MARBLE CHAMPIONS DECLARED AT SIMCOE HALL drew Dubchak, 12; Nazzareno | Voila, 10, and Nick Melny- chuk, 8. In the senior divi- sion Trevor Ellsmore, 11, de- | Four anxious lads prepare to compete for top honors in the annual Marble Tourna- ment held at Simcoe Hall, Raymond Bartolla, 8, in the | junior division, while John Rajkovic, 15, defeated his bro- ther, Bill Rajkovic, in the con- | ment which highlighetd the National Boys' Clubs of Can- ada Week program at Sim- coe Hall. Cerebral /Palsy Fair Success On Saturday, April 14, the Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parent Council for Crip- pled Children held a most suc- cessful Penny Fair in Simcoe Hall Gym. The fair was con- vened by Mrs. Albert Rose, first vice-president of the council. The home baking booth was convened by Mrs. Ralph Camp- bell, assisted by Mrs. John Bothwell, Mrs. David Clark, Mrs. David Gray, Mrs. P. Boy- ko, Mrs. Hayser. The tea room was in charge of the ladies of the Women's Welfare League. It was con- vened by Mrs. R. Lancaster as- sisted by Mrs. K. Fulton, Mrs. W. Marshall, Mrs. W. Shaw, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Ugray, Mrs. Delbert Arkless, a past presi- dent of the Council and Mrs. Harold Beamish, a former prin- cipal of the school. There were many parents/cet, Mrs. Rita Boneham; apron, and crippled children of the school in attendance. There were 129 articles, with} the numbers being drawn in) the evening. The winners were! as follows: Box of cards: Mrs. G. Morey; child's dress, Mrs. Jay; half- bushel apples, Mrs. Lodwich; apron, Mrs. Black; flower ar- rangement, Mrs. Chase; apron, Charlotte Clarke; dress, Mrs. Appleton; Black Bag, Leslie Overton; doll and ward-robe, Jo-Anne Cryderman; dress, Wil- liam Courtice; sunsuit, Mrs. Parfitt; tea set, Jerry Beaudry; towels, Mrs. Frizzel; cookie jar, Mrs. Chase; blouse, Viv- ian Rogers; ice cube tray, Lola | Cox. Fire truck, Mrs. Darbyshire; jewellery, Shirley Boslen; blouse, Pearl Leach; quilt, Au- drey Campbell; black apron, Victor Smith; sleepwear, Mrs. S. Morey; child's suit, Mrs. Wannamaker: luncheon set, Mrs. W. Aston; baby's sweat- er, Lois Lighterness; groceries, Mrs. Thompson; pink apron, Tina Banalabuk; chair set, Gary Arkless;;necklace, Mrs. Lodick; slacks, Reta Bradley. Blouse, Patricia Moore; luncheon cloth ,Mrs. Dorothy Snowdon; pillow cases, D. Arkless; jewellery, Mrs. C., Middleton; child's sun suit, Mrs. Carol Lycett; baby's sweater, Tina Banalabuk; pil- low cases, Mrs. McLure; tapes- try runner, Janice Bell; plaid dress, Mrs. Scuik; apron, Mrs. McGinnis; money clock, Mrs. Dyle; motor rug, Mary Black; tablecloth, Mrs. Chase; Tiny tot Mrs. Smith. Nylons, Mrs. Parfitt; grocer- ies, Mrs. Parfitt; apron, Mrs. L. Roach; blouse, Carol Lod- wick; jewellery, Gordon Wool- ner; apron, Mrs. D. Patterson: truck, Mrs. K. Cryderman; glass dish, Rose Griffin; apron, Mary Balucks; groceries, Mrs. Harper; tea towels, Mrs. Mid- dleton; pillow cases, Mrs. E. Cryderman; perfume, Helen Bickle; groceries, M. Rudman; apron, Gordon Jay; playsuit, D. Arkless; pink smocked dress, tish Country Dance representing many different clans of Scotland, will be tak- THE CLANS ARE GATHERING ing part in Oshawa Folk Festival, May 12, Hands joined in a setting step are Pat Johnston, John Sym, Members of Oshawa Scot- Club, Winn MacKenzie and Robert