f) Park Plans Fireworks For Opening The summer opening of Fern- hill Neighborhood Park will start with a bang. A sparkling fireworks display to include bomb-like explosions is planned for May 21 on con- junction with a well planned fair. Fish pond, bingo, spin the wheel, home baking, dart and penny toss booths will be in operation for the night and children of park members will receive. chocolate bars and potato chips. The largest turn out in the ll-year history of the park is anticipated by the community- minded Fernhill Park Neighbor- hood Association. Saturday was a big day for children in the area who parti- cipated in a 10-week arts. and crafts program. The small art- ists staged a display of their a own accomplishments and é many parents were on hand to view the work. It was a good show . which ended with Patricia Etmanski, art instructor, receiving a neck- lace in appreciation of her fine 7 work with the youngsters. The park hockey team won : the city championship in its f field and will be honored at a |banquet. The 16 young sports-! men and two coaches will be! presented with jackets and) crests. It is expected civic offi-| cials will be on hand to mark| the occasion. | Stan Sobanski reports one of the park ball teams called the| "Genosha Aces" will likely} enter a juvenile league this| : > " i | 'Driver Hurt sezs.ducte ar" | Meanwhile the park is a hive} In Crash Ohe Oshawa Zime PAGE NINE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1962 "SECOND SECTION TRAVEL TRAILER CLUB HOST TO KITCHENER GROUP Kent, right, president of the | of Lands and Forests (Ont.), | Saturday night at the Sandal- Oshawa Travel 'Trailer Club, | greets A. B. Wheatley, Chief, Branch, Department president | Pioneer Kitchener, | as William | Parks Norman Walker, of the Conestogo Trailer Club, of looks on at left Mental Health Clinic who was guest speaker at the | wood Restaurant local club's dinner meeting --Oshawa Times Photo of activity during the evenings with many youngsters practis-| ing baseball. CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY IS PRESENTED Anton Csedreky, right, vice- | the annual chess championship marking the official opening Aids Healthier Living By Dr. JAN VERHULST of these insecurities on the de-jothers" in Saturday | supporting © rather Bridge club activities will be curtailed from May 21 to Sept 1 but a winner's night will be staged June 16. A step ladder has been pur- garian president of the Oshawa Hun- Association, the championship presents trophy to awa Hungarian Hall at a ban- | quet and dance sponsored by | the Hungarian Sports Club of the Hungarian club. At left is Skoda Steven» runner up. The presentation took place Louis Schaberger centre, in| Saturday night at the Osh- | and the Hungarian Association of the club's activities for the: year. --Oshawa Times Phote than undermining the adjust- |ment of the psychotic patient And it is our firm belief that many psychotic patients in this veloping mind of the child. chased for park use -- just one One driver was injured and|more indication that activities damage in excess of $2,000 WAS| are still on the upgrade. caused in five accidents investi-}_ gated by members of the Osh- awa Police Department during The Qshawa Mental Health Clinic invites the public to see] PERSONALITY its facilities Tuesday, May 1|.)peyELOPMENT between the hours of 10 2 ; ghee : : titis Another example. Neuroses|way could be maintained in the a.m, and 2 4 p.m. Citizens come about in societies with}community and continue to will thus have an ortunity| ; : "age 7 pg ioe ie gat re MT highly developed) make their living relatively hap- and _ relatively pily. clinic and its staff and to ask|Y@lue systems questions about mental health scattered opportunities for per-, In summary, mental health is A business. Healthy Oshawa Chorus Legion Hires Architect si Fast Times Wins Title =| Complete Building Plans An accident at 9.35 a.m Sat-| | During the past his committee had visited Sun- nybrook Military Hospital Mar. 25. They had seen H. Smith, A, Bond, W. Lofting, G. Burr, A. Champion, A. Gladman, C. Wood, R. Maylor and E. Elliott, all from Oshawa. On April 21 a visit was made in the Oshawa General Hospital to H. Bene tham, F. Cooper, O. L. Hoobs, W. Jeffery, E. Roberts and W. Wilkins. , All members were asked to attend the Red Cross Blood Do- nor Clinie Thursday, May 3. At