22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 2, 1962 32--Articles for Sele TV RENTALS, by the day, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 21) month at Parkway Television, 918 ie mie. coe North 723-3043. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren- tals, terms, service. Hamilton Office 137 Brock South, MO 8-8443. 29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale 4 FORD Fairlane, Thunderbird motor, radio, good condition, private sale. Telephone 728-1371. 15 FT. moulded boat, fully eq uipped, | ™ like new, with trailer. 'easonabie, Tele- yhone 725-7917. "S88 EDSEL ee --_ good con- $850. NEARLY new, sump pump with pipes. Telephone 728-7120. dition, Must be sia this his week. Tes A256. BEES for sale, Apply 604 Centre Street 198 TRIUMPH TR-3, color red, radio, wire wheels. Telep! 728-5065 after 6 o'clock. North, Whitby. ee GUNS wanted, old lever action rifles and hand guns. Telephone 728-5574. %TON FORD ,new motor, 55 Chev. goach, 53 pont all in A-1 condition. "65 ooNTike 7 clean ro injel KLEMCO OAK used typewriter desk, swivel chair, duplicator, pop cooler, meat slicer, grill, safe, file cabinet, electric typewriter. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. TENTS, hardware, outboard motors, guns and bicycles. Best prices. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, volvers and pistols; also old coriridoes. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. CCM bicycles, only $7.95 ($42.95 value) with every Special chesterfield or bed- room suite from $169. "Look for the Pink Price Tags". Barons' Home Fur- 4% Simcoe Street South. excellent running price $450. Telephone 723-1229. 1954 BUICK hard top, new tires, radio, Telephone after five, Whitby Mo? 8-8130. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture and appliances, for top cash offer. Phone 728-1131. Community Furniture, 19 Prince Street. i CORVAIR 700 sedan white, A-1 condition. 686 Oshawa Boule- vard North. Telephone 723-2779. 32 PLYMOUTH good motor, 'all good parts, reasonable. Telephone 723-2880. suit Pi walnut; crib full size and steers Thistle baby jearriage, blue 725- 5345. 377 Leslie Street. FUR coat, dark brown » fi it | stration. Telephone 728- VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, 728-0591 anytime, FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- size 18%, $5. asey 159 1960 AUSTIN 850, new brakes, paint. Celina. Telephone 725-8901. BEDROOM suite, three pieces, nearly new, light grey. Telephone 725-1079. Telephone days 728-6279; 723-4992. ---~~'|ly reconditioned, $89. Meagher's, 5 King y Street West. VICTOR 21" TV table model, complete- Telephone 723-3425. dition Best offe Excellent tires, licensed. 728-8068. '34 MORRIS Minor, excellent condition, $450 or best offer. Telephone 725-1 1044. | 1957 MERCURY Monterey deluxe, hard top, automatic, power equipped, radio, whitewalls. Good condition, Apply 289 Gliddon Avenue WALKING tractor and implements, Also Spanish guitar, like new. Will take |" jolder one as trade, 728-6148. REFRIGERATOR, stove, washer, beds, chesterfield, carpet, television, organ, automatic stoker, baby carriage and other household articles. 20 Jones Ave- nue. 723-3334. 1954 FORD Crestine, good condition, red and white, $225 or best offer. 215 Mary. 728-6396. *8] MERCURY sedan automatic trans- TROUT worms for sale. Apply 185 Ver- dun Road, 24" TELEVISION RCA exceptionally ees picture, very reasonale. Single springs, $7. Honeywell thermostat, ' "Porcelain sink, taps, $5. Tele; 3 HP SIMPLICITY tractor plough, discs and snow blade $125. Telephone 655-3738. CHESTERFIELD with chair, maroon, in real good condition, $25; Niagara Cyclo Massage Pad, $80; formal dresses, two blue, size 14, one peach, size 11, $5 each, 723-3231. ing outfit. Telephone 723- 1623 for fur- mission, A-1 condition. Telephone 725- 7285. Sails 1953 BUICK automatic, new tires, "Fadio, | immaculate condition. Must sell imme- diately, $300. Apply 447 Bloor Street East. 759 VAUXHALL V sedan, low mileage, excellent condition. Best reasonable offer, Private. 