Pere ee EOI OIF Pes Tee! ro g SS : So ee a Oe FINE PORTRAIT UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES | Eee j inted 1ST SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.jheld recently was given by trea-| It was decided to pack a bale Fag ging co Creston Mrs. Frank Gravelle presid-|surer, Mrs. Cameron Oke, the|for overseas relief at the next ; islative library. Mr. Uphill Mn ed at the April meeting of thejcatering report by Mrs. James/meeting in May. Plans were died recently wat ee etge First Oshawa Scout Mothers'|Anderson and report of "Night/made for the Mothers' Day Ser- Ge Labor waver re vg Auxiliary, A new member, Mrs.|of Cards" by Mrs. Robert Wil-|vice- when Mrs H. A. Mellow r Fernie, R. Doyle, was welcomed. lliams. Mrs. McEvers thanked|will be the speaker, and a choir Mrs. George Floody read the/all members for 'their donations|composed of the mothers of the DUTCH ORIGIN minutes and the correspon-|time and work given on these|church wil ascist at this serv- The city of Hackensack, .New dence. The treasurer's report|Projects 'naking it financially ice. Setiey, was seilled by the was given by Mrs. Ronald Ells- possible to help others. The- Reverend John Porter Dutch in 1639. more. The committee reports; It was decided to send a do jspoke to the group, introducing were read. nation to the TB Veterans camp|the study book, "The Acts of It was decided to discontinue |fund, also to the Ontario safety|the Apostles' by the Reverend : . } the euchres at the end of April/Patrol fund _ _|William Barclay. : The next night of cards will} A question and answer period ; it and to begin again on Septem- Wil ait 7. . s be held on May 15. The yisit| followed this address. i i to the Lindsay Auxiliary will) .. : F F _ he May Soke pte ty take place 08 May 7 and GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD , Dnaporios May 29 at 6.30 p.m. chartered bus will leave the), to enn gn of Grace The guest for the evening|terminal at 6.30 p.m. The Zone vutheran Church held its April) |was Mr. R. Siblock who showed| Rally' set be held in Oshawa rae gg zone oF 'im "The iver? jon May 25. Ox. ae | method of artificial respiration. 2've" by Mrs. Clifford Pilkey. nye erodes poe. Nevers Refreshments were served by|/t was announced that Mrs.|Carl gees eve? ---- Mrs. Fred Mack and her Six./Peters is a patient in the Osh- meeting with prayer. me SIX." awa General Hospital. The next) Mrs. Robert Behm read the} PMA CLUB business meeting will be held/minutes and Mrs. William The regular meeting of the on May 1 at 7.30 p.m. Marshall gave the treasurer's as reports. ae 2 Pleasant Monday Afternoon ST. PAUL'S GUILD The' Spring tea und bake wale } | made Club was held in the Legion, . 2 : f . iS nt he April meeting of the La-| will be held at the church on | é Sed baluy cous dies' Guild of St. Paul's Pres-/Friday, April 27 at 2.30. SLIPCOVERS gat ging Hoh AAS dey * byterian Church was held re-| Refreshments vere served by| ' : lets ber the cuting to haidiana|"enty: Mrs. Robert Behm, Miss Caro-| CROCHET SLIPPERS pipet ide ghana a can. shan ya gita rae ti In the absence of the presi- lyn Manz and Miss Gladys Col-} , and pinfitted in your 4 and sufficient ho nee tive haan dent, Mrs. Richard Copithorne,|breay. , : These easy-to-make slippers | favorite lounging pants, if you | lope plus ten cents for hand- | home. Histan ty All the chartered. bus |presided and opened the meet-| The next meeting is to be are dainty and simple and will | would prefer something else | jing ang t for I 926 SIMCOE ST. N. j S-ling with prayer. held in the Church parlors. | charm any young girl. Make | than basic white ones. In- | rig gop eg or Leaf- 725-3144 a vi Ps iia | | et