Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Apr 1962, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Apri 30, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te F Seturday iH Hines 4 bi 7 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTOR |TV--Radio Repairs 11--Articles for Rent 16--Female Help Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted HARRY LOCKE TV \Aerials and towers, new and | used Television Sets. We rent | new portables. MA 3-2312 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ' 3.75 4,13 3 CONSECUTIV! INSERTIONS. 2.25 248 if not poid within 7 days the Building © Trades ANGER Construction 2 Gompan: crete, bri Anger 623- 2273 | Bowmanville Con- CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood- | flower! Free esti- trees, etc. Plant early. Lily, bulbs, ~ rea Wak cinema |gonias, seeds, large selection. Rundie's mates, Work guaranteed 1d. 728-0850. SIDING -- aluminum, and insulation| Reduced prices for "Aire! (blown method) April and May. Free estimates. tite Insulation." Oshawa 728-4 Peyote, g and Supplies _ WEEPING willows, m |Garden Centre, » King } East, 725- 25-1764. LAWNS and grounds | t |the month, {985- 7051 collect. MANURE, mixed, "delivered, full loads, k work and chimneys. Roy) Stay saa Small orders 33 per yard care of by Gardens rototilied, spring $50 eve-| cleanup. Call H. A. Russell, Port Perry, |Money to Loan Painting and Decorating 22 King West Bowmanville * |HOLANDIA decorator, painting, ,|hanging, Work guaranteed. Free es' Low rates. LOANS TO PAY ALL INTERIOR 3 and exterior ing, window cleaning. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Telephone 728-6879. paper | Telephone MO house pa re Dishes, cutlery, glasses (stem- med wine, cocktail,) silver candelabra, table cloths, buf- fet pieces, trays, lazy susans, coffee ee - urns, 10-44 cup and 7. SARGEANT! . RENTALS 725- 3338 WAITRESS wanted to work full time on counter, steady days, experienced preferred. Apply in person Mall Res- taurant. Oshawa Shopping -- Centre. Must be experienced with short order, Apply in person. Sea Cove Restau- rant, 376 Wilson Road South. HOUSEKEEPER Tequired for adult couple in small home, must be reli- |Well Drilling -- Digging me digging and clean-outs. Tile sup- plied (cement or galvanized. . Tele- phone 728-0394. W. WARD | Personal Service CRESCENT _ YOUR BILLS! WELL DIGGING by MACHINE 12--Articles Wanted ao WANTED | GRAND PIANO Foeward porticulars ; sidewalk bicy le. Telephone 725- able, five days weekly. Write to Box Oshawa Times. STOCK cierk, 1 neat appearance, good | Personality, interested in selling. Grade Nf at least. Write Box 209 Oshaw: imes. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper required) by elderly couple. Must be able to take in. tween 5 } and 7. Position. 725-4638 WAITRESS Wanted for evening shift. | a) charge. Room, board and wages. Live| be- [EXPERIENCED short order cook re- quired. App 70 King Street ie > igimelpamecaes Hota rpg gato sie ee to mind = ren, wi live Telephone 723 1639 8 alter five. MOTHER'S helper, live in. North Osh: awa, Telephone 725: S10 oan 8-10 a.m. or p.m betes . dishes. Must be re ia! teady employment to son, Apply Hotel Lan nt to igh pe West, Oshawa. WOMAN as assistant cook with cook- jing experience, must be and have good character |Steady position. No late night work. pply Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa, |PART-TIME cashier required for Ges- osha Hotel Coffee Shop. Apply in Pere SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 'TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and Deepenings Compressor Work. 728-3864 MACHINE DUG WELLS Quicksand Specialists. 30' casing. Work guaronteed. Foundation e arth boring Cont. Hadco Well Digging Ltd. Agent Oshawa 723-1001. Head Office El- mira, Ont. BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Clean-outs, deepenings, com- Pressor work, septic tanks, installed 725-0665 | 1--Women"s Column But if you insist on the best. . . Call COLD WAVES on speciai. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. GUSCOTT PLUMBING|725.s963. ~|and HEATING LIMITED 207 Simeoe St. S --725-5132 LOCAL bank requires p part time teller two days a week, previous necessary, Telephone ve 725-6521. WAITRESS for 11 aan. to 8 p.m. p- ply Mr. nitby. MO 8 800 Fg Street Charge rote will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot a joter date constitute @ new original order Professional ond Business erro 7,50 . month for 3 lines daily Aes Additional line $1.60 per month. ' ' ch word, initial, abbreviation "fone counts os o word. Box charge 1S¢ additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, In Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m Deodline for Lost and Found nied Conceliations 8:30 a.m. Offic Hours Daily 8 - 5, Saturday 8 - 12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a le insertion of the advertisentent which error And also reserve the right ing according to ning® or Ajax, WH 2-1920 e = aren ff A ¢ --| CLEANUP job, lawns, cott. ALL types of building rep: reefing, trimmed, grass cut, evenings 5 to 10 chimne fireplaces, sidewalks, stoo -|p.m. Monday to Friday. All day Satur- 728-0394. Gordon May. _|day | 725-8252 oe CARPENTRY, any job, large or|CALL Jack Mulligan for your onde small. Rec.-rooms, stairs, garages, eup- | roto- -tilling. Anytime OL 5-4659 Broo boards, Arborite, tile-floors. Workman-| Ontario. ship guaranteed. Free estimates. Rea-|.7xy by sonable, WH 26143, Ajax. otherwise, reasonable. FIX that leaking roof! Free survey for 5077. businesses, apartment or farm build- \SMALL gardens, roto-tilled and plough- gs. J. Markland, 728- 1285. = led, rates reasonable. Telephone eve- : nings. 723-9533. ee HAMBLY CONCRETE GARDENS, lawns, boulevards, PRODUCTS LIMITED \tilled, ready for spring seeding. Grass jand hedges cut. Reasonable rates. Tele- BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, UNIT STEPS phone before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS MATURE FEMALE __ with knowledge of bookkeep- ing and clerical work. Tem- porary position | year to 18 months, Apply in writing to Manchester Credit Union Ltd. ___ Box 188, Brooklin YOUNG WOMAN WANTED Single, from Bowmanville, Oshawa area, for general store work, Full time. Must have some experience _PHONE 725-591 | IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENTS IN WHITBY Information AVON TERRITORIES | PHONE 725- 8466 | __ FOR INTERVIEW HOSTESS | AND | FULL AND PART TIME "WAITRESSES For Apointment Call MA 3-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN: MOTOR MOTEL BOWMANVILLE RESPONSIBLE _ PERSON Required for dictaphone typing and general clerical duties. Short hand on asset. An effi- cient girl Friday with all round experience. Excellent personnel policies. Salary open. Apply manager P.O. BOX 700 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. WHITBY CLASSIFIED : Unfurnished, ground floor} WHITBY: Upper duplex, three bed- » living' room, bedroom, bath-|rooms, large living room, kitch- kitchen with stove, private en-jen ,tile, hardwood, downtown loeatii trance. Suitable for couple, $65. MO} oe or 272 Ritson Road ith, Osh: 8-2435, three roomed FURNISHED three room apartaient,|! located, $70 monthly, 'all conveniences, in Whit- heavy apartment building. Parking, wash ene ~red, ng f ilities, vacant now. 725- 3214. MODERN bungalow in Whitby, three bedrooms, large living room, dining area, conveniently located, near high school and public schools. $100 month- ly. Telephone 723-1303. P.O. BOX 415 OSHAWA ~ WANTED | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND- FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) TURNER _723- 2043, -- 723-3374 |DRY CLEANING SERVICE | Invisible Mending, Storage, Pickup and Delivery, Cash and Carry Store 22 BRUCE ST. 725-3321 JACK & BETTY LEES _ MODERN GRILL | Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Dresserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 and Heating repairs and remodelling. | Reasonable; J. cg | You Can Borrow $50 To $5,000 To Pay All Your Ac- cumuloted Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Stort With Only One Eosy Monthly Poyment. $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bonkoble Security. Life | CAPABLE w ) to care tor baby, July, August. Live-in. Other help 'kept. Mrs, Samuel, MA 3-2473 or Orono 227. | j | | Telephone 725- is Sees OMAN or men required to repre- bans unique magazine with large |public appeal published by a national |charity organization. This can be full or part-time, offering good commis- sions with dignified employment. |Please write for interview to Valcee jAssociates: Limited, 159 Bay Street, |Suite 415, Toronto, | 17--Male Help Wanted | DUE TO tremendous i increase in spring ---\business Fuller Brush Co. requires. Two full-time men, two part-time men and two delivery men. Special pay to ion For appointment, telephone 723- 7 4 | | roto- | . SHA | AUTO WRECKING CO. | Wonts cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone |725-2311- 89 BLOOR E. ene '13--Business Opportunities SIMCOE STREET ~-- Long established beauty salon, central, ground floor, six dryers. Apartment upstairs. Selling for health reasons, Write to Box 201, Osh- } Munro, 414 Park Road South. | 7. i Loans Insured, SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED *'The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" 17 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-6541 'S and lawns roto-tilled, made 'ready for planting and seeding. Tele- |phone 725-8985. SO CEDAR trees for hedges etc. Choice ;quality,, uniform -- sii Any height Free delivery and ates MA 3-3935 |MANURE 50 cents per bushel, bring] fown containers. Will deliver orders of} three -- 805 Athol Street, Whitby. | 3523, CLIFF BROWN | GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery 728-8951 . "FOR FAST SERVICE VANDRUNEN'S Landscaping, Sodding, Soil, Nursery Stock. CALL BROOKLIN, 655-3545 RR_2, OSHAWA CALL SANSENG BROS. 728-3755 | We specialize in garden | service. LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE, MULCH FILL Tractor and loader work. Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. 725-2156 Caterers CALL "NOW | WEDDING BANQUETS) Harry Staveren RECEPTIONS, PARTIES MO 8-3007 joyfully remembered when For Your Nursery Pontiac Inn Caterers handle details expertly a Landscaping and Maintenance a NUMBER ONE PHONE 725-0078 TOP SOIL ; 6-YD, LOAD--$10.00 Dressmaking 10-YD, LOAD--$15.00 DRESSMAKING and aterations, experienced lady, Reasonable. Mrs. Cement, ne MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 38% King| Morin. 728-6960 ond Fi R . _ . or Preys, GC; G. 8: 'Boyehyn, BA, QC} ri 723-3162 mewuaier Heed HAULAGE em ela kGRAVE| - MULCH STONE, ALL SIZES. Telephone MO 8-4159 MEG. CO House Remodelling. Kitchen and bathroom planning, Wall tiling, | Modernfold Doors. etc. Free estimates any time. PHONE 723-7589 __ TOP QUALITY | BLACK SANDY LOAM! A-] TOP SOIL Screened Loam, Humus Added top dressing, lawns, beds. No lumps or ready to use, | Plumbi {ALL types o }new and used materials. | rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. AUTOMOBILE BODY MEN Two Required. G and | heating mupplies 521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer-| ing, 25 Simcoe Street South. n occurs. to classify advert its own -classificat In the cose of ments The Times wil responsible for more space than thot in which the actual 'error accupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, t assume no liability of advertisement, if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. |} REPAIRS and remodelling of all pes, jnew and used materials. Reasonable rates, free estimates. 725-1334. McGrath) Plumbing and Heating ALL WEL. | For ing K bar for sale, "central location on} pee South. After 6 telephone 728- splay advertise- regard- not be held Doily until 5:30 P.M, Wednesday until 8 P.M, Saturdays until Noon Fon RENT -- Service station with] trestaurant and living accommodation. | |Apply Bruce F. Elliott. Telephone 4020, | Ne le, Ontario OR FULL TIME. § Steady year| round income, Business opportunity for a reliable person to act as delivery | agent, to service small shopping| jeentres. (No selling). Seleeted appli-| cant must have $750 cash available. Also car or light truck. Reply PO Box 12, Station J, Toronto 6, Ontario, RESORT, accommodates fifty, ca | ing to fishermen, ready to operate Ma: |12, pickerel season. To be sold imme-| diately. Ten thousand down or exchange | for Property. Box 109 ) Oshawa » Times. HEATING and oil burner service. Large town, less than 40 miles. from 0 va. Small independent business, bished 11 years. Good income. |Plenty room to expand, Excellent |franchises. Health reasons. Write Box |246, Oshawa Times. Lemma santana Wanted 'e Aust be Experienced Full Time Work Top Pay Other evenings by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO Page Hair- ; | Telephone Apply In Person GANNON Auto Body CROMWELL AVE, _ COIN-OP Drycleaners? You can be SURE if it's WESTINGHOUSE! Before you invest, read the new 20-page factual "Progress Report: Coin- Op- erated Laundry ond = Dry- cleaning Stores.' Find out obout the new WESTINGHOUSE DRYCLEANING MACHINES ALD, Inc. has helped esta- blish over 13,000 successful Laundromat stores . . , more stores than all others com- bined. Get in on the ground floor in your own community, Get your free brochure from our local representative. No obligation. Call or write ALD, CANADA LTD. 25 Belfield Road Rexdale (Toronto) Ont. RO be] Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., 723-7605 H WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered 'Accountants, 114 King Street East,| Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; mund Burrow - | TH, MONT te, apchag iy Accountants, MONIES FOR | 2--Personal MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ Short-term and Builders' Mortgages at reasonable rates. 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act For é Removal of superfluous hair, lower Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 8th and 9th. Phone Gencsha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock _ | | j | j | sto $3.50 per yard 2 YARDS MINIMUM ALSO GRAVEL AND FILL | EVANS LOAM & GRAVEL SUPPLY 106 STEVENSON'S RD. §&. Call: 725-5279 Cartage vee JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, | . AACE Resi Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ¥ ped and insured, Phone 728-3661. mes PLUMBING CO. Ltd. Furnace Installation Service. Cleanout and Repairs. 23 CELINA ST. PHONE 725-3279 Resorts HALIMAR WEEKEND MAY 18 New Swimming Pool and Steam Bath. Extensive sand beach and playground. Near golf course. Bountiful meals ond varied sports, water -skiing. ATRO member. Phone Halimar, Holi- burton _7052 WINDERMERE HCUSEKEEPING COTTAGES KENISIS LAKE fishing, sandy beach, rent by day, week or month, Mrs. C. Harnden, ee Box 420 Haliburton, Ontario SEASONAL CAMPSITES Qn 20-ft. lots. Cottages, Boats. Fxcellent Fishing. Sofe Swimming. 641 ee ------ on | RIEHL, and 728-7527, Ajax j MO 8-4131. : } >A, Certified Pub- Accountant, 906 Centre Street, | North \ Whitby, MO 8-54 §. T. HOPKINS and Com| pany, Certl- fied Public Accountants, 172 el Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725- YALE. FRIEDLANDE R, a TER, and Co., Accountants and Auditors./ 'Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa ;B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm, CPA, ~ | FRENCH poodles, registered, 1 male and] {onal black, eight weeks old, $100 ach, 280 Hi St " cide |PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. All I oF| \satanta. trimming, de-treaing, board-| half-day, 8.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. 581! g. Waubena Kennels. 725- 632: imcoe Street North, 728-260 4. ERMAN 5 shepherd, _ male "purebret ior Three years old Telapmone | MARRI ED COUPLE for HOUSE AND PROPERTY CARE |PUREBRED 1 miniature pi poodle, p puppy |white male, sire. Wonderful Guy of Man. for occasional j Appraisers PATRICK 6. MeDANIEL, Estate Appriser and Broker. Phone MO 8-2311. Auto Parts KENT'S "WESTERN "TIRE - - - Guaran- teed automotive parts and accessories, | 45 King Street West, Oshawa.! 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you. | Manderley, seven weeks old. Telephone | 725-57 1 budgies, ready for "strain, Apply Mrs.| outside work ond 114 Elgin Street East. Inside duties. | j Broad, 5--Farmers Column |WHEAT straw, 15 cents per bale per 50. Fifty-five fence posts, 8 feet long: {70 cu, yards manure. Telephone MA | 3-5290. {CASH on th {for dead and Woman for house work and cooking when family in resi- dence IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN NEW CAR BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIF%-INSURED Gal PI | | | } Good trout | | | ny | | ? 