Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Apr 1962, p. 18

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in So's it _| CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity BIRTHS (Continued from Page 17) By The Canadian Press OS aes a oe Btock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High 1 Lew Stock Bales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low j i 3 Li BOWMAN -- Miriam Andrea, daugh- 29-----Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale sDeclines outnumbered advances by 384 to 330 on -- pg ingen yea agg Deer Horn 15000 21 19 I%--% m7 18 ter of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bowman. |jgg9 ENVOY Custom, bucket "seats, lea-|LARGE | freezer, practically new. Tele- bi nhs we wr aaioca this week. Issues un- GN Gas wis 1375 20 225 230 --3 305 225 ee Pgs weg 2 wae es arrived Wednesday, April 4, 1962 at ther trim, radio, snow tires included, |Phone 728-4873 after 6 p.m bata 4 J. ieee A t GN G B wis 1705 300 75 300 +10 330 270 Delnite 5632 645M 46 50 44 Oshawa General Hospital, weighing in excellent condition, $1,200. Telephone) nes ee ee ee ea ee GW Coal A 620 $644 6% 6% --% 7 6% Denison 9539 $12 11% lll%e--% 12% 10 , <at Pr 7. 43 2,908,570, s spe : ¢ pe a om + on. & Sater for RAY latter 5S pce, 798-4 VALLEY CREEK year to date are 264,605,588, (Quotations in cents GW Coal B 220 480 480 480 ~15 5 460 Acme Gas e¢ 127 t ' we i ai i o. ei - '54 CHEVROLET, green, four door, unless marked $.) ' Great West 600 100 100 100 105 100 AP Cons ws § F ne 7200 . Mou une BROWN -- Bill and Mary (nee Cal-,g00d motor, $85 or best offer. Tele-| FURNITURE WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS G Wpg Gas 2039 $17% 16% 17 --% 17% 15% All Rox 1 30 30 +3 x lison) wish to announce God's second phone 655-4611 after 4.30 B By The Canadian Press G Wpg G vt 6646 $17%4 16% 17% 17% 15 iia Gadus 7 5 ' EH Ample 6300 | 5 5% +1 6% 4% cast Ma gift of a baby sister for John, Helen 1959 OLDSMOBILE 98 hardtop, power; ' 9 new location. 1612 sai This Week----- 962 G Wpg 56 w 440 575 500 500 --50 625 500 Anchor 7500 f East Sul Ross, Tuesday, Apes 3, 1962, at OSh- brakes, steering, windows. All white.| Bond Street West. Top 'alg Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High cit Greyhnd 4342 $194 19 19% -- % 16% Asamers + 1M Hs a7 wees awa General Hospital One owner. Best offer. Owner going poid for used radios, televis- Guar Tr 485 $59 57% 59 41% 5 54 Bail S 5% pr 4 a 5 . es ieee as , INDUSTRIAL : yee : Eldrich ¢ abroad. 725-7223 after 5 o'clock ions, furniture and applion- Chin aa Ge H Cotton we S234 aH Bie--% 23% 22 Bantt 2600 135 | 183 Le = : lp arde 2 4 4 ; 1 3Y ; Burrows (nee Sullivan) are happy to|!#5% CHEVROLET Belair roma ces. We buy, sell and ex. zc Pow 3 nt a Se Hardee pr 10 $10614 10614 106 hic 20 5 5 50 Acar gf announce the arrival of their son, Brad- €*cellent condition, automatic, fully change. Telephone 728- awin 9 22% 7 Hard Carpet 1866 $12% 12 Ep Britalta Fatima ' equipped. Telephone 725-8832. BA Oil ¢ $3458 3 3 3 4 7 i . ley Joseph, born Wednesday, April 4, 4401 Dom Tar ° 21626 $2076 20% 18 1 Hees 1000 45 a : Frobisher J 2 Gaitwin + BURROWS -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1962. at the Oshawa General Hospital. |'56 BUICK four door hardtop, like new, ---- interim Hendshot Pr 16 $105 A baby brother for Allen and Danny power steering and brakes, $895. Busi- . i H Daue! boy. Deo Gratias ness number 728--9651 GOOD RECONDITIONED Wayne ' . us 5313 Horne Pf 380 363 REFRIGERATORS RANGES Yan Can 2898! tile gi oo DIEMER -- Egon and Margaret white, radio, automatic, whitewalls, AND WASHERS Dalhousie 1 j 23 wal hea Se Oe (McAfee) are happy to announce the Pelephone 728-6551 ' Place 1192 fe 3 , top al 225 $148 145 145 2 . birth of their son, Michael --. 