Crawford. --Oshawa Times Photo Lynn Cryderman. Ash trays, Darci Davey; apron, V. Rogers; glasses, Mrs. Downs; blouse, R. Metcaffe; quilt, Joan Harris; child's dress, Mrs. Gladman; Beauty Council- FORT ERIE ENTRIES Tuesday, May 1, 1962 5. Vase- Remillard 113 6. Brace. Up, Bohenko 111 QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE Cdn. foaled. Four-year-olds and R. Met-jlor set, Marion Bell; apron, Mrs. Wannamaker; bibs, Mrs. feated Sam Melnychuk, 12. | solation division. More than 40 Coffee percolator, Nicky Melnychuk, 9, beat ' boys competed in the tourna- | up. Purse $1800. Claiming all $2500. 64% Furlongs. Division of the fifth 1 Tedette, NB 116 2. Dutch Larry, NB 122 Teddy Joe, Brown 116 Peel Express, Lanoway i116 Sir Saugeen, NB 116 Vale of Avoca, Armstrong 114 Dark Valley, Robinson 111 Impelo, Adams 111 Fair Mike, Annesley 122 Shasta Road, Harrison XX112 11. Vee Gee Cee, NB 116 12, London Town, NB 122 Also Eligible: Cairn Boy, Uyeyyama 116; Noble Intent, Leblanc XX106; Canadian Fly- er, Rogers 116; Wilwyn Street, Griffiths X111; Running Gold, NB 111; Wings of Song» NB 114. EIGHTH RACE Four-year-olds and up Purse $1900. Claiming all $2500. One Mile and one 16th. 1. Prince Robert, Potts 114 2. Noboy's Lad, Adams 112 3. Captain Hook, Griffiths X109 4 Red Spray, Elliott 114 5. Lucky Ad, Wick 115 6. Sir Benjamin, Brown 115 7 8 9 iday. » boys, left to right are: Frank Ma jeaffe; apron, Mrs. Hearst; : Frank Maitland 9; An- | : = i oll iceman -- jwallett, Mrs. Downs; perfume, Morris; Jewellry, Mrs. Mosha- Marion Bell; nylons, Mrs. Mc-|lewicz; blouse, Mrs. Brown; Student Recital CITY AND Mant Baby uit i Bel apr. Oven: Sep Fine Success stupid apron, Marie Leaman;j|lian Russell; dogs, Marlene salad bowl, Rita Bothwell; cup|Downey; scarf, Eileen Taylor. and saucer, Mrs. Mowat; pillow; Chicken, Mrs. Ferguson; per- cases, Peter Boyko; red and/fume, Linda Yeo; jumper, Miss | the Onaws Fis Daerenest white apron, Joyce Chant; half}R. Brown; silk case, Mrs. Le : ' ; was called to ative in a mat: bushel apples, Mrs. Hamer; |Serf; cigarette box, Mrs. Bell; ete TANG. wu. coe at 94 Konoeth soot tum-Gink salves, Carol Gray; del, icompee, Mis. Gale; Saad ACE ee ».|day morning. Damage was es- ; : jane 088, 2. 2emcHeu, Spron, son; Ballade, Karen Hawke; timated at $25 Guest towels, Howard Les-|Mrs. Sterricher; pillow cases, Sonatina, Paul Taylor; Minuet, Nes lie; pink necklace, Leo Chris-/Mrs. E. Cryderman; baby Beverley Tennant. TWO GRASS FIRES tie; pillow cases, green border,|sweater, Mrs. Parfitt; apron, j 2 4 SINGING Two grass fires and seven Marie Leaman; mauve towel,/Glenda Johnson; glass dish, ; GRADE 4 SINGING _ ambulance calls were reported|Ruby Knapp; chicken, M. Reid;|Mrs. D. Snowdon; boy's shirt, Penge ie pi tagel wes Sunday in Oshawa. shell, Anne Kroll; cushion, Mar-|Peter Boyko; lavender bath |Mine, Marybeth. McClement. GRADE 5 PIANO Air, Wendy Williams; The Mechanical Doll, Patricia Web- ber; On the Sands, Karen Son- ley. --Oshawa Times Photo FIRST RACE Maiden, three-year-olds. Purse $2100. 614 furlongs. . Joe the Capt'n, NB (A)115 . Epie Circle, NB 110 - Reckless Rick, An'sley 115 . Rebel Devil, M'cutt, 122 . Dashette, NB 110 . Forever Niki, NB 110 - Long Key, D'fach 122 . Castle Walk, Desp'to, 117 . Crn. Princess, Rasm'en 117 . Scoot Joe, Brown 115 . Finibud, Rogers 122 . Aptly, NB 122 Also eligible: Star Task, Grif- fiths X117; Eliza Belle, NB 117; Windlette, Robinson (A)110; Caught Looking, Armstrong 115. (A) R. E. Cook and L. Boercian entry SECOND RACE Canadian foaled, three - year- olds. Purse $1800. Claiming all $2500. 