98: A PRE-SEASON SUGGESTION... 1962 BATHING SUITS ARE HERE Would Be A Nice Gift? combinations . . . size 22" x 31", Reg. 49 each FIRST QUALITY mother. 3 - = them, 400 needle, 15 denier in BLOUSES TO PLEASE MOTHER to 12 Straight skirt with pleat in wonderful gift item. Sizes 5.98 . 1 2.98 From sevinaiel 51 gauge, 15 denier with seams Seam Free MICRO MESH NYLONS all new Spring shades. Sizes Drip Dry Cotton. White 9.98 : 5.98 back, sleeveless vest top, ERWINNE'S FULL FASHIONED NYLONS sizes 8Y2 to 11. Just right for Sheer leg flattery. She'll love 8Y% to 11. + Sy « 'and colors in sizes 10 2-PIECE SUITS in "ARNEL" plain colors, some plaids, 11 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-7421 725-1151 FREE DELIVERY SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT ATHOL STREET