tendance by the Legion of the last clinics was on the de- crease, Mr. Oke said. It was reported that twe members of the branch, Stan Hodgson and Jim Thompson, won the Ontario Provincial Championship Doubles, in the 10-pin bowling tournament held in London. ' rs One of the drivers, Ralph urday at the intersection of Al-| harmony was the key word at and how the clinic makes its| Somality growth. In numerous everybody's . ' 3 qs ; : . : Inear capacity crowd. of 5,000/general meeting of Branch 43)five months on a visit. set the stage ditions tor growing individuals|ed in this interaction process ®:/ Hospital with a head injury and) ; Ps : rher S uire the servic of William|runner-u the t \ sound like a truism. But it j¢/Persoms and the building up ofjAnd your mental health clinic Club held its first race of the ment of Barber Shop Quartet|4 ngpo bhanig BUA On eEnP ay sae Gnaee The birds were released at12 choruses and 10 quartets posed new building of the ar la i > T § . ; Richards, 29, of 514 Eulalie av-|Brantford at olson Dart Tournament play- tain themselves at a certain|lower cultural ethical stan-\terested to see our facilities ope | This was the second fastest/ed chorus of 500 barber shop|on the property. jstarting at 10 a.m. sharp. jcar eastbound on Athol street/speed made by Oshawa pigeons/voices, made up of 14 choruses} is towards keeping actual and front end. Debris at )the scene at speeds of over 2000 yards the novice prize. The quartet|Arena Committee, had attend-|Sick committee, reported that Though mental health is not Choses with their physiological ake es) Wanda M. McNeil, 604 Athol/Brantford, with the yards per Quarters representing the building plans. They were very! Demand For Parks by these. eir social implications. The/tne Governor General and Mrs. c P end street while travelling at 1921--87; F. Cowle, 1918--81;|London; the Rhythm Counts, of pool, They felt that both proj- have to become emotionally dis- lost his arms in an accident. If the teachers attending the an- Sunday on Simcoe street north|22;_ L. Pepa ar : gb 1888--73; 1. Prescott, Bill Hungerford, chairman of|tended the club's final indoor|Ontario originated back in 1954 emotionally upset and unhappy] imdustice, but we create for him ek estimated $260 damage 1863--04: jing Tom Bouckley, a_ welljurday evening. Alfred Wheatley, Ajax struck another car while : a after an extensive study of the ents of such children can pre- BRAIN INJURY. were Mrs. Vera Ferguson, Mrs 60; Kehoe and Jackson, 1738-- mavchate catent James Large, 24, 1174 Ritson! Kellar one of the great projects today . m" 5s 4 . 4 Ff ' | omically, socially and-or emo-in general, : ; Willard. Bejkowsky, 927--86. Duplicate Bridge Club were:/Many points of interest will bej/estogo Pioneer Trailer Club of siveiticar i "fan ° acres, which can provide all the may be necessary for these ignificant persons in the im This took place at the luxurious Caused damage estimated at Ontario. 129 points; Mrs, M. R. Clarke/May 10. Kitchener and the surrounding spec i ; 117 points; .J Miller and J. Pat- tion to four others who had) pressed reciation to his clib's| i i t ifio ; : pressed appreciation to his clib's} In 1955 the first campin te ues to create its delinquents as Me ccitic handicaps of these| ang a tour of the parliament|Whitby, was struck by an ge har C agate wishes to the following resi- 143 paints; A. Neil and R. Nor- Gregor, Edward Tipton, Nevil) | tead of adding to their emo. given by Miss Frances Mann of hospital The local club will goon he) Health Clinic to help parents John Zimny, 153% Olive Ross Drew, 112% points; Cora|branch. the task of the Mental Health| Royal Conservatory of Music ofjinjuries were reported in any means for arranging sharing of i ; le adher lly} livi roc f interac sarge aa streets caused a| Recorded jthe District Quartet and Chorus A further step towards the; Tierney, who is residing in Eng- contribution to the promotion of|"0Mmes people adhere nominally|living is a process of interac-|total of $1500 damage to two Competition at Kitchener-Water- construction of a new Oshawajand in retirement. He said he healthier living. A few words of to such a value system without/tion and, therefore, the respon-| og to develop their selves in line You can't afford to question oo Fe rigery a eH 4 | By Pigeons enthusiastic supporters of the 7 the Royal Canadian Legion! "Shorty" Davis