10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, April 7th, 196 j a Theatre Zi NUN baer = i - sna 12:00 P.M. Vora ong 11--Romper Room OSHAWA 9--Wrestling 9--Free and Easy 7--Queen For A Day 7 E g E V I S I O VY LC | MONDAY :2--Your Fir Henderson Sh 7 THoucut-- | MV ds! ae egg Dr. Malone" RE YOU TAKING NO SPEAK JUST AS I THOUGHT --~ BOWLING NEWS da es 8:70 a Impression 52--Dr. Malone we WAKE UP! |( PASSED OUT--~WE'D BETTER CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton = CBLA-T'V ¢ Toronto | 7Tatk of the Town | $--News and Weather | 4--Miljonaire = Nie SNLIRE Lega 0 PRON HM IN. WGi-TV Channel 2--Bufialo WBEN-TV Chanaet 4--B B2-Today Siow | Tes PM. |t-Cap'n Ants Show ! ¥ wah PROC Vv Ch f » " 3 4--Spearer of the Hous | 7--Who Do You [rust WEKBW-TV Chanrel 7--Butfalo Ww . : T cage : ne | 8:30 A.M. 12:31 M 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TY unnel $--Barrie; 7--Popeye 7--Window Shopping |5-2--Our gd Daughter eases " A.M. 6--Movie Theatre 4:00 PSs | BY | : F iD ; $--Davey and Goliath | 1:00 P.M. ¥ Gray Show} 5-2--Truth or %--The Hideaway SAT Me : dg 9:00 : : 7--R r "ting | Consequences 7--American Bandstand a hte Mz ae 7 ' ie ¢--Search for Tomorrow] 6--Diplomatic Passport se : ss | e's Playhous 3--News: eather: --Danny Thomas %--Tombstone Territory | Fh re . : Ta Lanne Show| Sports 4 the Brignter Day ~The Early Show $<Your Church " Gol 12:45 P.M. 3--The Women's Show 6-3--Country Time 15 A.M Make Room F 2 r Invitation " | wiPicenin' | 4--The Guiding Light 2--Make Room For 5-2--News > Drake Show a Daddy 4--Wrestling > A.M. 2 | i z WW. 4:15 P.M. a r of Israe) oe ee e jt1l--Movie Matinee 7 -- 6:30 P.M. 4 ' | r m 7--Afternoon Show 4--Secret Storm iL ~Father Knows Best io: 3 Are Funny 5--Women's Bowling 4:30 PM. PB rnicokl io Fo grates en ; | 2-Yankee Doodle 'time! 4-- Mest The Millers 1--Rocky and His . { ' Fict 2 lay | 10:00 A.M, 3--Movie Friends " a A seen! / § i ; . Jk ' Ley 3 LADIES MAJOR "A" LEAGUE Pes ea oo. wekean 14 é 2--Mid-day Matinee 7--Jungle Jay Show 3% 2 ey - f S ae - SAS Final standing -- Modern Upholster- = National Vaivet 2~--Pinpoint Met s 1:30 P.M. 6-3--Friendly Giant ing 25-63, Coca Colas 23-53, Nu-Way 245 10:00 A.M 7--Jane V Sk 9~A Kin To Win 5--Here's Hollywood Rugs 22-73, Woodlyn Beauty Salon 19-54, 6:49 ban. oVouth and' F : an 5--Educational Special | 4--Edge Of Night Hayden Macdonalds 17-54, Young Mod- #---Punch and Johnny 6 "s 'alends , World - turns 2--Three Stooges ersn 17-43, Stroud's Market 16-56, Hor- Show SSS m | Re: 2:00 2.M, 6-3--Sing Ring Around wich Jewellers 15-52, Acadian Clean- 6-4--News: : 7 | ers 15-52 and Seugog Cleaners 11-47. Sports | pe ' m 3--Jim Coleman Show nto My Feet ' Futur ai oade M. o--Cher Helene fo uc ' T SEEZ THE AGENCY. THEY Wee GLAD bs ioe ) The Upholsterers took a 3-1 win over MOTOR CITY SPECIALS The Coolers took three points from the Rangettes and the Laundromats divided their points two each. Over 600 --W. McQuade 606 (in cluding 323), Over 200 -- P. Mullen 259, S. Moring 238, F, Russell 214 and B. Baker 213, Standings -- Freezers 38, Coolers 30, Rangettes 24 and Laundromats 12. Se Tat ee ea This ends our revular bowling, Play- offs next week with the Freezers and Coolers playing off for the main prize and R s and L for consolation. Everyone try and be out and help your team win, Banquet date May 12, at the Corvair Room, Hotel Genosha, BUZ SAWYER © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962. World rights reserted. 4 . " T b = ake the las yaile L.