Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1962, p. 15

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17--Male Help Wanted Mar Ne ae MMe WON eg ie 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 27--Reol Estate For Sale See ee POO Bee 27-----Real Estote for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale|27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdcy, May 8, 1962 ]4§ EXPERIENCED service station attend- Apply 7) |17--Mole Help Wanted a, required for part- ee em- Apply Room, Simcoe Street South. ploy THREE large unfurnished rooms, sink, cupboards and heavy wiring, parking facilities. '725-1030, SINCERE SALESMAN General Development Corporation FOUR rovm apartment witn beth, an- floor, fu main Mary Adults only. Newly decorated. Tele- phone 723-2104 after 4 o'clock. PARK Road South, redecorated three room bath, laundry facilities, parking. Avall- able May 20. $60 monthly, 725-6106. The most respected nome in Florida Real Estate requires a Soles Representative for this area. background only. Must be pillo: We have the exclusive-to-sell Cope Canaveral area to out of State Buyers. . . Sky-Rocketing value. Prestige salesmon with proven r of respect in this community, Homes and Homesites in The Lond with Plus Moderately priced homes that ore a retirees dream come true. Comprehensive training program for the man selected. Income Commensurate With Ability 214 TRESANE Street, three rooms, fur- nished, private enrtance and nn ee handy for General Motors bus. Tele- phone 728-6735, 496 SIMCOE Street North. One and two-bedroom apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Available June 1, Tele- diaingroom, 2 bedrooms, $500 DOWN Cunecaaa, 3 R 2, Orono. Seren were ve 237 GRABURN TWO family beautiful 10-room home, all modern conveniences, brick|2un, living-| DESIRABLE 331 King Street East. | ;, commercial C2! GuippoN: Avenue, 2 storey house, 2 ate we BOWMANVILLE, six room ergy oot my (ap cat down, oil heated. 725-42 floors | 29.-----Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale sun porch, hot water oll heat, modern conveniences, near Is. Low down acres choice |» good buildings, close Oshawa, close 401 and on by . Wel easy resus evenings 723-7244. Nice home, three bedrooms, to living' room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, porch, aved road. Priced to sell, inberger Realtor PRIVATE sale. Modern two bung: west new oil furnace, large back lot. Private sale. Reasonable for quick sale. Telephone: 723-3211, of EVENINGS 725-2539 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER phone 728-3945, THREE rooms and bath, unfurnished, main floor, private entrance, eq with heavy duty Eg $70 mon' Utilities paid, 725-71 For full particulors contoct Sales Manager General Development Corporation 1560 Bayview Ave., Toronto HUdson 8-1151 ATTRACTIVE Teersome Lae omg +4 apartment, all conveniences. Close to north A and P supermarket. Utilities paid, 725-3952 for further parti APARTMENT for rent, $45 per month, Off Simcoe North, three-room apart- ment, parking, separate entrance, near bus stop. Apply 33 Arlington Avenue, UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or an- furnished, Kitchen privileges, Parking. Suit one or two, 139 Albert Street, tele. phone THREE- ROOM, self - contained fur- nished apartment, parking space, $80 month, T 28-0507 7 18--Male or Female Help Wanted RMACIST, male or female, full or ae ties good hours and working con- ditions, in a new store, partnership pos- sibility. Write Box 221 Oshawa Times. RELIABLE couple to manage small apartment, Some experience and handyman preferred in exchange for apartment. References, Write Box 218, Oshawa Times, PART-TIME and full-time lifeguards needed. Telephone Brooklin 655-3881. WOULD you like to earn $35 a week or more 4 your spare time? Supply neighbors and friends with Rawleigh Toiletries and home needs. Our new catalogue gets the business, ye for details, Rawleigh Products, 310-CD2, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. EED extra income? Average 3 an Hoty and more in spare time. Be head- quarters in your neighborhood for finest line of Cosmetics and Home Needs. Repeat orders. Large profit. Write for free copy of Homeshopper Catalog then decide. Rawleigh Prod- ucts, Dept. D-310-CD1, 4005 Richelieu, fiELP WANTED -- To make May 18 a memoral day for our new citizen. 'There will be a semi-formal ball at the Hotel Genosha May 18 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The chairman of the citizenship council invites everyone to come out and enjoy erage ee For tickets call), Rudi Maeder, 725-9931. Couple $3, ladies $1, pod hig $2. 