ia Oke trying to understand usually one to 1% inches long, | "is 3 and) q Students Study {se Insect Threatens jcwm"""™ inever do it unless you fake it PREFER PINES } ; 8 i basis of. the apart and find out what makes e The pine tree, } {aS ack The students are finding tr softwood timber industry, is the i out what makes mathematics 1m favorite nesting place of the pace- ge a tick." sirex, which bores in and lays Standard tests given by the MELBOURNE (Reuters)--An ac yg ao ¥s eee ips egg oe living or newly-felled : } i ee yd C " at : ying-s ssjcaused millions ollars trees. ' VANCOUVER (CP) -- Five|the how,' says Lloyd Costley,department of education a insect with a wing any i' _ damage in New Zealand and| By isolating outbreaks quickly hundred high school students in| supervisor of secondary educa: year sag gi recog shea _ be ape 'heal Tawhahle : : jand by destroying or treating ; matiy at i i i y. special classes were E sirex timber wasp, is s - i . a i € é 1d caren eanenstes eres en courses have ot students taking traditionalling Australia's $25,000,000 soft-| One of the ways authorities pang toaged "an ot = ger r 's,| ' ber industry re fighting the pest is b: i ' y ; basic been going on for two years,| maths. wood timber: ind ' here are fighting p y ny pol : aye - ragged Pr New concepts that have never) Mr. Costley says traditional, sometimes called horntails, |calling in its natural enemy, the eee awe a bs fy! ier srobability| been taught in high schools and| mathematics as today's adults sirex wasps can kill a healthy|Parasitic ibalia wasp. wit Goes to Wists he pee pore Be tid peer jin some cases barely touchediknow them are fast going out ine tree in two months, render-| Although the pest first stantly kills the larvae pupae and statistics, solid ge tions |in. undergraduate univer sity|the window. p ' lreauhed Atistralin 37 bare ago rfl Bagg Ma gm permutations afd combinations.\~ rses . andg * ing it useless for commercial], ~ Bases 2 . and -- ef ne SDS, a ; iheir (COUTSeS: Present standard high school from Europe, the first serious spraying of insecticides. and te te ie toe -n-|_ But Mr. Costley says it sounds). in British Columbia| Purposes outbreak did not occur untill) ening of dead wood. arents so far behind that Burn sated than itis courses in : urning ie chool board plans special) MOre complicated than 'cover only what was known in : recently in the Dandenong foot-| core Ay a ALS le night school classes next fall for KDIS ENJOY IT mathematics up to the year Nothing has ~ neni tare hills, about 20 miles from here. balip used now in the valeuua parents who want to keep up "Actually children enjoy doing 1673, he says. Even in second- the Senet ig ged Adult sirex wasps are gaudy of parasitic ibalia wasps in with their youngsters it because it is based on under-|year university, students Pr ee eae in this (blue insects with splashes of|affected forests. The wasps "Ww teaching children the standing. They understand what study anything that wer Soy ee F black and yellow. 'They areldestroy sirex eggs h Pa ipamatics not just they are doing oped beyond the vear 1800 century 2 why of mathe s, § : . ; Ye eg gt 'TO WORK IN PERU As part of a person-io- | their summer employment | Gordon Meyers, 21, Calgary; person South American Aid | period to work in Lima, Peru. | Fred McGregor, 20, Peter- ; | project, these Sir George | The project is sponsored by | borough; Phi! Macdonald, 21, A | Williams University students | the YMCA. The Canadian vol- | "-rens, Ont (seated) Bill "| m Montreal are volunteering | unteers are (left to right) Douglas, 21, Woodstock, Ont Belgian Technicians | Sought For Congo Aid LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) -- The; A UN spokesman said the, He has started negotiations United Nations is trying to bring|present plan calls for Belgians | with Belgium for an agreement back to The Congo former Bel-|to work for the Congolese gov-|that would allow recruiting of gian colonial technicians and ernment and public services, as}old Congo experts now working administrators to help put this|part of the UN's technicallin Brussels. rican country together again.