--Bronco ay ts 5--Award Theatre 56 PM. Be fem) / j WANTED LIS TO DON'T HAVE | tore Se an moter ue Maat, tae 9--The Flintstones | Lets Have A £ | 52 1 yur "axle she \1--Family Theatre t WE'VE MADE OTHER COME TOMORROW | TO FOOL AROUN games were Strouds 4, Scugogs 6. Mac- 6-3--Dennis The Menace 0 A. | a 1 Murray § 6-3--Razzle Dazzle A ARRANGEMENTS/ FOR AN INTERVIEW/ WITH THEA BOING donalds 3, Acadian 1 and a 2-2 tie be- 5-2--Chet Huntley i Oo A zs 5--Kukla ' ANY MORE/ THE RIGHT tween Young Moderns and Woodlyn, 4--U of B Roundtable | 7. I r 7 ee Erni y Scheel 4--Fun To Learn THING! Joan Rogers went real big to lead 7:30 P.M. 5- n | ot a eee 5:15 P.M the parade with a 843 triple made up of . ; ™ " ) 5.9 Pric 'otton Bowl Pedy ete xan a great big 403 single plus 228 and a Ria digi , ' ) P.M. gui ject debe alg 212. Following were Rose Quelette 733 pias ia pratend ; | 3-Ro --Here's Looking At Adventures (293, 239), Ev Harding 717 (271, 233, e-br Mildaxe : é : 5:30 ?.M. 213), Barb Harding 47, 245 5 = . : | i--Seven Keys 7--Early Show Nancy Love 698 5--Ben Casey i vi 7 : 6-3-- Open House 6--David Copperfield 4--Perry Masos y and r or 5-2--Loretta Young 5--Theatre 3--Robin Hood Serial . ~C 2--Wells Fargo Clear Horizon Theatre 4--CH. 4 Theatre » Ev Redpath Bette March 665 (301). ty bg at ; : ' ! '| |Marion Dingman 664 (243, 216, 205). | CROSSWORD f poe A 2 eS |Joan Jackson 656 (241, 212, 203), Mam | j a 3 < 25 y § JANE ARDEN | }ion Hutchins 649 (2 3--Have Gun Will Travel Or. 4 ie Showcase ve It To Beaver) 5--Re; From : ee: Jamboree ngress : | AC Ss 42. Fibs 15. Cuts 4--The Defenders bintnar ae , testin 43. Buddies in 3--Peter Gunn ; 5. Ge DOWN two apg a e stalin 4 : j sh flood: 1. Swiftly 18.'To , 9:00 P.M. 7 use ; 2.To irritate : . q 7 How Doz SEE FOR : ; ratte 1 4 63-NHL Hockey . : 0. nd boomerang 19, Insect E » \ FOR Si IT LOOK? YOURSELF! = A yee . hev 601 (210, 212). Also 5-2--Movie We presider 3, Anglo- 22. Loca- Y --.\ r > \ be f 9:30 P.M. \ : U.S Saxo tion ee Gun will S. pocaieen a 5 2, Hidin 23. Nurses' Travel : Dae re ] ¢ scotec. realm ag EE | P c At sup] er 24, Princi- ing ae I pal Yesterday's Answer nk Yankovie | sd ag . sign la 25. Regret * 2 . Fus 26. Celerity 37, Born Olive Frise with 288. Church Debt by King Features Syndicate, --Guns 29. Prophets 38. Insolent 10:15 P.M. é 6-3--Juliette 30. Levels talk ry A- ty el ( S 0 4, OV met - Me S | f Reduce 10 4. FM. ecurmuntent ' gu ; 31, Venture (sl) eo \ ict bY 2 I 3 3 Bras u--Peter Gunn 15. xis 9 x 33. Yoga 39, Mother of KL | ee . NGC ec E Kee Vern 10:49 ¥.M. 2.43 P 16 c . Ben follower Irish gods \ is C pi » L, SS Z | y ; 4V Tis MICKEY MOUSE | ral ¥ LLL. By MRS. A. L. HOOEY 11-7-6-4-3--News; rege | 21.5 10 BOWMANVILLE -- The pabad cna ha s Writ March meeting of Trinity Unit- Pe County Hoolowe: | g--Langnage I-A t 12 ed Church Women was held on iaiNews: Wastness vhs: : aur Tuesday evening in the Sunday ~ : school room, Units 3 and 4 were in charge of the worship. I'VE BEEN BUYIN' AN'USIN'ITAS | |..,SO TH' KIDS WON'T ; The president asked for used 31S AF PERFUME FOR QUITE SOME --- THINK I'M SISSY./ "16 clothing to be brought to the HAVE LOTION! ' ] April 24 meeting which will be hcihins: toate E i 4 a dessert luncheon at 1.30 p.m. ight Zone 6-3--Junior M ele Bee ' Ms os mae é A leadership workshop will oa 5 of ee » ae ()-¥, |be held April 10 at Hampton, 6--Midnight ios ives : ; for presidents and program 1:00 A.M, chairman in the morning and in li--Late News the afternoon for all interested sii oa Jackson in the new organization. gine It was decided to give the 8:00 A.M. ene church stewards $2,000 toward ®--This Is The Lite -3--M paying the chureh debenture. 