THOUGHT FOR TODAY The reason it's later than people think is that time passing than people do thinking. does more Oshawa Blood Clinic Sets Provincial Record --P. 9 Ihe Oshawa Gi WEATHER REPORT Showers ending this evening. Saturday mainly cloudy and colder with scattered showers, Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL STLNO. 82 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Anti-Spy Cush Shakeup Said Report Sequel OOTOLSIA LESNAR ALA TR IBLE 8 2 Sassoon pasate TONS ' LONDON (AP) -- Britain's}\day, was accepted by Prime; The Russians charged today leading newspapers agreed to-) Minister Macmillan that the British government i | day that the biggest-ever shake-| Macmillan told the enue et ie pecs pein 3 TORONTO (CP) -- The bur Before the end of the day, the; through the gates of the Sarnia up of the country's anti spv Commons he felt "a report ns 'es ant Comnunist % geoning Canadian Maritime Un-|CMU transported 22 seamen to|Elevator Company, at whose precautions will result from a/"disclosed no etapa ten deer ae ty re sin. Moscow ra-| Game ion threw a healthy right cross, Sarnia, from Montreal and the dock the Red Wing spent the mg gccoggae ogcaymanestry lg cs ee a ibe aieaps® é ts seid the British intended to Be. at the ring-wise Seafarers' In- men boarded Upper Lakes' Red| winter, at 7 p.m Thursday port that Communists have but that it ponteined bai sae ecw eniwnle "at haved ternational Union Thursday in Wing which sailed 32 minutes night. The gates were immedi- heavily infiltrated the British a er , ' sens rena int nal ean whieh Npuateey y the battle for Great Lakes ship- later for Toledo, Ohio. ately manned by company hit aaron their improvemen intensi-| ic i nts seri : : 1 ; ' BS pekanpint Ta sais national press, ex- fie atin " The Soviet radio, in a home Ob ed operas > ae -- = a ee ans gates 4 *ked li ntire: "ge sy ae s ordaradlbrandeaak' data 'tien tarvate s s mfident the Upper Lakes vessels were for- Jutside the gates a pic ked line > for the Communist Daily The investigation was orc nat th ta Na ga fight was far from finished merly manned by the SIU, an|formed, with SIU members call- Worker, accepted with varying after two sensational spy c NSes b prteaceee pace ae ae +h a The CMU, formed last year|independent union expelled from|ing insults at the boarding CMU degrees of regret the need for last year involving government pea = 2 shares beads tidy by the Canadian Labor Congress|the CLC some years ago for|seamen. An SIU official was tightening up eniployees gressive organizations to drive the SIU out of Can-jraiding the old National Asso-|heard restraining his men from The Manchester Guardian ada, announced it has signed a ciation of Marine Engineers. throwing stones or starting vio- struck the keynote of the edit e contract with Upper Lakes Ship-| The cavalcade of station wag-| lence orial reactions. It said h ping Limited, representing 25)ons carrying the CMU members| The CMU coup in signing with repo ee , ; sa w 4 1s - an cocoons 1p ships and more than 400 men:'escorted by police, _Passed Upper Lakes came a week after more than an old-fashioned con _ saeco; ¥ en a t < flict of power blocs, ideological one eee Cane oe commitment can lead honora ® S ee 4 / ¥: contract negotiations with the sermon' ere" Unveiled In U.S. oo .S., Reds ettle jorerens ro agg gg lg all i fa : with a fed eral conciliation "That is why we have had to| DOWNEY, Calif. (AP) 4) Details of the Apollo program FOURTH SET OF TWINS Ieee had been going on for accep s pare Jemo-| three man moonship designed for manned exploration of the F weeks. The federal board gave accept the paradox of a demo f rey be moon were disclosed previously Mrs. Roland poses | ciers who live in a small | unemployed miner, makes a er in ispu e up its conciliation attempts last ratic society defending itself to ke asa stat sss paar tagahts it this wie the Aviat showing; proudis ae hago Hy iley frame house on a 160-acre re living cutting mine |week and the expiration of the 3 n part by undemocratic meth- H "a shirt : a ob eked cal i fbi ie hee ' favih inf taclaied buah-eann md-working his email ESTE : Ae he : contract gave the CMU the le- ee 'ald, which hoes Se tin 'th moon bylunits of Apollo set of twir ris -- | try near Haileybury, now have , BERLIN (AP)---One dispute dispute that developed afterigal go-ahead to move in Loe Sl CU Apollo's. manned orbital. born Wednesday Mer- | 11 children. Mr. Mer an (CP Wirephoto) between the United States and|East German police shot up a" President Mike Sheenan - of supports the opposition La b o r/ 1970 in : col Pb atu ge nad" thd tt eae : ' Russia has been settled. As a|U.S. mission car, the CMU sdid the one-year con- party, warned ' + ae 200t-tai woode i gv nur ape eae ace ' died te : . 