20---Room and Board |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Reel Estate for Sale _(27--Real_ Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 27, 1962 7 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted ~ sons FacRMAN BOub, ponmastE ne r ROOM and board for one, private room|955 MONTHLY. Vacant 7. Two \veeun' Baas bbaed bacien, chéedl Pieges ~e yorenn ln Hotel. car sone sry Aart seek " a Pia home in way ae poem eee metern itchen share ee peresge eal ny sparisient a dn ono Cal atter 4 eve- oo tows Water, $11,000 terms.|27--Real Estate for Sale P+ il : weetily, Telephone d i maain Sloot, close 1192 Cedar Street, Re o2i9, 70 King East. Bloor Street West. eral Motors, suit couple, 728-5643. nt, $20 monthly. BIG two corner lot in Newcastle, divid- -|WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer| OOM, and, board for taey, <f, fNorth v OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL sale $11,900 fall price, wewled in five bullding lots, Registered. 500 Sereen eRe Nemes ce wind oe Whitby Apply 312 308 PACIFIC AVENUE -- Three-room brick bungalows in North end, $900|foot frontage, {wo blocks from stop Gren, while mother works, live in,|in |General Motors plant. apartment THIS WEEK END full down payment. $73 monthly pay-/light and shopping centre. Town water. Telephone 723-1633 after five, a fihe a MEN phone 726-1778, amacinael, 'wie 93 LUKE STREET fro pviewd im pee extras. Cuaee = Dahms. Newcastle Tele- WAITRESS wanted to work full timelitapie business where Rawileigh FOR GENTLE! gy Poereciaeirtch tC ierforeetins thiteenlOhe" cuaceatan, - gaivale.. Salk 2 on pag ag guide sxpecioncnd we. have been sold for, years. Bis wa ae eae Ss 208 ig baggy 3 ROAD SOUTH --|Couple o- ge NEARLY NEW 8 BUICK, new tires, radio, automatic Products «a ansmission, immaculate condition. ' a Contre. Co., Dept. D-310-163,|near Ritson Road. and bath-/FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, FIVE ROOM BRICK LL YD REALTY nn ete {000 Richelieu, Montreal CARNEGIE AVENUE, 708 Foom. Garage available, freshly palnt-/TV outlet, high powered wiring, park- Boor Siret Eats 7--Male Help Wanted and board in quiet home, led. One ing. Available now. Apply 102 Chureh| 'Three bedrooms, oil heated, ewer Po amiey aad 7a|18--Male or Female Help ee oy ced. peed. NEWLY ted idichen | Street. 725-0355, paved drive, Asking $10,900 LIST WITH LLOYD phe Moa oy <-ayge Diggin Ber Gating evianii armen, game exper> Wanted Hyeng ee aerate private bath. Telephone ge as bath, ee terms. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER low, went i a do, or ara paca * 5 city or $5,000 down poe lad * Op-|NEED extra income? Average $3 an WAVERLY STREET, ii PARK ROAD NORTH -- three- yeti agre Congr rs ger GERALD BARROW WARREN AVENUE peed on outskirts in spare time. Be hop! Cent: room apa: it, REAL ESTATE for energetic person. yAllacarters. in" your neighborhood for or sink, bathroom, TV aerial,|496 SIMCOE Street North, Apt. 8, one- $8,900 371 ELIABETH STREET -- Five- Se eat "Call 1880071 finest line of Cosmetics and Home . |garage. 723-4990 evenings. bedroom apartment, furnished or un 725-3852 Five-room brick, oil ss room eek bungalow, three years old. a =|Needs. Repeat orders. Latge Profit. |gen! THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- y d itchen, paved drive, {Comp landscaped. All services of Homeshopper 728-5502. all 'Apply $98| 728-3945. ag $70.00 mo thly. schools and churches. } YOUTH --_ (Siig a, acre eo ct Sete eeemeeiss] PRIVATE:SALE | frags biv her toe [iat x ora oe Montreal x OSHAWA BLYD. NORTH -- Three-|T°™ \ ot 7 8-5123. bah og ody co acres cor-|41 gig east Oshawa for $12,000. West|Call Bill Horner 726-5123. . TO LEARN otis ii bog ane tise of|20» $60. 