20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 208 STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH -- Ground floor, three - room apartment,| private basement, entrance and hath- room. Garage available, freshly paint- ed. One child welcome. p.m. and 9 p.m, THREE-ROOM apartment, private front entrance, verandah self-contained, $10,900. FULL PRICE 6-room brick home in resid- ential area. Close to schools and buses, Large kitchen and new pervs. Coll Ed Drumm ot 728-5123, 2 YEARS OLD $78.00 per month buys this beautiful six room bungalow with large kitchen, recreation room, storms and scréens, T.V. antenna, 6% N.H.A.. Call Willard Johnston ot 728-5123. $1500 DOWN FOUR BEDROOMS Vareoe's Rd. N., near No. 2 Highway, on large fenced lot, 3-piece both, extra bright family kitchen, oil furnace, heavy insulation for hot summer days. Low taxes, Full price $9, hg Act quick- ly on this one. GORDON OSBORNE BROKER 728-3341 BUILDING LOT 75' x gl ne space. Central, Elgin Street. cy Saw STREET -- three - room stove, 419 ALBERT STREET -- three large rooms, heavy wiring, close to church, school and bus, Private entrance, new- ly decorated, Available now. $55/e monthly. tor. Young couple preferred. 'No chil. dren. Central, Available May 1. paiggg A ocd Pinion two rooms, kitch- floor Utitities paid, Suit newlyweds. Must be KING STREET EAST, 407 -- Four- room apartment, private bath, heavy duty wiring, suitable for couple, $80 monthly. 728-3080. 565--BACHELOR apartment, let seen to be appreciated. 728-8111. 75--SEE this pleasant apartment with|' appliances in quiet residential district. Child welcome, Available May 15. 728-8836 after 6. ly furnished bed-sitting room, electri- cally equipped kitchen, TV outlet, at bus stop,. references. 723-4967, E-| WESTMOUNT Street, four- "room unfur- nished, main floor apartmént, heat, water included, heavy wiring. Avail- able June 1. $65 monthly. 725-5363. MODERN five-room apartment with bath, heat, hydro included. $110 month- ly. Apply Aldsworth Cleaners, 36 Athol Street East. Telephone 725-1612 day- time, '725-9196 evenings. LORRAINE STREET, 526--Three-room apartment, sarsevieee bath, te para TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in mod- ern building, paved parking, laundry facilities, available June 1. Telephone 725-6176 before Friday evening, ENJOY living in Ajax, One. and two- room apartments, $71 and up. Tele- Phone WH 2.2001. THREE-ROOM Mpls can ment, near Shopping rking, adults, $75 monthly. 'elephone 725-0248. 26--Rooms for Rent d single room in quiet $40 MONTHLY -- Bachelor apartment, self-contained, large bed-sitting room, NICE home, parking space, very central. Telephone 728-9632. kitchen and foilet. Excellent Apply upstairs. James Gibson, Celina Street, 725-7663. $45--TWO-ROOM unfurnished apart- ment, built-in cupboards, private en- bole near hospital and St. Greg- ry's. Im Tele- 149 --|tral. Apply 27 Park Road South, 728-0429 LIGHT housekeeping room, main floor, clean and comfortable, $8 weekly. Cen- TWO furnished single rooms for gen- tlemen, near North General Motors, parking. Telephone 725-7113. phone 725-6123, ROOM and board for gentleman in clean quiet home, good home cooked meals, lunches packed, close to Shop- ping Centre, parking, Apply 81 Park Road South. CARNEGIE AVENUE, 708 -- Room and board in quiet home, home-cooked meals, lunches packed, home _privil- COMPLETELY prnieeee ere SINGLE room, for gentleman in a quiet home, lunches packed if desired. TV outlet, South district, Dial 725-2000. apartment with all Al stainers, No children, Apply 531 Mary Street or 725-5691. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, drapes, television aerial, heavy duty wiring, washer and dryer. Business peo- ple only. Phone after 6. 725-7928, eges, laundry service, parking. Gentle- man preferred, FOR GENTLEMEN room ano board, lunches packed, singles or to share, very central, at 296 Street East, near Ritson Road, ate and Space rages OFFICE for rent on ground floor, FOUR-ROOM also bachelor apart. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, hae and bedroom, laundry facili- ties, private entrance, central .Apply 253 Athol Street East. CLEAN three-room flat also furnished room, light housekeeping privileges, suitable one or two, central, parking. Telephone 723-7917. ment, refrigerator, stove, private, after 6, 725-5083, MONTRAVE Avenue two - bedroom ae aga stove, refrigerator and. laund. June se Telephone 189168 TWO-ROOM apartment, . 