BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Basic Industry Said Overdone WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--In the post-war years Canada has tilted too far in favor of primary and resource - based industries 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 10, 1962 BIRTHS BOIVIN --- Raymond and Pierrette (mee Charette) wish to announce the) (Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Fraser 143 arrival of a eon, Michael Joseph. 9 lbs.)z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-ipy Pete pr 500 & ozs., on Monday, April 9, 1962, at rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is) Gatineau on Oshawa General Hospital. A brother from previous board-lot closing sale.)'Gp prin A 200 for Denise, Marcel, Richard, Lynda, Ge iorkead Ted. Johnny, Alan and Ronny. Many INDUSTRIALS oye : thanks to Dr. Brown and Dr. Halam- At tee w he Andres. i Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge BROWN GN Gas 240 GW Coal B 250 jreat W 1525 happy to announce the arrival of a % fe wee --y aa son, David Nelson, 7 Ibs, 12 0; on Geasken Wednesday, April 4, 1962 at Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Doctor) 4) o0.. asec AltaGas Guar Tr 55 | Hardee 250 Hard Carp 72H) a u CHAMBERS --Clinton and Marjorie! Ait Nat Bare Corp D0 happily announce the arrival of a son, Atuasind 4 Boren Pe Clinton Neil (6 Ibs. 15 ozs.) on Monday, '1/0 » April 9, 1962 at Oshawa General Ho Arcus pital. A brother for Cathy and Johnny. Arg 2609p Many thanks to Dr. McKinney and, staff. | Douglas Stands ... For Regina Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'gi 108 oo 3 145 Geco Mines 100 $28% | Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 11 Net TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 10 1 Net Sal « High Low a.m. Ch'sge| | Siock $14% 14% 14% | Revelstoke 15 5% in Oils 23% 28% -- %! . . $2615 26% 5% + %|Un Reet P 7 Giant YK 504 950 950 950 --25 | 360° 360° 360. -- |Roe AV pr z 1 Wa 3000 43% 42 43% -- %4|Goldray 8200 37 «35% 37 «+1 «| omina on im 3 8% -- ¥| Wsburne 1700 70 69 69 -1 |Grandue rte 400 11 1 11 --% 3 204 -- %]| Votates 100 a my Pe | Gunnar 255 830 +5 | REGINA (CP) TC: *| i 2\(Tommy) Douglas, New Demo- 7% 7% Royalite pr Yon Can = 12500 Gwillim 6 Russell Hard Rock 2 --10 | Salada ae MINES eo ee pa) Fs ac |cratic Party national leader, 4 ¥{ Sever | s-- ¥s| ; Bis ishewin 500 35% 35 38 |Hud Bay $39 59 59 -- 1,\announced Monday he will 6% 6% \Jacobus ! 65 66 jstand for nomination as the 13 -- %|Agnico i ea cu ee sas 50 (Party's candidate for Regina|,; compared with encourage- 42y|Slat Steei ps $ 19% -- %e| Arjon 12% Lab Min 27% 27% |constituency in the forthcoming) ont given secondary industry ISuptest ord $00. $15 i ". Se ie On ee "mao 1 [federal election. ig re-(John D. Campbell, president of Thi Pa ro 6 1 3500 28 8 + |Latin Am 12 12 --2 ay ougias also a re-| § ' , Tor-Dom Bk 85 66% |Base Metal 1000 a + 14 | Lencourt 9% 9% ceived invitations from the Big- Pe 7 Pa Eh heap yi Co.!and six per cent of employment, Tor Star pr 250 13% | Baska 3000 10% 9% 4-1 |LL Lac 165 165 --1 | Sask., and Saskatoon con- " iy nignt. Produc: industries T Fin A 140 49% + %|Bethim 100 216 216 216 -3. |Lorado --1 |8ar, Sask., @ . | Speaking to the International! tieag mainly jTr Can PL 295 24% + Ys|Black Bay 6500 Lyndhst \stituencies, as well as several! 4 3 r 'ona! supplying the domestic market, Trans-Mt 100 14% -- ¥| Bouzan 3000 | Macassa Business Management Course of|2g per cent of output and 28 1 ro ap rH [Camp 'Chib | Marsico z° terloo University College,|ner cent of employment. ca." | rd ee +? lis in Regina and I have. resided ae ae -- wet wage Producing industries mainly 475 9%, {here for the last 18 years, I/r turers together account for supplying export markets, 19 m4 jhave a better understanding of less than nine per cent of total|P&" cent of output and 20 per jthe problems and needs of the employment, while secondary cent of employment. people of this constituency than! manufacturers account for| He further sub-divided the any other area in Canada," Mr.