WHITBY And DISTRICT |Juveniles One Win By GERRY BLAIR | Wallaceburg Juvenile All- Stars proved a disappointment From Ontario Title three more goals before final buzzer. with a little effort managed the HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Set Open House At Henry High THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 9, 1962 5 wHiTBy | Make Projects BOWLING NEWS | At Guild Meet LADIES' CIGARET LEAGUE | aj) Saints' Triples over 550: Isobel Moth- Anglican Church its | 4 _|sumers' Gas who walloped Wal- laceburg 7-0 in the community Ontario Minor Hockey Associa- Bob Everett with the only two goals of the second period, com- pleted his hat trick, and Doug McLean added another late in the last stanza. Consumers' manager Alex Brown commenting on the sur- for a club which is supposedly. one of the two top clubs in the By JOAN CALDER The official announcement .._.s come out that Henry Street High School's Open House will be held on April 17 and 18. The highlight of the Open House is the Fashion Show pre- tion's final playoff, The other club of course is Whitby Con- ersill 817, Glad Wiles 781, Jean The Gymnastics Club is prac-| King 735, Glenna McConnell tising fervently for the upcom-|645, Marg McCoy 645, Vi Jor- ing Open House. Every night|dan 643, Hazel Moore 640, Ev after school finishes the boys|Mosscrop 610, Clara Rowden and girls troop into the gym and) 609, Doris Borchuck 605, Eileen work out their routines, There|Dolby 605, Bernice Moase 585, St. Margaret's Guild held | bi-monthly meeting on Thurs- jday evening in the parish hall. The president, Mrs. A. Me- Allister, opened the meeting with prayer. A new member, Mrs. Mary Schubert, was wel- comed, jjarena Saturday and at that were {not required to produce a hear- 4ty effort. Had Whitby duplicated last *'Saturday's replay vicotry over |\Thorold, the outcome would 'have been easily doubled. | Consumers' need only one "\more win to capture the All-On- -\tario Juvenile "A" Minor cham- _|pionship. | Due to removal of ice from the -|Whitby Community arena, the jseries was kept to a minimum) ra | Al prisingly weak Wallaceburg club stated, 'I think the team from Cobourg, or even Oril- lia, who weren't that strong, looked better than Wallace- burg." Obviously Wallaceburg didn't eliminate too many potent hock- ey clubs to qualify for All- Ontario finals. WALLACEBURG goal, Martin; defence: Slack, Du- chene; alts.: Hess, Judson, Mor- rison, Hockin, DeVriese, Peck, sented by the girls in Home Economics classes in various grades. These girls model the outfits which they made in their Home Economics classes. Of course, the higher up the girls go in the course, the better the outfits are. Therefore, the Grade 12 girls' outfits will be the best of the lot. A co-ordinate outfit made by trates the new fashion that is Bonnie Townsend of 12B illus- are amazing feats on the tram-|Martha Mayne 581, Joan Reed| poline, the balancing bars, the|581, Bev, Wiles 570. | parallel bars, and the high bars.| Singles »ver 200: Isobel Moth-| ersill 225, 324, 268; Jean King) SEMI-FORMAL 241, 216, 278: Glenna McConnell Several parties have taken 225, 216, 204; Vi Jordan 228, the last two weeks as students|215, 200; Marg McCoy 229, 268; of 12A under the direction of Glad Wiles 274, 321; Hazel Carla Webber are working to. Moore 210, 246; Clara Rowden make the decorations for the for-|218, 202; Ev Mosscrop 211, 204; mal. Tickets are being sold at) Eileen Dolby 296, Bernice|!owed and it was moved by ge and in al! the drug-stores|Moase 275, Beaulah Sturgess|Mrs. Patsy Brown and second- in town. 237, Audrey Sharman 200, Aliceled by Mrs. Verna Roberts th Bradley 211, Joan Reed ae 5 a ame Mrs. Verna Roberts brought a bouquet of foam flowers and explained to the members the art of making them. Plans were made to have a millinery demonstration at one jot the forthcoming meetings. A short business meeting fol- OBSERVE