1964 result, the U.S. liaison mission} The two commanders agreed tract with U pper Lakes provides i An outburst of spy mania) 0f the spasaee and capsule for the/tentat "4 me aid fl wht nd e e e e jin Bast Germany d the Sov- their missions at each others' for wages ranging betvreen $312 / vould be. the worst possible Apollo spacecraft was. unveiled on wi ha nan re ligt t aroun jiet mission a U.S. headquar- he adquarters would resume and $514 a month and a "'signi- { msequence of this Thursday at the space and in- mopn in 1967 or 196 all l = 1 lI } i I ec or | te in West Germany once normal activity today. There/ficant improvement" in work- yort. Distasteful measures are formation. systems d vision of The first manned landing on ig an move about without was no public mention of the ing conditions. having to be taken but individ-|North Amer pera Aviation oon by the United States res PECuOn ' _ shooting incident Jim Todd, CLC. secretary ial liberties should not be oyer- Where it was built heduled in the late 1960s agreement Thursday be Koney said after the shooting here, said the financial terms ridden wholesale The cone ' -- cena High enough in the middle for Or lenn ":: we en | S Gen 3ruce cc: Marth 20 that he was she are the same as in the previous optians "eee done sietcad a go oe ve "a _ a man to stand erect the 8,000- as ed VY C an v eased the. atmosphere about but Clarke termed this contract with the SIU. : As the report itself recog-|strument panel cover ! pound: aba -- ee es somewhat but brought no sig Npieeden ogi because the Rus- Hal sanks, head of the still- nizes, total security is impos-|tire side of the capsule eo TR ba aseas ich Nis » rere tne | { ts "most nific dat loldhdeadr even} hope 13" did not guarantee the saf-/powerful SIU, with estimated sible. The really dangerous spy/the crew as they ah é or pressure chamber WASHINGTON (AP) -- If H armiful effects of minor eo capsule was. te i : a dd Bo Saihediate chanwe ic hie oh of the U.S .mission mem-|Membership at 2,500, could not ee ge Heo ii ropes. will talked be , ee e ee he crew to get outside tronaut John Glenn had been!functions were neutralized by severe hea ing 1 empera a esti ni hae Hi a ne bers be reached for comment. 4 f : we ")clal seats durin; tol in space, to transfer to another hyrt on. his space flight, he duplicating systems, corrective|ture of the air ce surrounding eneral tension hanging over Todd said the CMU, which i care to appear the most innoc-| ye craft will be commande m spacecraft or to weak around On could have ven himself alaction of the astroanut and by|the front end reached a peak of West Berlin. ORDERS ESCORT jhas 700 members on the inland \ ent. A witch hunt would not). the pilot, Others aboard will/the moon sain killing injection right ample margins in system de-/9,500 degrees, almost the same) Clarke, the U.S. Army com, The U.S. commander orderediwaters and another 750 who make us safer. be the co-pilot and an engineer- through his flying suit sign as the temperature on the sur-'mander in Europe, and Konev, a military escort to shadow alljhave applied for membership, The committee warned that)scjentist. Each can perform all Biome lical experts of the Na- At launch the spacecrafiiface of the sur the soviet commander in East movemen of the Soviet mis-| intends to apply to the Cana- Communists have made a! functions Ch sdale Sa S tional Aeronaut and Space weighed 4,265 pounds, at inset Temperatures within the ca- oh ast Gel met, in Potsdam;'sign in Frankfurt, West Ger-|dign National Labor - Relations "most dangerous penetration' | 'phe capsule is built to 'use ry y Administration reported this to- tion into orbit 2,987, at firing pin and in the suit remained ©@St_ Germany, to settle themany, The Russians retaliated|Board for certification of the of the civil service. It proposed tan as an integral part of the day during a symposium on the of the braking rockets 2,970, at!