No, CS 432. i Mrs. George Hall gave the Z . ; j ' Easter inessave cH oe story, . The minutes were read by one pair to match your night | structions may be had for a ly ",|the secretary and the treasur- = D ] robe and one to match your | stamped, self-addressed enve- How To Dea lin ser for the children present. Miss|*", j ' au RANA seen at pics Marylin Bradley sang a solo|°! § report given. and Miss Caroline Bell quoted| Plans for the Maytime tea 4 To handle ink spots, clean; The solution is poisonous, so several passages from the Scrip-;and bazaar to be held May 16 With Damages spot and surrounding area with rubber gloves should be worn . 7 ae a tures. Mrs. Philli aiwe scusse fae ais 2e ad dampened with a/Let i | s. Mrs. p Bell sang a\were discussed. It was also de- : steel wool pad dampened with ajLet it stand one hour, then rinse To Wood-Floors good floor cleaner ug mineral) with clear water WED IN DOUBLE RING CEREMONY solo. cided to hold a night of cards ( ; j rape ig Mrs. Frank Boughton was a/in June. ~ By E 1 30 spirits. If spot remains, rub wit Repeat if spot remains. : y ELEANOR ROSS 3 : g nc Oe ae ; guest from Weston, Ontario. The next meeting will be held' x... , ; fine sandpaper, feathering out) Should the second application OF Pictured after their wedding | Mackay, is the daughter of |" tt was announced that Mrs.jon May 15. Now that handsome oak hard- thee or four inches into' the} fail, sand the area with sand-| recently at St. Gertrude's | Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mac s) Mason Chamberlain is a patient ' wood floors are the high fash-| surrounding area lnaper: and apply a matching! gpg ae lye a } af ery Sed po age a Ley in the Oshawa General Hos- CEDAR DALE UCW pa ls ig "e ¥ age idea md Re-wax and polish. \finish, feathering out into the| ak er B gi ant J = | on of Mrs. Grace Dussault, | ji¢,) The regular meeting of Cedar TeView firs ae or the more) Ghouid this prove ineffective,|surrounding area. Buff lightly| ae Ml at de Ma Mae aad > Hy coe : i Dale United Church Women was OW cane eB me ea the _/apply a solution of one ounce of|with a matching finish, feather-| mer Miss Mary Marilyn" _--Photo by Hornsby | CAN. CORPS ASSN. AUX. held recently, The president, igarette burns, unless they|oyalic acid to one quart ofling out into the surrounding! The monthly meeting of the|Mrs. William Henning presided.|4%@ 00 deep, can often be re-| water, area. | lmoved by merely rubbing tham rs a Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian} Mrs. Clayton Lee was the) ree : & nde : Stewardship Theme Of Address Corps Association, Unit 42, was|guest speaker and spoke on dif- Witt Se) wool = valeind jheld in the Club room recently.|ferent aspects of the newly no i gag Slee ae Mrs. William W: ided. |formed United Church W fobs r illiam Watts presided. |formed United Church Women. To get 'rid of marks made by . . At Simcoe Street UCW Meeting .2iczs7yatiss Baty Sa, ascussed the. constitution, and) noes and furniture casters, rub g verhill, read the minutes and/dwelt on the general purpose of Wa Sis iio vith fi it | v8 1 : the treasurer, Mrs .Alan King|this group. Various newly form- vapOnously Wile Tne Bee Wine Miss Millicent Luke was the, Mrs. Orville Dewland and|read her report. led departments and their func- dipped in gd cleaner. Wipe} guest speaker at the regular} Miss Sheila Pollack played two| Two new members, Mrs. L.|tions were explained. dry and polis by : meeting of Simcoe Street Unit-| piano duets, "Two Guitars"|McKachern and Mrs. C.