'Borristers BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barriste: Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgag funds available. 3644 King Street East.! 724-2381. Res. 985-7163. | BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi- "tence, 728-0264. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- Yeor 'round occupancy Use of cor spot. Highest prices paid crippled farm stock. jraennoee collect, Hampton COlfax 2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, iio 149, 7--Trailers 'SILVERLINER" collapsible travel |trailers, All new for '62. Call 728-1468 jor 728-1555. | | ie Excellent living conditions Good remuneration Write: BOX 405 OSHAWA TIMES =n Help Wanted |AJAX manufacturer requires expert enced typist for dictaphone transcrib- ing, also telephone answering and re- ceptionist duties. Good typing essen- tial. Telephone WH 2-6500. THE | A&W DRIVE-IN REQUIRES CAR HOSTESSES 18-35 full or part time for even- ing or weekend work, LAKESHORE property tor s ing lots for developing. Fill a "4 PHONE 728-5731 flab' Lovely spot for weekends, two hours| | for appointment jdrive from Oshawa, 728-2301. eu WATERFRONT LOT 75-ft. frontage on |Lake Simcoe. Hydro available, good COST CLERK WANTED FOR ELECTRONIC PLANT jroad to property. 60 miles from Osh- IN AJAX XX XXXK olf \* : and alterations, le. Mrs. For Information 728-2301 Rug Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs | covered like new. Get the best for | jat Modern Upholstere 142 Sime South Call 728- 6451. F estimates, | CHESTERFIELDS "rebuilt, recovered | EASY TERMS |like mew, Why pay more? Our rates| are reasonable. Satisfaction suarantesd. NOW 2 LOCATIONS | Mattresses rebuili. Oshawa Upholstery Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311. |HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE SRFIELDS. re-upnoistered and | 3 Miles East of Oshawa | "styled. Free estimates, See our ma-/ LANSDOWNE TEXACO | and second mortgages. terial for re-covering. Dalton ene: agreements purchased and sold. Hen-|ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-72 Service Station Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening TRAILER SALES New and Used TRAVEL TRAILERS LOW DOWN PAYMENT sonable 1 rates Bright centrally | Wiring, $57 monthly. | Telephone MO 8-372 |$65 MONTHLY. One ee panelled basement apartment. Co: three piece tile bath, parking. Heat and hydro included. Telephone MO 8-8033. [FOR ) RENT -- Two 'furnished rooms, eaten saecaced -- | small kitchenette with stove, Suit- CAPABLE woman for g general house-| able for couple. Adults, ph as work and answering business telephone, Street. MO 8-4470. five-day week. Adult family. Telephone _----____--. MO 8-376. [BABY crib, mattress large, like new, hite with fl ROOM or room and board, 4 gentleman; |Win hattware: MO" ded home privileges, private home. MO! 8-4872. INVISIBLE mending and re-weaving. | Telephone 725-9736 or apply 523 Dun- kirk Avenue. Fuel and Wood THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA u |Mortgages | FIRST Gtreet East. 723-4943. Mortgage mon- Mortgage loans available. RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, jes available. GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- King Street East. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed et ete., 114 Dial J. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| years' experience 5-2278. Residence Dog ci M. Gardening and Supplies _ lic. The Commercial! Building, 286 King § | Formerly with THOR of Canada far King East, Oshawa, 723-4471, Fabric samples shown and sHAWA TREE SERVICE. Chain! and power. tools; removal all de-| guaranteed satisfaction; prompt | Thomas Siblock, telephone} [Street ast. 723-7332 Barristers, 31 King|CoeSTERFIELDS and old chairs te: jcovered like new, Get the best for less | PRIVATE | party will "buy ~ your "second | at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe |mortgage, no commisson or legal; |fouth _ Call 728-6451. Free estimates charges. Write Box 247, Oshawa Times, |------ UPHOLSTERING |FIRST "and second "mortgages paeee 1J Van Herwerden, Mortgage Broker, FURNITURE REMODELING, REPAIRING . Bris: on calls, 728-85) 8567, | 9---Summer Properties for Sale or Rent |SEWING machine 'r Tepairs, any make, poe All work guaranteed, Furni- LADY required to care for small c chil. \ture. MO 7 4981. . -alsetatole dren, 7 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday nslitnceiiiaees Friday. Apply 300 High Street, png VESPA motor scooter for sale, in good ment 23, Whitby jeeeaition, sles Telephone Brooklin 655- Sg eg rere ae n STOVE repairs, Excellent man. ea-| ree sonable. Mid-Town Furniture. MO 8- on | THREE room apartment for rent, with NEW chrome chairs, $3.95. Mid-Town |bath. Adults only. Abstainers. Central. Furniture. Telephone MOQ 8-4981. |$65 per month, Telephone MO 8-2284. LAWNMOWER repairs. Power ana| FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments hand, Free biade sharpening and bal- pie modern building. $90 a 100, Stove, ance w'th every motor cleaning and jrefrigerator, washing facilities. Adults tune-up, $3.95. Parts extra. Free Pickup] Preferred... MQ 8- 3591. and delivery. Phone Sportsman Corner,! |FOR RENT. Chee bedroom apartment, beri garden and garage. Avaliable June 1. OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. | |$75 monthly, Telephone MO 8-2180 or Service with reasonable prices, try us. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8 STUDENTS A super value, approxi jphone MO 8-2090. 1 mately 630 sheets of letter size Of Ant | DRESSMAKING, 'Suits,coats, dresses, paper (news print) for only $1 Ay "la specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. ey ee Whitby jalterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting parnegceesimcerat a7 -- ,, SERVICES. Complete git lsivsine 'or smal) por reyes weekly, YOUR WESTINGHOUSE = LAUNDROMAT 310 DUNDAS ST. W WHITBY WILL TAKE 1 HE DRUDG.- ERY OUT OF THOSE BIG LOADS OF WASHING AT | SPRING CLEANING | | TIME. lin; lawn eae rd for gentlemen. Tele- |$4,900. Terms accepted. Apply in writ- jing to Box 83, Oshawa Times or tele- jphone Toronto BElmont 1-3572. North, 728-2991. Res. 723-2765. Z 7. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soliel- tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North.| 'Office 723-1101. Residence Metin THOMAS M. RUNDLE, itor, and Notary Public, Street East. Phone 723-1763. R AND TV COL "car radio all) 157 > tanks cleaned EP' 1204 Chestnut Street West. {MO 8-2563. OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. service with reasonable prices, try us, |Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-842. FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and four room apartments, baleony, resi- dentia) area newly decorated laundry |facilities. Parking close to schools chil- Sdren's playground Apply 300 Higs Street, Apt. MO 8-2336. {POR SALE - 1960 Fibre | ! boat 15. ft 40 hp Johnston motor, Teenee | Trailer. Four life jackets, accessories. | Telephone MO_ 8-5993. |FOR RENT -- Dundas East. t Unfurnish- ed ground floor apartment, two large bright, newly decorated rooms, fires place, parking space, Near small Shop- |ping Centre. MO 8-5188. SRAVEL AND LOAM DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL FILL AND LOAM ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE LOTS, COTTAGES Steenburg, Paudash and Glan- mire Lakes Reasonable prices, terms, Ken Matthews, 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725- 7740. SUMMER COTTAGES We have summer cottages on Lake Ontario, and Rice Lake! Priced from $2,800.00 up, with down payments from $800.00! Phone for an ap- pointment. | LONG BROS. REALTORS TU 5-4501 PORT HOPE |11--Articles for Rent | UNDERWOOD portable typewriter for! rent. Looks and works like new, $4 per| |month. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Road South "PROFESSIONAL" HAIR DRYERS For Rent, $5.00 Weekly Oshawa Beauty Supply 15 KING STREET EAST 723-7011 Free delivery. ister, Soll-| King} iter Ward, Telephone 7 | | Building Trades CARPENTRY, framing, | reefing and repairs of all kinds. Free esti mates. Telephone -- _Harry's _12- 2413. YOUR local chimney cieaner. Chim- ney's built and repaired, gas linings, installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free est- mates. 