Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1962, p. 18

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"18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Moy 5, 1962 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 0 Pt OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M, to 5 P.M. Monday to Frida Scturday 8 to 1 | 1--Women's Column _ COLD WA Page Hair- Telephone D WAY ES on special. sing, 396 Pine Avenue. 5363. 16--Female Help Wanted -- EXPERIENCED checker wanted, Ap- Ap- ply Scugog Cleaners or telephone 725- 0120 after five. Telephone 723-7388. 9--Summer Properties _ for Sale or + Rent ieee LOTS a and e cottages for si or "rent on COLD wave specials by Diane $5.00 and up. Shampoo sets $1.25. Artistic Hair Styles, opposite Genosha Hotel. Telephone 725-7221. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY. Stoco Lake, near Tweed, sandy beach, |---- excellent fishing. Telephone 725-2927. 6--Female Help Wanted $100 MONTHLY -- Reliable person for housekeeping position, a in, phi- vate room. Must be fond of children, Telephone 725-7704 EXPERIENCED presser full |; rae Apply Rinker's Cleaners, $1 Burk FOR SALE -- five rooms, frame house, village of Coboconk. Lot 80 x 100. Make home. 725-4972. MODERN winterized cottage for r sale, | up ieuabte housekeeper wanted for modern home, school-aged children, good wages. Telephone 728-5416. _2--Personal IF YOU nave a drinking problem, write to Box 333, Whitby. fee LADY woud like ride, downtown To- |ronto, arriving between 8:30 and 9 a.m. \Kindly call 723-9006 DRIVING to Vancouver, 13, room for one or two Maple Grove Road, RR 3, ville, Ontario. Removal "of superfluous Eee Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 8th and 9th. _|Plumbing and Heating PLU MBIN and heating supplies. Instruction Gardening and Suppl Building Trades ANGER Construction "Company brick work and chimneys. 7 Bowmanville. - TO CLEAR: 84 to 38 nursery grown|PRIV ATE teacher, student "counsellor, {ALL ,UMB! Con hard maple trees, red and green leaved.|16 years' experience, by interview only.|Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Eckel Nursery, No. 12 Highway ,3)Act now. 7 54 Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ------|miles north of "Brooklin. -|ing. 255 Simcoe Street South, ail tile; wood |POPULAR plano lessons, adults oniy,| . geil aoe tile, wood. MANURE 50 cents per bus! bring/no previous training necessary. 142 € hae ote 'and rene mg of 'ail types, 728-0850 own containers. Will deliver orders of} tario Street, Bowmanville. MA 3/2697, rates, free estimates. 725-1334, McGrath " \three bushels, 805 Athol Street, Whitby. mAnvEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton,| Plumbing and Heating roofing,;MO &8- stoops. tap, RAD ballet, Highland Register ALL types of repairs and "remodelling, | Stolk,|now, 424 King Street West 6122, \new and used materials. Reasonable |Rates. Estimates free, Dial 728-6931. | Investigators J, Foley i phone Bowmanville MA 3-281 acspcaicaer tic cael i o Phon: h 1 " -- : ¢ Genosha Hotel on MANURE, mixed, delivered, full loads, ACME FREE thess 'dates for eppointnent. alterations, cll |s2 yard, Small orders $9 per 388d ||NVESTIGATION BUREAU | i 1 BRANCH ORRICE i Have your furnace cleaned ELECTROLYSIS hed efnents| MA 3-344 Jack Mulligan | for your garden, free this, summer if you pur- -- (chet illing. Anytime OL 5-4659 Brooklin, chase 'White Rose' fined fuel oil from aig 2 aa Unwanted Hair Vanished away with SACA-PELO, SACA-PELO WESTERN OIL: CO. is different, It does not dis. 725-1212 solve or remove hair from Rug Upholstery Service the surface, but penetrates mower|CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re | nd retards growth of UN- ni , | . "LDS a o cl - 1p and| covered like new. Get the best