| nearly 20 per cent. producing industries as follows: Domestically - oriented: Elec- 358 450 z10 1 Douglas said. | : | At the same time the annual) | average percentage of the labor|tric power and gas utilities 3.3 " force unemployed has risen|per cent of output; construction Production Of Gas (for ire per cent to six per|6.5 per cent of output; second- Hi m D 196] iaeci and there has been a/ary manufacturing 18 per cent b |decided increase in emigration|of output and 19.3 per cent of nal | igher Vuring jand a decrease in immigration." employment. | OTTAWA Sey -- Canada's} Mr. Campbell's comments} Export - oriented: Agriculture jnatural gas production last year|were contained in a text made|»-) Per cent of output and 118 |was 657,891,604,000,000 cubiclavailable to the press in ad-(Per cent of employment; ex. feet, an increase of 25.8 perlvance of delivery. jtractive industries (including cent over 1960. : : jforestry, fishing, mining) 5.6 | The bureau of statistics also. PRESENTS FIGURES |per cent of output and 3.3 per said today that last year's pro-; Mr. Campbell presented 1960/cent of employment; primary jduction of crude petroleum rose/figures showing the output of/manufacturing 8.1 per cent of jby 16.5 per cent to a total of|}the economy as follows: joutput and 5.4 per cent of |220,861,241 barrels. Service industries (including|/employment. 11, Net | Sales High Low a.m. Ch'je| Stock Btock Fndtn 25 875 «(880 6 6 a w - transportation, storage, commu. nications, finance, insurance, real estate), 46 per cent of output and 46 per cent of em- ployment. Public administration and de- fence, seven per cent of output 235% -- %| Abacus 10% |Acad Uran 29% , Advocate -- Nelson and Davine are 75 12% 72 jothers outside Saskatchewan. | +8 | "I feel that since my home Imp Life Ashdown A 400 13 15 --1o0 |U 5 + %4|Walk GW | WCoast Tr |WCoast vt Brew 9 | Martin 13% + %4| Matatch a | Mattgmi --10 | McIntyre MeWat Mentor N Kelore Newlund Newnor |New Rouyn 1000 1 --1 Imp Oil Imp Tob 'Ind Accep Atlas Steel ond k 0 niond Gas SMITH -- Joe and Gloria (nee Mc-|pank Mont cane pal Intyre) are happy to announce the Bell Phone « 5 | IMC $0 aafe arrival of a baby sister for Kathy, pi) 437 -e Int Nickel ; 04 -- % Chris and Patty, 8 Ibs. 8 oz., on Mon- po) . : Int Util day, April 9, 1962, at the Oshawa Gen-/ pe. Forest Inter PL - at we eral Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Doherty pe pack A Int Stl P 1 and fourth floor nurses. BC Pack B Inv Syn |BC Pow Inv Syn A A BAPPY occasion -- The birth Of}pe phone Jefferson your child, To tell the good news to/ pons Jett Bw friends and neighbors... The Oshawa! cai pow <a < 2 2 +1 45% 464 -- %| Nickel MS 117 120 ~--3 |Nick Rim 109 «(109 | Norpax 66 (66 | Towag 20 200 | Trans Res A 25 | Ult-Shaw 7 --%|Un Keno Upp Can Un Buffad Vauze 5 145 145 Ventures 358% 58% 58% Werner 16 6 | Willroy | Wiltsey |W Harg |Yale Lead 5 3 --4 |Young HG 600 5 6 + %|Zenmac 1325 ¥ 7 -- | Curb 1400 - %4| Yukon Con 100 360 360 0 725 911% 11% 11% 2050. 38 37 38 60 » DM W 100 $138% 134 13% 2100 260 260 260 6 6 6 +h 400 «400 «6400 $15% 15% 14%4----% 650 850 850 40 bald 2 2B 8 1000 61 61 61 2000 «+80 80 135 149 149 1500 14 4 500 MM M uw 2000 120 113 «14 200 165 165 165 6640 600 Times is as near as your telephone.|0., Com Jockey rts The day of birth, just telephone RA'Ccc stone 125 %\Kelly DA 723.3492. The rate is only $1.50. 