WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY Lots of things are more impor- Mainly clear tonight. Sunday tant than money, but you need cloudy, showers late in the day, _ lots of money to buy them a little cooler. a are 7g "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1962 Soeeectans oe Spend cise bie Cel Ge Senora, TWENTY PAGES NO. { 10 Cents Per Copy i e i OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-|measures are a closely-guarded ister Fleming's 1962 budget wi \savet be presented Tuesday nighti- However, some form of tax yrobably the last major re industria to promote increased A by the government before itlindustrial production is seen as . alls a June election a probability. Informants said x he budget is expected tojsuch a plan has been under} i 4 ; " pee rics Pah Sorin: ;-\close study in recent weeks , : ; ' '4 xpec pening forecast another sizable defi cit 'at the sixth vear in a row Mr Diefenbaker also an- ; nounced, last January, there t whether if contains a f , : is ae \would be tax and tariff meas- ce ae f er" : : pie ie Piss, a tion announcement of a ures to reduce the flow of Ca- ; sae é : : 4 Dieta, od Vy ext utumn mye ; "the Common Tuesday in imported American maga- i Se e ae y z : I ee ag EST in deliver thel es , oe ; ee ee, is : A $400,000 Boys' Club building Simcoe Halli was crowded be- budget speech : ead : j : j containing a heated swimming)yend the capacit * 'ding > : bay. B Z es, 5 2 A pool and a regulation-size gym- and staff. It was decided to . naa have also eport El t F "ae q : : ad : ate : Nee Sebiede Sa vayha ; at tx tame ? eee ; F 6nasium will be built in the'make a detailed survey of the of possible boost in family ec 10n ever ' : . ' ' north-west corner of Eastview|south area of Oshawa to find allowance payment . . ll MEE weg P iio ee i : Park, at Eulalie avenue and out where further services for With a record peacetime def Running Wild bead : : ' ) "ht gee | ' i Central Park Blyd. south. Boys and Girls were required "it it ar y wal ™~ Sued ; staal : ' we ez ' It is hoped to have the club 4nd type of building mait lbs sd ' g j : ¢ , H open by next fall. A survey was conducted with nA Sah ead sae 'lly be In Jamaica i ° te ' : é . . i The announcement came the full co-operation of both ore auniber ti dose o ved, KINGSTON , Jamaica (Reu- eg Y : a : ae j from the Simcoe Hall Boys' Protestant and Catholic sure another h y do I F ge < - 4 ' : E Club Committee, headed by as hg Schools, Police and the 1962-63 fisca vhich be- erated pre - balloting violence| # : e . : ' Stewart R Alger, a member of Health Departments Copies of April 1 here as politicians go all out in|#™ me, "a : : eae i soe j the national executive of. the this survey for all interested in Feilming dropped his su reparation for next Tuesday's| ; Boys' Club of Canada. "It is Youth work, are available at ' B ic " Sj . all." sar f the Clection to pick Jamaica's first) @ a f é badly needed," he says. Simcoe Hall announcement ¢ I SS ta ae é ee ; : oe : fe date pins qiiat| Soveranient Se ae ndependent) a a ee pte ape. ; , ; ; : Che decision to go ahead fol- MAYOR'S SUPPORT ioe Wehate an apvern: DA ion a oc, ; 3 ey iil oe be . % gis = \ows three years of planning, m- As a result' of the Survey, 2 P ' The gi hy Bag La = 2g apes és : : s es se y cluding need and location stud- and with the close co-operation . SFENBAKER jo seal ous represent * eee ' oy Xe . g : 4 Pg & aS Ww of Oshawa ity Council, Mayor JOHN DIEFE MEMBERS APPLAUD es. ad ma ' 4 : be fx ee : : have been in the process of de-'Christine Thomas gave active om It was ted with desk Stabbings and shootings have ae ' 3 ° 9 .t % " bs ee : velopment for several months support to the new Club through r P t 3 been almost nightly occurrences a a : Rise ts 7 > ig applause by ar-| De uumost n . Bh: ' i alia? 2 ; ae DESIGNERS NAMED discussions with the Oshawa ties. and also by a heightenedin the thickly-populaetd areas ane ee Se ee: iy pepe ; | Parks. Boat d the Ne Release Sought a ipation about when Prime/of Kingston during the cam- a " 2 ™ ; ' As - 4 Oshawa Architect Herbert be hort hood Park Reeser ani aign, although no fatalities # fo Cole and the Toronto firm of pales hat he > at