ae ae aaa ak | f 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 18, 1962 Saturday 8 to i" ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== Personal Service 2--Personal 13--Business Opportunities 13--Business Opportu s '17--Male Help Wanted ) DRIVNG ¢ to > Sudbury and Blind River) FIVE part-time salesmen, to call "MODERN GRILL ph early Friday morning, April 20. | TEX jcustomers, 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Phone }Room for 2 or 3. _ Telephone 725- 9329, | ACO | 723-1687 1687 for appointment, R | & E [ ) | R | ( ees San See ee superfluous hair, \ pais an uae ee tee : ey il si . rr ime. | ising ig th es Pigiond | a MUNI WIE bed V CF N Car necessary. Apply Jack Perry, 288 : ais WE DELIVER ' | Oshawa, May 8th and 9th. | ER | TATIO ese assBbdancn Ba h.ns Sue eeen ee " | | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH | Phone Genosha Hotel on | JANITOR, five nights per week | : these dates for appointment. ing at 5 p.m Apply General Printers [Building Trad Gardening and Supplies |Money to Loan 725-3887 AND GARAGE Lid. 57 Simcoe Street South, CLASSIFIED AD RATES | ewe e ee SATION anrnauree npprinis CRESCENT ELECTROLYSIS WANTED -- mechanic for service sae |tion,,for tune-ups and brake service. Box YOUR local chi ' feaner. Chim-| words or less [|OUR local, chimney cites ininga| (7,00 tons sheep and duck manure tor DRY CLEANING SERVICE 723-4641 | FOR SALE [Geen teatier "seouneian' Wale au Best offer ged eae ved! 7 si i e: }223, Osh Time eee AW ae DUA Ga ea OF | | tnvisible Mardin, ap RTT "1 CORNER TAUNTON & HAMPTON RDS. i ead OES ---- 3 -------- ar Se lthe month. Gardens rototilled, spring | | ickup an elivery, Cas! ee eure a ee ee CALL JOHN and get @ price before) i snip. Call H. A. Russell. Port Perry | ond Cary Store ets stoc J REPLY IN WRITING TO: AMBITIOUS, young man, wil wile Eo ilar ay tie Merah ie 805-7081 _ collect 22 BRUCE ST GERMAN Shepherds, purebred, six Ey to learn, furniture upholstering. jdo' ' : ag b . er r z }months old, Easter bunnies, numerous! ood future and steady wo: righ |Oshawa. 725-5045 after 5.30. 728-4370. |WEEPING willows, maples, flowering 725-3321 colors. Telephone 723-9921 after 4.30. | BOX 933 |man, See Matt Gimpelj Upholstery Co.. JACK & BETTY LEES rae ey = | 77 Celina Street, Oshawa. 00d: Plant early. Lily . bulbs, tic wall tile, w » seeds; large __ selection re ee * yee broken for saddle, quiet with children OSHA TIMES |EARN EXTRA MONEY weekly, sell- Plumbing and _Heating 728-4095: ing our famous products, mostly houses working, all floor coverings. Free es *|Rundle's Garden Centre, King East Subsequent inser s ordered at a | SIDING -- aluminum, and insulation! RE. "aA delivered, toll loads, cane piece 'i Ingo famous product, monly hotee subsequent | me nal |i(blown method) Reduced prices = "gh egg ag re gogo SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i nu sok ca ee ee seven 14--Employment Waals kr Gin tae Woned fia and farm neces mee, un DW NANAAY Above rates o original orders for i nsertions. mates. Work guaranteed. 28-0850. | 725-1764 Small orders enjoy a comm: ns y ma r ers, enjoy a good ission, monthly April and May Free estimates. "Air-|) i pressure systems, new, used, re: _| weeks old, accustomed to children, jtite Insulation." Oshawa 728-4550 eve- [Ma 9-244 SS 288 Hillside, 723-7088 . Telephone MA 3-7238 PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. All or|ELDERLY man or pensioner wanted specials, free sampes, etc. You'll make half-day, 8.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m 381|for light duties in greenhouse Riese|more money with FAMILEX, |nings or Ajax, WH 2-1920 evenings MANURE, 50c, per bushel. Bring own ° 2iowes BEAGLE 2 Rie Gis, Gee ee | fot lial eemoetneanaaS - tainer. Will deliver orders of three > ZAGLE pups six wecks old, e fe-'Simcoe Street North, 728-26 Greenhouse, RR 4, s ' -3, 1600 itreal ALL types of building repairs, roofing, | COMtainer Mother ri acing a RR 4, Bloor Street East,|A-3, 1600 Delorimier, Mon' UL MBING and Here) eee walks, |dushels. 805 Athol Street, MO 8-3523 5 SS ALL PLUMBING ha a a gigas male, three males, 910 each. Mother jchimneys, fireplaces, ' : S Ltd. h d wa sams 16--F le Help Wanted 798. Jordon May CLEAN up jobs, lawns, cottages plumbing, heating and engineer- 29-2295, emale Me ante ve SPain pica Loh gate trimmed, grass sodded, 'cut < RR aE. ing, 255 Simcoe Street South, WH 2s P RAWLEIGH business now open in 18--Male or Female Help SHINGLING, siding. clown insulation, |hedges trimmed: grass aoe Ws és ccecs SS HOME wanted for black-haired toy|DRUG store clerk, preferably with ex-|W®ship Whitby East, Darlington and Wanted tar and gravel. Phil Harper, Whitby 8252 evenings, 5 to 10, Monday to Fri 999939992 ALL types of repairs and remodelling, terrier, from Monday to Friday. Trans-| perience, good salary, Grade 11 educa-\O8hawa. Trade well established, Ex- ' F IMO 8-4558 day. All day Saturday new and used materials, Reasonable portation arranged Well-mannered tion or better. Knowledge of typing an cellent opportunity. Full time. Write NEED extra income? Avera: HARLEI H rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J.\dog. $4 weekly. Telephone 725-8702 asset. All replies confidential. Write Rawleigh Co., Dept, D-310-189, 4005 hour and more in spare time. | T Foley : : after sh: Box 229, Oshawa Times. Richelieu, Montreal quarters' in your neighborhood tap : GO |GERMAN Shepherd dog, female, five Needs. Repeat orders. Large profit, MFG. CO SELLIN U 2ND OR 3RD ALL Well. ,. |months old, had all needles, spayed. Sana Aouiy Gelene bape y kin THREE EXPERIENCED Write for tree copy of Hemmesbepper ise Remodelling. Kitchen | M : e B ¢ Vou tnatst Eines st Bday Will sell reasonable. | cireet East. Catalog then decide, Rawleigh a si 1 np Sh be Tr ut if you insi felephone 725-3243. c vets, Dept. D-310-CD1, 4005 Richelieu, PU ucan aaene wat | & ortgag _ But if you insist z ADVERTISING red 1 the best. , . Call 3 »flea . RELIABLE woman to care for 15 Montreal! 'Modernfold Doors ! pci Pa tye ian ig sre board-|nonthiold child, weekends, beginning ec SpE cc free satimates anytime. | 3 w wholesale prices 2 GUSCOTT PLUMBING its. Washons Kneis. a Easter" weekend, "Telephone "738-604 SALESMEN 89 # iy 4 dig your r SIAMESE kittens for sale, lovely seal EXPERIENCED PHONE 723-75 " and HEATING LIMITED | point. Long tine of champions, pedigree. CAPABLE person to care for children FOR Before Renewing See Us 207 s ts 725-5132 Telephone 725-2729 while mother works. Monday to Friday R FLORAL ARRANGER COTTAGE SPECIAL BEVERWYCK 9° lle an 5132 | HACKNEY gelding for sale, 14 hands,|!% College Hill ares. Telephone 725-964 W ; ag 7 ABOUT A 2 inches, six years old. Telephone|EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap EEKLY Steady employment Stote 22" ox 18'0' RDENS METTE 728-0795 ply to the Rose Bow! Restaurant, 24 - experience ond sles requir- edrooma kitchen: diving GA SHETLAND pony, 39-inch, broken to| Bond Street West NEWSPAPER : Low Cost PLUMBING CO. Ltd. |SHEPAN® pony seinen. broken ig |Bond _ ed to Box 232, Oshawa Regular price bt 19 : ¢ 279 GENERAL housework for capable girl 'es ; Tikes i $] 132 HIGHWAY 12 Furnace Installation Service 4-2790 or woman, Experience not needed. Live. '° Work in Oshawa on Mortgage Loan Cleanout and Repairs BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready forjin or must have own transportation. Commission rates Pre-Season Price 3 23 CELINA