Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1962, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 8, 1¥0z SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES No games scheduled. WEDNESDAY TRACK AND FIELD Oshawa O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute Annual Inter-House Athletic Meet -- Final events of program, at OCVI School Grounds and Alex- andra Park, 6.00 p.m. Release Names West. League All-Star Team SEATTLE (AP) -- Calgary Stampeders and Seattle Totems placed two players each on the 'Western Hockey League 1961-62 all-star team, announced Mon- day by league headquarters! Montreal; wa, who outshot the others in are Eddie Tuvo, Peter Gilchrist, St. Hubert, Quebec; Hugh Garland, Les Clegg, both of Montreal and | "Barney' Hartman of Otta-/ ber, is shown above, at the St. Janvier rifle range yester- day, after their day-long qual- ifying rounds. Left-to-right, . CANADA'S SKEET team, a 'five-man squad that will rep- tesent Canada at the 1962 world skeet shooting cham- pionships in Cairo, in Octo- SPORTS MENU Expert Marksme By Geo. H. Campbell 'Compete At Cc airo SPORTS EDITOR ST. JANVIER, Que. (CP)--jsive margin, thus continuing his Squadron Leader Barney Hart-|domination of Canadian skeet- man of Ottawa headed a group shooting. The RCAF marksman of four men who qualified Mon-;won the national closed title day for positions on the national|Sunday for the seventh consecu- skeet-shooting team. live year. : ; The team will participate in Garland finished with the 1962 world shooting cham. Tuvo with 187. pionships in Cairo in October, |, 4 Shoot-off had to be held to decide fourth spot when Les Hugh Garland and Eddy Clegg of Montreal and Air Com- Tuvo, both of Montreal, finished|modore Peter Gilchrist of St jsecond and third in the trials| Hubert, Que., RCAF Station tied in this Laurentian village 35/at 186, Clegg grabbed the spot miles north of Montreal. when the air force officer Hartman scored 197 out of aimissed the 25th bird the possible 200 to win by a deci-|shoot-off. the trials, smashing 197 out of 200 'pigeons'. ---CP Wirephoto | "Everything From Soup To Nuts' OSHAWA MINOR Softball Association held its first organ- fzational meeting of the 1962 season, last night at Simcoe Hall and judging by the enthusiasm displayed and by the number of Neighborhood Park representatives on hand, this could easily prove Oshawa's biggest season in boys' Bantam softball. Based on the attendance at last night's meeting, the Kiwanis Bantam League will have at least a dozen and perhaps 13 or 14 entries this season. Those on hand, who signified entries -- and all but Radio and Fernhill were very definite, included Radio, Fernhill, Eastview, Southmead, | 189, in here. The other two members of the team: are from Edmonton's lezgue champion Flyers and |Portland Buckaroos. Doug Barkley ,Calgary's lead- ing defenceman, was the only unanimcus choice of sportswrit- ers and _ broadcasters who picked the team, Other members of the team: Al Millar, Seattle, goal; Lloyd Haddon, Edmonton, defence; Norm Johnson, Calgary, centre; Bill MacFarland, Seattle, left wing; and Tom McvVie, Port- land, right wing. Members of the got $300. team each Gisele Gresser Captures His 5th Chess Title ~- NEW YORK (AP)--Mrs, Gis- liam Butler. The two clubs | ener Memorial Auditorium, play the fifth game of their | tonight. Hamilton leads the Wi ) Canadian Junior Hockey best-of-seven series by 3-1 in ings captain and Wayne Championship finals, in Kitch- | games. Grasping the Memo- | spose. money Copa Red Wings Are Ready Grasp Memorial Cup KITCHENER (CP) -- Hamil-| The beautiful Kitchener Me-|that has given them the stran-|/ BLASTS OFFICIATING ton Red Wings are in a position morial Gardens will be the|gle-hold on the series, Coach! Brayshaw renewed an attack to go home with the Memorial third arena to handle this year's|Eddie Bush said the only pos-|on refereeing in the series. Cup tonight and nobody knows) series and prospects are for the|sible change would be substitu- "We need men who have ref- that better than Bus Brayshaw. best crowd to date--possibly ajtion of Jack Wildfong for de-|ereed this type of hockey be- The Edmonton coach doesn't|sellout of about 7,000. fenceman Rob Hamilton. But\fore." he said. "The aan we underestimate the task before eas pert this would be done only if Larr a4 Mani his Oil Kings, but he doesn't PLANS CHANGES : Ziliotto, who has a foot snty, peg a ipa write them off either. Brayshaw said he will shake/is able to dress. hockey played this way Ww " ; ta up his lines in a bid to produce Fie 8 a _, S. a winning combination. He Both clubs worked out Mon- Would have been satisfied with MEMORIAL CUP finalists, Hamilton Red Wings and Edmonton Oil Kings, were welcomed to Kitchener yes- | terday by acting-Mayor Wil- rial Cup handles are Howie Menard (left), Hamilton Red playing oars iene to -atare by. dismantling|day afternoon after receiving aan OHA man even before the ele Gresser is the U.S. national Brayshaw said Monday night as women's chess champion forjhe prepared his crew for to- |the fifth time. night's fifth game of the best-of- ® | Giants Ha ve Lots | The 43-year-old New Yorker|seven series for the Canadian | jwent through the two - week|junior hockey championship. |tournament at the Marshall and!Hamilton leads 3-1 in games. e Of Batting Power |with a flourish by. defeating the|score. If we play that way next | defending champion, Lisa Lane|time we should take the game.!| |Manhattan chess clubs without, "'We played well enough to jthe loss of a game and finished|win Saturday but we didn't the|times at bat. Stan Musial of St.;of New York in 33 moves Sun-'The breaks have got to come our way some time soon." Connaught, Rundle, Valleyview, North Oshawa, Lake Vista, Sunnyside, Storie and Nipigon. Zion, an_ outside-the-city entry, approached the Oshawa Minor Softball Association with a request to enter a bantam team also. With Woodview, Bathe, Kingside and Harmony all still rated as "possibles" -- fhdications are that the Oshawa Kiwanis Bantam OASA Leauge will be the largest in history, this year. the "special assistance" line of|civic welcome at city hall from| series started." Marc Dufour, Norm Beaudin|Acting Mayor William Butler. push had some complaints and Butch Paul that was in-|to see the remaining games of/too. 'The Oil Kings, he said, are strumental in producing the o series switched to Kit-|to9 rough. lone Oil Kings win. pm ese Bush said he was hit in the By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Dufour, from Brandon Wheat, Kitchener Auditorium hadjstomach by a stick wielded by for the cup finals. }was cancelled when new sta-|He also accused Eagle of de- Leafs Keon Gets Marcel Paill more Dave Keon of Toronto The first vote covered games award, with points bracketed, NEW YOR K(AP) --Spring- |morial Trophy as the playerjond half of the season, exclud-|Rangers (26); Alex Delvecchio,|Paille, defenceman Kent Doug- National Hockey League last/prize from the league and} Keon, who last season coppedjall-star team for the 1961-62 : any player so far. Toronto player to win the Lady| Auto Officials jwon the award by polling 71 |team in a vote of hockey writ- writers and broadcasters in the|point-getter with 26 goals andi q Keon, born in Noranda, Que., |games -- a two-minute minor|™an Aldo Guidolin and right racer, spun his Kimberly Spe-|,caiens, the leader after the|ished second in the chempinn-|on- ste Onan. ! 57. points Barry Cullen of Buffalo Bisons, but missed the concrete walls|?/ Points. |He got another $500 for being] It was the first time on the! Points were awarded on a Keon polled 68 of his 11 polate Boy Star Pitcher were defenceman Bob McCord a little too fast for a beginner ballot, but only 21 on the sec-|Cial right leg turned in a no-hit,!4¢ Quebec Aces, goalie Bobby 348/the 500-mile race May 30 | |team Monda a mule y 30. | | y. STARS Dick Gamble of Rochester ; dri PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Har- speeds higher than his instruc- ing Swissvale 3-0. He pitched a running about 118 miles an hour, Hitting: Bob Aspromonte, | -|was amputated five years ago|receives $300 while those on the that moved Houston from be-|p¥ a Pennsylvania State Athle- ASL he ihe \fight physical and then returned I eats Sweep j Ip hurled scoreless one-hit balljing for their scheduled 15-round the largest $2 payoff in the day at Suffolk Downs. | BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS If Toronto Maple Leafs of the|Cracker hits and blanked them 203. blamed. They must have hated/in catcher Tim McCarver. Unchanged from Sunday | New York (Hook 1-1 or Craig) pools at Agua Caliente in |finished a four - game series|Walter Seward gave the Suns Probable Pitchers Today | Pittsburgh (Francis 1-2) /That gave the Leafs four vic-|Bob Wine hit a homer for the Detroit (Mossi 2-3) at Los WL Pet. Kings, and Beaudin, from Re-|been booked for a horse show|Edmonton defenceman Jim ANXIOUS to get underway, the teams voted to hold the The eastern champs, mean-|bling could not be completed in| liberately shooting the puck at Lad B T h On First AHL Maple Leafs today was named up to Dec, 29 and the secondjincluded: Red Kelly, Toronto/field Indians, Calder Cup title- | Jack Fairman best combining gentlemanly|ing Stanley Cup playoffs. |Detroit Red Wings (23); and jas and centre Bill Sweeney on season. gives Keon $5,750 in NHL bonus|the Calder Memorial Trophy as! season. jout of a possible 180 points in SCORED 61 POINTS Byng since,the award was put ite and broadcasters in the cir- INDIANAPOLIS (AP)--Jack| six NHL cities. 35 assists, already was assured| winger Fred Glover of Cleve- i around twice on the Indian- first ballo, was runner-up with|ship race and won the Stanley| ; i j s ins was third with) The Indians also placed two and came in under his own ata Bruins was third wi named to the league's: second Pp 2%-mile track for the 49-year-|5-3-1 basis for first, second and) "the Fea watiot. Provost| PITTSBURGH (AP) -- A 16-\and right winger Floyd Smith, to please U.S. Auto Club offi- } jno-run game for the suburban hen ae | 8 Perrault and centre Willie Mar- '343) Chief steward Harlan Fengler| Righthander Tommy Walters | " : Americans also w h i; [By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS old Johnson, light-heavyweight ~ shutout last week. Walters' leg r ' : |Jones were pronounced in per: in his rear-engine car Houston Colts, hit a three-run P after he was injured in a foot-|second team get $200 apiece |hind in a 9-6 victory over Los |! Commission physician, The Pitching: Bob Tiefenauer, |to their respective camps to put BOSTON (AP) -- A twin | ; ay F " , | over the final three innings/nationally televised title bout i k A F May 16. Crackers All Four history of North American There was only one winning | International League were a lit-|in every inning except the sev- jat Cincinnati (O'Toole 2-3) Higher payoffs have been to say goodbye to Atlanta. The Bisons' victory left them Monday's Results 1-3) yt Chicago (Cardwell 0-4 or| Mexico. The biggest previ- |Monday night when Toronto|the whitewash treatment, hold- Boston (Monbouquette 2-2) at|Milwaukee (Piche 1-0) night. GBL| tories in four games and a total| Bisons. ae or (Grba 1-0) night. | Jacksonville 10 next meeting of the Oshawa Minor Softball Association on 'Puesday evening ,May 15 (one week from tonight) at Simcoe Hall, 7.30 o'clock, when the election of officers will be held and entries will be accepted and closed for*the 1962 Kiwanis Bantam League schedule. Zion's application will be dealt with mext Tuesday night also and at the moment, there appears ' td be only two possible objections. The majority of the @shawa clubs are expected to accept Zion, provided they éan arrange their own transportation for one game in the season, to Zion -- and just as important, providing that Zion's entry is needed to round out an even number of teams. The only other major objection may come right from the Zion area, since the Oshawa Minor "Assoication teams will insist on certain boundaries and limitations for the Zion ub, such as are in force for all Oshawa -'park'"' entries, Gourtice has been an OASA Pee Wee entry for the past two years and since no player can sign two OASA certificates in the same season, this means that, at that end, players will have to elect to play with Zion or remain with Courtice -rassuming that Courtice intends an OASA entry, in either Pee Wee or Bantam. NEW YOR K (AP)--At rate San Francisco Giants are|Louis Cardinals and Tony Gon-|day night going, they're likely to wind up|zalez of Philadelphia Phillies) Mrs. Gresser finished the with a stranglehold on the im-|are tied for second place at .375,|{ournament, a round - robin portant batting departments in' In the American League, |2™70n8 11 entrants, with a total the National League. rookie Mannie Jimenez of Kan-|°!, 8% Of a, possible 10 points.| | Giants' outfielder Harvey Sas City Athletics climbed into|*"i55 Lane, 29, was second with| "9 é 7 | bine aa 174% points, and Mona Karff of jKuenn tops the league in bat-/first place with a .391 average.| v2, York, six times national FOUR MIDGET teams signified their intentions last night ot participating under the Oshawa Minor Association banner. They are Southmead, Sunnyside, Lake Vista and Radio. These entries -will be accepted -- if tendered -- at next Tuesday night's meeting -- and the operation of the Midget League will also be threshed out. Only those teams with Paid-up entries will be permitted to vote in the election of | Kansas | | | | | |gina, were added to the team|later this week but the show/Eagle during Saturday's game. while, will stick to the lineup/time. 'Hamilton's Lowell MacDonald, MONTREAL (CP) -- Sopho-'third choices on each ballot.| Other players named for the winner of the Lady Byng Me-|was on games during the sec-| (38); Camille Henry, New York| holders, placed goalie Marcel conduct and proficiency in the) The award carries a $1,000) Johnny Bower, Toronto (11). (the American Hockey League Fined By U.S. | ine y ave The stylish 22-year-old centre money for last season--tops for) the top rookie, became the sixth| Othere famed (6 ti | |two votes by a panel of hockey Keon, Leafs' second highest| "9 for Someta e it's eight citi rew only one penalty th g4/ Cuit's eight cities were defence . Fairman, veteran English road Claude Provost of Montreal of $4,250 since the Leafs fin-| Smee \land Barons and left winger apolis Motor Speedway Monday |Cup in the post-season playoffs.| Don McKenney of|CUP Pp play' Just Has One Leg, ower slhistar teain: last Week. men on the second team. They old Fairman, who was driving collected 36 points on the first|Year-old pitcher with an artifi-\Defenceman Jimmy Morrison YESTERDAY'S |cials in charge of practice for| = ov --|Penn Hills high school baseball shall of Hershey and left winger d PASS MEDICALS fined Fairman $25 for driving at gave up only one walk in blank- tions called for. Fairman was lchampion, and challenger Doug Each player on the first team homer in the seventh inning fect physical condition Morfday Lt mae. from the leaaek: ONE TICKET ON lAngeles Dodgers. fighters appeared for the pre- Colts, came on in relief andjthe finishing touches on train- double $56,667. ; paver Ot Se Oh against the Dodgers. racing occurred Satur- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS| Coleman scattered nine ticket in the crowd of 24,- tle sad today, they couldn't be|enth, when Johnny Lewis drove night. made on multiple betting | The Leafs and the Crackersjone game behind the Suns. No games scheduled Ellsworth 2-3). sus return in the United \walked off with a 12-1 victory.|ing them to six hits. Shortstop States was $42,824.60 at iNew York (Ford 2-1) ni n ai Naraeenestt Park On. ew York (Ford 2-1) night. International League 1981. | 5 867 of 58 runs for the series--an) Hugh Pepper held the Red The ticket remained un- | Cleveland (Donovan 4-0) at|Buffalo 'g00 1 |amazing average of more than Wings to three hits for the first cashed, Ohviously, the |Minnesota (Kaat 1-3) night. |Toronto '533 14 runs a game. f jseven innings for the Jets. He holder had decided to wait | Kansas City (Rakow 3-1) at|Columbus 500 214 |, The sweep also lifted the|was behind 1-0 at the time and until Monday before pick- | paltimore (Pappas 2-1) night. |Rochester 462 3 |Leafs into third place with an|was lifted for a pinch hitter in ing up the reward for se- Chicago (Buzhardt 4-1) at/Atlanta 31% |8-7 won-lost mark, two games|the eighth inning when Colum- lecting Sir Rascal, $23.60, | washington (Rudolph 0-0) night,|Richmond off the pace. : bus scored all three runs off Leo's Pride, $19, Money | National League Peat Sea Steve Demeter hit two hom-|joser Tom Baker. Mark, $31.20, and Errard : W L Pct. GBL Toronto ers Monday night and Lou John Gabler went all the way King Jr., $29.20 San Francisco 20 6 769 sh Atlanta ' 000 000 100 - 1 co and Rocky Nelson for the Chiefs and held the 5 incisco 20 6.769 f ; chipped in with one apiece. De-| Virginians to four hits. Only one St.. Louis 15 7 682 3 | Coleman and Porter; Greg-|- ter finished the series with|vircinai | Pittsburgh 14 9.609 4% lory,5 Milliken (1) Hughes (3) meter finishe e series with) Virginain got as far as second Bob Cleroux Gets Los Anz Saat ye wecere ghes (3)!tour homers and 13 runs batted/hase. Joe Christopher hit a Los Angeles 15 11 .577 5 |and McCarver. in. Lefty Rip Coleman had an homer and a triple off loser Bob | Philadelphia 11 10 524 6% |Buffalo 300 140 210 11130)... Houston 1013 435 814 |Jack'ville 000 000 000- 0 62 An- I . . easy time scattering nine hits. Lasko. nvite To Bi ie B g One Cincinnati 12 12 500 7 | Seward and Cutright; Smith, 4 : 4 506 001 000 - 12150 Purkey, Cincin- lting with a .383 average. Willie|/he 23-year-old outfielder from| ' hs i Mavi, San Francisco's wt out-|the Dominican Republic, ac-/ Campion, ae t alae fielder, leads in home runs with|@ired in a five-player trade|, wi sphak bah sf 10 while first baseman Orlando|With Milwaukee Braves last} ees en "hool girl. Kat Cepeda has the most runs|December, had nine hits in 28) site rs "Id" finished we 'i Bye tries last week. Sillars, 14, finished seventh in batted in--29, i ' ; her first championship, with 34 Kuenn, out for a week with|*/0¥4, Robinson of Chicago) points enn, . White Sox, the pace-setter a jan injured toe, returned to the week ; | . | ago with a .441 average, regular lineup Sunday and! dropped to .381. Mickey Mantl promptly collected two hits, in-|o¢ New York Y¥ ckey Mantle lcluding a home run, in five|! New York Yankees climbed , two notches to third place at 367, Leon Wagner of Los Angeles | SPORTS BRIEFS |Angels slammed three homers pd heads the circuit with nine. obinson has the most runs TIGERS PARE PAIR batted in at 27. He drove in five DETROIT (AP)--Detroit Ti-|last week. gers of the American League Monday sold outfielder George Alusik to Kansas Cith Athletics) MAJOR LEAGUE for the $20,000 waiver price and sent pitcher Terry Fox to their | Denver farm club, Alusik was LEADERS officers and - or in any other Minor Association business., |hitless in his only two at bats . p With these facts established, it looks as if minor softball pool y wag ne te iy a ncn ee - 7 ering bay PRESS 7 " : ine vy inflame endons in his American League oe " nt eye igh Sune start this pitching arm and the Tigers ; AB R H Pet, ear, , good, since the month had used him only as a pinch Jimenez, K. City 64 10 25 391 of June must be used for schedule play, in order to establish [rynner this year. Robinson, Chi 97 11 37 .381 OASA playoff. rights, by the time the annual GM _ holidays Mantle, NY 60 19 22 .367 rell around, in July. CARDS TRIM ROSTER Rollins, Min 92 15 32 a ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Rookie|Lumpe, K. Cily 102 18 35 . |Downs Monday to claim the|righthander Paul Toth was op- ~ oe ee. we Bettor Uses |money from Saturday's twin|tioned to Atlanta of the Inter-|City. 23, double pool. | national League by St. Louis}; Runs batted in--Robinson, 27. En ine Numb er a Mastitying themselves|Cardinals Monday as the Red- + oa el 37 i to track officials, the three left}, . joubles--Del Greco, g . |with their winnings, mostly in birds trimmed their roster to Triples--Cimoli, Kansas City, . 7 |$50 and $100 bills. One of the|*he 25-player National League/4 To Win Pool men said he had been commis-|limit. Toth, 25, who worked only; Home runs--Wagner, Los An- ' jsioned to place the bet Satur-!two innings and had. no record 8€!es, 9. : : BOSTON (AP) -- Three jet day this season, was sent out on 24- Page bases -- Aparicio, Chi- ajrcraft mechanics from Con-, The men said the bet was\hour recall. hi, ; ak, necticut who bet on an engine's based on engine N reiry 53 gear ali aonayan, Sleye: ) ngine No. ; land, and Belinsky, Los Angeles, | number are co-winners of the There wasn't a No. 7 horse i COLTS SIGN END 4-0, 1.000 : largest United States horse rac-| A ; fad 7 : Striker ii ing payoff on a $2 ticket--$56,- the sixth race, so the commis-| BALTIMORE (AP) -- Balti-| Strikeouts--Pizarro, Chicago, | 677 */sioned bettor took the next low-|more Colts of the National Foot-! 32. | "Se est number--six. That producedjball League announced Monday Natoinal League 'The trio, not publicly identi-/the winning combination of|they have signed end R. C. AB RH Pet.! fied, showed up at Suffolk|2-6-6-5. |Owens, a free agent since fail-|Kuenn, San Fran 60 16 23 -383) . oe jing to come to renewal terms/Musial, St. Louis 64 13 24 .375 SPORTS OUTDOORS : S . last Tuesday with San Fran-|Gonzalez, Phila 64 14 24 .375 By Jack heridan cisco '4sers. F St. Louis 94 18 33 .351 Owens's whereabouts had|Dalrymple, Phila 60 11 21 .350 : : been a mystery for four days.| Batting--Kuenn, .383. : Oakland Raiders and New York; Runs--Mays, San Francisco, Titans of the American League' 28. had been reported interested in| Runs batted in--Cepeda, San signing Owens. Francisco, 29. Owens had his best season of Hits--F. Aou, San Francisco,| five with the '49ers in 1961, /36 catching 55 passes for 1,032) Doubles -- Robinson, Cincin- yards and five touchdowns. His| nati, T. Davis, Los Angeles, and career total was 176 catches for Oliver, St. Louis, 8. 2,926 yards and 20 touchdowns.| Triples -- Williams, Chicago,| Home runs--Mays, 10. | RIDAN INJURED Stolen bases--Wills, Los An- KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP)-- 8€les, 10 The racing future of Ridan, Pitching : third-place horse in Saturday's nati, oO Dell and Pierce, San Kentucky Derby, is clouded 'by Francisco, and Simmons, St a foot injured suffered in the LOUIS. 4-0, 1.000. race. John L. Greer, Knoxville). Sttikeouts--Koufax, bakery executive and one of the geles, sil Los In other action, Buffalo Bisons horse's clobbered the league - leadin (T'S FOUND ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA # BXCEPT THE SOUTHWEST. EATS ANYTHING, #BUT REALLY GOES FOR GROUNDHOG. *GOOD SPOT TO SET A MINK TRAP IS ANAR- (GROW PATH BETWEEN WATER AND ASTEEP BANK "BURY TRAP, (BLIND SET),COVER WITH LEAVES, " eum eDe runes eT a -- MINK TRACKS y owners, said Monday Ridan came out of the derby with a small cut at the back of his right front foot. | MONTREAL (CP)--Bob Cler-| Milwaukee 6 19 .240 13% oux, Canada's tough but cum-/New York 4 16 .200 13 bersome heavyweight boxing National League Port Huron Gets champion, has been offered a/Los Angeles 001 113 000- 6102 Ss aes Former EPHL Coach (iin bout in'New York's Mads Houston 050 000 31x - 9 102 me ing : PORT HURON, Mich. (CP)--|son Square Garden against the} Moeller, Perranoski (2) Roe- | DETROIT (AP)--Detroit Ti- Edward (Chirp) Brenchley, 48,|winner of the Cassius Clay-|buck (3) Richert (1-1) (5) and gers will tour Japan in October|of Niagara Falls, Ont., was/Billy Daniels fight May 19, it}Camilli; Guisti, Cicotte (6) Um- and play teams from the two| Signed Monday to coach this was learned Monday night. bricht (6) Tiefenauer (1-0) (7) |Japanese professional baseball|itYS NeW entry in the Inter-| No reply to the offer has been|and Smith. HRs: Hou--Aspro- | Pe 3 national Hockey League made because the Montrealer/monte (2) Weekly (2). leagues, it was learned Mon-| Brenchley, who has been injinjured his right hand in his| Probable Pitchers Today day. The Tigers, of the Ameri-;hockey since 1929 as a player|last bout--he was set back by| San Francisco (Marichal 4-2) can League, also will make sm =. was coach of Sud- wor gas Ba San shennan ano pent years ay ee : ; ury Wolves of the Eastern|an is handlers are waiting to os Angeles Koufax (4-2) at stops in Hawaii and Hong Kong, | professional Hockey League for|see how the injury heals |Houston Woodeshick (2-1) a reliable source told The Asso- fost of the 1961-62 hockey sea-| The Garden offer is for either|Johnson 0-4) night ciated Press. son. jJune 9 or June 16. Philadelphia (Mahaffey 2-3) Ceccarelli (1) Key (5) Donnelly (8) and Thomas. Richmond 000 000 000- 0 41 Syracuse 022 000 00x- 4 71 | Lasko, Bronstad (3) Erickson |(8) and Hall; Gabler and Dot- jterer. |Columbus 000 000 030- 3 70) Rochester 000 100 000- 1 30) Pepper, Priddy (8) and Rush-| ing; Buker, Castro (8) Luebke (8) and Cannizzaro. American Association Monday's Results | |Louisville 0 Indianapolis 5 | or|Dallas-Fort Worth 5 Oklahoma|run City 10 | (Only games scheduled) sf Jacksonville Suns 11-0, Colum-| bus Jets turned back Rochester! Red Wings 3-1 and Syracuse Chiefs blanked Richmond Vir- ginians 4-0 At Atlanta, homers by John-} son and Demeter produced four! of the five Toronto runs off} loser LeRoy Gregory in the| first inning. The rampaging! Leafs added six more off Bob Milliken and Tom Hughes in the} third, with two scoring on aj homer by Demeter and two via Johnson's single. Nelson's home| in the sixth inning off| Hughes completed the Toronto scoring. | REMEMBER WHEN. . .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS George Dudley, active in hockey for more than 50 years, died at Midland, Ont., two years ago today at age 70. The Midland-born law- yer first was elected to the CAHA executive in 1925 and was its. president in 1940- 42, afterwards serving as secretaryymanager. At the time of his death he also was president of the Inter- national Ice Hockey Fed- eration, and treasurer of the OHA.

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