SACRED ISLE Site of an ancient Shinto shrine and a 9th century Budd- hist Temple, Itsuku-shima is a ag island in Japan's Inland a. Grain Markets Reported Sure OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton urged grain producers Sunday to grow every bushel of wheat, oats and barley they can to meet require- ments of 1,100,000,000 bushels this year. "Employ every proven tech- nique to conserve moisture and increase your production with complete confidence that there will be hungry markets, good prices and more space available for your grain in country eleva- tors than at any other time in the past 10 years," he told farmers in a statement released by his office. He said the record demand consists of 500,000,000 bushels of wheat, 350,000,000 of oats and 250,000,000 of barley. This tops the high average production of 994,000,000 in the 1951-60 period. With last year's crops only half their normal size because of drought and with foreign ex- ports at a high level, all grain on farms will have been deliv- ered at the end of the crop year and elevators will be only half full, he said. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mandey,. April 30, 1962 BIRTHS D'ALESSANDRO -- Dr. and aye A nee Necrival of thelr ha to announce arrival Ganguter, Darya at St. Michael's Hos- pital, North Arlington, New Jersey, on Saturday, April 28, 1962. Mr. and Mrs. D. Nedozytko, Oshawa are the proud} grandparents. LEGGETTE -- Bill and Marie (nee Parry) announce the birth of their son, William Joseph, 8 lbs. 15 ozs., born on Tuesday, April 24, 1962, Oshawa General Hospital. Market Listings 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'se| Stock 173 «175 173 East Mal $14%4 14% % + %\Geco Mines 30 (30 30 Genex 88 Gnt Masct Giant YK ~~ Today's Toronto Stock TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 30 2 in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge B64 46% 46% + % 3B --%iA 56 +% 6 11 Net Btock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Revelstoke 100 $5% She+% 100 20% 5% -- % 8% 80% + % 18% + 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 200 222 22 3222 --1 125 $29 29 1500 % wM--K% 500 106 106 106 +1 110 $10% 10% 10% --% 25 290 290 20 --S +10 Sales 300 400 1000 Stock NC Oils Pac Pete Permo PI Bales High Low p.m. Ch'ge 210 $62% 62% 62% $ 3 Bt $20% 20% 16% 32 2 1B% m4 5% 20% Royal Bank Russell StL Cem A St Maurice --i 4% + % 22 2% 40% 12%+% 19 -- % 25 +" % 1k-- % 11% M% % M+ 235 235 235 315 315 «315 «+8 $16% 16% 16% $65 87% $12% 7 #4 $15% $29 jales M45 500 $25% 25 1515 $15 5 1000 200 200 $32% $12% 260 $49% $25% 25 $48% $8% $30 367% $73% $53% $56 400 400 400 $13% 13% 13% 816% 165% 16% $9% 9% 9% 38% 8% 86--% 165 165 15 $22%4 22% 22% --% $30% 30% 20% + % 150 $244 2% 2MA--% 25 $57%4 S744 57 1730 $10% 10 10% + % 300 96% 6% 6% 100 $8% 8% 8% 100 $6 «26 6 276 8% Th ™M% 100 310 310 310 1150 $6 6 6 $65% 65 66 $13.13 «15 175 2100 $m 2 26 $2614 25% 2% -- % 410 410 410 --5 1140 22% Stock Abitibi Abit pr Acad-Atl Alta Dis vt Akaitcho Arjon A Arcad Bwl000 2 Atl C Cop 400 110 110 Baska 500 10% 10% B-Duq 13 1 Belcher Bethim Bidcop Bouzan Bralorne Brunswk Cadamet Camp Chib c Tung 65 1s The 12% 12% 4% 7 +% 15% 1I%+ % 2 2 Tr $8% 8% 8% i 5% 3% 5S4t % 225 $5 5% 5% U 150 150 150 $79% 79% 79% "3 6 6 -- MURKAR -- Carole and Neil are happy to announce the arrival of aj; daughter, Karen Helene, on Saturday April 28, 1962, at Oshawa General Hos-} 1 pital. A baby sister for Cameron. Atlas Steel Bank Mont K --- Dr, and Mrs. G, T. Sciuk|Bank NS are pleased to announce the arrival of}Bath P A their daughter, Rita Marie, on Tues-| el] Phone day, April 24, 1962 at the Oshawa Gen-| Brazil eral Hospital. BC Forest " Twins or Triplets, you aby SON, Daughter, or » 3 Burns will want to tell the whole town about) Burrard A the latest arrival in your home AD-! Ca! rouncements are accepted until 9:00/Ca) Pow a.m. for publication the same day f0r/Can Cem only $1.50. Just telephone 723-3492 [cl Fndry DEATHS |: Cdn Brew C Collieries C Frbks A C Frbks B SHULTZ, Victoria Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, Monday, April 30, 1962, Vic- toria Hegadorn, widow of the late Wil- y,|Ingersoll A Inglis Inland Gas Inland G w Int Nickel Int Util 1000 60 659 «660 6+1 700 $15% 15% 15% 1100 120 118 119 +2 1000 500 7 7 53 87% Mm 7 u 48 665 445 9 10% 10% 6 48 6 665 45 445 9 9 +10 200 125 125 125 " eee OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. ivr: Z5 $9% 9% 9% eo 1:30 P.M, 410 $17% 17% 17% + % , 910 +15 75 $39% 39% 39% 200 370 370 370 25 $33% 33% B+ % 650 $41 4% 40% -- % 50 $36% 3% 4+ OILS 1400 213 210 210 3500 40 40 40 1500 850 885 240 500 100 200 550 200 167 167 110 $12% 12% 170 $17% 17% 139 24 24 1000 15 15 15 500 345 345 345 +5 555 S83 555 219 219 219 84 8% 8% 9 9 9 199 199 199 8 8 8 4 4 4 485 485 485 32-31% 32 4 4 4 128 53 600 wts 200 Jockey rts 17485 Kelly D A 200 Lakeland nasal Box-Office Opens 7 p.m. |" Show Storts At Dusk !