614 furlongs. 1, Pheas't Lane, Rem'lard 120 . Diamond Park, Simpson XXX106 7 8. 9. 10, 11. Town Clerk, NB 111 Teacher's Pal, H'son XX108 Montana Flight, D'fach 120 Malucina, Wick 115 Victory Girl, NB 115 12. Arctic Deal, Bohenko 115 Also eligible: Dutchy, Simp son XXX110; Snatchem, Kallai 116; Wee Fairy, Bolin 116. FOURTH RACE Two-year-old maidens, $2100. 4% furlongs. 1, Sound Stage, Dalton 120 2. Ken's Pride, Griffiths X112 3. Chuckle Pride, Lanoway 120 4, Castenango, Gubbins 113 . Nothing Sacred, N'cutt 120 . Major's Choice, NB 113 QUINELLA BETTING FIFTH RACE Cdn. foaled four-year-olds and up. Purse $1800. Claiming all $2500. 644 Furlongs. 1, Penwise, Brown 111 2. Dherona, Potts 114 3. Limbo Dancer, Adams 114 4, Curlers Pride» Har'son X114 5. Flying Rounders, Nedeau 116 6. Mavis, Dittfach 111 % Happy Divorce, Armstrong 1 8 9. 10. il OBITUARIES MRS. HUBERT SABEAN The death of Mrs. Doreen Regina Sabean occured at the Oshawa General Hospital April 21. Born at River Herbert, Cum- berland County, N.S., Jan. 21, 1928, she was the daughter of| James Le. Blanc and the late) Mrs. Le Blanc. In 1951 she was} t Sabean of/©!#" ' a tae Count | series of three student recitals. N.S. In 1952, they moved to| The recitals have all been Oshawa, where she resided until/held in the concert hall of the her death. McLaughlin Public Library. It Surviving, besides her hus-|Was interesting to note the rise band, are her father of Toronto, |!" number of voice students Ont., four sisters, Mrs. E v a| performing. The recitals. will be Mills; Agnes (Mrs. Ronald Mc-|Presented again next season Farlane); Lois, all of Toronto;|}when other students will have| Karen (Mrs. Herbie Mercer) of|the invaluable opportunity to) Oshawa; two brothers, Frankie|perform before the public. and David of Toronto. and} Following is the program: [Mrs. Miller- 93; J. W. Mitchell, |92 and M. Dervent, 92. The andparents of River Herbert, | 7 7 NS. Ser GRADE 2 PIANO oe * nye ae {prize for low score went to Jim N.S. Several aunts and uncles, ' Minuette, Evelyn nieces and nephews also sur-| Jig, Jackie Shearer; Musette, "a ; *|Hedge who had 58. The door és ;Cindy Lou Ayre. Allegro Vivo, Michael Stephen-| rize was won by Shirley Bar- vive. son. |P: the) GRADE 1 SINGING henge! maven rane Se Another Secret Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh-| 5.14. One Morning, Shella he = Mitchell 'with a score! q fs ; : marly One orning,. § 0! 5 awa, until. they were transfer Gittord: ay'. Go. Hemel | Satellite Fired \Kathy Sheffield. GRADE 6 PIANO Toccatina, Susan Winder; : | o Gazette carries the in-| red. to Jayne's Funeral Home, LETTERS PATENT Digby, Bagg hia a gal ana The current issue of The On- . 'alk ais rom e Church o hrist) GRADE 3 PIANO alii ae | tari ERKELEY, Calif. _ | Rondo, Lillian Page; From) ' fete Disciples, South Range, Wed-| Minuet, Donald McKenzie;|Way Down South, Ellen|formation that letters patent of/The U.S. Air Force Saturday mestny, April 38, at 2 P-M-»/Sonatina in G, Katheleen Stew-'Woods; Allegro, Diane Harri-|incorporation have been issued|launched a secret military sat- conducted by Rev. LL. B.