4 pr 210 Labatt 230 Gas In p B 300 | Lakeland 1050 ALBIN > Gas In w Lant Cem = 600 LOnt Cem p 225 Lambtn L 75 Lau Fin A 455 Leland Pub 200 Levy 55 Bailey § A Suddenly at RR 1, Newtonville, on Mon-|CG Sec A |Lob Co A 900 $9 Britaita day, April 9, 1962, Williamson Albin|CG Sec B Lob G B pr 3 C Oil Lads aged 75 years beloved husband of Han-/© Husky nah Albin and dear father of Charles,|© Husky w Albert, Christopher, Cecil, Hannah/ © aa Bk C (Mrs. Arthur Farrow) and Doreen . Ges (Mrs. John Gordon). Resting at the - Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow le can oll p 300 300 900 265 % 7% 100 5 --$ 100 73 . 100 200 280 > Chem w 300 910 100 100 910 935 235 105 Anglo Am 3 500 1300 ig 200 300 7962 Loeb M 1CS Pete MB PR 367 %/C Dethi M Lf Mill 1070 %4|Cdn Dev Ys | Mass-F 550 -%|C Homestd %4|Mass-F 54 0 C LI Pete Met Stores 100 a C Williston }Met Stores p 225 $22! Cent Del Mil-West 2000 20 i: Charter Oil Moore 25 on + %41C Mic Mac Nat Drug = #20 Dome Pete Noranda 5 %4| Dynamic | Glacier |Home A * 25 | Medal ws | Midcon 500 |Nat Pete 1300 |Pac Pete 925 {Pec Pete w 50 | Pamoil 2500 1 8 --%!|Permo 500 100 $1 Ye 15% +1%| Petrol +15 | Place Ranger | Spooner GERL, Charles (Kari) | Stanwell In Oshawa Genera! Hospital on Satur + % | Tidal day, April'7, 1962, Charles (Karl) Gerl! Ford © C< 1 | Triad Oi) in his 7ist year, beloved husband of ee Geet e2 t=: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "Sssvss= Mrs. Thomas Driscoll Jr., (Frances PIANO Heinztman, a beautiful instru- 13) Oil lle Service in the Chapel on W day! GpR 474 41% 41% at 2 o'clock, Interment Lakeview Ceme- | - Cell tery, Newtonville. Conduits DIAMOND, Evelyn eae At the Toronto General Hospital on). nation Monday, April 9, 1962, Evelyn Brent Cos hae (of Myrtle Station) dearly loved wife) (Xv) ay of Frank Diamond and dear mother of sh Int Heather and Nancy, loving daughter of |), Mrs. Elorna and the late Gordon Brent,/15., sister of William, Helen (Mrs, G. Duff),| Barbara and Herbert, in her 3ist ye Resting at the chapel of McDermo Dom Panabaker, Port Perry, for service On| no, Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine|;, Grove Cemetery. Pxe Faraday --_- + %l Bales to 11 a.m.: 635,000. Francoeur Now make Ye! 1000 21% 19% 21% 19% tng 205 100 100 100 Phone N Phone w | Overland |Overland pr Page-Hers 100 Pbina 2) Pembina pr 230 4 | Phantom 100 |Photo Eng Premium ar ott. ol --1 --1 +% 1 80 M49 14 Ls aeeteeienaaneiiianninial si reo RRTTRT Ora creeper ntumeecerey ites imerner nat mmercet irene nemened a game of Decorating Problems! Mrs. H. H. Volimer (Mary) of Oshawa and Mrs. William McCarthy (Anna) of ment, refinished in hand rubbed wal- nut finish, $150. Telephone 725-7946. Montreal. Mr. Gerl is resting at Mc Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Requiem High Mass pera suerte ee Ebony oak, very modern, best offer. Telephone for particulars, 725-2531. in St. Gertrude's Church, BABY carriage "Thistle", like new, East, on Tuesday, April 10, « m S Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. - 32---Articles for Sale steel body, grey with white top. Price $30. Telephone 725-9136. from Page 32--Articles for Sale GRIB, springs and mattress; 22 gallon hot water tank; boy's all wool sports- jacket, size 10. Telephone 725-5598, FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance, Free demon- stration, Telephone 728-4683 eee aa SILVERLINER"™ collapsible travel OFFICE desk 32" x 34" $75. Also two rs. All new for '62. Call 728-1468|plate glass mirrors 36" x 48", Tele- phone 725-2363. 