725-6106, nies with 3280 feet on Garrard, 1400 feet on|(Oshawa) Limited Realtor. ashen, T 725-4497, THIS MODERN COUNTRY LIVING Taunton. $1000 per acre or best offer.| HAMPTON, PRINTING TRADE BREAKFAST bes 728-8441 eb do Mh oe = ~ . Also three large FOUR BEDROOM $7,900 FULL PRICE Terms, 725-5080. containing tn gM Bg ' - . saatanses taken, Taek ae Gee, rooms, heavy wiring. Suit- Bungolow, 2 years old with |i38 ACRES, 190 acres workable, bai-|{rance, oll heated and bathroom. Small Must be 16 to 18 years ol COOK ices Me ee eee ee eC SPLIT-LEVEL | sttched ora, $000 dom |e ru tme ana, cae Dalat erty ta, Se and have at least grade trances. (600 and 1 sq. ft. CENTRE and John vicinity, MAIN floor duplex , with one open mortg jeonveniences, big barn; water in; 2 call 723-9290, education. Apply "in person To work on Sondwiches ot Cobourg, FRanklin $0903, ioe aoe Reaves td|vate, heated, iattweed feere Eicken]. te on honest bargain! Finish- bolance. Carries for '$95.00 Cre eae ree tg ets, £ArKe,|CHOICE building lot in Whitby to the information desk for noon. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shift WORKSHOP se ante Hoes! ove, retrigerator, washer and dryer. cupboards, three-piece bath. 589 Albert! ed recreation room, ly per month including principal oc ek in Pal of water anal street, sewer and water 'on the epplication: forms. also soda fountain clerk. hea now ne. 723-7530. Available immediately. Tel sential modern decorating, double and interest. Hurry for this |iarge garden, raspberries, stra es, | pe nrg a il tea " Apply to Mr. Gaye, The : 2233 or after 5, 723-7596. ALBERT STREET four-room apart-/ windows and doors, paved one. Call Ed Drumm at 728- |some apple trees. For sale or will trade fat Cla EW "THE OSHAWA TIMES Flom Dutchman, Highway SIMCOE Street South, three-room Base: ment, private bath, entrance. TV outlets} Gries Colored ff 5123. for business. Apply owner, 8. Hussel,|$1,500\ CA = 200, Quick sale. 401. ., a RR 3, Omemee. '@ Road North. 72% NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE i iit = HI 4] iu " i i i : tio, x BRAND NEW ment apartment, Telephone 728-0601. _|fr07°t' Reasonable, TAIT stter 4 Beautifully landscaped Neor 0575 or 725-9378, : : , DOWN ATE . h rw -R00M newly decor| school and bus $400 ena with attached warege and. peved NINEOOM brick house with _sdjoin '0-ROOM letely fur- nished, close to downtown and bus.|7 4 5-room bungalow, insul bric! ° minutes store, south-end Osha' THE FLYING OFFICE IS Co rr ahd on promis: teeth shopping centre Sd "ver FULL PRICE $12,300 3 bedroom new fumoce ond (Stirs i2,eumbriral aree, five slates! Sermo sostbend of Stovensed UPHOLSTERY LABLE --_|etceet shar ame smu ute ra 7900 oe Be SABO, or |e itso . . a board: ; Paetcs B t ra AOOR EO CET O DUT HM N AVAI BL pi geo al [a oa bats be avy, wiring, a, 725-8060 call Wil J the ehtiéren. Close to podera ley Reonsteee sinans 221 couple, one child welcome. 