i | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WUR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel} 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Chanre! 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie MUNA: TUESDAY PE hao + a EVENING 1 OO ed ~~. 7~--American Bandstand 5:00 P.M. fh 6--Tuesday Club | 4--Captain Kangaroo 5--Da Thomas 11--Family Theatre 5-2--Today Show | Danny 3 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 8:30 A.M | 4--The Brighter Day 5--Kukla * Re | 3--Women's Show 4--Fun To Learn 7--Popeye 2--Make Room For 5:15 P.M. 9:00 A.M. Daddy 4--Dick Tracye's 1l--The Jane Gray Show 4:15 P.M. Adventures | 7---Romper Room 4--The Secret Storm 5:30 ?.M. | S~-Movie 4:30 P.M. Early Show 4-Popeye's Playhouse | 1_ Alakazam @--David Copperticid | 2--Jack La Lanne Show)'; jungle Jay Show 5--Theatre | 9:15 A.M. 6-3--Adventures Of 4--CH. 4 Theatre | 2--Debbie Drake Show | Blinky 3--Popeye and Pals | 9:30 A.M. 4--Edge of Night 2--Yogi Bear (1--Romper Room | 2--Threv Stooges 6:00 P.M. | 9--Language in Action | 4:45 P.M. 9--Man From Cochise (4 --People Are Funny | 6-3--Flowerpot Men 6 -News | 2+Yankee Doodie iime/| 2--Captain Bob and His 3--Three Stooges 10:00 A-M. : Friends gine ver aie ag 11--Debbie Drake TUESDAY EVE. 715 P.M. 9--Free and Easy 5:00 P.M. 6--Intercom 7--Jane Wyman Show |. waniiy Pheatre 6:30 P.M. $-2--Say When Go mane Deeds 11--News | 4--Calendar -- Harry bees 5-2--Weather: Sports Reasoner «Fun To Leara 6:45 P.M. ae ed aM. 5:15 P.M. end 9--Free an basy | . y 9 nA gga 7--Day In Court i i Ldingd s News: Sports | 5-2--Play Your Hunch | ge? °M. S--Huntley Brinkley | 4-I Love Lucy } 5:30 P.M. Report 11:00 A.M. ; 1~Barly Show 7:00 P.M. 9--Free And Easy | €3--Mike Mercury 9~--Father Knows Best 7--Tennessee Ernie | $--Ti we ' 6--Seven-o-One or | pays eatre S--Educational Special | 5-2--Price is Right | 2-Me raw 4--News-Weather-Sports | 4--Video Village | 6:00 P.M. 3--Zane Gray Theatre 3--Romper Room | 9-Man From Cochise wrerrs ee 7:15 #.M. 7~--Yours For A Song. | 2-- Three & 7--News: Weather 5-2--Concentration 3--Highway Patrol 7:30 F.M. 4--The Clear Horizon 6:15 PM 8--Top Cat 12:00 NOU. | 6--Ichabod and Me 7 ---Cheyenne \l~--Bugs Bunny and | v.30 P.M. 6-3--Don Messer's Friends U1-5-2--News Jubilee 9-4--News; Weather; | 9--News: Weather: 6--Cheyenne Sports | Sports 4--Death Valley Days 7--Camouflage } 6:45 ".M. 2--Peter Gunn 5-2--Your First 5--Huntley-Brinkley 8:00 P.M. | Impressi 6-3-2--News 9--Whiplash 3--Popeye and Pals 7:00 2.M. 6-3---Danny Thomas 2:15 P.M. | 9--Bachelor Father Show 9--Free and Easy ti -Seven-o-One 4--Pete and Gladys | 4--Speaker of the House | $--Project Midtown 2--Keyhole 12:30 P.M. | 4---News - Weather - 8:30 P.M. | 7--Window Shopping Sports li--The Flintstones | 6--Movie Matinee 3--Ben Casey 9--Inspector Maigret 5-2--Truth or 2--Ripcord | 7--The Rifleman Consequences 7:15 P.M. | 6-3--Live A Borrowed 4--Search for Tomorrow |i1--Family Theatre Life 3--News: Weather: Movie §-2--The Price Is Right Sports t--News: Weather 4--Father Knows Best 12:45 P.M, 7:30 P.M | 9:00 P.M. 4--Guiding Light cans | iieesiis Young 1:00 P.M. 7--Bugs Bunny Show | 7--Surtside Six \1--Movie Matinee | eccReichsomner | €3--Room For One More 7 Afternoon Show Meat jaya Pitan thetece 5--One O'Clock Movie | 4--Andy Griffith's Show | 4--Danny Thomas Show 4 Meet The Millers $:00 P.M | 9:30 P.M 3--Movie P hs watt 11--Richard Diamond 2--Mid-day Matinee ears rg hata 9--Take A Chance 1:30 2.M. pracy de 63--Camera Canada 9--A Kin To Win | «Mantovani 4--The World Turns 8:30 P.M. | 16:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M: Sing Along With 4--Bob McLean Theatre | Mite! 9--To Tell The Truth tan Helene 9--Naked City | 7--Ben Casey 5-2--Jan Murray Show; 7--The New Breed | 5-2--Thriller 4--Password -2 Alfred itchcock | 4--Hennesey | 2:15 P.M 4--Dobie Gillis | 10:30 P.M. éidtaredre lebiel 9:00 P.M. 