2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 18, 1962 Final Militia Course P.E.1., Mainland Link @- . | ie Mss Lowest Garcia Plan Revealed By PM % " --e ve : : : | By THE CANADIAN PRESS ;man at Oakville, Ont., attrib-jindicated that many of those Canada-wide recruitment forjuted the recruitment slump tc] isted as deserters probably oes | tty g 3 4 the last of four scheduled mili-|"r ption of a lot of employ-}also quit to take jobs, Militia wo aehted Cis teins te Seem ot sean omtracon|ioped iat the cast of us| a 7k em (852g 2 reiting cous s|ment" with the spring pening| ay i 18 and 8 for ng s ler: y ' i § § mf te » i. -10 sts and waterways. 0 ce, across to the Canadian main-|--if no pee gee ---- 1 hte eee during the last fe ~ 'tlie te: : 'the zy, get, the Bolg enrolment rate nen a aan = Ontario had enrolled less than 0. timates would mean possiblejelection. whe " j : Or"; in the winter-long program. >. 4 IG P-OUT i ws ¥ ie on Diefenbaker|opening of the causeway in| But he added: "It is to be = es ogee £ y The ct fase pr - week| If past performances are re- 3750 "ty Meader' dake whe Toakey tat Fg Margera elasucs sc eden areat po ' é ; 'th9¢ j Se ar we basa vn an Pee ee ca 1,221 men. A Central Command yw BOO! a % pee 4 le ie Cc e, , a, Pigs k i i s phnroad intends to build a PA gp ety te Nees wi a|tional undertakings in ag vr : " which started Monday, is likely out before finishing and another pence y eqs rey goed late 000,000 causeway across North-| population of 104,000, is largely mg Po Ha Be "ae A V4 ' se j to add only about 11,000 men in ig i Ay examinations atl recruits are processed, A total umberland Strait. agricultural and advocates of st a : is : past patterns of drop-outs andjthe end of the course. _ lof some 23,300 men enrolled for m..* --. bus with naviga lt causeway claimed it would ae gr ee sae , "4 somo A ate Gee Fy Phong drop-out rate in the first the first three courses in On- tion locks and a bridge." Scadde minim' oer Democrat e Party House ¥ ' % oy men, 25,000 in each the four net Gat aa oe beng ee would supply a nine-mile road ularly of potatoes. Tourist in-|leader, said the project is ob- bee courses. those who completed their Because of the recruiting and gaging arte a2 along| come also plays a major part! viously Pd ---- Pagal : ' An army spokesman in Ot-|Courses failed exams. The army, slump, militia training centres pos god ans route NOW| in the island economy. -- ng ¢ year 4 foun ; : tawa said 15,627 men were en-|Considers those who did notiat Listowel, Sarnia and one in tovNew Brasvick"""" ipat'ecgumicacosing_ sp tcown that 'the catewas| oo a te 7 Sontag ig Theta 'ain tee cance" eat eases, tare Dom coed te The prime minister also ban lneats te We bere ppm Bn was one of the most difficult] ee ee ae ys y y} Z j ceceud ws coed fe called "on a esa xs ingules oe petny seiad cated that all the engineering|Island, N.B., and Borden Point,jengineering problems ever hen Me HOE" : i Thursday's registration dead-| long with successful candi-|Peen opened in Timmins, problems which might have|P.E.1. tackled anywhere in the world. gle ty We J Me line. Only the Atlantic provinces! dates. Only three of the 45 training blocked the scheme have been| Opposition Leader Pearson ' 4 VE, iy f and Manitoba recruited their) Of the 20,523 recruits in the|centres in Ontario recruited solved, But he made no mention|welcomed the decision as . : 9 Z quotas ifirst course, 2,891 drop; : : " : ' : é : ) ay ped out of when work will start. something promised by this 9 [ ruck Firms ' Central Command spokes-|and 2,143 others did not gradu- their quotas for the fourth Outside the Commons, offi- government during the last elec- , - ee. ; --|ate. In the second course, 4,436/C0Urse--Timmins, Sudbury