34--Lost & Found Lost -- Two Pekingese dogs, male, fe- male, vicinity of Newcastle. Reward. Telephone Oshawa 725-8054. SPECTACLES (in case), girl's, black \rimmed, lost Friday, vicinity Ritson and Bloor. Telephone 725-2922. WALLET: Lost on Tuesday, man's brown wallet containing money and im- portant documents. If money is gone, finder kindly return papers. Reward. Telephone 725-3645, 35--Legal ae CHANGE OF NAME ACT Upon the application Franciszek Awrejcewicz. Take notice that | have ap- pointed Friday the eleventh day of May, 1962, at 10:30 a.m. before the presiding judge in Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario for the hearing of the appliation cby Franciszek Awrejcewicz of 63 Grenfell St., Oshawe, Ontario to chonge his name to Fronk Arwick Dated ot Whitby, Ontario this 30th day of March, 1962. J. de N. KENNEDY, (Continued citations of the Rosary in the Funeral e Home Monday evening at 8 o'clock.) 35 H.P. JOHNSON outboard 1957 elec- tric st g, excellent condition. Tele- PALMER, Norman Franklin phone 723-9337 after 6.30 p.m Suddenly at Sonya, Ontario, LLOYD six-way convertible baby car- riage. In excellent condition, Reason- able. Telephone 728-6396. on Mon- . 7 4 S TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, day, April 9, 1962, Norman Franklin! ootais, terms, service, Hamilton Office Palmer, beloved husband of the late | irri eee ee eek South, MO 8-8442 Isabelle Clarkson and brother of Louis|--"_* ite of Peterborough, Marietta (Mrs. Geo. spewing - machine Raines), Port Perry,.and Mabel (Mrs. | 5.1) guarantee and lessons Th Stewart), Epsom. Resting at the cach or take over payments. chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port in accepted. Telephone 728-7824 Perry, for service on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Wick Cemetery. Elna supermatic, included. Trade 1 Victor television $45, 21-inch television $60. Both in good Best offer accepted. 723-2580 Marconi condition after 5. 35--Legal ae pieces, three-ply one used twice Send phone no. to COOKWARE sets stainless costing $16 SCHLECHTER, Linda Marie $29; one new $59. In Oshawa General Hospital on Sun-|Box 210 Times. -- , April 8, 1962, Linda Marie, infant). Soeriter of Frank and Hilda Schiech-| WIN TER coat, rnp ter, 129 Westmount Avenue, aged three|White, also two dresses, days. Funeral from Mclintosh-Anderson |S¢ll at reasonable price Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, |'"°- 3 on Monday, April 9 at 3 p.m. Interment 8t. Gregory's Cemetery tailored, color winter both size 14, Telephone} !n_ the matter of the Estate of MARY ELEANOR LOVELL Late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, married woman, deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims ogainst the Estate of MARY ELEANOR LOVELL, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 5th doy of February, A.D. 1962, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned On or before the 30th' day of April, A.D. 1962, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice. DATED at 23rd doy of 1962 IN MEMORIAM EVERETT ARTHUR LOVELL ROZELL -- In loving memory of a) Administrator, dear husband, father and grandfather, By his Solicitor who passed away April 9, 1 'NIC Loving and kind in all his ways, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 0.C,, Judge. Upright and just to the end of his 141% King Street East, Z. T. SALMERS, Oshawa, Ontario S.L. for Applicant. TENDERS for POWER LAWN MOWER Sincere and kind in heart and mind What a beautiful memory he left behind Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wed- nesday, April 18h, 1962 at 4 p.m. for the supply and delivery of a power riding lown mower to Fairview Lodge, Whitby Ontario. --Always remembered by wife Bertha, daughter Jean and grandchildren, Further particulors concerning size, trade-in, ete, maybe obtained by telephoning 668-5851 WHITBY WM. G. MANNING Secretory Treasurer Board of Management of Foirview Lodge. 