12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 7th, 1962 TRAIN INDIANS dren's hospitals in a therapeu- Some 4 citizens of Scot- . local vocational school h Toward a Mature Faith ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred Buescher |jaunched a 15-week course for| speak on the telephones. : : Base Line Schoo ' construction work in northern KENORA, Ont. CP) -- The! FELLOWSHIP Bioor St. ak ae eo Ra. TELEPHONE THERAPY /|448,314 pounds and sold for anj] Orange Temple . 11 Bruce St. telephone equipment has been} announced. SUNDAY SERVICES 2:00 P.M. THE 11:00 A.M. MID-WEEK SERVICE H * . . these Services where a warm Reformed Church CHURCH welcome awaits you Thickson Rd. and you see the OSHAWA 728-0086 || . sbsceorspaeciacassaicbeiesiebiicdisconcs The apostle Paul, imprisoned in Rome To rekindle Timothy's zeal, Paul re- Timothy is to lay hold of this and, 'Timothy is to avoid men who are || every Sunday, 9:15 p.m., CKLB SUNDAY, APRIL 8th REV. |. E. WILKINS (Minister) WESTMOUNT hand. In his last written words, he he has known "'the sacred writings" learned from Paul to "faithful men holding the form of religion" but de- 10 AM phan cinccnelie ea se en emier pa iaim _-- | 7 P.M Inspirational poems | ' MRS ANN WELDS UNITED CHURCH REV, FRANK M. WARD B.A. -- The/i¢ program. Patients learn to|land bear the surname Mac-! NANAIMO, BC. CP) Thel ope rate the switchboards caiteans BLOOR ST. | scien | MISSION Scripture--Acts 16:1-2; Il Timothy young Indians to train them as} | : heavy equipment operators for WILD RICE | CHRISTIAN British Columbia. 1961 wild rice crop harvested in| SERVICE ee me re ee jthe Kenora district amounted to) 11:00 A.M : laverage 2214 cents a pound, the eal ee Cane MORNING WORSHIP CALGARY CP) -- Obsolete|jands and forests department pet up in three Alberta -chil-| coca SUNDAY SCHOOL Hebron Christian || *°2Spitunter ~ 'en SPIRITUALIST ! 7 00 p M You are cordially invited fe One block north of highway 2 on Orange Temple, 11 Bruce St. aie Piece jesus elt -_ 'hurch! . i Church-of the "Back te God Hour' Ciera | re MOM and chained to a Roman soldier day minds him that the gift of God is in above all else, to on what egg Biter of -- They are "lovers of Seivieay Sunday: Asai An eas 2:30 P.M and night, senses that his death is at him and that since he was a babe He is also to pass on what he has pleasure rather than lovers of God. || Services Sunday, April 8th Prasat acmaee einaoncer seater UNITED CHTIRCH ; All Welcome sends instructions to his "spiritual which lead to salvation through faith. who will be able to teach others also.' nying its power.--II Timothy 3:2-5. REV. J. VANHARMELEN REV cea JonNSon HARMONY FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS son," Timothy.--II Timothy --IL Timothy 1:6, 3:14-15. --Ii Timothy 4:1-5; 2:2 _GOL DEN TEXT: IL Peter 3:18. | : ene ee : Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T., RMT. MISS PIRT Organist and Choit Leader BLE LESSON | [Mente Maidman represent-jily and Mrs. Bill MacGregor. | REV. JOHN' VANHARMELEN y hilntaaar BI | ron omen | ed Kedron Public School. Mrs. J, L. Bird, commission-| er Oars Rav, NT. Holes, BA Mr. and Mrs. A. Stocks, ofjer of the Rossland flistrict was | --acmnemtl Ress Metcalf shag! ACCM 11 | s « *. lo " p js e |Cutknife, Saskatchewan werela guest at the meeting of the} Habib A Ms ea l Visit Brooklin jguests for tea at the home of|20th Brownie Pack on Wednes-| CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Os _ <7 sind MORNING WORSHIP Oc Trine e ps jMr. and Mrs, Clarence W erry) day at Maxwell Heights School. GL 00 : M 7:00 P.M y CHOO! For Reunion jon, Saturday | Mrs. Bird enrolled Mrs. John FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. FA ei! eh ' EVENING SERVICE | Miss Dorothy Bishop, of Ot-|Sage as the new Tawnie Owl Bronch 2f The Mother Church, The Fir: ch hrist, Scientist KINDERGARTEN AND. TINY TS AY SCHOOL NOTICE C } SUNDAY SCHOO! ae eee |tawa, spent several days thislof the pack, and presented gol- | pea murine Boston, M tie DPE TE 11:00 A.M ari Y pe 1e KEDRON -- Unit 2 of the! week with Mr. and Mrs. Rodg zer|/den bars to Shelley Fisher, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M Nursery and Primery 'Kedron United Church Women Bishop Sarah Jane Sage, Nancy S iT Sunday Schoo By N. SPEER JONES chapter 2, Paul asks Timothy held their meeting at the church Sunday dinner guests of Mrs |Brooks, Regina Schleiss, Meg SUNDAY SERVICE - 1] A.M. © ty te feligd ae 9:45 A.M wag Sunday The letter we study today was|to transmit to. faithful men on Wednesday night. Mrs. Stan age ety were 9 gon Saat E age Greer, Donnall supject cited by the great Reformation those things which he, Timothy, py o anged the program,|-.> 'ercy Mountjoy and fam-|Glover anc Carol Gifford. 7 he, leader John Calvin as 'more! heard Paul preach, so that these ley Ogle arranged the program, ------ " U N R E A L | 7 Y. profitable to me than any other men in turn can pass it on in and presented the rier rong BYNG AVENUE GRACE a ROOM HOURS St. Andrew's United Church book of Scripture. tact to other faithful men, etc. with the assistance . n : Ame P 2 The inspiration Calvin found) Many Christians who believe Douglas Love. Mrs, August Geis- PENTECOSTAL hey 100 aw 40 9 00 p.m set MINISTER: REV. JOHN R. LENG, MC.. BA. B.D, B.D in IL Timothy stems in part! strongly in an individualized ap berger Jr. played two piano CHURCH EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS 2 e ; ' from the fact that Paul wrote! proach to their religion, support : 3 4 Pastor REV. @ A. CAMROLI LUTHERAN Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A,T pest s paand tae ' ° tect tech solos during the evening it under sentence of imminentan ¢ zed church because Telephone 728- 2426 CHURCH 11:00 AM---MORNING WORSHIP death, suspecting perhaps that they appreciate the moral right- The Young Peoples' Sunday . ry , Ro) "lnceee 1. c > 19 these might be his last written ness of every other individual's School classes enjoyed an even 7-00 P.M Cromwell Ave. & Highway 401 ' Reception. of New Members vords. Imprisoned in Rome,jhaving exposure, first-hand, to'ing of bowling recently PASTOR hey Co Ak } FR F METHODIST CHURCH | The Minister Will Preach he appar ently had been chained't the basic core of Christianity The Bible Class held a busi "BARABBA ev. "or cartechener f Core 'Provided Ac Millar ~ ness meeting and social evening OR CHRIST Erie St y icv. F , MA OMBINED EVENING W¢ { BOT 7:00 PLN OMBINED EVENING ORSHIP IN SIMCOE GOLDEN TEXT recently at the home of Mrs tr RON WALLACE JACK: HEAL SUNDAY SERVICES -- UNITED CHURCH CHAPEL aes wae bar pled 10 A.M EARLY SERVICE 9:30 A.M 9:00 ~The Light And tife Hour 900 on your REV. JOHN MOFFAT WILL PREACH Savior Jesus Christ." -- II Peter 3:18 Pin Pigalle ei pre Bistis ap SECOND SERVICE 11 A.M Radin f 9:50 / --Senior, Intermediate and Junior Sunday School ae : gee 7 v4 ns wae erg eg Ee , } 11:00 --Nursery, Beginners and Primary St School with Mrs. Norman Gimbilett of 9:30 A.M 2. } > oil ages saath eabat oes daub Rerevabescas Golumbus when their joint proj SUNDAY SCHOOL jier for two years. This letter|iations Pepe Cie - = certainly qualifies as one of CHANGES OVER YEARS ' a quilting' quilt ; Ss 'THIS 1S THE LIFE" 11:00 A.M ' "faith, counsel and courage The ealize that rs. Orval Jackson, Mrs. BIBLE STUDY R REGULARLY ON Alb t St t U t d Ch h se eae ' ech See rh y : a . 