CHAMBER WEEK During this week the Whit- by Chamber of Commerce will be one of 850 such organiza- tions from coast to coast who PeeWees To Ontario Final | Speaker At By GERRY BLAIR Whitby Pee Wee All-Stars be- came the sécond club from the | best-of-three set. Whitby lost \the toss for a third game if need |be, but after the lacklustre ac- count of the Wallaceburg club this appears unlikely. | Next game of the series goes lday night, with Sunday after-| 'inoon set aside for the third ;| game. a '| Only six seconds were requir-) ed for the first Whitby goal in the opening period: Bob Everett '| scored directly from the drop of} the puck to start the game.| Before the game was two {minutes old Consumers' had a |2-0 lead when Rowland Mackey ltallied. George Ashby and Terry Botten each counted once| | before the first 20 minute period jhad elapsed to move Whitby into} la commanding 4-0 lead. | With the outcome obvious af- \ter only 20 minutes, Consumers' \slackened considerably and will be celebrating Chamber | Yates, 18, an employee of of Commerce Week. Pictured | Flowers by Dean. above heralding in COC Week | with a sparkling smile is Nora --Oshawa Times Photo Moore, Van Landeghen, Mas- sey, Bulmer and Greiles, forwards Everett, Thompson, son, Bremner and Sytnyk. FIRST PERIOD 1, Whitby: Everett 2. Whitby: Mackey (Everett) 3. Whitby: Ashby (McLean) peeereeee | 4. Whitby: Botten | (Tran, Hamer) ISECOND PERIOD 5. Whitby: Everett (McBride) | 6. Whitby: Everett (Thompson, Mackey) |\THIRD PERIOD | 7. Whitby: McLean | (McBride, Moore) STUDENT COUNCIL the meeting be adjourned. WHITBY -- goal, Reeson; de- fence: Ashby, Lawson, Hamer, |Tran and McBride; Mackey, back to Wallaceburg on Satur-|Moore, McLean, Botten, Jack- 06 1.50) 6.25 sovee 12.55 3.46) Self-belt 14.26| lov | currently in season. The skirt is made of a mauve material while the jacket is made of a muted plaid with the predominating color the same color as the skirt. The jacket is breasted with bound button- holes and is made from Mc- Call's patterns. The outfit will be worn with white hat, gloves) and shoes. | | Cathy Kahn will be modelling ja blue and white checked ging- ham dress made from a Sim- plicity pattern. A special fea- ture of the dress is the ruffled lace insert in the skirt back and the deep fashionable V-back. The jdress sports a black velvet and will be worn |with a white veil hat, white) es, and black shoes. A moss green coat in the cur- rent fashion of collarless neck jand three-quarter sleeves will - 17.05|\be modelled by Carol S mith,| | Advance Rev. Coates game total goals affair also. | Seek $3,000 By the finals, which will be a two-| K Of C Meet | Easter Seals Lemington originally was If we sincerely believe in the; with full support from all quart- The coat is flared with big pock- ets in the front. The back has an inverted pleat caught from a deep yoke which goes down a third of the length of the coat back. The material is a boucle and the coat has four bound buttonholes. Virginia Elliott, "Arms and the Man', The Student Council has voted Black Cats 58, Players 54, Win-|g to give the decorating commit-|chesters tee of the semi-formal about $60/ Cameos 45. for the decorations. KIDNEY AlDre RHEUMATISMow After 35, many women and men are made miserable by common urinary dis- | Waste impurities and bacteria | jelicate passages from | feel tired, orders, often irritate the the kidneys. Then you can old, nervy and suffer from rheumatic Pee such as backache, aches srnane its, sciatica or neuritis. troubles, thousands are fin: fast help and pain relieving action of CY: Then kidni stronger, Get CYSTEX gist today and see how the Drama Club representative to Student/934° Bey Wiles 215, Connie Council, has reported that the|yer 201, Doris Borchuck 24 Drama Club expects a profit of| double-|about $300 from its recent play e308 ding joyous with the urinary antiseptic 'STEX eys