Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Apr 1962, p. 16

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ary manufacturing industries of the regions through which it runs, Recent surveys indicate that food processing plants could be established in the areas, with the assurance of a plentiful and continuous water supply essen- tial to their operation. Also, development of potash assurance. A plentiful supply. of water is essential to these oper- ations. Already a Toronto company has leased 4,000 acres in the area to test the potential of the deposits. It is hoped that if tests in the dry southwestern corner of Manitoba prove it feasible, wa- ter from the underground source can be combined with surface water to provide sorely ded irrigation to the area. D. W. WILSON LTD, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA $-6588 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 14, 1962 HOME OF THE WEEK YOUR GARDEN Tree's Purpose Decides Choice | By SIMON HAMMERSMA Parkhill Nursery, Peterboro. When choosing a tree for the home it must be remembered that some trees need much more room than others and that all trees are not lawn trees. Shade is needed in the garden and a suitable tree in the right nlace may become the centre of outdoor living. The larger trees such as elm, maple and linden are more suitable for the larger properties. The elm is admired for its sheltering branches and the Norway, sugar and red maples for their colsr and ability to grow into well formed trees but they are also rather slow growing. One of the fastest growing maples is the silver maple but it should be given lots of space and should be well away from sew- ers or disposal beds. If space is available, more lindens or basswoods should be planted as they are symmetri- cal and handsome in flower and foliage. The pin oak may be used for its graceful drooping habit and bright red fall leaves. Other large growing trees are: north- ern catalpa and Carolina poplar, the first one medium fast grow- ing and'a beautiful tree both for its leaves and bloom. Th2 Caro- lina poplar is fast growing and beomes ca good shade tree jwhere space is available. Shade trees for a medium size lawn can be selected from the follow- ing varieties. Mountain Ash seldom exceed 30 feet in height. The berries, perhaps their greatest glory, follow the flat topped white Missouri May Aid Canadians WINNIPEG (CP)--The Mis-,ter, indicating drillers may be souri River may yet prove of|tapping the same source. deposits along the Sas- economic value to Canada's} The theory was first -sug-|katchewan - Manitoba border eastern Prairies. gested in a report in 1957 by|Could go forward with greater Scientists now are testing in|E- C. Halstead of the federal southwestern Manitoba in an at-/department of mines and tech- nical surveys. In a map of the tempt to discover what they iy Brandon area the report plotted "a probable former river course" running from Brandon to the northeast. In 1961 it was discovered that the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers merge underground east of Estevan .and that their eet, any bonafide nurseryman how to fight these pests. If a little forethought is ex- ercised in their planting, trees will repay all the ey" that must be given them. It is ob- viously not enough merely to|lieve may be the former bed set a tree in the ground and ex-|the Missouri. pect it to grow into a perfectly; Some believe the river, which healthy and stately specimen|appears in Montana and flows without assistance. If this is|eastward through North Dakota true in favorable locations how) before turning south to the Mis- much more eg eee' it i fat slesippl, once flowed -- city trees which have far differ-/th rough Saskatchewan an ent conditions against which to|Manitoba and emptied into ni apg back to the struggle. |Lake Winnipeg. The following is a list of trees} The theory is that about 12,-/INDUSTRIAL USES for various purposes, which 000 years ago, during a glacial! Development of the water po- may be helpful: period, the river channel wasitential represented by the river For city conditions» Norway/filled with glacial sediment sev-|could have long-range impact Maple, Morraine Locust, Caro-|eral hundred feet thick, divert-|on the agricultural and second- lina Poplar, Chinese Elm,|ing the stream southward into Northern Catalpa, Linden or|what now is the north-central 5 IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL ond Basswood. |United States. Heating Equipment ELCO Ue See | McLaughlin Heating | tor i | © FUEL OIL © STOVE on | ® Prompt Delivery | 104 King W. = RA' 3-3481 CANADA'S FINEST court Due ve oF end me, gation, my 1962 GARDEN GUIDE of the new Weeping trees; weeping)! It is believed, however, that Birch, Weeping Willow, Cutleaf|because of the drainage pattern Maple. lof the region, water still is flow- Trees with colored foliage:\ing underground through the Red Maple, Purple Beech, Sun-|ancient channel. het i burst locust, Variegated Maple |FOUND WELLS Quick growing trees: Silver] Maple, Carolina Poplar, Chi-| Tests in the Estevan area of Saskatchewan indicate there is} nese Elm and Weeping Willow. s . ja water-saturated stratum 300 EXPAND POWER jto 368 feet below the surface,) ST, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) --'!from one to 3% miles in width| Newfoundland's rural electrifi jand 70 feet in depth in places.| cation program has _ provided!Tests in the area have produced | electricity for about 3,000 more|as much as 3,500,000 gallons of} families since it was launched| water a day. | four years ago. The provincial} In the Brandon area of Man-! power commission estimates|itoba, along the presumed chan- between 3,000 and 4,000 homes|nel of the river, artesian oF USE OUR HYDRO are still without electric power. | produce a heavy volume of wa-) TIME PAYMENT PLAN ! <-- | COOK'S ELECTRIC RECRUIT DOCTORS PHONE 725-6109 ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) Twelve doctors recruited by the SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY Newfoundland health depart- ment last fall in New York and BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. flower clusters of May andigpritain have taken up their Current Range of Products include: 'yearly June. |duties in the province, the de- Several varieties of birches|partment reported also never grow out of hand and their white bark adds color SEPTIC TANKS @ CURBING DURA STEPS WALK SLABS RAILINGS WELL TILE PATIO SLABS CHIMNEY CAPS to the garden especially in win- ter time. The flowering crab is another, small tree which may be plant- SPECIALIST IN CUSTOM PRECASTING ed on a small lawn. It grows 15 Ph. OLiver 5-3311 Prov. eth se Yee a pw warletios of OFFER omy UMS > ? by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 LIVING, | RPORT ; of 12-9" 15-0 10-.0'». 6-0" -- em ; OUR GUARANTEE All "DUMONT" Aluminum Products ere guaranteed to be free from detects in material and workmanship. They ere guaranteed for a lifetime by the selle: and by the manufec- turer against rust, corrosion, pitting, warping and other de- terioration, arising from natural causes end conditions. Let Us Show You!!... HOW TO HEAT that COLD ROOM or RECREATION ROOM -- WITH -- ELECTRIC HEAT 9t Fe ed pee e ---- a oe oe ae ee ee ee ee es eel * IN COLOR TOO! THAT'S DUMONT ALUMINUM PROD. LTD. 333 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 728-1651 ° . uty tye ack Buying or Selling ! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President || © DICK YOUNG Vice-President Rohe We wale al |] © LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. ome ' university § Ue) dents at Jakarta in Indonesial] 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 now are given basic military training. 1055 $Q.F. HOME DESIGN NO. 442! This practical room plan gives you a home that is adaptable to varying living requirements. Long _living- dining room has two expan- sive window areas, natural fireplace, china and book built-ins. Front location of kit- chen is favored by many homemakers, and it features the popuar corner sink, ex- cellent positioning of equip- ment and door to carport. Full bath has separate towel cabinet. A linen closet as also been provided. Design as shown is for brick veneer, but blueprints are also available for frame construction. Ask for CH-442-F. Standard Build- ers Blueprints for this design No. 442 cost $15.00 for the FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN heavy loss of trees each year. SCRATCHED CEDAR CHEST with prepared wood bleach, fol-isolution cf trisodium phosphate|W€ must not overlook tree dis-| QUESTION: The top cover of|!owing label directions careful-|using about a cupful in a half.|@48eS such as blights, rusts 3 9. few first set and $5.00 for addition- al sets. They are available in Canada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent sales tax). Now avail- able at this Newspaper Office (or from address below) is the New 1962 Design Book en- titled "Canada Guide To Home Planning and Design", price $1.00, and is tax free. This new edition includes in- formation on Financing in Canada, Building Construction Details, Landscaping, Color Selection, Interior Decorating, Furniture Arrangement, Cus- tom Designing, etc., plus over 100 popular and new designs to choose from. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. Note--New Design Book price $1.00 now being offered. to 20 feet high when fully de- veloped. It's beautiful not only jin its flowers but some varie- jties also have beautiful red leaves. Most of the smallest jlawn trees belong to the orna-! jmental flowering trees; those! jwill be discussed in a later ar-| jticle. | With the exception of willows, | "For a Lovelier Lawn" CHIP-CAL Pre-Emergence Crabgrass Killer Apply 36 Ibs. per 2000 aq. ft. for best results. 18-LB. BAG 36-LB. BAG | & & The Building Editor, e Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, jbirches, poplars and silver) | (1) Enclosed please tind 50c, for which send me Book|™4Ples, all shade trees grr! 5.60 9.95 | -- sel lanted successfully in of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" [PAE "6 A | Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance |SPéi"g or fall. The above men-| payable to The Oshawa Times). be ety nggenelg sey plant-| Name Address COCO OOP OOOO OOOOH OEE HEDEORE OOOH ODODE EEEOEOOESOOEEO® OOOO OTRO OO ROTO SOOO OOH OOOO SEH rseeeesaseeeresenes | ing the foliage, | {branches and trunk is also a| |help in hot weather. Trees have] | some enemies, however, such as| caterpillars, beetles, bores and) jother insects which cause al 16 CELINA ST. "Gorden Supplies Since 1909" my cedar chest is all scratch ly and then stain entire sur-| ed. How could I refinish it so it/face with wood stain. Apply] would be as beautiful as the/finish to match rest of the chest? I do not want to paint it; I want to keep it the original natural finish. ANSWER: "Touch-up" sticks); QUESTION: Our small en-| in ajtrance foyer has a black sl and materials in tubes, wide assortment of most wood colors, are available at house- wares, hardware and variety) stores, for use on furniture for this type of damage. To refinish the top complete-| ly: Remove any coating on the. surface down to bare wood (de-, matured alcohol for and paint rest of chest. SCRATCHED SLATE ate| floor, Our home is quite old and the slate has become very| scratched and drab - looking. | How can we improve its ap-! pearance? | ANSWER: Stone and mason-| ry cleaning preparations are available at many masonry| pail of water. Then rinse thor-|2%4 rots. They too are a serious oughly with clear water to re-| menace. Do not hesitate to ask the|move all trace of the cleaner. When the slate is thoroughly dry the scratches can be made less conspicuous and the color deepened and enriched by the following treatment: (Try a test area first, to see how you like the result). Mix three parts raw linseed oil with one part turpentine and rub this mixture well into the slate. Allow to re- main for a half hour, then vig-| orously wipe off all excess oil. If left on longer, a sticky resi- shellac|supplies and large hardware/due will form which is almost remover for var-jdealers; follow label directions|impossible to remove. After mish) and remove any dust.|for use carefully. Many of these|week or 10 days, repeat the Then touch up any scratches,| or uncolored areas, wood with matching wood stain; or bleach entire surface! Or scrub off dirt with a hot/slate surface. leave protective coatings or} the scratches. | THE HOME WORKSHOP PATTERN y | ceramic soaking oil treatment. Do this in thejfilms which will help obscure|last thing at night, to allow seevral traffic-free hours for the PORCH TILE | QUESTION: What kind of floor covering could we use for a porch, 11 by 11, which is un-! heated but enclosed with glass panels? It now has a painted wood floor. We would prefer flagstone, but because it is over the cellar stairs it is felt the| weight would be too great for! safety. Inasmuch as the temper- ature sometimes goes below freezing, any sort of asphalt! tile is not recommended. Would! tile, or any other} | type tile be advisable? | By RUTH W. SPEARS Two Dutch windmills are in eluded in Pattern 449. One is a) weathervane 13 inches high to be mounted on a pole. The other| is 23 inches high to stand be- side 2 pool or bird bath reflect- ing in the water. This pattern, which gives actual-size cutting guides and directions, is 50 cents and Weathervane Packet No. 11 containing four patterns. $1.75. Send orders to The Home Work- shop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. A comfortable chair may be made inexpensively with Pat- tern 297. The frame is of solid|- stock and the pattern gives full directions and an actual-size guide for cutting the shaped back leg and arm sections. A webbing foundation is used for the cushions. This pattern is 50 cents. It also is included in the Furniture for Thrifty Folks Packet No. 15-- a real bargain for $1.75. Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. GAS Courtesy SERVICE STATION HWY. NO. 2 (Between Oshawa and Whitby) e OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY 7 A.M. -- MIDNIGHT . QUALITY Oil Service ANSWER: Either a ceramic ; | tile, or a special outdoor rubber | j | tile, made to withstand weather exposure, could be used. But either of these requires profes-, sional installation. | Dimitri Shostakovich, famed! Soviet composer, will be guest of honor at this summer's Edin-' . mh bDraemor qa rale ms DON'T MISS IT! IT'S BEAUTIFUL HOMES OPEN FOR YOUR ADMIRATION THIS WEEKEND Exclusive Reoltor HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. 728-1679 So-Green's balanced formula FERTILIZER frrabeautifal loom' Recommended by lawn care specialists like John Bradshaw, Potash gives you a greener, healthier, more beautiful jawn right through the growing season. Homogenized for uniform results. Dustless, odourless granules for easy application. ON SALE NOW wherever you buy your lawn supplies of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and THERE'S AN EASIER WAY T0 DO IT! Cover cracked ceilings once and for all with ceiling tile. It comes in many beautiful ] wmf ali mui (hi ul gyal } Ur colors and distinctive patterns that add brightness and cheer to any room. ENOUGH TILE TO COVER A 9' x (2° CEILING FOR AS LITTLE AS $15.00 If you want a room to DUC ARCS SSSSIC CG AUS PST look very special, panel it with real wood plywood. v ACSI SS Enough paneling for a 12 x 8' room. Low as $19.00 DO YOUR SPRING REPAIRS and REMODELLING NOW PAY LATER... EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL 725-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO Ba I'll make my home complete... ¥ with CHROMALOX itt iN} Att, HEATERS \( Ww 'NY ni L- BASEBOARD HEATERS 'FAN DRIVEN WALL INSERT Chromalox offers the complete quality line which makes it possible for everyone to enjoy modern electrio heating... whether in new homes ,. . remodelling »« « or added on rooms! See for yourself -- visit the electrically heated Castle Model Home located ot the corner of Simcoe and Athol Streets in THE CANADIAN CHROMALOX COMPANY LIMITED 210 REXDALE BLVD., REXDALE P.O. (TORONTO), ONTARIO

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