the be fenbake decided S 2 f ive a e enorted cs 7" * e fo 3 'Bake i 3 OY > are Io ' { Skindivers the ele 1 da have so far been repo1 re J : , : 'ied ' : const Z arc hitects Pentland , the Club a uaaNitew dake ' A i nee ? ontesting < ) legislative : ; g fe .. i and Baker, were named this ! Park nade ajseats are tl erning Poeple's tesien ' nade é collaborate on all aspects of [It is proposed to locate the I C b Ar est ? ; * inoat certainty National Party, led by Premier Bey be Pages SEE q 4 ; : i wa , the n u a I ot Afond - arr roi d s ex. Norman Manley, and t 3 < yy ihre # . design and construction pied ee lu a * one pap bot ag € 14a voting ¢ 5 ' ote % i os a q y . corner oO Lastview ark -- 2 A : » position Jamaica Labor P 2 ¥ i W e , Che 1 : 3 ~, WASHINGTON (AP ected to be eithe June i ol jed he iiaute "coun ee = a f . is B ion G ---- of street boundaries being Eula- ; ' June requiring dissolution siren : th Bul din ommittee Sale jie avenue on the north and Cen- state de] :' 'lof Parliament befor ster, As newis - farmed Boic'sl BOYS' CLUB WILL BE SIMILAR TO ABOVE MODEL oe sporoved and' consrucion Park Blvd. on the west. he newly orme 20, § 4 " " een weror i) Party, led by lawyer| --Pentiand and Baker Architects thresh -| CON ZD ON PAGE 3 n n government acounts for ters)Campaign fever has gen- working through th o ¢ Mr | a . ~ "| Political ent to obtair ease ¢ Latnin _» * tr Fs o ¢ y ones ------ - - - Cee! eT ernment ) o' Diet y Que-'willard Johnson, has entered sical --____---- - -- mer months -- We. want the seven U.S. skindivers arres bec Cit obta dissolution! ;+. first election with 16 can- ew club to be open for use m iin by Governor-Genera Van or F . ext Fall-and Tinton 99 eal -- Secretary Dean Ruskite did Feb. 1, 1958, for the pa eee : a iner Pla S 4 * ail E 3 iS rotitn Men = n " Fei end Wine," Oe ait : March 31 ¢lection that year. | INDEPENDENTS RUN n S ees pyittastin, the elub wit szid Friday night he anticipates, _. i EL gaa ' ight opendents re run i Fn mht antics Mine Gover Genta ER: mendes au | Die In Cras ve woodworking shops, craft £ ifficulty in gaining freed ty r for office, sludin a | fy , : : s, a library and game travel ot Quebec Ci nex re . elieve e the . ia ge : rs C7 e ™r the men, believed to be th turday to remain at the Cita- party defector Mrs. Rose Leon rooms. And a small auditorium same vues for whom the U.S his residence there, until and A. St. G. Coombs, who was | suitable for the presentation of Veast Gward had been search sg Easter dismissed last year from Man | n a {oh} ore plays. : ; : ing. Rusk said the men were" ,. fi j\ley's cabinet pane innocent adventurers en route Tuesday's budget speech wil House standing at dissolution) TORONTO (CP)--T ' ; to Jamaica te explore for be Mr. Fleming's sixth--or sev- MONTREAL (CP) -- The 15,- using delaying tactics in the ne "I believe thi vould be a, t : 4 sj: ures : Tor MONEY RAISING } " 4 ite gg stl enth if one counts the '"'bab; Rnd Saris: aes passenger liner Ryndam gotiations wise move on your rt to coun-/ON0 men were killed today All the money for the project sunken treasure hudwet' 'pba tenbinber 1957 People's National Par 27; 000-ton passenger liner je 80! i te k when their car went out of con- will be raised by private sub- ro ; - _ budge ( é OT 4 % © lig scheduled to sail into Que- ter what may otherwise be un-', r i 4 ; : . ' Berane, Fao, OonCrys {after the. Progressive Conserva Pins ang 5 a ga aid a Bape despite a Bo PROMISES HELP favorable public opinion,' Mr rO on a curve in Lakeshore scription; over one-half the seven as 'so-called ives took office dependents three aie nist me 278 None pilots Friday, Transport "Minister Baicer said Boulevard and careered into the amount has already been ob- said they were arrested ae mt k fe tie up almost Balcer promised to help med- Jn 9 telegram to Mt path of a chartered bus. The tained and a "special names day off north coast of CAN BE HIGHEST which threatens to te up Rs. late the disagreement if th Widday he pilots' federation 2US Gtiver and several passen- canvass" will be held soon. ente prov ater, ¢ 1 There has been a s¢ * Canadian Among all yping between: Les & sed : gers were injured Giving a description of the : lots