795-1932 private en- Near, South General Motors, after 5 2. ,|p.m, Telephone 723-329: vate central, Telephone 728-8441. TWO stores, 299 Simcoe Street South. Ample store front, parking, rear en- trances. (600 and 1,000 sq. ft. areas.) Cobourg, FRanklin 2-9992, BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished private up- per apartment, heavy wiring, television outlet, parking. Apply 102 Church St. Telephone 725-0355. trance and bath. Suit couple, Parking. | © GLIDDON AVENUE 250 -- Three un- furnished rooms. sink, cupboards in kitehen, heat, lights, heavy Abstainers. Telephone 728-1388, BRIGHT, attractive apartments, down. town location, three rooms and bath, »| FURNISHED as with housekeeping FURNISHED room, Charles Street, 29, home privileges, in private adult oo very central, Lady preferred. $7 w ly, 723-9128. FURNISH?D apartment, single house- private entrance, ~ SINGLE or double furnished room for ladies. Use of kitchen and washing machine, central location. Telephone 25-8150, TWO furnished rooms, heat, water in- cluded, Separate hydro meter. Suit couple, near South General Motors, $45 monthly, Telephone 728-8862. privileges, $8 w iso three-room unfureiened., 'apartment with stove, Te. frigerator, bath, > mapa w ties paid, Parking. 728-6108, bey ane and m. until 5 one Michael Claxton, 725- Newly Built... Elevator Ser- vice... Bright... Freshly Painted ... Tiled Floors... Available in Few Days... Moderate Rent... Lease Available... Third Floor... SONNaUGRY STREET -- Three Toom | MO $3---PRIVATE rooms, ------ TV, restaurant on prem! Hollywood ge A. Brock Street 'North, Whitby, apartment, private ae Adults "only. 3518, 250 TAUNTON ROAD WEST -- Three- LARGE oa furnished housekeep- ing room in private home, studio couch, refrigerator, large closet, near). poy a downtown, Lady prefer- room, heated apartment and_ bath. A May 26, 725-7462 for appointment Ask for T. L. Wilson. 128 WILSON Road South, three-bed- room apartment in = Spartment a large housekeeping roo: in clean, quiet home, parking. Abstain. er only. Apply 45 Drew Street or tele- phone 728-4594. THE floo: occupancy. Telephone 725° 7938. TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA CLEAN three-room apartment, in bach- elor's home, share kitchen and bath. Reasonable, close to South GM, Tele- phone 725-2915. EXTRA large three-room apartment, four-piece bath, stove and refrigerator, close to Shopping Centre. Available . Tel 725-4344. 23--Wanted to Rent June 1 CLEAN three-room apartment, self- THREE or four-bedroom house, Osh- awa - Whitby district, references can be supplied. Telephone 728-5256. THREE hor » North end, near separate " achool. Be- tween June 15 and July 1, Reliable ten- ant, Write to Box 15, Oshawa Times. working, couple preferred, mear South General Motors, Telephone 725-3703. CLEAN large fully equipped house- keeping room, Suit one girl. Central. Apply 58 Nassau Street. LESLIE STREET -- Single furnished room, continuous Agee near hospital VARIETY and SNACK BAR $1,6 Ask for Bill oe oa 728-5123. L.S. SNELGROVE Al hg gb Realtors 725-8761 -- 723-9810 43 Park Rd. S. $800, DOWN WARREN AVENUE 5-room brick, bath, oll heot, paved drive to garage. Toxes only $179.00. Hurry, coll Bill Horner now at 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawo) Ltd,, Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening | im storms and screens, stone patio, garage, large lot, close to public school and buses. OWNER moving, Payment, Terms arranged. MA 3-3426,|f brick 5145, zoe 723-7244. WHITBY -- -jable for frame house. \s:|MODERN five room brick bungalow,|z--sq "Itwo bedrooms, hot water heating, ga- be rage. Apply 86 Quebec Street. $6500 FULL price, very clean and Bw wilr sell beautiful on '4 CADILLAC hardtop coupe, fully powered, excellent condition, reason- M4 FT. McGuinness travel trailer, Feason-|four, In good condition. Le ie ae Reatonesle, GUNS wanted, old lever lever action rifles and hand guns, Telephone 728-5574. four tranemission, FILTER Queen Gales and Serviee, ae 1 trade-in two acres of land. Suit- yo oheg iy six-year-old one MO 8-2221, 8-2500, ogg ae ig Kitchen, three fenced yard. ce Gon taxes. hea ni earn 2 ene Origs cceitent foe ae bear sted in ex basement poet agg Balance $75 month. Ernie Hi -jtor, 204 King Street East. ora | CEDAR STREET--9% acres with three houses, Good location, for subdividing, Sparteneey sites, hee" Call after 4 eve- Pao SETTLE estate. Sacrifice! 500, nings. 1192 Ceda very central, » deep lot, oil heat, Pelchbone 725-2577. near 1» 728-9714, Pian Bonen 'hen! oo area, Easy te: cellent | home. Nice lot on , ad 'ee 9714. Josep! $11,900 fcll price. Six-room brick, oil a "4 street. Estate, 725-9670. SOUTH plant, spotless 3 bedroom brick 'bungalow, iM, Call berger Realtor 728-5145. = rae. PRICE with terms. Seven room apartments, large lot, walking distance to mnie Allin 723-3053, -| Mr. 6-room split.level brick home, only 3 years old, owner liv- ing in Toronto, must sell, open to offer. BALA DRIVE $1,600, cash to one mort- gage at 6% payable $92. per month including principal, interest and taxes, buys this lovely 5Ya-room brick bung- alow only 4 years old, asking $11,900. BOND ST. EAST Commercial corner, 7-room brick home in immaculate condition, excellent for barb- er shop or beauty salon, ask- ing only $4,000. down, price recently reduced to a new low, must be sold now, JUST LISTED $1,000. down for this 5-room brick bungalow, newly