728 1953 OLDSMOBILE two-door a | automatic, radio, Best offer. Telephone) 723-7933 Be ie i CADILLAC hardtop coupe, fully| powered, excellent condition, eight fifty. YOO me %$0 CHEVROLET BeAir 6-cylinder se dan, automatic transmission and other extras. Phone 723-4316. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid |M per four "door ther information. | RESTAURANT 'equipment, "used, cooler, grills, barbecue, cash register, |. coffee maker, table top refrigerator booths. Telephone 723-7463. MODEL A Ford, box trailer, man's bi- jeycle, child's bicycle, baby carriage, jfish hut. Telephone 725-5265. CHESTERFIELD suite, four seater, with chair, brown color, still in crate, never been used, big reduction. Tele- jpnone days, MA 3-3781 after six 725-4327 TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and _|save. 4% Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00 culation Dept., Oshawa Times. TENT, Woods, 9 x 12, floor in, slee |four, used five weeks, $50. Baby car- \riage, $ 723-2747 |GAR radio, » in the dash, transistor, |$32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try| |Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. GUITAR, Gibson, brand new; also fish-| y, CHESTERFIELD suite, two pieces. ery good condition, foam cushions. Apply 162 Colborne Street East. $5.90 BUYS one room lot of ready pasted, plastic-coated wallpaper, 1962 |stock, Upton's Paint and Wallpaper Store, 25 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-2977. $29 DELIVERS three complete rooms of new furniture -- including living room, bedroom and kitchen ensembles. Balance only $3 weekly, "Guaranteed Best Furniture Deal Any Where!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. SEWING machine, Singer, buttonhole and zig-zag attachments included. Tele- phone 728-7824. INTERNATIONAL Cub, all options, in- luding power take-off and hydraulie lift, with full line of equipment. $650. Telephone COlfax 3-2762, WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- |ture Store. 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. _____|SCARFE'S paint sale, gloss, semi-gloss|WE buy, sell and exchange used fur- N Chev. or GMC eab and chas Getwons 1948 and 1955 model. Must be good. Terms cash, Telephone 728-4080, 50 CARS WANTED Buying a Mew Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS __723- 4494 i Ree 725-' 5574 _ $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BOCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs _ japartment size, jset, extending table and four chairs, HOUSTONS GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale BOATS UP TO 60% OFF iM Larson, Traveler, Sadat | Cruisers Inc., Evinrude Motors, Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND iad itil ko cha AO TRAVEL TRAILERS: Come In And See The New Falcons In 13-ft, 15-ft. and .17-ft models now on display at the SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES 1010 Dundas St. East, __MO 8-2866 Whitby | Busy hiaiemcker! Shopping A Worry? Food Expensive? HOME ECONOMICS Food & Freezer Co. Ltd Can help, you take the worry and expense out of food shopping $16.50 Weekly covers food plus freezer for o family of four. This in- cludes about 80% of normal groceries Phone today, you owe it to yourself. No obligation __ 728-9141 © XXKKKKKN POs XXKKKKKXK xx | xx | xXx P.2,9,9,9,9,2,9,9.8 XXKXKKXKKK NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? | BUY' EM WITHA | LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED KKK KKK BRNE x x RAKE x HMM MPO x x = xxKXX THE BANK OF |feet, excellent jphone 725-9675 |NIAGARA Cyclo massage cushion unit, ions, nd flat, one low price. $4.55 gallon,| 1.45 quart. Telephone for free color harts, Store, 25 Bond Street East. FURNACES, forced air, 1-year guar- jantee. $2.25 per week, no down pay- |ment, package deal, $130. Telephone 723-2977. | 725-4729 |OUTBOARD boat, "mahogany, 14 ft..| windshields, steering, leather seats,/| good condition, used one season, $300.) 