ee eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, May 9, 1962 11| 'Merger Scorned By New Zealand By J. C. GRAHAM lia is more developed indus- ' Ds | | + . . WHITBY AND DISTRICT Evening Guild | CGIT Meets Plans June Teal with WMS 'All Saints' Anglican Church Canadian Press Correspondent(|trially and would benefit from | Psychiairists Disagree On Diagnoses : ay | TORONTO (CP)--Who disa-| fivening Guild held its bi-month-| An interesting and colorful AUCKLAND (CP)--New. Zea:]full ongoenha fhe New Zeaiavalgrees with psychiatrists? Other| ly meeting on Monday in the|service was presented by the|land has been independent of|™Mar a th conomic duplica-|PSYChiatrists, that's who. | aburch hall. President Mrs. K.|CGIT girls of the Whitby Bap-|Australia for 122 years. But riteciaer eauitrixe for a small, The American Psychiatric As-| Gunliffe opened the meeting|tist Church in the Sunday school| suggestions for a merger of the|!ng Ps Near : sociation, in convention here, with prayer. All reports werelhall. It was the occasion of|two South Pacific members of|PoPulation. : was told Tuesday of a test ad- tead and approved. the annual affiliation service|the Commonwealth continue to}. Many New Zealanders, how- ministered to psychiatrists by 'During the business meeting with the WMS. be made. ever, are distrustful of the = psychiatrists, : | sihotos and case history of the) Mrs. E. A. MacMillan, CGIT Nearly always they originate|ReSs acumen of Austra ioe The test showed that the ex.| up's sponsored children, one|Jeader, acting as chairman,|in Australia, which sees advan- They claim that in -- k le naits dipnereed with each other| 'om Hong Kong, the other from|opened the service with wor-tages in making the smaller past deals ~ te air me much more than is commonly France, were circulated. |ship. Miss Mary Ann Hardyjcountry a seventh state. Such yg ea ae Brae halaiice supposed when «Mrs. E. Spears and Mrs. J.;accompanied at the piano. The!suggestions have regularly |the gr fa geet <ltient's behavior. Heverett agreed to act as nom-|scripture lesson was read by|been rejected with scorn by epg i ser i : Australia's) Two members of the Univer-| inating committee, election of|Miss Wendy Dart. The CGIT|New Zealand, which is proud of alnaily Beavily Au site ot Gallineninta' Medical afficers to take place at the/group, dressed in colorful cos-'jts independence. mary School said a flim was made of| May 28 meeting. jtumes of different countries) phe two countries are separa-, A suggestion for actual PO-\)° 39 ninute interview with al «Further plans were made for|Presented a fitting selection in j.q py the 1,200 miles of the/itical union, advanced by 3 typical patient and 565 state-| the June 13 tea with the follow-|dtama and song. Tasman sea. They are in-|Prominent New ey -- ments put down in the form of| ing conveners: tea tables Mrs.; Miss Ruth MacMillan, treas- habited by people of similar|€SSman, Sir John Al um, ME examination paper. frank Sugden, kitchen Mrs. H.|urer of the group, presented the|stock, but both tend to regard|been enthusiastically taken UP p.vchiatrists taking the test Whale and Mrs. F. Read, "anal WMS Mission offering to the|their cousins across the Tas-|PY Some Australian politicians: | | judging a pa-! : ' were asked, during interrup- dren's tea Mrs. R. Patton and|WMS president, Mrs. Harold) man somewhat warily But the Australian' primeltions of the film-showing, to Mrs. R, Hawkins, dolls' table|Crawforth. The affiliation serv- yo. the sréeuect of BoM minister, R .G. Menzies,|rate the statements. Mrs. C. Rycroft and Mrs. Ry-|ice was presided over by Mrs. a ae ag id Keo (adroitly refused to Commit) Twenty - seven instructors in| land. H. Se eee teca monilc Community, with revolu-| Himself when directly bay ag ry, with an average of| : The meeting closed with pray-|8TOup + ea oe Vor d obo ; tionary changes in trade pat- tioned on the matter. a nein years experience, took the er and tea hostesses were Mrs,|Siip Dadges and also conducted) has brought a flow of House, of Representatives. eltest. They had been in practice A. Robertson and Mrs, G.