ee en ae 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 30, 1962 Reshaping Room As It's Painted You can reshape a room as|frame a color that blends with you repaint it. Ceiling too low? | the painting, but contrasts with Raise it. Room too narrow? | the background wall. Widen it. Or too square? Lengthen it. You can do it with paint -- the right color paint. A small room will look larger when painted a light color, par- ticularly a light cool color, snch as"pale blue, lilac, aqua, or blue gray. These colors retreat, mak- ing the walls seem farther apart, thus making the room it- self appear more spacious. To increase the size illusion, always paint the woodwork and trim the same color as the walls. On the opposite side of the eoin, deep hues are most flat- tering to large rooms. Even a sparsely furnished, barn - like room will look friendly and in- viting when its walls are paint- ed a deep, warm hue, such as burnished gold, copper or bur- gundy red. Woodwork can be painted white or a contrasting color in a spacious room, and should be, as it's exceptionally decorative. What about a long, narrow room--or hall--that resembles a bowling alley? You can make it seem much wider and square in shape if you paint the two side walls a light color and the narrow ends a deeper hue. This effect can be achieved by using a tint and shade of the same color, or by combining light and /@ark contrasting hues. For in- stance, you could use shell pink and rose or shell pink and tur- quoise. DUO-TONE EFFECTS Even a room can be a real "square". You can create more interest in a box-like room by making one wall the focal point. Select the wall behind the room's most important furnish- ing. Paint this one wall a con- trasting color, or a brighter or deeper shade of the other walls. You might paint one wall bright gold and the remaining walls gray or pale yellow or a deep golden tone. To make a ceiling look higher, paint it white or a very pale color which is much lighter than the walls. If you wish to make a high ceiling seem lower, use the reverse technique: paint the ceiling a deeper color than the Walls. Attractive features in a room should be accentuated. For ex- ampe, to spotight a handsome fireplace, paint it a color that contrasts with the surrounding walls. Or to call attention to a handsome painting, paint the Jigsaws Safe For Teenagers One of the safest of all power tools for the teen-age young- ster is the table jigsaw. Al- though power driven, it is easy to operate because the blade goes up and down and there is little danger of the wood or other stock being pulled into the saw. The jigsaw enables the oper- ator to do both inside and out- side cutting, either of straight lines or of intricate, curved de- signs. Because it can be used so effectively on small pieces of wood, it is especially popular with the hobbyist, who may not have the time or space to bother with large-size projects. The speed of the blade can be increased by means of special pulleys, but the fundamental to be followed is that the hard- er the material being cut, the slower the speed should be. There are different types of blades for different materials. Chances of error in making euts can be reduced to a mini- mum by tracing -the outline of the design directly on the stock. Jigsaw cutting allows more play for individual design ideas than does almost any other power When you wish to divert at- tention from wnattractive fea- tures such as pipes and radi- ators, paint them the same color as their surrounding areas. They will fade inte the background. PAINT SELECTION If you are going to de your own painting, here's a quick guide to the selection of the proper paints to use on the var- ious surfaces. New Plaster Walls -- two coats of latex paint (also called water-thinned, plastic, rubber based) or ome coat of primer sealer followed by enamel. Previously Painted Plaster Walls -- one coat of either latex or alkyd flat. If new paint is yellow or pink, it's advisable to use a coat of pigmented primer sealer first. Waliboard -- seal with one coat of primer sealer, then fol- low with latex or alkyd. Hardboard -- first seal with latex, enamel undercoater, oil or alkyd based primer. Follow' with topcoat of choice. Plyweed -- seal with penetrat- ing resin sealer, clear if top coat is to be varnished. If top coat is wall paint or enamel, use pigmented resin sealer. New Woodwork -- prime with enamel A -- gloss or semi-gloss enamel. If color is being changed from dark to light, use enamel under- coat first. tool, GARDEN Supplies FOR EVERYTHING YOU GROW The formula for these new Vig- oros are based on extensive plont nutrition research. They provide everything plants need except sun, air and water . .. put back everything plants take out of the soil to maintain -- or improve -- Scientifically-balanced for- mulations custom-made to match the feeding habits of Canada's most popular lawn garden. and. landscaping plontings. Contains a of aif the roses need = healthier an er... promotes big- ger blooms. COMPLETE PLANT FOOD soil fertility year boalonce nutrienis to grow | elements for healthy new growth, vigor- d strong- m# our root develop- fa ment and rich green after year. GOLDEN VIGORO LAWN FOOD IN A LIGHTWEIGHT Gelden Vigoro now is available in @ 8 coloring. new, Go-Farther formula. And the handy new bag with a handle pours . like a pitcher, Spreader settings on bag. IT DOES NOT BURN. FORMULA GOLDEN VIGORO FEEDS 4 TIMES LONGER, THAN MOST LAWN FOODS--A WHOLE SUMMER To control white grubs and other lawn insects use Golden Vigoro with Dieldrin (END-OF-PEST). Only one application needed. FOR CRABGRASS CONTROL NEW! Exclusive Formula WITH DACTHAL W-50 Prevents Crabgrass without Burning Grass One application crabgrass all summer HOW TO RECOGNIZE Grows in clumps, with coorse leaves and_ seed-bearing tops. The blades are brighter green, broader and hug the ground more than do finer- stemmed lawn grasses, If you don't stop crabgrass early in the season, when it's still light green or cast- CRABGRASS ing a purple shade, it will crowd out the other grass and turn an unsightly brown. Mowing is not the answer, since crab-grass leaves bend When before the mower, NOW prevents cut, the seed is likely to take root where it falls. The an swer to crabgrass is RID. @ IT IS HARMLESS TO PETS AND PEOPLE @ MASTER FEEDS FREE PARKING CUSTOMER 54 Church Street Dial 723--2229 (OSHAWA) ®@ Daily Delivery Service @ WHAT RID DOES @ Kills crabgrass before you see B® -- harmless te pets, birds, chitdren © ee Sa or Meneiver. genes ~ STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. Sam. te 6 p.m. Fridey, 8 e.m. to 9 p.m. Wed. ond Set., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.