| wan a t , . to Andimar Investments Limit-|ellite--the fourth fired from this he| art. son; Ivan Sings, Betty Lynn Os : -- pastor of the borne : ed of Oshawa. area in 11 days. The defence chureh, } GRADE 2 SINGING : | jdepartment has a rule against Hymns sung were "Wonder- The Circus Clown and The GRADE 6 SINGING | 16 NEW MEMBERS {giving more than brief an- ful Words of Life" and "God|Sleepy Fishes, Wayne Coull;| Triple Singing Duet -- The _At a recent boca teq| mouncements of missiles in- be with You 'Til We Meet/Lady April and Lovely Morn-|Dancing Butterflies, Santa\Vice in Southminster United/tanqeq to acquire information of Again" by the choir. A duet,|ing, Nancy Willson. Lucia, South Courtice School,|Chureh eight couples were re-\\\.cinie military or defence Home Sweet Home, was very|-- ~ -- Janet Down, Lois Down, Shirley ceived into membership. Fol-| nature. beautifully rendered by Rev.| Pickel, Joanne Gabourie, Anna- [owing the gets poy 8 : and Mrs. Nettercott. |Marie Kruk, Susan Solway. |™embers were welcomes "| FIND DYNAMITE Pallbearers were Eldred Mar-| oes USnawa } jelders and yoo aps | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) --Five shall, ye Marshall ca 9 naa Wace teseen. sic ments were served. | sticks of Gynamite--connacied arshall and Carle Wright. | ' 5 ovate to a nine-foot fuse that ha Floral tributes were many| Need Growth . ris Dance from Henry 8th, Nan- In Hees ee reece, burned seven feet and stopped and beautiful. Interment t ook| cy Doble; To the Rising Sun, |; Sac lant: Shin --were found Saturday night ' BY K. C. BATH B McNab; Alla Tarantella|i"8 an accident, which occurred oe place in the family lot at Be ©. BATE eons Penal, AUS Léaranelia King street Friday, the|before services on the lawn of South Range. | Industrial Commissioner |Op 39 No. 2, Donna Christie. story was erroneous in the |a Jewish synagogue. Police said MRS. VI RIA SHULTZ a ng el we have Re GRADE 9 SINGING direction the drivers were|it was powerful enough to have . VICTO § ustrial Commission committed) , ; Canterbury Fair, : Beverley travelling. A car driven bv| caused extensive damage to the A resident of Oshawa for the to encouraging the growth of G i ee J i Franciscus J. Lenaerts, 50 of past 40 years, Mrs. Victoriajlocal firms and new. business vg Bt ig Unot Him, Jan 112 Division street, was in fact Shultz, died at Hillsdale Manor,|and industry to locate here and A shee Se eastbound on King street west early today. Mrs. Shultz, had|thus enlarge the business com- GRADE 10 PIANO when a collision occurred with been in poor health for the past;munity. The Chamber of Com-| Rosemary, Lucille Lyzan-a car driven by William F. three years. jmerce is trying to improve the|chuk; Valse in E. Minor, Eliza- Jardine, 18, of 34 Patricia ave- The deceased, the former|business climate and make it/beth Couves. | nue, which was backing out. of Victoria Hegadorn, was amore attractive to new business. | la driveway. daughter of the late Mr. and|We realize that success in these| ARCT SINGING Mrs. Sydenham Hegadorn. She|ventures means more people,| Like to a Linden Tree and was born May 29, 1872 in Ernes-|more houses, roads, schools and Visi D'Arte from Tosci, Cath- START SAVING town, Ont., and married the other expensive services besides|erine Bush. late William Franklin Shultz,)more sales and tax revenue. who predeceased