was given a . BH I ais : . Sion tral Park boulevard south, was} SPEBSQS Society for t eld last week. big hand for his effort in five- a cae -- WAR society's ethical peaks. whether you are your brother's PEBSQSA (Society for the g e ve | bruised ribs. He was released last Saturday, from Singing in America) gathered|R. Milne, Oshawa architect, to|vincial Bowling Tournament , more or less elaborate defence/has been set up to assist you in after treatment. SOREOR ne. SRUUFGRYs pinging : Ral Conitlite the ninwetar the. cs. | bel ent! ae i Lange: ig ope systems against this anxiety. improving your skills in case Brantford, Ontario. to witness the competition of|complete the plans e pro-|held recently in Thorold. i 11.15 a.m. and'from across Ontario. oe on Simcoe street south. aif cal * ? : enue, was not hurt. The She-|they started to arrive at their; The highlights of the Satur- The motion also called for anjoff will be held in the Canadian level of mental health did not|4atds, but this leads inevitably | don't Lead and: ee We OF nile belong in their community and|'@ disintegration of the culture.|9pen Day: J | | : is t fun e Plans for the erection of the|_ Bill Langton, president of the place to regain health with the|Health Clinic to help parents least lin the past 50 years, The pre-\from the Ontario district. |building were first made public|Legion Minor Ball Association, assistance of some experts, 2" community agencies to set @ac ers A hit and run accident caus-|vious occasion was in 1932 Oshawa placed first t : ; *hild h retold the Canadian National/chorus standings, with Barrie|built on the former Stacey prop-|feams this year -- seven pee of residential treatment centres CMGren in their sii to pro- < ed car on Athol street east Sun-|Exhibition staged a race, withand Burlington choruses plac-!erty. wee, three bantam, two midget and training schools for some sai the optimum development) R ed At day morning thousands of pigeons being re- ing second and third resnective- of their personalities and thus| ecelVv the 'property committee, re-|Urged to lend a hand as coaches 0 del car which believed!stand. On_ that vasion t r Oshaw 7 y ; ] ' jand ose te prospective patients in touch CMflict situations which under- ing Na aga a fo " at 'occasion the] The Oshawa. quartet knawn/ ported. that Terry V. Sally andjeh' Sknaeers tse sey Seems with those who are meaningful li¢ the neuroses. indicated the wanted car to be per minute. includes Ken Buttery, Kenled a recent meeting of the Le- Eight Oshawa and District either cream or white The following is the result of Brocks, Elmer Down and Len gion property committee, and completely determined by social|2¢companiments or CauseS pocistered Music Teachers wer relations, it is highly influenced (Whichever applies) have all) .o¢ eet roan adece tind he ; street. Police believe the car Minute flown by the birds. (Ontario District in 1962 Inter-/enthused about them. They out- Let me give you some exam- brain Pale perenny for -' Vanier at Government House in went out of control when the E. Gibson, 1932--77; D. Boj- national Competition in Kansas|lined the plans for the proposed| ° ples. A child may be born|Stance, is a handicapped pre-\oitawa. The occasion was the Is Increasing high speed J. Askew, 1912--70, E. Gibbie,/Toronto; and the Uptowners, of ects would give the city some turbed as well. Pushed beyond weg ng i the latter to nual convention of the Ontario, Another accident at 1:35 a.m.,|!888--51; 1. Kinsman, _1878--|Scarborough (alternates). badly needed facilities, Mr. Hir-- Some 60, members of the Osh-/ development of parks in Ont- its capacities by non-accepting ake his. living at & manual Registered Mus.c Teachers' As- : 7 E : 5 : } when it was found that such or- and often it will act this unhap phe condition par excellence Delegates from Oshawa were Police report a car driven by 07; J Strachan, 1853--I16, L. ganization was needed. The piness. out in disordered be-|/¢@ding to emotional break- yjs; Joan Matthews and Mrs.