Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1962, p. 8

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COMMON | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 7 23-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 10, 1962 The Reverend L. J. Wall, of St. Augustine's Seminary, To- ronto, and Archdiocesan Direc- tor of the Catholic Women's League, conducted the exer- cises at the day of recollection for the members of the St. Gregory the Great Council on Sunday, April 1, convened by |Mrs. William Boissoin, spiritual St. Gregory's CWL Members Attend Day Of Recollection |happy with Him forever in |heaven. | He told his audience that! the marks of a Catholic woman Ti president, Mrs. Ray Scoit, nih piety, fidelity, charity and presided and Very Reverend | humility. Piety he defined as the Paul Dwyer, director of St.|desire to serve God and honor} Gregory's Council, snatched a\Him more and more in daily half hour from a busy Sunday)|life; fidelity as being faithful to morning schedule to be present./the faith God has given one and Mrs. Scott extended a warm|!0 His church; charity he de- welcome to all and expressed|f{ned as a love of neighbor for her pleasure at the large turn-|the love of God, which takes us out. She thanked all who had|outside ourselves and inspires jearth and afterwards to bel{he needs it, even if we do not feel a real. personal liking for him, and giving freely of kind- ness and consideration to others; humility he defined as not lamenting that the great talents and gifts given to others were not given to us, but taking the talents God has given us humbly and gratefully and using them to the best possible advantage for His glory and the good of our own souls. He concluded his series of talks with an address on the Blessed Eucharist at Benedic- convener, Commencing with)acsisted in: organizing the Day us to help our neighbor when jcorporate Holy Communion atlof Recollection, with a special eran | if P |the nine o'colck Mass and con-|*thank you" to Mrs. H. J. Du- jcluding with Benediction of the|quette, convener of the break- FLA | T ERING |Blessed Sacrament at 3 p.m., itlfast, and to the Knights of |was largely attended. . Columbus who had turned out The communion breakfast N\to allow all of the ladies to par- Rainbow hues in gloves; beautiful, new gloves in all lengths and colors the parish auditorium immedi-|ticipate in the day's exercises. ately after Mass, was cooked} Mrs. Boissoin introduced for Spring. to Priced from ... . 1.98 8.95 NEW SHAPES IN and served by the following members of the Knights: of|Father Wall, who in his open- Columbus: Messrs. Leo Cal-jing remarks reminded his lis- laghan, David Dumais, Arthur|teners that everyone in this O'Hare, Doanld Lenihan, John)world had a religous vocation, ' ni Kelly, Louis Boudreau, Jack)and that vocation was aptly de- demic career, Dr. Tatham |Brockman, . William Pope and'scribed in the little catechism joined the faculty of the Uni- | Joseph Cooper, of Bowmanville.!ysed as children -- to know, versity of Toronto in 1939 and Guests at the head table were|love and serve God here on Spring handbag arrivals im soft shopes, elegont fabrics and variety of colours in Tapestry, Leather and 95 Plastic. Priced from 4, LADIES' WEAR 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH tion. ; PERSONALS avery successful shopping spree, the Minstrel was held in the centenniai hall!iShow on Saturday night and 'lof King Street United Churchjattended a shower held at St. '{under the auspices of the Ar-|Mary's Parish Hall in honor of 4\dent Workers Unit 8, and the|Miss Sonia Lukawesky on Sun- '|Faithful Unit 2, of the United!day afternoon, 4\Church Women. Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Mrs. Wellington Trainer and Mrs. Douglas Red-| 4\path received the guests, The 'Itables were beautifully decora- 4\ted with forsythia, pussy will- ows, driftwood and yellow can-| dies, Mrs. Clemence introduced '|Mr. David Savage who gave a talk on driftwood and showed interesting displays. Compli- mentary prizes were won by /\Mrs. C, Thompsoin, Ruby Lun- ny, Beryl Sully, Mrs. V. a\Mrs, A. D. Brintnell, Moody, Mrs. J. T. I luncheon) hall i, TO ADDRESS CLUB Author and university lec- turer, Professor George Tatham will address the Uni- versity Women's Club of Osh- awa and district tomorrow night. After a brilliant aca- Many guests from out of town have been invited to the Daffo- dil Tea in McLaughlin Hall ar- ranged by the Women's Division of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. Those expected to attend include Mrs. C. Krug, Kitchener, Wom- en's Service Committee chair- man, Ontario Division; Mrs. Walter Pascoe, Mrs, Harry ite a Bowmanville; Mrs. & jit. V. Turk, Port Hope; Mrs, wn *h'|Charles Robson, Brooklin; Mrs, 4 | edward Robson, Whitby; Mrs. F. Thompson, Mrs, Keith wie-| Roy genet Greenwood, Mrs. kens, Mrs. C. D. Anderson, M: 'B arter, Cannington; i lMrs..C. A. Powell, and Mrs. A.