Township of Pickering offi- cials and the Ontario County Road Board are discussing the possibility of extending a coun- ty road west of Frenchman's Bay, south of Highway 401. At present, there is no existing road which could be developed into an arterial route under the county jurisdiction. Reporting to the Ontario County Council in Whitby t his week, the road board stated that one meeting has been held with Reeve Sherman Scott of Pickering Township to discuss the problem and further meet- ings are to be held. The committee, in a report accepted by the council, stated: "Your committee has recog- nized the problem of providing service by the County Road Discuss Plans For Extending Baseline System to the area south of Kings' Highway 401 and west of Frenchman's Bay in the Town- ship of Pickering. This area contains the greatest density of population within the township, but due to the existence of nat- ural and artificial barriers, there is persently no existing road which could be developed as an arterial route under the county jurisdiction. On April 3, Mr. J. S. Scott and the engineer' of Pickering Township met with the commit- tee to discuss the subject of providing improved service to the south west section of the township. Some of the obstacles which must be faced in considering the area are as follows: It is bounded on the north AT KIWANIS CLUB Funeral MINSTRELS TO ENTERTAIN The first presentation. of | School auditorium at 8.15 p.m. Rites by King's Highway 401 which has controlled access. There is no entry to King's Highway 401 from the Liverpool road to Metropolitan Toronto. It is bounded on the south by Lake Ontario. It is bounded on the east by Frenchman's Bay and on the west by Metropolitan Toronto. Any east-west arterial or col- lector road will face the major problem of crossing the Rouge River. One proposal which was con- sidered, provided for an exten- sion of the Base Line road |through this area so that con- [nection could be made_ with) Metropolitan Toronto. Certain| other routes were considered) |but we believe that the original] |proposal would be the most de-| |sirable for the area in ques- tion. At the present time, suffi- cient finances 'are not available) fora project of this magnitude.| Nevertheless, we feel 'that this \Thickson"s Road! Is Assumed By Ontario County Work on improving Thick- son's road, midway between Oshawa and Whitby, from High- way 401 to the fourth concession is likely to start in early 1963, members of Ontario County Council learned this week. The county passed a bylaw to as- sume this portion of the road in order that it could be developed by the Department of High- ways. The road provides the only ac- cess to Highway 401 between Whitby and Oshawa and county plans will eventually see the road rebuilt to a junction with Highways 7 and 12 south of Myrtle. The road board, in a report, told council that they believed that the future importance of Thickson's road merits consid- eration of a grade separation, either a subway or overpass, at the intersection of the road and the CPR. The road board has written a letter to the Board of Trans- project should be given serious| port Commissioners requesting consideration, which would in- clude methods of financing. | a meeting to review this problem. The county has not yet re- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 26, 1962 5 County Rules | NUTTY FLAVOR There are about 100 species of hazelnuts, mostly found in the north temperate regions. Nothing To Do With Inspection Ontario County Council, in re- ply to a letter from the Oshawa and District Labor Council, has advised the group that the county has nothing to do with meat inspection. The reply was tabled before the council by the county's finance committee. Said the committee report, which was adopted by the| county council: "We have considered the com- munication from the Oshawa and District Labor Council concern- ing the passing of a By-Law to regulate and control places where meat, meat products, fish) and dressed poultry are prepar-| ed for sale-offered for sale, stor- ed or sold in the County of Ont- ario. We recommend that the Oshawa anc District Labor Council be advised that the pas- |sing uf By-Laws governing the} inspection of meat is not under the jurisdiction of this Council. The Ontario County Health Unit) was not established by By-Law of this Council, but was formed by the Councils of the Towns of Ajax, Uxbridge and Whitby, the) Village of Pickering and the) GARDEN CENTRE he Offer a Complete Line of Lawn Grass Seed Lawn Fertilizer Garden Fertilizer ' Vegetable Seeds Seed Potatoes Peat Moss Sheep Manure Insecticides Fungicides Weed Killers Garden Tools, etc. Foundation Plantings (Both Everg & Decid @ Rose Bushes @ Patio Tile @ Box Plants, etc. Fairman, the Whitby Rotary | club president. All proceeds for the Minstrel