655-3368,|V4te entrance and bath, heavy wiring. ston 728.5123, with low taxes, This beautiful home hat|wood Road. g FOREMAN Newly Built... Elevotor Ser- | Brooklin. kaa ee two fireplaces, 1% bath, bright airy kite : Leading. Toronto manufac- vice... "a vb Freshly .. Tile ; spacious thfee room apariment. Private | MODERN five-room apartment with : - : ») a, ae wae bee turer requires . experienced S. $ NO. 14 Painted . OFS... eth, and parking. Rea bath, heat, hydro included. $110 month- Realtor, $28,500 with terms arranged. Tele-|rage. Apply 86 Quebec Street. upholstery supervisor, Please + oe ' Available in Few Days... |762 King Street East. 728-1559, ly. Apply Aldsworth Cleaners, 36 Athol etc ra phone 723-9270, CORNER lot 6914 x 110 feet, on paved with many built-in features. Full price|two bedrooms, hot water heating, ga- Street East. Telephone 725-1812 day- 728-5123 269 street, all services in, close ' 6660): pee a pean g 7 reply stating full particulars Moderate Rent... 128 WILSON Road South, three bed-|time. 725-9196 evenings. $26, parks, ete, Telephone after 6 p.m. MO 5 to yg -- DARLINGTON F Senge oa . waa ** |room apartment in Bod apartment | 779 large roomed apartment, furnish p : + 101 Simcoe St. N. PICKERING AREA 8-3596. salary, etc. ur sta i eld e ed, private entrafice, self contained, EA ' $8,900. MODERN bedroom bung aware of this ad. All replies SCHOOL THE Sea rree-- relerhone 257950. |antenna, central, reasonable rent. L ESTATE LTD. OPEN EVERY EVENING Most scenic focation, near iow, double garagen large rare Y, Perry Street, 515. Three|723-3211; evenings 725-2539, DIAL 728-4678 conservation parks. New |low gg payment. Cheaper for cash, REE executive home. Four-bed- are confidential. Send replies room apartment, private bath, all con-|~ Cae pape my Te | : THREE large clean rooms, in floor -~ Number 249, Oshawa Requires Teacher for TIMES BUILDI NG venlences. MO #3763. of private home. Completely furnished room, three bathrooms, 30-ft. |TAUNTON Road East, just outside a Hi} Eight Grade. School My ODERN one bedroc t, liv-|if desired, , ; . a MARY & KING STREETS age ERE a arene] , 4 BEDROOMS | CLUDE REALTY | Scprrse~ ime: LLP : q nm . it ald aye OS OR ee n choice noi cemtra xf aa AUTOMOBILE Term Beginning OSHAWA Tents, 21 Simeoe scuten™® APart:/ DREW street two-room apartment, tur | Oshawa Location. In addition MO 8-2336 Kitehons, atibed sttie, Rerieont ioe' BODY MEN Sept. 1962 THREE room apariment, wafuiniabed,/ie: Teiephone ranrinas n° P| 0 the 4 bedrooms, this, welt LIMITED up and' down, oll heated. "Telephone ; 3 duty wiring, kitchen, 6 freee tan hoch OR Te ept includes a large : 2 Wanted to Rent heat, gute water included, #0 montis, GLIDDON Avenue, 250, Three unfur-| fiving room, family sized din- 16 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN HOUSE wae ae ae 2 ' garden tin ished » sink and boards in ' ; ay ee Convenient to Bospital and OCVI. Tele: |728-5008. "NS Dowevard South. yitehen, "Heat and lizhts included. Ab-| 490 Ond Ritchen, loaded with | DUPLEX -- MARY ST. N. "KINGSMERE GARDENS" __|lesse. Telephone faites, "T=! OF qualifications and name Phone 728-1475. UPPER duplex, four rooms, all conven- ee ei none 724-1988, cupboards, well appointed Not easy to find in 'good LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Must be Experienced of previous Inspector COMPLETELY furnished two bedroom|iences: Private entrance, Adults pre-|KING West 630, Three-teom apart finished recreotion room, well residential area, two com- 29---Automobiles for Sale . ments, one ds * ; Full Time Work cu apartment or fiat desired, tor "May 1.|ferred. 80 Rowe Street. 