*a+ acceptable levels during all by banning any movement of/contract. The SIU failed to take , a wide range of measures to design," engineer J. W. Small U Th t marine lieutenant colcnel's waterlanding 2,493, and on re-| phases of the mission." The ca- the U.S. mission out of Pots-|this step with its Upper Lakes & combat "presumably deliberate of the National Aeronautics and naware a three-orbit flight of last Feb. 20.\covery 2,422 bin air temperature fluc a Three Workmen dam without a special permit. | contract. f massing of Communist effort in Space Administration said They disclosed that Glenn) During re - entry into the\petween 90 and 104 degrees Sritain and France kept| Two of the ships covered by the civil service unions. carried in his survival kit, four earth's atmosphere, when the the spacecraft passed Pas . . hands off the U.S.-Soviet dis-;the CMU-Upper lakes contract The judicial investigation into. MAN OVER MACHINE 00 S tolen newly developed "automatic i darkness into sunlight. D I Al pute and their missions went|are the Northern Venture and } the security services was made "The judgment of the crew self-injectors" stored in a small] The space avércy said exam 1e n pine about their duties. as usual The} the Wheat King. Both ran into by Lord Radcliffe and a com-\a major factor. We feel men's) TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto pack The injectors. .con-| St Lawrence ination: of the records. of the U.S., British and French milit-jtrouble with SIU pickets last mittee of political neutrals and! judgment is bett er than reli-'sports broadcaster: Joe Crys- tained medications for vain, is marine lieutenant colonel's T l P - t ary groups in Potsdam are the;year when the CMU grabbed experts in intelligence work. ance on machines in many in- dale said Thursday. he aws shock and motion sickness, and flight showed: that it was "an unne rojec only allied units able to move them from the SIU, including Their Peper, published Thurs-|stances i "'stunned"' when police told hima stin ' River Pilots unqualified success a ma- with any freedom in East Ger-|being held up by dock workers ine apie ge cee "ies eu most of his furniture was stolen. One end of each injector wa jor milestone in the United . COURMAYEUR, Italy (AP) many, lat United States lake ports. ou could have hit me over fitted with a red safety cap States program for the manned 520W slides killed at least three ---------- a ----_--__--_____--- a _ i F Ee heac with a_ sledgehz am- and the other end contained the Stage Walkout exploration of 'space." workmen on the Mont sige Tac i0na rop almost blanked out,"|medication and needle. Upon tunnel project early today lhe said removal of a safety pin, the in MONTREAL (CP)--About j mine rs on another alpine cn init i LUI I l ensio!1 i ! & ive evidence for Je yecomes armed St. Lawrence River pilots CG bl L d jnel 12 miles away celebrated the ime Thursday, fourth! The astronaut would have;wa alke d off their jobs shortly) ambiers Loose their conquest of nature In Living Costs (S232 Se ee es dee the aval "oe, dwn 8 of thef x of possessing\injector into his two-ply alum-|me thods of accelerating ac er On $50, 000 Bail {the side of 15,781 foot Mont l ed O a istolen furniture inized pressure suit. The needle on their demands for improved Blanc near Courmayeur and >u OTTAWA (CP) Cheaper; Higher alcohol price n Al He said h ontact with) Would have through x working conditions, \ eal sa a . 4 tk we Sects us Ite sey ads dio yeef and lower new car prices|berta moved the combined in Mich yung. 26. was when fabri nd ) the a tronautS; The pilots, who plan to told| Ailes : Feit bear gh ale i houses as the men inside slept TORONTO (CP)--A draft bill,bill to the legislature, he said ielped generate a fractional de-|dex of tobacco and alcohol! You honed him 'and said: he|Skin, releasing t medication. a series of general meetings inh a vail on 990,000. bail Rescuers found three bodies <etting minimum standards for|it is 'intended at this time only m4 ine in Canadian living costs)prices to 117.5 from 1 yuld get furniture at a discount. prREFERS SANDWICHES several shipping centres during) 4"Ursday