for less} WANTED HAIR. Lor-Beer at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe} Lab, Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Gran- Call 728-6451, Free estimates. | yille St., Vancouver 2, B.C South "Febuilt, nare 3--Pets & Livestock CHESTERFIELDS recovered like new bbs pay more? Our rates Sa ~ six weeks 725-8503 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge leaving May A. B. Green, Bowman- E R AMIC, working. all floor mates. Work guaranteed 3.75 4,13 3 CON INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 If not paid within 7 days the ALL types of buyaing repatrs chimheys, firepla sidewalks, 728-0394. Gordon LAWN and 4 a 6 spraying. |MO 8-5286, Whit a WELL rotted manure for »: A. Free survey farm Bal bi aps | FIX that leaking roo! 88 businesses, apartment or ings. J. Markland, 728-1285. Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per PLASTERING, ings and wa. waterproofed HAMBLY CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED SLABS, repairs Invest uni- | es veral ga Servic Domestic, Ger tion Security "yoto-tilled and plough-| SMALL gardens, Telephone ed, rat asonable. nings. 33 GARDE tilled, ready 100 King St East. 24.hour Serv abbreviation initial, Box counts os a word ¢ additional lawns, boulevar ment: for spring seeding. G gg ele lah and hedges cut. Reasonable rates mak" Bip ' phone before 9 a.m. and after 5 eg gir agar Thanks ' F ; funro, 414 Park Road South. pted until 9 a.m Poh Found ond 8:3 Office yen. Satu urday 8 = 12 '| Lawn Mowers |ATTEN TION! Have {precision sharpened. G AR DENS and lawns roto-tilled, made |delivery 94360. r BL anting and seeding. Tele-| WE SHARPEN AND RENT -- ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S" CORNER iG AT BUF LAWNS and grounds taken care of by| 723-3224 onth. Gardens rototilled, spring Call H. A, Russell, Port Perry, Money to Loan MONIES FOR vigil MORTGAGES the 1962 Sunburst igeah tudes : Fat and per annur tis flowering Crabapple trees. Cherry Mer Apple, Pear and Peach trees from home $2.25 to $2.95. Rundle's Garden Centre,} Moni ilso ailab Satisfo uarentesd King Strect East, 1764 } S c ~ I7A0 , -- CALL 728-9526 TODAY LSTERING CLIFF BROWN _ TALBOT UPHO GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery Ti8-0Fo) "FOR FAST SERVICE | Registered Tailors VANDRUNEN'S m7 _ --_ -EN PULLAN Landscaping, Sodding, Sel aboot IGLISH TAILOR) CALL ve pee / vas ; 5 ae eed BROOKLIN, 655-3545.) |-------_------------ | c both suit and RR 2, OSHAWA "Mc nt rs and alterations LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCH FILL tor and loader work ots levelled. Reasonable rates T2156 CLEAN FILL FOR SALE 75c¢ yard DELIVERED, EAST END T usalpaies 725-5490 SELLING OUT Evergreens, Shrubbery, Trees must be cleared before May 31st. Below wholesale prices Come in. and dig your own BEVERWYCK coe Sreet Now GARDENS = |_Prore 725.3568 | |Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE tendance (No. by and Os | | j Classified | y 5 p.m i your lawn Free pick AA MO 8-4 TOP QUALITY "asi BLACK SAI! Ree LOAM(S CEDAR i: tot ene A ete ma | A-1 TOP SOIL Ear cotrages, hedges shes tisfaction guaranteed, | Oshawa Upholstery | TWO "kittens to give away, 10 Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311,/0ld, house broken. Telephone after six. CHESTERFIELDS re-upnotstered and/| - -- - e-styled. Free estimates, See our ma-|BEAUTIVUL baby terial for re-covering Pal Jpholster-| training, talking -- strain. ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7 | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East ----« | CHESTERFIELDS re. | TWO registered Shetland Ponies, covered like new. Get the best for less|for sale. Telephone 725-6321 Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe/GERMAN Shepherd, female, "eight Call 728-6451, Free estimates. weeks old, black and tan, $12. Apply | 452 Loring Street 7% 9888. c 2 UPHOLSTERING |For SALE -- Puppies, Springer "Span: | FURNITURE REMODELING, -- |iel and Labrador, male and female, REPAIR $5 each, six weeks old. Telephone shee {725-9973 samp timotes LATIONS @ Oshowa Times will not be errors in advertise- wise than in @ than one of any adver- the price Co , lawns, cut, m. Mo day to Friday K ST pi peed hl ic r 2 evenings 5 to 10 seg All day Satur- widgie insertior nor beyond charged a single insertion of the advertisement which error ccurs. And also reserve the right ify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display advértise- ments The Times 1 not be held for more space than which the actual error The publishers endeavour e all advertising matter t ssume no liability ment, if any inaccuracies ore contained therein incorrect tisement, 725-825: Screened Loam, + and old chairs re- black South $3 20 per yard MUM ALSO GRAVE! ND FILL EVANS LOAM & RAVEL GR CEDAR trees for hedges. Ornamental ters white birch, single or double nteed to grow. Telephone Bow-! a MA 3-3408. ONTARIO grown roses, all American Award winners and Moraine Locust; Magnolia NG and in your shown given BATHING, jing. Waubena Kennels, a AK a trimming, de- fleaing, "board: os i 725-6321 acti 5--Farmers Column |GASH on the spot, Highest prices paid! }for dead and crippled farm stock Telephone collect, Hampton COlfax Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 149. on Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL Co., Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshaw WH 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-41 31 YALE FRIEDLANDER, HUNT ER| and Co., Accountants and enced ay Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, N ai ; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA. HARRIS ON CO 5 &. T. HOPKINS and Comp Certi-| fied Public Accountants, King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 09 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., Surveyors H, FLIM AND Land Surveyors and 3527. SWARTZ o B and TROLLOPE, Ontario 216 Adelaide Avenue 6--Auction I Phone 725-688 DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, 0: tario Land. Surveyor, Comr ial. blue-} AUCTION printing, 11 Ontario Street 5632 SAT., MAY 12 AT 1:30 of mew and used furniture ond applidnces, ideal for home or cottage ot the prop- erty of ROSS McLEAN Baseline N R.R. 1, Whitby 2 Miles West of Ontario Hospital ORVIL McLEAN Auctioneer TERMS---CASH 7--Trailers "SILVERLINER" collapsible travel trailers, All new for '62. Call 728-1468 jor 728-1555 Short Mortgages rates. 262 K > Oshowa, "Ontar rid Under Regis ; Ajax term 3. 4697 rtgage t 72 mortgages Mortga 8 second werden Ish all ROOFING WORK and BURROWS, , Chartered mts, 114 King Street East, Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; 28-7554, gage purchased j Creighton, idoch [FIRST and ieee. 10 PRINCE NHA Fraser, SHEET METAL to Bus 'e TY -- Radio Repairs &| TELEVISION, airs. Call 728-4 RADIO , car Thompson Avenue. 723 second purchasec ck, Bar 723-7232. Centre Street, 906 Mo 8-5447, an North Whitby, risters, nick and Hen Street East |SHOP "FROM your the Oshawa Times find everything you PRIVATE party mortgage. no | charges. Write | MORTGAGES sold, Call Mr 7. John range, washer and dryer Superior Ser- Appliance rej vice LTV make Elliott T. V, TOWERS Appraisers PATRICK G. McDANIEL, AACI, Realj Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby Phone MO 8-2311 Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran teed automotive parts and accessories, 145 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you. ee by Ads sca You phone Want need all 157 radio repairs Electronics, 9792 ¢ 4 our second 2 (Fred or legal wa Times ht and paint. 'LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 Bolahood Ltd 725-8333, A FIRST and second agreements purchased mick and Hennick, Barri |Street East, 72 2 MORTGAGE LOANS mortgages. Sale d H Barristers JAMES A. MacDONALD, B Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pu lic. The Commercial Building, 286 Ki West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park- JOHN'S MOVING ing available es awa, Whitby. Re CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN aud equipped and insured MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- ary Public, Bank of Commerce ane: » Caterers Simeoe Street ier 723-3446. o Pike deg Qc; C. Fraser, ci | U i Drynan,'G. "L. 'Murdoch, NHA WEDDING BANO L UETS siitaaens arranged. E NS. PARTIES BOW red when ~aterer | HARRY LOCKE TV and towers and Television Sets. We rent portables. MA 3-2312 ; Bowmanvi T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS PHONE 728-8180 O; and Me V new ney loan ¢ ages, | | | used new iate Mor for prove industria "@--Hunting BALSAM LAKE SHORELINE CABIN M ni rister, Solicit 725-9592. Resi- ¥, DAVID L., Simcoe South. 0264 DQNALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 2614 King Street East. Telephone Business 723-2201; Resi- a 7 73 West country For SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITEC tages y odern kitchen area, 3. water, electric range, dishes, cutlery. Inside toilet and wash basin. Safe swim area, Boat and motor available. Apply Mrs. L. Rea R. R. 2, Kirkfield Phone Cambray 45 R 11. 5 HALIMAR WEEKEND MAY 18 New Swimming Pool and Steam Bath. Extensive sand beach and playground. Near golf course. Bountiful meals) and varied sports, water - skiing ATRO member. Phone Hoalimar, Hali- burton 70J2 WINDERMERE HCUSEKEEPING COTTAGES KENISIS LAKE trout fishing, sandy beach, rent by day, week or month, Mrs. C. Harnden, Box 420 Haliburton, Ontario eors ex run R frig, : Leen 725-0078 St. MANNING F. SWARTZ and crag L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Money to loan. Henry Block, King Stre ast, 723-4697, Resi- dial 723-4029 MANGAN, QC Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, abe rates Solicitors Clients' funds available for soo 7- ; es. 20 Simcoe Street INVISIBLE Charles C. McGibbon, k Bastedo, QC DONALD, BA. Barrister, Eye] gnd Wood FACTORY hi Public, 52% Simcoe lfor stoves, fireplaces 3-2765, 'phone 728-8535 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING dresses sonable DRESSMAKING Ing such as h Terms 262 nee JOSEPH P hing € T.V. TOWERS T.V. Service ire of the Best quality € e HIGHWAY 12 ORTH OF WHITBY MO _8-4735 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING Nur 2 Hi SENIOR citi room and 1308. Te a RICHARD H. Solicitor, Notary North. 728-2991. Res Z. T. SALMERS, BA, tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Office 7 D1 BRUCE Solicitor funds avail a board j » be s prices and TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND 'ST. E 728-6781 Well Drilling -- Digging _ GEORGE HARDIN "DODD & SOUTER MO 8-3566 PAINTING AND DECO RATING For compiete CONTRACTORS Septic Tank, Sewer and inting, Papert Water Line Instaliations GARDEN CENTRE MACHINE DUG WELLS Quicksand Specialists. 