|assistance program. : rigs 'ING OThis antich in UN policy re-| Robert Gardiner, the Ghan- Wie Geasiees cues tb ap: sults from the growing recogni-|aian diplomat who is special orate the plan A tion in UN circles that only | representative of acting Secre-| While many Baicians probably Belgians with previous expe-|tary-General U Thant of the UN, would. @atly atta Mat Ge rience in The Congo can workjis generally regarded as the ' ' . : pier : them have adopted a wait-and- efticiently with the Congolese. 'initiator of the plan. .,see attitude. Many feel they |should hold out for the appoint- ment of a Belgian to the top job $400,000 Fishing =" Such an appointment likely would be opposed by Afro-Asian countries, but Western feeling t On Lake here is that a Belgian with n us ry senior colonial administrative experience would know best how to plan The Congo's re- AY RIVER, N.W.T. (CP)--|to trucks and taken to Edmon-| afte se cadnir « votes wooden huts,|ton. There the fish are crated Ot naa tae es oe, bombardiers, auto - toboggans| and moved by truck or train to ' 4 0 by ; : Tmited|gians on the UN staff simply and dog sleds dot the ice-cov-|markets in the eastern United because the UN secretarial, red 10,980-square-mile expanse States wi Afro-Asi , ; org Mo elves Lake for four) Working conditions this youre eee eit an winter months, They are signs were the worst on record, Says Now, however, Gardiner is of a $400,000 industry. . J. H, Hitchcock, district super' | quoted as saying the UN is not The equipment is used during) visor for the federal departmen lin The Congo to replace Bel- the winter commercial fishing|of fisheries at Hay River, On| gians but rather to assist in the season on the lake in the poder' "eee ne Sree eee transition from colonial to self- st Territories 500 miles north Lak q i yg Mihir ight Average temperature on the governing status. Five companies represented|lake during the season, which| DRIVEN FROM CONGO by 158 fishermen this season|runs from Dec. 1 to March 31,/ "After we have gone the pulled in 1,706,062 pounds of|was 40 degrees below zero. _| Belgians will still be here," he Ri "a von "% ; Y whitefish and trout to March 10.| As a relief from the frigid/is quoted as saying in the Sea ee ok Ke = |The catch, at prices ranging|temperatures, the men tumble|Brussels newspaper la Libre SPECIAL! McLARENS LOOSE PACK : bs. F See & ¥e {ee / a from 15 to 22 cents a pound,|into bombardiers and powered| Belgique. "We never wanted Z¢ aie '> 4 SF |was worth $340,000 and there) toboggans for the nearest centre / them to leave.' ENTO ' 'iii were still 21 days left in' the/of civilization for a night on the| The terms of independence for | season, town one day each week. -- \this former Belgian colony pro- ' | Last year the lake gave up| Mr. Hitchcock says conditions| vided for retention of hundreds | 1,658,525 pounds of whitefish and|were even worse for 12 meniof Belgian experts to-help the ; trout worth some $265,000 i en a ae pet be ene = chp on. : : if' 71 : ough var- 200 miles sou Arctic! However, less than two weeks SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED SIZES SPECIAL! Fully Skinned, Hodkless, Trimmed of all Excess Fat ian aes Loge pon pena Citcle lafter independence, June 30, Any Weight Desired trom 3 to 15 Ibs. jice augers and needle bars,| The men's bombardier, | 1960, the Congolese army and a DEL MONTE COOKED jlong metal bars with a sharp|tracked vehicle used in rough|dissatisfied segment of the pop- 10 FL point at one end, and with the/northern terrain, took onejulation, fanned to fury by the O2. TINS aid of jiggers--a double and|month to travel 150 miles from/|glib tongue of the late Patrice single block with a rope--cast/Fort Simpson to Keller Lake|Lumumba, went on a bloody SMOKE Me nylon nets with a minimum 5%4-|because of -- cold--tem- anti _ bios ra 8 page that L! CHOICE