'Telephon 728- Sewly" decorated, 'cle to «bopping| drive, aS 2 0 pletely seporate oportments Caren sll ease lead '38 PLYMOUTH good motor, al good te -------- ---- | centre, jet if 8 num a7 ij + i ly Top Pay ° sehr RELIABLE couple, no children, re-/FURNISHED, clean, two room base- 995-3777, lone egal d cinengeais storms, screens, etc, This is pe cg pel on Met your choice i bed by May 31, it apart bath, batty, | me i ; excellent condition. Apply In Person GEORGE KNOX [reasonable rent, wreterences, write aerial, $20 weekly includes heat, hydro, 74 BOND Street East, completely prt| 0" ideal fomily home close | water heating, goroge. SEE THEM THE SIGN OF QUALITY - Two Required. bath, ti modern conveniences, Spacious lot for|THREE-ROOM apartment. Will give|528 after 6 : 17--Male Help Wanted hildren. Colse to school. Telephone|low rent to responsible tenants who|---------- 0 -------- with two finished rooms in £ us 95.282 wilt give weekend care to two small|MODERN two > bedroom pasement| OSHAWA BLVD. S. basement, extra bathroom, | SD, HYMAN REALTOR : 728-6286 en, bathroom, finished recreation room,|stove, refrigerator, heat, light, water|ly, Telephone 728-0933, lance on one open mort- SEDAN garage, large garden, stove, television|supplied. Private entrance. Central. $75 |= ------ tenno. 6% mortgage. Nicely ' hly, I di W. Me-|THREE-ROOM apartment unfurnished,| 999@, with reasonable month- indsca ence Two-tone brown and white. DUE TO EXPANSION 735-9029, ee Cra Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723.| self-contained, heavy wiring, heated,| ly payments. " -- ver LIMITED 6 cylinder. Radio. as complete training by head office personnel. ory's and Mary Street Schools. Many sultable for couple, parking space. Ap- ster ceernsoartmeat, Seve, selrigen kitchen, all extra's ,well land- priced. 40580 wah recsoneble Must own a reliable automobile and must be bondable ax CRESCENT -- Se Foon |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, equippea| 2ROe 728-0402 after 8.30 p.m. scoped. Asking $13,000.00 For full porticulers call: down payment, _balonce Sy gs tesecanak Salary $100 per week during training with oppor- |prick house, all wconvenlences, ~0|"th stove, 'refrigerator and laundry|TWO rooms, completely furnished tor| With $3,000.00 down. You'll | ,f0 full porticulors call: = | gin Bere | aloe $1395 Oshawa-Brooklin district, phone, parking. Vacant. 725-2974 >. Hy Papago x iggy . ie Ferrey $18950.00 ony 1 00M t- cc Y fur. oi Picea » ESRI :00 with REDUCED TO $9,900 i 4 ee ee | 2 H THREE-ROOM, self - contained fur-|please. Apply 1 to 5 p.m. ; ' Open daily 2 p.m. -- 5 p.m. : 4----Hou: Rent : fone ae} en t : pen | : GANNON a Totti, Tolepiote Tate" iltncin' t|3i RITSON SOUTH -- Tumeyeom Gress & $60.98 Owner hos purchased onother directions; King Street Eost rti Fort PERRT -- cay To: ah" "len ect BORE gy o000 ave 3 Sing | been i snseene ay, six-room frame house, wi op- reet, two rooms and| Mot id school, i Opportunity age fo rad $000, Terme seranees. fo io ohh ag woe and entrance. free dryer, Avallibie' Sean og ro out Pi sivkeip "i ni 770 PHILLIP MURRAY ¥ 4 a '3 ersid , second floor .ldeal for |------------__ se O " , Sntuat 5 E, Johneten, ide, Oni Vv le etc. Ideal fomily . Well-maintoined six - room hot and eold water. Parking available. NORTH Whitby, three-bedroom, brick | - __.|822 King Street FE; ts $5,500 WE REQUIRE 6 MEN bungalow, two Years ol, for ren, Fene-|AFABTMENT, modern. two bedrwoms|nhone Yaseen, ™ *°P: TE] © COL BORNE ST. E. Conntepsetia Hoenn with bein sain $1495 Selephone 'sO 28352, Wentworth and: Ravine, Telephone 26--Rooms for Rent Ideal family home in good try atmosphere, 4 rooms, 8 ROO. : ' 'Osha facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone|liht housekeeping. Central to do like this one. : f tunity fer advancement to $150, sana prowant wnat eg [See WE tm ee aa oe ie a ak i bom, Poin Sam | me Seme,, tant decorated, exterior being painted, |UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or an-|795.5907) -- AFTER 5:30 CALL Marin, Tes Pract, Y% acre. Has extra large Aine Body ENNISKILLEN a Sg My sree, ae yeaah eneeact'| Gy eppolnmment eae em | ame ond. le leaving, thi oe ee oe SPECIA IN THE SALES FIELD! SmaneSEREOON home, large kitch- Se ee ran compas nt eae oe pe price of $10,000.00. jedoch Cramee tC or SC HOFIELD-AKER Ibis sae Ability to learn more important than experience, [#4 DEARBORN | Avenue. sizwim| roaramsy tao ~ toon aparinens| NEWLY decoriea,-sleehy varmmnea| ences! oi ae | PA eee OSHAWA " te ad pind For appdintment -- Phone 728-4491 | Avaliable' May 1. 7204523 Suit one or two. 139 albert Street, tele: |SINGLE Foom, --faralshed ta gaai| O'K Barriage .... 5.6243 | Lloyd Corson, at 723-1131 | kitchen, oll new cupboards, | 1955 STUDEBEKER phone 725-6662. penta rete ne agtentieman, very) John Kemp ..,... 8-2392 af 24-ft. living room with stone A Mechanic's Special ! Bee ge 716 CEDAR STREET -- large kitchen,|°C™'"*!- Te! Open dai .m. 3 i -pc. he Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. $80 7-ROOM Heavy 'duty| CLEAN furnished toom in @alet Kons, 3 fre re ae ye PRR le gg esa car tiloomas $245 : Large treed lot 5 miles {south Caen Moors Apply at Rosas. $295 ee ee ee i3 8 vied Shite See YOUR GUIDE TO tion, 'ask for Henry Stinson, north of Oshawo, 4 +. . verett Elliott .. ..3-9290 BETTER LIVING daytime 723-2265 -- even- kitch both ~ Olt THRE = room spartinent, newly is ae basement bedroom, suit- 7 WHITBY CLASSIFIED | @: S223 Suess oes ema | Van ueyseys sion. iad ped ro responsible persons. oat aaa Apply 187 Wilson Road DOWNSVI PARK TELEPHONE 725-2911 #75, 'SER this pleasant apartment, with COMPLETELY furnlshd bedroom a MOTORS LTD. 5 , nd floor|APARTMENTS for rent, centrally 1o- in quiet, residential dis-|kitchen with refrigerator and rangette.| Buy your hou i i i JOHN A. J. BOOT iviad Toon bake ooth, bath-| cated, Modern, Frig and stove. Washing 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent} trict. Child welcome. Available May 15.|Suitable for one gentleman. Central. yy jouse or lot in beautiful Downsview Park 156 KING STREET WEST | ; room, kitchen with stove, private Ro facilities. Telephone MO 8-3193. BRIGHT, attractive apartment, dows 728-8836 after 6. Apply 237 Athol Street East. (Formerly Downsview Golf Course--Adelaide E.) BOLAHOOD PHONE 725-3557 trance. Suitable for couple, $65. FOR RENT. Two bedroom apartment,|town location, three rooms and bath,|ATHOL Street East, Upper and lower/CLEAN, large, fully equipped house. ? 62435. hae _________|garden and garage, Available June 1.|refrigerator and range, reasonable rent oy three and four rooms, oll rn iexing room, Suit one girl. Central. Rolling Land--Plenty of Park Land INSURANCE LTD, REALTORS VESPA motor scooter for sale, in good/s75 monthly. Telephone MO 8-2180 or|to good tenant. 