act well, pains go end seep is refreshing. You fee] younger and from your drug- you ted, Joan Richardson 203, Eileen, 1 Moore 233, Glenda Kirkwood) The remainder of the evening Den-|was spent making projects for : 5. |the June tea. The next meeting "9rd Winstons \wint be held April 19. uckingham Lunch was served by Mrs. len McAllister, Mrs. Verna Exports [Roberta and Mrs. Keith Hew- son. | Total team points: |65, Kools 65, , 58, | Tenders for Purchase of Cinders Tenders will be d by the ai until 5 p.m. Fridey, April 13, 1962 for the purchase and removal of cinders produced ot the Ontario Hospital, Whitby from April 1, 1962 to March 31, 1963. All cinders produced will be sold with the exception of epproximately 100 cu. yds. which wil be retained by the Hospitel, Cinders are to be loaded by the from Mondoys to Frideys between the Further details as to q y or ether from the Chief Engineer or the undersigned. H. M, BAKER, Business Administretor, Ontorie Hospitel, Whitby. et of 7.30 a.m, Sad 5 p.m. may be ONE-PIECE CONCRETE Whitby Minor Hockey Associa- the site of the opener on Sun- tion to qualify for All-Ontario day afternoon with a_ return final playoffs. game back in Whitby the fol- On Saturday afternoon in lowing Saturday, April vil Knight Frank Canzi, Brother Port Colborne, the Whitby| They too have a deadline to Harry Baxter announced that a club edged Port: Colborne 6-5 complete the series because of Civie Night would be held by to capture the two-game total/ice removal after Sunday's\the kK of C in the very near goals semi-final series, 14-6. tilt. future. basic humanitarian concepts ofjers --- individuals --- companies our Society, then we all have a|--- employee groups com- responsibility to make certain| munity organizations --- in fact that crippled children do not|from all men and women of suffer unnecessary hardships,| goodwill throughout Ontario. due to lack of medical advice,| The Ontario Society for Crip- care and treatment facilities.|pled Children is a voluntary or- That they deserve all the help/ganization comprised of 10,000 they need is irrefutable. members having no barriers. The regular meeting of Coun- cil 4895 Whitby Knights of Col- umbus was opened by Grand One week ago in the Com- Whitby club officials unable; Brother W. Featherstone pre- to play the return game on the sented certificates of their ma- proposed date of April 28 are|jor degrees to new members; attempting to have Leamington |Brothers, Rev. Stephen J. open in Whitby either this Fri-|Coates, Carmelo G. Femia, Wil- day or Saturday. liam F. Featherstone, Thomas PORT COLBORNE -- goal, J. Farquharson Patrick Gilder- McNeil and Brown; defence, /Son and Franciscus R. Koenan Porter, McBirnie, Campbell) Grand Knight Frank Canzi and Spencer; forwards, Gos s,| turned the meeting over to Bro- Larian, McPhee, Mirrlegs, Ru-|ther Ed Finan, lecturer and ad- bocki, Young, Kennedy, Waines,/vocate for the couggil, who in Martel, Wayda. turn presented Brother Rev. . oe ; |Stephen J. Coates as guest WHITBY goal, Partington| « neaker. Father Coates express- munity arena, Whitby built up a commanding seven-goal lead with their 8-1 decision over Port Colborne. Back on the larger ice. sur- face for Saturday's final tilt of the two-game goals to count series, Port Colborne put forth a much better performance, while Whitby, obviously was slightly complacent after com-; piling such a favorable margin. The two clubs split single goals in the first and second|and Adams; defence, Norwood, | McPhee and/Sorichetti, Pritchard and Gib- scored for Port|son; forwards, Vipond, Reeson, periods. James Philip Porter Colborne while Peter Vipond and Larry Horack replied for Whitby. Emphasis was on offence in the final stanza with seven goals being scored by the two teams, four in the final three minutes and six seconds. Mike Keenan went on a scor- ing rampage in the third frame acquiring the hat trick, with George Reeson . adding the other Whitby goal. Ron Young, Robert Goss and Paul Rubocki took care of the Port Colborne third period splurge. Leamington is the other club in the Ontario Minor "A" Pee Wee finals along with Whitby.