10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 18, 1962 Friday The 13 WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS Bad Luck Day TO ATTEND SCHOOL |move follows a request from The streets committee has|the Whitby Volunteer Fire Com- recommended that the road|pany which pointed out that a superintendent be authorized tojtruck leaving Whitby for a car attend the 1962 School for Road|fire on 401 must travel all the Superintendents on May 14 and|way to Ajax now before cross- 15 in Toronto. Council endorsed! ing over to the eastbound lane. the move. BOTHERED BY BEES FOR PARKING LOT Councillor Desmond Newman, The town property committee|presenting the repoft of his recommended that the town lot|committee for protection of per- on the south side of Colborne|sons and property, reported as street, the site of the former/follows: "Your chairman re- town hall, be turned over to the/ported that he had received a committee on protection to per-|complaint from Mr. F. Adey, sons and property to be de-|207 Lee avenue, that his chil- veloped as a parking lot. Coun-|dren were being bothered by cil adopted the report. bees. The town clerk was in- jstructed to write the Depart- NO COMFORT STATION ment of Agriculture of the Prov- The property committee, in ajince of Ontario and request a report adopted by council,/report from their inspector." recommended that no action be taken at this time to provide a) BOY SCOUT OPEN HOUSE comfort station in the downtown! The Boy Scout Association of area, Whitby was granted permis- mission to use Centennial Park AT LAKE PARK 'on June 9 and 10 for their an- The property committee will/nual open house. spend $1,200 on park toilets and * dressing rooms at the lakefront GUIDE COOKIE DAY park this year. The work will] The Girl Guide Association of be done by the town's works Whitby was granted permission department to sell cookies in Whitby on May 5, their annual Cookie Day. APPLY FOR CROSS-OVERS Council, following a recom- KINSMEN CARNIVAL -- mendation of the protection to) The Kinsmen Club of Whitby persons and property commit-|was granted permission to use tee will apply to the Department) Centennial Park from July 16 to of Highways for two emergency|21 for their annual carnival. cross-overs on Highway 401 be- i tween Whitby and Ajax. The ASKS PARKING BAN Protection to persons and property committee will study a request from Gordon Grant @ that parking on one side of Palmerston avenue be banned. The applicant also asked that Whitby Welding Works, on Level Crossing Palmerston avenue be prohibit- The Board of Transport Com- ed from repairing machinery missioners, reporting on in-|on the street. spection of two level railway ae saaes in Port Whitby, has ADD TO DEPARTMENT recommended that both be im-|_ A bylaw was gen oe proved. The proposals were) /ZIN& an increase in t ay Oy turned over to the committee on| of volunteer firemen to 3) 5} recruiting junior members, protection of persons' and prop- erty with the 'chairman of Fined $50 For Disturbance streets invited to sit in on the meeting Under study by the board are the CNR crossings on Victoria] St. E. and Dunlop Drive. In| both instances two main lines of the CNR pass of over these| A Whitby man, who created streets and a siding or passing|a disturbance in a_ public line. place by using foul language, was Tuesday fined $50 and costs or 15 days in Whitby Magistrate's Court by Magis- trate Robert Dnieper. James Lynch of 103 Brock street north, pleaded guilty to In each instance, the board's} engineer recommended that the the charge, which was laid by Suggest Chang steep grades be altered and signals be installed. The board suggested that they would consider authorising a grant of 80 per cent of the cost A Whitby man, who pushed an acquaintance through a plate glass window, was Tues- day fined $100 and costs or 30 days in jail for causing a dis- turbance by Magistrate Robert Dnieper in Whitby Magistrate's Court. Before pronouncing sentence, however, His Worship suggest- ed that the accused, Clarence Birrell Cook of 318 Mary street west, Whitby, pay for the broken glass, which originally was the door of Ginter's Res- taurant in Whitby. a similar charge was dismissed against Robert Edward White of 546) Beresford avenue, Toronto. | Mrs. W. Ginter testified that on Friday, April 13, Cook and town has not paid its $10 annual/White entered her restaurant membership for some years. |on Brock street north in Whitby jand began to push each other. |She said she asked them to go outside but that Cook pushed [There are