|jurors are unknown, 'A PARAMOUNT MEL EASE ? s ' 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Apri 14, 1962 ~ : ! Electric Farmers Ge known as Glen. initially it is recommended in zones of west- oe ae te ; * e Re, , ; ; slightly earlier maturing and Wh . S ] higher vielding pis ed ordinate the findings of various EDMONTON (CP)--An elec-| Canadian Press Staff Writer |If they were, the majority would categories as men but she even EDMONTON (CP) -- New q { 1 L 4 ; : A grain v z ties whic after-effects of some gas and|tumbling down but the polished/a growing demand for the right. yin gen poCUMENT seeds recommended to Alberta Sin varieties which have ' 9 sj s ta - versity of Alberta hospital, | A Cross-Canada Survey by|La Presse and a writer herself,|, The committee includes rep. Z0nes in Alberta. Recommenda lori Z -ases. @ 'hie: ' A - a 4s} A the hospital's department of an-|Provinces that bar women from|in Quebec "follows the usual|¢timinal cases, and Chief Jus-'vincial agriculture departments. into four zones within which chine on animals. seen in two others and rarely|. . . or not holding them respon-) oo, no civil jury trials Commended in each of the four|cipitation, soil type and length when electric current is applied|°Mly are women called for jury) Thatcher in all respects except vided as growth conditions may d eral has asked for more since 1942, One of them, Ger.| Premier E. C. Manning, who|Stem rust. out the ent move ' addition there is an important|Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, |JU=s- Pauline Cazelais, presi-/serve as a juror unless she! ; umbia. There are plenty of loop-|. She recalled pleading a casey her willingness. STAIRS surgeon, Dr. Cameron said, a8) ward Island and Quebec women for me if there had been ajon the jury hearing her case bs ° TECHMICOLOR® * iia tient is not influenced by grog- ; ¢ y re is little|}\Women are exempted only on F & * Y sr0g-/WOMEN LOBBY In Newfoundland there is litte} t OWATCH YOUR STERN" In tests on animals, electrodes|women's organizations have Curtis said his department has|when their names are placed on COLOR 'ane PANAVISION" "TEN TALL MEN" experienced complete anesthe-|Kelso Roberts subsequently|enough of how it works on the/is minimal i sia. It is hoped that by putting| asked sheriff's officers to oblige|mainland to be convinced it is) Frank Cotton, New Westmin- z More experiments will be car-|form claiming exemption. They women in the 45-60 age group|advantage in rape cases where five per cent of the total uni- | by about 700 a. year Here a ! play their flag UF Photo The machine as_ built yjdent of the 38,000-strong Feder-|not have the time. Mrs. The new variety of oats is 2 ' central and all of northern Al- nes berta. It has characteristics hestnesla -- OW Val FANG simiar to Garey but it is . eing este | The Alberta committee was By DAVE BRACEY women are not allowed to serve.jexemption under the same formed several years ago to co- ' : ' alan plc licaetaat sxperimental agenci tronic anesthetic machine| Most of the bastions against)probably be excluded by the has the right to release merely varieties of oats and wheat have Laide Mag cg: AN which may do away with the|equality of the sexes have come/property qualification. There is because of her sex. been added to the 1962 list of es rte! s a Z : | Mrs . ier, wife of D ieee ss proved most suited to produc- liquid . anesthetics now being hi = 5 Acai ie sae the atiiontneslot of Mexssaal Alberta hasn't seen a woman|armers: 4 the ee Varietal tion in various soil and climatic used, is being tested at the Uni-/Tesisting to the bitter end. ' , n the jury box for 10 years. ommittee. Dr. D. F. Cameron and Dr.