| Mrs. Alfred Barassin had To banish gains made a ed Church Women. : jand "The Teddy Bear's Picnic." |Straughan were welcomed andicharge of the worship cervicg or milk, rub the spots with) Miss Luke spoke on '"'Steward-| Refreshments were served by initiated and "pave an apebentists Eas he -- cloth; then rub dry and = " be vaS~| re-wax. ship" and for her theme usedjthe Fidelis and Commingle The new <iliaryv yasiter y ' p The new auxiliary flag was|ter message. The minutes and) To handle grease or oil stains, : : [ ODA s 1 e Ie ase "Beh I stand at/Units. aie . =paslig io _ ak oh ae Eta ig by Borg -- roll call were read by Mrs. J.|saturate cotton with hydrogen of us there is no latch on the} p 3 wad geecanny inden F. Norton. The financial report! peroxide and apply to the stain. outside, and it is only by the} Fellowship Unit _Mrs Harold Oley, social con-|was presented by Mrs. Russell/Then saturate a second piece of conscious will of the person in| jvener, reported for her com-| Worsley and Mrs, R. N. Hall,|cotton with ammonia and place the house that the latch can be M k A . mittee and the ways and means|corresponding secretary, gavelit over the first layer lifted. At Easter particularly, arks nniversary chairman, Mrs, Lawrence Hood| her report. _ Repeat until stain disappears we should wonder if our lifting 5 : : announced the financial results aaa " -- -- of the latch was very real and Members of the Fellowshipjof the euchres, snack bar and whole-hearted. Christ gave His| Unit (4), King Street UCW met/penny sale. alt 40r ais and a at pare for their Easter worship service) Mrs. Margaret Hood, chair- sider. how much we have given|!" the Chapel. Mrs. Stanley/man of the Hillsdale Manor| dri return?' she eaid Gomme, Mrs. Frank Burrows/Committee announced that! Miss Tike paiithed har tie: and Mrs. Ray Way led in the|Mrs. Joseph Owens and Mrs. teners not to think in terms of devotional service. Appropriate Frank Lenaerts were her as-| how little they could give nor|orean music was played by!|sistants this month. | to be disturbed about how 'often Miss Hazel Rundle and the solo-. A bus trip to Buffalo for the they were asked to give. ist was Mrs. Gordon Hawker.| Auxiliary was discussed. Mrs. "We have the right to choose |The Easter Thankoffering was|Albert Mosier will have charge| and no one has any right to| received by Mrs. Ross Duncan-|of the arrangements. ciiticize. The stewardship of a1/son and Mrs, H. A. Armstrong. A trophy will be donated to| we have is not too much for; rhe business meeting con-|the "House Dart League' by| what we have to give back to|Vened in. the ladies lounge of the Auxiliary in memory of the God for all He has given to the church with group leader,|late Mrs. Foskett. _ to us," she sald. Mrs, Frank Burrows opening) The next meeting will be held} Miss Luke was introduced by with the poem "Today". A cor-|in the clubrooms Wednesday, She' Georee Baines 4 Y\idial welcome was extended to May 16 at 8 p.m. Saag! . Mrs. James Wilson, group) aie > , LEGION AUXILIARY The group attended the week- ; Be chet ly Lenten service prior to the Har oda to Mrs. Wesley The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal} meeting. Dick renin nen ae Canadian Legion, Branch 43,| piped he Niheld its week ing with| site, Paint, Mrs, Robertiny the secretary, Airs a tigen,' Netees, Me ness. The secretary's report gana saan henge Evers presiding. ' by Mrs. S. G. Lailey,|,.