'Nursery School ss §--The Jack Benny 2:30 &.M. 6--NHL Playoffs Show ie weieta Bonita AS 4-3--Red Skelton Show | @5-2--Academy Awatds '--yr'°* © is 5-2--Dick Powell Show 4--I've Got Ls Secret widen Meek | 9:30 P.M. 1:00 FM. 6-3--Open House \l--The Detectives | 11-9-7-6-5-4-2--News} 5-2--Loretta Young | 9--Checkmate Weather: Sports | Theatre 7--Yours For A Song | 1:15 P.M. | 4--House Party 6-3--Front Page | 7--Late Show 3:00 P.M. Challenge | 6--Viewpoint 1--Romper Room 4--Ichabod and Me | 3-2--Weather and Sports| 7~Queen For A Day 10:00 P.M. 19:30 P."t. 6-3--School Telecast |11--Bob 'pA ngg | 11--Meditation 5-2--Dr. Malone 7--Alco 4 pore | 9--Better Late 4--Millionaire | és. Hye bAcuirvieg tee | 6. British Cinema 3:30 «.M sc ce nee | 5-2---Jack Paar 1--Cap'n Andy Show , a 4--Overland Trail $F laveecee 4--Gary Moore Show 3--Crossroads 7--Who Do You Trust | 10:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours| $--Showdown 4--Half-Past Midnight | 5-2--Our Five 6--World of Sport "Johnny Midnight" | Daughters 3--King of Diamonds BUZ SAWYER AMERICAN SHORE PATROL ARREST PASSENGER FOR DRUNK, BEGIN 70 ASK QUESTIONS, I TELL NOTHING. I SCRAM, 5 NO. THE DEALS OFF, a BOWLING NEWS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 9, 1962 177 OSHAWA MEN'S STORE LEAGUE } These are the points won on the last night of bowling for the 1961-1962 sea- son: Goch Service Station 3, Bell Tele- phone 1; Outlaws 3, Verns Barber Shop 1; Kuch Shoes 3, V and J Food Mar- ket 1; Halliday 2, Barbers 2; Ontarie Motor Sales 2, Powells Drugs 2; Coul- [coc »| | ters 3, Browns Lumber 1; Oshawa Bak- ery 1, Collis Dep't Store 3; Dixon 4, Pedlar People 0; Acadian Cleaners High triples -- D. Hodgson 822 (250, 351, 221), P. Makarchuk 701, P. nicki 716 (289), &. Pilkey 774 (273, 253), L. Brooks 715 (266), H. Irvine 701 (268), J. Procher 299), A. Moss 722 ine Ponkeres Spadina, ton, THE, Werte myees TeTeR, JANE ARDEN (CROSSWORD HL, HONEY/ MR. ARKO JUST td AVE LI CALL HIM RIGHT BACK / AWAY, WILL YOU? ITED/ HERES . 721 ¢ and K. Jenkins 712 (262). Highest singles -- L. Shobbrook 252, F. Law 273, W. E. Lugtenburg 312, M. MacPherson 296, D. 265, J. MacLean B. Hardie 263, B. Clayton yo T. Bathe the season was taken by Ed a burg in first place with 241, and Steve Salmers with 224. High three games for the seasons John Randle $3, Gary Ferguson 935. High single -- John Randle 408 and Lorne Bryans 396. Transmissoin Centre, Powells Drugs, National Grocers, Kuch Shoes, Verns Barber Shop, Hallidays and Goch Serv- ice Station. All team captains please come to the bowling alley at 8.45 p.m. for the Christmas 25 aw! loaf 18. Ventilates 33. Snare MICKEY MOUSE purpose of drawing your alleys for playoff games. LAKEVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE The season's over and we think you will all agree it was a most enjoyable one and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the executive for a job well done. The three section winners competed for the top trophy with going to the Falcons with a total of 6,029. Next were the Whistlers with 5-929 and, thirdly the Hurricanes with 5,627. The Go-Getters took top spot in the Consolation bowl off with 5,951. The winner of the High Triple was L. Gavas with 778; High o Je Brown 328, and High Average, B. Reece 187. Don't forget the banquet on the 14th. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES Triples -- Joyce Bell 807 (281, 276, 250), Flo Bracey 617 (216, 203). 