Shows, which have developed into an an- nual Whitby classic, will go to the club's welfare work. --Oshawa Times Photo P the Whitby Rotary Minstrel | and again on Friday night at Show was shown before a'| the same time. Pictured capacity audience in the On- | above prior to Tuesday's | tario Hospital auditorium on | show are, left to right, Neil | Tuesday night. The public | Murkar Mr. _Interlocutor; show gets underway tonight | Mrs. Marian Williams, the in the Henry Street High musical director and Earl Plan To Divert Brooklin Road ajroad be assumed os a county Whitby Township road west of|road, a Residents Will Receive 50-Cent Hike Residents at Fairview Lodge whose only income is Old Age Security Pension or some other |pension will receive a 50-cen per month raise in pocket money. Ontario County Council jat a meeting in Whitby this week distance 'of approxi- Brooklin be assumed as a coun-| mately 114 miles, ty road and a portion of an' In support of the foregoing existing county road runningjrecommendations, we wish to} out of Brooklin be turned backjadvise of the following mat- to the township was accepted|ters to which we gave consid- this week by Ontario C ount y/eration : Council at a meeting in Whitby. The pro pose d assumption The road board asked that the|would provide a continuous) 4 _ (jag that in the future they section of the existing county | north-south road which. could will Feteive 18 per cent of their road running from Brooklin tojbe improved to county stan- ~\of Whitby, Tuesday night, | | ceived notification that the road |will be designated a develop-| ment road by the Department.| If it is so designated, the costs of reconstruction will be borne |by the Department of Highways) {with the county paying only |the costs of land purchases. | Townships of East Whitby and) Pickering." | "The local municipalities who| jare not members of the Ontario} County Health Unit have their} own local Boards of Health," | "The Ontario County Health} Unit and the Councils of the} local municipalities who are not! members of the Ontario County) Health Unit have the authority| |to pass By-Laws regulating the} H. H. GOODE & SON LTD. 601 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY LOTS OF FREE PARKING Ajax, Pickering and Whitby , ' |Association for Retarded Child-|vdon org te g0 towards he said,|7en held its monthly meeting on|*/ 90" School. For Laughs Galore Don't Miss .. . WHITBY disposal methods employed in|Town ba. ie hag enone ithe various ages and countries|for severa ays and nights --| F R t d d lof the world were outlined in|/though more in the nature of a} or e ar e an address to the Kiwanis Club/celebration than a_ session of) M ts At Ki John R. Town, Whitby's only|body must never be left un-| ee Jax attended until w f "The earliest record we have|signs of decomposition are evi- pertaining to formal funeral/dent. : "4 ; pn ' oi Tuesday evening at Aldon| Mr. Bird of the education com-| : d 1 f t : Egyptians,|"the body can be buried, since| ~~ Le processing, and sale of meat| vere tees a oan it is no longer in danger of|School, Burcher road Ajax. mittee announced that Mrs. D.\Vithin their respective juris-| | : : ag f _|meeting by welcoming everyone|school, will resume her duties priests to prepare them for ally in Guadalcanal the is./Present. During 'the business|on Monday She had been absent sel baniers decapitated their hey tn forthcoming dance to be held} At the close of the meeting USED AS FUEL land after a ceremony of many china: tom ie light refreshments were served| In this century, he said, exca-|days, it was placed in the local|0?'#me¢@ from = Mr. \the mummies of Egypt, some} 2 | ' lof whom were 3,000 years old|RENT GRAVES County T B il { | a s The funeral rites and corpse,;mediately after death," Mr. Association | by|mourning. The point is that the |funeral director. unmistakable) rites,' said Mr. town, "'is| 'After this stage," : : age Mr. F. E. McLean opened the|Ramsden, principal of hela. 4:00.» cesses were embalmed by the being made into a Zombie. dictions. q | meeting plans were finalized for| due to illness. ays. {and preserved only 'the skull, Way 4 in ARE Tickets oould be Don Law-iby the committee. |vators had unearthed many Of|skull house. and were found in perfect pres-| Mr. Town stated that in some ervation. 'So numerous were | South American countries the the mummies of Egypt at one|grave was rented for a period time," said the speaker, "'that/of from three to seven years, | at the expiration of which time! 8 Miles Of Road | MINSTREL Contracts to build eight miles;Frank §. Coyle Ltd., Lakefield, |of roads in Ontario County have|Ont.; Surface Treating -- K. J.