8:15 A.M. ~Ger At the March executive meet- %-Senator Keating 3:3 ing it was decided to send Mrs. REIT ok aaa ee So H. D. Waters to Paris, Ontario, 2--Farm, Home and | 63-1 Married J ¥ 8 4-7 to, fy two-day conference for arden S--World of Sr : unit leaders. g The unit meetings will be an- nounced in the church ealendar. AVINGS! BUY NOW AND SAVE y / Thank-offering envelops will be ' pala: xs given out for the October meet- ing. The Trinity United Church |Women will cater to a Lions |Club dinner on April 23. os Mrs. Roy Webber reported sending 12 get-well cards, two baby congratulations and three THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD sprat c , e Two mother and. daughter banquets will be given in May, . one to the Explorer group on V COLLON'T LEAVE HIM WE GOTTA GET BACK Vie May 15 and one to The Cana- FREE TO FOLLOW UE, TO TON' . dian Girls in Training on May 1, = j , \ The president asked for sug- (ie (\y ; gestions for a Fall project to be brought in at the April meet- ing. Mrs. Orland Plummer intro- duced Mrs. C. G. Morris who recently returned from a four- month trip to India. Mr. and Mrs. Morris travelled on a liner from New York to Naples, Italy, and a second boat to Bombay. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have a son, Gerald, who is secretary and legal advisor to the Brit- ish High Commissioner at New Delhi, India. GRANDMA mated by King Features Syndlente + LI'L ABNER ih Copr. 1962, The Lame Ranger, Tne, Dit THE LONE RANGER ronnie Us. ; PA, WHATS. WRONG WITH I WASN'T TELLING YOU ANYTHING, PLANS TOUR ee ane : NEWSP, PE ; 9 You?! WHAT ARE You MA... IM TEACHING JUNIOR tet TOKYO AP) -- Shigeru Yo- YOU GET THE ves | LOLLIPOP? TRYING. TO TO FETCH THE NEWSPAPER/! : . _ ' shida, 838, former Japanese pre- TELL ME? s mier, is scheduled to leave May 1 on a 40-day world tour that will include stops in the United States, Brazil.and Argentina. SALLY'S SALLIES © ima 7 Prost Wort Mere : World Rights Reserved DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER ieee |. Be SORRY YOU HAD To SEE THAT © seeps Pe : x 4 UGLY MESS, JULIE, BUT YOU YOU WERE A LITTLE as ASKED ABOUT ME AND MY._f ROUGH ON HiS ' 4 DAUGHTER. WELL... HON YOU, \SN'T HE 2 ff 477. "Dick learned to play the piano in no time, and that's just the way he plays it." SPRING CHANGE- corner OVER TIME Sti : : ¢ ay " -- Se Time to get your car ready for om STILLA LITTLE > Pia YOU PROMISED atin 4 cones e agiaahh / i. summer driving. Let our ex- TO TIGHTEN THE | he , ienced staff r ur DOORKNOB ON € \ ah ; bl | / : , perience 4 staff prepare yo THE FRONT poor \. | | [ral ¢ \ WN SS \ car now i | 4 Hy fl FOR ME RA] | prin | c m/f ) || AND YOU'LL SAVE! Pipe i. | WITH MY if Hy SCOTTY, YE"VE ¥ ' Atlas Tires, Batteries and Ac- Wert api) (1010) So 2) Oe ) yj bow ® 4 ONLY WANTED 3 f 10 Wake aay aM ON <= WINDER'S RABBIT «4 f - \i MADE A BUNGLE 4 } : 4 cessories are at an ALL TIME WA, O' THINGS..-+ E : ! sna \ 4 A be ae Pil | f r || ; ae - GOLD STRIKE RY OLD MON, e i : | tee | : fi ; eo ae ; gr \ FOR HER. YER! N : 4 ; ee a MN |. Fave Pe \ (7) i Ge lige Gyr ESSO STATION er Wa ge 4 " apes, ry : KING & RITSON RD. } 1325 i Bad AOR Se ie a: sa tasd f 725-8507 JULIET JONES °© King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962. World rights reserved. | LARRY BRANNON POOR JEANNIE «++