decor- ated, priced to sell at $9,700. SUBURBS 6-room extra lorge ranch bungalow with double garage, large lot overlooking Oshawa, good value at $16,500. see this one now. Realtor and General Insurance 5 room, almost new, brick bungalow in Brooklin, all modern. conveniences, jaun- dry and recreation rooms, workshop, nicely landscaped. Price $12,500 with $1500 down, 7 roomed brick home with 15% acres and small barn, neor Bowmanville. paved road. Price $13,500. Terms. BLOOR STREET, OSHAWA, 4 roomed home, modern con- veniences, newly decoroted. Only $1500 down. BURKETON, 7 roomed home with 7 acres. Running hot ond cold water in house. Only $1,000 down. 5 Roomed bungalow in Bowmanville, ali modem conveniences, in excellent repair. Price $12,500 with $2500 down. 50 Acres with lorge river, clear spring water, large trees, partial wooded. Close to highway, Excellent for comping, fishing, etc. Price $6,500. Terms. 100 Acres, locoted 12 miles from Oshawa with creek, wood, hills. Large pond could be made. Asking $8,000. Terms: Large 7-room home and store In excellent condition, well equipped and doing good turn over. Three other building all In good repair, presently rent- ing for $150. per month, will carry your payments. This Is © sound buisiness investment and worth investigating, to Inspect this property call us right now. For buying or selling give us © call to-day, we specialize In Farms, Homes, Business- es, Lots and Cottages, Coll Sid Martyn or Tony Sib- lock now ot 725-8761 or 723-9810 for fast, efficient service, lots left on Few building Price $750 Taunton Rood. per lot. Fronk Hunter 725-2974 Don Mountjoy . MA 3-3950 Idso Wiersma, Orono 1649 JOHN F. DEWITH Newcastle, Phone 3341 BUNGALOW and other buildings on 5% acres, ner of Taunton Road West and Stevenson, ner or best offer. Telephone 728-2416, INCOME repair. vate. For appointment telephone yo ings only. 728-8493. 'offer. Telephone jcellent juiet Bosco, TRealtar| |hawled "|1958 VOLKSWAGEN, beige, in home, garage, central, good a ee eee ee Three rented, Pri saretion, Telephone ingesasree =» man hemi a Suite, eight plece fumed rug, 6% feet by 9 feet. 1956 BUICK hardtop automatic, $000 or foam rabbee a MODERN fp enereantione and chair, hions .Jike new. 725-1265, F guar FURNACES, forced air, antee, $2.25 per week, Sooo oF SAO eae porenee deal, $130. Telephone i064 MORRIS Minor, excellent condi. pen. See or beet ater, 'Twephing BABY [pong Lioyd, white, blue t= terior. Very condition, $15, Cre verts | into stroller. Telephone Simcoe North, 'ated, Ls i ne 'ery reasona! for quick phone 728-6728. PEPSI-COLA soft drink Gig ce of sale, 'S44 MORRIS Minor sedan, motor over- i_new clutch, good rubber, excel- body. $325 or best offer. 725-8008. erator, |SMALL cabin trailer, completely equip: gy yh = "38 as convertible poration" gi iyo | Reasonat br best offer, 725-4 for Reasonable, 655-3137 after $ p.m. 10 HP JOHNSON outboard *58 model, [ike new. Champion 4,2 outboard, afte: r §. T 985-7790, Port Perry. tween 6 and 10 p.m. week days, even- '38 BUICK Invicta, all powered, fully equipped; automatic transm shade light glass, radio front and rear, lots 75° x 331'. TWO ideal build: ig a Guide Healy, Es $2,500 each. $8500 Foti PRICE. Tidy alow PRIVATE sale, price. Brooklin. room brick, bungalow, tiled 'paureoe, Co pegge Sea room. $11,000 full two tone, complete exhaust system *jinstalled. Excellent condition. Private. Telephone 725-5203. 68 CHEVROLET radio, with lovely lot, close to North GM on treet East. New oil furnace, arage, terms available. Joseph Bosco. ealtor 725-9870. VARIETY store in good area, | good business, For an appointment to inspect this money-maker, call Mr. 723-1133 or 728-3682. Carl Olsen 'CHOICE building lots: Sylvia $2,300; » Cedar Valley. $6,500, Weinberger Realtor, 728-5145; evenings 723-7244, $15,000. 100 ACRE farm, good well, duck pond, spring, 21 acres seeds, 32 acres under cultivation, some bush, 3 acres fenced pig pasture, Good land for con- tract crops. Barn and fully modern house. Four miles north of Port Perry. Telephone 985-7774, Realtor. years old. Large lot 99' x 200', ern kitchen. Owner leaving Oshawa in July, Call Mr, with $2,500 down, Home in lovely condi- tion. Good locatiqn, hy Heyer particu- lars call Wes, tor, LARGE three-bedroom bungalow, 14|© living room 15' x 20', natural fireplace, mod- » condition. Jake Bill's Garage, 449 Ritson South, 728-0921. 1953 OLDsMOBILE two-door hardtop, automatic, radio, Best offer. Telephone CONVERTIBLE 99 Pontiac Parisienee |. FRIGIDAIRE electric stove, 40" excel- lent condition, Iron Fireman coal domestic. All: ee $25, After § phone 723-21 just cEPRiGERATOR: small, suit or apartment, $20, Culvert pipe, Telephone den __ tools, a 725-2674 after five. and|DINING - room cake light oak table, four ehaire, butter, abd "alsas ea Hoge ese size, $70. Chrome x a table and four chairs, es cutter, Re MO 8-8386 after 6 p.m, V8 automatic, power bi Li all white, red interior, radio, ,,whitewalls| tinted glass, Sharp, 723-73: $20, Large executive desk, aition, $35; ¢ small size con oe ae 'o. ood 723-9731, Cornish, Carl Olsen, 723-1133, home, priced to sell at $12,500 Elliott, Olsen, 19 Athol Street West, 723-1133. Lg CADILLAC, two door -- motor, Sone, g plales, $100. Telephone 725-3055. 