723-2997. remodeling, 761, 725-5203, NHA and other mortgage funds ailable. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, ac, | Barrister, § Soli- ing such as children's wear. Reason abe rates. Telephone 723-9565 any time. Greer, PA, Sc., 725-3: Terence V.! 723-3528 elly, PA, BCL, 7 72 032 | 5 ALOE JONES, sna, THOMA | pcroRY havavood citings Hiia| rrouwenees_mePenre » Associate lfor stoves. fireplaces, furaapas: Tele | HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE! West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park- ing available. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| ** 'a TEL 725 829 $ Simcoe Street North, 723.2446, T. K. E. R- KNOWLTON : : 6 Creighton, QC; B. raser, 23 rm | G. 'K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA| | ANDSCAPING SERVICE Instruction cecal Gaal tal Top soil and sod. Repairing PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, ir. Bolahood. 725-6544 or) and Solicitor, 2644 King Street East.) 16 years' experience, by interview only. ete 333, ba A. J. Bolahood Ltd. | free estimates given in your Telephone: 'Business 723-2201, Resi- ond maintenance, SoRTLAR case tes fe . pice | home > rindi a to previous training secssssty, 143 Ox|purchased. 'NHA. mortseges airanged.| Satisfaction Guaranteed, Read i P MANERA QC, Barrister pre td ry. | Bi Hee | CALL 728-9526 TODAY |awa, eady for building. Reasonably JOSEPH ' , 725- 6047. \tario Street, Bowmanville. MA 3-2697.|Creighton, Fraser, Drynan an' Mur: | - priced. Write Box 302 Oshawa Times. King Street East, Oshawa, 728- ema reer _____.|HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baion,| oe, | FURNIBE: cottage, oe Dedroome, MANNING 1 27% and RONALD | » safe beach anal » 60 MANNING SWARTZ and RONALD now, 424 King Street West. 725-6122. |agreements purchased and sold. Hen- ry EO, ShIO DEGED (OR preter ge %. SWARTZ. Barristers, Solicitors, No- jnick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| SUFVeyors | taries. Money to loan, Henry Block, | LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing Sehool,| se ies East 723-7232 _|DONEVAN AND pramonuinaT on fosatlh 8-3473. ee -- Sain: feidae uaa dette tans | seyeei ghey itario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- |NEW summer coitage for sale on Four ence, dial 723-4029. batic. Friday and saturday. | rinting ul "Ontario Street, 725.3632, |Mile Lake, three bedrooms, running! McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, FOR SALE ee Gatite Typing experience required. dow. W. Wideman, Box 377 Stouff- Sees. Keats Tae | VAHADES | See 'LEARN TO DRIVE. LOANS i Land Surveyors. 216 Adelaide Avenue ville. Minimum educational re- North; 725-2566; Charles C. MeGibbon, 4 jbast, Phone 125-0001. LAKE SCUGOG, Starr's Beach, At toca Grade 13 mathe- QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, . j Money available for immed- | ° ° tractive six-room summer cottage, All matics. Comptometer exper- RICHARD H, DONALD, BA, Barrister, | DELIVERED, DAY OR EVENING iate loon on First and Second |= ¥ -- Radio Repairs | Late models, standards, Mortgages, and Agreements malig ef pure hed, own cor. Contact. i repairs a uperior Appliance - EAST END automatics, dual controlled. i vice. 728-4673. OSHAWA and WHITBY proved property residential, |< S°- . MRS. M clocked 725-5490 industrial, city, suburban and |TV. RADIO. _ repairs, ' : country, and summer cot- |Biliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). BARKWELL | Investigators tages, Forty years experience. | oe O ERS PERSONNEL MANAGER j LLIN T | tN TOW SELL e Out ACME SECURITIES be. LTD INVESTIGATION BUREAU | LIMITED | All galvanized, .no_ point i must be clecred before May BRANCH OFFICE 112 Simcoe Street j LEN & LOU S TELEPHONE 31st. Below wholesale prices. Oshawa, Ontario WH. 2-1540 Come in and dig your own. cereus SDE ESTEE. UD | North, Investiga World rd Security Services. BEVERWYCK | Ho 100 King St. St, GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY MO 8-4735__ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE Estimates zing, Pruning, Moss, Fertilizer etc Guar onteed Nursery Stock Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246.) phone 728-8535. REPAIR SERVICE tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg., DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister, Act now. 725-1054. ____.... | CLIENTS' money to joan on first mo: patio and sidewalk slabs. . ™ 5 fice, 14%! Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% do TALBOT UPHOLSTERING tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register|FIRST and second mortgages, Sale| miles from Whitby, by season or week, 26% King St. East, 723-4697, Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253 water, all conveniences. Picture win-| MORTGAGE ln. ~FLIM~ AND TROLLOPE, ¥ first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street 75c yard (Oshawa Driving School conveniences, on 100-foot lake frontage. ience helpful. Should hove Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe} TELEVISION, range, washer and dryer| for Sale, on vacant and im- CALL 728-0091 makes. Thompson Electronics, SUMMERLAND ICENTRALAB CANADA' j Evergreens, Shrubbery, Trees Domestic, General TL Phone: 725-3568 AN TENNAS | | 728-5804 or 725-7844 _ T.V. TOWERS | 361 GIBBONS ST | PHONE 728-8180 Terms --- Open Evenings OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey and Estimates T.V, TOWERS Antenna's and T.V. Service if you want to be sure of the lowest possible prices. Best workmanship and quality moterial try TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST, E. 728-6781 ge -- 728-7941 hour Service Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home RN in al- | tendance (No. 2 Highway between Whit- |by and Oshawa), Call 725-2330 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING, Ta A de TOP SOIL, FILL MO 8-4172 a UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 ATTENTION! Fishermen and Campers. Res- ervations now being accepted. A small deposit will reserve your boating or. camping equipment WE RENT car tops, motors, trailers, cabin trailers, tents, tent-trailers, etc; Gar- den and lawn equipment, power tools. FOR SALE A few used tents left, $22.50 up; New and used outboards $75 up; Boots $100 up; 13' MLD plywood 25 h.p. elec- tric motor, OB 700A trailer, $1195; 14°' MID plywood $135; 14' plywood complete with steering, $100; New boats and motors in stock. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas St. E., Whitby Ont. -- MO 8-3226 OVER TELEPHONE EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY We teach you how in twenty minutes. Desk space ond phone oro- vided at our offices. If you have a pleasant voice you can earn a good income on a liber- al commission basis. Age no barrier, if you are over 21. Convenient hours can be arranged. R. YOUNG 'Oshawa Times Ltd. | 723-3474 | Lawn Mowers We SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S | CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 ASK FOR | OSHAWA TIME FAMILY WANT -ADS i ie Optometrists | |F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom-| etry, the examination of eyes, contact | lTenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. | |Evenings by appointment 723 419 1 ©. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please |---- |Pay accounts at downtown Dominio: Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam-! j|ined at home. Dial 725-4587. i | | | | | canoes, } boots, "|Painting and Decorating |FARM MACHINERY sells fast with an| Oshawa 'Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3492 | [ae CONROY, professional interior and! xterior painting and decorating. Eati-| imates free Telephone 728-0086. DODD & SOUTER. PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhonging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY | é DAYS MO 8-523) | i 1 i } Free MUDDY DRIVEWAY ? We have the answer to your problem. We deliver stone, mulch, gravel sold by weight. PHONE 668-3524 SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LTD. 244 Brock St. $., Whitby, Ontario. eFertili ° Peat Seeds VAN BELLE GARDENS| 623-5757 {3 miles Eost of, j * EXCAVATING BASEMENTS ALSO TOP SOIL 723-3898 b +4 fy 23-2 vt | No. 2) NIGHTS 725-7426

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