|Donald William Wilcox, 20, of Prescott, 1848--02; J. Strachan, i Bridge Scores |known Oshawa resident, would|chief of the parks branch, Ont- overtaking it. cane deh a teak show pictures and slides of Osh-|ario Department of Lands and|Parks system operated in the vent a lot of suffering! The same is the case with Plorence Harper, Mrs. Joseph Driver of the other vehicle Laie rae raih a The high scores and winners)@Wa when it was Kerr's Corners| Forests, was speaker. United States. Another example. Numerous the seriously brain-injured pa- Kerr, Mrs. C. E, Jackson, Mrs as BOwardi ts " Rar 'in the games played last week|and Skeas' Corners. There will) Ajso attending the meeting ehcicas Green, road north Kellar and Sproul, 1294--72; D is the enlarging of parks. This tionally insecure homes of sub- aiistnveia. tallow. etiBlOvaeE Other outstanding events were A two car collision at the en- Wha neetivare wil be on Sat: North and South - Mrs. s./Shown. Mr. Bouckley has 700-|\Kitchener. The Kitehener club,|is very costly» he added. A cultures. Transfer of these de- yers, yeeS, 4 dinner and recital by the trance to Oshawa General Hos- ' Sheridan and Jessie Rundle, 131 800 slides and all members are!which started operations last ecessi jiat : Ch | al ie proper recreational and housing patticular individuals but it Gat ants oo ka ee Seignory Club at Montebello, $350. j and Mrs, R. Drew, 124 points;; Two new members were ini- districts including Guelph. Pre-|facilities, is the chief aim of the aes cot imorove thele environ- e t Set Quebec. A recital by the well Police report a car driven by, CELEBRATING s 6 points been initiated at the previous) host d vice- ident of th j patients and thus ta make emo-| 5" ati : ae BIRTHDAYS tergon, 118 points. ; 'oi osts, and vice-president ol the/ mits wers issued on a yearly ; 3 : ss Buildings and National Art Gal- eastbound car as it was leav. East and West-Mrs, R, meeting. They are Ejgil Johan-/Kitchener club, Bill Franklin,|, long as nothing is done about tional and social adjustment at lery rounded out the aetivities. ing the parking lot on Alexan- t basis, he said. These provided these insecurities. It is one of denats : es y : dents of Oshawa and dis- (moyle, 141 points; Vickey Fair--Duggan and Nevil Lingular.) yay the s r trail of/Park at a fixed rate. When de- tonal and social difficulties: [the Julliard School of Music,| Driver of the other car was| trict. who are celebrating hart and Mrs. C. Chambers,|President Harry Brown wel'|touring 5 Vaclous gondii for property grew to ex- to overcome some of these in. Patt from helping the psy-New York City and Dr. F. J.|identified as Daniel R. McCaw, : | securities and to help society to he al I avenue, Phone 723-3474. Wild and Mrs. A. Neil, 111% Welcomed back was a past) PARK DEVELOPMENT Clinic to guide their "significant| Toronto. of these accidents. points. president of the branch, Arthuri Mr. Wheatley, speaking on the|the lots had to be devised. Legi take introduction may be in order to creating circumstances and con-|sibility of everybody involv- joo Memorial Auditorium. A/Legion Hall' was taken: at the;woud be in Oshawa for about y taken to the Oshawa General) . a reser Incourage-| A motion w. assed ft P bowling. M Davis process of living. This may The SyeSuit is anxiety in these keeper or not. You just are! The General Racing Pigeon|Preservation and Encourage ne. peneee, to 20s: eee ee eee <2 ce The other driver, Helen M. | It was announced that the that those who could not main. Attempts have been made to this is necessary. If you are in- car was southbound onjhome lofts in Oshawa at 12.34.\day evening show was a mass-|@PPropriate sign to be erected|Corps Club Rooms May 26, 4 bi Albert street and the Richards} should be sent to some far away|¢ is the function of the Mental senanyps : in the|last year. The new hall will be/Teported that there would be 13 Without denying the usefulness\UP. OPPortunities for growing jed an estimated $200 to a park-| when "Red" Hircock, chairman of and one junior, Members were selected cases, the trend today Police are looking for a 1962\leased in front of the grand-| ty. to prevent or overcome these ' Rid H ll to be heavily damaged to the Oshawa pigeons were clocked/as 'The Four-in-Accord," won|Bill Kurelo, of the Community) Cam Oke, chairman of the in their lives, A last example. The _ psy- 1 €aul a The parked car is owned by !ast Saturday's race from/Clement had looked over the Legion's| received by their Excellencies ae } 1 driver realized it was a'dead|kowsky, 1925-24; J. Askew, City are the Nighthawks, of |Community Hall and swimming} mentally defective but does not 50" Just like the patient who) ecention and tea given to the ae Np ig ae J 2; Kinsman, 1872--73; E.'