| Leamington eliminated Oak-| ridge Acres on Saturday. The removal of the ice from} the community arena has cre-| ated a problem in scheduling) Home League | Plans Visit To Kingston Salvation Army Women's Home League held its regular weekly meeting on Thursday evening at the Citadel under the leadership of Miss Eva Kentner and her group who gave the devotional. Mrs. Major Simpson chaired the business meeting. Final arrangements were made for the group to attend the annual Home League Rally to take place in Kingston on Tuesday, April 10. A bus has been chartered by the Uxbridge and Whitby Home League. The bus will leave at 10 a.m. on Tuesday from the Citadel. Following the business meet-| ing, fruit baskets were pre- pared to be distributed on Fri- day to the shut-ins and elderly people. At the close of the meeting refreshments were! served by the group. The 1962 Easter Seal Camp-|Race, colour, religious faith, or aign is now being conducted in|lack of funds are unimportant 226 communities throughout Ont-|statistics on a crippled child's ario, amd sponsors are the Ont-| medical chart. ario Society for Crippled Child-| All children require help. We ren and its Rotary, Lion Ki-| acknowledge this fact in a multi- wanis, Kinsmen, and other Ser-|tude of ways, by law, by love, vice Club representatives. The|by moral obligation, by pure in- financial goal is $1,000,000. stinct. The target in Whitby is $3,000) In brief, Easter Seals extend) The campaign is organized inja helpful protective hand to our) "If You Have a Car, ~ A Home, A Family One man can solve all of your insurance problems. He is your friendly State Farm agent. See him soon, WM, H. (BILL) MIDDLETON oth @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME AND PLATFORM @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS MMEDIATE DELIVERY CW Ald YB "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFETY" OLIVER | 6, te | 8. Pi jed his appreciation of this op- portunity to speak before the jcouncil, As a Priest in the On- tario Hospital his talk was in- formative and deeply interest- Sand- Moon, Mowatt Keenan, Horack, Town, ford, Hopkins, and Giffin. envelope provided. It will be attained, but only Whitby by the Rotary Club,|crippled children --- help them whose members have sent pack-|to overcome their fears and to ets of seals to all households in|instill in them hope, courage and | state Farm mutual Automobile insurance Company Whitby. It {s their wish that! self-reliance. A needy crippled recipients will forward their $1/child right in your community for the seals in the addressed|awaits help. Your Easter Seal! Cenedion Head Office -- Teronte contribution today-could have a jlife long affect. rmnweance 608 Brock St, S. Whitby MO 8-3762 State Farm Life Insurance Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company -- CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. jing. Father Coates voiced a de- \sire for help from lay people in {restoring mentally ill persons to + $.05normal. This could be accom-| plished through organizations 14.50)in the church, and other agen- cies if given the opportunity. First Period 1, Whitby: Vipond (Reeson, .Sorichett! .. 2. Port Coblorne: McPhee (Larian .... Penalties: Wayda 19.35. Second Period 3. Port Colborne: Porter (Goss, McPhee . 4, Whitby: Horack (Town, Sandford .... Penalties: Sperver and San ford 5.05, Hopkirs 10.40, Horack 11.52 |bers of the council to contribute 5.40 reading material for the use of patients at the hospital. CPO John Moss, son of Mr. cbs Brother Ed Finan. prayer led by Chaplain Rever- paratory School, was end L. J. Austin. Refreshments winner of the annual were served after the meeting Gavel speaker's contest held at by Brother Vie Scott and his Victoria B.C. ~ 15 committee. Third Period Whitby: Keenan (Vipond, Reeson ...... Whitby: Reeson (Vipond, Keenan ..... Port Colborne: Young (Wayda, Porter 5. this year's Toastmaster's Gold- en Gavel public speaking con- 7, 9. 