8 until 5 p.m. Adults preferred. Telephone re 28s3. tN ls Se mie Curved Streets and Cul-de-sac : condition, $175, Telephone Brooklin 655-) Mo 8.5078, Michael Clayton, 725-3501. Adults preferred. Telephone \_ |@WO Tooms, fursished, folcioeroack, 3611 any time. BALD sin Aaa $85 MONTHLY modern two 26 Street, four-room self-con-| stove. parking space, all conveniences, j j '. THREE room apartment for rent, ivi bes MO Banoo for gentlemen, Telo-| si sstment, stove, refrigerator, washer ogg sor i Poo Beige Aten ate gentlemen. Apply 202 Architecturally Controlle All Homes Different AP, RIL SALE th. Adults only. Abstainers. Central. of and dryer,five minutes walk m | ---- a J pie is cn a cach SF per month, Telephone MO 8-2284. /DRESSMAKING, Suits,coats, dresses,|General Motors South Plant Available GRENFELL Street, N.H.A. Mortgages Available -- close to schoo! and downtown, FULL DOWN PAYMENT FOR RENT: Tw ' its|@ specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. |May 1. 255 Malaga Road. Telephone light Nogekéent i Colonial ranch-sty} FoR HENT: 'vo Dejroom apartments|a special. Mrs. Toms, MO' pz. MSZ, APARTMENTS _ fitter "aaty 'Sings, sai cutbesis'| Inchading Tet ad aacungelow, with 'carport for only, $14,500 $12,900 1960 CORVAIR 7 in modern building. $90 and $100. Stove,|aerations, slip c gentl > i an. $8 week. Furnished bed- a 4, refrigerator, washing facilities. Adults)FOR RENT: Dundas East, unfurnished FOObL, wehilicein you can have the best. Your choice of lots ond builder, Man Two-door 700 Series -- referred. MO 68-3591. ____|ground floor apartment, two large, ONE A D T W oom, Sentlemad, $6 week, 725-8731. - 4 ats bd er, i tomatic, . "Exec 7 Fwo furnished rooms, /|bright, newyl decorated rooms, fire- APARTMENTS N O ADELAIDE West, 246, central, bed- tots already sold for Spring Building. FULL PRICE Au FOR RENT -- T 4 ° D OOM rou utive Driven". ith s , frig. Suit-|place. Parking space. Near small shop- m, quiet home, home _privil 5 ' : * ps agg ag 'Adults. 308 Pe rry|Ping centre, MO 8-518. FOR REN | BE R S employed women, $7.50 'wee "sgn CONTACT EXCLUSIVE AGENT Custom built, choice lots, Street, MO 8-4470, co 725-6338, ' Donevan High School area. 196] CHEVR L On d. Suit > ab- pine tine -n ba 9 ea Sn ee es ace ltteer. Bante Omen ee me| $70 and $75 LA SALLE GARDEN |iwo-tanished rooms neat eaerie| LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. | completely modem styled. 3 | Sedan -- wag White wilb- erey flecks, $25. Door 2' 6'| Telephone MO 8-4709, 725-4964 cluded. Separate hydro meter, suit bedroom bungalows. Models New" Automatic, 'Like with hardware. MO 8-4610, |B.C. SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping} Four room apartments monihiy: tus eee us) 40 KING St. EAST DIAL 728-4678 open for inspection afternoon : pn gee right furnished room for|service for small businesses, weekly, : ; 6 A py Hae ie Tocaied, Board optional, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- with stove _and TWO 2-BEDROOM LARGE bright furnished housekeeping and evenings. Additional in- 1960 CHEVROLET Telephone MO 8-2429 __|pared; income tax returns. MO #6252 refrigerator. Close to Pore tcryate home, studio couch, formation on request. Call Bel Air Sedan -- Radio -- COTTAGE spécials teirigerators, from SEPTIC tanks, cleaned. Walter Ward.