THE OSHAWA THARS, Mondey, April 30, 1962 § e Pp lanting Helps you can have the early-fiower-| Other perennials can be ' ing perennials followed by those; mingled with them, such as that flower in the summer, such) daylilies, to give pleasing ef- 4 as delphiniums and phlox, fol-| fect, while evergreens can sup- edu " arage lowed by fall chrysanthemums.| ply winter color. The garage and its driveway, where the garage is at the ex- | ean be a very attractive part 4 treme' rear of the property. SEI i ING OUT the -- sg ese hone to Usually where the eg oll is rage § box-like when there) part of the house, the se is no foundation planting to| foundation planting 'includes the Must Be Cleared By May 31 pomp the psc into the | garage, the planting being an andscape. The garage requires) extension of the former. Some- FLO a fyoundation planting the same | times a couple of climbing roses EVERGREENS WERING SHRUBS as the home, and an ottreryise | or other vines one on each side Approximately 700, 10) | | cuowsate beautiful property often can be) of the garage doors will do. varieties 24"-36", 187-2 e DEUTZIA spoiled without it. | In cases where the sides and $9 00 - se 00 © RED SPIREA This is also true of driveways, rear of the garage are visible . a @ FLOWERING QUINCE which could be .made much from the rest of the property a @ FORSYTHIA more delightful by' planting per-| few evergreens and flowering ' ¢ ae ennials, shrubs, or ground | shrubs, or a low tree whose Geeen Red Berberry 25° EACH 35 covers as a border. Visitors get | branches may extend ovr part their first impression of a home| of the roof, when combined with me md ae up pidge | lower shrubs will tie the steuc- whether it is a long or short! ture into the landscape. ROSES 2 i | 75 drive. Any plants that will keep the or ? The homeowner would do well garage from looking like a sore MANY VARIETIES to consider planting the home| thumb will help. Let Us Professionally Clean Your Winter Clothes and Blankets * ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL EAST PHONE 725-1812 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY i ¢§ a i Pantin tat di OOP POPP POPP PPP PPP PPP FPP PP PPD PDP PPP PDP PF PDP PDP PD PPI PD only a few flowering shrubs or; The first is to make two long evergreens at the front corners narrow beds and plant perma- TULIPS 5 'do numerous other flowering be a real accident ha .| Another solution to make the --- -- | drive more attractive is to plant MO 8-4735 'nent shrubs, both evergreen Purple, White, Light Can Be Hazar | shrubs, such as azaleas, spirea, | forsythia or any one of probably 5 |a hundred or more shrubs that everwyc ar ens -- joints | the beds with perennials, Thus garage as part of his improve-| There are two solutions to | and flowering. Purple. 35° Entirely aside from its offence do well in your neighborhood are loose. The worst thing you |; ---------- ei ment program. It may require; planting a driveway. PERENNIAL PHLOX DIG YOUR OWK : Floribund se a . Wobby Chaw | 2a. Sn AH... EAC @o the eye, a wobbly chair can | climate. Hwy. 12, S Ges aa as Whitby | ean do ia attempting to repair euch joints is to use a hammer and nails. Nine times out of 19, the use of nails in making a chair will result only in further damage to the wood. : : ss . The most likely parts of a) : PLANTER- chair to become loose are the | : oe = rungs, which normally take eee quite a beating, especially in|} ° ce : homes where there are chil-| : ROOM DIVIDER dren. When a chair rung is eesy : : loose, it ig not wise to apply | some glue to the end of it and es ' - . FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM then push it back into the hole in the chair leg. It is bound to Ress : become loose again in a short : : VESTIBULE . ch OR DEN time. The rung is loose because a the opening into which it fits is : too big, either because it be- came enlarged or because the i : end of the rung has shrunk. : This beauti A : ¢ Glue is meant to hold things to- Hb leptttid: mentee le made af rane ee gether not to fill up spaces 3 ried Ohie sand stone and will certainly add te d : the beauty of your den, vestibule or living room EB soicggo nigra ig a -- It offers distinction and blends tastefully in almost every home, It is ideal for natural nee aes ik -- Hes oeonuiae or artificial plants and flowers, and can be used with or without legs. to the old glue. The first step, Weight: Only 60 Ibs. Length: 33" Width: 16", Height 19" therefore, is to scrape off the . : act oes Wa in Ct ce Regular Price $69.95 Home and Garden Special er similar tool. A sharp-bladed | tool will be dulled quickly if} used in this fashion. Should you} find it difficult to scrape out all | ALSO .... the old glue from a leg socket, uc a little household vinegar nto the hole and let it soak be- ARTISTIC STONE FOR YOUR fore starting the scraping. Gi of the cong oat vince. @ FIREPLACE @ BARBEQUES ok geben get a the rung a little larger than it = WALLS e WALL PLANTERS was. Apply glue to the entire a around the wedge and th ae of Ee es ek ds DO-IT-YOURSELF, WITH THESE EASY-TO-HANDLE MATERIALS FROM .the leg socket. Allow the glue MARBO STONE. WE WILL BE GLAD TO ADVISE YOU. te become tacky, then insert the rung into the leg. It should be <nkeiront acca tight enough so that it must be forced ng place with a -- pressure, but not so. tight that it splits the leg. If you have FOR YOUR GARDEN - clamps, = ge age the glue sets. If » Wind some rope around the chair legs to keep : . the rung in place. No great SEE OUR DISPLAY OF: pressure is required. Sometimes the end of the rung ean be made larger simply by @ BIRD BATHS @ FLOWER URN wrapping a rag around it before . inserting it ae the ad kg Or you can fill pa the FN ack oly or tae e@ COLONIAL BENCHES oe PATIO SLABS (colors) tic wood. But the best repair is that made with a wedge. There are three ways to re- --EASY TERMS AVAILABLE-- pair a rung which is split. You can simply glue the paris to- gether. You = age ogg! wood D Vv. dn A screws as well as glue, driving \e te AMS inf in the hg on the underside if: : iF AS 1437 KING ST. E. after first drilling pilot holes. f :, Me . Or you can use a small niotal Hal | ee , (Just East of Townline) mending plate on the underside - Oshawa Phone: of a rung that has 4 flat sides. : 725-3189 You will have to determine the - type of repair by the nature off eve Se eeher eer vrreer eee ta rrrrs