THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 30, 1962 5 prizes at the monthly euchre,|Ogden, J. Balfour and Ben Lot- sponsored by the Women's In-|ton. stitute were: Ladies, Bea| The next Women's Thompson, Ivy Hardy and Mrs.|Euchre will be held on Mi W. Carlton; gentlemen: Tomlin the Pickering Township Brougham WI Names Officers By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The annual meeting of Brougham Women's Institute took place recently in the Pickering Township Hall at Brougham. Mrs. M. Annis welcomed members and Mrs. W. Brown, District President. Mrs. Brown installed the new officers. They are: president, Mrs. Harold Blackman; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Ray Ell- cott; secretary, Mrs. Leonard Roberts; flower convener, Mrs. Burrows; agriculture and Cana- dian industries, Mrs. E. Shirk; home economics and. health, Mrs. N. Burton; citizenship and education, Mrs. R. Miller; his- toric research, Mrs. George) Gray; public relations, Mrs. M. | Ellicott; resolutions, Mrs. Leon- ard Roberts; district director, Mrs. M. Annis; assistant dis- trict director, Mrs. W. Trolley. Mrs. Brown led a discussion on the proposed district bylaws. She also announced that the dis-) Daughter Alone In Walk To Altar NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- s|Pretty Suzanne Marie Ricau took a long, lonely walk down a Roman Catholil Church aisle Saturday to become an April bride after leaving her exom- municated father at the church door. Jackson G. Ricau. a top offi- cer in the pro-segregation South Louisiana Citizens Council, said Green River Pupil Wins Speech Prize BROUGHAM -- The Public Speaking contest sponsored by the Brougham Women's Insti- tute took place in the Pickering WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West* Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 church officials would not let him accompany his daughter to the altar railing. But he later entered the church to witness the cere- mony. Ricau was one of three Cath- olics excommunicated by Arch- bishop Joseph Francis Rummel of New Orleans on April 16. The others were Mrs. B. J. Gaillot Jr., and political leader Lean- der H. Perez Sr. The excom- munication edict said they ig- nored the archbishop's '"'fath- erly counsel" by defying his or- der to desegregate parochial schools next fall. Ricau and his blonde, 20-year- old daughter--the eldest of eight children--drove to St. Francis Savier Church in suburban Met- airie and he took her up the steps. He kissed her on the cheek and she-then entered' the building alone. After his daughter walked all over our lot! 1956 CHEVROLET 4-door] 1957 FORD 4-door Sedan. Sedan. Custom 1958 .CHEVROLET 4-door, Metollic blue in color. Good ne. transportation .. 1955 CHEVROLET Deluxe 2- door. Gleaming black with whitewalls. V-8, automatic. Local $795 1959 SIMCA Sedon. Shin- ing block with 'whitewolls, 20,000 original miles. $ 35 mpg. .... 795 1957 PLYMOUTHS -- 3 to choose from . 6's and 8's, owner . with which were presented: at the league's annual banquet on Saturday night in the Whitby Community Arena auditorium. The team won the Hillcrest THE TOP COUNTY BOWL" team in the Whitby Men's District Bowling League for annual competition is pic- tured above with two trophies MANY TROPHIES, for John's Parish Hall. Pictured down the aisle and met her bridegroom, Donald A. Boud- reaux, at the altar railing, Ri- cau entered the church and slipped into a first row pew be-| side his wife. | Township Hall recently, representatives from Brough- am, Green River, Whitevale and Brock Road Schools. The new president of the In- stitute, Mrs. Isabel Blackman, trict annual meeting would be held in Raglan Church on May 24, | || | 1955 OLDSMOBILE Super i] "88 4-door Hardtop. 2-tone | paint. P/steering, P/brakes, | radio, 5795 1956 CADILLAC, Full power equipment. Cadillac 11 blue in color. .... The winners of the _ whikewile welcomed the contestants and) "Suzanne wanted it this Breeds, School. friends. Judges were Dr. Neison Tom- linson, Mrs. Robert Jackson and Mrs. teachers. W. Johnson, all former The results were: Grade 5 -- competing in zeci-| tations: Brenda Wannop, Carol/ Brougham} both of Grade 6 -- Public Speaking: |Karen Dube and Marilyn White, }both from Brougham School. J. Kirk, R. Norvis, D. Row- Dairy Trophy for winning the den, T. Perrow and R. Ree- play-offs and also the Whitby |Douglas Blackman, {Brougham School Grade 7 -- Public Speaking: from ang Dianne way," Ricau said. '"'We talked it over and she told me that if| I could not take her down the| aisle to her groom, she would) REEVES' ARTISTS | 1955 CHEVROLET Nomad Station Wagon, V-8, auto- 1957 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan. | matic, one New point job. walk alone." | The refusal to let him accom-| pany his daughter, Ricau said! in a typed statement, "clearly | reveals how far the hierarchy| will go to suppress a Catholic} who is telling the truth about| racial integration. "The excommunication edict," the statement continued, "was obviously an act of des- peration. It was, in my opinion, SUPPLIES -- at -- DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, DAILY 