| been awarded and approved by|Be amish Construction Ltd.,| the Ontario County Council. The|/Thornhill, Ont.; Prime -- Mil-| tenders were announced by the|ler Paving Ltd. road board at a meeting of the} Equipment -- Tenders have} council in Whitby this week. been called and opened for all| At recent meetings of the|equipment listed in the budget. | |Committee, numerous tenders| The following awards have been| |were opened for various sup-|made. plies and works, The following! 97999 G.V.W. truck with box! is a summary of some of the|_ Ray Hobbs, $5871; 30 H.P.| more important projects. |Farm type tractor with Pook Brock Road -- A general con-| ments Robert C. Heron,| tract for reconstruction of the)$2863.40; 25 Ton Equipment Brock road north from Highway | Float -- Century Trailers Ltd., No. 2 for a distance of 244 miles) $5484.75; 20 HP Tractor (Sub-/ has been awarded to the low|urban) -- Manchester Garage,| tenderer, Miller Paving Ltd.,|/$2549.25. Toronto, at a price of $95,772.10. | --¢---- ARTISTS! County Road 1A Development|} -- Project -- County Road No. 1) Enquire about the advantages of Joining our to Goodwood -- a distance of) 3.0 miles. A general contract) RAINBOW CLUB was awarded to the low tender- er Shewman Road _ Builders,| Toronto, at a price of $74,- CALL WHITBY PAINT & WALLPAPER 491.50. Suburban Road 2 Port 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-3488 when the early railroads were introduced into the country, mummies were frequently used/ as fuel." Mr. Town said that) Mark Twain, in his book 'Inno-! cence Abroad," tells of hearing a locomotive fireman in Egypt} say: "These common people|custom to have a large feast don't burn worth a darn. Passion the occasion of death and out a king." (It being true that|friends and neighbors gathered kings and the more prominent|for a gala event. Even today folk had been more thoroughly|in parts of the United States, treated with resins and pitch|he said, it is a common prac- é ate Feeds the northwest be reverted back/dards much easier than the ior aes 2 -- goal to the township at the seventh|existing route. Southbound traf- UY .'ney rec i : concession and that another|fic would reach a junction with, The Board of Management of township road, running from/King's Highway No. andiFairview Lodge brought the re- Highway 7 to the seventh con-from this point could proceed|~gmmendation before council.! cession be assumed. east on King's Highway No. 7\They stated "we recommend Said the report of the roadjto Brooklin or west on the'that residents at Fairview Lodge committee, which was adopted|same highway without en-|who are capable of managing by the council. countering the restriction of a their own affairs and who have "Road 5A, in. Whitby Town- built up area. not sufficient resources to pay ship, joins Brooklin at King's; The Township of Whitby|their full maintenance be grant- Highway No. 7 and No. 12 to\could establish plans for im-ed 10 per cent of their Blind the bones are removed from the| grave and placed in huge bone pits and the grave is re-rented to another. In the early days in North America, it was frequently the i Thurs. April 26 Fri. April 27 8:15 P.M. -- ot -- | Henry St. High School . @ THE SONGS ARE NEW @ THE FUN IS NEW @ THE SHOW IS NEW SEE THESE GREAT PERFORMERS ADMISSION -- ADULTS 1.00 CHILDREN 50¢ |Perry south for 2% miles. A {general contract was awarded ito the low tenderer E. and E. Seegmiller, Kitchener, at a price of $74,387.00. Tenders for miscellaneous op- erations have been awarded as follows: Gravel Crushing TROY DONAHUE CONNIE STEVENS DOROTHY McSUIRE ) LLOYD WOLA Ashburn on County road 5. It|provement of the reverted sec-| Pension, Old Age Assistance or and therefore, would burn bet-|tice, after the body has been Ashburn through Concessions 8/ conditions. money." ae 'oi home of the departed and 7 and then turns east on| Road improvement would) Since the pension is now ca omer Bip gpg Med pally galt ook a Pict oe a the 7th Concession road and/probably commence at an earl-jed from $55 to $65 per month, | ead are buried in a sitting)meal, together with wine and lished road through part of|if the change was not made.|side at the lodge whose only oyern A + a "« simplicity Concession 6. The latter section This is due to the fact that the! source of income is the pension |?ReY Tae inky ee Engel cigar = people of of road has restricted right-of-\recommended changes removejwill receive $6.50 per month!," sitting posture, with their|North America is indeed most and contains several curves./county construction standards|of the pension is applied to-| ; od by : | ; ; | reat pomp and ceremony _at- Because of the physical condi-|in the section of road to be| wards the cost of their mainten-|7OMBIE FEAR foment saa the Masco of tions and the subdivision de-| reverted. ance. He said that in Haiti, fear of nearly every land,' said Mr. road, it is our opinion that fu- especially the acute fear of the| existi i ; = : existing at the time of the de- ture improvement to County Zombie, the walking