FEWER DIVORCES FILM EXCHANGE @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 18, 1962 RARER SE Aa EA : 'UNITS GROUPS AUXILIARIES FREDERICTON (CP)--Court} LONDON (CP) -- Mei Yi, di- | " '" j é records here show a reduction|rector of China's state radio, is : 3 : 4 in the number of New Bruns-\here for talks with officials of | | SIMCOE STREET UCW 3 all day quilting to be held on)? SSeS " wick divorces in late years. In-/the British Commonwealth In- | Unit 3 of Simcoe Street United|Wednesday, April 18th. Mrs.|_ cluding an occasional annul-|ternational Newsfilm Agency. |Church Women met recently at/Rusnell also reported on pro-|) ment, there were 161 legal sepa-|The outcome may be an ex- ithe home of Mrs. W. A. Dew-|gress for the bazaar to be held rations in 1961, compared with|change of news films between jland, Westdale Court for thelin November. | 162 in 1960 and 221 in 1959. (Britain and China. | April meeting. Mrs. Norman Wirsching gave ig Following the usual reports, ajthe report for the community 4 |report was given of a recent/friendship and visiting com- meeting of the executive of the| mittee, and called on Mrs. United Church Women of the|George Wilson for a reading. church, Mrs. Harry Blakely gave a re- The members decided to have|port on behalf of the member- a luncheon meeting in October) ship committee. |instead of the pot luck supper,! Refreshments were served by # as formerly. Plans were made|members from the Friendship)" |for the annual luncheon, on May Unit 6 4, and the members will be tele- l phoned regarding this 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. CHRIST CHURCK EVE WA The April meeting of the 5th ; mn EVE Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was _The April meeting of the eve-|held at Northminster U nite d ning WA of Christ Memorial Church with 26 present. The Church was held recently. The| president, Mrs. Ronald Trewin, meeting opened with the WA! presided. prayer led by the president,' The minutes were read by the Mrs. Stanley Lawrence. secretary, Mrs. H. J. Semple, The setae RED OFY Was followed by the report of the read by Mrs, E. J. Davies and/treasurer, by Mrs. J. C. Bent- |Mrs. Edwin Roberts gave the}jey, : | treasurer's report. f Rene ee Details of the homemade bak- eh i ag i Pisg he ve : ing booth and baby sitting serv-)) ps sigur phone ' ww " 4 ice for the Golden Kose May ga Aa oe guest speaker will MEET MISS BALL ' MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH PORRILI Sale and Tea were discussed. ' Mrs ardstone of Toronto ae WATS. 442 MIMO. JUST VEvhlils Mrs. R. Webster will be the con. "0 will speak on table set-| Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. , of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wren, The true spirit . vener. This will be held May 16/tings, chinaware and crystal.) Roland Ball, Golf street, is | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. oF Raster. in Friends Con ratulate Cou le starting at 2.00 p.m. at the There will be baby sitting ac- seven-month-old Glenda Jane. | Leonard Ball of Taunton. : se g Pp SOCIAL NOTICES church. commodation Glenda is the granddaughter --Aldsworth Photography beautiful enduring 0 . 4 There was a demonstration of The next meeting will be held . ci Be i gifts of religious useful and attractive children's|on May 17 at the home of Mrs ' . n Diamond Anniversar ENGAGEMENT ese aan loc. Geuiey. teers c=] Pupils Present P praesent Y aa itn Nee y, Akela Misc Pupus Present Frogram onde seat Aub Gler g, Mrs. Joy Bickle. On May 9 at|Wiltshire spoke on Cubbing tide "Mano Saale and hoy Foster" and eno 'hr dahl, Home, re SB sHsp of He TM, OREN, AN A | friends or loved ones. aes : gf ec? Pe ae eae Bl er SAREE onc race here Will De i splay "1 ments were charge of the yel- At St t H&S M t Mrs. Foster Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. 't¢ eorge Bradley MclInnes,! and handiwork sgsga The eee geal tas ld Ing ree ee Ing | "2 | e™ | we OP - week brought a flurry of excite- low patrol ment as friends and well-wish- James White, and Mr andison of Mr i , George' Refreshments were served by ers called to extend congratu- Mrs. Harry Jackson, many of McInnes. « ito. The mar- Mrs. Reginald Mouck, Mrs PMA CLUB A large attendance of par-;Mr. Maycock and the choir for lations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'whom were entertained by Mr. riage is t place on Sat- Douglas Wilson, Mrs. John Bel-| The Pleasant Monday After-|ents and friends were entertain-|their splendid music. Porrill, marking their diamond and Mrs. William Judges at their yrday, May 1 o'clock in|lingham, Mrs. A. E. Powell. noon Club held its regular meet-'ed by the school choir at the) Mr. John Galbraith introduced| wedding anniversary home during the evening All Saints Church (Anglican) At the May meeting there will/ing in the Legion Hall with|regular meeting of King Street}Mr. William Smith, school at-| With them were their three PP cay goby i Se laie Whitbs be a plant sale president Mrs, Elwood Bradley|Home and School Association. pagecnse' officer, who outlined| children; their elder son, Mr.|Mary O'Neill of Irish descent Tg oe aa presiding The excellent discipline andjhis work. Mrs, Harold Arm-| i ; wifejand her husband was born at ENGAGEMENT KING STREET UCW> Roca : wis , fine music of the choir under|strong thanked the speaker, | Sie few fear Golterats: Mr the Yorkshire village of Sa ir. and Mrs.' Samuel Robin-|., The April meeting of King ag william Collins ppd the direction of Mr. A. E. May- Mrs. Garth Gillespie pre- Patrick Porrill, Burketon, andj|!on, near Market Weighton > th ment|Street_ United Church Women a solo. A "Silent Auction" was|C0ck provided an_ interesting|sided for the meeting. Reports Mrs. William Judges, their/They were married in Barrow their eldest daughter, Mari-/WaS held in the centennial hall. held with Mrs. George Hall as|evening were given by treasurer, Mrs. daughter, Margaret of Oshawa. |in-Furness and came to Canada Mary, t d Wil- The meeting was opened by convener. and it was a financial) The accompanist was David|Joseph La Rocque; secretary, They have five grandchildren in 1906 ender ind Mrs. Douglas Redpath _ pre- as ' Mrs. Harold Sproule; recording ' . pa : : eae pO sire Jacter | SUCCESS Tole. A musical tour of various) -- , | and one great grandson They made their first home \ of sident, who gave an Easter : : secretary, Mrs. Randolph Mark.| The following nept and in Toronto where Mr. Portil riage will take|Teading entitled "One Solitary, It was announced = thaticountries was introduced and' jt was decided to send a con-| Pali gestae ones baba Mr jaliad thecoalloe Inees : : R May 19. 1962,| Life' more names could be taken for narrated by Jack Gillespie , a| tribution toward expenses of the| nieces came from Toronto: Mr. /Jol I sy ' ae os ee . : the outing to Midland and mem- afet arol Jaiat ; | and Mrs. George Burleigh and|bought a farm at Elgin Mills I { r Dale United) Mrs. R. L. Johnson, leader of bers must have the fare paid Grade 8 pupil si y patrol jamboree in Ot-| daughters, Sandra and Donna;|which he worked successfull; ( awa the Del Mar Unit 5, assisted by), yay 99 For a Scottish song the choir|tawa. Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs.) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chableau,|for many@ears. An apprenticed members from her group pre- ft 'Gana Hall will give Sng "Scotland the Brave" (an- - et a ee a Lt sented the devotional service on By eee Blve cient melody) and "My Bonnie|'he convention in Toronto. Mr. daughters, and Mr. and Mrs./to his old trade in T Me a the theme of Easter. They pre- laa on? ptt eo io Lassie', a modern version of| Paul Wright's room won the at- Fred Owen; also Mr. and Mrs. while after the farm work be eOrelen ouys sented two scenes, one biblical, _ P gc cir a mv ee the same song. For Finland, the| tendance prize. A bake sale, un-) Earl Brillinger of Melvern, On-.came too heavy and finally ternational fu auctior pur-|and one modern in setting, both)t!S0n was reported on the SICK) (noi sang "Finlandia", For der the direction of Mrs. R. La| tario. came to Oshawa to be near his chased 230,000 mink and 36,000\telling how parents have been is! Denmark, a song from Hans Roque preceded the meeting. Her Worship Mayor Christine daughter about 12 years ag blue fox ts in 1961 called upon to sacrifice their, Refreshments were served/christian Anderson '"Wonderful|, Refreshments were served by : ER stay steht ; wos only sons and daughters, when|by Mrs. M.. Arkle and MTrSs./Gononhacen' F "qp|th mothers of pupils in Mr.| Thomas accompanied by Mr. T. aug ' Copenhagen". For Holland, "In | alle ,G so,, George Hall ha " «p,,.|Maycock's room under. the di- 10-14-18 KARAT GOLD CROSSES AND D. Thomas MLA called in per called upon by God to do so./George } An Old Dutch Garden" and "Tu-| "4! 7 0 LODGES AND re read by the recording sec) Mrs. Merton Natters gave a ii-Tulip Time". For Mexico,|ection of Mrs. Mansell Ger- MEDALS -- STERLING SILVER ROSARIES son and also sent civic greet : ; ; 7, mn 7 ; 8 1 McGee, report on the training school for AIDS SHUT-INS "Chipanecas" (a Mexican clap row and Mrs. David Pearse. ings. An official goodwill mes : npilgreneeade vVicto ons i z nibs. atakdelee y ' sage was recieved from Her SOCIETIES ) the Lodge birthday party onjleaders held recently at Five) prince ALBERT, Sask.|dance song). For Hawaii -- See The Largest Selection for Miles Around Majesty the Queen; Premier \ a which ~ and a. Stan- 'Aloha', For the United States PASS THE KETCHUP of Ontario John P. Robarts; SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE r Emily Brown reported/ley Gomme had attendec : pe » 414 --- "Oklahoma", "Down In The! A newly opened bottle of Prime Minister John Diefen-| cicter Marearet Gray bie on. the CPT activities. Special) Mrs, Ewart Clemence an-|Communication system installed yaney (a famous folk song) ketchup will pour more easily CREDIT baker and Michael Starr, MP, MAGA Hi hao mentior n the dis-\nounced that Mrs. John R,|0y the Saskatchewan govern-/and "Red River Valley (cow-|., -- . | rani JEWELLERS LTD it grand, presided at the r irl; mecting to be held:in 1008 in ; ohana «pheylit you insert a drinking straw. ° Minister of Labor meeting of Sunshine Rebekah',,.., w, ash sooth had donated a bible for;ment telephones system was) boy song). For Canada -- They The straw takes ae | d the! or ril 30 the use of the women of the tried here as part of an experi- All Call it Canada'. bottoms of the tote and vata 32 KIG ST. W. PHONE 723-7022 an even flow of sauce. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Owen andicarpenter, Mr. Por turned FUR AUCTION at the Oslo in- (CP) -- A school-to-home inter- Guests from out of town in-|Lodge, No. 222, held in the I cluded several nurses from Fair-\IOOF Hall Assisting was Sic It was decide to hold the;Church. Mrs. Booth has been a "dde Then in Eastertime celebra- , sa rdcsbacd ten nets } r May 21\ faithful member of the Ardent > MGGeN' ion the choir sang a spiritual hint 7 si ig ter Elda Howard who reported me¢ S juled May. 21//4) é t r sa s | Mre has age Bw on the membérs who were 2 Workers for many years Tay Si : : "Lonesome Valley' and con- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred| A highlight of the meeting ollowing the closing of lodge|, Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell called at- work, The pupil can hear the/cluded with the National An- Judges Oak Ridges; Mr. Archie|was the official visit of Sister a De ractice was helq tention to the fine display of teacher and, by pressing 'a but- them Savage, Richmond Hill; Mr.|Isobel Saunders of Whitby, dis- eth dership of degree| Wilts and announced another' ton, talk to the teacher Mrs. Gordon Butler thanked and Mrs. Derek Godson and Mr.|trict deputy president, who was captain Siste ne lles. It secrpnae : - and Mrs. Donald Clarkson, alljintroduced by Sister Anne Coak-»yas decided to put the de- of Newmarket. From Oshawa|Wél! sree for the birthday party on BE THE Ah FASHION LEADER . ment in keeping bed students abreast of their class- "THE LOWEST PRICED SELF-IINDING WATCH IN auLOvA Histony; | «~~ in the EASTER PARADE * > 4 7 Yes . this. spring you have i i f jet-- ° a e REED'S EASTER LILIES JAZ g : Montreal. right here in Oshawa "Multibloom" . . . just right for Easter! Low bushy i J - at Colette Shoes . . . , plants with large blooms. A LILY WITH 6 BLOOMS ' and at "down-to-earth" prices by too ! High and Illusion heels at $8.99 and $10.99, eee') 6 BULOVA \ men ree ator oases || Gee eas In Bloom for EASTER FG eo Fhoy on | ' ® Rose Bushes ® Cineraria PROM ONLY \ , and these smart shoes FIT tee j © Calceolarias © Geraniums , , they have combination fittings : and Super flexible construction, hd Begonias that's why they feel so comfortable, you never thought it possible for a fashion shoe...» : ALWAYS RIGHT .. 1 POTTED MUMS "Princess Anne' Varieties. ve 3.00 to 7.50 (Colettes _ hag ae \e" HYDRANGEA eae sie bet | eo! 7 FABULOUS i Pestle! pis ont naee 6 6.00 er strap. Also with charcoal dial, $39.95 <> je ' handsome plant _ with huge BULOVA , y 4 blooms. ONLY JET CLIPPER "D" a : is : y SELECTION It's fun to select A modern biend of case, dial and expan. sion band in stainiess steel, Also with pie ols eemed : x Z Yi. in Camelia BULOVA, j and White ; CUT FLOWERS WINNING eee : ots dots wad Sok A hes. Sets x Numbers of our Annual Easter Spring sed contnation ink ae epasion : 10.99 @ CARNATIONS Flowers Show a e@ MUMS i"... 152380 ce HYDRANGEA Pr: Ue \ @ POM POMS and... 152883 3.2.08 ' @ DAFFODILS 3rd .... 152912 ......POT MUMS $ A Wonderful Handbags to match... 4.99 to 10.99. © TULIPS 4th .... 153086 .... CINERARIA You can own, or give, a Bulova Jet Clipper for as little as WEEK] Beh... 2 VES282 ... . CALCEOLARIA %*17 JEWELS *SELF-WINDING *% CERTIFIED WATERPROOF* YES... COLETTE SHOES GIVE YOU MORE VALUE *& SHOCK-RESISTANT ® UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING EASIEST TERMS -- NO DOWN PAYMENT 26 KING WEST & AS LITTLE AS 1.00 WEEKLY OSHAWA s * BURNS iki!esc.) ~~ gp JEWELLERS LTD. «+. fomeake year feet» DOWNTOWN FLOWERSHOP -- 1012 KING WEST -- 725-1131 32 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-7022 OPEN WEDNESDAYS TILL 6 P.M. -- THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. DRIVE-IN FLOWER SHOP -- BLOOR ST. WEST -- 725-2512