/ Cent Pore Cheskirk Coch Will Coin Lake C Bellek C Discov C Halli C Morrison C Mosher C Northid C Persh C Sannorm Craigmt D'Aragon D'Eldona 3700 Delhi Pac 1000 47 Nelnite 1000 (47 Denison 183 $11% | Dicknsn 409 385 Dome 150 $25 100 100 225 125 1975 1200 200 305 409 18% 1%+% 8% 83 9 9 6% 6 --% $20 20. + $12% 12% 12% $107% 107% 10718 -- % 180 180 +5 -- ¥%|Levy --s 123 128 53 O53 Alminex Anglo UN Am Leduc Bailey 5 A Bailey S pr Cdn Dev 37 210 25 57 210 pA) 19 «618 11 9% $19% 19% 233 «22 |) Mass F Mass-F 5% Mid-West Mon Foods Moore 57 > 210 ) Rix Athab 6an Ant Satellite Sherritt Silvmaq Sicoe y,| Starratt Steep R "| Taurean Teck-H ,|Thom L Tombill Ult-Shaw U_ Asbestos Un Keno Upp Can Ventcres Wasamac Viltsey nmac 303 10 300 180 100 $12%4 12% 12% 50 $57%% 57% 57% -- % 1666 $63% 62% 63 + ¥jC 110 $19% 19% 19% -- %/C 3} 25$127 126% 12644 +1% 210 832% 32% 32% } 22 1s ---3 10% +1 19% 22 C Gas In p C Gas In w C Husky C Imp Bk C cIL liam Franklin Shultz and mother of Arthur of Toronto, in her 90th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the Chapel, Wednesday, May 2, 3.30 a 8 4 200 193 193 193 ss 8 350 = 147 415 410 410 --S 5 31 350 31 31 +1 170 100 $117 1 109 $112 112 320 320 320 $4614 46% 4614 5 $21% 21% 21% oe aka es © 5500 INGO WEDS STOCKHOLM (AP) -- For- mer world heavyweight boxing champion. Ingemar Johansson married Birgit Lundgren Sun- day at a private ceremony in the home of his brother, Rolf. The couple left for Geneva where they will spend the next month and where Ingemar will continue with his training for a match against European cham- pion Dick Richardson, $22% --1 $19 88% Noranda 4|NO NGas Ont .Steel pr |Oshawa A Page Hers |Phantom IN Gas 12 «612 47 47 11% 385 3 167 +1 12% + % 17% -- % a4 3 z25 $22 Meda Mill City Nat Pete Dief mpaign For Macmillan Meets lene tf tar : : jand payments to the provinces. crews stopped their trains to} Mr. Diefenbaker spent most hunt ducks and the now-rare/of Saturday working and receiv- CPR Con M Con Gas p.m,- Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-| Coronation Cosmos on Saturday, April 28, 1962, Baby Wait-| nist seag croft, infant son of Frank and Flor-|r pridge ence Waitcroft. Funeral from MclIntosh|/nom Elect Anderson Funeral Home on Monday.) C Vickers Col Cell tery. Crush WAITCROFT -- In Oshawa Hospital| Hale" April 30, 11 a.m. Interment Union | Cemetery. Q -- %'Q? | more tourists to the west and help conserve wildlife re- sources, On a national issue, the prime minister defended his govern- ment's series of budget deficits and said they wouldn't have oc- me I att PLUS! "DONDI' TOMORROW! 155 158 185 $57% 57% 57% ' 67 «6767 : STARRING DAVID JANSSEN "BLUEPRINT FOR ROBBERY" Adult Entertainment "PORTRAIT OF A MOBSTER" * OSHAWA THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401... PHONE 723-4972 | CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON, SRD por paceman oer 3 b, GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- morial. For placement contact funeral ; director or phone 725-2327. ~GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST 3 23 =---1 31 «(3l +1 Sales to 11 s.m.: 985,000. 