9 |FUR coat, dark ve seal, full | °| size 20. New condition, $45 or best 159 Celina 725-8901. 1956 BUICK hardtop, two-tone blue and white, good automatic transmission and motor, Sharp car, $695. MO 8-5631. AIR compressor, Gilbarco, garage upright, 7.7 cuble feet per minute spraying Like new, PAUL RISTOW PRIVATE house, garage, paved drive, aluminum storms and screens, wall to wall car- peting, Near Shopping Centre. 725-8367. sale, six-room two-storey 761 FORD, 6 cylinder, power steering, 21 Beatrice Street. power brakes, low 723-2233. Ask for Jack Hooper. REALTOR "Your Key TWENTY acres land with stream, \4- mile best offer, 725-6304, north No. 4 highway, $5500 or 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for Highest prices paid.| 7°" to Action" 1 NEARLY new brick three- bedrooms, large L-shaped living room, Hollywood 725-1181. INSIDE door with hardware, 2 x ©, natural ta drapes 4 widths, wine an green predo: MO 8-4610, TODAY may be the day that the home you're looking for is offered "ale & kitchen, recreation room, arge lot, Owner transferred. 725-8309. 728-9474 52¥ SIMCOE ST. N. BRICK house, eight rooms, 57 Colborne Street schools, For further information. Tele- phone 725-5103. East. C downtown and PRIVATE SALE FOUR - rooms, complete recreation room bar. Located close to all schools, ia Harmony Heights area. Guide Realty Ltd., 16 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Call 723-1121, bedroom home with two tae 50 CARS WANTED Buying o New Cor? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS ° 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 the aaa | ~-- et} Turn t rene oa paper "ea wa a white newsprint, buy in bulk lets save. 4% Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 tb. pkg, $2.00, Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times, USED beds, mattresses, cheste: a set, golf clubs, forced-air be 'cleared Se week! Make us an otter. ye Furab t South. 12 ROOMS, 8 BEDROOMS 2 baths, forced air oil heat- ing, air conditioning, many extros. Ideol for room and board, Reasonable terms. North Oshawa School. Apply Stan Pre- vost, 22 Orchard View, North Oshawa. ESTATE sale, private, five bedrooms, chen, living house, desirable location. Must sell. Best offer. LOT 50 x 114'. Close to A and P Store, large living room, large modern kit- recreation basement, two bath- rooms, shower. room, stairs and Broadioom throughout halls. Brick 725-3353. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BOCK ST, N,, WHITBY MO 8-8001 POSSESSION JUNE Ist 28--Real Estate Wanted For Appointment 725-2743 (No_Agents) WILL trade 41-ft. furnished, on house or small soreeee or mortgage. ed cash difference necessary. Call 728-9714, house trailer, fully Mr, Martin 728-7377 e John A, J. 29--Automobiles for Sale BOLAHOOD Insurance LTD. Realtors 167 Simcoe St, South Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mortgages Arranged, Bought ond Sold GROOMS AVENUE $10,900. Well kept 6 room brick home in choice area close to hospital, schools, etc., Good value, shown by oppointment only, call Mr. Bolahood at 725-6544 $9900 and North I tors, T 723-9895. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ELENA Street, three-room unfurnished apartment, cupboards, stove and refrig- erator, private bath. Parking. $65 monthly. Adults. preferred. Telephone 725-4957. HOUSE wanted by middle-aged man and wife, references if required. Oshawa district. MO 8-8769 after 5.30 pm. $50 MONTHLY' three-room apartment ae a private bathroom and en- trance. Ground floor, parking. Avail- able May 15. Telephone 725-6304. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale POR RENT 2 bedroom apartment, near TWO- or three - with fairly large living room, north section, Adults. 