10. 11, MIXED LEAGUE Eagles 2, 39; Ducks 5, 38; Blue Jays 2, 36; Robins 5, 27; Spar- rows 2, 24; Hawks 2, 24. BROCK Evening Whitby ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S rev wn MED TOM NEAT) Ste PLUS SECOND FEAT Last Complete Show At 8:40 Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE BOY WHO STOLE A MILLION" Shows at 6:55 & 8:40 4.19 i 7.31 Nurse Speaks test, and of these, 26 were Navy Te, ¢ nigga cag personnel, all members of the 4arian, McPhee H a n| i i id- Port Colborne: Rubocki At Hillcrest H-S Brann Other Candidate - (Kennedy, Mirrlegs 18.10 ucational Course, of which CPO Whitby: Keenan The April meeting of Hill-/Moss is also a member. (Vipond . 18.55 crest Home and School Associa-|, CPO Moss has been a mem- Whitby: Keenan tion was a very informative ber of the Canadian navy for (Vipond 19.15 one. The meeting was opened by 14 years. He attended Almond's Penalties: Norwood 6.20, Hop- the president, Mrs. J. Arthur School and the Whitby High kins 14.40, Robertson, with the singing of School. Following graduation he ithe "Queen" Mrs, S. Armstrong Joined the RCN. Lately he has " accompanied at the piano. Var- been stationed in Dartmouth, - D lious reports were read and N. S., and is on the west coast 0 1Scuss adnpied. now as a member of the course % Ballots were taken for the ENEOG DUIS, New Hospital nomination of executive offic- jers. Installation of these offices 1 will take place at the next Home WHITBY On H S Panel and School meeting. Ki | The students from Mr. Bul-| ] At th llock's. class favored everyone BOWLING NEWS t the Kathleen Rowe Home| with four delightful songs. Mrs. and School Association monthly Hilda Dunbar. introduced pe to be held Wednesday, | puest speaker for the evening, pre 11, a panel of discussion Miss Margaret Atkinson, RN. , be led by His. Worship) PHN, who is supervisor of Pub- Mayor Stan Martin. Others lic Health Nursing for Ontario oe will be: Dr. Jo-/ County. seph Ruddy, Dr. Ken Hobbs, ; * iS pea Mr. Everett Quantrill, Reeve of Py AtKngon spoke on Sani- Mice Gordon ing , concerning public school Sandrell 3 hildren. Her topic was The subject will be "The © ' nd? Whitby General Hospital." The yg lta si general public is most cordial- F. Ottenbrite 508, M. McDaniel ly invited to attend this inter-| Attendance banners were pre-507 and P. McCann 505. Men: esting meeting. oan ont on raid H. Forbes 646, L. Bedard 634, . r. Bullock's Class for G. Perry 572; Father Coates Sr. The meeting adjourned and 565, D. Johnston 556, ja social half-hour was enjoyed Goverde 549 and M. Ko with refreshments being served 502. by the students of Mr. Bullock's ich singles ov 7 igh singles over class and Mr. Duffs'. : _dies: M. Canzi 269, M. Forbes 254, D. Murphy 246, A. San- VETERAN STARS drelli 241, 234, 221; C. Beecroft PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad a oa McDanie! 230, L. Lane a as 20, 216, 206; M. Hughes 216, (AP India's voeren all- M. Carter 213, 212; L. Bron- jrounder Polly Umrigar, playing |ishewski 204 and T. McDonald jin his 59th Test, was the hero 202, Men: H. Forbes 263, 221; jof Saturday's play in the fourth D. oer eee ne Coates : i atic A 7, F. Canzi 232, L. Bedard jTest match against West In-jo99° 911. P McDaniel 219, G. dies. He hit a magnificent cen- perry 215, M. Kolsteren 210 tury to set the pace for India, and J. Smyth 205 following on after being shot) Triples with handicap over | out for 197, to a fine second in-|550: Ladies: L. Lane 726, P. nings total of 422; The tally McCann 652, L. Bronishewski } : : 640, M. Canzi 643, D. M y jmeans The West Indies had tog33° yy. area Sig ot PRRAMOU RASE URE ATTRACTION the ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Golden Gavel To Father Coates invited mem-| Whitby Sailor Father Coates was thanked by and Mrs. John Moss, 226 Coch- ' " rane St., Whitby a member of ; The meeting was closed in:the Royal Canadian Navy's Pre- = named » Golden | There were 41 contestants in CPO JOHN MOSS CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! 