30" 259 SIMCOE ST. N DAYS MO 8-523] casing, Work guaranteed 399) Cont Hat aoe. Hadco Open Daily Agent nog} Hea dt 6 for 723.3 | Your Gardening Needs t 'Optometrists C. H. TUCK, Please pay accounts J Dominion Bank or 74 B J valids ¢ Barrister, Solici-| Street North e 725-5542. BA, Barrister, RO am Gardening and Supplies DESIGN AND blic. Morts: OSHAWA TREE SERVICE. Chain jined at home e King Street East./saw and powe all de MAINTENANCE |F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Opto ku eines: _|bris, guar sati on; promp ' jetry, the examination of e HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL-|0n calls. r Siblock, telephone Free Estimates \lenses, 136 Simeoe North MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | 728-8567 |Evenings by appointment Street East, Oshawa R. D, Hum- S CME H. A a dg, Qc; G. S. Boychyn, BA, QC OS SHAWA eit ED AULAGE A L | re aes aa LOAM - FILL GRAVEL -STON 725-5203. NHA and other 723-3528 mortgage | fends available. suo! BULBS | LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll Notary. Alger Bidg., 37 King East 723-4943, Mortgage mon- selli ing 6,000 f 500 to ts per bulb 3 cents is re ble contact Colborne 723-4191 Fertilizing, Pruning, Peat Moss, Fertilizer Seeds, etc onteed Nursery Sto FE VAN BELLE GARDENS 623-5757 East on No -- Good |Painting and Decorating seat |AL CONROY, professional interior and exterior painting and dec : mates free. Telephone HOLANDIA decorator, painting jhanging. Work. guaranteed Low rates Telephone Guore 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent |FOR SALE -- Lot 60° by past house. Three miles north Bewdley, on Rice Lake. 723-7943 ARRANGE NOW to enjo BEAUTIFUL paper Free esti MO citor, Street GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- house of tor, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial;------ 7 Residence phones: J. ¢., 725-3363, Terence 728-5832. 3 miles OSHAWA 9) paint- jing, window cleaning s |Free estimates. Te M. Vv. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H.| GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- citor, and Notary Public, 2% King Street East. Phone 728-1763. j R AND TV COL Building Trades CARPENTRY, remode ng, framing, reofing and repairs of all kinds. Free estimates. Telephone Harry's 723-2413 YOUR local Chitn ney's built installed, estimates Lower quantities per bulb. R. W. WRIGHT 97 K NUMBER ONE T OP SC II y your Holiday on the SANDY SHORES OF CANNING LAKE Only 5 miles from Minden 100-ft hydro, accessible by good road $2,750 to $3,000 speci- for earth ont Wel \shawa 4 Offic 6-Y | WALL washing, | y El. CRESCENT IDRY CLEANING SERVICE Invisible Mending, Storage, Pickup and Delivery, Cash and Carry from 728-2065 chimney cleaner and repaired, gas linings furnaces vacuumed. Free 723-2997. WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING, BULLDOZING TOP SOIL, FILL MO 8-4172 N. D. EXCAVATING BASEMENTS ALSO TOP SOIL 723-3898 PLEASING YOU KEEPS US IN BUSINESS UNITED PAVING CO. First-class workmanship gudranteed--phone 728-4801 p.m 90 miles from Oshawa, TED VEENHOF iE. R. KNOWLTON Also Top Soil and Sod WELL DIGGING | j LANDS ERVIC Household Repairs Clean-outs and Deezenings VICE Compressor Work Ton soil HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE ond = | REPAIR SERVICE | _ 728-3864 RA! WASHERS, DRYERS, |7 POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience ormerly with THOR of Canada TEL, 725-8296 Instruction RD LILLIAN MAL MARSA Dancin | 3887 é i School, 7 sallet, Tap, Pre-Sc choo! acro- and ig Poa piste ee and Heating eee TO DRIVE| ALL WELL Bi Oshawa Driving School! | DAY OR EVENING ahi Late models, standards, outome dual controlled. OSHAWA and WHITBY CALL 728-0091 | lake-front treed lots, 725-6047 ~PLAKMEYER SODDING L patio Cottages, built to your fications, your summer TERMS ARRANGED Mr. Grant WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 --- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, WEST P.O. BOX 329 Bar-B-Que these lots Dinners, Fi Made Pies WE 345 RITS 725 J Chick on enjoyment, F éserts SOUTH Call collect Daytime AM 1-1515 Evenings AM 7-2738 JOHN COX REALTOR for BRO DOKL IN 655-3 Good Advertising CALL NOW Harry Staveren MO 8 6 3007 r pyeeie 'oping | e 3 'Maint and Good Merchandising GO HAND in HAND it if ir on est | IGUSCOTT PL UMBING | and HEATING LIMITED | 207 Simcoe 725-5132 | n SCARBORO St. ready for| Apply Mrs.) 220° with) 26 KHARTOUM AVENUE} Six roo: three-piece bath, hot water. 125 foot safe beach. Lake Simcoe. Five miles east of Orillia. 723-9777. CAMERON LAKE Shore cottage for rent, sleeps eight, screened verandah, inside toilet. Telephone Brooklin 655- 3715. LAKEFRONT cottage, inside conyeni- ences, Sandy Lake, Buckkhorn district, by week or month, Telephone MA 3-3102. MODERN ten-room lodge for rent for summer or by month also two house- keeping cottages. Sturgeon Lake, one hour from Oshawa 728-7844. [FU NISHED « cottage, -- two - bedrooms. jhydro, safe beach on Canal Lake, miles from Whitby, by season or week, | |\MOo 8- 473. STAFF NURSE Public Health Certificate Driver's License. Apply Nurse in Charge Victorian Order of Nurses ; 360 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 725- 221 1 STOCK CLERK Neat appearance, good per- sonolity, interested in selling. At Least Grade 10 Apply in person with references Between 9 am 1:30 a.m Monday or Tuesday BLACK'S LADIES WEAR 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH _ ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE LOTS, COTTAGES Steenburg, Paudash and Glan- mire Lakes Reasonable prices, terms, Ken Matthews, 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725- 7740. SUMMER COTTAGES - We have summer cottages on Lake Ontario, and Rice Lake! Priced from $2,800.00 up, with down payments from $800.00! Phone for on ap- pointment LONG BROS. REALTORS TU. 5-4501 PORT HOPE 1 11--Articles for Rent _ PROFESSIONAL HAIR DRYERS For Rent, $5.00 Weekly Oshawa Beauty Supply | 15 KING STREET EAST 723-7011 Free delivery and | @ and payroll. | ~ Dishes, cutlery, glasses (stem-_ {| med wine, cocktoil,) silver candelabra, table cloths, buf- tet pieces, trays, lazy susans, coffee percs and urns. 10-44 cup ond 75 cup. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725- 3338 WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, invalid walk- ers, bedside. commodes, also enderizing away and experience. crutches machines beds FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 12--Articles Wanted WANTED to buy -- garden tractor,| between five and 10 hp. With plough.| cultivator and discs. Telephone MO 8-3820 and roll iy. and eight HOUSEKEEPER, | room, tor's home, live in, 3 Must Phone 723-1677 after 6. MOTHER'S heip for July and August at summer cottage, private be fond of children, Doe~ centrally located. Tele- Georgian Bay area. Must enjoy swimming and boat- me is. Telephone Mrs. Brathwaite, 5-6274, Port Hope TU |EXPERIENCED short order cook re- quired. Apply in person. Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street East. PART-TIME cashier required | for Gen- osha Hotel Coffee Shop. Apply in per- WAITRESS for | night shift. A ~~! side snack bar, |R le "ree jbaby, ikept. 27 |E XPERIENCED waitress re |Part-time |p |EXPERIENCED short son. oad and Highway | 2. ; woman » August, Pg Samuel, "to care for 7 work in hone 725-4811 restaurant, order « Apply Way- corner of Thickson's new Live-in. Other help MA 3-2473 or Orono | for frelon cook ree |quired. Apply in person, Genosha Hotel, | WAITRESS for jend. tends. 70 King Street East night work and weeke Also short order cook for week- Apply in person Envoy Restaure SEW at home for extra money, aver- age over $1.00 an hour doing simple ho work. Apply la ome sewing in your spare time. Dept ide _Post Office Toronto 1 _On tario EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To assist the General Manager in admini- stration including personnel, management Excellent typing essential, shorthand, and dic- taphone experience preferred. Any accounting knowledge will be considered an asset. Educa- tion standard at least High School graduate or equivalent. Preferably 30 to 38 years of age. Good: appearance and desiring steady employ- ment. This is a career position with a well esta- blished manufacturer of electronic compon- ents. All employee benefits, including pension plan. Liberal salary conimensurate with ability Telephone WH 2-1540 Mrs. M. J. Barkwell CENTRALAB (Canada) LTD. Ajax, Ontario. Piece D48 Box 7010, Ade- WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS WHITBY CLASSIFIED _ Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) 1. TURNER i 723-2043 -- 723-3374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. |. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron |with J us or skirts, two for $1.00. Whitby and metals, etc bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 1725-2311 - 89 8 BLOOR E. Wash, 106 Brock Street South 13--Business Opportunities |FURNI SNACK bar for sale, ~ Jocation, | baby on Simcoe South. After telephone | 8-3216. 728-2095 Te 2005 FOR RENT: MODERN shoe store for for other type of. business. | MO 8-4360. LARGE jhardware near GM rent. Telephone |RESORT, accommodates -- -~ ing to fishermen, ready to operate May| FOR RENT: Bright three }12, pickerel season, To be sold imme japartment, centrally located, heavy |diately. Ten thousand down or exchange| wiring, $57 monthly. Adults preferred, for property. Box 109 Oshawa Times. |Telephone MO 8: 127. VARIETY store for rent, new store and SELF-CONTAINED ~ apartment with fixtures, Good location. Unlimited pos-|large sun-deck. Private entrance, Park-| sibilities. Weekly sales, $700. Write Box |ing' space {915 Oshawa Times to share Telephone MO 8-3246. | DRIVE-IN beer FOR RENT -- Furnished light house- stand on Highway 12. keeping room, | DUNDAS Street East, 840: Children's paradise. Moderate rent. For inspection call at No. 4 cottage BICYCLE, girl's, jexcellent condition |8-4203. |SELF-contained | jrooms, jed, juvenile, for sale, apartment, _ large play area, $70. irts, 20c. Sers, slacks suitable for couple or with one central Total abstainers. Telephone MO six Telephone |refrigerator, washing facilities preferred. MO 8-3591 r| WHITBY : Upper duplex, three _ store, etc.. Shopping Canines |rooms, large living room, modern kitch- South Plant Reasonable'en tile, hardwood, downtown location. 728-4646. 725-1841 or 272 Ritson Road South, Osh- |awa store, suitable for variety fifty, cater- lunch bar and _ root All business chat- Whitby This East, {Guide jSouth, is a going concern. Telephone | Street Realty Ltd. 16 Simeoe _ Oshawa. 723-1121 to 4.30 300 High Street, __...| dren, 7 a.m. | Friday. Apply Store south in snopping plaza, reasonable, call 725-6544 A end |Furniture. Telephone MO 8-4981, Jack cs lorr FICE equity Appleby 723-3398 Bolahood Ltd CIGAR STORE _ FOR RENT Ritson Road South area, across from school. Licensed for Barber Shop __PHONE 728- 2869 -- at or John Oshawa Times Office, Whitby | | ply 1111 Dundas Street _West. SPRING - to Beautify -- Re- mode] -- Decorate -- Plant. Plons and Materials for patios, Building Supplies, Plastering Materials. Top Soil, Sand, Stone, Gravel, Mulch sold by weight. Fuels We Deliver. SAWDON'S (WHITBY) LTD 244: Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 Time | BEAUTY SALON. SIMCOE ST SIX DRYERS AND EQUIPMENT $3,000 Apartment upstairs, AUCTION SALE of new and used furniture Building available on lease WRITE BOX 201 OSHAWA. TIMES |14--Employment Wanted RELIABLE {time, day |1a79 |PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. Ail or| and appliances, ideal for home or cottage at the woman will evenings baby sit Telephone any} 728-| property of ROSS McLEAN or | ment 3, Whitby | |NEW chrome chairs, $3.95. Mid-Town! service with reasonable prices, try us, half-day, 8.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. 581 |Simcoe Street North 1 2604 IN WHITBY -- good clean home for| Baseline W., R.R. 1 , Whitby | care. Telephone information jchild. Day or weekly MO 8-5040 for further MAN with mower season or week! |small. 75e. up, | YOUNG man, single, five years bank-| \ing experience, bookkeeping, typing | and collections wants steady employ ment, Telephone John, MA 3-2584 |LOOKING for a better job? Che jjob offers listed in "Help Wante the Oshawa Times Classified today and every day. 1 Miles West of Ontario Hospital ORVIL McLEAN Auctioneer TERMS CASH will cut lawns, by No lawn too big or 23-1332, k He Section | Large clean; STOVE repairs, |well equipped four room flat for rent.|sonable, Mid-Town Furniture. MO 8-4981 Excellent man, Rea- TWO-ROOM bachelor apartments, $50 monthly, bus stop at door. in | heat supplied. $25. Telephone MO FOR R ment, two bed-|8-4864 a room and kitchen, heat- FRIGIDAIRE MO later model, --|Telephone MO 8-5695. available June 1. for sa condition. ~ refrigerator in very good Hydro and Call MO 8-5188 anytime. ee "Large three room apart- Telephone MO FURNISHED self contained apartment Econo rl tr 8- NISHED apartment for rent. Two FOR RENT: completely Three rooms. Suit couple rent, ance, 4610, Private en- Telephone modernized, one bedroom MO "Self-contained apartment, combined kitchen and living room, cen- Two bedroom apartments | FoR RENT rent, suitable|in modern building. $90 and $100. Stove, small kitchenette Adults | toy. P bed-|§.¢. SERVICES, © service for small ally located, $60. MO 8-3691 after 5. with stove, Suitable for couple. Adults. erry Street. MO 8-4470. businesses, Two furnished rooms, refrigera- 308 'omplete bookkeeping weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre+ ay income tax returns. BY "roomed | White ycith w SEWING rib, mattress, large, like new. MO 8-4610. machine repair: ith hardware, MO 8- 8252, grey flecks, $25. Door 2' 6° any make, All work guaranteed. Mid-town Furnie tu Suitable for couple or two|/ONE MO 8-4981. free wash re. with this ad. Whitby Econo Wash, 106 Brock Street South, 1 MO 8-3231, with private entrance. | | DRESSMAK |tels to be included in purchase price,|Phone MO 8-2332 or apply 542 Mary|/a specialty. re: Mrs. MO 8-2372. alterations, slip_covers, drapes. -s. Fitting West. Street| apy required to care for small chil-| |SEPTIC "tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, p.m., Monday to/204 Chestnut Street Telephone Apart-|/MO_ 8-2563. . |OFFICE equip., biggest stock around, amilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8443, : -| a biggest stock around.'FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and Service with reasonable prices, try us./four room apartments, balcony, resi+ |Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. dentias area newly decorated laundry STUDENTS A super value, approxi |facilities. Parking close to schools chile jmately 630 sheets of letter size typing Sdren's playground. Apply 300 Hig® jpaper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-/Street, Apt, 11. | MO_8-2336. GRAVEL AND LOAM _ DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL FILL AND LOAM ERIC BRANTON MO 8-260. FOR RENT Garden tillers, lawnmowers, rollers, canoes, car top boats, motors, trailers, cobin trailers, tents, tent trailers, power tools and camping equipment. FOR SALE New and used Tents, $22.50 up; New and used Boats, $100.00 up; New and used Motors, $75.00 up; New and used Lawnmowers and Tillers. WANTED Used Boats and Motors to be sold on consignment. SPRING TUNE UP 2-cycle Lawnmowers, $4.50 plus parts 4-cycle Lawnmowers, $5.50 plus parts. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415-DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY, ONT. MO 8-3226

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