|The Canadian Press shows that}commented that the disqualifi-| They a Bh oa un De | resentatives of the University. of tions are revised annually. -- J.W.R. Mcintyre members of|although there are only threejcation of women for jury duty 7 J |Alberta and the federal and pro- The province has been divided ; A . i petite tice C. C McLaurin of the Al- esthesia, are testing. the ma-jJUry service, they are never|procedure of ignoring women berta Supreme Court said there The new wheat variety, re- growth conditions such as pre- Dr. Cameron said anesthesia a ee 5s aa sible. in the province for 10 years. InjZones of Alberta. is known as of growing season are rea is complete and instantaneous| | mato M for jury MAY PRACTISE LAW addition, 06 per cent of criminal/eninaien. fi 1s stealiar seipatore. Doses to : , in every lwomen have been allowed tocases were handled by judges}, ™ cei p Sadilaiey and the patient revives immed-|4ty nog oe vba Mag 'S!practise law in the province|without juries for its superior resistance to not be entirely uniform. through- iately when the current is re-|@ Woman) but the attorney-gen- | out the entire region. y "OV s the ai $8 Montreal, saidjis also attorney - general, said| una ee . ' F The seven provinces that of- Valse Brisson of nc Madea ' Pics etal any ale pe ge ficially allow women jurors are Women should be allowed to|no woman can be compelled to} ) 4 i -clatch (dent of the Quebec Association|signs a document, before a jury y a <a amnesia factor. When the cur-jontario, Manitoba, Saskatch-| £ Women Lawyerk, eared. jsummons is presented, signify-| iy: ya) fant th removed: the patianiewal: Alberta and British Col-(°! "omen US) et, Oe Lave fig) THE awakens instantly but does not a '+ want|before a jury for a man charged| Under some circumstances a ae al INNOCENTS remember what happened. pepo magne Whe Sen wae vith manslaughter and said: "Ijwoman litigant in Alberta may| ie Cee amo QUINN. . This is a great help to the In Newfoundland. Prince Ed-|think it would have been betterjapply to have women included Baca ta ALS ke can better. tell the effective- woman on the jury. I think} British Columbia's Jury Act] Y Both Features Adult Entertainment ness of his work when the pa- 7 7 fd covers both men and wo ; ' n pa |women are more humane. s man TOBAY ONLY giness and nausea following the! Ontario has long had women prospect of women crashing jur-/the same grounds as men but 4; operation. on its juries. Recently, however,jies. Attorney-General Leslie R.|they must be notified in writing] 5 « ie have been clamped on the heads|heen lobbying for better repre- been thinking it over for several)preliminary lists. The number) of the animals and they havelsentation. Attorney - Generaljyears but'so far he hasn't seen|of women who eventually serve : | the electrodes on only a portion} when they next call juries practicable or desirable. _|ster sheriff, said women jurors tof the body a condition of local} Unlike men, women may'be! Mrs. A. W Parsons, JODE|are as able as men on most beeen STUDENTS FROM ABROAD anesthesia can be induced exempted simply by filling alregent in St. John's, saidjcases "but they are at a dis- The 7000 foreign students in | versity - level enrolment and | group of Nigerian students at jried out on animals before the!don't need an excuse should be allowed to sit on ju-|the evidence is usually not very LOCAL 222 U.A.W. Canada account for more than | their numbers are increasing the University of Alberta dis- {machine is tried on humans. Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, presi-'ries. The younger ones would/ wholesome." ae . Bertrand Galloway, |Neil Burtch, a University of Al-jated Women's Institutes of On-| Manitoba permits women ju- pre sidan of the Provincial 25th jberta electronics expert, work-|tario, says she doesn't approve|rors, subject to the same qual-|Gounej] of Women. said: "There e = V Tired Swan jing from plans of a machinejof it being made so easy for|ifications as men, and also pro- would be times when the situa and 1an Tm currently in use at Jackson,)women to beg off. Everyivides them with a set of legal tion might be delicate and dif- Miss. Twelve successful opera-| woman, she said, should be pre exemptions. of their own ficult, But the evidence in rape | | jtions on human beings