200 games -- G. Davidson 281, B. on et 8. Powers 232, T. Brown 231, ° wi ENN ell 228, I. Rogers 221, B. Davis Williams GRANDMA BILLY, YOU HAVE 'TH' 'THESE ARE GOFT BATIN' WRONG IDEA / Points Taken -- King Pins 4, Lalus 0; In and Outs 3, Pickers 1; Oddbalis 3, a egaas 1 and Dreamers 3, Strik- ers 1. Team Standings -- Dreamers 14, Odd- balls 12, Pickers 11, Lulus 10, Hemajos 10, Strikers 9 In and Outs 9 and King Pins 5. MOTOR CITY LADIES LEAGUE Our congratulation to the Go-Getters for winning the championship. Go-Getters team -- Nettie Pullen (Captain), Marj Vaughan, Ann Sabo, Dorothy ih The Vera Bint Trophy winners -- Shamrocks -- Audrey Hodgson (ca: tain), Ethel Tonkin, Eliz. Bateman, Ethel Hoar, Kay Hardsand and Edna See Tuesday's " ® Yk ack SUPPORT THE KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION . .. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11,--6:00 P.M. - MIDNIGHT -- RADIO STATION CKLB cea vee r For A Complete List Of Articles TED BY CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. @ Anderson, . The Blanche Norton Tro win- ners -- Sweat Peas -- Ji Hurrie (Captain), Mary King, Bea McKenzie, reo 4 Taylor, Melva Dalton and Irene mith, ' SO WE Mi 'J Fle (270, 229), Ada Tonkin 659 (203, COLD MAKE » Mary King 650 (267), Hazel Ban: OUR GETAWAY / non 648 (323), Evelyn Redpath 645 (206, ith \G] | 218 221), Marj Carswell 641 (261), Blanche Norton 631 (212, 228), Madeline A | Morrison 630 (244, 218), ee Oe 'illamson 208), Audrey Hodgson 616 (236), Jean Schoenau 601 (219, 214). 200 Scores -- Cecille Branton Sally Taylor 255, Ethel Freeman 249, Shirley Kaler 244, 215, Bea 235, 201, Josie Hurrie 235, Edna Ander- son 223, June Chesebrough 222, Betty Grandy 218, Irene Severs 215, Helen Fetchison 204, Marg MacDonald 204, Kay Hardand 203 and Vi Taylor 203. See you at the banquet -- April 14 at the Legion Hall at 6:30 p.m. DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE The league standings, going into the final week of bowling, are as follows: McLaughlin Coal 19, Allen's BA 16, Boswells Supertest 14, Jury and Lovell 's 8 and All Stars 6. 22. "SAM DONE. BUT AH GOTA FA ITED WHEN 1 , STRONG STUMMICK!? LOOKED IN HIS -£R- AH KIN STAND es AH MEAN "ITS" Ei PORTHOLE J! = = = ec < bad = 5 S : : ec; [ALL RIGHT, SKEETER, LETS a Le Sie eae IMPORTANT TO SAY; e REPEATEDLY NOT TO TRY TO 5 faq | TALK WHEN YOUR MOUTH S faq| 1S FULL? B i] " wn 5 a = S = ra n a & iw > = The high triples were as follows: A. Greene 786 (299, 271), S. Himes 783 (296, 261), P. Dobbins 772 (320, 253), F. Hayward 772 (300, 264), G. Burgess 711 (258), H. Kalnitsky 696 (282), J. Seffin 690 (252), M. Bell 690 (247), N. 685 (259), C. Weeks 678 (284), J. Bilida 672 (320), T. Stergen 666, A. Goguen = C. Burgess 662 (255) and D. Moss The high singles were as follows: ©. Simpkins 268, D. Smith 262, B. McLean 262, A. Perry 256, P. Cormier 249, 8 Schwartz 248, 8. Howard 242 and B, Sherman 240. There were only two Lemon we be B. Smith 76. Guess Bert is getting of a bad ones, before the playofis start. SALLY'S SALLIES DOCTOR, DO YOU HAVE ANY-.UH, MEDICAL TRAINING NUBBIN JULIET JONES I'M ASKING, GUESS IM STILL 'UU YOU SHOULON'T | | BUT T CAN'T HELP SEEING SPY ON YOUR THEM WHEN I STANO HONESTLY, OUR q NEIGH BORS-- HERE AT THE SINK-- 00 NEW NEIGHBORS )? IT'S NOT NICE | | YOU WANT ME TO STARE IN THE BACK AT THE FLOOR, JUST FIGHT FROM MORNING BLONDIE WELL, YOU HAVE TO STAND ( ON THIS CHAIR AND LARRY BRANNON . IF YOUR FATHER /$ e DOWN THERE, THE QUICKER WE GET BACK TO YELLOWKNIFE THE BETTER. THE MOUNTIES WILL FLY ME BACK HERE AND DROP ME BY PARACHUTE. + ty HURRY» THERES ¥ ree) "PROBLEM: USED TIRES THE WINGS ARE TAKING | 1400 To oh) Chose From 3: 88 KING ST. W. 725-4543 Macca