23 31 OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Presents "THE CHALK GARDEN" By ENID BAGNOLD By ALAN DONNELLY jcrowded into Prince Albert's) | OTTAWA (CP) -- With the|760-seat Orpheum Theatre to} d 0 ( : ind : lelection campaign just warm-|see the nomination, unopposed,| whooping cranes were "every-|ing callers in his private rail-| 'ling up, Prime Minister Diefen-|of the man who has represented| where."" : | way car, and did a half-hour of} baker takes time out today|the constituency since 1953. | He said the government's new|"main - streeting," strolling) from politics for two days of| A banner welcoming the|program of promoting duck/along Central Aevenue, shaking meetings with British Prime prime minister and Mrs. Dief-|breeding in prairie sloughs and | hands with old friends and get- Minister Macmillan. enbaker--"John and Olive to|waterholes will bring many'ting thumped on the back. to the capital|us'--hung over the stage and ol beg three-day|Mr. Diefenbaker's speech had| Directed by LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement floral requirements for occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING : CENTRE and all %4 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 728-6555 early Sunday after a political tour in Saska tchewan/little of a strong partisan na-| a-| ture. |that culminated in his nomin IN- MEMORIAM BURDEN -- In loving memory of our dear father, Thomas Lyle Burden, who passed away April 30, 1960. His memory is as dear today * Ags in the hour he passed away. --Always remembered -by daughters Marguerite and Mildred. OUTWIN -- In loving memory of a dear father, Edward Outwin, who pas: ed away April 30, 1960. 'The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of the one who once sat there. Fondly remembered by Bill and Alice. OUTWIN -- In loving memory of 8 dear father and grandfather, Edward Qutwin, who passed away April 30, 1960. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And'in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Always remembered by his daughter Edith, Frank and grandchildren. jtion Saturday night in his home constituency of Prince Albert. Election day June 18 is seven | weeks off, and Mr. Diefenbaker lsaid Sunday that, in this age lof air travel, election cam- paigns last too long. The solution he |Maintenance of a permanent voters' list which would make necessary the enumeration of |voters which must start seven |weeks before every general /election. : | The Progressive Conservative lleader flies east Wednesday for ltwo days of travels and |speeches in Newfoundland. But lhe has said his campaign won't proposed: | speech next Saturday night at |London, Ont. | lformally start until his keynote) Much of his support has come from people who have been Lib- eral and CCF supporters in the past. No other party has yet lfielded a candidate in Prince |Albert and Conservative offi- jcials indicated there is a slim |possibility he may be re-elected |by acclamation. | Mr. Diefenbaker's speech em- phasized northern development) |--of great interest in this gate- way to northern Saskatchewan ;--and other local topics such as |wildlife conservation. | He said that a total 1,750 imiles of northern roads, of 4,500 miles planned, had been built under the federal - provincial {roads to resources program. |New railways had been built to resources in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. ID INDIANS | Anis nomination speech at|SEES GREAT ADVANCE Keeble Outwin, who passed away April| »_: Mr. Diefenbaker| By the centenary in 1967, Can- |Prince Albert, jada "is going to be tremen- 30, 1960. ? i that a special com- i if lores heart holt Ser ee weomamend redress|dously different from the Can- 7pea mamorios linger, avery day, lt long-starlling treaty griev-/ada of 1957 when the present --tovingly remembered "by his' wife|ances of Indians would be set overmanent took office." Florence and son Douglas. lup at the first session of the s is the first general elec- OUTWIN -- In loving memory of alnext Parliament. Pree in which all Indians will dear father, Edward Keeble Outwin, He didn't qualify the an- ave the. right to vote, and whd passed away April 30, 1960. ; , We often sit and think of him when|noyncement with any reference Mr. Diefenbaker's announce- | ment about an Indian claims "we are alone, | o08 : : frie to the possibility that his gov-| 8b Migsel can call Ms owns Or emer might not be returned,|Commission was greeted with 'grief can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak, when|.n4 he scoffed at what he said|@PPlause.. There are several were newspaper forecasts that hundred Indian voters in Prince OVTWIN -- In loving memory of «| TO Gear husband and father, Edward) In ~all other things decay, | Our love for him will still keep green| BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | By FORBES RHUDE | Canadian Press Busi Editor The annual meeting period reached its height last week and, in addresses to sharehold- jers, business leaders - looked jsearchingly at the economy. Considerable optimism was expressed but emphasis was also placed on basic problems. E. G. Burton, chairman and president of Simpsons Ltd., leaned toward the apprehension side when he said: "Our recovery from the re- cent recession has been slow, and while Canadian business is showing some improvement the economy is less buoyant than nearly everyone thought it would be." He said taxation is putting a damper onthe economy and that in Canada there is a more onerous tax burden on techni- eal, professional and supervis- ory groups than elsewhere on the continent. Nevertheless, Simpsons plan capital expenditures of $25,000,- Economy Said Less Buoyant |Noranda Mines Ltd., brought smiles to the faces of his share-| |holders by announcing a divi-| |dend increase and a proposed) |two-for-one split in Noranda| | shares. The pace quickened if any thing, in changes in company control. SEEK SHARES Chartered Trust Company an- nounced an offer on behalf of "Canadian principals" to buy 380,000 common shares of Rus- {sell Industries Ltd. at $18.50 a |share. M. P, Jolley, Russell's president, replied that "a better offer on behalf of a Canadian company" is expected next week. Russell subsidiaries in- clude Canada Cycls and Motor |Co. Ltd., Canadian Acme Screw jand Gear Ltd. and John Ber- tram and Sons Ltd. An offer by Mashall Enter- prises Ltd., Montreal, to buy 150,000 shares of United Steel Corporation Ltd. at $8 a share GILLIAN HEATH at McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE May 2, 3, 4, 5th 8:30 P.M. SHARP BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY APRIL 30th, MAY 1st--4:30 to 7 P.M. ON NIGHTS OF PLAY -- AT THEATRE -- 7 P.M. GENERAL ADMISSION -- $1.00 and never fade away. | Always remembered by son Ernest and daughter-in-law Gretchen. the Conservatives can't win. |. An audience of some 800 British O Denying TONDON (CP) -- The Ob- server says British and Euro-|ministers to start the process) péan officials in Brussels deny reports published in Canada suggesting that negotiations forthe British and Common Mar-|days on a Saskatchewan home-|between municipal, into the Com- im- Britain's entry mon Market passe. In a Brussels dispatch, the London newspaper says: "The officials emphasize that are in an fficials Impasse (tion, and it will be up to the jof bargaining on the basis of the arguments put forward by ket experts. "Nevertheless the report does make it clear that Britain and the Six still disa |major problems which will have |to be solved before Britain can ree over many) |Albert constituency. ; The prime minister said his ne oe ee en government since 1957 has|FORECASTS LARGER GNP greatly increased grants and) W. O. Twaits, president of payments to the provinces, in-|Imperial Oil Ltd., forecast an creased old age pensions to $65/increase this year in Canada's a month from $46, and in-|Gross National Product of six creased family income tax ex-|to eight per cent, which is in emptions. jline with the seven per cent Even with all this, he said, 85 forecast in the federal budget. per cent of Canadians are pay-| Mr. Twaits said, however, ing less income tax than they) that there is "excessive empha- did in 1956-57 for equal amounts|sis on regional growth, involv- of income. jing competition and discrimina- |. In nostalgic vein Mr. Diefen-|tion between provinces," and |baker referred to his boyhood|he urged better communication provincial and federal governments as well as between industry and government. Given the right government policies, he said that in basic strength Canada is in a much stead after 1900 when railway) | LIFTER SETS RECORD | DETROIT (AP) -- Norbert Schemansky, veteran USS. these reports are based on a join, The outstanding hurdle to|Olympic weightlifter, made a misunderstanding ,of the nature be overcome is the manner Of|two-hand snatch of 362 pounds better competitive position than is generally understood, be- and purpose of the progress re-/ guarantees to Canada, Austra- ports of the negotiations which lia and New Zealand for their 3% Articles for Sale have been drawn up by high of-|agricultural exports." ficials for discussions by the) The Evening News Saturday due to meet here May 8-9. ja report from Toronto saying 'St is pointed out that the the Common Market countries the-views of Britain and the|for joining Europe. Six- on all the main problems} tion: for membership. . . | NET EARNINGS "In general the report does | Bathurst Power and Paper) pa CLASSIFIED |Co, Ltd., 3 mos. ended March) = Denison Mines Ltd., 3 mos.