have|pared to serve unless her duties _ sa neva i | nem * ; | been performed using the ma-\as a mother prevent it NURSES EXEMPTED Mecked aan uae of ts weal ~ e or on O | chine at Jackson In Nova Scotia, women have| Members of religious orders a scvind EGE wciien take! A 9 P.M. TO 12 P.M been permitted to serve as long;Who live in convents or other} ante spl mt | , .M, .M, STONE. Ont. (C , : 'as men. But it wasn't until Hali-|re |igious communities may oe | LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)--Thejplan for the retraining program ee oe oe Major Roles For fax Alderman Abbie Iane|claim exemption. So may reg-| Numbers of men and women : SAT APRIL 14th sibility of Canadian parti i-|may have influenced the Cana-\oo 7 we Tewmming swans headed a protest by women's|istered or practical nurses,jon juries should be equal, she a id possibility of Canadian partici-| mz lave intluence fe CARE" nice ae 'i ; bie a ne apa . " tw , pation in a retraining programidian government in its stand. @8 @Pparently been solved Theatre Veterans organizations three years ago|Wives of law' officers, judges,|said. "'Too many women would , as ailer st carried away and too many Al ' : emy still i additi s here sé t ms ) . mr, * they ever reached the jury,coroners and jailers get carried y an 3 for the Congolese army still is\I addition, sources here say It seems they didn't want to STRATFORD, Ont. (CP.)-- 8 6 sells a see vis Women may also be released|men would be inclined to for- rineee > te the ere has been no thorough sur- ' te sia wiew + nes | ian ; ie eg ) paties $ # being discu sed Bere ees ie ve - . ond _ 6 sighs yet . continue their northward migra Two veterans of the Stratford! iy Halifax from duty because of the nature|give the sinners. The same U A WwW. HALL fac anada says she cannot as made of the a oe ws 6 . iton because one of their num. Festival's Light Opera Com- of evidence involved or the is number of men and women sdssivicial help here is even some doubt at b ' ee pany will return fr EnglandiN ; i rie yould balance th xs : er wasn't fit to travel. pan} urn from England|NO DEMAND sues, to be tried jwould balance this out, ; } J 1 fficers inte ] t aS heiriguak a my . fee Xe | 4 ' i F \. Lo Informed United Nations| i officer unfamil ia Aasnt aa 4 to play major roles in The Gon-| "No one has pressed for, In 1961 only three women ac-| Her reason for opposing the $3.00 per couple. Lunch & Refreshments sources here say the Canadian|!@! Wil fa big nisi je depariment of lands and doliers, this summer's Gilbert) women on juries in the rest of tually served on. juries in Mani-jidea of an all - woman jury? i | ®@ TICKETS OBTAINED AT THE DOOR @ government last January turned manuals used by tt L, on g forests reports that late injand Sullivan production at the the province."' said a spokes-toba. Forty had been summoned|"'There wouldn't be down a request by Acting Sec- ary ange do an 3 eclive JOD March 500 whistling swans, Avon Theatre here man for the Nova Scotia attor-\and 25 claimed exemption Atljails to hold all the men." : om lin t irst few months mgt ; A ' Aad pore ee stoeniblinaiiah aia retary - General U Thant for 1n the sila a rigs . which usually rest on water dur- Harry Mossfield, a native ofjney - general's department.|this. year's spring assizes 28 French-speaking Canadian offi-| Mobutu is said to see in a Australia who came to Canada|"Therefore, nothing has been|were called. Eighteen begged . ' = 1 4 eir grati xo cers to run a Congolese officers'|Canadian - run officer school a) "8 : hese bape eer 4 in 1952, and Irene Byatt of Van-|done." off, 10 reached the panel, but school way of getting rid of undesirable MUG@yY Maidstone Township | couver are currently appearing] Elsewhere in the Maritimes,/none served : ' fice field in southwestern Ontario as ; 7 vd aor ? ; ae dikes orig It is understood 20 officer-in- elements in his officer ranks ' sionpiig place 48'at Her Majesty's Theatre injuries are ultra-masculine Court officials: said this 1s structors would be required.