'th SPOR This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! CALENDAR WEEKLY | Events! Electroplating New... In Whitby Don't Buy New... The Old Will Do. © Copper © Brass © Chrome Parts Replated The Only Plant In The Aree Replating Old Stock. Whithy Electroplating | | Davies 586, G. Beecroft 585, M.| |Forbes 572 and M. Carter 568.! \Men: H. Forbes 682, D. John-| J. Goverde 595, Father Coates "i jston 652, G. Perry 602, and T. Hughes 559. croft 263, M Lne 248, M. McDaniel Bronishewski 243, Perry 225. Singles with handicap over 225: M. Canzi 305, M. Forbes) Orioles 5, 50; Falcons 5, 41; 271, D. Murphy 266, C. Bee- Hughes 256, LJ L. 232, B. Robinson Triples ovec 500: Ladies: A, 231, T. McDonald 228 and D. 696, L. Lane 642, D.|Davies 225. Men: D. Johnston} Murphy 573, M. Carter 562, 1. 290, H. Forbes 275, F. Canzil eX- Bronishewski 556, M. Canzi 535,251, P. McDaniel 251, Father) very M. Forbes 521, M. Hughes 512,|Coates 248, J. Smyth 227 and G.' 412 MARY ST. EAST WHITBY NEW AND New Car Sales 107 Dundes East MO 8-3610 WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our focation at 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods ot Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 USED CARS 1006 Brock South MO 8-4911 Used Car Sales THIS SPORTS HOCKEY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments MO 8-3552 Whitby Wallaceburg. PEE.WEE SEMI-FINALS SKATING | MERGE LIQUOR FIRMS | LONDON (AP) -- A merger} J. of two of Britain's biggest hard} isteren|liquor firms -- Gilbeys and |United Wine Traders--was an- 200: La-/nounced Friday. Gilbeys pro- ces the gin of the same name. | du Operated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL REEVES' ARTISTS | SUPPLIES DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 make 176 for victory. json 607, F. Ottenhrite 604, D. Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby | VIGOR OIL STATION RIFLE CLUB Hatch Nurseries Trophy JUVENILE MINOR FINALS-- Saturday, April 14, 8:00 p.m.--Whitby Consumers' Gas vs Wallaceburg at Wallaceburg. Sunday, April 15 2:00 p.m. -- Whitby Consumers' Gas vs Wallaceburg at Sunday, April 15, 2:00 p. Leamington ot Leamington Arene, Wednesday, April 11, 8:00-10:00 p.m. -- Adults only -- Whitby Arena -- Friday, April p.m, Adults and Children. Harry Thompson Trophy for Seniors. Wednesday, April 11 at 7:00 p.m. Colborne Street School Auditorium. April 11 at 7:00 p.m. Colborne Street Schoo! Auditorium. W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funerel & Ambulance Service WEEK'S EVENTS You don't have to play a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E. MO 8-3410 WHITBY AJAX MARINE Bill Walton, Prop. SANGSTERCRAFT; LAKEFIELD, CANADIAN, GREN-ELL OUTBOARD MOTORS. No, 2 Hiway. Ajax Phone WH 2-4080 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 m. :-- Whitby Pee Wees vs 13, 8:30-10:30. for Juniors on Wednesday, CONSTRUCTION CO, LT AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive WHITBY TRE EPTIC TANK SERVICE GEORGE H. HARDING GENERAL CONTRACTORS MO 8-3566 HING AND COMPLETE WHITBY PLAZA Looking For A Fine Men"s Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG FREE PARKING @ & Stove Oil e@ Semet-Solvay @ Texaco Fuel e@ "blue coal" Coke @ Wood- JAMES SAWDON & SONS Buy from your local deoler, He sup ports your Home Town Sports. @ 24-HR. CURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Dial MO 8-3071 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 WHITBY, Ont. MEN'S SHOP MO 8-8721