725-4513. REEL ¢ type "power mower with Briggs| and Straton ge cycle motor, $50. Tele-| jE hone 5-888! | FRIGIDAIRE, ~ 10 cubie| Tele- "refrigerator, egndition, $65. ~ room "suite, light oak "table, four chairs, buffet and glass cabinet, $70. Chrome kitchen Upton's Paint and Wallpaper niture or anything you have, The City |Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. |MAPLE syrup! Take No. 35 Highway lfrom 401 to Concession 12 Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, telephone Bethany 1 NMOWER repairs (power and hand). Free blade sharpening and bal- lance with every motor cleaning and jtune up, $3.95. Parts extra. Free pick- jup and delivery. Telephone Sportsman's Corner, MO 8-4511. AVAILABLE. ~ immediately ~Canada-Dry |soft drink dispenser, coin operated, two years old. Capacity of three cases in |dispenser department and four cases in pre-cooling compartment. Original cost --|$375, with sacrifice $200. A-1 condition. Should pay for itself within one sum- mer season, Telephone Ajax WH 2-388! or Toronto WA 5-4103. Large executive desk, $65. Tele- ne MO 8-8386 after 6 p.m. or MO) 34--Lost & Found = NERAL Electric heavy duty eee $20. Suitable for 49. cost $169. Will accept reasonable offer. ingss 725-8383. YOUR sells quickly with an Oshawa Times Classified Ad. gure to act now. Dia) 723-3492 for a result getting ad LOST -- German shepherd pup, silver ag i black, name Ranger. Reward. 7484, swriter portable with $40. Telephone 728-8979. ° ~aeoener Stores --Tires, bat- Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- LOST -- Man's black leather wallet, bee of money and personal pers. ward. Vicinity King and Simcoe. Telephone MO 86-4207, eries, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. i4 FT. McGuinness travel trailer, sleeps four, In good condition, Reasonable. Telephone MA 3-5068. GILSON freezer, 16 cubic foot, chest type. Like new. Telephone 725-8240. HEAVY duty garden tractor complete with tiller, Good condition. $75. Tele- phone 725-8575. SCANDELLI accordion and case, 120 bass. Three tone change, good condi- jon, n. Telephone 725-4125. TOR scooter for sale, Vespa. Best offer, Spotless condition. Telephone Brooklin 655-3611 anytime. TREADLE sewing machine; combina: tion _ door, Reasonable, Telephone 723-4292 after six. WASHING machine Beatty, 35--Legal WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTED ADS ot refer- Send copies only ences and other papers, and avoid possible loss of origin- als. CENTRAL MORTGAGE also elec- tric fire-place basket. Both in perfect condition. Apply 285 King Street West after 6 p.m | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator for sale, in excellent condition, $65. Telephone MO 8- sj junior « sidewalk -- bicycle, stabi lizers, good condition Mary Street. PIANO for sale, $250. Sebastian Hoh- mann, Riston Road North, 6 to 8 p.m telephone 725-7001. | CASE tractor $650. Three furrow drag | plough $75, or both for $700, Farm} wagon $45. All in good condition. Tele-| phone 655-4619 after 6 p.m. RU NABOUT ski boat, custom "built, "ply- wood, 16 ft. length, 80 inch width, mahogany decks, oars, life preservers, |padded seats, spotlight, 40 hp Evinrude Lark motor with electric starter, 2- |wheel trailer, excellent condition $1,250. | 29 Westmount Street, Apartment 3.| Telephone 728-2179. with Apply 544) GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN: CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH. 2-6410 an SPECIAL OFFER SELF-STORING ALUMINUM DOORS complete with grill and lock 5.00 Windows -- $15.00 Instolled --- 728- 5253 _ COMPLETE BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Apply: COLLETTE BEAUTY SALON 14% KING ST. EAST VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- | furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- Phone 728-4401, change. | SPECIAL OFFER Self - storing ALUMINUM S, complete, grill and lock. $45.00 installed WINDOWS $15.00, installed 728-5253 _ The finest in fishing tackle and supplies. Smelting Equipment Chestnut Canoes FISH MOUNTED PAUL'S NOVA SCOTIA Sporting Goods 589 Albert Street AND HOUSING CORPORATION and ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 2.00 