and 4 North Bay. Hamilton's enrol- cials said it will require another tion." } Still Tied U a es ? By of the 25,983 recruits dropped seer 1 | p " AL oe yf B } EMO Ofti out and 2,563 missed the ex-|ment was down to about 300 y ey G2 ; Icers | ams. from a peak of 867 in January Ontario Members By Picketing --- --«- - fg 19 20 ie Se To Tako Over eles the 25,496 whol cuota ot 200, Toronte' with MONTREAL (CP) -- Nine |6,351 men -- dropped out and|@ target of 2,050 men at four trucking firms are still tied up 2,244 failed to graduate. jtraining centres, had recruited by a strike of Montreal Local ce i as Bic | jonly 659 men by Monday night Complete Session 1108 of the international Brother-| | ' me s , ; In Emergency |LEAVE FOR JOBS |with 199 more applicants being hood of Teamsters (Ind.). | VO | Army spokesmen said many|Processed. Four companies have signed TORONTO (CP) -- In a na-l/of the drop-outs are known to : < ; jagreements, the latest agree-| fine CF - i 1 , k re-electi |tional emergency, Canad a'sjhave left for civilian jobs. They| ls session of the 26th Parliament of the labor department. It was|rren¢ coming Tuesday when the| ee iy teas erlael @rm ao |Emergency Measures Organiza-| : od | | of Ontario has held what is gen-/defeated by 13 to 7 and the act! awe Transportation Com-| Democratic Party MP for | to the June 18 federal election birthday present from his rid- peevalis O' eeheete wn e LIST WITH... | ing. (CP_Wirephoto) |foia Tuesday. | Seven Canadian erally expected to be its last was reported back to the legis-| pany and the union reached! Vancouver East, has good | date. It's his 55th birthday Aj | R. L. Rutherford, sistant| fone . IN I ERPRETING THE NEWS |regional director of the EMO in| Missionaries Lost | night sitting. It is expected to lature where it will receive sec-jterms that were not made pub-| -- sil Bs |Ontario, told the 50 officers the} | TORONTO (CP)--The _third|placed inspection under control be prorogued this afternoon. |ond and third readings today. | : Most of Tuesday's business, A battery of speakers from) Of the nine companies still s centred round the committee|the committee and from the). rrocteq by the three-day strike Hydro Dispute rooms which flank the legisla-|public benches rose to protest | o¢ 1,800 truck drivers, three --| | jorganization automatically Will. oaye viniee Guan Gok tel ture chamber. Members ap-|that municipal inspectors had | Montreal-Ottawa Express, Mc-| . . bed |become the government -- fed- | peared bent on blowing off their been denounced by the Mc And-\noi) Transport and St. Johns-| Arbitration | e Tre OSSI1 e eral, provincial and municipal|¥mu Tuesday to search for) last reserves of steam. rew royal commission on CON-|thervitie Transport -- were re- |--if Canada is attacked. seven Canadian missionaries} | | | reported missing on a boat trip} | Unlike most committee meet-/ struction safety, which reported) ported to be considering new Mr R ; =, | > cons Mr. Ruth piv ings, where cabinet ministers last fall, and by the recently es-| inion proposals. May 15-1 ] r. Rutherford was speaking|on Lake Victoria. e ; ; at an orie i se--firs : : | are rarely seen, the meeting of se gp oe Labor Safety Council) 4 union spokesman said ne- Next President a its cad i me yee A police spokesman said the} '--. ree i itte : of Ontario. jations ; " nf ss Boy 2 issi ies " ur Mov eas teaand Uo cle calolitons Amendments to the Liquor ge se ga bag, Sn TORONTO (CP) -- Arbitra- acquaint EMO officers nomin- ae ee ie ple glib TRADE YOUR HOME in all, including Labor Minis-|Control Act passed two key|prang, ort Husband Transpori,| Won, hearings will be held May) By DAVID OANCIA jian of Manchester observes,|4te4 by governmental depart- Rusinga Island, about 50 miles! Consult Trade Specialists, ; "ge Wy te aan a ; sided Port, /15-17 in the wage dispute be-\canadian P. Staff Writer|tried transfuse British-type|™Ments with their duties and the ; ' | No Obligation. Call to-day ter Warrender and. his prede-| stages --_-- S wore from the| Motorways (of Quebec), Inter-ltween Ontario Hydro Electric Canadian ress Sta riter 2 to ransfu ag conditions under which they will out in the lake. 728-5123 . : nnositi ee = A af eee 4 23 vy . * > j (C Die zovernment into a r 3 ¢ part iol a Daley, Minister) opposition benches. = City Truck Lines and Drum-| power Commission and the Na-|, ¥ ph ly ti tn IA Diente vexsn work | It was not known to which| LLOYD REALTY without portfolio. The bill allows for licensing/mond Transit. Most of these|tional Union of Public Service|PT© headed for ; 3 R. B. Stack, EMO planning|religious order the missionaries/ (Onhows) Lid, Reaters Th t y 2 riv slubs y mid speculation that he could ' p ng Open Every Evenini e committee over-rode pro-|of private clubs in "dry" areas|companies ope rate between Employees a : pe - : FOR ELECTED CABINET for Ontario, said that if there| belonged. | Ma if eo tests from the two opposition/of the province, appeals from|Quebec and Ontario. Dates were set Tuesday at a/D© 2M heir to the presidency of! he idiosyncrasies of the Pow-| was a nuclear war between th ------------_-- oatge and ig Fecggreh a Liquor Board decisions, and re-| The Teamsters are seeking a| meeting called by H. Cari/the republic. : jerful president tended to over-|United States and Russia, Can- new Construction Safety Act. | vision of general regulations. |30-cent-hourly wage increas€/Goldenberg of Montreal, who, Debre will go down in history|shadow this ada probably would be bombed] The = objection = the : The bill was given second spread over & three-year con-|less than two weeks ago brought|aS a premier who held office) Hebre wanted to see the cabi-jin the second round of the fray. | act de pir patio e in- reading--agreement in ee gg tract. A. federal conciliation|about settlement of the year-|longer than any of his prede-| at drawe larasly trom thele iene hae ams : sal spec' --_ safety procedures on --and clause by-clause study. It board has recommended 16 long Royal York Hotel strike. |cessors in this century. lelected body as it is in coun-| pom | construction projects in the/is expected to get routine third/cents. : Mr. Gofienverg met with of-| When he resigned Saturday to|tries such as Canada and Brit. hands of municipal inspectors.|reading today before the lieu-| Truck drivers operating out ficials t Weare 5 acl |make way for former banker|ain A Liberal amendment, sup-|tenant-governor signs it into|of Montreal now get $1.55 to|{lals of Hydro and union rep- Georges Pompidou, a close con-| , ported by the NDP, would have law. $1.60 an hour. resentatives. Major "issue wilsidaat of. President de-Gavile |. O° ' Beha --______.____________ |drawing up the new contract is|fidant of President de Gaulle,| one influence in handling most! |the union demand for two four- -- had or hp pte of the day-to-day business of ; Peete eee |per-cent increases over a two-|tiree years and three months.| (9 ornment PSOE PEAS OPT | vear period. The union demand| Debre's contribution to the Hin dapartneact ffice i NOW.. ' : PHERUAR ORY \y25 proposed in a minority re-|fifth republic was more than), Ms departure from office is ' ssp : ' 1a » AS abe es ; ,.|inextricably linked with the |port of a conciliation board |staying power and faithful serv-| AFTER hi ' ge "lice to a rather aloof master,|CUrse of events in strife-torn lot two per cent over a two-year, Much of the detailed work on| Algeria. | YOU'VE Flcontract 'same #806 emplavnss the republic's new constitution) Debre and other leaders of the are involved . Pio was his. He had, as the Guard-/Gaullist Union for the New Re- re olved. ie ------_--__---- public were in favor of a gen- SEEN eral election as a sequel to the g premier, Debre acquired fe Lf . |Algerian se' ent. raulle * PEI Mixed = Brilund Mines i:sss> jsttsnr"_"s,c¢] EVERYTHING! would not take place until the He yay Ss llife of the c t ssembly 9 MingBank =. oO s is said to be one of | This 4 |Debre's reasons fo signi eg i Causeway For $1,500,000 - this idane. tox cbeartors wage ' : - : ave also advanced the view . CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- TORONTO (CP) -- Brilund|that the former premier rmay| See: |Prime Minister Diefenbaker"s Mines Ltd. is.suing the Cana- rag felt the three-year buffet-| The jannouncement today that a'idian Imperial Bank of Com-jing he took while in office was! | |causeway will be built to link) merce and two of its managers/"nough for any man. | B PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE Prince Edward Island with\for more than $1,500,000. : : @l mainland Canada drew mixed A lawyer for the mining con ae ee es ] Look at this lovely home . . : walk cround to its spacious '|reaction in P.E.1 pany filed a statement of claim us Brag one a as de % |} back lawn, look at the landscaping, then go inside and sit 1 Conservative Premier Walter|at Osgoode Hall Tuesday. Itlthe bolts ae ee nd i || «down for a minute, Put yourself in this house, Location, |Shaw chuckled with delight. Hejnamed Frank E. Udell, man-|/ 1° policies "and methies rigs | , | Mary St. North of Rossland Rd. . . . Most desirable. Inside this jhad been working for it since|ager of the Bay - branch eration. He has been a reauantl THE home you'll find a cosy, yet modern living room, yes, complete his Conservative governmentiof the bank, an Teueric jtarget in the Assembly, in the "Al Ch t rh || with fireplace, and a doorway to the enclosed patio. ps Chateau SLIGHTLY COOLER TONIGHT jwas elected in 1959, and was|Findlay, manager of the King) (ott at large ona : : jsure the people of the island and York streets branch. te ie nh sth ci The dining room is just off the kitchen and a two piece bath- ens WOU greet the news "'with) In 1968 Toronto millionaire| the nation's most unpopular pre- room next to the backdoor . . . how convenient. Upstairs, two WEATHER FORECAST North Bay: Sunny with cloudy|%@e?,, Satistaction and grati- hotelman and mining executive|mier of all time. of the largest bedrooms you ever saw and a completely intervals today, not much| ude- _ {Ben Smith and three. other ar His immediate plans appar-| MODERN panelled den for dad (or for a third bedroom.) change in temperature. Clear, In the winter ferry service lund an me one jently are to return to his duties Make sure to see this really lovely home in all aspects by e and cooler tonight. Thursday|ften is disrupted by ice. bu eyes aa 'hgens "he fa the Council of State, a senior] calling now, to inspect. ain unn mainly sunny, winds northwest" - --------_----_--_---- rom e pres ree thie service body that drafts) HOMES by: 10 to 15. Observed Temperatures _|three men charged with Smith)jaws and advises on them. : were Charles Stuart of North Low overnight, High Tuesday |7~ : : | Since he relinquished his Sen- HARRY MILLEN Forecast Temperatures \Dawson 30 9 |Bay and Stanley I. Schonbrun| ate seat to become premier, he TONNO For Thursday == irare.te tres Hes fo Mas karen et ecen sate ae REAL ESTATE ind: ' 7 eine ' er being convicted in tion next : p | -- . t lower cure the mon were nclem me Zor, But, we serv] PRK RD, W, PHONE 726.1679 Be ecvrraneseseye. 4 1a quitted by the Supreme Court of | Forecasts issued by the| Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay,|London 'at 50 |Winnipeg ......... 28 " IGanada in December, 1061. under the Gaullist regime. | weather office at 4:30 a.m.: |Haliburton regions: Cloudy with|Kitchener ......... Fort William.. : 28 | "In his judgment acquitting the ---- : Synopsis: Most sections injoccasional light rain or snow|Mount Forest..... 25 White River, ee 38. lien. Me. dustice CG Pacwas Ontario will experience milder|this morning, clearing late this) Wingham . |S: 8. Marie.. . #2 | cid the cheque, drawn on Bri-| temperatures today, but tem-|afternoon. A little milder today,/Hamilton ... | Kapuskasing . a liund's account, was a forgery peratures are expected to drop|clear and cooler tonight. Mainly|St. Catharines.... 35 50 |North Bay. oo do Be! la te fant navar Ald belong to tonight under generally clearjsunny Thursday. Winds west 15/Toronto 35 59 |Sudbury .... 's > the Brilund Company skies and light winds. today, light tonight, northwest|Peterborough ..... 25 : ha ie : ' atetibaidreanh, Wretched hone Ae | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni-/15 Thursday. Trenton .. aa 5 shee 3: 51 | nee agara, Lake Huron regions,| Algoma, White River regions,|Killaloe .. js jLondon «ss..ss0s06 4 45 | _ UNIVERSITY WOMEN -- | Windsor, London, Hamilton,|Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie:|Muskoka . . 5 |Toronto . se 06 51 | The International Federation Toronto: Mainly cloudy, early/Mainly cloudy this morning/North Bay.... Ottawa ... - 2 3 |of University Women, founded this morning, followed by par-|with occasional light snow. Fog|Kapuskasing ...... 3 Montreal . 2 5 jin 1919, had a world-wide mem: | tial clearing. Milder today,|patches, clearing this afternoon.|Sudbury .. oo 5 | Quebec P 3 |bership of 179,000 in 1961. , ; clear and cooler tonight. Thurs-|Milder today, clear and cooler|Earlton ... cs 5 os csremanscent creams nose Sea NS NN, Q day sunny. Winds west 15 to-|tonight. Mainly sunny Thurs-|White River...... * day, light tonight, northwest 15\day. Winds northwest 15. |Moosonee ..... ase Thursday. Timagami, Cochrane regions, Sault Ste. Marie CITY OF OSHAWA 54 SIMCOE ST NORTH [oon Se = ------ € pene) SA prone Garbage Collection Notice |) © HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS © | pavanac 19: your Home Now... with | CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND BEEF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED EXTRA FEATURE fee GOOD FRIDAY GOLDEN YELLOW a new te 3 STE AK ps ay lb. PEEK FREAN REG, 25c . Shortcake 19: nk There will be no Garbage Collection on Good Fri- il f Meas 8 | i i i] LEAN, MEATY FRESH PORK ou furnace Sa | secon atipe © 596 | Sidtipen 456 | nom A brand new, modern Oil Furnace is a real asset to | stead on Monday, April 23rd. our home. It protects its value and assures you of Choose from meny well-known SHORT CUT (ist 4) FRESH PORK EGGS 4 Cc (loz. tter, more economical heating. Now is the time name furnaces. You name it -- 1 In Your Container to have it installed. A small deposit and convenient we'll instal it at your con This collection will not necessarily take place at the J} a spread over the next 5 yeors. Call us for ventenes, same time of day as the regular collection, so CHRISTIES' BROOKSIDE ails, please have garbage out by 8:00 a.m. on Monday. . ECONOMY--6 & 7 MAPLE LEAF SMOKED 39 BREAD nee ? 37 oz. / for) fc sade || Please help keep the streets clean. Do not leave | PRIME RIB 4§ PICNICS garbage out over the weekend. }. LEAN, MEATY MAPLE LEAF oe --Extra Feature-- CL, Oe. BONELESS SMO Game 7/2 | | SHORT RIB 65S | waM scx: 795 | TURKEYS Ww. R, BRANCH, Ready to Serve | Chairman, i} BONELESS PLATE FRESH OVEN-READY pty igo 49: 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA |} -- Pot Roast | CAPONS 6-8 LB. AVE.