"i Elliott | Simplify Your Housecleaning ecomes The Bride With These Handy Suggestions . 2 2 Of Richard March | é i : 5 By ELEANOR ROSS less often on floors, but should 4 an peerings of Carolyn) Nobody has yet devised a not be discarded. It still has its ; : : ge retype | Mr push - button method of house-|uses, -- -- Richard Edward March, ane ot cleaning, nor found an Aladdin's| Dip it into "dry" suds (soap : Mr ad Mr Rich 'lamp which would 'wish' dirt)or detergent whipped with a Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 , E : Og fs, oe ard F.)away. It still has to he washed/littl water until it stands in : 2 oe Page of Oshawa, was Sol-| away: lpeaks) and "shampoo" window ape Sete ee es ee 4 : : emnized recently at Simcoe' jjowever, human fingers,shades, upholstered furniture THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 27, 1962 7) as Street United Church . knuckles and elbow grease have|and soiled spots on mattresses. j 4 / The Reverend J. K. Moffatjbeen given dozens of aids that) Apply a brushful of "dry" officiated. The wedding music|save the: manicure, keep the|suds over a small area, rub E : : was played by Mr. R. G. Geen/hands pretty and reduce the|lightly, then scoop up the soil- i oo soloist was Mrs. D. E.'toilsome effort. The smartiladen residue with one of vari- ' j . ¢ iri : eldon. homemaker uses them in herjous type of modern sponges-- Pic gry Poche -llage Niclas Ste 4 Given in marriage by her fa-|weekly as well as her special| plastic, foam rubber or cellu- Miss Sharlene McDonough was|giving a luncheon at her home ther, the bride wore a full-length) housecleaning progeam. lose. entertained at several parties.|at St. Mary's. é ' gown of white peau-de-soie with' pRIME NECESSITIES SECOND SPONGE Mrs. J. McCullough and Mrs.) _, a very full skirt and petalled| First of all are the improved, Use a second sponge, wrung Gordon Drinkle held a neigh-| Guests from out of town at ' ' : Scoop neckline and front waist-/soans and detergents that arejout in clear, warm water, to borhood shower at the former's|the Hitchings-Morgan wedding ig Z em \line accented with pearl embroi-|prime necessities for house-|rinse the sudsed area. home on Clarke street. Mrs.| recently were Mrs. Peter Badg- : dered appliqued flowers. Alcleaning as they are for laun-| Mop up remaining moisture Edward Buck of Bath, Ontario,|!ey and daughter, and Mrs. j ~ |\crown of seed and tear-drop| dering. Pour either into a scrub|with clean, dry cloths. held a miscellaneous shower at\Earl Storm of Carrying Place. pearls held her fluffy illusion|pail for mopping tasks, or whip| Window shades should be which some 40 relatives and) yy and Mrs, M. Mcintyre veil and she carried a cascade] sire in a little water to make|washed this way on both sides, friends gathered. From the of-/1145q formerly of Oshawa. and : of red rose and stephanotis. (dry suds for such jobs as|then rehung full - length until 1 3 , i Pe hy Miss Joan Elliott was the! sponging window shades. In one|4ry fice staff the bride-elect re-lnj, 'thomas Harris, of Whi ! . ceived a wool blanket; from fel-| pent 1 Baitke ge Pale maid-of-honor and the brides-|form or the other, you can wash! When upholstered pieces and low workers a set of dishes and) juecsts of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. maids were the Misses Sharon} practically everything. mattresses are given the "dry" from the staff a clothes hamper|peaqiey, at Hythe: Kent, Eng- Brown and Gloria Quantrill.| Old - fashioned on-hands-and-|suds treatment, drying can be and miscellaneous gifts. Fol-li4q Mrs. Bradley is a sister All wore mint green chiffon|knees floor-scrubbing may bejhastened by training an electric lowing the rehearsal the wed-|y¢ wg yA. Aldwinckle. wom- full-skirted dresses designed| fine exercise for the figure, but/fan on the article. Pht do with shirred bodices and puffy|most of us prefer to use a long- VERSATILE SPONGES ding party was ST . alien's editor of The Oshawa aie Th Au " the home of Mr. and Mrs.\aiio. eves. ey wore matching! handled sponge or string mop. The modern sponges are in- John MacMillan, Milton drive.! ; x crowns with bridesmaid veils} F ; ; : Mr. Thomas Harris, of the , and carried bouquets of yel-|2¥0 PAILS dispensable helps in washing Teas, birthday parties, wed- engineering staff of the Ontario! low and white chrysanthemums,|_,5/0ce rinsing must follow|woodwork, too, and for getting |ding anniversaries, coming and/jiospital, Whitby, is spending a A a ae mums. '{cleansing, it's convenient to use|into tricky corners. Thelt pus- goings of guests are always Of}, extended holiday with Mr.| MR. AND MRS. F. G. TAYLOR Mes Jack. Giedd ea ial o pails--but not necessarily|ble contours get the suds where interest in this column. Write,).4q Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood bet a Ush on acted asitwo hands to carry them. |they are needed most -- behind telephone or visit the social 46" Stanmore Siiddiesex England, . "+94 " as + fe ering were! Invest in Siamese twin-type|radiators, bathroom washbowls partment with your item of/}. wil| 'also be visiting Mr. Olive Avenue Couple Marking March, Jack Tattle and Rock' pails--two individual containers) and aver door frames. lnews for which there is NO\,.q Mrs J. C. M 'Kirk, fe Maren. 2 locked together with a_ single) Some double-duty sponges are 'charge. Telephone 723-3474. merly of Whitby, at their home A reception was held in the/handle. They make toting so|made with a scouring pad on . Hie a cogs cat Sunday School Hall at Sime . It's 3 r i 1} si bsorbent texture DADDY 5 BOY Mrs. Hugh Gannon showed)in Waldron, Sussex, and going! 4?nd Wedding Anniversary Street' Church. To receive inal tee see wn eee sors en ee toneele tae movies of her trips to Califor-/0n 4 trip to Holland and Bel- bride's mother wore a_ toast! . er a ee ee Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted ) son of Mr. Robert Ward and |nja' Disney Land and Quebec|gium. Mrs. and Mrs. Frederick;seven daughters and two sons, |beige satin brocade sheath with Rospond, Oshawa boulevard | Mr. John Rospond, Oshawa, at the regular meeting of the George Taylor, Olive avenue, /all of Oshawa. They are Mrs.'a matching three - quarter south, is one-year-old Randall Rendez-Vous Club held at Ade- . are observing their 42nd wed- William Badour (Pearl), Mrs. | length coat, a flowered hat in Joseph. Randall is the grand- ! --Aldsworth Photography |jaide House. Guests at the| neaker Unsuitable ding anniversary today. The|Robert Russell (Tilly), Mr s.|beige tones and a corsage : of Pa rears oe ; "meeting were 40 members of| couple were married in Toronto|Arnold McEachern (Lillian),/yellow talisman roses. The! | the Progressive Conservative} When Applying by the Reverend Trevor Davies|Mrs. Gordon Brown (Violet),| bridegroom's mother was in Sharlene McDonough Becomes |Ladies' Club of Tinonay , Halon Romer es. aera err eed hen qieeh ivlas Geant ata pe aed Church, April 27, 20. Mrs.|Mrs. Edward Smit arbara),| taf ith ¢ i Fai Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Schad For a Summer Jo Taylor is the former Elizabeth and Miss Joyce Hazel Taylor Migke tems adteiscaes Parad . : tiv, Guorard road. ont or ts ; : shtihe 3 LOVE REEL aS ! Bride of Percy H. McMahon lt gg ly pri ali Jun.| Summer jobs for teens are eed age shal i ert met jae g fit» ea comprised her corsage. | gle Gardens during their recent/hard to come by, particularly pag hl in London "raylane. Taylor. There eg twenty As the couple Jett fora wed-| ; Albert Street United Churchiwas designed with a scoop neck|¥acation on Florida's lowe r|this year. So don't lose out b | August 18, 1888 ' et 'lerandeaadten "and two great.|008 trip to Chicago the bride) " was the setting for the wed-|line trimmed with self ros-\West coast. The visitors mingl-) Cause you look down at the heels He served in World War\grandchildren. was wearing a beige' tweed ding recently of Sharlene Ada'ettes. A pearl crown held her ed with flamingos and other) during an interview, employ- cig iehg bh sheshr pie _|suit with toast beige accessog-| : Elizabeth McDonough and|shouider-length veil and she|faté Wildfowl from every con- ment counsellors advise. Mele: ; pt oyal Fie ae ere REVIVE CUT FLOWE ies and a white orchid corsage.| j Percy Herbert McMahon carried a cascade of pink roses|tinent roaming freely in these} Teens, who fill most part-time = abe ana nae ty Ganuda in i E CUT FLOWERS (|The newly wedded pair will " V+, Modern refrigerated vaults automaticelly The bride is the daughter Ofjand white baby chrysanthe- world-famous gardens. and temporary summer jobs, 019 hic fe Gate ' a Don't let Mother's Day bou-'live in Oshawa. | é j a catratiad, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonough| mums | : ; __lare 'the worst offenders in this|!919 arriving in Oshawa August! vets wilt and fade too soon.| : ' To honor her 95th birthday alrespect. A recent survey by . fur Coat Cleaning of Oshawa and the bridegroom| Mrs. Keith Cousins of Col-ltew close friends called on For wilting chrysanthemums HELPS VETERANS : . 'oay.| In two days he started t P Mn Ot a ae Oar |Oeek was matron of honor inlvirs, Fred Ellis at her home on|that. more than hall of reveals! work at_ General Motors. He(recut the bottom of each stem| The Silver Cross Women of} [ STORAGE © FUR COATS © CLOTH GARMENTS hb eMahon, Colbrook Ont.| pink silk hi ; J : / pry lab ; 4 | po Big cevssonin ee Larke|nn ee hiffon wearing 4/Centre street on Wednesday af-|ecytives look at your shoes|a!so worked at Oriental Textile and split for two or three inches|Canada" was founded at Ham-} eitiad ak thé double-ring|} "i pF at and carrying a bas-\ternoon. Mrs. Ellis who has| first when sizing up a job appli-/@nd was employed for a short|/Tom the cut base. Removelitton in 1947 by widows and CLEANING e SHINERIZING e REPAIRS : Mrs. C. A. Nay.[Ret Of Pink tinted chrysanthe-lheen ailing for some months,|cant, Scuffed ightly shoes\time by Pedlar People. He re-\!eaves below water level. Set 4s ceremony and Mrs Nay-'mums and blue forget-me-nots.| y naiy . elciu pede von Boer : : \the stems in hot water halfway| Mothers of soldiers. of the Sec- lor played the wedding music. yy oi sit | wae able to receive her guests! with worn down heels detract/{urned to General Motors and ee ae R COST ONLY Given i by her ec Keith Cousins was best!and Miss Greta Ellis served af-|from your diwas pensioned off in 1957 up the stem. Allow to cool,iond World War. iven in marriage by h man and ushering were your appearance an f then add enough ice-water, to. --------- ther the bride Wore 8 street/ Ronald McClelland of i cata " count against you, the survey Mr, and. Mrs. Taylor have fill the vase. Revive roses by| | 9 F VALUATION length white pure silk gonniand Mr. Donald Roberts of! Mrs. E. A. Collins, area com- reported. cutting the base of each stem Va AWAKE 7icghce | ° with a full skirt. The bodice! Huntsville. missioner, is attending the an-| Here are some_ shoe tips, stiletto heels nor flats have a preferably just above a leaf . "sea ALE A reception was held in the|Mual meeting of the provincial|courtesy of Shoe Fashion Ser-/place in a business office. No|branch. Place the stems in boil- VaASLEEP Daye.. . @ FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY Anne LaRush lower hall of the Church, For|council of the Girl Guides ofjvice of Teather Industries, to/matter what the style, heelsing ater. For carnations cut| "ys 1 bate ALL GARMENTS INSURED lthe occasion the bride's mother|Canada, being held in London,|help you put your best foot for-\jook -- and feel -- better when|the stems just above a leaf node, sual uite foi. Thos os ball tea t » : m ichose blue printed silk with|Ontario. Tomorrow Mrs. Col- ward: they're in good repair. then plunge into very cold water] = i A ' Feted Bride Elect | matching jacket and beige ac- lins will be a guest of Mrs.} Whatever you do, employment; Shoe colors should be restrain- up to the flower heads and leave ee ne ae oak Miss Anne La Rush whose) cessories, her corsage was pink| "leounsellors warn, don't wearjed» but needn't be restricted.