|a process now under way. Some , London New Brunswick in 1954 gave about average. Women have Canada's decision is. said to dismissed officers have formed! They took to the air each day Mossfield Wiii play Don Al- women the right to include their) been allowed to serve since 1952 TONIGHT have been based on the fact the renegade bands which roam the but kept coming back to joinihambra del Bolero, the Grandinames on jury panels but none!in Manitoba but for some rea- Canadian Army cannot spare bush and have been blamed for) one bird that remained on the) Inquisitor, and Miss Byatt will|has ever served son, officials said, both Crown more French - speaking officers| atrocities against UN personnel . _ A conservation _ officer be seen as the Duchess of Plaza-- In Prince Edward Island jury and defence lawyers usually | Old Ti M d than it now provides for the Ca- and missionaries in Kivu prov- ed t the bird was injured.| Toro service is confined to males by challenge women ime -- odern nadian contingent in the UN ince in recent months. nvestigation showed it was! Jack Creley has already been|law. No one has made much The situation is similar in| L TOLD AS "UP bags merely exhausted. hosen for the role of the Duke| avor she 5 shew 5 called Congo force. INEG 7 ¢ r 0 e Duke} noise in favor of a change Saskatchewan. Some are calle | RENEGADE TROOPS When it was moved to another of Plaza-Toro and Ilona Kom-} Under Quebec's: Juror's Act,/for service but nearly all are] The contingent includes about anv t renege troops | Many of the renegade troop jrevised as recently as 1941, excused. A women may claim} a dozen army and RCAF staff).+o followers of Gen. Victor officers at UN headquarters and), yndula, Lumumba's army place it began to feed and walk)brink as his daughter Casilda around. When the flock of swans' Miss Byatt has previously ap- is d returned that night they didn't;peared here as Buttercup in ' k rj ana- was supplante . Dt 7 j aout: 19 cers wan pg ew chief who was supplanted by land. The assumption is that the|HMS Pinafore and Ruth in The 1 | dian signal unit which provides' Mobutu. Lundula is based at only reason they kept coming|Pirates of Penzance, while NEW DRIVERS ee ee parse internal communications in The stanleyville and commands pack was because they didn't|Mossfield played Captain Cor- © Congo. Fewer than half the total) some 8,000 troops whom he has/want to desert their Geiduatedlcoban in Pinalote and ihe os S d mea |! K h M : Jn . y enneth More friend rate king in Pirates SAVE MONEY ... AVOID ACCIDENTS alur ays ADMISSION -- $1.00 are bilingual placed, nominally if not in fact TO ASK RECONSIDERATION under Mobutu's command ~ -- ee ere eer cares, " HIS SPECTACULAR ESCAPES UN sources hint Canada may From his. headquarters here NNVLELELS 7 ATTEND THE TRAFFIC CLINIC COUPLES ONLY MADE PRISONER OF WAR : | be asked to reconsider its deci-/Mobutu is said to have the al- sion, especially since the re- nce of about 12,000 soldiers quest originally came from Gen them ni check by re- Free Instructions by Experts Joseph Mobutu, commander of'stricting them to army camp the Congolese national army. areas and keeping them off the 7 = WITH The Great Big Wonderful = Gain Knowledge that Gives Confidence Sicud ot ital Sichicta in. the calsa. youna\ trees and out cf public places Re FUEL OIL! and Improves your Driving Ability ound o usie . 