and pulled three injured work-! pensions plans in Ontario and|for study and discussion pur- bf during February, the Dominion | , oe Voi eo eaeving eh a ree cue. aaecat iie the work stoppa ge, nave He followed fellow gambler/ers out of the snow tackling the thorny problem of| poses." y Bureau of Statistic eported as SING STEADY yceghote ' g* rniture. ily : ath durin or charged that the federal depart-|Joseph McDermott who posted) Less than a mile of digging) portable pensions was given! Jt is the second draft bill cir. I today The housing price index, coy : Seok cheapo ehh He ' ment of transport and the Ce jae same amount of bail Wed- remains on the 7.2 - mile Montjfirst reading today in the leg-|culated by the Ontario saniviits The consumer price index forjeting almost one-third of con I year-old radio and tele-,atter {n ' nadian Shipping Federation ure|nesday Blane tunnel. which will linklislature. tee on portable pensions since iy March 1 dipped to 129.7 down) Sumer costs, remained stead on personality aid his name Bui he told the invest arnt using delaying tactics in nego-| Former provincial constable Courmayeur and Chamonix,| Premier Robaris made the six - ap an wahaiise amae ( one-tenth of a point from 129 §/4t 134.0 elt Chrysdale! a though he'he could have used a oe tiations, Robert Wright is still in jail|/France. It is expected to be }clear he has no intention of let ei two years ago. a month earlier. The yardstick] The index of health and pe better known as Crysdale ndwich during his fligh I € Pilots' F ederation | President! after Mr, Justice G, A. McGil- open to motor traffic late next! ting the bill become law at. the! Th ' so of urban living costs, based an) sonal care costs held stea said his e aenCe indicated Andre Bedard said Thursday in|liyray set his bond at $15,000. |year, current session. Introducing the ¢ first, last August, drew a 194° prices equalling 100, stood|157.2 and the recreation and there is no need of restricting'reply to a statement in the| i ae a s é _..__|torrent of comment and c at 129.1 on March 1 last year /Teading index was unchanged " $75, 000 Damages spacemen to tube-fed foods House of Commons by Trans- cism. ,The second was des '; Price cuts on beef, ranging at 146 The 13 papers presented at port Minister Leon Balcer that jto incorporate some of the sug- 4 » to seven cents a pound, were Meanwhile, the ind or 30 In Elevator Fire the symposium also reported the pilots have been negotiating | gested changes. ¢ ve main cause of a decline ofjindustrial raw materials ad that since February without re- | Mr. Robarts said the new |: three-fifths 0" a point in the in-;vanced to 249.4 from 247.8 be AYR, Ont. (AP)--Fire Thurs-. About 19.300 people were de-,ceiving an answer to their de- jpension bill has the same in- { dex of food costs, to 124.4 from tween Feb. 23 and March 23.\day night in this village 18 miles' ployed im Project Mercury at mands tent as its predecessor--to pro- | 125.0 In the same period the index northwest of Brantford caused the time of the Glenn mission,| The walkout, which affects tect older workers unable to j | A larger drop of four-fifths ofjof Canadian farm products at $75,000 damage to the grain el- All of the various systems in Shipping from Les Escoumains find new jobs because of com- i y a point occurred in transporta jterminal markets rose to 218.8 evators and adjoining buildings|the Mercury Space craft func-/ Que., 140 miles northeast of jpany pension plans, and - i tion costs, where the index fell/from 217.7, Both indexes arelof the Ayr district co-operative tioned '"'at least as good as de- Quebec harbors, including the |younger workers who move so i YF to 139.9 from 140.7 with lower based on 193: rices equall-|feed mill. The loss included 80 sigr and in some cases bet- Passenger liner Empress of \frequently among employers : prices for new cars, tires, lub- ing 100 tons of feed and seed. ter." Britain |that they never obtain pension ' T rication, muffler replacement ------------ However, a federation spokes | rights. and brake re jobs man said four ships anchored 4s | / : e on the river at the time of tne |NOTES FEDERAL STAND I fOBACCO HIGHER walkout would be taken to safe Mr. Robarts noted that Prime In other sectors of the con H : Vy S ] O a mooring