'eae' 723-4867. Mrs. Jackson after 6, THREE rooms, heated, furnished, cen- tral, private entrance, "|parking facilities. Suit FIVE- or six-room farm house, sonable rent, between Whitby 'nd Pickering. Have good references if needed. Telephone MO 8-5491. Available June 1, Telephone 723-7692, 74 BOND STREET East, completely private four-room heated apartment, on second floor. Lovely and bright, Adults please. Apply 1 to 5 p.m. DUTCH couple with two quires two-bedroom house Whitby district, $80 monthly. Geen 725-2668. HOUSF wanted, three-bedroom, Oshawa, responsible tenants, Ne refer- ences if required. Telep! : shawa,|200 MONTRAVE Avenue, t shopping centre, stove, fridge, laundry _ facilities, practically new building ond newly decorated, to inspect NORTH WEST LOCATION Five room brick veneer bungalow, with carport, side- walks, front sodded, storms and screens, living room, kitchen and bathroom, beautifully decorated. Many other features. PRICE $15,575.00 DOWN PAYMENT $1,975.00 JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. Realtors, 723-9810 or four-room apartment, stove, refriger- ator, private bathroom and entrance, newly decorated, new building. Apply iorth|Apartment 3. SOLINA ROAD, new four-bedroom un- furnished apartment, near Courtice 24--Houses for Rent High School, six miles from Oshawa, after 6 p.m. 725-5085, FIVE-ROOM house for rent, modern (oo Newcastle 2616. NEWLY decorated apartment, two rooms, private bath and entrance, near bus, parking and laundry facilities, near 1. FOUR-ROOM apartment on cond beer private entrance, Built-| Pie pean only, Tae. 5064. NEW six-room house, spacious yard, between Oshawa and Whitby, 100 yards from Highway 2. Telephone 725-0310 before 6. MAPLE GROVE District -- Five- room centre. 725-916: TWO - BEDROOM apartment, heavy wiring, private bathroom, ample clos- ets. Adults preferred, infant welcome. Near South GM. Reasonable. Tele- phone 725-9508. $50 MONTHLY, five rooms and bath, oil -heat, garage and garden. Few min- utes to Oshawa or Bowmanville. Tele- phone CO 3-2394 two-bedroom brick, modern ences. Available June 1. 728-8091. THREE-BEDROOM, ranch style bun- galow, attached garage, suburban, $100 Available May 15, T Telephone 728-5282. 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT $100. DIVISION STREET, 299 -- Two-storey brick, seven-room, heavy wiring; new- ly decorated, upst » modern apart- ment, with private bath, semi-private entrance. Double garage. Large back yard, $110 monthly, Telephone 728-5600. Apply 289 Division Street. SIX-ROOM brick, three bedrooms, Mc- Millan Drive, oil furnace. Vacant June 1, $85 monthly. Write Box 216, Oshawa Times. 429 CRERAR AVENUE and Central Park Boulevard. New, five-room, three- bedroom brick egg ne Newly deco- rated. Telephone 725-0286. SIMCOE ST, N. All conveniences, parking. po eeeene FURNISHED Exceptionally clean THREE- ROOM SELF CONTAINED APARTMENT. Suit 1 or 2 business women. Telephone 725-6740 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT $70 and $75 Four room apartments with stove and refrigerator. Close to Downtown Shopping area and Bus Service. CALL ED. DISNEY Realtor * 82 Simcoe South 723-2333 APARTMENTS ONE and TWO BEDROOMS LA SALLE GARDEN DIAL 725-4964 MODERN APARTMENT BURNS BUILDING Living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom, stove and refrig- erator, laundry facilities. Bus- iness couple. Apply: Burns Shoe Store 725-8761. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. S. C.2 COMMERCIAL PROPER- TY -- ideo! investment this 6 room brick home and gar- age, located on 64' x 165 ft. lot on Simcoe St. N. Property clear, asking $12,- 900. Terms. DUPLEX on CHRISTIE ST. Very seldom do we have a home of this calibre in such a good residentiiol area, 10 rooms with separate entron- ces and meters, two drive- ways ,large 16 x 22 ft. gar- 1% STOREY -- 3 BEDROOMS A modern, 3-bedroom home in excellent condition throughout. Roomy kitchen, bright, cheery living room and all the extras included at only $11,000. Terms. ROOMY BUNGALOW -- $550 DOWN Beat this down payment for a two year old brick home, complete and ready to move into, Large family size kitchen, oak floors in living room and 3 spacious bedrooms, Listed to sell at $11,100. 5 BEDROOMS -- 10 ROOM HOUSE A real family home, built for pleasant living. Located on a large lot on quiet street, this home has all the extros, laundry room, music room, large entrance hall, 26' living room, fireplace, storms and. screens and many other extras, Inspection by appointment only. WILSON & NORRIS Realtors OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX 725-6588 942-3364 8 ROOMS--2 BATHS "37 motor, radio , wire wheels, rubber all around. Will finance. MGA detachable hardtop, new Cag ed offer, Call 723-1706 after 5. 1959 FORD Station wagon, automatic,| power good $1, 400. After five sae telephone MO 8-3006 or MO 8-3220. 59 PONTIAC Tearaians four - door, automatic, ee, Haul MO 8-9036; after 6, MO 8 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LIMITED "The Home of Good Used Cars' 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-4741 -- ond ---- VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LIMITED "The Sign of Quality" 156 KING ST, WEST 1960 PONTIAC psavaria excellent} condition, V-8 automatic, seat belts, OSHAWA 725-3557 ture, 424 Simcoe § SCANDELLI ind case, tion. Telephone 725-4125. MOTOR scooter for aia Ve: offer. Spotless condition, Telos Brooklin 655-3611 anytime. Three furrow plough $75, or both for $700, wagon $45. All in good COO Phone 655-4619 after 6 p.m. RUNABOUT ski-boat, canes built, wood, 16 ft, length, 80 inch x added seats, spotlight, 40 ty oye ark motor with electric wheat trailer, Sxcellent condition $1 $1,200, reet, Telephone 728-2179. °° . pen, faye sna television, wi mixer, encyclopaedia, 3. A Hoskin Avenue. 