1a mere by by! [Rita Mountjoy, and Mrs. Wil- Pisa oda : Wels | TELEVISION MORN | NG WORSH | Pp eT ree hi e urc SP ge ' : : ae : Werry accompanied Mrs REV. ALBERT E. LARKE. Minister we find what is generally cor rd of 1 I r B Tink. of Sol ia Bronk mernevarensad sonrnnras cst. sanean sar sidered the Bible's most inspir-'t9 generat t ra ruce link, of Solina, to Brook Choirleader rs NAYLOR eal ,jlin for a reunion of members 7:00 P.M : pte tN Mrs, C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.---R.M. t. ing statement of its own € ally er the yee in t of he Circle tt r eminence--in chapter 3. verses way ¢} egend grow up| e Mission Circle that was BAHA 14-17 In tact Paul's ve Be garter Bear and|formed 30 years ago when Ked THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 1 1: 00 ee M. _PUBLIC 'WORSHIP __ point, on the threshold of death, person: 1¢ best protection ron _was part of the Brooklin : was the absolute necessity of st 1 Iteration is'° Pepi That Religion 1S the outer expression E YONE W E WARA WE ME The Minister will preach preaching the Word; no matter! throyet eligion--a The special speaker was Mrs f } what else Timothy did, he was|church wit body of doc-M. C. Fisher of Fenelon Falls.| of the divine reality, Therefore it must ' me ishEN CARED FoR ii ues @o proclaim God's message of + 1 the Scriptures Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry) i, | Y, e e s ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY @aivation (II Timothy 4:1-2) a onscientiously in a'are proud to welcome another} e ivin vit liz d movi nc rg an mminkiv fe a" : 9:45 AM uniors, Intermediates, Seniors The core of God's message is. the granddaughter, Jean Marie,| 9, seeded veg @ d pro ee Ethel coe 10:45 A.M,.-- "yale bey Red i Kindergarten, Primary of course, the Scriptures. As t is i gz to note, injdaughter of Rev. and Mrs. Rob- gressive 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE . " a f 4 Paul says, "All scripture is in- this connec », that in Paul'sjert Werry, of Cutknife, Saskat-! essa me wesc nese take ast spired of God," (If Timothy time, oral teaching was deemed!chewan. For further information please write vase = name "In the light of such revel: written teaching, not only be|Goderich, have. 'een 'iting 29 GLADSTONE _. PHONE 725.7578 ie seas sects CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH tions, it is difficult to under-| cause of the paucity of literacy, family and friends in the Ked-| stand the sophistry of even cer- but because of the prevalent be- ron area this past week mene an P tain religious leaders who slight |jjef that the second coming of} Anne Bishop, representing { Hil I CH day and night to a Roman sol-| unadulterated by individual var- RE WARREN G. DICKSON, B.A, MINISTER Mr. R, K. Kell on, Organist-Choirmaster or even discount the Scriptures Christ was imminent and there-| Maxwell Heights School, was z y 'i aa area : ne seailig as convention; some have veen fore written records would have gold medallist at the Public] SIMCOE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ee a eg awe 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL A CLASS FOR ALL. AGES e + t roads © te s M ) 2 / advocated the writing of a new only short-term value Speaking Contest for Inspector-] $7 REE 7 Bible To return once more to Cal-|ate 2 of Ontario County, held in| ' 3 A enectirtemateh bs T THE CROSS" LETTER IMPORTANT vin, we see that he has also|Whitby on Thursday evening.| 245 Simcoe St. $ Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY Ag Pees , Sectioning, 3r 11:00 A.M.--"FACES ABOU This letter is also important been impressed by Paul's dark | RUE Ee RASS He RON CoN Ree eae eats ' s ector 11:00 A.M.--MESSENGER GROUP as containing the first evidence| warnings of the future ane his LISTEN TO SUNDAY 11:00 A.M mH DAYS OF HIS espns H FOR JUNIOR CHILDREN of a Christian theological schooljlisting of contributing charac-| THE FAMI BIB ? ; HE DAY OF RETIREMEN 7 Gt a a nia cca ee GR I 10:00 Am---B1BLe' CLASSES FOR ALL AGES 7:00 P.M.--THE WORD OF VICTORY 12:15 P.M.--COMMUNICANTS CLASS only provides for teaching the' self-love, and ( in said, "Self| HOUR PSS RES oat ae wk ccevahiiy sista unenlightened, but for presery- love may be garded as the SUNDAY 11:00 A DA en MORNING WORSHIP Bible School 9:45 Nurser 1d Jr. Church. at 11:00 A.M ing and nourishing a specific source from which flow all the 5.49 T b> 2 : body of doctrine. In verse 2 of vices that follow afterward." | cyt gp Sint i Meg | SUBJECT: -- "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS' a 7:00 P.M Tragedy Result Fr) || - EVANGELISTIC MEETING "Carvanr Baptist ENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Tuesc ~ 7:3 "A. You | ted Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist arch jesda 30 p.m C.A. Young People @ Fellowship Evangelical Baptist Ch me C. Wesley FICIENT Of Drunkenness Wednesday 7:30 p.m.--Prayer and Praise Meeting stor: REV. W VEN AITKEN Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist EVERYBODY 1S WELCOME BABY CRECHE NURSERY AND By R. BARCLAY WARREN nerve center ng judg se ' cae a c RTME ' The clever, alluring adver-;ment and rele ger REVIVE aendes, 10:80 pnt CRB 4 Hi ai rT # 0:0 CHURCH SCHOOL, 11:00 A.M poms: Had 7 org: si ae niich valls ' hen pec r ied Wi cp totn nner rarne vy ? aye nr BROADCAST OVER CKLB of what alcohol is doing to so|i% : fess TO SERVE GOD! Wii 4d] a i | LENTEN SERIES: "WORDS FROM THE CROSS" many people ee KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH |] Jeo ae a 4 the social workers: wisit the ing Spiritual emptiness in this age, oh 6:30 P.M 611 KING ST. WEST ec core cet | 11:00 A.M.="'1 THIRST hdrkan the hnenitalc. Of anxiety is not, to be rged | MEN'S' BIBLE Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pa 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOO R e ns, the hospite ' : --Pastor . 11:00 A.M.--STUDIES IN EPHESIANS OLO--""O SAVIOUR SWEET" ourts, the prisons, the hospitals , ai FELLOWSHIP Ask the leaders in industr: yho father i s ag 725 1661 Residence bens 798.5871 SOLOIST---MR, FRED DENSHAM about absenteeism and the in-/turn from sin and believe surance agent about the high|Jesus Christ. Then life has ----. per Rama s8e a 7:00 P.M.--"JESUS IN THE MIDST : "THE WONDROUS CROSS" rate on cars. Look into political Meaning and significance. The pir an ANTHEM-----""THE ONDROUS C S and pias bstery Soe wes ee piesa 1 ak CONTINUING ANOTHER WEEK ! EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLE serious errors were made be- POrlance ige of confor WEL } QUARTERLY CHURCH MEETING $s ELCOME cause men had been wined! _ Mity. He is i ad in the work and 7:00 P.M SALVATION--HEALING CRUSADE SAT. 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AND TESTIMONY What a world of heart-ache| f redemption @ Acts 5:29-32 - ~ - | and tragedy you will encounter!) We ought to obey God rather HOMELY SPECIAL YOUTH MEETINGS Yet-the liquor interests prosper! th i men The i of our AT. 6:30----ADVENTURES WITH CHRIST SIMCOE STREET UNITED . CHURCH more each year. They. gain alegre eng ip Jesus, whom SUNDAY | 'lili : SUN, 4:00---VICTORIES IN CHRIST more customers and at 1 Sie af na tree SPEAKER: CHRISTIAN BASTKE earlier age. Political parties /!im hat h God exalt ed with his GUEST SPEAKER ing hand to be a Prince and vield more and more to their ; ' MRS. COLONEL H oie. a er ion. tek octane COLONEL \ REV. ERNIE HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH well silenced the church. And! : and forgiveness of 1351 CEDAR STREET 11: 00 A. M.--LENTEN THEME SO we go on, drinking our way 5/95 « e are his witnesses 2 P.M FRENCH : ae "PEOPLE UNDER ORDERS" " " of hings nd so is al ? JNDAY SCH 0 hel he Hol Gh hor ; i hath SUNDAY SCHOOL ANE 9:45 A.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL 5) "SENT TO LOVE I asked a man, "'How do you the Holy 10st, whom God hath UN Ll D 2 : ane : Pees SE ey shel wane vee cls ee Ma ivah th the iy that obese bie? BIBLE CLASS : Ae eniiGnan ie 11:00 A.M.--PASTOR E. WINTER sacrament of hed Lord's Supper He replied, "Terrible. I jus $s a thousand times better . : _-- - Somme -- -- Reception of New Members want another drink " How true ! > ciled with the Spirit, than Tuesday, 2:30 p.m oF caeeauaess 7:00 P.M.--'THE COMPELLING CROSS" to the picture of Proverbs 23:29-t0 be drunk with wine THE HOME LEAGUE 4 A Preacher of the World . Comi Service in Simcoe St. Chapel a, "Twill seek it yet again." = ie Greatly Annointed and ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA idl Tha WMiniéter i Both Ra wnlene ( The basic cause of ker CONVICT' COMMUNIST Wed, 8:00 P.M : i ness is spiritual emptin Paul SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A PRAYER 2 ° Used of God SUNDAY SERVICES CHURCH seh wrote, "And do not get drunk wes jury Thursday AND oy as 9:45 A.M.--Junior, arene Senior Department with wine for that is convicted Archie Brown, admit- " ' --Young Adult Bible Class Mm EPRAIS 11:00 A.M.--"HIS FAN 1S IN HIS HAND ST GEORGE' S ANGLICAN CHURCH 11:00 A.M.--Infants cared for in Memorial Hall debauchery; but be filled witt ted Communist, of violating the} A a is the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18. One law forbidding a member of the| / MEETING 7:00 A.M.--'THE CREDITOR WILL COME BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Department ae poet "When I have some Communis t party from holding! : Through the Week: SUNDAY, APRIL 8th---PASSION SUNDAY WEDNESDAY.APRIL 11, 7:30 P.M thing hard to do, I first get ajunion office. Brown, a member A " ; Tuesday - Wed day - Thursday - Frid 8:00 - CoN on v 1 N VICE. IN THE ; Wiel y ednesda ursda rida iV m 9:00. A.M,--HOL N MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE IN THE CHAPEL. couple of drinks under my belt,"| of the executive board of Loc Va Supervised Nursery: --Tiny Rie ac P Bighbe A.M sual yee alee Ce ; FILM