in-training at Toronto, spent URGES BIRTH CURBS te NEGRO ENVOY w idey, , 1962 ' 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 6 6 Harold Cou le Observes ihe weekend at her home. VICTORIA, B.C. (CP) -- Dr.) SALISBURY, Southern Rho- aretesceas eee -- cemaianom LRM TOLL NTE TT Ge ed Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cross, and Brock Chisholm, former direc- desia AP) -- Masotsha Mike : family, Maple Grove, were Sun- tor of the World Health Organ- Hove, 47, has been named the . . day visitors at W. Howell's. ization, said in an address here|Rhodesian Federation's new st e In nniversar _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry and/that birth control is essential for/high commissioner to Nigeria, 'amily were at Mr. and Mrs. the survival of civilization but|the first time in Rhodesian his- R. Lees', Kedron. ' Japan is the only country with\tory that a non-white has been By MRS. RUSSELL Griffin,offertory music was played by| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson,'a successful program. given a top diplomatic post ENNISKILLEN -- The ladies|Miss Lois Ashton. Miss Shirley)OTono, were visitors at Adam)------------ Epes aR Or rena es -- from yes and Burketon a aig age at the organ ger 8. J seat cain Da sian BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:30 P.M. ed with Enniskillen ladies for|for the hymn singing. Miss Florence Werry, Whit-; : ~ ' SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! the World's Day of Prayer held by, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. in the church recently. |31ST ANNIVERSARY _ Ormiston. ALL COLOR aoe RTS The 31st wedding anniversary Mrs. Slemon introduced theig¢ My. and Mrs. Francis Reid|,," J. A. Werry, Mr. and) }.) PROGRAM! J : guest speaker, Mrs. Ritson of | of Harold, Ont., was held at the Mrs. H. J. McGill, Mr. and 4 VAN CHA' the Salvation Army at B Mrs. E. A. Werry d Bett é . Army at Bowman- ; s. ©. A; ry, an etty; Te . : ville. home of their son, Mr. and Mrs, Jane, were dinner guests of ee 2 : FFLIN- UGHTON L/ \Bruce Reid of Enniskillen, on age Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. E.|Sunday. Mrs. Walter Murray, and calls jers at the homes of Miss Wright sang a. duet. The offer-| Those attending were Mr./ Emma Werry, Toronto, Dr. ing was taken by Mrs. L.jand Mrs. Douglas Reid andlang Mrs. Clark Werry. Willow- ' : Wearn and Mrs. M. Hobbs.|family; Mr. Ivan Reid, Conse-| gale, joins wih ae 4 5 F The World Day of Prayer|©o Miss Joyce Reid, Ajax; he nan) alee iene ; was observed by the CGIT pork and Mrs, Brian Hare, Mt 3 gts -- Pde ae -- Se ee SY aa later than usual because of, cae Ae ren and) aes! Irmiston's Lig eas eet school' examinations 5 |Randy, Toronto, and Miss Judy| suet of R. J+ Ormlaton s. PLUS! "WALK TALL" wick PARKER ) ae ak es Reid. of Harold. eg man 1" -- Ashton S FE - "RS? i ' a amily, 7 c ' re-| Saturday morning at the church) Mrs. Earl Masters, and fam-| cent aueee or ite. isd New| when 16 CGIT members, lead-|ily, Bowmanville, Mr. and-Mrs./Ross Sharp ; : er and one visitor gathered. -|Kenneth Mason, Little Britain,|---- hay we assisted in the Everett Strutt, Burketon, Mr. order of service which was Mr , Shar i conducted by their leader, Mrs. aed had es sninepl'e Le Treva ftenes faster 0. C. Ashton. Misses Cheryl|2"¢ Janet were Sunday after-/f than imagination and... Rowan and Lois Ashton gave|noon callers at Mr, and Mrs. the Scriptural readings. Ralph Virtue BONNY neers Miss Donna Yellowlees led in| Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, | two special prayers. Offering spent the weekend at R. STARTS "MASTER OF THE WORLD" was taceved by treasurer: Virtue's ADR TOMORROW! Ali Color Program: "WILD RIVER" = eS NN DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE 1962 EXECUTIVE | Prrsenting oe Members of the Durham | nesday at Orono. Shown are, | vice-president Back row, left | 1st vice-president; W. K. Ly- SIM LASH and his TRIO Progressive Conservative As-.| front row, left to right, Mrs to right, George Blyleven, | cett, Orono, secretary. Treas- sociation brought in a new | D. R. Dewdney, Newcastle Darlington, 3rd vice-president; | urer of the a ae Featuring JONNY ROMERO a : ' slate of officers for 1962 dur- 4th vice-president; Mrs. Ann | Robert Sisson, 'Many ers, pres ard Gibson of Bowmanville For your lenin end dancin te : P ing their annual rally Wed- Thompson, Port Hope, 2nd ' ident; Clare Winslow, Cavan, --Oshawa Times Photo y' 9 ig pleasure » on orge ee | EVERY FRIDAY--10 P.M. TO 2 A.M. The producer for the even-|Margot Samuel, ielephone 227 AND SATURDAY "AFTER-HOUR" DINING MUSIC > F Theatre ( Toups ne's entertainment will be/and in Bowmanville from Mrs. IN THE CONTINENTAL ROOM OF THE dei 7 4 Jean Darch and the make-up is|Robert Sheridan, 157 Liberty | si : a being handled by Margot Sam-'street, Bowmanville, telephone TOWN & COUNTRY RESTAURANT " ] Epha Hodgkins. and|MArket 3-3588 if 15 BOND ST. E. PHONE 723-1821 $1.00 PER PERSON To Sho W a S Elizabeth Prower. John Scho-;| -------- ' ------~ Komen senonnece me enmaker is the business manag- ISLAND DRIVERS 5 er and Louise Orme is conven-- sf. JOHN'S CP) -- The mo-|9 WAR | | BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow-| This is a farce called The _ the ushers The beara fife tor registration division of the|¢ Yoday | RICARDO MONTALBAN manville Drama Workshop along/Man in the Bowler Hat" by be in the very capable hands Ol/finance department estimates/|§ i. with the Bowmanville High A. A. Milne Jack Darch and Sonia French-|the automobile population of |§ ACTION DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. Pant ase School Drama Group will pre-- The author himself described|man is the publicity director.