|! a Mulloy, Sunderland; D. Morrison and Mrs. Nelson,' ": *: Parks, Beaverton; 'Mrs. Whinfield won a bouquet of Russell Pollock and Mrs. Bruee redone donated by Mtv. f teynolds, Uxbridge. IB Reed is at present Professor of |Mrs. Walter Branch, president! . Geography, York University. lor st. Gertrude's Council; Mrs. His topic will be "Liberal |\y Coleman president of St. Education and York Univer- Mary's of the People Council; sity Mrs. Vincent Shannon, president : : modern typewriters and adding machines of all makes: Under- wood Smith Corons, Royal, both stonderd and portable of St. Bernadette's Council, models. Special student rates. vitation of Oshawa's 420 Wing Ajax; Mrs. J, T. Mullen, pres-| Walmsley & Magill to attend the forthcoming Springjident of Holy Cross Women's Ball, Other distinguished guests) Auxiliary, and representing On- who have accepted are Her Wor-|tario County . South Regional ship Mayor Christine Thomas,'CWI. were the chairman. ,Mrs, Office Equipment Ltd. 9 KING ST. EAST Mr. T, D. Thomas MLA; Mr..E. J. Spraggs of Whitby; Mrs. William H. Caverly, Ontario|/Stanley Gladys, Social Action rl Group President RCAFA, and)convener, of Rosebank; Mrs. H. The national president of the|Mrs. Caverly of Kingston; the|Ireland, spiritual convener, of RCAF Association, Mr, L. M.|Honorable Michael Starr MP) Ajax, and Mrs. Kelly De Gray, Baldock and Mrs. Baldock ofjand Mrs. Starr; air commo- Legislation convener, of Osh- Windsor have accepted the in-\dore G. S. Austin, Ottawa awa. A WELCOME LITTLE VISITOR Lloyd Dalby and Mr of Oshawa A successful night of cards was held recently at Woodview Park clubhouse under the aus- and great-grandson of Mrs. |pices of the Y's Menettes. The Mary Sytnyk of Oshawa, Mrs. |tables were gaily hog note Maw tale Se . with spring flowers an aster ne arg ogg laa baskets. Miss Diane Yeamen --Photo by Charles Parent, Was the winner of the draw for " "St. Catharines the bride doll. Mrs. Robert Goddard, Mrs. Donald Heard and Mrs. John Francom drew the names of the prize winners as follows: Miss Eleanor May- berry, Mrs. David Kelly, Mrs. |Margaret Ann Lamb, Mrs Reb lert Skitch, Mrs. E. Ford, Mrs. Fred Goguen, Mrs. D. Green- the wrist, at the waist or pinned ee bene -- 725-1221 Always a_ welcome little | and Mrs visitor at the homes of his grandparents and great-grand- parents is William Lloyd John, six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs, William Pawlowsky of St. Catharines, formerly of | Oshawa. William Jr. is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Gift of Flowers at Easter Expresses The Beauty of Spring can also be worn in the hair, on John Pawlowsky "DOWNTOWN" OSHAWA On Sunday afte an an nual Easter parade in rnoor occurs towns and cities from one end of Canada to another when people stroll home from church in their new 'Easter best" The new Easter outfits herald the spring, for with spring the world comes to new life again. Christ is risen and there is joy everywhere An Easter corsage adds to the feeling of Easter gladness, and makes a wonderful gift Specially designed Easter cor- sages made up of fragrant spring flowers may be wired anywhere in the world When wearing or wiring cor ages, consider size of the person and the flowers. A matronly wo- man looks best in an elongated corsage made up of several blossoms rather than one large flower. Smaller women should wear small flowers such as petite roses or miniature .car- nations. Consider fabrics and style of clothing. Corsages for wear to an evening bag. ley E. Mackay, Ann Taillen, When you send an Easter cor-/Mrs, H. E. Whitbread, Mrs. D. remember the young Corby, Mrs. Margaret Pascoe daughters of a family. A replica Anne O'Brien, Anne Nettle, of mother's corsage, scaled to Margaret Maidlow, Katharine! size, will make a young lady/ Whittaker, Mrs. G. Tanton, Mrs. your slave for life. J, Wright,.Marie Slessor, Mrs. | If you want to send your EK. Foy, Mrs. J. Kilburn, Carol mother or grandmother a gift