presently 22 volun- | teers, TO CHECK PARKING Following a motion by Coun- cillor Joyce Burns, the commit- tee for protection of persons and property will give consider- ation to a parking problem on Dufferin street. JOIN MUTUAL AID Council this week asked the committee on protection of per- sons and property .to find out whether or not Whitby Fire Brigade is a member of On- tario County Mutual Aid. Deputy - reeve George Brooks said the local brigade works with other departments as a mutual aid member but the HALF LOADS BYLAW A bylaw to establish a period of half-loads for Whitby streets in ioe bagi ea 4 ies White through the plate glass turned to the bylaws committee); : * ; after councillors noted there|"0dow. in' the restaurant's |might be some problems en- door. | jforeing it since the town's two} Mr. Ginter said she called |main streets happen to be Pro-|ine police when Cook and White| vincial highways too. ? | came back into the restaurant TO PLANT TREE and began to fight. | Councillor Joyce Burns re-) Const. Kenneth Edwards of Page ag ne om para Sl Seng Tones Department e itby jsail that when he and Cpl.) an ge ete iad lawn at, the/ James Hooker arrived at the| town hall, e tree, sal S-/scene the two men. were strug- Burns, is now eight to 1 feet lgling at the tear oF the Bulla jhigh and came from the Roya jing and that they had to sepa- gardens in England. -- _|rate them. Both men had been Roepe Scene drinking, he added. | AGAINST SMOKING STUTTGART, Germany (AP) Supplier Asks | Local Priority sere note os Whitby's finance committee|thur Sauter, 61, and associates) will study a abc ceagell nha '| Proposes higher tobacco taxes, | local building supply firm that), nning tobacco ads, non-smok-| the town make certain that). : ' buildings built by public funds|ing for motorists and public; jand materials so used be ac-|transport passengers. and no| quired locally. |smoking at work. | 2 A OR PO PO OE IOS Son-In-Law Tipped Pails, Faces Court A Bracebridge man, who police said, created a disturb- ance at his mother-in-law's house by overturning her gar- bage pails, was Monday fined $25 and costs by Magistrate Robert Dnieper in Whitby Police Court. Melville Lloyd West pleaded guilty to a charge of having liquor in a public place. Chief Charles Robinson of the Beaverton Police Department said that at 1.30 a.m. on Tues- day, April 17, he answered a call by the accused's mother- in-law that he was upsetting her garbage pails and trying to get into the house. Upon arrival, he said, he| "pig i found that West was in an in- when h ica rie ee toxicated condition and had in ne cit we peer 40 NONE his possession a 12-0z. bottle of|test?" enquired the Magis- liquor. |trate. "Yes," replied the ~ jofficer. OWNED RACING BOATS _| "I have a feeling that this _ PHOENIX , Ariz, (AP) -- Wil-itest would be hard even. when liam T, Waggoner Jr., 57, mil-|you're sober," commented Mag- lionaire sportsman and cattle-|istrate Dnieper in passing judg- man, died Monday. Heir to aj/™ent. Tripped Up By Breathalizer, | Jailed Week | | Maurice Hailey Cooper, 39, of| Minden, was sentenced to seven days in the County Jail for) drunk driving by Magistrate Robert Dnieper in Whitby Police Court on Monday. Const. Ray Goodwin of the Whitby OPP Detachment said that on April 7, he followed the accused through the village of Brooklin and east along the 6th Concession and observed that he was driving in an erratic manner, Later at the station, he said, a breathalizer test on Cooper read 2.1 parts per 1,000 of alco-| rol and that he was shaky on the heel and toe test and the finger to nose test. Ecc ea le ae a gr . . . At EASTER TIME !! MOTOR HOTELS RESTAURANT IN BOWMANVILLE Offers... Oven Prepared Hickory Smoked GLAZED and FRUITED HAMS WITH A QUART OF MADEIRA SAUCE PRICED ACCORDING TO WEIGHT AVERAGE 7 TO 9 LBS. at 1.20 PER LB. CALL MA 3-3373 big ranching and oil estate with interests in Texas and New Mexico, Waggoner won national!) recognition for his ownership of | such hydroplane racers as| Shanty I and II and Maverick. He owned Shanty I when she | -|was the U.S. champion and win-| ner of the Harmsworth Interna-/ tional Trophy in 1956, Maverick) won the 1959 Gold Cup. When you' need Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" W. A. Smith Builders Supply, |- in a letter to council, suggested jthat such.a policy be followed. |The writer pointed out that local firms pay taxes to sup- |port the town and should re- ceive onsideration when the town makes its purchases. Councillor Joyce Burns, chair- jman of the property committee, jtold