| ~ADVERTISING ended March 31: 1962, $3,715,000, | " 1000, 74 cents | Dome Mines Ltd., 3 mos.| * sivdmenbebdete stoner 26 cents; 1961, $444,691, 23 cents.) VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, | pe agar a gyre Fen Rel s. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- DE HS FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- AT eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- $5.9) BUYS one room lot of ready|Chance, 41, Paris correspondent paged, plastic-coated wallPreipaper|for the CBC from 1952 to 1961; | 725-2977, = | Windsor, N.S.--Robert Creigh- 34---Lost & Found |ton Mills, 69, newspaper man wr bard Vir catch with cord/and former proprietor of the| LOST -- German shepherd pup, silver| ministers of the seven countries|gave banner front-page play to progress report merely sets out had "rejected" Britain's terms involved in Britain's applica-| not-propose any definite solu-) By THE CANADIAN PRESS | |31: 1962, $344,000; 1961, $356,000. | . 83 cents a share; 1961, $3,328,-| (Continued from Page 15) | ended March 31: 1962, $506,483, | pafts, attachments, brushes, guaran-/| a eee ree stration. Telephone 728-4683. London -- Douglas Pepin Lal sto€k. Upton's Paint and Wallpaper) StoFe, 25 Bond Street East. Telephone after a 10-month iliness. lev rd to Ritson and King.| Springhill, N.S., Record. 5268. | grey and black, name Ranger. Reward. | 72Be7 484. | London -- Anthony Victor Cookman, 67, drama critic of The Times since 1939. 35--Legal Vancouver -- Gordon Hudson, ee ee Seager egy eager ba former professional hockey delts contracted in my name by any player in Quebec, Ottawa and one on or after this date, April 27. 1962 without my written consent , 4. | Vancouver; after a length | | cause Canadian industry has been relatively more exposed to foreign competition in the post- war years than other areas. here Saturday night, bettering the existing world record--held by Russia's world champion failed to reach its goal and Na- tional Trust Company, through jwhom the offer was made, |said it was withdrawn, but a Mashall spokesman indicated continued interest. The move by Slater Steel In- dustries Ltd., became effective with election of eight Slater nominees to a 16-man board of Hew \ ' NAR WARY ". eat ss PLUS THIS EXCITING ADDED FEATURE { * TODAY! DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. THE SENSATION-FILLED MOTION PICTURE THAT HAS SMASHED ALL RECORDS ALL OVER EUROPE! WORLD P=? as NiGE'T FROM BALLET TO BURLESQUE eeeseeees Somer ewer o TECRMIRAMA"® TECHRCBLON © ADDED FEATURE PAT BOONE & TOMMY SANDS directors. British American Oil Co. Ltd. plans to buy the marketing and refining facilities of Anglo Ex- ploration Ltd., Calgary, for around $8,000,000, plus assump- tion of Anglo's liabilities. The offer is $6 a share after Anglo American distributes some of its other assets to its sharehold- ers. Libbey - Owens - Ford Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio, bought Bogardus, Wilson Ltd., Vancou- ver, flat glass distributors. La- batt Industries Ltd., London, Ont., bought Vitafeed Concen- Yuri Vlasov--by 2% pounds. J. R. Bradfield, president of trates Ltd., Toronto. »Roger Vadim's Was she jealously insane...or the } reincarnation of centuries-old evil? TheManWho "= Could Cheat Death TECHNICOLOR® > A HAMMER PRODUCTION STARTING FRI. MAY 4 SHOWN DAILY AT 2:00 - 5:00 - 8:00 Filmed in 70mm SUPER TECHRIRAMA CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2:00 P.M. ingpkings METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER resents SAMUEL BRONSTON'S Production | TECHNICOLOR" C. Greenfield. | illness. f , While you were talking to this missed this one! Customers who can't get through to you may be lost to the competition. Enough lines and extensions, the right equipment in the right place help you keep your telephone door open for business. The one source for all business communications BELL®