7 ian All parts and service C LI Pete 101126 44 mp Life (225 ee oe ; <= Ibs. 6 ozs., born Thursday, April 5, 1962, 1958 BUICK hardtop, two-tone blue and AJAX Imp Oil eed a ie oe GF Mining 17R 17% at the Oshawa General Hospital " bro- white, good automatic transmission and " Imp Tob 12650 5% 15% Goldray 38 € : Geco Mines c ( c c ' 4 e Os s F ; % 64--4 : ; ther for Cristal Ann. Many thanks motor. Sharp car, $695, MO 8-5631 BARGAIN CENTRE Tormont 1801106 716i 14 : se peal e704 aes zt me ' < oe ta Granby 902 a 16 if + ; af 1 : t a s ( c sf ( ' Genex Gnt Masct Giant YK Glenn Uran Goldale c 55 BUICK special, two tone green and Dr. Ross and nurses of 4th floor. 'M4 BUICK hard top tw otone, very Wiltsey 1334000 i I Ac 225 Granduc 295 ' ' . afm ; Ac 225 pr good condition, 20 Brock Street, Ajax, HARWOOD AVE. NORTH Newnot sae 2 8 : as i oe 10% 12 GIEBEN -- Ina and Peter' are happy or telephone WH 2-0984 AJAX -- WH 2-6410 ois a" antane = ae, 4. Ind Min 4 a Ad Lap +2 Renee ete acer noe Gone Dic, (SY 180 'ST Toternational tandem with| oe ~ ies ' Ingersoll A 100 Williston 7000 50 50S ; : 80° 850 880 30° ter Heidy, a little sister for Hans Peter "62 Inglis 4 " Ne 4 4 . s : é 52 plates. Good condition. Reasonable. - ent Del 4 40000 3% -- 4 at Oshawa General Hospital, Thursday, | [2 Plates. Good BABY CARRIAGES idiaed Gas ae ar on ot 2 $ hy om Pete 200 P- 2 9 9%-- % April 5, 1962. A grandaughter for Mrs Inland Gas pr 150 Dragon 4 1 7; a os Adele Mager, Park Road South and '52 CHEVROLET two-door, good reli hai wie al tag ge ete sot ara be Mr. and Mrs. Hendricken Gieben of able car, motor. tires good, body fair, y Thistle, Lloyd Gendron 1 Bronze pr 125 a Mic Mae B " 3 5: ' el , Holland $135. Telephone MO 8-363! Int Nickel 9522 $6045 3 78) C West Pete 27 pala ae eg 2 7 " 2 5 52: 4 a > 549 5 < 19000 y ons | : o7 AUSTIN Cambridge, perfect 'mech- AT LOWEST PRICES! sins ; . cat' ULI rhs 4 3 43% --1' 7 a! Dev-Pal, ee eae 30 High-Bel 2370 290 232 m2 8 pr PR. ictor anc ean (nee anical condition. Best offer. One owner . 7 , 39 1 y e 'a : ; Hollinger 7845 $21% 20U 21) y 2 -- s Abitit U 3 . 4 x Ay "% a+" % smith) are happy 40 announce the bith Telephone MO 63634 BARONS' HOME Arta" sou sists 13, fae sic ise tae IML UU we Me ae St roll a at at 2 a 8 of their son, William Victor, 7 ibs ras gg agarose : : 90 $23) is : 4 = > eae Sa ; ud Bay 5M) 58% 5 es ' '36 GMC ton truck with covered box S Acad-Atl A 390 $23 23% 23% 4 intoey ab i 40 OM 58% 594 + % on Friday, Apri 6, 1962, at Oshawa|S* GMO ton, truck with covered box FURNISHINGS head All or $101 101 105 1 ie Pr soa bes aa : a. c Hugh-Pam 11500 1615154 +1 12 Genera) Hospital. A brother for Jimmy. | 11,8900 424 san Bit pportiee on 417 : : ' ae ee rie Be 6 Farse F ' ; Hydra Ex 25451 a 43° 45 HH 35 Many thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres . Sim ot. 3 5 9 be : A Fr Pete pr 5 5 33 Iron Bay 400 2 195 195 --17 255 = - a ah " Alte Dist 2860 250 240 2 . Iny Syn 6 PLYMOUTH station wagon, motor Alta Dist vt 3300 thear 'Dis Glacier 525 3 1 13 Iso c 84640 118 102 115 +xé 'i Gr Plains 429 $14 5M 1 J Waite 121050 39% 45% P A GOOD news story -- When you an-|is 1, body needs repair, Telephone Alta Dis W 1625 11 . 1 5 8 'oa a p Ita 525 1 i 1 : oon 10 580 S00 ir ¥ : nounce the birth of your child in The fl. Gas 14293. $3 1% 32 3BMace 31% Inter Dis w 1200 sae Sak Rk a er aN Home Oil A 3 ' Jacobus 40400 695 Oshawa Times, clippings of the notice noe ETT VT T Be vO PoE Alta Gas pr i ' 10 1 lle' <i gre ste 1% we' 3 i Home Oil B 7 3% 13 13% 15 Jaye Expl 11000 13% 13 Bee Penton fee Wave 5 rece: © Otill?| acy reamunabie.olfer accapeed. 