|the Candle Light service which ibegged to be excused from of-/from one to 22 years. Gouldburn. followed assisted by Miss ene oN neg Some, of then fering comment on a matter of! "When each .expert's rating a wi a 33 ».;Donna Holliday, Junior CGIT we ci - |such considerable delicacy.' |was compared with each of the| will be past president's| ad are being treated more seri- i : in gto h ints| night and also pot luck supper eader, ously than usual No New Zealand politicaljother expert's rating, the points at the next May 28 meeting. Rev. John McLeod closed the leader has taken the proposal of agreement were disturbingly é service with the Benediction IDEAS CHALLENGED seriously enough to comment few,' the repert said. : . and tea was served by the Almost for the first time "There is liitie quesiton that WHITBY COUNCIL girls. some of the ideas for closer . Z ee Soe demmocattste how| * relations are coming from New - ] psychiatrist - experts were un- j BRIEFS Zealanders, alth "ee h: their Wrist N) apping pe to agree as to a patients ideas are still indignantly chal- lagnosis, prognosis, psychody- ~ Mother-In-Law lenged by most of their fellow F r RCAF Over namics, the causes of her prob-| ' SUPPORTS APPEAL countrymen 0 lems, be feelings she was ok + Council gave its support to/ W A lt d Advocates of closer links consciously experiencing, or the) a Salvation ine hed as SSaul e point to the necessity of larger S ecial Show feelings that were uncon-| Shield Appeal now being held) , oa .oog district man, 2rouPings in the face of such Pp scious | x f an, st as ape . : ee end May $1. | cnvicted of assaulting his NS bey He European Com-) orpawa (CP)--RCAF head * HOSPITAL OPENING year-old mother-in-law, was it ic widely agreed that New\duarters has administered a : itati Tuesday bound over to keep... pie ba a 4 - |sharp wrist - slapping to RCAF : siete ae roe » An invitation to attend the ' 0 ECP Zealand faces disaster if Bri-|°" 'bard Mavartar slavig has banned private im-| dpening of the new wing at the|the peace for one year and tain goes into the Common|Air Division me muarters Bs ports of foreign vehicles asi shawa General Hospital was agers Be a een °'|Market with no special provi- aa tg OF stig egeggennnty ia from May 2. Tre official Tan-| teceived by council. Councillor the bond would land him in sions for New) Bealant: haat - rg Ae ag po pd Pe: jug news agency said the step] Davidson urged all members, uo ang gene al dairy: produce: New Zea-|Baron Sry, ~ oo. Richtho- |) as takin bocslee athe: WAGE the town clerk and engineer to Lo ma ngiatrate ~ . owitt, iMjand sends more than half of une ee er os t vata been coming in through black be present at the opening. Whitby police Court all its exports to Britain, and laa See eee ee ater uals ; Mrs. Edna Coombe, 82, Tuesday a aaa resides at the Boland home, at|produce. But even under the ane: ference. epee ane rio La- ; a 2 4 ; io, "Sanies Gameaeam abent = Beis tinge res oo best possible terms, major to discuss the incident o ffi- he changes in trade arrangements cially, apparently on the grounds that West Germany is BAN FOREIGN CARS BELGRADE (AP) -- Yugo-| HEAVIER TRAFFIC OSLO, Norway (AP) -- This capital city had 93,000 regis-| \tered motor vehicles last year, an increase of 11,200 over 1960. It also had more traffic acci- Who| 99 per cent in the case of dairy jair force headquarters declined fidewalks in need of repairjabove the elbows and pinched|. 7 yoo. uta was read to council. Mayor|them until the bones were sore ag Peg Hg omg assed 1 Martin said that all were injon May 3. the South Puellic tir sana taken 6 ae Oe net agreement with the writer and) «1 guess he was so drunk he of Pacific Common Market,| But it hed el on good aU"\dents, the total of 3,639 being a| at action would be taken. didn't know what he was do- a amon oenithority that air division head. oy cont increase ; amg Beech embracing Australia, New Zea- quarters at Metz France, was|" per-cent increase CONGRATULATIONS SENT |ing," she told the court land, Canada and the United|rebuked for its red-carpet wel- 'Council approved a motion Boland told the court that he|States. Other suggestions ex-|come of Richthofen's old squad that a letter of congratulation|¥@S terribly sorry -- I would tend to such Asian countries as}ron last month and also for not) be sent to Norman Irwin, win-|9t touch an older person Japan, The Philippines and|telling RCAF headquarters in| ner of the Peter Perry award) Crown Attorney B ruce Malaya advance of its plans | for 1962. Councillor Davidson|Affleck, after conferring with) But the most specific propos-| Richthofen, the Red Knight of proposing the motion said that|the accused's wife, said thatjals so far advanced deal with|the Kaiser's air force, was the Mr. Irwin has won that award their home was a '"'continualjvarious forms of economic|German ace of aces of the! many times for his work injstorm spot" He. said that/links between Australia and|First World War. He was shot fostering sports among the|police are called there every|New Zealand. Supporters of|down in 1918 by Canadian 4 town's young people. |week because of their domestic|the plan point out that Austra-|Brown i problems. He said that Mrs. -- --------____________ + NEW STOP SIGN Boland keeps animals at the 1 } Councillor Newman proposed|farm to help her earn a liveli- OSHAWA t-a Stop Sign be erected atjhood and _ occasionally he MINOR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION e junctien of Centre and Col-|abuses them too. Borne streets. He said that) His Worship then told Boland children leaving Colborne Street|ne would be bound over to School. frequently cycled ac-/keep the peace for one year ross the junction and it would) "jf your . wife complains he wise to safeguard them.|again," he told Boland, "I will The motion was passed to the/have no alternative but to send Protection to Property and Per-| you to jail." gons Committee. . - Registration Night PLACE--CHILDREN'S ARENA DATE-Thursday, May 10th, 1962 TIME-6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. PLAZA AGREEMENT CHANGING TREND j MONTREAL (CP) -- A gen- Bag ele coca aievion eral rise in the level of educa- Lodge was the subject of a by- tion and the availability of pa- Yaw recommended by the Sub-|Pperback books has taken much division Committee. The com-|of the demand for fiction from Mittee report said that lots 14/libraries, said Marion Gilroy, and 15 be rezoned if the owner,|supervisor of regional libraries Binka Sniatowski agrees tojin Saskatchewan. Miss Gilroy enter into a site plan agree-|sad here the greatest demand tent and not to build on thejon libraries now is for refer- land unless council approvedjence books and information the plans. | services. exclusive | fresh-brewed | flavour! =| ity IT'S FOR MOTHER! | Give Mother Arpege Perfume for mother's day a lovely fragrance she can enjoy for months. The perfect accent to fashion, If you are interested in playing a sport similar to hockey, be sure to come and bring a friend. @ REGISTRATION FEE $2.00 @ | Mee TE FASHION CHAIN J ts <_ "~~ LANVIN John 7 ---- | - Northway | Gat... Of Course PRESENTE 2 OZS. $3.50 @O8 A, LIMITED, TIME, ONLY Just Charge It! OR USE ONE OF OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLANS Northway OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 6 -- FRIDAY UNTIL 9 NOW IS THE TIME TO STORE YOUR FURS 728-1693 FREE PICK-UP.AND DELIVERY SSTeTerTt OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E 530 SIMCOE ST. 5S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA "puone 725-3546 ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668] ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA CALL eee EAU DE,LANVIN Lj AN IDEAL GIFT... BUY ONE PAIR eoee GET ONE PAIR CAREFREE NYLONS BOTH PAIR ONLY FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 9, 10, 11, 12. We reserve th eright to limit quentities FROZEN FOOD FEATURE BIRDSEYE PEAS 3 99: DAIRY FEATURE CHEESE STIX BLACK DIAMOND OLD (White or colored) 4): FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS ol FRESH CHICKEN CUTS LEGS or BREASTS ». 49¢ XTRA :-'48" IN BONUS TAPES TREESWEET JUICES "sie, stot" FANCY WHITE TUNA 223%, INSTANT COFFEE "2 ctr are puice LADY BETH CHOCOLATES ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH TURKEY, CHICKEN OR BEEF FROZEN MORTON PIES TABLERITE SAUSAGE "%,'2"*,, TOMATOES NO. 1 GRADE STOKELY'S HONEY POD FANCY PEAS 4 DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2 SUNNY MORN IGA COFFEE 12-0Z. PKGS. 8-0Z, PKG, 22 to 3 LB. ALL MEAT -- NO WASTE PORK TENDERLOIN. 99° ALPINE BRAND CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES». 55* E, D. SMITH Blueberry Jam 9-OZ. JAR E. D. SMITH Strawberry Jam 9-OZ. JAR 31: HELLMAN'S NEW, IMPROVED H 16-0Z. Salad Dressing 'Sar EVE MONARCH--LEMON, CHOCOLATE, CARAMEL, APPLE 2 9-02. PKGS. c Sponge Pudding 79: THAT DARES TO BE KNOWN 37: The Tea ag 27: OF 60 GENTLE FELS--Se OFF CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GRADE STRAWBERRIES 1.00 Spaghetti NO. 1 GRADE--UNBANDED TROPICAL FLAVOR BANANAS 2 » 29%. A SALAD FAVORITE--NO, 1 GRADE 23° 48-OZ, TINS 7-OZ. TIN 6-OZ. JAR 1-LB, BOX "% GAL 12-0Z, SIZE > ae PIES 1-LB. PKG, 14-0Z, CELLO PKG, 2 BANDED 1-LB. PKGS, Pints COLLEGE HILL IGA cuserT strEET, OSHAWA HOPE IGA STORE port Perry BJLSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rb. SOUTH, OSHAWA DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE sT., OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGALANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE BECKSTEAD IGA courricE, ONTARIO SOUTH END: IGA BROCK sT. souTH, WHITBY EACH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE--P.E:l, LETTUCE POTATOES 'us 39*