return to work imme diately propose that pilotaze fees off Havana television com- budget deficits starting roposed that pilotage fee Dead are driver Ted End building, the approximate size was: I coumains, Que., 140 miles north: * east of Quebec, and Kingston, 2nd urged them to w the frozen tor two years while mentator, Marion Kuct 1957-58, and the $650,000,000 aet| | Priests Ordained : 7 liner Empress of Britain to Sam ainied "at waning: OL erby, 36, Gerry Dennis Walter, being 150 x 110 feet, Mr. Ben- called the seven invaders . t forecast for 1961-62 in \ bel , move downstream from Mont ' ga Beets is "helne aad 24, and John W. Fotherby, 22./nett said: "This type of plan ing that they might face s¢ 1 eming's June 20 bu t! _ROME interes AOCahe A spokesman for the Hol and.- eal immediately as a gesture ;. 1 ng Police said their car was west- is being used with great suc- charges in Cu would be the highes ~'\dian was among 16 men America Line said Friday night good wil bound on the six-lane highwasicess in Toronto at St, Alban's The coast gu d been in peacetime. It would push the) 4-in6q Roman Catholic the Ryndam, carrying 890 pas- 1 2 telegram to pilots and KEY ISSUE in front of the Canadian Na-|Boys' Club; also a -similar searching \ I eyear Unat OF -CelcH today at the patriarchal ngers from Europe, will leave taqapation lawyer Marc La- The revenues are a key issue tional Exhibition grounds when building was designed and built a boat carrying se T $2,000,000,000 basil of St. John Les Escoumains at 10 a.m. with ijng' Mr. Balcer said all pas- behind the walkout. The pilots it was in collision with the east- by Pentland and Baker for Do- ers he | et's ta ial tioi. Cardinal Traglia offici-/0% without a pilot sengers are already aboard the claim the transport depart. bound bus vercourt Boys' Club. These two ated The pilots. represented by the jin) originally scheduled to ment's methods of calculating The Gray Coach Lines. bus, buildings are the most modern HERBERT G. COLE ine Canadian was Louis Mc-|Federation of St. Lawrence j..¥. Montreal early Friday, their pay are "grossly dis- driven by James Burns of Tor- type and have memberships of Raye, born at London, Ont., in! e e River Pilots, left their job and any further delays could torted" and result in inflated Onto, was returning from Buf-/over 800 boys and 400 girls General Girdin 1915, a convert to Catholicism in|@4Y Morning to discuss methods ,ecuit in severe hardships figures falo, N.Y., where the passen-| Two -leading features are a 1955. He is a former grammar|® accelerating actions on their : gers had attended a Masonic heated Indoor Swimming Pool school teacher demands for improved working jservice and regulation size Gymnasium _{conditions Mr, Burns and two passen-|Club membership is open to all§ a | Ww They plan to hola ¢ 1€s Em nN Sta te jgers, Elmer Walkon and Wil-|boys and girls between the ages For Ne Battle f general meetings in spake erge Cy liam Kirk, were treated in hos-jof 7. and 17 -- no religious shipping cent during pital. Their condition was notljor racial barriers. Girls will OTTAWA (CP----G a iid the general appar and have jconsidered serious. Severaljhave the exclusive use of the McNaughton, an old sold hi hac cond fhouanke cee & dé stil ie. charged that the federal depart- other passengers were shaken|Club on Mondays and Thurs. mn one contro s ' ment of transport and the Ca jup but did not require hospital!/days more th . 3 a batt € rs durit ) did h 1S¢ nadian Shipping Federation are |treatment : his batt! I g ainst t mature of j ; i : . COMMITTEE TALKS public caree d n for an-|; 7 5 Pinata Warkan nce? j g QUITO, Ecuador (AP) -- The|to disclose details of the oper The Committee, composed of tine 'riday night on the : = Z 2 ' . P ¢ ' P p fl e ee rhe ol Stee s bynanaa : Crime Commission army clamped a state of emer- a ee on _uncon P local businessmen, has been - ca another episode comparable. to gency on north-central Ecuador oh as he Que SLE ar MPOe greemen holding regular weekly meet- ar nh unspeciied) the cas governor James : { at one a ngs in the Quevedo area 0 ngs for some time, and thos prompted the an-|(t© ase Of governor James I fe To Hear Gamblers 'oiay and hunted