|/overnight wastes and excess acids stay in the marriage to Mr. John Grahamjroses and white chrysanthe- SWING SAFETY sneakers -- either when you go|The greyed greens -- willow} system. Disturbed rest, tire: foie é Strachen takes place tomorrow|mums. i oe ,\for your interview or later, onjand avocado -- subtle blues or! ' | and backache often follow. If you don't ' coLD STORAGE p For swing safety thoroughly PATHFINDER fat wall at igh ou fea din the ; in St. Gregory's Roman Catho-| The bridegroom's mother f the job. There's nothing more|muted bones look smart with} lic riick hae : Be honored at|wore navy be flowered silk|°*4™!ne the woodwork to see inappropriate, in the eyes ofjbright summer ensembles. Use ytime--use <Dodd's Kidney Pills. pre-nuptial events, with matching hat and a cor-|that none of the pieces has/an executive, than a pair of slop-}a suede brush, polish or a damp MAPS Then you feel better--rest better 81 WILLIAM ST. DIAL 723-3012 Mrs. F. E. Conlin and Miss\sage of red roses and white|rotted, then paint with wood|ny canvas shoes. For better orjcloth to spruce up your shoes work better. You can depend on Dodd's Carole Conlin entertained at a/chrysanthemums. |preservative. Check metal parts|for worse, sneakers are asso-|2very morning. | Shawi i ind Kidney Pills. kitchen shower at their home| For the honeymoon trip tolig see that all connecting bolts|Ciated in his mind with irre] Teen school styles being what] >"OW'NS flomes, indus- on Mary street. Northern Ontario the bride son Heke Tonk at chiaink to ane sponsible kids". hey are, a new job will often|| tries, schools, etc. in Mrs. James Toppings and|chose a beige suit with match-|° 8 . iegagitedty The office girl keeps her fee'}call for new shoes. A leather] color, Available at news Mrs. Dennis Kemp were co-\ing accessories and a blue tor that no links are worn thin. For|on the ground in a pump with ¢| ump is a long-term addition to|]' H hostesses at a miscellaneous|coat. Her corsage was rec|safety, nail a rubber stair treac|mid-heel or a spectator or ¢]1 girl's wardrobe, and can dou-| stands. shower held at the former's roses and white pom poms. jio the seat. stacked leather heel. Neitherl>le as a daytime shoe next fall.' home on Laracor avenue. & oe Members of the staff of oth Mitchell's drug store held a, shower at the home of Mrs 3 Paul Michael, Harmony road : . south. ' PEW WET Rs toe es Fd Mrs. Alan Moore, aunt of the} future bride, was hostess at aj family dinner party at her home gi. # a i in Cobourg. i Tae | | Mrs. James Timmins and} ; ; ie Mrs. Edna Dewhirst were co-| ° j & hostesses at a neighborhood shower at the former's home on Mohawk street. Mrs. William Bone and Mrs . | Leo Connolly arranged a show-| ' | er at the latter's home on Athol] : street east when the guests| were members of the future . bride's mother's bridge club. j Mrs. Robert Broadbent and OS Miss Judith Broadbent, Lauder| road, were hostesses at a linen| ee ® ® ; H ' : shower when the guests were] laa ty Regulation Size the teachers at St. Joseph's) : Cowhid ith school where the bride-elect is| ® r) R whid get 3 | ' ' awhide lacing * a member of the staff. ONLY sein - MAGNET FOR PINS A emall magnet cemented to the top of a yardstick will help collect steel pins after sewing. The long stick makes it possible| % to reach those other wise in-| p | ® g ae " BASEBA re 1ctor : Genuine Leather Cover Compressed Centre Colors!" i, \, -- only 69 The year's most exciting colors are here! Predictor--the only colors a : hand-picked by a team of expert decorators especially to match today's new Tanned Cowhide Leather Cover color trends in homes arid furnishings! 97 bright, beautiful colors, Rubber Contes 9 8- gg Petra te selected from the full Flo-glaze Colorizer range of 1322 colors hundreds of people . . «the freshest-looking shades you've seen in ages! who attended he | Painting with Predictor Colors is like having a professional decorator choose your a br gd colors for you! Available in every type of interior and exterior finish. See themin 4 "Alps Chateie'". all their beauty in the free Predictor Color Folder at your Flo-glaze Colorizer dealer. é : This week and the |! KRESGE'S PRICE coming weekend will be your last Fal j cian ob : a J ' eh 7 | this splendi J See fhe F nae AR ) Flo-glaze Colorizer PAINTS . | cand §, Ri, is i F é i be, | THE IMPERIAL FLO-GLAZE PAINTS LIMITED j : : CANADA'S LARGEST ALI-CANADIAN PAINT COMPANY : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 7@ PAINT & : ; 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER PATTE S wALLparer Mrs. W.W. Pp ARK SWAN 5 os | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 725-7711 85 SIMCOE NORTH 725-3529 | 55 BRUCE ST. ; 723-7821 | Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-7513 || OSHAWA . SHOPPING CENTRE Yor atten