her Dec. 19,/ Is it worth the bother? Why OLD BOTTLES 1949, in Kingston, Dec. 11, 1888./not let's stay a nice community! A two cent returnable car- Mrs. Shultz came to Oshawajof 62,000; improve it by all bonated beverage bottle. from Kingston and was a mem-) means, but generally stay about This returnable bottle may ber of Albert Street United/the way we are. After all, we! be used as many as 35 Church. have most of the good things of times; a non-returnable bot- She was also predeceased by life right here in Oshawa. What) How divine guidance aids man} tle costs 3% to 4 cents for a a daughter, Mrs. George Try-|more do we need? in his efforts tv make spiritual] single use. on (Rosa) on May 10, 1960 and; We really have very little|progress was brought out Sun- To get good, fast returns, by a son, Walter, Mar. 24, 1942.|choice as there seems to be ajday, April 29, at Christian Sci-| use Oshawa Times Classi- Surviving are a son, Arthur,|law of nature, applicable to any|/ence church services. The Les-| fied ads to find just the of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa|living organism, or a company/son-sermon entitled 'Probation! right tenant for your va- and three sisters, Mrs. John or a community; that if you)After Death' included these} cant room, apartment or Dawson (Jessie) of Odessa,|cease to grow, you die. If you|words of the Psalmist: "As for| house. Renters are checking Ont., Mrs. Charles Bennett|just cease to grow while those|God, his way perfect: the} the ads every day so get (Edith) of Detroit and Miss|around you flourish, you choke|word of the Lord is tried: he| Oshawa Times Classified "Ads Flossie Hegadorn of Kingston.|to death. If you actually beginjis a buckler to all those that] working for yor now. Dial 723-3492 and you'll be amazed azed at the results your fast acting ad brings you. The progress of private mu- Purse sic education in the Oshawa dis- trict was evident Saturday even- ing when the Oshawa and Dis- trict Branch of the Ontario Re- gistered Music Teachers' Asso- ciation presented the last in a 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. 8. 9. 10. 5 6 ion Cooney; pink towels, Mrs.|salts, Mrs. Overton; cuff links, Dickinson; yellow centre piece,|/Mrs. Griffin; hand cream, Mrs. |Mrs. Lathingue; apron, Alex|McNeill; bath salts, Mrs. Mc- Hill; pink centrepiece, Miss R.|Lure; quilt top, Mrs. Harper; Brown; corning ware, Mrs. At-|laundry basket, Mrs. Vice; chinson; cushion, Jackie Eden; |handkerchief, Mrs. Balyck. men's socks, Mr. Gower; bath} There were no unclaimed towel, Elva Montgomery. numbers. THREE POUND TROUT | Michael Szurgot, 154 Athol) street east, caught a_ three- pound brown trout in the Kirby jarea Sunday morning. EUCHRE WINNERS The winners at the euchre party held last week at Harman Park were: Chris Holt, 101; GRADE 5 PIANO Soldiers in the Distance, Scott | Laurence. - Kinglow, Dittfach 120 . Stan's Ace, Potts 120 . Our Dandy, Gubbins 116 . Metro Works, Watters XX113 . Ballyette, Adams 115 . Royal Topaz, N'cutt 115 . Mock Song, Fitzsi'ns 111 . Spunky Imp, H'son X106 . Flying Lass, Rasm'sen 111 . Maplehurst, Dalton 111 Also eligible: Stromanca, NB 116; Ered Quill, Brown 115; York Ridge, NB 120; Rockey River, Harrison XX108, THIRD RACE Canadian foaled, three - year- olds. Purse $1800, claiming all $2500. 614 furlongs, division the second. 