p.m. E.D.S.T. Thursday, May 24th, 1962 FOR THE CON. STRUCTION OF 42 SEMI- DETACHED HOUSING UNITS ON THE F.P. 1/58 PROJECT SITE AT OSHAWA, ON- TARIO Plons, specifications . and forms of tender required, can be obtained by Prime Con- tractors only at the address shown below, and are avail- able for inspection at the Toronto Construction Associa- tion, at the Oshawa Loons Office, Suite 214 East, Oshawa Shopping Centre, King Street W., Oshawa, and at this office. A deposit of $100.00 is re- quired for each set of plans, specifications and documents. This deposit is forfeited if plans, specifications and documents are not received in this office, intact ond in good condition, on or before the tenth day following con- tract award. Each tender must be accom- panied by a 10% Bid Bond or by a security deposit of 10% of the tender where the| tender does not exceed $250,000.00 plus 5% of the amount by which the tender exceeds $250,000.00 The moximum amount of security deposit required with any one tender is $100,000.00. Such security deposit shall be retained by Central Mortgage ond Hous- ing Corporation to ensure due performance of the con- tract. A_ certified cheque, bearer or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as security deposit. All cheques must be made payable to the order of Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted H.' J. Petursson, P.Eng., Regional Engineer, Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., 650 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto 19, Ontario, Telephone 781-2451. (Continued on Page 23%) PROTECTION Os hawa Times $10,000 TRAVEL and PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT POLICY that grows up to $15,000 Does this sound too good to be true? Well, Oshawa Times and the Scottish & York the In- surance Company Ltd. will prove that it's true. This insurance was carefully planned for months before being offered. It provides un- usually extensive coverage and is the finest low cost accident insurance you could buy. YOULL NEVER FIND BETTER FOR LESS PER WEEK PAYABLE $1.50 YEARLY COSTS ONLY $1.50 FAMILY PLAN: $4.50 sancally Underwritten By Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR Bauroaa, Bireet Car or Subway | Accidente $10,000 , 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 3,750 3,750 3,750 FOR LOSS OF Life Both Hands Both Feet Sight of Both Eyes One hand and one foot One hand and sight of one eye One foot and sight of one eye Either hand Either foot Sight of either eye Public Taxicab, Sitaey end Passenger Elevator Accidents $3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Automobile Passenger $1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 Lightning, Cyclone, @urricane, 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 Tornado, Earthquake $1,000 | Bisyele, Commercial Airplane or Scheduled Ferrys ~ $1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 Monthly Disability Up to $160. per month First Ald Indemnity The entire benefits ander policy increase by 10% per year for § years, These Extra Benefits Too! @ POLIO -- Hospital indemnity for * Poliomyelitis up to $2,500.00. @ CUMULATIVE POLICY VALUE INCREASE -- At no cost to you, your Scottish & York policy will increase in value by 10% each year, for the first 5 years. At the end of 5 years its maximum coverage reaches up to $15,000.00 Please read all details before completing application The Oshawa Simes - L To:. SCOTTISH & YORK Insurance Company Ltd. 425 University Avenue, TORONTO, Ontario. Date ... The undersigned hereby makes application for the Travel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital Indemnity for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. It is understood and agreed that the applicant will subscribe to the Oshawa Times during the life of the Policy when issued anda wil pay the regular subscription price: NAME . ADDRESS si view ese es BENEFICIARY .. RELATIONSHIP TO YOU .... . BIRTH DATE | subscribe to The () Start Now 0) See eiee chek Cokes es ONOMEL POO SIGNATURE cones ci sulecoseubbancacvewenss oo I enclose $.