dead, whol parture of our loved ones has standards would be difficult, if jare doomed to be servitors of been softened and made easier velopment leaves little doubt! ; i j iti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mat-,esses at a miscellaneous shower|son, Haitian funerals are apt|nie methods as adopted and that ee proartiegg of the| thews and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd|held at the Anderson residence, |to be delayed. Followed in our own Canadian area will pe residential and SO) Gibson attended the Ontario|Dunlop street west, in honor of; "The funeral feast starts im-|way of life." gs gunn route. held at King Edward Hotel on|to be married in All Saints' An-| foll e, therefore, recommend @5 tyesday, Mr. Matthews is|glican Church, to Mr. George e apna tel chairman of public school board/Bradley McInnes of Toronto. u 1t SO ves epee ena ee south-east/ Whitby district high school/ed to the bride-to-be. A buffet ; the Mth © vie the junction! hoard. They were special guests|lunch was served by the host- ° bla oncession road and). representatives of the orig-|esses. Superinten ent 27, be reverted to local juris-|.q 75 years ago diction, a distance of approxi- pe ; : street, entertained at her home Kenneth|at a miscellaneous shower. A) V THAT the section of the road| Edwards, 909 Bayview avenue,|corsage of white and turquoise|ceived the results of an audit|ling of accounts the records | between Lots 26 and 27, extend-|are celebrating their 12th wed-|carnations was pinned on the|made by Department of High-|were comparable with those of| ing northerly from King's High-|ding anniversary today. Their future bride, Mrs. Silver's chil-| ways representatives at a coun- ness led with the lovely gifts. A buf-|Tuesday. The auditor's report nee fet lunch was served by the|remarked on some minor irreg- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elliott,| hostess, ularities but absolved Roads Elizabeth Crescent, the, i i Dumaresk|any carelessness in handling At Almonds Churc New York, guests of Mr. and/Smith, Roches Point, and Mr.|township funds. Almonds United Church choit Mrs. E. Smith. and Mrs. Jack Hicks, Toronto,) "J have no confidence in the with organist and i stev ai spe Ras i brs oe be and choir leader -- Be vag Soeeadparente [Shower in honor of their niece|set of books is suspect, I sug- special Easter rendition eG ' 3 "*|and future nephew at the Smith/gest that the accounts are the past two weeks. * over) Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke, of Bow-|mMedhurst residence at Roches|thrown in to suit the Roads Palm Sunday Mr. Morris Bin Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and Couples attended this event .Pre-|those words, Councillor -John uest soloist si "The Cross Children, of Willowdale, were|eding the shower, a buffet/Dryden asked council to sus- be Life". singing "The Cross Sunday guests at the home of SUPper was served by the host-|pend Mr. Ross at a council choir rendered "Were You toria street, Port Whitby. 2 sens ines ha ig rig council au There?" ahd Mr. Murrz thorized the audit. Mountjoy of Rediroc sa ee ae ab veo, earner a Choose Whitb ie ee i . Niagara-on-the-Lake, is spend- y Own". - . arents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeo On Easter Sunday, Rey. Fred| 227°"; / é F P ks M J. Reed was in the pulpit with BE Ot aot (un Btneet once or ar ee a Heidi, daughter of Mr. and . i . | nated lee. githoni The town of Whitby has been Baseline In Dipl and 'Were You crescent was baptised in St.!vention of the National Parks| : Gregory the Great Roman Ca-| Association, This gathering of T To ns : : matt Packs deleanee ho pry ohecatf ch Harold Stainton Sunday. A reception followed at peony geres Gucmates trom wo Ww of Courtice United Church a for-|the Gieben's residence with the! : ns i mer resident of the Almonds following guests: Mrs. Adele)" ete Crimea a nee this Sunday April 29 at the Jesad oepa ae jto greet these important people|portunity shortly of signing a ain. "Davlight gpl an ie ta bot ee ee open arms," said Council-|"'connecting link" agreement : : and Mrs. Den Biesen of Whitby./i9- william Davidson, who is|with Ontario County which will An invitation to attend is ex- i j tended. Barbara Howe were co-host-\event. "We must sell the tovi.|the maintenance of nearly eight erence se coud nai -|to the association so that the miles of streets within them. At delegates wili leave with aja meeting of the council in Whit- ening Sh : 9: P.M. j BROCK noeing Mors At Mr. Davidson said it, was|tion by the road board that jhoped that the industries in|such an agreement be prepared |town would co-operate by do-|for Ajax and Whitby was adopt- industrial enterprises The county road in question is The convention will start at 9.30 p.m. and during the day, ducted tours of such establish- }ments as the Ontario Hospital, the Ontario Ladies' College and proceeds directly south from/tion in accordance with local\Old Age Security as pocket ter) interred, for friends to return then southerly along an estab-|ier date on both sections, than|this means that those who Te-| \osition under the bed in which|stronger drink. of the fu- way in the vicinity of Brooklin|the problem of conforming to|pocket money. The remainder!) 