416 CENTRE ST, SOUTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO 3 dryer, used three years, $75 SPRY, Bes Cc. In the home of her daughter, 9 Hope- sis acide dale Avenue, Toronto, on Monday, April| TRAILER, 19 foot, aluminum, with ga' 9, 1962, Bessie C. Hunking, wife of the/stove, heater, refrigerator, sink, large} Ha Spry and dear mother of|closet, etc., in good condition. Tele- late rry Spry Mrs. Arthur Ashby (Mildred) and/phone CO 3-2498 Harold of North Bay, Mrs, E. Coltson | ----- SN RT TT PAD FTO {Goay) and Cecil Pascoe of Oshawa, (DUPLICATORS, hand and siectnt, Mrs. Fred McRoberts (May) of Gorm- |SPirit or stencil; supplics. : 2 ley, end Jack Pingle of Toronto, and|fice Equip., 137 Brock St, 8. MO 8-644 ister of Mrs. Wm. Branton (Louise), TYPEWRITER adding machine, check Mrs. Annie Mackie and Mrs. Ernest | writer, electric time clock, file cabinet, Brown (Millle) and Harry Hunking, all register, Snap for quick sale. of Oshawa, in her 84th year penne at the Murray E. Newbigging Funera 7 "yg Fer ea eS mm , Home, 733 Mount, Pleasant Road, 'To-/BELORE Sutil tigre) nfoven rash onto until Thursday at 9 a.m. Then|. 9. Gai' gimer Wilbur, CO 3-2294 at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh-)----"_ . 5 Sea awa, commencing Thursday at 11 a.m. /OLD gu 5, shotguns, re- for memorial service on Thursday, |volvers and p lso old cartridges April 12 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa | Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa, Union Cemetery. |LLOYD baby carriage, white and green, | Lloyd stroller, blue and white. Both have earriers. $35. Telephone 725-1879. | like new. CO 3-2498. of GIDEON Bibles are a continuing m morial. For placement contact funeral @rector er phone 725-2327. this A.D. Oshawo, March, GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL | Kindness beyond price yet within reach of 'all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST _ LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. | OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 STRATHDEE -- In loving memory of a dear son, Donald Edward, who pass- ed awdy April 10, 1955. I love him as no tongue can tell, How much I loved him and how well, God loved him too and thought it best To take him home with Him to dwell --Lovingly remembered by Dad. WOODWARD - In loving memory of twin sons, Edward Leonard and James, Vernon, born April 10, 1956 | The buds the Gardener gave us, | Two pure and lovely children, | 1 ' He gave them to our keeping, To cherish undefiled And just as they w To the glory of the day Down came SPECIAL ISSUE the heavenly Father | | Take her in Thine arms, dear Lord.) And took our buds away St k M k t | Fiftieth anniversar i © Mother and oc ar. e niversary of folk And' aver let her'be saree Temenbered. ty ate eee ae ae CARD OF THANKS MILGATE -- In loving memory of o opening eee Meee. eee eee -- aabiieliad daughter, Gayle Louise, who passed away April 10, 1951. | NOW! The NEW 1962 edition of our successful Harmony Guide! game to use. Start with one shade you fancy-- perhaps your present rug or curtains, See at a glance the color harmonies that comple- ment it. Keep turning pages, forwards or backwards, for many, many more, as they show through the cut-out openings. You'll be surprised at the selection of harmonies-- and they're all professionally correct. Wherever you buy your Super Kem-Tone and Kem-Glo paints, borrow the NEW Kem Color Harmony Guide free! BARR -- The wife and family of the }late Ernest Barr wish to thank their You'll find the exact paint colors you want in Super Kem-Tone for the walls and Kem-Glo for the woodwork--everything in the best of taste--to match your carpets, drapes or upholstery. Borrow it free from any Kem paint products dealer. The world's leading color experts have devised this book of over 2000 EASTER jthanks to Rey. W. N. Aitken, Doctor| during light trading