19000. Alta Gas B pr 166 $107¥% 107 ' 106% Jefferson 1600 8% «8 8 OTe HE OIG 3 = ae Be 1 ct vm 8 Tree Records and to mai! your friends s ps 1 34 1 i, Ceres Rong r4 480 380 Jump Pnd 7300 ' 2: 15 Joburke 25550 9% 8% and revatives in those far-away places. | 1952 CHEVROLET sedan, 1954 Ford 3 ' ; 1 7 x4 184 ae we ra as fe a a ee ; Joliet 7300 26 25 To place a birth announcement, call ton truck, cab and chassis. Both in UP TO 60% OFF lg Ce 1507 $23% 23% 2 mu 2 sak Cts 135 $11 10% 11% 10% Long Point 21800 35 3 Jonsmith 68500 25 23 The Oshawa Times Classified phone cooq condition, reasonable. Telephone : fy % 70% 2 x . C A ve 980 $104 10. 1 1 "eee Majtrans 26000 3 2 3 3% 2 Jowsey 7430 33 «31% 32 RA 3.2492 after 6 p.m. 725-8552 A i 1 is = 7 dock be : - avig ' 1 9% 4 1 4 ' 5 5 5 fter 6 p.m. 725-85 Larsen, Traveller, Weymouth g Ce : BI pe af Jock C wts 9900 94 89 Pe ae 5g Big i 4 Kerr: Add $029 860 840 850 10 1 DODGE % ton pick-up, low mile-) \Agco E id Moto a 8 aa " a Jockey ris 165341 12 o4 1 13 e 35 2 ye tian een 5 ea age. Excellent condition, Bowmanville ee ae DOTS, } } $ 4 Kelly wts 2150 310 285° 31 2 320 275 Midcon 7 26 '2 4 Kilembe 2005 225 210 225 --I1§ H MA 3-3473, "| Volvo Tenta Engines. Alumint 15700 $27% 2 ao a Kelvinator 100 $9 «(9 4 4 Mill City i : Kirk Min 18607 32% 30% 32 --1 : MARINE STORAGE AND Alin 1 I 4 23% 2 Y 4 Murphy Oil 7 f Kopan 145625 17 13°) 15 41 1948 CHEVROLET -- truck with 1951 Alum 2 1 3 § 7 Lte N Nat Pete 5 375 35 35 L to N : : motor od running condition. Tele Analog 2 75 1 0 155 vaba 5561 $15 14% 1 1 N Concord 779 6 3 Labrador 2004 $27% 27% 27% -- % 1 CARRUTHERS At Marnwood habe 7119 SUPPLY LTD facing. $ vafarg B25 $644 64 «64 sy Cont Ft 4 : L Dateut oud 0608 00" Sas cb ursing Home, Bowmanville, on Fri- ~ -- Py 18 ; 1 te 431 " 9 $63 53 7 N Davies 7 3 1 Lake Lin, 15 8 E Pe ate Ah ps 2, Helen Louisa Car-| 1950 FOUR door Chevrolet. It runs. Not Brooklin | Anthes Imp A 163) $ ; : tas" ae ee ae as LE ohlag 1 P : Con' 6 ae an nk ruthers, aged 87 years. Dear sister of a baa pa at F108 or beet oe, Tele PHONE 655-3641 Argus 250 pr 195. $5 Me 524 f ; 0 Cem 7000 390 370 375 -- 5 NC Oils ' 5 19 5 L 'shore 425 283 281 281 Jean (Mrs, D. S eGregor) William | Phi 72 Argus 260 pr 2 5 3 Sita 5 pr 300 $13% 13% 13 ui NCO wts 59 "a Luz 300 300 295 295 H. and the late May, James D. and j9gi LAURENTIAN Arbor green, Pon OPE N EVENINGS AND Asadown B 1 $8 - 4 i Fin 6% 100 22 2 22 4 NCO pr 295 ' y 9% 2 Lamaque 1500 370 360 360 Charles M. Carruthers. Resting at tjac, low mileage. First class condition EKENDS UNTIL 8 P.M A Std Wire 1 1 5 15 - 105 au Fin 140pr 25 $26 2 2 5 Northid 1 . Langis 39370 48 «643047 the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman | Telephone 4628 after 5 - tlan Ac¢ 51140 $2 2 q A b) 23 E Fin 125pr 275 $2 22% 2 Latin Am 130336 135 117 ville. Service in the Chapel on Monday | - : eitineicci> | Steel 9319 $3 21 Fin 200pr 445 r 3 5 Okalta 1 ' " 3 Leitch 24850 165 155 155 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Ce Mg KSWAGEN deluxe, radio, white 1 | : ; i 2 lames 1 9 3 2 3 4 Pac Pete 2305 159 Y Lencourt 124000 12 9 10 walls, washers, 37,000 original. miles h r 4 9 3s 5 > > y j 25 5 % 775 Lexindi: 7 y 3 metry culate condition. Private. Tele | it 240 6210 2 Lau Fin A : ; 7 he gag ™ 5 43 \ 38 cL Lee ion 1? Nga mpg ire ea ies . | Ban 4883 7M 6 a : Laura Sec 1 by x Mm 17h Pamoi 18075 3 WL Lac 1 165 165 GIDEON Bibles are nuing m hone MO 8-5152 nk N ; 75 a-- Me 83% 7 Lave ' 1 1 Permo ' Wee 23 4 Lorado 44400 191 181 187 morial. For placement si 5? VOLKSWAGEN, gaod motor, $290 TRAILER SALES ath 1 819 a--% 2 Levy pr 10 $23% 23 % 1 , Peruv Oils : 9 -- 12 Louvict 11700 10910 director or phone 72 61 Volkswagen, just like new, 7,000 | ath 53 56 52s LobCo A 10 $ %s y Petrol p : B Lyndhst 13100 il miles. Dial 725-8575 | >at 1 Lob A w 3 4 32 y Phillips 2 2 . + be 5) acassa GERROW FUNERAL 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, black, 24,- New and Used | e woth eo Abad : Oe ce 0% 49% 5 s : is 2500 73 63 re Macdon 100 miles, one owner, whitewalls, wheel TRAVEL TRAIL ; 1 2 ts . ; 9% 50 ; ; 5 9 Mac a igre i Yale 2 pr 2 Lob G1 pr 143 314 31% --% 33% 31% --~Prrairie Oil 2 i MacLeod CHAPEL ea at ee By ERS l Phone -- 16961 } Lob B pr 5 $34% 33% 34 + Ye 34% 31W Provo Gas 201 195 : Man Bar tierranedl at = 2 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Biltmore pr $ 1 i 4 e 147 Locana 9 +5 100 80 Quonto 2 15 20% +31 : Maralgo Kindness beyond price : EASY TERMS Bowater $.$52 514.5 "4 5 Loeb M 1 Wiss B%--l%e 24% 21% 'Ranger 7001 ) 9 =I r Marboy BUYING OR SELLIN Bowat $ 3 5 53 Lowney 2 28% +1% 28% 26% Sarcee 51 115 ' 3 Marcon f NOW 2 LOCATIONS Bow.-M'P. 0 $5 ee: MacLeods A $2 23% 24 Secur Free 3525 55 : 30 4 Maritime yet within reach of all ) : Bowater a \ 6% 6 MB and PR 7 $19% 194 19%--% 20% 17% South U 3 8 5 1 Martin 45% 47 +1% 9 728-6226 | TED CAMPIN HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE| Bowes $30 3 3 M Leaf Gard 25 $30% 30% 30% --IRsc32 Spooner 15520 1 ] Matatch Ve 390 KING STREET r 3 M Leaf Mill 2490 $154 15% l5is--% Stanwell 30065 Mattgami 1135 $114 lm 1K --% - 3 Miles East of Oshaw | rk 300 475 M Laef M pr 360 $105r 1 : % 10: T to Z Maybrun 17800 13% 12 1aR+ ¥ es Cast of awa 4 asear 12 14 9 ' a r 5 $41 & 41% Mass-F 14927 $13% D 1 1 Tidal 55665 1 Mcintyre 1183 $49% 48% 4914 +1 i6 | Tank } E'S Fl 21S , | AN j Bright 50 1 7 71 Mass-F pr 70 $107 10544 105%4 Ya 1094 Trans Can 877s 5 E : 5 McKen 165300 17 16 LOCKE'S FLORIST ' OSHAWA L SDOWNE TEXACO | ou 2 348 mi 3 3 Mass-F 5% 2670 $106%4 104% 105% --1 1 Triad Oil 10541 170 163 163 - McMar 8 6 Service Station Simcoe St. N. | 5 $1 3% 13 1 2 Maxwell 200 235 235 235 «+5 == 2 Union Oil 2065 $13% 13 13 iY 13 McWat wir n ) | 5 n 0 en Ever _Evenin | aC Pack $ 15 p 1 MEPC 3000 245 40 BO --5 U Canso vt 5 165 165 § Mentor moral requireme . 723-4494 Res 725-8 5574 _ is ¥ es BC Pow 31791 1 5 Metro Stor 207 % 8 8 ' Un Oils 16233 15 : Merrill occas Phone 314 53 56W 5 Met Stor pr 5 $23 22% 2W%--% 2; 4 Un Reef P 57687 3 Ss... 2 Min Corp ¢ iii »ekville 50 $9% 9 ; Mex LP $il% 1% 1% ri ; Wayne 346080 47% 5 3 Min Ore OSHAWA SHOPPING 30 re Wanted MODERN DRAPES| Saar pr 1285 $201 W & %? Mid W 7 195 200 & 1 5 Wespac 6822 "4 ii 7 Moneta CENTRE 53 TO '57 Chevrolet or Pontiac, car > 2 2 2.4% 2 2 Mit 1200 290 280 285 45 55 Wsburne 7600 6 54 Mt ivtaghe a tats oa or wagon. Telephone 23-9911 after 4 K 55 13 7 Molson A 830 $29% 28% 2% --1% 31 Wstates # 93 7 . Multi HOUR PHONE SERVICE (pm To Create A More til : 5 4 Molson pr 428 $43% 43% 13% 3 W Decalta 4441 115 ' e Murray 28 2 368 nee ~ 1 8 14 81 \ 1 50 $41 n ifall 23501 1 2 ama C 728-65 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan Pleasant Atmosphere eal ; : wee "a co. $0 Saye Pay ise + 8 4 ben ig Nat hy cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid f > : Mont Trst 925 $87 85% 86 4 # Dalhousie 163560 ' - i Nealon beth MO : ee in every room of your a Moore 13563 $604 S74 60% +3 New Ath IN MEMORIAM 69 BUICK four-door hardtop, power home beg 6 sana 22! 21 Mon Foods 5677 $14% 13% 14 --% 13 2 New Bid steering, power brakes, color black : et wee an > 1 at Drug 9 18% 19 +% BY ey Cal model LeSabre or Invicta 725-7168 al D 1 ve ae P . ) 2% 2% BY Bs arri : ter Bread . 585% 584% -- Bis 3 a gl MINES N TeRBUEN -- In loving memory of ser ¢. ag __.| Colorful designs in 'an Cem 3 30% St 1% 33 : 302 ; al 4 Ppt gS aa peers our dear mather, Catherine Thorbur Cem 808 $ 2 a 20% 2 ; : Po Sey " 70347 33% 3 N Kel who passed away April 7, 1960 5 ° the latest fabric 50 $204 20. 201 204 17% = N 030 $14¥e 1434 1 144 1 Abacus H7 34 48D elore Two years have passed we miss 50 CARS WANTED y t | ,; ( ' pers . ig y eallited 4 3 a ye . 