Castro-armed, west-central Ecuador = ae te detain p Coyne ! ank of Canada , pro-Communist guerrillas rebel-| who have seen the detailed : 1 # I The rebels were aurea as @ac e i plans have been extremely im- § nouncement Tuesd who last ve fought 1 Yr 1 P)--J hM t the government of| ster Dief a ar fough 0 . ORONTO (CP)--Joseph Mc g against the governmen d : Minister I ernment's effort to fire him. Mr. # eee, z Dermott and Vincent Feeley rsident Julio Carlos Arose-| members of the pro-Castro F pressed not only with the plans wae reer : ea te Coyne resigned after obtainin 3 ; Ditenth -admbie have been mena jolutionary Union of E eich fone 2, 200 Fi but the work and preparation a ee ie/4 Senate comittee hearing, ; ; nd ceed ie tnality on asio's Army reinforcements were Youth some of whom had re- lremen that has already gone into this Commission, s er rocess he was unable to obtain @ i ¢ ap cor missior on Paeiine rushed into the jungle-covered| ' 3c 1 military and guerrilla new Club. ! "Naughton, 75 from the Commons j thelr soul Baten red Friday |Andean foothills less than 50|W@"fare training in Cuba. In-- MONTREAL (CP)--The CPR!_ Discussing various points, Two, governments lier > gener making ain he oo Walton i Rose aad he and ratles from this South Ameri-} jformed sources said the insur- has reached agreement with the Stewart Alger, the general specified 1 nadai4. ish to fede away fs hig cliente may fake ion tolean mountain capital. Press re-/2¢Mts were armed with Czech-|Brotherhood of Locomotive chairman of the project, said: 'down the riv n the 60-yee § latest campaign. spoke out postpone their appea ance: be:\ports sald at least one soldier made arms smuggled from Firemen and Enginemen (CLC),"'In 1959 it became. apparent : sith Columbia treaty signed t WEEN oy : ae . oti fore the commission until the|was killed and several persons ( uba on a new three-year contract Something had to be done: as PAUL PEN™L Canada and t iS ee . ( . t meeting with the Ontario Court of 2 has were wounded in clashes. The} The upri - n January : jategean om" International Joint Commission heard their appeal against a army said it had captured a ia Ge Cuban i agence py gd hoo e a was pa Lane PTOCR body handling Canada banyak pp SESS sonviction to obtain information insurgents Fidel Castro's public denuncia- he agreement, similar to one negotiations boundary 'with wate poten GENERAL McNAUGHTON litegally from ; a ee, eran officials refused tion of Arosemena as a drunken|Signed a month ago by the un Peo le Die 'J wouldn't know ie ( : i Lene Ce ee hd ae . ------ coward for breaking diplomatic 10" and the publicly - owned Naughton ! eport irelations with Havana and the|CNR, will give firemen on pas- "es fein " AGREEMENT TERMS SIGNED omnes '9 re ure: ling 6% j rerions apaciene Gb : . general elec n. But he ha 1 thrown eee) 208 ee 8 a uTIng 10ts formed the {per-cent boost CABINET RESHUFFLED Iso covered in the a v iment d do what I though e inter se i } oh y ant Ki i ; ests of Canada and th whi nN Arosemena | reluctantly sev-/ment are firemen and engineer | ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Anti-|Algerian Mostem insurgents J cqeen aot O @| or Til e Aa RCURdOY . es with Cuba, employed on the Dominion At-!,y,, : me : : "i : and giving him wide-ran; ng , Communist Poland and Czecho-'alntic Railway. a wholly-owne? jives tiere early today on the special Seip +s onion ; ine SEDS AIRING slovakia last week under pres-|suyhsic vy of the CPR opera : 4 -- se ' iad bsidiary of the CPR operat-\ave of a referendum in France|oul The whole sure of the military, Ecuado 1" in Nova Scoita ea on ty ine The kK : eds tot TORONTO (CP end t Che premier said Mr, Golden-| wealth has st Jocal 299 of the!521 returned to work. The union} armed forces chiefs also forced Dominion expected overw . geo to en- hag es re ae r 4 ra f . vcovernme Y Vv in- cre 7. ganization steppe mons com he Royal York Hotel s berg accepted the Royal York|union nearly $800,000 claimed 485 remained on strike,|Arosemena to reshuffle his cab-/gineers are to re 1 914 _)G0rse government policy in in-/cr ei sk Saket st pl t ¢ S * . 