Monday. cere thanks and appreciation to my|Royal off 14. Abitibi fell % and AND Between our hearts and Thee H | | stamp issue in 1962. . | relatives and friends for every kind- | Morris, the tenants of McLeese Apart- | | TRIBUTE ments, and the Armstrong Funeral) Banks were the weakest group | To Your Loved {nends, relatives and neighbors, for Interpravincial Pipe line, Al-| "@SSR@MWATEDA) 2 visits and enquiries) Soma Steel, Salada Foods and) ONG bi VOJR also to Archdeacon|Moore Corporation were down| .. : : C ONTE ST color combinations . . . most of them entirely new harmonies. Selection is so easy --it's like a --Ever remembered by mother and , r 'p " ness and expression of sympathy dur- TORONTO (CE )--Losses ae ALL FAMILY Home. jin industrials with Montreal and | and for the kind and Rev Goodswan of APRIL 6-14 . dad. ing their recent bereavement. Special | dominated on the stock market} COLE 1 wish to express my sin.| NOva Scotia both down 1% and| a t me. And Sem Os radl nes -- Moore ogee hrist Memorial Church for visits and|/2 @ 74 to one-point range. ers. A "very special" thank-you to! ca 7 ' ~ G Ln ad Nothing is more befitting or ete Geet ons alee or bie eorge Hees Company showed | @ greater tribute to the mem- their most kind: attention; to my/ONe of the few gains, jumping} ory of the loved ones who ("'special"" nurses and the nurses and/from 45 cents to a 1962 high of | hove passed on to that borne from which no traveller returns, thon a memorial verse ot Easter time. It is a beoutiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, son -- or those beyond the im- mediate family circle, a faith- ful friend or kin. In the sincere -hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriote memoriam notice for Easter time, the Classified Deport- ment of The Oshawa Times will publish Special Memorial tributes on APRIL 21st Te ensure thot your mess appears at this TELE PHONE BEFORE APRIL 19th, + 723-3492 time ward aides on Floor 2D and to the| antiy as 5 Blood Bank, during my recent iiiness | #2:40 in active turnover. Con: in the Oshawa General Hospital, many,|SOlidated Paper gained %. ae Te eon, On index, industrials fell 1.09 | a to 619.54, golds .16 to 86.28 and! LEMING -- In the loss of a dear a 4 sister, Mrs. Jack Fleming, we wish to base metals .79 to an a6. West-| extend our sincere thanks to friends\@rn Oils rose .18 to 116.47. was 2,834,000 shares} and neighbors for cards of sympathy| Volume compared with Friday's 4,506,-| 000 | Masson Street and other kindnesses. Violet, Pat, Mabel and Lorna. FLEMING -- In the midst of our sor- ternd al Nick . row we wish to express our heartfelt In rnational Nickel led base thanks and appreciation to our many| Metals lower with a drop of %. friends and neighbors for the kindness| Noranda and Consolidated Min- and sympathy shown in the loss of a : , beloved wife and mother. We especiaily ing and Smelting both fell % wish to thank Canon C. Cross, Dr. W,|While Ventures gained 1%. In H. Stanley and staff at Oshawa Gen-| ¢neculative Jorthgate eral Hospital. Also Armstrong Funeral speculatives, Northgate dipped raie 30 cents 'to $6.45 and Lake Dufault 15 cents to $5.70. WHALLEY ~ 1 would like to take|_ Western oils saw Pacific this opportunity to express sincere|Petroleum drop % and Hudson's thanks and appreciation to Doctor Ful-/ Ray ()j] rise ly cag Jack Fleming and family ton, the nurses on 3A, nurses' ald and orderlies for their wonderful care cla) thanks to Reverend W. Herbert prayers, friends, relatives and bors for cards, flowers, and many! Ainong about 2,000 species of oS ee eee stay In Osh-' mushrooms, experts: can find ' --Signed, Ernest ©, Whallew.|many edible varieties GREAT VARIETY | Bring the family! Join the fun! thats the benuity of buying ott these signe: