"ANN LANDERS ~ Slip Of Tongue Causes Family Rift Dear Ann: About that man »who had to sleep on the lumpy 'couch because he accidentally ecalled his wife by his secre- 'tary's name--honestly! Our so- «iety is becoming so psychia- 'trically oriented that every in- mocent phrase takes on deep 'significance. A person can't hic- 'cup anymore without someone 'wondering what it means. * A man who calls his wife by this secretary's name may well 'be innocent. My mother had 'five children. She was forever 'calling me by my older sister's sname. She called my younger 'sister by my name. And she 'called my brother Richard, 'which was my father's name. 'A psychiatrist could have a ball 'with that one. » The very morning I read your 'column about the mixed - up mames, my boss called me by 'his wife's hame. I know good sand well he wasn't thinking about his wife. The old goat has three girl friends that I know fof.--DOWN WITH SIGMUND Song Sparrow Trills To Warming Sun A most welcome early spring larrival in Ontario, the song sparrow's bright, cheerful song usually signals the end of the winter. Not even a late March snowstorm seems to dampen his buoyant spirits as he mounts lsome conspicuous perch anc and dresses. I make my own) : ; . ' ' .,4;pours forth his delightful little patterns and have received! 1 ctody. oon 6 et ae that Widely distributed and sur- anyone who can sit for hours|Prisingly common throughout and do the same thing must be|the province in summer, it is feeble-minded. He claims it's a\undoubtedly one of our mos! sign of a limited mentality. numerous songbirds. : | On the other hand he can| The adults are similar in ap- play gin-rummy until 3 a.m. pearance. The upper parts are I've seen him sit in front of|brown and the breast is heavily the television set for hours at|streaked with rufous-brown and a stretch, watching junk that|has a large irregular blotch in our 9 - year - old walks away|the centre. : from. When I remind him of| Equally at home in a variety this he says it's altogether dit-|of habitats, the song sparrow is ferent. How about it? --KNIT-|to be found in brushy pastures, WIT roadside thickets, garden shrub- paar ., |bery or along the brushy margin Dear Knit-Wit: Simple knit-| of Dike Gates GOurae. \ting requires limited skill but! The nest composed of coarse| a woman who can knit an ar-| presses, dead leaves and rotlets gyle sock has my undying ad-'j, well hidden in tall grass, usu- miration. jally. on the ground, but some- As for gin-rummy, any ba-|times in low bushes. The four) boon who can hold ten cardsjto five white eggs are heavily) can play it. And my opinion of|blotched with reddish-brown. | 80 percent of the television fare} Like most of its family the| is well known. It takes no|song sparrow does good service} brains whateve~ to sit in front|in destroying enormous quanti-! re wy ee Dear Down With: t 'there are too many people who|anything that moves. read one paper-back on psy- ate chology, then go in for do-it- «yourself psychoanalysis. ' A man who calls his wife by someone else's name should not be banished to the couch for} 'unfaithfulness. The slip of the| tongue could mean something, | true enough--but it could mean «nothing, too. * Dear Ann Landers: Mr. and| *Mrs. J, were pleasant and 'friendly. We spent many social) sevenings together. Then Mrs. J. ;said, "Let's go in together and) *buy a wedding gift for Kath-| erine."' So I made the selection,| charged the gift ($22) on my| account and sent the gift with) tour joint signatures on the card.| We both received thank you} notes, and Mrs. J. said she! *was pleased that I'd taken} the load off her mind I) reminded her that it was rea- sonable, too--only $22.00. She tsaid "I'll mail you a check for 'my share." That was five weeks ago. It occurred to me that I am a chump. My husband says, "Skip it and learn your lesson. Don't go in for any more joint gifts with Mrs. J."" Is he right? My| blood comes to a slow boillBs when I think of how I shopped | {2 for two hours to find just the|e right gift and then paid for} ther share, too. Any comment? --BILKED Dear Bilked: Your husband is| 'only half right. You should not} go in for any more joint gifts with Mrs. J. But I don't agree that you should "skip it." | * Drop Mrs. J. a note in the} mail and remind her of the} money she owes you. If the note} fails to produce results it's probably a lost cause, and your! lesson will have cost you $11.) Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|f band and I are having a small |i argument. I hope you can set-|m tle it. | I live to knit, and if I say so myself I have made sonnel beautiful sweaters, argyle sox! The "Lanvinette™, new golden flacon with an inscribed Jewel Box designed by Cartier. ARPEGE--RUMEUR $4.75 PRETEXTE $4.25 MY SIN--SCANDAL $3.75 Other Lanvin Creations --Bottled, Patkaged ond Seoled in France THE B re 26 KING ST. EAST OPEN EVENINGS TO 9 P.M. -- I agree|of the boob tube and watchities of harmful insects and the jseeds of noxious weeds. --from $5.00 to $54.00 > DRUGS 723-4621 FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA'S "ALL STARR" FREEZER VALUES Stock up this Summer on seasons best and most economical fruits and vegetables, you can't go wrong at these prices. 175 +Freezer | Model 17C4 (Capacity 17.8 cu. ft.) 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