- ------ cock reported. awa Travel Trailer Club at-lario, said the parks branch in parents it is bound to become| {20° We not only do him great). ciation held in Ottawa Easter outside No. 948 resulted in an/Smith, : : . | H. Leimsner, 1856-- Fernhill Park the membership committee, an-|meeting of the winter held at lnounced that at the next meet-|the Sandalwood Restaurant, Sat- ; ot ele parks branch was then operated haviour. Early guidance of par- 2°¥" J. H. Wilkins, Others attending 1837--22; H. Leimsner, 1790-- was identified and 'Sproul, 1590--11; ; Mr. Wheatley explained that delinquents come from econ-|tient and the L. W. Parrott and Miss Helen : aga ' by members of the Fernhill/be @ running commentary and|were 16 members of the Con- large area, with an area of 500 : Fe fel -C hg r es : ' rdav 5 ger ' 4 : , linquents to training schools ellow-churchgoers and _ other famous Bach Choir of Montreal.|pital parking lot Sunday night urday, May 5, from Ingersoll points; Jim and Dave Brady, urged to attend this meeting/year, has over 20 members in Ws ; j ; | x aie eae eat : Mr. and Mrs. William Heron, tiated at the meeting, in addi-|<ident Norman Walker, who ex-|Parks branch. ment! Society at large contin, ect expectations in accord withivndwn Warren Mould. pianist,Dr. Lawrence Oxenham, 41 ; Pl ecarie i Congratulations and best Smith and Mrs. R. Normoyle,|sen, Bill Golenchyn, Bill Mc-jattended the meeting. | their specific level possible in- wh satin or: lemiavas weenie licest al the rear of ihe | ¢ \for regular parking space in the the functions of a Mental their birthdays today: 13114 points; H. Stainton andjcomed the new members to the om ; chotic patient individually, it is;| Horwood of the Faculty of the 19, 345 Ritson road south. No} bode laa Onrany: jtent it las today, ways and understand better the influence 'DO YOU THINK THE TWO-YEAR TERM FOR COUNCIL AND BOARD OF EDUCATION IS A GOOD THING? MIKE TIBOLD, 15 Division strete (barber): 'Yes, I like | the two-year term, and I would even be in favor of a term. There's no taxpayers' GEORGE Rossland JOHN M. BLAC,K 106 Al- | bert street (General Motors employee): 'Yes, I'm in favor of it. The other way is too costly and you're always training somebody at.- the taxpayers' expense, In _ the CIO we found that the two- ED FISHER, 57 boulevard (retired laborer): Fernhill | CHARLES R. STARR, : 112 William street west (pension- | er): "Yes, I think it's a good | idea, It Saves money on an election every year and be- ing a pensioner, | know what | BATES, 384 Hill- road _ west FINLEY DAFOE, 126 croft street (city alderman): "No, I've never been in favor of the two-year term. Some tend to slow down during the first part of second knowing LORNE SLAGHT, Chestnut street, Whitby (Board of Health Department employee, Oshawa city hall): 'Yes, | do think it is a good idea, | because if saves the elector- | as a ate the expense of 'an elec- | our tion every, year and gives the don't have to give an account | elected bodies a chance to the electors until the next | become more = acquainted election rolls around." | with their work." MRS. E. WALKER, 23 MRS. J. ANDERSON, 317 Charles street (housewife) Pine avenue (housewife) | "Yes, I think it's a good | "Yes, I think it's a good | 'No, I don't like the idea at | idea. It gives them a chance | idea because a person doesn't | all. If there is someone on | to gain more experience and | really get to know every- | council you don't like, you result should make | thing in just one year. I've | have to put-up with this municipal governments | found in my association with | councillor for another 12 | run more smoothly. Being a| church groups, home and | months. With an_ election | ' | every yeat you can boot out | this The money that | housewile 1. am. also Anat schoo! associations, boy i m also finan- ag : : good money on an election undesirables and give | 1s Saved used for year elected term was the . scouts and girl guides, that cial-conscious. It saves Us Mon-| yoy can do a better job the every: year jey"'. Sad somebody else a chance." , | more useful things." best plan.'"', | yy : } -) - (insur- ance office manager): 'Yes, Business is becoming 80 five-year sense spending much more involved and you need two years ficient knowledge to accom plish favorable results." year and the to gain suf- year they to means | the can be |second ye