°°: 7 - Flans for| gfhe charter was draped 4 } ah eh Rain pA the annual strawberry supper in anaes of ae tea ! Dri out to BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY and save on the treasurer's report. centennial hall, Thursday, May| who passed away on Tuesday, | ' rive al -- located only 7 miles from : 10, were discussed in detail and! ; 2 ' it : h week-end speci h Mrs. Laurence Savery report-|i+ uw... aant 1 and' April 24. Deepest sympathy was these th at the wo ey hr ee it was decided to hold a spring expressed for her family. The ) Oshawa East on highway 401 and turn sou | 5 ; ; rummage sale later in May. | Auxiliary funeral. service will § - Cloverleaf. ect, and the me Ss Ww i asked to bring prey has Mrs. Stanley Gomme gave a be held on Thursday evening] Bowmanville convener, reported on a meet- brief report of her recent at- at 7.30 p.m at the Armstrong) Seat SATURDAY ing on June 20 tendance at the Bible Study Con- Funeral Home and a good at-| OPEN FRI ] 7 iia Hapest- duands. con: ference at Five Oaks. tendance of members was re- i y munity friendship and visiting| Highlight of the social hour|duested : i a SUNDAY : *|which followed the closing bene-|_ The financial report of bazaar| convener reported in a meet APRIL 27th-29th -- 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ing which she had attended re.| diction, was the cake cutting cently. ceremony heer ay the 20th! formal manner she reminisced, | : : ' ' ] The social functions conven-/@MMiversary of the forming .of| going back over the last 20 : . had d fruit trees | a5 ade a i : | ; shade an a er, Mrs. Bruce Buck, explain-/the Fellowship Unit years to the formation of the| te assortment of roses, r ; A comple ring shrubs and evergreens from ed the new regulations which; The group mother, Mrs. group. Refreshments were} . i flowe will come into force next year|James Wilson, was escorted to) served by Mrs. Harold Ander-| 4 binned neaeine: : mous nursery .+. regarding catering done in'the table to cut the 20th anni-\son and Mrs. Ross Duncanson| Canada's most fa churches ce : versary cake and in a quite in-|and members of their group. |] § f / Se Vv; ov THs gs 99) || COATS AND SUITS WA. BS | FLOWERING SHRU HYDRANGEA --- WEIGELIA BUDDLEIA Ready-to-wear * "BUTTERFLY BUSH" "PEE GEE" "BRISTOL RUBY" Max. Ht. 6 Ft. x mt. ' lol os a Summer Max Ht. 3 Ft Max. Ht. 5 Ft. Lae Bloom 10 Reg. 39.95 to 99.95 Most popular late 1 divers complete> §5 14 in. in. length. lowerin Summer flowering ly cover this shrub, Four colors to choose shrub beautiful pure we choose : k cone- _ several blooming P' from: red, pink, W tii ry meet siete iods in the summer. and purples | RACK 1 RACK . shaped flowers. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPEC 1 Qn GGen BIH) | 20% 30% OFF BALL MOCK ORANGE SNOW , Me igerorere "Double se all Max. sede All This Month . Ht. t. Id garden favour- Mae M.S ane Mis) double white ~ toe balls of moe ee flowers, blooming in white flowers. A very Friday and all this week -- take your pick - Graceful Ing shrub' cite Jutstanding cimen plant. pure white flowers in st hardy spe . of special group of this seasons' styles on early PECIAL ee PECIAL, SPECIAL Black's fashion floor. REG. 329.95 : 4 ; EA Choose from fine all wools, tweeds, fleeces, etc. 00 J ; € EA. cin. --in the colorful 1962 shades. WITH june CORAL SHADE Flowering Crab The styles are straight from the pages of your . . é SHRUB FORM favorite fashion magazines--Al! regular qual -- YF ES arn Max. Ht. 4 Fe. Beautiful red to pink ity 4 herald the " ell in shade. -- blossoms A hag Seo craa prapersec Model id 4 t a hws in early presence 3 he Naturally quantities are limited -- but all sizes \ -TC- ontemporary sis m aloe ate 'Completely are included -- regulars, talls, petites and not Pos in Walnut or Mahogany Spring a el oi be $0 petite. Choose tomorrow ! A " : ; inishes a SPECIAL SPECIAL gb ce peg H.3014", W.35e", ; '< is eee y , 16%", Ad. »" a : Rpg 990. 99-|| Blacks MEAGHER' | Be) _, a sate cor, oF THE MOONE | ere ae' WAY " By , f Kinere TO EVERY CUSTOMER AT LADIES WEAR : : URSERY. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 'TIL 9 P.M.