728-6674. i TWO bureaus, baby oc: burner unit, Reasonable. Tel 725-1168, er WEDDING dress, white, floor full skirt long sleeves, 9-10, a bass. Three tone ane good CASE tractor $650. mahogany decks, oars, life BEDROOM suite, single beds, crib, ib, tables, fous sizes, desk, kitchen chairs, oe worn once. $30. Telephone" SCOTCH pines, purple and white lilaca,. hydrangeas, forsythia, red maple, pyrae mid and round cedars. Inside door on Plete, 126 Fernhill Boulevard, 723-7055. . USED 16-foot Airflyte Shasta travel power brakes, sae extras, After 6 telephone 723-1396. 31--Automobile Repairs trailer, sleeps 6, Excellent condition, 131 Jones Avenue, Oshawa. 725-4827. '35 CHEVROLET deluxe, 6 cy standard transmission, A-1 condition. $725 Ritson North. Telephone 723-9561. SACRIFICE! '56 Volkswagen bus de- luxe, condition Electric Singer sewing machine, console model, condition. Dial 725-8883. 1960 PONTIAC Strato Chief Sedan, au- tomatic tr radio, condi- $1,000 down, large home in tion. 728-2828, HOUSTONS GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 HAIRDRESSING chairs, two, with ae. nearly new. Call after P.m. 728-5677. BATHROOM fixtures, stool and Leng suitable for cottage. Also door, dard size, very gy! condition. enous able 723-3029 after 6. 7% EVINRUDE outboard motor wit xe clutch, $60; ca ca for Volke- wagen, $8; 21" television, $65. Apply 90 Ferguson Avenue, Brookilin. good shape throughout, new forced air oil furnace, garage, dition, 2-4633. '59 HILLMAN deluxe, in excellent con- low leage, best offer, WH 32--Articles for Sale 25 HP ELECTRIC Scott, complete with Hae two gas tanks «. ' one mortgage for balance. Call Mr. Bolahood at 725- 6544. MARY STREET Spotless, clean, 6 room, 2 storey house, with gorage, fireplace, lovely grounds, '49 to 54 PARTS, for Ford and mgr walls, lent condition, accept trade. also parts '52 pontiac. Series OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; alan. 'old cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. TIRES, 650 x 16, 6piy (2), 725-5132. ), wheels * tires and tubes. Apply 82 Church Street. ° Telephone 655-4723. *S7 MERCURY Monterey, hardtop, au- tomatic, power equipped, radio, white- $1050. 289 Gliddon. 725-2580. '60 CHEVROLET Biscayne, in bay privately owned. Telephone 723-4300. built in breakfast nook, old- er house modernized, asking only $13,500. Call Jack Appleby to-day ot 725-6544 or 723-3398. '55 OLDSMOBILE, hardtop, new tires, radio, sonable price. Telephone - 725-0694. '60 AUSTIN 850, new brakes, Telephone days "728 6279, evenings 723- 2. automatic, good condition, rea- 'paint. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In @ new location. 16% 16' KEENCRAFT moulded plywood boat, with 70 hp Mercury, like new, also 14 hp Evinrude and 5 hp Gale motor. Private sale. Telephone 728-1203, COMPLETE setting for 12, Victoria - poten one dishes. Antique. Telephone Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Phone 728-4401. 8 SUITES--$42,000 Downtown, eight four room apartments, with private baths, modem kitchens, and tile floors, hardwood in living rooms and bedrooms. Bring- ing in an income of $636 per month, 100% parking, plus 3 garages. Call Mr. Ratcliffe HERTZ RENT-A-CAR-TRUCK 728-9641 NIGHTS 728-9493 Foote's Shell Station 97 KING E, OSHAWA ot 725-6544. METCALF Real Estate Limited SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Cruisers Inc., Evinrude Motors, Volvo Renta Race MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN jcompletely over-hauled. KLEPPER sailing dinghy 11 ft. dacron sails, jib and main, $225. 771 Stone Street. TRAILER accessories, gas refrigera- tors, hes, water purifiers. safety heaters, awnings, jacks, Coleman camp ing equipment sale. Miller Heating, Ajax, WH - 3491, manual hp start, acount condition, remote com trols. Telephone after 6.30 .m, 723-9337 21 INCH Fleetwood television, console, Telephone 723-2626 after 4 p.m. MEN'S racer, nearly new, very well kept, hand brakes, 3-speed gears, lights and generator, saddiebag. Telephone 723-7469 after six, 2% HP JOHNSON outboard moter, Perfect for work. 6 in. Apply small boat, camoe or portage Telephone 728-0619 after 5. PHONE 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS UNTIL 8 P.M. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 DIAL 728-4678 FAREWELL AVE. 6-room -- 3-bedroom home with carport, mahogany trim, double stainless steel sink, exhaust fan, full light val- once in living and dining room. This was a former BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 age ,nicely landscaped lot. NORTH WEST. AREA -- Lovely 6 room rug brick and stone rancher, with georgian marble fireplace and attach- ed gorage. Here is the chance you have been wait- ing for ot less than replace- ment cost. Inspect today and make on offer. 