ST. Broads 16 figit P cdr did aes ie inoea" Parr ien Pyar FOR AN INTERVIEW BREAKFAST $1059 MO 8-4735 Low Monthly Payments PHONE 425-3279 FOUR bob calves, for sale. Telephone for a snack bar. Apply niayside As Low As No Bonus Rug Uphol Servi say FON for sale broke to saddle Highway" Now 2. AR I PHONE 728-9251 COOK $I 05 DOWN C Alt NOW No Extra Charges ig Mpnolstery service and harness. Three years old. Apply to, EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, be > I S CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-/Mrs. Ann White, 'Townline North, %|tween 20 and 40 years, Apply Bowman To werk on Sandwiches at ia cae K | Fees : . : ile North, Taunton Village (circle|ville Hotel, 54 King Street East. Tele- ESTABLISHED 7 ; trae nit 00 Jo Legal Fee covered like new. Get the best for less|™ or & cle Yee, Harry Staveren . at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe | driveway) phone MA_3-3347 ot ee radiu : South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates HAIRDRESSER wanted at once. Com- PROGRESSIVE | -Apply to Mr. Gaye, The f eason Bont fe 0 ea i s. We h d clientel | i Accountants For a limited time only, your MO 8-30 7 S U P F R | O R CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recoverea_>----~Farmers Column So parenting of a aa args Flying Dutchman, Highway "abe ric a P g ' like new, Why pay more? Our rates CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid L Nagas COMPANY 40] WILSON and BURROWS, Charterec hoice valua é sery LIMITED are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. for dead and crippled farm stock,|NURSING staff for all shifts required Ace et ast 2 t INT Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery|Telephone collect, Hampton COlfax at Glencedar Nursing Home Limited 4 ie Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311.|3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone,|inquire 655-4931 before 4 and 655-4516 : THE FLYING : a 5 CA ' Long Sault CAL L The Fastest Growing All- Peet ae 4 {Licence 149 after : SHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered an p MONTEITH MONTEITH, AIEHL -- nN rc " LADY required to take care of two COLLECTOR ": r - Ss - ° . Ch ed Account 2 ;| Construction Ltd. SANSENG BROS Canadian Loan Company re-styled Fee: Sali ies, O68 ous tae "9 Feaileis pre-school age children while mother DUTCHMAN 35 th, Oshay 134 S} pe 5 wi ce Se Wanaie works. Live in. Telephone 723-1856 after : ? Whitby, ' SIMC : oT . 17 SIMCOE ST. N. ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 "SILVERLINER" collapsible _ travel|5, between the ages of 20-30, 728-3755 t oe : _ CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|(railers: All new for °62, Call 726-1468 | Wc Treess for Drive-in Restaurant on, Previous credit, collection, | 20---Room. and Board bine ISHAWA 725-6541 covered like new. Get the best for less OF {S-'> Highway 115, night shift. Transporta- small loans, experience on ~ --- We specialize in g 21) at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe TRAVEL trailer, 14-foot, 1961 "Buffalo" tion provided. Telephone Newcastle asset, Good salary, Modern ROOM and board for gentlemen. Close s. T. HOPKINS : . . South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates Jalousie windows. Almost new. Sleeps | 4561 tice bd a fs f re Diy 147" Mill" Street. 125-7784. week ' rv q 725-5 ce, rospects or pply 7 i ree fied Public Acco s. 172 King ./, Service Mortgages four. Reasonable. Telephone 725-5676. |S apa-TiME and full-time help wanted sdvercumant < 'Agnes = -- Street East, Oshawa, Ontar 4509 a - RAO UPHOLSTERING MOBILE home, 41 feet, furnished./Apply in person, Elliott's Restaurant, r , Pply it- (FOR GENTLEMEN room ana beard, BOB "CLANCY S$ Ontaric ) ® CHOICE DRIVEWAY WANTED $6,000 on first mortgage, FURNITURE REMODELING. - Will sell or trade on house, property or'7 Simcoe Street North. ing, all pertinent details, in- lunches packed, singles or to are, kkec ood security, Telephone 725-9583 URN XE eed mortgage. 728-9714 or. 725-9870. -OUNG ; cluding telephone number, to . very. central, at 296 King Street East, G R A V E Le - REPAIRING ERT _. | YOUNG lady to live in and look after , near' Ritson teed zy ch References required. Tele 4 3 SHAWA : 3 oficial Fi OK BOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barristers) Fabric samples shown. and 9--Summer -Properties oHate rae onet ttee iBe BOX 134, OSHAWA TIMES | room and boara tor gentleman, clean, L hA Solicitor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-95 2» a # ccaamrcoa bs quiet home, good home cooking, close ce R A\ Residence, free estimates given in ba for Sale or Rent PART TIME help wanted three days to Shopping Centre, South GM, park- MENT GI ea pe On RE epee Fea exceptional io. 2, week. Apply in person to Radiant WANTED ing. Apply 81 Park Road South. Satisfaction Guaranteed ation; Lake Be from $850 up. |Cleaners, Oshawa Shopping Centre. No MILES NORTH OF WHITBY cr sold, ( ir. Bolahood, 725-6544 or P ; rcs me a 725.5079 725-8333, John A. J. Bolahood Ltd CALL 728-9526 TODAY Cottage if desired. Easy terms, Apply |Phone calls please. 22--Storage Space a - SHEET METAL WORK - ae TALBOT UPHOLSTERING Box 812 Oshawa Times, Whitby WOMAN as assistant cook with 00k | EXPERIENCED and Garages j 8) F tgages. ale VL NA . nm Appraisers ede second | morte ot. Habe ete LAKEFRONT * two-bedroom furnished ne. experioncl, Eee ee See agreements purchased and sold cottage at Curtis Point, Rice Lake.|@0d have good character references jos PATRICK D. McDANIEL.AA te ad : LOAM. GRAVEL nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| Surveyors cottage at Curti » Rice L Biendy coition. No. late waht work Sethe Aners Broke ' R 3 f : treet East. 723-7282 Excellent fishing, boating, swimming. Bee en a ae as Phone MO 8-2 WASHED STONE = DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN. On Must be sold. Sacrifice at only $3800,|4PPly Hotel Lancaster, P dishes Cree cage. Mortgage and agreement of sale printing, 11 Ontario Street 5632 tor 728-1673 until 6, afternoons, four to five days OFFICE IS Auto Parts Shingles --- Flat: Roofing Tractor and loader work purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. LAKESHORE property for sale, includ-|¢ach week. North District. Telephone KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guat nn ae bbs Tavallad: Receanehle sale Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-iq, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontariojing lots for developing. Fill available,| 725-6704 stil the following' guelifice: teed automotive { accessories y , of doch Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Lovely spot for weekends,- two hours|MIDDLE-AGED ady for light house'! c AVAILABLE King t \ Os KVesteotiohine 7 Be? ] 56 FIRST and second mortgages bought, East. Phone 725-6881 drive from Oshawa, 728-2301 keeping in elderly couple's home tior 8 F e J}. J. Van Heswerden, Mortgage Broker, " WATERFRONT lo! 1 tt t Steady employment for right person ements i : : NUMBER ONE 41 King East, Oshawa, 723-4671 TV -- Radio Repairs Willow Glas, three miles straight north |Live in, Telephone 725-2237 1, Energetic': and. ambitious, Newly Built... Elevator Ser- Barristers MO 8-8420 TOP SOll TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, ali °f Ross Hospital, Lindsay. South end of GRapuUATE hairdresser, full or part © Late enotiel cor vice'... Brigntca: gual BOWMAN. DAVID L.. Barrister, Solict