|Donwtown Shopping Areo APARTMENTS aed down tun tube tatomes ta pest gt Nee aged ep Fy wo 3-bedrooms, path on Ot 7200944: oF Automatic. "New Car Con- 3 heavy duty stoves, from $20; bed- H ------------ ------ nae rig itchen wi orea, oil ting, lorge lot. . ition" ph suites, complete, from $89; cribs|MO 8-2563. and Bus Service. $95 and $100 blended and Simcoe, two rooms, fut-| Fyll price $13,500. me - wal aitiony'. : with new mattress from $19;_ neW/OFFICE equip. biggest stock around. Preveg' Complete kitchen facilities, em- chrome chairs, $3.95. Mid-Town Furnl| service with reasonable prices, try us. CALL: SIMCOE ST. N Hag afer F Biot ad two or Henry St. 3-bedroom split level with extre 2-piece I 1959 CHEVROLET ture MO 8-981, __.__. |Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. All : heh en i ff finished : : s . FURNISHED apartment for rent. Two|FOR RENT -- $80 monthly three and ED DISNEY conveniences, parking. BURK Street, large furnished front bed-| C1 '#™¥ recreation room, large kitchen, 4-piece tiled both, ONLY 7 900 rooms. Sultable for couple or with onelfour room apartments, balcony, rest- . 725-3302 room, main floor, suit one or two| this is an excellent buy at $12,800. One mortgage. / . Total bstainers, Telephone 'i gentlemen, Parking space. Telephone Mo 2.3216. areas ty eae Vaciiittad (PRikae cise ie aeuaole oak Realtor Te ( Belle Dr. 2-storey and split level homes ultra modern, attached 1958 CHEVROLET FOR SALE -- Choice 'building lot in|Sarenva fers. fpply 300 High 82 Simcoe South APART T ATTRACTIVELY praca vty 2-piece washroom, oil heating, for further parti- $4,000 DOWN Bel Air Two-door Hardtop, itby, on paved 5! 4 " - Ai. 6-2536. = a % " ; water on the property. Cochrane atealrom "GALE etrigerators ion 0M 723-2333 N FURNISHED ROOMS rs call Audrey Moore MO 8-5853 or MO 8-4088. 134 Ghd Groce tials aided Radio, "Mar < Fern, $3900 with terms. MO | washers from $29; from $2; BURNS BUILDING South west ond east sections of Whitby bungalows and split Race track on Highway 35 sax GeOWEALE. thes DeaGnas Pomsiiad frees 914-001 oem carlin chairs, 4o.907 Available in private home. | levels are being built prices ronging from $10,990. to $13,490 SODERN Wanaog Waly nee Se gl atin DHS pte PARK LANE aa oan ab in Whitby ond. Oshawa. NEW HOUSE "Encgptional for this, model Sear machin DRIVEWAY GRAVEL PAUL RISTOW |. 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 | ___'# mortege only Ban pep cong ie at eae tae| FIL, AND LOAM BACHELOR SUITES | Adelaide Terrace RIAL TOA Evenings call MO 8-4088 or MO 8-8314 $58 MONTHLY {cus oa ace se iaeiets ass MO 82660 __'> geppoom suiTes| tery mame | a BOWMAN and GIBSON ONO spe ~ Se MO 8.3762 GOTA Parking. Available June 1st. ORONO 10R15 Radio. BES, patra, secre Sous, Bene We hove the answer to your --s bwrggag APARTMENT tiie nieiae a (th ae . eat age Ginnie: Hae ok Sedan -- "Very ~ Frid, Aisiy as hugh Steet avare| PHONE 668-3524 725-7732 or 941 SIMCOE ST. N. S. D. HYMAN | ott, toe, it for combined reine ond office toon, |e fon on | oo Fem, creme Se g, Maton] Ontario, Howe & Peters Reoiton LAE 3506 39 PRINCE STREET | through fo iin' oom tnd garden Four bedror, mee fpen | ol al heting, double gor. | 1956 DE SOTO SEDAN Sree, RS: ants ne ie eae ervations now being accepted. : $1 ] ,850 Full Price plenty of parking space. In downtown area. 40 acres, new wire fencing, $595 Gieement sparen." compiae re(i@, x 12 caret and undermai, st;| Oshawa's Finest | Living room, dinate, kitchen agar Sand Tom. | ne eit comm or comame ae NIK meraone Callow | 2 BEDROOMS hacdocs nna soe 8 | SS eee sat vane SeaveL AND LOAM | AP ARTMENTS |"? Sut Sten Se |store ar Sa OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE =| "cco. S22 "| 1956 CHEVROLET Severe tackine wesley, sar Sake. CEMENT GRAVEL - Htinthone ater énm Movs. | ERIC BRANTON 1 BEDROOM SUITES | Modern 2 - bedroom opt., PRIVATE SALE tic, ere! inv pevewsy? --Pinet, elon 329 Adelaide W., Apt. 2. pest "111 DUNDAS STREET WEST AFTER 6 P.M. 1955 CHEVROLET - py emi wine or marez| much geval wld by wet | MP DON HOWE Afton pacrecneie. sdes Private Lake 1954 CHEVROLET GROVE ess. FG ma a w 248 Brock St. 5, Whity, 723-9692 evenings 7 eee Se pene: Realtor Ing room ond 'dining room, newly decorated. Kitchen 18 x | Seven-room incu brick home, | Tp AN icBORTATION Bae TR ae Beg TENTION a PARKWOOD MANOR ea rey Avie om ry semen Cog of igo, | etme ey, Ore | 954 DeLUKE VOLKSWAGEN Serer eS ea ae| Yor iio core | APARTMENTS rey ened Ore | Set Tt git oem scl wmotned | Souls ics cuban" | 1959 CHRNGRET SEDAN ele: 2, oH - brick ¢t jalow con be ; : A Allis-Chalmers tractor,. plow Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. WE RENT -- -- 12 with door leading to garden. Kitchen 10 x 12, more than ee 1953 PONTIAC COACH STUDENTS A super value, approx!-| canoes, car tops, motors, (KING AND PARK ROAD) ie yi so gyda average cupboards, garbage disposal, etc. Three large bed- wagons, tools, hogs and $149 mately 630 sheets of letter size tyPiNg) boots, trailers; cabin trailers rooms, extra large clothes closets. Four piece tiled bath on chickens included. paper 'news print) for only $1.00 Ap ° y i = PI i é fi ? . Other Cars to Choose From h Times Office, Whitby tents, tent-trailers, etc; Gar. ease cq upper level, Bedroom 10 x 12 and two piece both on lower t r Gors - . rif Bandas Street 'West " den and lawn equipment, OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS DOUG BULLIED level. Finished play room in basement. Oil heating. House is one co oe Phaalel si Easy Term Financing ai power trols, for further information pad 1 _ --, well built. Completely decorated, with fish. FD | R SALE a a mer transterred, T CAMP N WESTINGHOUSE sg capita IN TOWN patente! rags Brick bungalow 5% rooms, F.A. oil heating. Kitchen 8 x 12 ved road, school bus at $75 up: Boots $100.up; 13° $10 200 S.S. sink, breakfast area. Three bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath. ihe near public and high MOTORS LAUNDROMAT MLD plywood 25 h.p. elec- | Modern 2-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved tee ih 1s eed tibiae | heer Gl oan én edie oe ene schools, : 310 DUNDAS ST. W. "re $5, 1 MID pheoed _ parking, T.V. outlet. brick pape! co. scaped on quiet residential street, close to school. Owner selling, cash preferred. ye ' eer WHITBY,- "eas section. nc gorage, #f or $135; 14' plywood complete F INF TV. rial d Carries f Priced for quick sale. Two bedroom brick bungalow. Nice living WILL TAKE 1HEDRUDG. | vith 'steering, | $100; New UR INFORMATION 75,00'P. ond |. per month, | room, ond kitten. Three piece bath, Finished rec room. Gos $14,900 7 OG FT OPA TOFT E BI B One Mors Mh ROCK. furnace. Storms and screens. Nicely decorated and very clean. : ant Aad Bi se By 4 WILDE RENTAL M 725-7272 cane' wateaes Close to school. Priced at $11,000 with $1,000 down, aon | eo SERVICE & SALES SPRING CLEANING ; 728-6286 Call Mrs, Lee--Bowmon and Gibson 111 Dundas St, W. TIME, i a eo 728-9217 WHITBY MO 8-3521 J. ARSCOTT ae 2 miles east of Blackstock, (Continued om Page 18)