13% & rei uous ved : +% . oe I 0 c a 4 i. ora 7 58% 59% -- % 2 5 C8 25: at fs 5 y a aan inert a Buying 9 New Car? arious styles an jie oe a NGas 9 % 20% 2054-- % Agnico 9479 f New Rouyn Never shall her memory fade; Sell vo to Ted'? { : 1 3M x K aie m0 22 eo Age en, aos Thoughts of love will always go Sell your used Car ed engths. ; : "Agent ow 3° $33% 33% 33% 3 32% Akaitcho 25 39° 9 0 35Y Nick M $ 7 Pape Talk ' sh" A ; Phone 9% 9% Alba Expl y y 3% § Nipissing pA cso porn bd vied gee ar paik Cash' to the New Ready to d Ms 8 : Phone w 625. 580 625. + 7 Am-Larder 3! 1 5 Nisto ~Lovingly remembered by the family Car Dealer and "SAVE" eady to drape. $ 5 Ol pe ise Sa a 2 peatrge poy a 22M + eg Funeral a gements ¢ ee Just East Wilson: Road) i Anacon 9 3 5 4 Al Norgold ARMSTRONG -- In loving memory TED CAMPIN MOTORS n Pe 36 2 F Ot Ss uate ine ; 25 Norlartic of a dear husband and father, Stanles s ik oF M & < D i G a i 4 5 Ocean Cem 1 y 128 : y 4 Y rT \ N Armstrong who passed away April 8 723-4494 725-5574 . . ry [oye] $ 53 4 ; Ont Loan 25 $37 3 3 35 one See 1 1 lotee inn re Ansil "4 13 Norpax 1960 Oshawa A 275 33 4 ¥ Area 5 y 1 N Coldstrm 12 Sw wea i eslasce~ te eee ; R The § No morning dawns, no night returns 5 , We: 3-782 n Wi 275 $ 12 13 1a 16 Overland pr 19 9 3 Arjon 4 N Golderst But that I think of you, ALL CASH . { ¥ 1 10% 12%% Page Hers 3630 $24% 23% 23 A Arcadia 3 ; N Rank Those left behind are very good { A "HAPPY ze C Wu 615 $i 10% 104 ait : Parker 900 400 375 i : 3 A Ared Bw 5 2 Norsp A wts But none replaces you EAS ER s ' 3 3 i sO 380 Pbina Bm 8 Y Atlan C C 1 19 North Can Many a silent tear is shed 4 cars we deal up or w 2 280 289 2 19 350 Penmans 27 37¥ Atlas Yk : 4 5 Norvalie When I am all alone do Liens paid off FROM i D $144 1 ' 1% PC Jewel os 5% 2544--1% 29 32 Atlin-Ruf : Y : Nova Beau The one I loved so very much 2 tr lan } ' 3 Phantom 675. ; 4 § Aumacho 1133 Y Nudul The one I called my own MOTORS LTD. / oe ee ak ek Re: ee ee pumas | NE: OS jadiy missed and lovingly remen Sas 1 o- 3 aah . 7 ° baa unor . Obaska bered by his wife Isabel and family, 2 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY COFF S . os 4 : : 8% GN Garp > } Bankeno 75 2 2 2 O'Brien Jean, Bob and Dorothy Collieries 250 5 was pr , va 4 ¥ Bankfield 0 . 2 Oka Rar MO 8-8001 Colli pr 1200 S 4 00 QN Gas wts 1441 | 26 Barex a 34 O'Leary HARMAN -- In loving memory of a ~~ . Sameer ereerinnen S w 900 115 t ark a Barnat 5 1 Opem dear husband, father and grandfather, pe mM tT redge 450 $12 128 i Rapid-G Bary Expl 15 2 3 Orchan Clifford Harman, who passed away, BILL WHITTICK U if ar € Fairbks A 1090 $10 4 es Reitman Base Metal 3 7 7 Orenada "Yoving an MOTORS LIMITED ig ete ee eee Sersast 3 -- é i Paramag Loving and kind in all his ways % c a 2 oe p venue pF B-Duq 56 2 § Patino M Upright and just to the end of his MITE 174 RITSON RD S $ ee Bm 6 B Nodweil a. ¢ ae dave. : cis k 7 = bE sa obertsor : : Belcher : 474646 s Paymast Sincere and kind in heart and mind The Home of 0 OSHAWA u : 0 3 sear" Revelstoke 5M Bethin 14340 229 218 9 135 Peerless What a beautiful memory he left be Used Cars' T : ; alae ed 425 $2042 20} %4 204 Bevcon 2 10 10 1 Perron hind p Bh 05 5 a is oe ae s% é Bibis e 54 8 7 Pickle Crow Lovingly remembered by wife and 146 BROCK ST.-N., WHITBY imely Savings In i4ta 1 : Holand g 430 srk dp : <r ibm ig HH 2 hgh a famil ' 4 5 "- - agg Black Bay 2 18% fa + Pow R 'amily MO 8-474] Clothing Needs Kon ( § y : Rothmans 2005 $9% 3 % Bordulac 54 54+ 3 Preston Yuskrw Seine aonmiie ot 15 $3344 3146 314 1% : Royal Bank 4642 $83% 80% 81% Bouzan 3 36 33 53-2 5 Pros Air dear husband, Samuel Yuskiw, who and For Easter | r ; : Hoy alite 1948 a ; Bralorne 3384 630 620 620 7 : Purdex anand Sway Abed §. 1 | antl $10: ' Bet - creme ' -- Ye 134 Y Se Lys Brunswick 1630 460 440 450 +15 490 3 Que Lab I have only memory, dear + : : 4 i oe S gtans on , : Buff Ank : 9 270 --15 Que Lith husband VAN HEUSEN Specials For | : : ; 7 a Cpa pr 325 $0 . ian ve Buff RL 5 Que Man To remember my whole life through - 1 '. "i At y ' 5 i = z Q Metal But the sweetness will linger forever MOTORS pea Saturday, April 7 "in Tit 2 ve rae aa ne oy . Cable 3 u Qunston e r 3 - : Sa 6 1 23 " adame' 4 Quemont b g Ouolit Salada F wts 900 «850 24 B15 5 5 missed by wife aun e '9 ee SPECIALS | , | 5 ' 251 3 " cae : . Camp Chib 5 5 5 9 30 Radiore 15% VINIC PE S IN OUR t 25 % 25% 2 Selkirk A 460 455. 455 : C. Tungsten 7015 : 5 ; YUSKIW --.In loving memory Ree Bay bd CLOTHING STORE ' Ae 13 BGs nn ee deta eo a heen ee "> ova OM Realm 12% --% dear father and grandfather mu se oe ed ' : . ag i Sha 2 1 t C Dypo ; Reeves 3 3 4 Yuskiw, who passed away At 1958 - - DEPARTMENT we "280 8 SH -- er Shawin A px 414 40 2 C Mavart 35-32 3 Renabie o ue te The blow was great, the shock severe, 31---Automobile Repairs : ' oe eco % 19% 1 cua ae wee as 'es log mo PS Rexspar 68 2 +h We little thought the end was near - - " + 2 +1 : Simpsons 2376 $30%4030 30 % 3 C Bilioe 07 107 1. "4 pisom:. 21ts 510% 104 10% +4 And only those who have lost can tell a ' aS ¢ si 95 $1 1 3 1 SKD Mf 3 $12% 114 . Hee vat ree : see io Rup = ¢ 25000 The pain of parting without tarewell.| HOUSTON'S GARAGE | WHITE T-SHIRTS vox ge 12 Slacte Steel 3050 13K ia Lath tm ak ty Sanders ; 3S te Baan 90 Ri Alta "146 3 Bin diya "ay tame think the. wound is} and- SERVICE Diag Boys's or Men's 59 ont Life 20 $173 17317 I Slat Steel pr 2107 $19% '19% 19% 201 Ceptain ee Mees 5 io ig riends may. think the s| a on Maks 5 S$ A i% Stafford 830 435 425 435 +25 460 3 Carib 800 130 125 130 +2 healed 2D AKE r 1 : . 143 1 1 1 > $ $13 7 ariboo 2 1m ist : Ryanor But they little know the sorrow BRAKE SPECIALISTS.COM- | ASSORTED TIES ee ee es Vo Sean fe BL Oe Cassiar 3055 $13 124 12% + 4 San_ Ant That lies within our hearts concealed PLETE BRAKE 'SERVICE Be Pie 6 4 5 5 ae Gate Gk a ee Cent Pat 9050 189 180 187 +3 Sand Riv 5 7 ' ' Ht Men"s each 'on Bidg wg 5750 660 Steel Can 6188 $85% 83% 84 --1% ¥ Cen' Pore 5 cy 7 814 \y "4 - Sadly missed and lovingly remember MOTOR TUNE-UP AND 2 beer on M § 24047 $2 21% 2 1 Steinberg pr 35 $104 104 104 05 Cheskirk ot ed by daughte Ma: Vietoria, and GENERAL REPAIRS . POL S RT j Ges 10720 $ Ys 22 Steinberg A 390 $23 22% 23 + % : é tienes ' : Sheep Cr Helen, sons-in-law Harry and Paul and adidas O SHIRTS Gas B 330 $108 107 109 Stuart Ol si $e 46 SO oe ines mies 0. 8 a Sherritt grandchildren 67 KING ST. WEST Children's size 2 « | Clark 250 $10%4 104 iw S Propane 4900 $14% 14 1414 + % 5 3 Chib rid 505 46% 46% --3R 5 pega) 1 s iz t 9 .- r ad iscoe 723-7822 dre $184 1 3 18 S Prop pr 40 $26 2% - Chi 15 3 6 papa erage ae t i A y 4 mo 5800 63 64 +2 80 (56 . . Gat Hier aon game: he? BLOUSES osmos a4 Nh A UR Switson 1600 165 150 1 3 Goch Will 3200 495 475 495 +10 Sepa! r fal vd gran ; A SES sronatio $1 % 11 Stock > Ma 5% 614-- , Vanzant, who passed away April 8, 32--~Articles for Sale -- ee 5M 13% cr. oe ea Steeloy 1959 oe BEES for sale, Apply 604 Centre Street Ladies, prints, solids e Crown Trust 25 5 y j Coniaurum 6 ow ff 4 pep a --Sadly missed and lovingly hg hte North, Whitby wash: tht 7B 9 Tambly n pr 9% 2 9 Con Key aaa : Sud Cont ed by daughter, Helen, son-in-law Larry re eng " 3 925 3 Tancord 5 173 135 7 ae es ' Sunburst cad avatideos Paul CHESTERFIELD suite, two piece; also) EASTER HATS ee ; 2 Texaco ( $ 5 54% Sauna Ge wis oe eS Sylvanite -- ne lazy boy chair, both blue and Girl's, big selection Lime , TorDom Bk 4375 86 5% 66 73R 65% Callinan 5 740) 30 "al" good condition, Best offer. Telephone ? side iD Brides $23 eae ae Tor Iron A 100 § 3% 1 Ma 12% Gon C Cad Bt Bee shi D Coal pr 00 400 400 = 400 5 05 30 Towers 3405 | $84 Discovery 97 35 125 a 9 1 Towers wts 4700 365 360 , 360 Fen 20 19 19 Thom L ; Torbrit ' '< D Dairie 13 1 RA AN RAYON BRIE Dom Klee 5 $i : Tor Star pr | 30 $62i4 62% 62% on Gillies 4000 6% 6 6 5y Tribag 4 " =. € " af 5 5 5 45 T Fin A 350% 4919 494 ' F ) Elect w 92: int " + on Bie 5 CG Arrow 40 4} y sage small, medium a . 