406 JARVIS ST. -- Nice clean 3 bedroom home, with paved drive ond garage, nicely londscaped lot, WHITBY, INCOME HOME .- 2 bedroom brick with gorage and cement slab drive, close to Park ond schools. Hos o complete apatrment in base- ment, with stove included, Also many other extras in- cluded in purchase price. For full porticulars call Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Manitius, Steve Zurba, Roy Flintoff, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick. Young, Lucas Peacock, at 723-1121. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily 725-4611 | YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING buy and sell with confidence HOWE & PETERS realtors--725-4701 or 725-7732 COLLEGE HILL DISTRICT Very attractive 3 bedroom brick and stone bungalow, lorge garage, asphalt drive, cement curbs. hedged lot beoutifully tandscaped, storms and screens, large kitchen. This is o genuine ' bargain, just call Earle Allen 725-7782 to inspect. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PROPERTY COURTICE ,ranch bungalow 1120 square feet.. 130 x 150 ft. lot, large living room 13 x 20 ft., close to new high school and Public schools. Owner anxious to 'sell ond leaving country. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548, Reduced $600 -- Brick and Stone Ranch Bungalow North west district, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, beautiful condition, nicely decorated and landscaped, aluminum storms ond screens, Only $13,900.00 with easy terms due to owner transferred. Call Rolande Tiemey 725-5207, EXTREME VALUE East end location this property consists of a beautiful bungalow with many extras, garage, 2 extra lots all for the price of $12,900.00 Call Joe Crawford 623-3672. 3 Sixty foot lots only, act fast $44.00 per foot. Call 725-4701. * model home -- full price $14,500.00 with modest down payment. HORTOP STREET 5-room bungalow with ot- tached garage, paved drive-- 3 good-sized bedrooms, large combined living and dining room, neat modern kitchen. Full price $13,500.00 with low down payment -- one mortgage for the balance. This is a clear home. SHELLEY AVE. 7-room split-level home in Apple Hill -- 4 bedrooms -- 2 bathrooms, natural stone fireplace, separate dining room, beautiful kitchen with dishwasher and garburotor, well landscaped lot with patio and paved drive. Full price $16,900.00 -- terms to suit. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliott .. 723-9290 Dick Barriage .. 725-6243 John Kemp .... 728-2392 Joe Maga Jack Osborne Ken Hann +» 728-5836 3-7963 ONTARIO MOTOR The finest in fishing tackle and supplies. Smelting Equipment Chestnut Canoes FISH MOUNTED PAUL'S Sporting Goods 589 Albert Street VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 TRAVEL TRAILERS: Come In And See The New Falcons In 13-ft, 15-ft. and 17-ft. TOMORROW'S SPECIAL dels now on display at the SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES EIGHT MM movie camera, used one®, newest type. Telephone 728-2088 after 5. CAMPING trailer, in good condition, sleeps three, $125. Telephone 723-3689, RETIRING from business, rare gains in furniture! Three-piece room suite, double dressers, case bed an $133. Kroehler gorgeous bedroom sul solid mahogany in cinammon This peautiful suite must be seen. Reg. $389, Sellout $197, Two-piece wage field suite, $97; two-piece Scandia ches- terfield suite, $77.49; bookcase clear-out $19.78. Wilson Furniture. urch Street. HOUSEHOLD furniture, owner a Dining room suite, Fam lo om chesterfield suite, king size built-in mat. tress and 2 chairs; chrome kitchen set with 6 chairs; frigidaire, electric stove, 24"; Viking washing machine, like ee child's table with 2 chairs, high play pen, floor lamp, set snow wines on whitewalls, set ne tires 650's, prac tically new, desk $10, 686 Osler 'Street, 728-9996. QUANTITY OF STEEL WINDOW SASH Various sizes Some opening types BEST OFFER 1370 SIMCOE N. 1010 Dundas St. East, Whitby MO 8-2866 SPECIAL OFFER SELF-STORING SALES LTD. 1957 FORD, two-door hard- top, coral and ivory color, one owner. V8, automatic, radio, power steering, $1245 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST. WEST Telephone 725-6501 COOK'S TRAILER SALES ALUMINUM DOORS complete with grill and lock 45.00 Windows -- $15.00 Installed -- 728-5253 NOW ON DISPLAY GLENDALES 14', 16', 17° 2 LOCATIONS Hwy. No. 2 Courtice 3 miles east of Oshawa and Lans- downe Texaco Station, Sim- coe St .N., Oshawa. GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH. 2-6410 Open evenings and weekends (Continued on Page 16) 3, ¥arer oil- bar | walnut -- id huge chest, complete, --

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