4 COURTEOUS SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU Jack Morgan, Frank Lowry, Ken Morgan, Gary Hooey HARRY DONALD LTD: 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304-5-6 Motors Trophy for attaining the highest pinfall total for the league. Left to right are son. Absent from picture is M. Reeson. --Oshawa Times Photo \Brass, from Green River a spiritual bayonet designed to | School. | Grade 8 -- Public Speaking: Douglas Donaldson and Chris- tine Gooderham, both from Green River School. | Miss Sharon Holtby of Osh- |awa was guest of honor at the home of her grandfather, Mr. land Mrs. Edward Holtby, of Brougham recently. Jt was an engagement party for Sharon, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holtby. of Oshawa, silence organized resistance to forced integration and to throw -- further threats into the ock." . ONE-PIECE CONCRETE formerly of Brougham. The Bake Sale at Green River | Public School helped the pupils reach their goal of enough j;money for a trip to Ottawa this Ss pring. eae sents the new United Rubber- | the League's Team Trophy for bowling skills were presented to members of the Dunlop above are the two team cap- tains who were presented with trophies for the winning and workers Local 494 Consolation | Trophy to team captain Miss annual competition by F. G. Plumber, president of Dunlop Whitby Employees Bowling League at their annual ban- | consolation teams. From left to right, George Brooks pre- of Canada Ltd. --Oshawa Times Photo Mary Wilson and Miss Paul- Urge Legislation To Control Grass BY PHILIP SIMPSON put out. There must be another Shortly after the Spring thaw|100 grass fires in Southern Ont- when the melted ice and snow/ario county alone attended by | reveals vast areas of long grassjthe other local departments| to the elements, fire depart- which could boost this' cost up ments face a constant battle) to $25,000 at least! with wind and flame which at- $130 PER FIRE cas wae A pig gg This means that the average} perennial problem which this|8T@88 fire costs about $130 to| year has greatly increased be-|SUbdue and this figure is ar-) cause we have had little rain,Tived at totaling the. salaries Generally speaking, grass lost by the volunteer _fire- fires cause little damage but,|fighters, the costs of operating were it not for our efficient fire- wo ie ighar and Boo fae fighters, this paper could fill|2"¢ tear on this equipment. many pages with stories of fire- actual fact, it is the poor fire- gutted homes, churches barns {ighter who foots most of this and even fatalities a "| bill, for he must lose time at nt , york to attend fires. Nevertheless, grass fires are) ¥°!* ; a : extremely costly when you con-| Very time the Whitby Fire sider that it only takes a match Department races off to a grass : fire it costs about $100. So far valued at one twentieth of a this department has attended cent to set them off. 5S such fires with an average Let us look at some statistics|/o¢ eight volunteers attacking a gathered from just three fire de- fire. partments in the area. | It costs the Ajax Fire De- During the past four weeks) partment $150 to put the trucks the Whitby, Ajax and Garrardjon the road and to date they Road Fire Departments have! have put out 28 grass fires with attended a total of 103 grass|an average attendance of 13 fires which have cost $12,700 to' men. BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 & 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 Recommended os Adult Entertainment EVERYONE'S JAN STERUNG PLUS -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE NAKED JUNGLE" starring Charlton Heston -- Eleanor Parker ALL COLOR SHOW H |the car window because the ash |tray is crammed full with Klee-| |nex tissues. Farmers burning of |grass from their fields often for- |little care and caution. |the excessive costs of these|Curb grass fires. 'money, Columbus UCW | Holds Meeting | e By JIM STARK 1res COLUMBUS -- The meeting| of the Columbus UCW was held| ; recently in the lower hall of The Garrard wig Fire De-|the church, | partment has had their trucks} : ; 3 @ | out to 32 fires and each costs| yout ene ee the men and the department)... assembling - about $100. ; | The worship was takne by COSTLY REPAIRS Mrs. B. Flett and Mrs. A.| While attending a major grass|Smith's theme was 'Meaning! fire in Pickering Township the|of Easter". Ajax fire truck, valued at $20} Mrs, G. Webber presided for 000, almost caught fire itself.|the program, Mrs. H. McLaugh- One of the Whitby trucks blew) jin, Blackstock, sang a solo and a piston last week as it was On the guest speaker was Mrs. Ro-| its way to a call. The excessive| meri] of Blackstock who led in| use of the Garrard Rrod truck) g discussion has created a repairs bill of Howard Frederick Smith, 'in-| $1350. fant son of Mr. and Mrs.| Both Port Perry fire trucks|Frank Smith, was baptised at| were out of action for a while recent Sunday morning _ ser-! last week and so was the Ux"| vice, ; bridge fire truck. Miss Kaye McKenzie was} It is only to be expected that! hostess and was assisted by| these '"'pumpers" loaded down/Mrs, Lorraine Wotten and Miss! with heavy equipment' and) Marie Laviolette in giving a| rushing off to grass fires at all'jinen shower for bride-to-be hours, are sure to break down Miss Grace Webber. at some time or other. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor Just as the slogans tell us) visited at the home of Mr. and that "accidents don't happen-|Mrs, William Pinkett, West they are caused"' it also follows] Hill recently. that grass fires are started.| --------------_--_--__--_ Sometimes they flare up acci-} SHIFTED TO QUEBEC dentally when father is care- : ' . less when he burns the garbage.) TORONTO (CP) -- Lloyd U. in the back yard, Lazy drivers|Brooks, president of the Tor- flick lighted cigarette butts out/onto Lawn Tennis Club, said Saturday this year's Canadian lawn tennis amateur open | championships will be played at get that the wind can change the Civil Service Club of Que- as quick as a wink. The small/pec City, In previous years the group of boys playing with mat-! ches suddenly realise that they can get some '"'action" with one lighted match. They are all fire bugs, whet-,showed enough concern for the her they like it or not, and injgrassfire problem to appoint a| most cases the fires could pre heen ¢ to find a reasonable | nationals were played at the Toronto club. | OF WHIT The minute you step aboard a luxurious Canadian Pacific White Empress you're aware of a wonderful holiday at- mosphere. You relax in air- conditioned comfort, revel in delightful cuisine and enjoy the gay friendliness that's so much a part of WHITE EMPRESS :ravel. Make your plans now! First Class from $343. From Montreal and Quebec to Greenock and Liverpool May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 June 1 Empress of Britain Empress of Canada Empress of England Empress of Britain Empress of Canada and weekly during Most Folks Are Careful Drivers If you are a careful driver, call me. You may qualify for State Farm's top-notch pro- tection at rock-bottom rates, WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. S. Whitby! ° MO 8-3762 rare va (MMEDUTE. LELIVRY CW ALL SUZEB @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM OLIVER State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office -- Toronte CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! Ki SPOR CALENDAR -- we WEEKLY Events! This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! Electroplating New... In Whitby Don't Buy New... The Old Will Do. G.M. DEALER FOR New Car Sales 107 Dundas East MO 8-3610 WHITBY MOTORS LTD. VAUXHALL & G.M.C, TRUCKS NEW AND USED CARS Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy» ing Needs of Quality Goods ef Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 PONTIAC, BUICK 1006 Brock South MO 8-4911 Used Car Sales © Chrome Parts Replated The Only Plant In The Aree Replating Old Stock. Whitby Electroplating 412 MARY ST. EAST WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Ltd. SPORTS THIS WEEK'S ROLLER SKATING: Tuesday, May 1, 8 to 10:30 p.m., Adults and Children, Whitby Community Arena. Saturday, May 4, 8 to 10:30 p.m., Adults and Children, Whitby Community Arena.. W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. E. MO 8-3416 WHITBY AJAX MARINE Bill Walton, Prop. SANGSTERCRAFT; LAKEFIELD, CANADIAN, EVENTS Monuments the St, Lawrence season SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE OR: CANADIAN PACIFIC 11% King Street E., Oshawa Tel.; 3-2224 TRAVEL | TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS! PLANES HOTELS / TELECOMMUNIGATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM been prevented if they used ajSolution! On Friday last at a jlocal Mutual Aid Meeting a to- It is time that the local gov-|pic of discussion was possible; ernment did something about/County Council legislation to numerous grass fires for in-| Possibly the answer might be directly it costs the taxpayers/found in legislation charging the costs of fighting the fires to DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawa - Whitby - Brooklin 300 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY MO 8-3304 MO 8-3552 Whitby | RIFLE CLUB: VIGOR OIL STATION Wednesday, May 2, at D'Hillier St. Park, outdoor shoot, Whitby Rifle Club. GREN-ELL OUTBOARD MOTORS. No, 2 Hiway. Ajax Phone WH 2-4080 COUNTY BOWL Operated by "Vic Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best "Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 LACROSSE: Practice session of the Brooklin Lacrosse Club at Whitby Arena, date to be announced. "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2631 501 Brock St. N., Whitby GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive MO 8-3566 WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WHITBY PLAZA Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG FREE PARKING @ Texaco Fuel & Stove Off e "blue coal" Semet-Solvey Coke @ Wood: JAMES SAWDON & SONS Buy from your local dealer. He sup- ports your Home Town Sports. @ 24-HR. BURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Dial MO 8-3071 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3526 WHITBY, Ont. -- MEN'S SHOP MO 8-8721 Last week, the Ajax Council!negligent fire starters. \