4 2 T Fin 4% 85$101 101 101 Ult Shaw D Fndry ij ' ; ' Halli 205310 4944 § Un Buttad Bq 237 ' H c t t Towag 'Territory large, each 39c D Magnes 5 % 1 1 T 85 $41% 41% 41% + ) Ou si EASTER a 3 eg $ : os 10677 $25%4 24 24% oe A eee Un Keno VANZANT In loving memory of a c re , take iat 01 fl Marcus 6200 110 102 UM ; om § 21251 $1444 13% 13% + ® 10026 $14% 14% 14 : Mining dear father, Roy Vanzant, who passed) TEA SETS Dom Bedi 21626 $20% 20% 20% -- 5 Trans PPL 1715 $364 36 3644 % ree ti a ar Un Fort ' Dom 3 3 way April 8, 1959 4 ? . 2 24 nion A 6280 $101 9% 9% --1 P m ;. ' Vand 1 : r - 2 Dom Tar pr 750 2 ce 0 $10% 9% 9% -- % vy 3 . f /andoo ) + | RIBU F Loving and kind in all his ways, China, 20 pieces, only 2.98 Son tet us Ve 173 4 16 nion Oil 2065 $1344 13 13 -- % 1d%e 13 pF eygg too Baa Pers ; Vauze 3366 163 14s --15 200 $ 1 7 10% A 10% 10% -- Ve } Con Nichol 4000 Waite Am ' - : Dover pr p 5 a 4% 5 : Ge * NYLON SCARVES Du Pont 2209 $32 1% 31 3 : 5325 204 21%--% 23 © Northland 28500 a Wasamac ; 2 a T Y y d Sincere and kind in heart and mind 3 a 4 0 $564 5644 5644+ ye 57% 5 G Perm }3 1 Werner 5 +1% Oo our ove What a beautiful memory he left be-| Lovely assortment of solid cn tae , 48 5 6 2 $2 254 3%--% 27% 24 eg ionm ee | W Malare 6 1% --1 hind and prints, each only 5% Eddy 3075 4 22% 2 4 3 ' : 550 $303 30 30 Me 29 Conwest 7 i W Surf | 19650 Me . Ones : Lovingly remembered by daughter Epon Sh 400 $10% 105s 3 2 Un § 2 $6% 6% 6%4+% 7 Cop Corp , ; Willroy 62525 largaret, son-in-law Mitchell, grand. 'c ) | 23 Vanadium 1600 160 140 140 415 5 - : 5 " Wiltsey 133400p children, 'Terry and Kevin VIC"S VAPOR RUB nee oi cae eae : Viceroy A 200 97% 7% 7+ % 7 P Gna ae as ar a Winch 18000 on Inv 1 $4 : Vic GT 205 862% 6 3 OBS : : , Yai F 0: Nothing is more befitting WILSON In loving memory of| OR VATRONOL | Eddy US Sas, RG RM + Vendomatic 995 o ; % F bpp $0 1344. 38% 13% 1% Yk a ry th - 3 0 Apr Emco 300 $10% 10% 3 Vulea 1 5 342. 13% 4 -- 3 Z . a greater tribute to th e Gute Wilson, who passed away April Reau i &o, i . tage? ' 'an ulean § ' 4 445 ae 25% 3 2%, -- 3 ZeNnMac 170000 9 1960. egular 64c for 0c | Emp Life 209-200 2 Walk, GW 5 ; pe bh bt hag * ry ere a Zulapa 14637 2414 Croinor : ea ae 4 6 Carb @ ory of the loved ones 10 | Deep in our hearts lies a picture Exavisite : ey 1034 2% 104 Wasamac 73 : i; have passed on hat | Of a loved one laid to rest, ; ixqcisite t 1am 18% + 3 7 Wat Equip 525 470 460 46 § : Sent ' P Bulolo 4315 825 800 800 --25 830 7 Sins from which no trovaller | ih mame patted oe och kaw bl OOP: AND SAVE Fam Play 1 v4 : Webb Knp 325 250 250 250° +5 285 235 yk a ' ree } Gaspe Cop _-- 100 $225 2256 22% +19 25% 'ites : epee Because he was one of the best ' anny F . ; Westeel 9% 9 10% ni 53 ; Pend Ore 400 225 225 225 --1 230 210 return emorial Ever remembered by wife Lena and AT GLECOFF'S Fed Grain ' : 464 Vector $1 5 ; 2: yee re Ale 4 gees a Yukon Con 11500 48 45474 --1 ae verse E me daughter Stella Feo Grain pr 3 : " 4 W Cop wts 4 ) her a ee ee secatons e OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY Fed Farms w 1 30! . $ bar Westfair pr ' 35, 1 btn ¢ . Fea Farms ; : : : Weston A Province of Saskatchewan of- Meise, "iet (CARD OF THANKS) FREE DRAW | feat Hive hs ud, Heh BS. dbs 22 "hep EARNINGS | Bond Market fered a $15,000 isu in two wife, Fora com 153 15 pr 4 107% 107% --x% ahiter. sar ord co 13 ace Rt ~ wife ughter, sor : : ' West A w 2298 $10% 980 985 % $3,000,000 five - per-cent issue Upright and just to the end of his ays; ahaniet 'i 3 . Bayes ROBINSON .-- The family of the late) With every $1 purchase Foundtn 600 : : bn White Pass 450 $8T 8% BT -- 1 1 gon : ne eras mis We IS t salvad a Wokinaon thaek thelr tnends| Y =| 172 $s AEX 284 ~ Met Wstest Trs 166 $18% 18 186+ 21 By THE CANADIAN PRESS due 1969 at 100 and the second { lovely WALL CLOCK mediate e, a faith- nd relatives for the m - ona lovely s 18% : Wstest tr vt 3300 $1714 17 173% 4 9% 223 Hich C j ' , a $12.0 51,-per-c j fal ene oe i tie Ee haw teaatient Hore You m be tt WN r . 2 : wu sk : ome goa ; British Columbia Power Cor- $12,000,000 514-per-cent issue esa , rendering uta, MOTO Ge ee i he mh ee 108 ue t ee AR LS 39 Woodwrd A 2705 $17 165% 1658 -- % 173 poration, year ended Dec. 31: Thi W k due 1982 at 98.50. Both maturi- helpful service to tho o _|!oan of cars, We extend special thanks| [ON + | Gen Bake "Bie 124 -- Tt" han eS Se eS 1961, $4,260,551; 1960, $11,197,249. Is wee ties sold quickly and advanced velptul serv rose to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Roser and the | G Dev : ; 19% 1 a x Ral $3 _ = ¢ rr Earnings for first sev th to a premium over issue prices sh elect ¢ p . nurses for their splendid ca during] We cash Pension a | ' $ i Zenith 4975 5 395 +10 410 "arnings for frst seven months 16 Pp * i -- nurses for thelr 'sp endid care during e pind n, & ed Bonus Gen Dynam 2 38% 3 esa 5 of 1961 before expropriation of By THE CANADIAN PRESS There were no new corporate tirr port- | erend H. W. Hobbs of Brantiord 'se : ' GP Drill | 2713 125 115 115 8 56 Ang Can 3 subsidiary, B.C. Electric Co,| Prices strengthened this week|issues and trading-was quiet. erend V ab € rantford and , ( 1 1 . eo 0 7 4 bs j rr, i »j ork ment of The Osha appreciation to the Armstrong Funeral| F uo i ee nee Ange Nhe $20 20° 0 4% Ee is Ltd., were $3,728,148. Earningsjon Canadian bond markets and! The municipal market was will pu > Sp | ia Home GLECOFF S P Mfg 2 34 CG inv re an "4 Tin . in the five months following ex-|trade was active. firm with Kitchener selling é C Paper 89 § 84 40T 1% propriation were $532,403. The 91-day treasury bills sold|$796,000 10-year serials, re-of- Peter Porayko wish to extend their S Sitts eet ote oe Canadian Bronze Co. Ltd.,/at 3.09 per cent and the 182-day|fered to yield 4.85 per cent. tributes PORANKO ~- The family of the late APRIL 21st heaitielt thanks to nelguberi, rein . keé Pe a : ; 4 fie. > 3 Ay ded Dec. 31: 1961, $284.-\bi ee oe ee p joodye: $48 nt Pap 9 38 y Ye 35. year ended Dec. 31: , $284,-|bills at 3.30 per cent. Té ensure that your tnessoge ° |signs or aymapathy and beadtiful farsi Upermarket i, ue ae ts rob ttn me 1% 560, $1.5 a share; 1960," $207.-| On the government bond mar-| LOW READING RATE ; ms tributes. Special thanks to Rev. J. Ja | Pape 3 1 eee 5 OP 5 om 4 f : 007, $1.68. ket the Canada 4%-per-cent} Mozambique, with 99 t oppeors at this ti TELE- |centy and ladies' auxiliary of the Uk- See ie . . i eg rua sje phe PEON rf BE FORE poe, oa: enly oad inne eee Ot Se et Winere Your Dollor i 460 S174 174 Tg -- ; Oxiivie 430 $531 ee Royal Oak Dairy Ltd., yearjbonds due 1983 gained % at/of its people unable to read and india shots "' [Russell and the nurses of the Oshawa] = (Goge the Farthest D 990 39% 9 i > third: Ca rl a. wan eee ended Dec. 31: 1961, $77,231; 945%. wriet, has the. world's highest 723-3492 |General Hospital. . > 70 $524 52% SOR+i% S24 Zellers ; 1960, $58,368. On the provincial market thejilliteracy rate.

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