2~' dependence-headed Algeria up its eampaign of violence hose r inet to exclude leftists and to}per-cent in ' t} ; against / ria independ helped é } teanty followed within for its 2,200 firemen = nine PS te ee | The F acific Railwa f signment on condition that no| The Canadian Pacific Railway| hie management set the fig- to he Bae ki publicity be attached to his ap-|Company's annual report sai PE isaee iswing his policies to Six of seven persons killed ' ure at 403, The rest found other and three of four wounded in/iN a Wave of attacks [ri ve right, The contract signed ; ointmen the strike helped to cut profits before May i run for * ¢ that left 41 dead throughout Al- father jobs he separate attacks before I don't hink negotiatingjof its hotel operations er hree vears. endir june 30, |! i meetings carried on in a gold-|Canada by $200,000 \fter 10 months of fruitless) UXBRIDGE MAN 1964 "9 am. were Moslems. f 90w! achieve results," said) It is believed that settlement|negotiation the strike be vy Agreement Wa announced' European feelings were run-\CAPTURED : : Ts Mr. Goldenberg terms call for the return of alas mainly a pay. dispute. But DIES IN BOSTON joi nly by W. E. Gamble, vice-/ning high as the referendum, in} The French high comm RESULTS SPEAK specified number of strikers pay issues faded into the back e resident of the brotherhood,|which. Algerians do not vote, announced 1 apture ¢ The premier acted yut Although unconfirmed, this}ground§ < negotiators ham BOSTON (AP) -- Charles and A.-M. Hand. CE s assist-/ approached rs Was a MaSSimore memb ¢ itt } ] t "re £ \ t suc ASI S > > 94 ride sj j 2 bv J hé said-in rep . eme ; ey d Ing ub i y and | proposed | that Ijnumber would be we th below he pert a ty i ' a Re : que P. More, 24. of Uxbridge, ant manager of labor relations|of tricolor displayed )¥ band led py ex-Col. Jean G si Justice Ministe ; f e ne 1 : in the same wa The re- number of those still listed - m - a 1 : fle TIKE ane Ont., who received a healthy and chairman of the companv' Kurope nan I Am French'jn the Ouarsenis Mounta a 1 ¢ " ( at eak for themselves strikers. However, many ha he union shop principle negotiating cammittec demonstration western Algeria , aks I 1 " j \ ' kidney in a transplant oper- d the key Friday meet-jsince found employment § irtually no. violence ge increases } t I The. d ation 21" Th ) ners included ation from his. brother Wag icrea : I ionstration organizers The prison ud I Plaza here, so that tually no one during the strike. Howeve staggered through the life the have sd on Europeans tolarmy de CITY EMERGENCY I | ane {c a went at trom 10° will be left on t street siderable bitterness arose as| Mugene, 22, March 20, died contrat kee : flying. until Sun- reported oe G arde had ) main-;municipal and provinci 0 early today { Peter Bent All firemen and Dominion At av nig tary. The 100-stronge group ' ' tlement,|8:3 n. with none of the ne-| The union had lon i , al arl ay PHONE NUMBERS ert { whict : itors being allowed out of|tained it would accept no -set-lernment -- offici and. othe Brigham Hospi ( yineers are to receiy President Charles de Gaulle, reddy- nad lost 44 cap da in inerease of one per cent re-'in television broadcast from failing to. rally. soldis troactive to July 1, 1961, anda s Friday night, asked thevillagers to the Seere orl # { t € room the whole time tlement that discriminated|prominent 'Torontonians were The POLICE 725-1133 ' i ) emi fed them in the room atjagainst any of the strikers when/divided'on the question of cros tol he expense of the government,' ame: to re-employment sing the union's picket line. The i { ret 'tis > an! keep Alg 7 " opr Or f rds t in K in ssful amons identical I r one per cent retroactive 27,000,000 voters in metropolitan! keep Algeri FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 o i FIGURES DIFFER hotel has Been undertire fron ene ee ie ha 1 eee Fakta' th, volaties Caenere mca SPITAL 723-22 t ras , ia ag , : : ; at ross ; perienced in others th ne-p it boost isjing his governnient's March 18 35 Secret Arm HOSPITAL 723-2211 smceas » (novel, biggest in the Common-jwent on strike April 24, 1961,'ada t effect | (cease-fire agreement with the raids here ¢ hospital said such operations have been su e 1,600-roorn Of the 1,388 empl Ss who labor orga