1, Dark Selection, NB 111 Maggie Grant, NB 111 Our Fool, Potts 120 Black Cham'ne, H'son X110 Tony Bax, NB 116 Miss Tareen, Rogers 115 LIST WITH... . Fiery Law Boy, Hale 116 . Big 'n Low, NB 116 . Maple Rose, NB 111 . Clifton Bay, NB 116 12. Plucky Crest, NB 119 Also Eligible: Fighting Rock- et, NB 119; Welland Canal, Co- sentino, 116; Airborn Charm, NB 122; Top Field, NB 119; Little Dame, Despirito 111; Choppy Wind, Harrison XX110. SIXTH RACE "The Vineland" Allowance. Purse $2400 6% Furlongs. 1. Ballymacoy, Lanoway 115 2. Sagsilla, Lanoway 118 3. Sardonyx, Harrison XX96 4. Roman Dipper, Potts 118 COMING EVENTS BAZAAR at Centre. Street United Church, East Unit on May 3, 3 e'clock. Afternoon tea 35 cents. BINGO Eastview Park, Tuesday 2 p.m. and Euchre, Tuesday 8.15 p.m. Refresh- ments and prizes. Admi: 50 cents. RUMMAGE sale, Harmony Church, corner of King and Harmony Road North, Wednesday, May 2, 10 to 12 p.m. CHRIST Memorial Church WA. Bridge and Euchre, Wednesday, May 2, 8 p.m. Lunch, prizes. Admission 75 cents. |EUCHRE, Monday, April 30, 8 p.m. Harman P ark, Douglas Street. Lunch | served. Proceeds for Cerebral Palsy |schoo] and clinic, Admission 50 cents. BINGO ST, GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM | EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL GOOD PRIZES THE OSHAWA JAYCEES REMIND YOU THAT MAY IS SAFETY MONTH BE SURE YOUR CAR IS SAFE, DRIVE OVER THE SAFETY CHECK LANE OPENING TUESDAY, MAY Ist. DAILY NOON TO 8 P.M. Athol Street West, opposite Police Building REMEMBER THIS CHECK-UP COSTS YOU NOTHING EXCEPT A FEW MINUTES TIME Sponsored by the OSHAWA JAYCEES in conjunction with the |SAFETY LEAGUE and the OSHAWA POLICE DEPT, 4 9 . Mayfiar Mews, Simpson XXX99 . Marty oy, Trombley 122 . Harris County, Gubbins 114 Post Time 2 p.m. Clear and Muddy AAC-- X-5 Ibs, XX-7 Ibs, XXX - 10 Ibs. CANAL TIED UP ST. CATHARINES (CP)-- Traffic in. the Welland Canal was held up for eight hours Sat- urday when a 40-mile-an-hour wind pushed a Liberian freighter broadside against a lock. Neither the freighter, Con- tinental Pioneer, nor the lock was damaged. GRADE 6 SINGING June, Carol Inch. "entire surrounding nelghbor- hood," URGES PRAYERS VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope John issued an apostolic letter Sunday urging the Roman Catholic clergy and_ people throughout the world to intens- ify their prayers for success of the ecumenical council begin- ning in October. He asked that prayers be especially offered during the month of May, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary} by: the church. | NEW HORROR WEAPON? HONOLULU (AP) -- Repre-| sentative Daniel K. Inouye (Dem. Hawaii) reports Ameri- can scientists are perfecting "a horrible weapon" capable of destroying all the earth's vege- tation. The weapon is in expe- rimental stages, Inouye told a dinner Friday night. In Wash- ington, the defence department declined comment. PICKET CHURCHES NEW ORLEANS (AP)--Sign- carrying segregation pickets paraded in front of two Roman} Catholic Churches Sunday, pro- hh F testing the integration of Cath-| PP A ge last month that did not fail to|olic schools next fall. There! 