SLICED jinch mesh into the water. _ |peratures averaged from 50 to) wrecke he coun ry. pet SPECIAL! GRADE "A" | Each day's haul of fish is}60 below zero--deep snow and| The majority fled for safety. ss picked up by company aircraft;numerous breakdowns. F ort/They were men who had spent A i PRESSED and flown to the nearest road|Simpson is about 500 miles|years here, knew the people and terminus where it is transferred!northeast of Edmonton |could speak to them in their PINEAPPLE siilanialilad eles seuss ee | - ~ jnative languages. Some had TURKEYS A 10.10 LAG eae va € | But, most of all, they knew been born in The Congo and ee considered it their homeland. : SPECIAL! | pe from long experience how to FRUIT jdeal with the Congolese and Oe PREDR | how to get things done in a slow- COCKTAIL ox Tins 7 : moving country. pepe noneniyene wie) DUGG GRADE (100 cenecercetrreeecreemcreee un I | BUSINESSMEN RETURN SPECIAL! BRIGHT'S FANCY Now, small businessmen are ~ a cs in sera numbers jand a few Belgian advisers Y T IDEAL FOR EASTER --- NO BONE -- MINIMUM FAT - |have come back on their own, SPECIAL! after privtte agreement with SE. : the Congolese government J hos cenedsecvinevsndrs Pre peewee ereney a sL8 '7 Western observers say BI- as i ie ee . ' HICKORY TIN gian leadership over a long SPECIAL! 12-INCH 25-FT. : period might save the country, 10-LB, SIZ® ALSO AVAILABLE -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED 3.X. CANNED HAMS, 5 . if Practically bankrupt ween for millions in foreign aid chan- Z nelled through the UN, ae ;. a Se \ They feel that with smooth- FOILW & A Pp eu eres wrewrrirens « e = \ running government administra- ALSO FOR YOUR SELECTION OTHER ATTRACTIVELY 4 Z tion--and if political leaders SPRCIAL! KITCHEN PRIDE PRICED POULTRY & SMOKED MEATS. ALSO A LIMITED can iron out their differences jand establsh law and order-- LOBLAWS RAISIN PIE ..{::..... sen DBC | SUPPLY OF SWIFT'S PREMIUM BUTTER BALL TURKEYS on 4 TO 10-LB. SIZE bs evidines is xe SPRCIAL! : pots tis view. Premier Molse } 4 BIA | -- HOSTESS SULTANA SQUARES. «5 33: ive te cet eee jand the UN--has_ surrounded SPRINGTIME ASSORTMENT a ree 29: RINDLESS SIDE BACON + | By lor ae jhimself with Belgian advisers, SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE |With their help he has suc: SPECIALI jceeded in maintaining law and SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF WEIMERS SRG eS aes cawen KG. Pe : jorder better than anywhere else LOBLAWS MARBLE CAKE Seas: : 35: uncthe - ie te lin The Congo, a healthy econ- SPECIAL! jomy and well-run government SPECIAL! PLAIN OR SALTED = ' |services and public utilities. roLisH SAUSAGE COIL 5 S | gift, a d d.. Constant. reminder WESTON'S CRACKERS é. a ela ote . hpabrey: gamble. To insure HEAVY HAULING FRESH FROZEN FISH - PAN READY - FOR YOUR GOOD FRIDAY MENU the value of your diamond dollar, deal with a Peg ag 4 Ml = SPECIALI 31 jeweller who will guarantee the quality of every |sel HMS Barfield was directed SPEC c @ FROZEN FOODS e LOBLAW diamond. From 75.00, each diamond purchase in- ito find an anchor lost during segs REEF, TURKEY, CHINESE STYLE EASTER CANDIES CHOICE cop FILLETS ' haa aan A re cludes a_ sterling silver |Home Fleet manouevres in . : tation case and free Scapa Flow in the Orkney Is- MORTON FROZEN For the finest selection of SPECIAL! AVAILABLE 16 MOST MARKETS : SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS progeny ae eae lands. She brought up eight Domestic & Imported Specialties. ne 65 PORTIONS 49: |three-t chors, § eet oO , g ieee jchain, 500 feet of heavy cable e A complete selection in BREADED SHRIMPS PKG ¢ SOLE OSHAWA BIR KS land 10 antictorpso fete ---- But DINNERS : : W107 every store. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SMOKED 41 VY not the missing anchor 7 1B : LR C€ SHOPPIN CENTRE RS rake wt heer uameate ATTRACTIVELY PRICED LAKE SMELTS ..... ..i3%, 29 con FILLETS ne SHOPPING JEWELLERS 'ais is 725-3511 The first minimum wage jlaws' were introduced in New |Zealand in 1894