of/Powers, Mrs. H. Pellow, Mrs. money for Easter, send it with Gwen Read, Mrs. Gayle Berry, a corsage, a plant or a floral|Mrs. Florence Collins, Mrs. G, arrangement. It makes the gift) Terwillegar. more personal, and more fest- ive, and the beautiful Easter) Miss Flossie Coyte, Erle lily or bouquet of daffodils wiil|street, is entertaining the liter- be remembered long after she|ary group of the Lyceum Club has spent the cash gift. at her home this evening when famous -culptors will be the subject of discussion sage MAJORETTES TRAIN i RICHMOND, ue (CP) Mrs. John J. Stroz of Grims- About 30 teen-aged girls have|by, Ontario, was a guest at the| joined a new drum majorette|home of her parents, Mr. and) corps here and are practising;Mrs. George M. Peters, Cedar} once a week in preparation for street, last weekend. With her their public debut this summer.imother, Mrs. Stroz enjoyed a ..-. Can Supply All Your with street costumes should be hardy flowers such as chrysan- themums or carnations. For evening wear, dressier flowers such as glamellias (a glamorous camellia), gardenias and or- chids can be worn If you don't know what color or style of dress the person will wear, tell the florists to send neutral flowers such as cym- bidium orchids which will go with either tailored or very feminine clothes and with vir- tually any color Be different Don't always send a floral ocrsage. Corsages' this finer blend you'll be proud to serve! No need to hop all over the countryside searching for Eas- ter outfits, gifts, or anything else. These merchants in "/Down- town Oshawa" have stocked their shelves with thousands of brand new items, and priced them to make it ever-So-easy NO to buy! shampooing! NO mixing! RICHARD hatinn C2 : ," New! Salon-Tested Home Permanent Come a-shopping right away -- we know you'll like what you see! This Advertisement Sponsored by the Following Downtown Merchants ! Black's Ladies' Wear Ltd. Montgomerys' Ladies' Wear Burns Shoe Co. Ltd. 72 Simcoe St. N. 26 King St. E. 1 King St, W. Black's Men's Wear Ltd. Walmsley & Magill Reliable Furniture Co. 74 Simeoe St. N. Office Equipment 96 King St. £. 17 King St. E. Meagher's Television Ross E. Mills Co. Ltd. 2 Ree Sh Ws 80 Simcoe St. N. Morrison Fur. Co. Ltd. Cherney's 48 Simcoe St. N. 80 King. $f. E. Rose Bow! Grill Metropolitan Stores Ltd. ae ee ee 60 King St. E. Preston's Decorating Bolahood's Sportshaven Supplies 67 King St. €. 19 Bond St. W. Johnston's Ltd.Men's Wear A. & A. Surplus Store 8 Simcoe St. N. 86 Simcoe St. N. Karn Drugs Ltd. Aldsworth Cleaners 28 King St. E. 36 Athol St. E. Dancey's Shoes Evelyn Shop Ladies' Wear Pb Simcoe St, 5. 9 Simcoe St. S. Edgar's Decor Centre Engel's Men's Wear 34 King St. W. 16 Simcoe St. N. Davidson Shoe Store Ltd. Bradley Bros. 31 Simcoe St. N. 2914 Simcoe St. $. This Easter Save Time and Money - Shop in Downtown Oshawa! ! Patte's Paint & Wallpaper 83 Simcoe St. N. Sam Rotish Men's Wear 7 King St. €. Kinloch's Ltd. Men's Wear 10 King St. W. Kresge S. S.Co. Ltd, 15 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Appliances 78 Simcoe St. N. Genosha Hotel 70 King St. E, Flintoff Hardware Ltd. 13 King St. W. House of Fabric 73 Simcoe St. N. Colette Shoes 26 King St. W. L.A. & B. Discount Dept. Stores 9 Bond St. W. Franklin's of Oshawa 64 Simcoe St. North FASHION 'QUICK' contains exclusive "Clean Curl" Neutralizer . . . the amazing Built-in Shampoo! Shampoos each curl as it locks in your wave! Ends forever thé 3 big home permanent problems. No shampooing-- Tammy Fashion Shoes 79 Simcoe St. N. Nesbitt's Ladies' Wear 33 King St. E. Jury & Lovell Drugs Ltd. 8 King St. E. before or after waying. No mixing, measuring or messing with neutralizers. No"perm" odor. Leaves your hair fresh and clean... SALON-TESTED PERMANENT sweet enough to kiss right after waving! For the most beautiful wave you've ever had... in half the time . with half the work... get Salon-Tested Fashion 'Quick'. Guaranteed to take! Guaranteed to last! $2.50 with the new lotign "CLEAN CURL NT UTRALIZER Burn's Credit Jewellers Ltd, 32 King St. W. 1, Collis & Sons 54 King St. W. Pennyworth's Dept. Store 2) Bond St. W. Zeller's Ltd. 21 Simcoe St. $. Holden Bros. Furniture Co. 63 King St. £. * Built-in" s.ompes cleans wach curl ot it locks in the wove! Regular, Gentle and Super Fashion 'Quick' (foreach type of hair) DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING STREET EAST PHONE 723-4621

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