i : MNEED MONEY!!! || makes. thompson Electronics, 157 Sturgeon Lake. Follow signs time. Apply in person. Vincent's Hair) 2. | | cor, Painted .., Tiled Floors . tor 5 ® Sout 25-9592: Resi WE HAVE 30. YEARS OF Y LOAD---$10.00 '* hy Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) SEASONAL CAMPSITES Styling, 110 King Street East Sneek. eoate Available in Few Dav. . a dence, 728-0264 f i 0-YD LOAD $15.0( . ; i Moderate Rent... Lease SERVICE IN 3 YOU HAVE HIDDEN CASH j : "Third aa ee ie 2a NTARIO "oan INYOURHOME |, T.V. TOWERS | & 20s. or. consges,"- STENOGRAPHER | for, intervien coll Bit Me- salle. «Tied ays Boats. Excellent Fishing, Sofe é 4, oc: Cartage 723-3162 GET A LOW COST Ist or | All golvanized, no paint dane FOR LAW FIRM __ evenings 725-1726 a Whitby, JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, 2nd MORTGAGE LOAN | ' ; ' 7 . LEN & LOU S For Information Proficiént. in short hand SCHOFIELD-AKER TIMES BUILDING 35-5201, NHA and other Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equlp- Household ceniee - iad avatin ie ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 oe . - ~ EXAMPLES ANTENNA 728-2301 ; ' LOUIS §. RY MAN QC, Barrister, Solt- Dressmaking REPAIR SERVICE Borrov Repay nthly 728-5804 or 75,7844 and typing with some ex- * ne | MARY & KING STREETS € IER V rah : ya 496 ' ' baa 5 ur 10 yrs ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE ferred DRESSMAKING -- summer clothing, RANGES W RYEF : > : perience prererrec 360 ST , OSHAWA | OSHAWA wincteshdedr resses, sho m ¢ ea vada' $180 $4 28.9 h ki . " ¥ GREER and KELLY. Barrister, Solici-| sonable eine 1 28 "Bala Drive, 125-7904 OLI i > ONERS ) $56.5 N HARRY LOCKE TY heute 3; COTTAGES APPLY TO ete., 14 5 F '| DRESSMAKING, alterations, piain sew ery 7 $3000 $70.6 $ N Aerials 'and towers, new ond steenburg, Paudash ond Glan < 4 ' aa me \erials and tower / eent au ' r McGIBBON and BASTEDO such as Cuber «went sae rk Formerly. with THOR p-fivine : f air ielantiol: interview used Television Sets. We rent mire Lakes Reasonable prices, -<G oN | WHI BY ASSIFI D INVISIBLE mending and re-weaving TR 795 8296 n new portables terms, Ken Matthews, 583 20 SIMCOE S : i ( 1 OREER, Avni ig ria ers and Sol i Telephone 25-9736 or apply 525 Dun CALL 728-4684 MA 3.9312 ree Rd. N. Oshawa 725 PHONE 725-3566 kirk nue Gueloh | c DRESSMAKING by pattern, altera instruction suelph Investment Co 22 King West Bowman bs K 5S LADY required to care for small chil-/ROOM and board for gentlemen, Tele ik ns Sea men (Fe ag ame oe 2 E OMEmULAN alana ieccouas Waals Ga Member Ontario Mortgage SUMMER COTTAGES dren, 7 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday to|phone MO 8-2090. - ay servi r nin n " t D ae Friday. Apply 300 High Street, Apart- nn aoe Geena a "4 Pub- | Street West no previous training necessary. 142 On Brokers Assoc \ Yy FOR RENT -- Two furnished rooms, } ng SRESSMARING iterations; -veason. *27i0 Street, Bowmanville. MA 3-2697 EN, TOWE RS We have summer cottages on ment 23, Whitby small kitchenette with stove, frig. Suit- park- ESS 7, ; - - k ° c k : TI able prices. 104 Brock Street East, PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, MORTGAGE 361 GIBBONS ST ake Ontario, and Rice Lake FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, na Nain Keer 305 Perry Street ava Telephone 7963 16 years' experience, by interview only " Priced from $2,800.00 up, refrigerator and electric stove. 23 Ben bet SRO Ma OORT Pa CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and deb -- | Act now, 725-1054 LOANS PHONE 728-8180 with down payments from Palace Street, Whitby. Telephone 725- FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment, MURDOCE slicit No - , i ae 4 . 302, Oshawa large living room, one bedroom, bath- ry Public t Com sidz., Fuel and Wood HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Terms -- Open Evenings $800.00! Phone for on op P room, kitchen with stove Quiet, ground tap, RAD ballet Highland Register TWO-BEDROOM apartments, for 7 cee one gpa oe ee oe Ae. Regis Money available for immed pointment ns : floor, private entrance. Suitable for ; FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable now, 424 King et West. 725-6122 ' : econd OSHAWA. T.V by spending a few hours jnewly decorated. Apply 708 couple. MO 8-243 "4 SHA * ae maererer: PONS TWLLSAM MAM MARA Dancing Gohtol, on First and S F Street West. Apt. 5. Telephone MO| nhane 74 Oe ee eee SONOOL! A ocieanan Cand? Wabsements ree Survey and Estimates LONG BROS daily serving an Avon |8-5131. FOR RENT: | Two 1 bedroom apartment a a riday nds : anic fas: Gat Oo c 2 = ~ ponent ae suites from $90. pacious, modern, DONALD BLAKE popps Peer oe Pe remium Quality matic. Friday an a Mason r Sale, on vacant and im LAWNMOWER repairs. Power and |range, refrigerator, drapes. Telephone Temple, Centre Stree : ) | Territory : Street East . . proved property residential, _ hand. Free blade sharpening and bal-) st! ies BX STOVE OIL Soetriak ley can T.V. TOWERS REALTORS ance' with every. motor cleaning and|Mf. J. A. Daly, MO 8.4775, . ty, suburban and hree A Investigators . : Ba : 7 Ww tune-up, $3.95. Parts exira, Free pickup| MODERN bungalow in Whitby, three MO 8-844 3 1 a and summer cot TU 5-450] FOR INTERVIEW and delivery. Phone Sportsman Corner,|bedrooms, large living room, onvenience, ste ACMI tac years experience F MO 8-451! area, conveniently located near high be purchased at our c >| f c Antennas and T.V. Service PORT HOPE |FOR RENT Unfurnished four-room |SCh0o! and public: schools, $100 month- 28-8232 ea eae 5 | INVESTIGATION REA SUMMERLAND if you want to be sure of the _ CA - FOR BENT. -- Uoturnlshed fouraooe iy, Galephase Mdek MANNING F. SWARTZ and ® hoawo ond BRANCH OFFIC SECURITIES lowest possible price Best 11--Articles for Rent preferred $80 monthly, central, Tele-/$65 MONTHLY One-bedroom pan I= sw ARTZ Barristers Solic tors Pes Baily includ. rn. sat beguaticn LIMITED workmanship ond quality phone MO 8-2780 after 4.30 p.m led basement apartment. Complete - : : $y "i material try Dishes, cutlery, glasses (stem APARTMENT for rent: Four bright|'"ree-Plece tile bath, parking. Heat A ight i jrity. Ser C ; ' ME | Midnight a 112 Simcoe Street North, med wine, cocktail,) silver MAILING rooms, newly decorated. 817 Centre|and, hydro included. Telephone MO ' ; shawa, Ontori candelab | f Street' North. Telephone MO 8-8652. MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Reais and Supplies act Oshawa, Ontario andelabra, table cloths, buf ~ ; nd, PERRY STREET, 602, Four - room Solic Clients' funds av Y ie Racal Phone: 725-3568 OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. |. . tment, unfurnished, heat, water fet pieces, trays, lazy susans first toage 2 c eet CLEANUP job, lawns, cottages, pedess coftee perc 10-44 CLERK Service with reasonable prices, try us. ; ¢ North: 725-356 f McGibbon, trimmed, grass cut, evenings 5 percs and urns, 10 Hamilton's. 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. Fog > aay in kitchen cupboards. a N i H ¢ and 75 cup : QC: Edgar F. Bastedo ain, Monday @ Pad A aus Sete Lawn Mowers _ Sursing Momes TELEVISION up c rn Bien nears toners tar tever DHL NER 2 ACUUM cleaner, reconditioned, Bell | -55--pewg er RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, 18% 725-8252 WE SHARPEN AND REN SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home, RN in SARGEANT'S RENTALS FOR LOCAL Tower, all new parts, $10; °s2 Pontiac Ae cal Segoe ple ig a Solic Not Public Simcoe OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE ALMOST EVERYTHING attendance. (No. 2 Highway between 725- 3338 |motor, $80. Telephone June '1, $75 monthly Telephone 8-2180 Nort 299 P 23-2765 LIMITED : Whitby and Oshawa). Call 725-2330 171 BOND STE. - STUDENTS A value, approxi- | or 78 VE US A CA $$$ PROFESSIONAL PRINTING FIRM [SURSs A see otek rie ee Gl Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici fe} . 3 'T -- Three-room apartme: ar. ote Binal Nor tometrists - , (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-| Bt ae on <8 * GRAVEL - Ml IL( H AN c: P 728-678) roe tend religble eee ee ene tor orice, Whitby |sel-contained. Available at once, Te fice 1 zt | C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. P i ust be accurate ond r , 3 phone MO 8-2763. 515 Perry Street, ptometrist. Please eaae "ape 1111 Dundas Street West aches BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA, irrister, CORNER KING AT BURK ST y accounts at downtown Dominion Well Drilling nee Digging For Rent, $5.00 Weekly typing or filing ability help- B.C. SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping Solicitor, Notar f , Mo . " k or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- - ~ : ; , ful, Previous mailing room service for small businesses, weekly, funds available. 36% King Street. & STONE, ALL SIZES 723-3294 at home. Dial 725-4587 ee eee on ea eer Oshawa Beduty SUbDIY | expeames go damt Grad YOUR monthly or as desired. Statements pre: 728-2381. FR RIC HARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom-| phone 722-0394 5 15 KING STREET EAST 13 adceatian aretenee , pared; income tax returns. MO 8-8252. ey, Ri NDL rrist so 723-3528 apg ws idioms etr fe exalt nati on of even, Woaeonas 28-03 } 793. 70) y Keke ik OBR fo WEST] NGHOUSE FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, citor, a it 26i4 2 Ps 6 Simcoe North a jorne - r ' c Street 'Bact Phone 72510 FOR FAST SERVICE unin Boda venings by appointment, 729419 BILL LEMON agin rit LAUNDROMAT [dur scmsmciect Yew boom Shermer R AND TV COI $3,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort Free delivery D. A. HOULDEN - furnished. Private entrance. Apply 231 eet isan gage, repay. $35 monthly. Private | Painti dD A WELL DI ING --_--_-- e ' ' Bookkeeping - VANDRUNEN' Saas. separ ainting ond Decorating L 12--Articles Wanted 310 DUNDAS ST. W. Palace Street : So : y i 'ater com- N' : q Sodding Soil, AL CONROY, professional interior and Clean-outs, deepenings, com é GENERAL PRINTERS WHITBY CRNesmARiTG Aaa rile a, ate Norsane Stock exterior painting and decorating, Esti- ressor work, septic tonks PIANO up to $500 cash. Quality instru- l AP LIM | . oar wt MONIES FOR mates free. Telephone 728-088 sailed : . pray neue ee te ee LTD. WILL TAKE 1 HE DRUDG- ge our specialty. Mrs. Toms. 'MO BROOKLIN, 655-3545 MORTGAGES Ranheg, Wark musrelihoa' Five eee 725-0665 57 SIMCOE SOUTH ERY OUT OF THOSE BIG septic tanks cleaned, Waller Ward, RR 2, OSHAWA Monies bl r mates. Low rates, Telephone MO SHAW LOADS OF WASHING AT |204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone 137 : és MO. 8-2563 peas Mortgoges o sha INTERIOR and exterior house paint W. WARD AUTO WRECKING CO SPRING CLEANING optice equip. biggest stock around, OSHAWA without ished J y a Wonts cars for ck SELL service with reasonable prices, try us, GARDEN ing, window cleaning. Reasonable rates. WELL DIGGING by a s for wrecking TIME ; 37 Brock South, MO 88442. | Monies | ova Free estimates. Telephone 728-6879. | Parts r le, also scrap iron 7 Hamilton 137 rock South. a. SERVICE Second rtga MACHINE ae und metal et bought OVER FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and ; ; D SOUTER SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Onan SAtirday eiliny <Dae SPRING SALE four room apartments, balcony, resi- Building T Trades GARDEN CENTRE hortgag nd Agreement a ODD & gad AN : WHITEY. ONTARIO Open Saturday all day. Phone TELEPHONE : ese dentiai area newly decorated laundry FARM MACHINERY sells fast with ap yea Pur CONTRACTORS? | -MO.8.2563'-- MO.8.3809 © |725-2311 - 89 BLOOR E USED EQUIPMENT. _[tasanes "plaseratha' Ape "S00" feb Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3492 ; ee : : = : 2 CHESTNUT ST, WEST : Street, Apt. 11. MO 8-2336. 723-3222 Painting, Paperhang 04 SES TOUT ; et ee eer cement ENNIS: 1959 SIMCOE ST. NORTH |. Short - ters | Gite: Hl Wall Mane BO, BOX' 327 WANTED EXPERIENCE 5 x J2"Tounst Tents 35.00 | GRAVEL AND LOAM ing 2 s ota K r . Ls vig 4 ~ v4 ouris S . estimates, Telephone Harry's 723-2413 Fertilizer ail' bronds Mortgage t --_réasonat ___ Spray Painting MACHINE DUG WELLS SCRAP IRON, POULTRY NOT NECESSARY 10 x 12 Cabin Tents 60.00 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL " loon of spreader r 07 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY Quicksand Specialists. 30" AND FEATHER TICKS Sleeping Bags 5,00 & 6,50 CEMENT GRAVEL sad aad. Foe oh 26Y2-King St. East DAYS MO 8-5231 casing Work guaranteed Deer Hides and Raw Furs We teach you how in nm Stoves anid : Re NIGHTS 72 | Coleman S$ : FILL AND LOAM Perennials Alpine iwad, Or t 23-465 NIGHTS 725-7426 Foundation earth boring collect twenty minutes. Desk \ ee dee | Lantern UNITED Registered 7 Cont. Hadco Well Digging 1. TURNER space and phone ore 22' Garden Tillers 75.00 ERIC BRANTON ; ode trees Brokers Act INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Ltd. Agent Oshawa vided at our offices Fee Rear Launciawer Evergreen Flowering ALL WALLS 723-1001. Head Office EI 723-2043 -- 723-3374 you have a pleasant ES cosh ced: "45 00 MO 8-2660 Hrubs * AND CEILINGS ARE FREED mira, Ont 1 Busi Pr voice you can earn a 1 Zt. Canc $100 ee -- in ni i te Orne. PAVING CO Flagstone Rockery ASK FOR from holes, cracks, and blis- 3 ata be Opportu ties good income on a liber- 14-ft. Plywood Boat $100 Gor x . Hind : fais hehaee eee TED VEENHOF [FOR SALE -- Long established beauty al commission basis. Age ft. Mid. Plyw'd Boot $135 f eee salon, central, ground floor, six dryers. c ee Sas eye ; - [Apartment upstairs, Selling for health| "0 barrier, if you are | 1)" Fibreglass $125 | MUDDY DRIVEWAY ? Garden tools and Lawn OSHAWA 7 TIME S| som. Repairs of all kinds WELL DIGGING reasons Write to Box 235 Oshawa over' 4 NORVenIEN 12-ft. Canvas Car Top $100 mowers 25-0078 Clean-outs and Deepenings Soe hours 'con be arranged New & Used Outboard We have the answer to your bs - RESORT accommodates fifty, cater. i \ > ' ato 75: up problem. We deliver. stone G [ Compressor. Work inv to tisherme say sab ' O G Motors $ pies pees SARDEN SERVICE 2 ef banat lla A pAypathig Beeed R. YOUN mulch, gravel sold by weight. "YC > sndscape design KAIT. '4 | 3, Plokerel = sold | | WILDE RENTAL EXCAVATING eee FAMILY Want-Ads Don't 728-3864 for property. Box 109 Osawa Times" (Oshqwa Times Ltd.| SERVICE & SALES PHONE 668-3524 BASEMENT Spraying, Fertilizir | me 1--Women's Column PEOPL: WANT your service Rak teat 1415 aes a S SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LTD. LSO TOP SOIL ae + \c ~ : ; FAVES on special, Page Hair-|regular ads in the Oshawa Times Clas TO3 WHITBY, ON 244 Brock St. $., Whitby, fy All phase of landscapir WANT ADS | Cost They Pay dnuee 90 Pine eases Telighene sified section. Dial 723.3492 ioe een 13 3474 MO 8-3226 "e na tt -- 723-3898 be work, ™" | 725-5363. ak oof! Free survey for ree Patio Wallstone re that new look to your your ads