LAST JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM How much better to renew 10, International Longshore. Major and Mrs. M. Rankin * mple Off-Street Parkin FOG CaN re USS er a ee one's strength by waiting on the| men's and warehousemen's un Corps Officers | JESUS CHRIS ST THE SAME YESTERDAY 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER --- CANON CROSS Lord. Isaiah 40:31. ion, faces a maximum penalty 33 Simeoe South TOD. ; ; J 3: uth AY ---- AND FOREVER Some feel more sociable when) of one year in prison and $10,- @ 4 h AIS CH TER UN TED CHURCH sicohel has actod'sa tne Chile "ane'"ar 1 rion seat : WE INVITE YOU TO COME ee NORTHMIN NI SSanaeie : -- Ten amma raranen nnor men meen oe sooo = ---- ECTOR HE "VEN H a JON -- PHO E 5-5 a P : Pipe IRE ; CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROS$,AND RD) SERVICES: 8B A.M A.M. -- \ MINISTER EV. H. A. MELLOW B.A THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | IN 'CANADA. Se ee ee HOLY TRINITY CHURCH a CORNER COURT AND BARRIE STREETS, AN BLOCK EAST my KNOX ST. LUKE' : SF. PAUL S CANON C.D. CROSS, B.A. REV. DONALD WILSON i ee MINISTER REV. Cx. FREEMAR \O/-" * Fo F pices Gon Kesh Meeting now in our new port- Rey. Doh. Balen BA TED, SUNDAY, APRIL 8th 9:30 A.M.--PRIMARY 6, 7 AND 8 YEARS oki able church. corner at Nipigon Minister, 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION JUNIOR 9, 10 AND 11 YEARS 9:45 A.M 1 Rabart Br Milroy; M.A and Rossland Rd. W, meas ig oe ecg 11:00 A.M.-MORNING PRAYER INTERMEDIATES AND SENIOR, 12 and OVER Mr. ron 'alter, 4 r > / ' a .. ' K c ~ Musical Directo j Organist and Choir Mast 4:30 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER SUNDAY SCHOOL Ar. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M Be oe ee unditeontad me anaes | 11:00 A.M.--BEGINNERS 3, 4 AND 5 YEARS | om u PRIMARY 6, 7 AND 8 YEARS 11:00 A.M. 9:45 -- CHURCH SCHOOL 9:15 A.M, ST MATTHEW' 5 CHURCH yy ¢ AND BIBLE CLASSES 9:30 A.M SUNDAY SCHOOL WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE, A MAN AFTER GOD"S OVWN HEART" 11:00 A.M 2 Morning Services of Worship gp deg LAR be ate te enlace ht 11:00 A.M. : Mrereadid SABBATH. SCHOOL SERVICES AT 8:00 A.M. = 11:00 A.M. =» 7:00 P.M, " " 7:00 P M. Preacher: the Rev. De Malcolm AND NURSERY. CLASS 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M ! FACILITIES AT "Tiz00 AM YOU ARE A SAINT . R Assistant Secretary | TOPIC SARTRE (ce reer Rece rr ns or io rat : M : ' Reception of Junior and Adult Members FACING THE CROSS" 11:00 AM "EAITH REVEALED" ST. MARK'S CHURCH ae i < P 7:00 P.M y : EVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE Baby-Sitter Service by Come Double Club Second In A Series of Pre-Ec : sah seh asaces A : URSERY CLASSES AT. BOTH REV. A. WOOLCOCK =. 728-305 WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M.---MID-WEEK FELI ee GUEST MINISTER Medica oes , 8:00 P.M~-CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLAS: v The Minister Preaching 7:00 P.M A.M, -- 11:00 AM. -- 7 do P.M 00 "~ ene Saree " R. MYRDDIN LEWIS Lo A ; 1 Cordiatly tr 30 AM. -- CHURCH SCHOC : : Coming: D YRDDIN LEW! A Hearty Welkome Awalte You , All Cordiatly invithe YOUNG PEOPLES a oe SA. Sar 9:50 P.M.--Friendly Chat (over CKLB) ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. From West Berlin, Germany | MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, BA. Direct or of Music: Mr, R G. Geen, L.T.C.M il | Nursery Facilities at 11:00 Services