14. tied behind their backs." striking when compared to the velopment which 'abuts this witchcraft is a very real thing,|Town in closing. "The sorrow not impossible. The present de- \tribal magicians: "For this rea- by the more modern and sim- we have given consideration to!-Trystees Association dinne r\Miss Bonnie Glendinning who is|-- ---- THAT the section of Road 5A and Mr. Gibson is Chairman of|Many lovely gifts were present- the road between lots 26 and|: Thithy, ; inal Whitby: school board form Mes. Murray 'Silver, 'Hallett mately 1.48 miles. Constable and Mrs Whitby Township Council re-| The report read that in hand-| way No. 7 to 7th Concession|friends wish them every happi-|dren, Sharon and Danny, assist-/cil meeting held at Brooklin Easter Services Superintendent Merrill Ross of Easter holidays in Brock Port, Mr. and Mrs entertained at a mixed kitchen/road accounting and the whole Mrs. David Lee have presented | we, manville. Point, Lake Simcoe. Thirty|Superintendent's whim." With stead of Claremont assisted as At Good Friday service the|Mr. and Mrs. N. Genoe, Vic-| ©SS@S. _ |meeting held on Dec. 11 last ist sang "The Cross Was His ing Easter holidays with his | . : + £0 ivalntaln the Easter message. The choir "Before| Mrs. Peter Gieben of Elizabeth| chosen to host the 1962. Con- In keeping with the 125th an- tholic Church in Oshawa Easter) y jall over Ontario will take place vicinity will be guest Minister Mager, Mr. John Mager, Miss| "We want the town of Whitby|tario County will have the op- service. * Mrs. "Frank Anderson and|handling publicity for the make the county responsible for good impression of Whitby." by this week, a recommenda- wiirsy Feature Starts At 7:07 & 9:30 jnating souvenirs of Whitby ed. delegates will be taken on co the local parks, which will be ' ' 7 OFLME OAV wo. occasion. The town is expecting ap proximately 10% delegates and a Civic Banquet will be held in 'he Whitby Community Arena 'auditorium. especially decorated for the} the Baseline, or Victoria street in Whitby. The road was con-| |structed as a development road |by the Department of High- ways and then reverted back to! the county road 'system. Since then, the county has not had) any agreement with Ajax and) Whitby, through both of which the road passes, for a mainten- ance agreement. The road board noted 7.73 miles of this, road through the two towns. that ily, runs |" jother townships. They note also} jthat 1961 records were much| improved over the previous| year's. One recommendation was that the Road Superinten- jdent and bookkeeper study the |Accounting Manual and set up the road ledger accordingly. The report added that, in |spite of the most careful scru- jtiny of the accounts the audi- tors have had to say that they cannot state that the materials involved or services rendered| }were actually applied or per- formed on the road operations to which the costs were dis- tributed. This is saying no} jmore nor Jess than might be| expected as after a year or) two have elapsed, it is a near] impossibility for either an engi- jneer or an auditor to estimate jhow much the actual expendi- |tures may have been on any particular operation and | memories of witnesses are like- ily | PAINTING YOUR _| HOUSE? iyo have become rath PLEASE CALL EARLY AND BE SURE OF HAVING YOUR JOB Iaempt 'a conceal" the" fac: = BOOKED IN TIME THIS SUMMER FOR A FIRST CLASS PAINT- | | ING JOB BY DODD & SOUTER. jone way or another. | J. V. Ludgate, representative |of the Department of Highways: jsaid in the conclusion of the | that, as mentioned be. the department did not make the special audit for the} purpose of absolving the road superintendent of any blame. \Errors have been found and jare recorded herein and _ it) remains for the council to deal| with the matter as it deems fit. I trust that it will not be con- sidered improper of me. to) jcomment that in my opinion the errors have not been so serious, or indeed that they have been proven so conclusive- as to warrant the suspension of the Superintendent. Council received the report} and a resolutiun was proposed| by Councillor Don Roberts and| seconded by Deputy-Reeve Myrtle Lovelock that the result of the audit be made known to} the public through the' press The resolution was carried unanimously. | ONLY FIRST GRADE p>) PAINT USED WITH FIRST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP DODD & SOUTER Decorating Contractors MO 8-5231 WHITBY MO 8-5862