6. man in his early 30s who 18)Where they often went, out of A TIEAAAANS THE COURSE INVOLVES TWO EVENINGS . . . PAT RICCIO months ago set himself the task beat UN personnel eae FROM pac of restoring law and order in T * =A , roubled -countr His reorgdnization of the army uesday, April 17th and 24th ; AK ORGANIZATION Mere §=§©McLAUGHLIN HEATING cite and hi suite ng se g Ka-|former Belgian officers of the YOU MUST ATTEND BOTH TO CONTINUOUS r / : ' HARDY lA mba, late ain in : tanga, and setting up a govern-\0ld Force Publique, hired as (a division of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd.) QUALIFY FOR MAGISTRATES CERTIFICATE Recording Orchestra nt ¢ Y studer 7 sers on Mobutu's ment of young students until the technical ads TIME: 7:30 P.M : Acclaimed The Top Tochay.! soliticians sett i staff. They are kept out of ges ct hitagy : ; pecans sees See eet especially 'when. in. unl Telephone 723-3481 | THE PLACE: The Court Room Oshowa Police Bldg. Pence Bend in Conese sutta¥ Mobutu's request for Cana- to | FROM 1:30 P.M. che tb trai Ma officsta ig/POORES he eee me based partly. on his friendship|,, Some observers here say th Premgl Peneny! s aire Deena SAT., SUN., MON. ONLY u bi i bed | DOORS OPEN MONDAY 6:00 P.M., SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. ¢ ' Peanch.Cana.itne ideal retraining | i get gt yaa *UN should be operated by s Budget Plan--Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery ag h ' ---- . ---- -- = -- hada ech 12 fre nuenendnec overt" oe | "Tum To Modern Living With Ol! Heat" | artroose | lave Der sse eh j Pee pie z ability and willingness to help) Cust 2 ne acetone rane enim --$----$$$_$____--_--- Caboose' sf bs | METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, The Congo and his army " Ge ute im Trae a me - : The UN's retraining program) a? how such a. step. Doris DAVID | PRESENTS AN ARTHUR FREED, prooucriow ? AK for the army calls for officer H Dy ' x : contributions from India, Tun- NOTICE | % ¢ DAY NIVEN f ; H » MAKES SUCCESSFUL DEBUT e ' Di | i ei . among others. The key to the) TEHRAN. Ire F\ Se | Ae i .e f Wallis, form, and. do not command isia, Geece and Argentina program would be officer-t made its debut in vi f ing by French-speaking tennis by defeating Malz 3 : ENDERS ASKED a dians Wednesday in the fir i sergs the Asian zone tour ' OTHERS ASKED Iran's three-man team wi Tenders for operation of the "Refreshment Booth' at Kinsmen Without the Canadians to Jaipur next week {o meet Civic Memorial Stadium for the 1962 season, are requested. Mobutu is said to see little|jnqia's formidable squad in The following pers are expected to make use of the stadium * OSHAWA chance of success in the Pro-| onan round for dates in 1962 -- Oshawa and District Soccer Association | eram. Of the other countries she ; (first and second division), Oshawa Hungarian Soccer Club | . only the Tunis ond Oshawa Italia Soccer Club, (Oshawa teams in the Ontorio ' art ate, "7 > y to, parucipate STEADY GROWTH National Soccer League). The Oshawa Shriners Club (circus) ian peak French. The Tunis " ' , 5 i me mea tot highly regarded by Population of East Nige Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association, Oshawa Junior bees ones "uty ans 2 Bn 5 Football Team. All tenders should be submitted in writing to ; ; rovine the in 1 unforgettable the Congolese, who consider the province of the independen v % Ki Ro North Africans just as under-|Federation of Nigeria, now is a 0 D> speed 36% King St. East, Oshawa, on or | " story of a new love... developed as themselves 8,000,000 and increasing about : : oe Id love This grab - bag organization 160,000 annuall; i 3 ano on > Oe : ---------------- . andthe THESE MADCAP MUSICIANS BLOW UP A ; : only city STORM IN THE MERRIEST ee in the world * 8 » COMEDY IN YEARS! E where it : } ; : ' ld hherneyg's , ae, OSHAWA «+ PETERBOROUGH COBOURG ins Are Pleased To Have Been Chosen Once Again To FURNISH THE 1962 a | . ' 5 LESLIE PHILLIPS Recommended as ak YVETTE Bain your eyes: MODEL HOMES " een in rm CVA ROESAND. vee GEORGE -- ™**>#""r"t BARRY oe WIN THe WIND 2225 | deHAVLLMID-BRAZZ|-MIMMEUK-HANILTON: SULLIVAN Beau Valley ' -- Eastman COLOR bp peered «ele CINEMASCOPE START Cola oP --2 P.M. T .M, [ EN DAILY--2 O9P.M 9 SUNDAY |2P4S Atons proory' yaoey 3 NEW HOMES: 'HAWAIIAN SPORTS' FEATURE AT @ The MONTEGO © The BONAIRE © The BERMUDA pee BEY REE IN TECHNICOLOR Ah FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 2:15-4;30.6:59-9:05 LAST DAY:---SERGEANTS 3 -- FRANK SINATRA eae A aT JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE