Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1962, p. 2

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we we wee ee ee oe ee dill, « Sita sae eM LE NE NG EEE ME _----_--_ Pro-Rated Doctor | ry Lon, ee '55-Secona Flight, © GOOD EVENING [Fees Hurt Co-Ops ™ as ME ie Rocket Explodes _ By JACK GEARIN a | TORONTO (CP) -- Doctors'jin order to be effective. iiss : é f CAPE CANAVERAL, Fi ; | ' - "APE C/ ra a.jAmerican astronauts to the Lyman Gifford, former mayor of Oshawa, was released | acceptance of prorated fees ut| | the otsiated Medical Ser-| & we ' (AP)--The maiden flight of thelmoon later in this decade. Tuesday from St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. He was re- (01) insurance plans has made|vices Incorporated, Physicians'| jf 4 A 8 , long - suffering Centaur space) Once operational, hopefully in i P ' : % rocket ended abruptly Tuesday admitted last May 1 with a life difficult for Ontario's re-/Services Incorporated and tg i j é ' M lina shattering explosion nearl,|1964, Centaur will be able to liver ailment after being a sia gional medical insuranec co-op- Windsor Medical Services In- : a | 4 i; $130,000 feel tone tee Arcot {lift 8,500-pound satellites into an tient there for two weeks eratives, the Royal Commission corporated, all doctor-sponsored 4 La 7 lOcesn ! earth orbit, iand 2,900 pounis pa Hi ttended on Health Services was told|plans, and Trans-Canada Medi- 4 Z P 'i : : ; on the moon, or send. 1,300 in late March. He attende : j Tuesday. ical Plans, an organization co- : , is ay ge}. che blazing blowup of the) cunds to the vicinity of Mars the opening day of the m Co - operative Medical Ser-jordinating activities of 11 doc-) ig , $9,000,000 vehicle 55 seconds| .n4 Venus. Board of Transport Com- Moe vices Federation of Ontario, a/tor-sponsored plans across Can- s ti \ tight ¢ , ---- it _ bugga Nagas Bes a missioners hearing of the bz group representing medical co-|ada. 4 essen P s Te setbac 0 ene King street CNR railway '" ops in 62 of Ontario's 65 coun-| AMS general manager, Dr.) F ee , f ei x -- plan bs Pang 2. bad ' es ties, said in a brief to the com-|J, A. Hannah, told the commis-| | # | aur as a workhorse booster to| t City Hall Tuesday. trip] t U.S 9 oe awed wis bak mission that the reduced fees|sion there are signs serious ill-| | ipiple pevecat U5. space: ep April 3 -- one of his pet might be considered "unfair/ness is becoming a "pork bar-| _ ed : eat eager Ae ogee projects when he was alder- competition." _ rel' enjoyed by others at the] © : é ; a" ie canes oeetal flight i) eblivd man, and. later as mayor, The brief said the largely|patient's' expense. 4 ee : " o Ee 3 4 ) k for the removal farm - based, autonomous re- A cs © ie * P p ~.|naut Malcolm Scott Carpenter, pi yeh tagged , jonal co-ops also suffer from|,, rcsponsbility for rectifying) @ ba / '|set for May 17, if the trouble of the tracks, ~ Oshawa's ; : ee a va "disproportionage the situation, he said, rests on : p " $ ee 4 , F , / lean be traced to the first-stage age-old municipal headache ghare" be aikee aaenie ta ther| the medical profession. me * ] lattes," Anothoy "Atlin Car othe that always seems to wind membership of 272,000 : In his brief Dr. Hannah was| | ' 'gs P a - © |same model is to be the booster in an impasse Federatio resident we |severely critical of the medical ge" 4 { 4 for Carpenter. oP : : * M Cols i hi organization|Profession for its attitude to-| | re 4 Le | No payload was carried on| Mr. Gifford's __ brother, would "be "very receptive" to|Ward__ insurance and implied) |». Ft J 4 _|this initial flight, which was in- George William Gifford, i aka of setting up a co-or-|tHat doctors have been taking) | : a ; ' |tended as a brief 15-minute, up-| died Tuesday in Reno, Nev- ldinating agency for the 40-oda|°conomic advantage of the phy- eS ; ; and - down journey to check) ada, where he has resided Nit plans in the prov-|Sical distress of others. ee 2 rocket systems. This is the first! ; 1 The bod it ta Nag oR But the answer was not gov-| 3. oe . : of 10 planned launches in a he ceed qeegag tong wis ernment legislation, eh : "|three'- year Centaur research is being sent here for burial. LYMAN GIFFORD The brief, one of five pre-\ «anything which tends to re- BACK TO ALCATRAZ and development program. sented to the commission Tues- The failuré upset plans to Dr. W. H. Gifford, another ; day, said any government-sup-/M0ve direct responsibility from brother and also a former mayor of Oshawa, died here in ported health care plan in Can- the shoulders of the doctor will Sandra Hagen, girl friend | thorities. Cohen is on his way | served 82 days before being Ceo ue cena a FOR SALE 1960. He was a member of the Oshawa Cemetery Board at (14, will have to be mandatory ie nggen aa rest of Mickey Cohen, wipes away | back to Alcatraz to serve his | released pending the outcome i < puaveo Aina Aree TODAY! the time of his death. -- ------ an ig ch : th si of ion a tear in Los. Angeles Tues- | 15-year sentence for income | of an appeal. The U.S. Su- i nat wa Picccheie nt pa on the part of the profession,| gay as Cohen gets set tc sur- tax evasion. He was sent to | preme Court has declined to |" '"® ee eae SOLD to further disclaim. responsibil-| os hha . " * , 90 tied see) ORTHO a 8 te CUBA STILL TOURISTS' "PARADISE" -- McLELLAN New Nuclear Blast iw" | render himself to federal au-! Alcatraz last July 28 and | review the' conviction. PROVIDES he TARUGT TOMORROW! Cuba today does not resemble an armed bastion. It doesn't Triggered By US. The solution, he anid, ap-| . ' ltaur vehicle gains its muscle resemble a powderkeg of international tension likely to blow | V/ chiNcroN (ap) -- Theliirect relationship between thel = : [from the revolutionary new! LIST TO SELL! up at any time, not outwardly at least. |United States triggered a new/doctor's economic status "and Vil ence OWS _. fuel, which et Sd : Cuba today first-hand looks j Inuclear blast above the Pacific|the self-sustaining solvency 0 ee ne ag ona vies DON'T ASK like something far different J Tuesday--the sixth in the cur-|the cost of medical care as a . hes pik oo vl from the popular image ; rent series of atmospheric| whole." tanhiin ' ' -WHO. it in the interna- jtests. Dr. Hannah also called for m 8. . ie drawn of it in _| The announcement from thejestablishment of a permanent The U.S. has made a heavy ; . jcommitment to use liquid hyd- LL yoAk tional press. : |Atomic Energy Commission|federal commission to promote fuel th st 5 The people are friendly, «"*% land the defence department|prepaid medical care across) TORONTO (CP) --The un- Taylor and CNR president Don-|Taylor in the Bahamas several|'08@" to fue Fe ge ada J 2 MA ? of its big boosters for sev- especially to Canadians. They "en ' |said the device was in the inter- Canada. awit 4 ald Gordon years ago. bs i ? 4 eager ari masking of Mr. X and the story : ' <3 eral years. Included are Saturn , i of jmediate yield range--equal to Earlier, Dr. J. 0. Lockhart) ; ;.| It included bits and pieces of} He said he brought up the : jaca . o feel . |more than 20,000 and less thanjof Hamilton, president of PSI,/of an attempt to get into busi inconclusive information aboutlidea of McDermott and Feeley ceca wise os pond BOLAHOOD ee a " 'g po q * (1,000,000 tons of TNT. said under Guoniioning he per-jness with a multi-millionaire| someone trying to fix the out-|establishing a legal gambling|{°v opment which w : bitter towards the U.S. : e 3 | The device was dropped from|sonally would support an ar-|were highlights Tuesday as On-|come of a gambling trial. casino on a Taylor - owned is- IMITED -- LT ernment. . % jan airplane in the vicinity ofjrangement under which PSI),.5.5. royal commission on| The Windsor mysterm manjland. Taylor was not inter- FREQUENT CLAPS LIMITED REALTOR Most of the Cuban people « ; |Christmas Island, where the|would administer a govern-| i. pecumed hearings after| Was identified as John F./ested. Over the whole earth, there is 725-6544 , to like or want : |five previous atmospheric/ment - sponsored, province- ' 'kay yonoar. \(Curly) Gardner, 51. The re-| Swinging back up to Toronto, |Aa average of 44,000 thunder- don't seem . |blasts took place. wide program for making cov-| : j.|leased transcript of his evi-/Humphrey said the CNR's Don.|StOrmS @ day. the Communists, but the © ® * | Apparently it was a researchjerage available to all regard-| The commission heard evi-\qonce at a hush-hush sitting of : : : ; { land evaluation test, rather than|less of economic circumstance. |dence ranging from a_ trans- : g ald Gordon came into the pic- tigid U.S. embargo is driv- F Les 4 : oe 4, |the commission showed him asiture in 1958 or 1959 when a ing them into the Communist a check on a finished weapon.| Trans-Canada medical plans|Cript version of a hard-luc a man terrified of McDermott!sports wire provided x" th SABIN POLIOMYELITIS cans | Only one of the current series|and Windsor Medical services|story by a small-time Windsor|,.4 John (The Enforcer) Pa- haley : pre 'eye yf ay The bove are some of the : jof explosions has been a test ofboth suggested government sub-|gambler and bookie, previously nai," of Hamilton, currently| ment ar Boe eae, ead acl Pd ja finished weapon. That camelsidies to the non-proft medical|styled as,Mr. X to attempts by|ioiq in New York in connec-|the MeDe: tt F i ee VACCINE CLINICS opinions expressed today by ; jlast Sunday when a Polaris|plans to allow them to servejthe Joseph McDermoii-Vincent)ii9, with an international nar- Chib tk ermott - Feeley Jordan Frank McLellan, an Oshawa 4 ™ | [missile was fired from a sub-|those who cannot meet their|Feeley gaming combine to deal| iotinc ring, oa BOLE: : : Humphrey | said delegation} This Is For EVERYONE--Young and Old contractor (Bathe and Mc- g ; jmerged submarine. 'health insurance needs. {with multi - millionaire E. P. OPERATE CLUB 't t McD rg | Lellan) who recently spent f Sone RNA a Sed : Gardner and Leo Finnigan\ hee ena Ment, Hum: THis IS FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, EVEN IF YOU HAVE i dal Process Car omey sl MAD SALK VACCINE INJECTIONS, a seven-day ; vacation in FRANK McLELLAN oe, ' we i gare Ber ijalso of Windsor, operated a/ Progressive Conservative mem-| Cuba with his wife, "'be- : bane f i, ess » 'ierreetowss Oey -- jiclub called the Roseland. ber in Commons for Toronto] NO INJECTIONS e@ PLEASANT TASTE cause we wanted to see first-hand what this Cuban business |; , : »| He testified at the secret ses-|Parkdale, visited Gordon to see| was all about and clear up some doubts." , aap ong they ft ntaa Stead-|if the ticker service could be) THURSDAY, MAY 17 1 y visi ; jy for several years to keep/kept going. The rail chief inics wi i i ile, Darlington They kept to the tourist path, only visited Havana and lf , 4 , 4 z\the club going . . . but never fared pasa ioe caked r Clinics will bed gt in -- oe Sennen e rlingto once-fashtonable Veradero Beach,°90 miles distant. They # Al téalized ¢ aren ques and Cartwright Townships -- o in: . ' voluti te $24 |i j : zed a quarter. Humphrey told the commis- Lions Centre -- 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. stayed at the Capri Hotel, Havana a cahyichibheris siglo 4|_He said he owed gambler Mc-|sion he acted as defence coun-|| $t. Paul's Church -- 9:00 to 9:00 p.m. daily for a double without meals -- today's rate $8.50.) i j , ;|Dermott "a fortune, . . . some-|sel in two gaming trials before] Cartwright Township Hall -- 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Said Mr. McLellan: i : or ee where upwards of $50,000" and|Magistrate Frederick Thomp-|| Solina Community Hall -- 1:30-4:00 p.m. " oe WS Cid i we |Possibly around $100,000. He/son. He could not remember the|] Burketon Church Hall -- 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. A tourist is as safe today in Cuba as he is in Toronto |; Pd } jalso was in debt to Papalia. |exact date. Enniskillen Church Hell -- 1:30-4:00 p.m. ('I would return there again tomorrow for a holiday".) li : boise, 54 a 4 The commission announced it) 'Were you advised there had|} Maple Grove Church -- 7:00-9:00 p.m. \ They saw no armed forces. They saw un-armed march- |) ff ' 6 ; a Ls tan ae" will recall Gardner for a pub-!been an attempt to influence|] Tyrone Hall -- 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. -- 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. if ' : € * it t Whigh ia »4jlic session. Courtice Church -- 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. a a 2 magistrate in the conduct of the " ; ' : ing youths being readied for military service. They frequen It was a 1957 raid on the|trial by anyone?" asked B. J} Courtice High School -- 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. dl : ge oge : ee Begeaiitas ee, } a ly saw armed men and women (with ear-rings) in regulation SHOWERS j ge a8 5 Roséland that produced a\McKinnon, counsel at the com- WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 oe Oey eaieems a Sratete pris (eebings, Banks, bho. TRERDERSTOR MES, '4 4)strategy conference between} mission for the Liberal party. | ¢.. .. i le, Clarke Twp., Manvers Tw hotels). These forces appeared to be doing regular police ie de ' Cont s Toronto lawyer David Humph: WORD OF ATTEMPT (ee. va duty, were courteous, provided tourists' information readily. ' gee: %! * by ; rey, his client McDermott and| Humphrey said the assistant! Hope Twp., and Coyan Twp. They took scores of photographs -- there were few re- | bam Rane i Vie ' p some shadowy Detroit charac-|Crown attorney on the case, NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM : ~~ ters whose connections with On-'¢ i Finnish Clib i strictions, except in the area of the Morro Castle fortress 5 a ha ' , : ; concerning a Finnis ib in and the airport he eee tate, Vesta ee 7 : sag -- een have| New Toronto, told him of such HEALTH UNIT . : : ee) yet been made fully clear. ttempt. | They were told that 4,000 Cubans are in Russia for |; is . é ap On Tuesday Humphrey told ee Ree RES "higher- education" in such courses as Medicine and Surg- r <3 the commission how this meet- wey, tectaiesl Ragtheninn, de. . ing decided to test a claim of a, e f A ' ll 48 M S e ] Cubans now get only $2.50 per CWT for their sugar BO é Be 3 Se a es AB nica ligt, Jack Hatch of Bay Me, Clif | Ss a, our pecia whereas the Americans paid $5.00 (to U.S.-owned refineries.) | ae : 'alee | INCREASING CLOUDINESS THURSDAY a Se They talked with an engineer of a textile plant whose | |was offering money from some} ibd 1956 | ~|"slush fund' and Detroit police annual income was $9,000 (about the maximum possible to- day) -- of this sum, he paid $1,440 a year taxes. The gov- WEATHER FORECAST Page nor ogi poise gl ge Ml ese Pooces - : ¥ pone ' aa OLDSMOBILE ernment had confiscated the engineer's three houses after | Toronto ja conviction the revolution, but there was a small monthly "kick-back" Peterboroguh .... 3 5 Toronto lawyer Walton C. < Sen. W I d T Rose --now c 1 before the} : hs |Trenton .. oe : Fe ounsel before the : ' Freedom of worship is allowed, but they saw no clergy armer Tren |Killaloe .. <0 s commission for McDermott, : Hydramatle, custom radio. or members of religious orders. |Muskoka .....s.0- Feeley and Gardner -- went to! 3 ; : |North Bay ad 55 |Windsor disguised as a New| i : Why did the McLellans want to visit Cuba at a time T | Sudbury vee 4 55 |York shirt salesman and tested a 539 when the Cuban situation was so tense? or urs ay Earlton .. a 58 |Hatch but the officer offered no "I have wanted to go there since 1915 when I was a | | Kapuskasing .. ' 55 |inducements. ee : T White River, Gardner and Finnigan evi-) HE youth of 16 working as a deckhand on a Nova Scotia schoon- Forecasts issued b |Nor 2 : 6 ; : 0 i 4 sts iss y the Tor-|North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny but|Moosonee ........ 5 dently pleade ilt d got er that sometimes travelled the waters off Cuba," said Mr. lonto weather office at 5 a.m.:|cool today. Partly cloudy and fen Ste. Marie... 35 lyear in jail. "Rina CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD ; McLellan today. | Synopsis: A warming trend/little warmer Thursday. Winds| Swinging from the US.- . " F : ' ' jis indicated for tonight andi light today, southeast 15 Thurs- Observed Temperatures . ; i I had tried and tried, but I never made it until last Thitaday (i Ontaris Buk tll day: Low overnien, Wied Teeter Conant A gel to Pa eo 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 month when I went down there with my wife. The Cuban jmay be accompanied by some) White River, Cochrane re-|Dawson 33 ae edie iy a rie te "| consul in Toronto assured us there would be no danger. He |shower activity. gions: Mainly sunny today and|Victoria .. ; id ipspicandiel sad was right." | Lake St. Clair region, Wind-/Thursday, a little warmer|Edmonton sor: Cloudy, clearing this morn-/Thursday, winds light. |Regina ... ' sone jing. Mostly cloudy and a little) Lake Ontario, Georgian Ba inni '3 SAYS NEWS STORIES "MISLEADING }warmer Thursday with a few| Haliburton regions, Toronto:|Fort William "About 80 percent of the news stories I have read on |showers and risk of thunder-/Sunny but cool today. Sunny but|White River ...... 2 Cuba recently have been misleading, highly inaccurate," |Storm. Winds northeast 20 to-/increasing cloudiness Thursday | Kapuskasing said Mr. McLellan. "I was tremendously impressed by the oa a, pe ge hang a ititle warmer. Winds Sey Pad pee: , mumber of new schools being erected, by the big homes re- lagara regions 'Dondon Hamil- oe Ip today, southeast 15 Sudbury fae ee converted into schools, by the campaign to decrease illiteracy, (ton: Sunny but cool today. ane Muskoka . to make sure than most everyone had an opportunity to |Partly cloudy and a little Forecast Temperatures Windsor .. learn to read and write'. jwarmer Thursday with a few Low tonight, High Thursday London ... jshowers or thundershowers in| Windsor 40 65 |Toronto .. : : jthe evening or at night. Winds| St. Thomas.. a 60 (Ottawa ... while visiting an experimental farm. They also met a Cana- | northeast 15 today, southeast 15/ London 60 |Montreal . @ian trade delegation from the Maritimes and Ottawa Thursday. |Mount Forest...... 60 | Quebec selling salt cod. | Timagami, Algoma regions,!Wingham é 60 | Halifax oasaencas 5 H "Economically, the Cubans miss the rich U.S. tourist | 54 |] trade as much as anything", he said. 'Their night club and hotel trade has sagged badly. When we asked for Lobster | E ATS and Morrow Crab, a favorite of bygone days, at the El Rocco ® BANANAS Restaurant in Havana we were told that it was unavailable." 2 HIGHEST QUALITY M 4 A waiter told the McLellans he had difficulty getting GOVERNMENT INSPECTED gah oy gid ' meat, fish and fruit for his family, but they didn't go hungry. OIN Transportation is breaking down--especially with bus lines, be wise é taxis and private autos -- because replacement parts from | ' WING 7" -- ae the U.S. are not available. One of their taxi drivers drove a a e y p ec i KAM 39 C | Regular 49¢ ea They saw two Russian delegations of farm "experts'"' battered Cadillac that was soon to be relegated to the junk | | LEAN, MEATY FRESH PORK c heap, prematurely for that reason. ; c SPARE RIBS ; PI on. ni many five-ton Russian trucks and Czechoslova- > BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! ! BLADE ce Wicca | | DEVON RINDLESS Cubans queue up for food. All hotels are under the direc- ; : i SHORT CUT (Ist 4) ne tion of the Institute of National Industrial Tourism, a govern. | Feather-light, low calorie DELICIOUS, OLD FASHIONED | PRIME RIB BACON citi. ¢ | BREAD 2.07. i /c ment-body. The big Hilton Hotel has been renamed the ORANGE STRUSSEL-TOP "ni (ie f ) CHIFFON CAKE | APPLE PIE | ¥ sittin: ii 55¢ | potocia 2Q¢|autizn 55¢ CANDIDATES GET BID FROM BUILDERS All candidates in the forthcoming Federal election in SPECIAL SPECIAL | PEAMEALED COTT. a . | AGE Ontario riding have been invited to speak at a special event-- THIS WEEK! € THIS WEEK! € pa Pl C --Fxtra Featur the annua! dinner of the Oshawa Builder's Association in the | | SHORT RIB ROLL Hotel Genosha, May 23, formerly known as Civic Night... . | és Four members of the recently-appointed community centre | SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! H ponetess sHoutper 59 nae ata 29: CHICKE "3 bi committee (Bob Wilson, Ted McLaughlin, Terence Kelly and | Wiiiam Kurelo) were in Toronto today inspecting community | PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 POT ROAST WIENERS Ib bl denen arenas. ' 3-LB. AVERAGE

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