7 " fascinate the youngsters. were no incidents. | @ Open Every Evening @ In a letter sent to Robert! Young, Oshawa Times Circula- tion Manager, Monica Connoly, editor of Campus Chatter' Don- evan's school paper, said that at least one of the students, Don Campbell, Campus Chatter re- porter, was "'overawed by the machinery". The letter accompanied a} copy of Campus Chatter, in which an article appears de-| scribing the vocational oppor-| tunities with a newspaper. | Mr. Young was the students') guide on their tour through the! Times Building. 48-Hour Special 1957 Volkswagen DELUXE Custom' radio. Exceptionally clean. $895 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 U | 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. YOUR FUTURE may be waiting for you right now in the "Help Wanted" Columns of the Oshawa Times Classi- fied Section, Check the Want Ads KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, MAY Ist. FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 55 and 56 TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE NOS. 53-57 BINGO TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES CampusChatter Has Article On 'Tour Of Times A group of students from Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate In- stitute made a tour of The Osh- awa Times offices and plant FALTY «++ Then Call Your Mover | | TRADE YOUR HOME Consult Trade Specialists, No Obligation. Call to-day PIANO 728-5123 Sonata Opus 13, Adagio Can- tabile, Clair Westley. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT 54 SIMCOE NORTH TUES. & WED. FEATURES GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT WIENERS 29: BACON 39: LEAN, MEATY 5 % 29 3 Ibs. § SHORT RI 39 Six grandchildren and eight|to get smaller, you soon wither|trust in him....It is God that| great grandchildren also sur- away and disappear. To be/girdeth me with strength, and) vive. healthy and strong, you must!maketh my way perfect. (Psalm| The memorial service will be| grow 18) | held at the Armstrong Funeral) Another growth law seems to Cliff Mills Capel Wednesday, May 2, at\be, the quicker you grow, the! 3.30 p.m. Rev. Albert E. Larke, | quicker you die. A _ steady) minister of Albert Street Unit-|growth well planned, logical, ed Church, will conduct the ser-|/slow but sure, is the secret of vice. Interment will be in Osh-|long life. For examples of the awa Union Cemetery. "9 day wonder', think of the |butterfly, the Hula-hoop craze or jany boom city - Elliot Lake for MRS. ALFRED KEMP instance, or Dawson city. | The memoria! service of Mrs., So it is imperative that we Alfred Kemp, who died at the not only encourage the com- Bowmanville Memorial Hos-|munity's growth, but also that pital, Thursday, April 26, in her|)we take care to control it. 58th year, was held at the Arm-|Therefore, having faith in the strong Funeral Chapel, Satur-|future of Canada, and our city day, April 28 at 2 p.m. Oshawa; let us help, encourage Rev. W. H. Crawford, minis-|and steer the development of ter of Enniskillen Unite djour community, its economy Church, conducted the service.|and its social conditions, to Interment was in Oshawa/make it an ever better place to Union Cemetery. live and work. Let us be proud Pallbearers were C harles|of what we hand on to our child- Kemp, John Kemp, Bert Sud- ren and successive generations ! dard, Cyd Saunders, Roy Saun:| Let us all help Oshawa grow; | ders and Jack Lambert. jcan we count on you? C Ib C Ib Last Tuesday onty While They FUNERAL OF BRAISING RIBS LEAN, MINCED BEEF BONELESS, ROLLED BRISKET