council. that to her know- \ledge local merchants were get- ting a fair share of the town's business. Councillor Paul Coath, of the finance committee, said |that accounts paid indicated |that Whitby's merchants jwell represented. poe were TALK ABOUT DELICIOUS MAPLE LEAF BRAND COMPARE AT 1.65 FLAVOR! Delicate 10:00 P.M. TONIGHT Wednesday April 18th OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL of improving the approaches; that 80 per cent of the cost of installing signals would be forth- coming from the Railway Grade Crossing Fund; 124% per cent of that cost from the town of Whitby and the remaining 714 per cent of the signals costs from the CNR. Both the town and the rail- the Whitby Police Department. Mayor Stanley Martin sug- , senny- Cpl. James Hooker said that) gested that the writer intended on April 7.he was walking uP/that such a policy would be Brock street north when he ob-| adopted when contracts are let. served the accused was having! Councillor Coath noted that it an argument with two other|might be difficult to tell a con- men, He said that when he ap-|tractor where to purchase mat- proached the trio, Lynch began/erja) or hire labor. } The accused had been drink-|study the letter and report to sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine makes just about everything taste better. Good for little people... it's nutritious because it's all vegetable. ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY TILL 10:00 P.M. CANNED HAMS \< "mn 1.39 TIN COMPARE AT 31¢ -- AYLMER STUFFED OLIVES 29. COMPARE AT 27¢ -- OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY 49. SAUCE 8-0Z. JAR 15-0Z. TINS way have been invited to make ing, he added. to shout and swear. The finance committee "*9 council on any policy proposals. SERB EB BRE eee COMPARE AT 49c--PET RITZ their respective submissions to the Board of Transport Com- missioners. RAILWAY BRIDGES The Canadian National Rail- woys, in a letter to council, said if the town felt that the bridges over the railway on Brock and Henry street were inadequate the town should make its sub- missions to the Board of Trans- port Commissioners. This mat- ter was turned over to the streets committee $10,000 Error In School Grant At Whitby Public School Board meeting held at Kath- leen Rowe School last week the board was informed that the 1962 budget was out of balance by $10,000. In a letter from the| Schools Inspector the board) was told that the Public Schools} Grants Office had made an error when calculating amounts| to be granted with respect to debentures issued for school building The Grants Office had mis. | taken the debenture issue for the R. A. Hutchison Public School with the debentures is- sued jointly for Kathleen Rowe and Palmerston Avenue Schools. Board Chairman R, P.} Matthews said that the surplus) from last year's budget could! now be understood. The board) decided that Town Council be} informed of the $10,056 deficit. | The board has asked that the! difference be extracted in 1963) NOW ONLY THIS IS TOP GRADE REGULAR 8.75 GALLON EXTERIOR SUPER WHITE HOUSE PAINT} 95 GALLON 1.95 per QUART | APPLE | PIES COMPARE AT 49c--FANCY QUALITY 39. » ORANGE 407 JUICE TN 2-69 FROZEN . s SUNSPUN ICE CREAM GALLON CHRISTIES DELICIOUS HOT CROSS BUNS ,,,. 35° CHRISTIES CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES = "sf: 89 35¢ GOLDEN HOUR CHOCOLATES 1-LB. BOX SAVE 19¢ DOZEN-- SPECIAL PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP 12 ,.,, 98° PKG. "IT" WHITE 89°] SHOE POLISH 'sir 29¢ GRADE "A" --4 TO 7 LBS. TURKEYS » 4): RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON MAPLE LEAF BRAND -- FULLY COOKED SHANKLESS AND SKINLESS -- NO WASTE -- HALF OR WHOLE MILD CURED SMOKED PICNIC HAMS u. 39° THE ECONOMY SMOKED MEAT 1-LB. PKG. 39° rather than 1962 because this year's budget is now set IMPERIAL lo-glaze Smoked HAMS 1. WE JUST ARRIVED, DIRECT FROM THE PRODUCER--NEW SEASON MAPLE SYRUP SPROULE'S Corner King at Ritson Rd. Ample Room for Parking mal FLOWERS ARE ALI AB ALSO AT THE SAME PRICES WHITE OR COLORS INTERIOR -- FLAT -- LATEX -- SEMI-GLOSS PATTE'S | PAINT & WALLPAPER LTD. 85 SIMCOE NORTH, OSHAWA WE DELIVER... 725-3529 PAVED PARKING LOT AT REAR OF STORE Exceptional fine quality in gal- lon, half gallon and quart tins. Available at all three Sproule's Stores. Hit @ high-note In fashion at a low-key price: -sing through spring in one of these neot hats. We also carry a full line of accessories EDNA ANN HATS Oshawa Shopping Centre OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY THURS, TILL 9 P.M.