|Newfoundland at 54,000 and the!$ SHOW ! eh ee bland >. sent three one act plays at thejit as a "Terribly exciting af Advance tickets are now/number of licensed drivers at Bowmanville Town Hall on Fri-/fair" and it has an unusual sur- ayailable in Orono from Mrs.|75,000 nc! day. April 13 and Saturday,'prise ending ' | fl y April 14 at 8.15 p.m 4. A. Milne was born in Great I --ADDED-- Sa The evening will open with a\Britain in 1882 and is best known short play by William Inge call-/for his children's book BOMBED THEN : No Pla a ed "A Tiny Closet'. This is a He achieved considerable suc x PEARL THERE ww y g dramatic incident set in an Am-|cess as a dramatist between : erican midwestern boarding the two World Wars HARBOR ERE | \ house and was first performed; The play is being directed by MN ing 1958 i J.S Wi R. W. Sheridan with Don Gill kh ing 1958 in the U.S.A lliam a w YOU ane THREE Inge is considered by many cri- as stage manager The players tics to be one of the best con-jinclude Douglass Oke, Carolyn temporary American play- Stacey, David Orme, Robert y Q wrights Hagerman, Diane Roberts, An \ $ His first broadway success|ton Dorster and Mervyn Eng- Ni} . was "Come Back, Little Sheba" lish i \ : a aia tinal WILSON & LEE rae LIMITED and was followed in 1953 by, The evening will close with a "Picnic" which won him a Pu- Canadian comedy by Elda Cado litzer prize, then came "Bus|gan_ called * The Invisible ' Stop" and "'The Dark at the Top' Worm"'. of the Stairs'. This Canadian One Act play 8:30 All these plays became suc-|was first performed in 1952 at . cessful movies. His current suc-| the one act play festival in To cess, written for the screen is ronto AT ET TO ETHER CLUB "Splendour in the Grass". It is an hilarious domestic THE sy Appearing in "A Tiny Closet" comedy with the laughs com : ; are Jean Sheridan, Heleniing every minute. Mrs. Cadogan Spot Prizes--Dancing--Refreshments Nelles, Phyllis Llewellyn andjis a Durham housewife whose Frank Stenger. The set has been|husband is editor and publisher 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM designed by John Schoenmaker of the "Durham Chronicle and Sonia Frenchman will di-- The performers seen in this DRESS -- CASUAL rect play will be Barbara Bethune, M b 0 The second play will be pre- Dick Merkely and Kenneth Den ADMISSION:---- Members 40c Non-Members 60c¢ | Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion te 0 > ' 5 fj fre J acott is the a sented by the student members nis. Winnifred Wonnacott h AGES 35.221 FRANK SINATRA DEAN MARTIN at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an of the Bowmanville High School'director and Edith Cole will be SAMMY DAVIS sn PETER LAWFORD JOEY BISHOP = ' post tn af frvogtigdper | " accordion uring at period whic is Ta Drama Group the prompter ~~ . oe | home for practice. TECHNICOLOR® i> WILSON SG LEELTD HALFTON CLASS! , Register Now For Lessons On These. Popular Instruments ACCORDION @ CLARINET SAXOPHONE @ HAWAIIAN VIOLIN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR @ TROMBONE POPULAR PIANO @ VIOLA TRUMPET @ CELLO 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-4706 VIOLATORS OF HUMAN oe DECENCY ...fake her out to dinner tonight ECONOLINE VANS | ECONOLINE PICKUPS COST $334* LESS THAN A MAJOR COST $243* LESS THAN A MAJOR COMPETITIVE 6-CYLINDER PANEL! COMPETITIVE 6-CYLINDER PICKUP! *Based on lates! manufacturers' suggested retail prices | _ THEY'RE IN STOCK NOW! SLEEPS TAKE A DEMONSTRATION TRIP TODAY Wie See all the savings for yourself at your "sig ' kd , 4 FRANCE S$ EAWAY M 0 T 0 R S | Recommended as NUYEN / FORD | ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CinemaScore T LIMITED Beal ae MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURAN COLOR by DELUXE "15 minutes trom Downtown Oshawa on Highway 401 200 DUNDAS ST. W. MO 8-3331 THE CANADIAN BUILT ot Bowmanville" WHITBY, ONT. ECONOLINE : Hrd be > LEO McCAREY'S NOTHING SACRED! ch NEVER [ae 5090000822990 88880889080099988888F88880H808 988848 H 088088888888 HEEES Produced and Directed by Screenplay LEO MoCAREY = CLAUDE BINVON ma LEO MoCAREY' PEARL $ BUICK NO TORTURE TOO GREAT Anything to break a man! STARTS Cala, FEATURE DAILY: TODAY CGAL Meena cenen 2:10-4:90-6:50.9:10 OPEN HOURS !! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY ! AOLOOHHOSHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHETHSHHEEEEE @sesseeeee0 0% « e e e ° ° ° e ° = e e e@