before being deserted Minister Diefenbaker said in ' sumer budget, clothing, tobacco by their pilots. \January. he plans to seek pro- { ai alcohol Bree were higher, | The major grievance behind |vincial consent for a constitu- } yut there were no changes in e the walkout concerns the meth- tional amendment that would | the price indexes for housing ods used to calculate pilots' pay. jallow establishment of a federal health and personal care, recre-| O 'el TO Tl <e In his Commons speech, Mr | lcountry-wide contributory pen- es a a ha' wir 3alcer said pilots between Que- Ision plan related to wages. D ecline the *Y- ' * ak iamnt 1 on F x price index followed an increase') TORONTO (CP) -- The On-; government meet the cost of the when they beco -- bli me 8 boas any aaa oa ve | The premier said Ontario has a ei stein ' spt e ; i f public a gross income of $16,300 with already indicated it has no ob- 1 industrial wages during Jan-tarig government has passed arbitrator, H Carl Goldenberg wrongs." an average working day of 4.7 jec . ; uary. The index of average in-jjegislation forbidding a Hvdpo described by Premier Robarts|) Premier Robarts followed this hours : . wa dustrial wages and salaries at! strike : 1s Canada's No. 1 trouble line Mr. Bedard immediately de- a Feb. 1--latest date availble--| The clock above the legisla- shooter. The bill had called on Much as I question the gen- nied the figures which he called age yer a wa 184.5 compared with 179.4 ture chamber had 87 minu to hoth parties to- meet their own eral principle : of cc 5 Is 'grossl di tort d es ed a tee pe mc ea month earlier and 179.2 a year tok i af » the mid ight lead- cost ' 1 share the arbitrat rs t ation: Hie ee ee 4 nhiopiek Spot sri, eRe standards for pension plans sarita 3 i -- byob arp ig pete share the arbitrator's pig ae ine -- |which would be compulsory for The wages index, computed|y Kejjler Mackas Thursday The econd amendment limits must be suj reme i he gtd hf Td lin ne aig ba gore i de from a survey of firms employ-|night signed the bill prohibiting the issues under arbitration to WOULD DISRU PT LIFE epatitis ase "a a ale pe ae as ing more than 10 persons andthe strike by the province's those not agreed on. after the "A strike would result in the |Persons work covering a wide range of indus-'¢ 399 Hydro emplovees appointment of. a conciliator virtual shutdowr of 14,000 fac- | | _ it. would rome mie etfest in ' tries, represents an aver? of The historic | ation was last Aug, 4, unless both parties tories which employ 600,000 Rate Increases January, 1965, allowing a total wages paid whipped through its three read- agree to the submission of new and would disrupt domestic life breathing space for industry to The clothing price index. rose gs and Clause-by-clatise re- issues and ace human life jeop OTTAWA (CP) Infectious comply. In most cases, said Mr. { sharply by more than a point,|view in five hours. The Both Liberals and Conserva- ards hepatitis in Canada last year Robarts, private pensions | to 112.9 from 1118, lar aS @'stayed on in the tives voted in favor of the bill NDP Leader Donald MacDon- reached a provisional rate of! jschemes already in operation ! result. of upward movements| opposition members' clai it when a division was called dur-|ald rose to say the government|67.1 cases per 100,000 popula- ¥ exceed the requirements. set following January clothing was a "black Thursday" in On- ing second reading--approval in was uniairly ch inging the rules tion--89.5 per cent higher than # down in the bill. sales tario's history principle at the 11th hour to deprive em-|in 1960--the bureau of statistics The chief difference between The Liberal and New Demo Four New Democratic Party |ployees of their right to strike.|reported today ithe second and first bills, the CITY EMERGENCY cratic parties persuad i the me mbers who opposed the bill Liberal Leader Wintermeyer. The 1961 rate was four times |premier said, is' in the provi- government to adopt two in principle, were overwhelmed claimed he premier should greater than at the beginning /@ sions for pension plans which PHONE NUMBERS amendments to the. bill, which in the vote. by 47 government have met both sides "long be-jof the last decade, the bureau exceed the provincial standard, forces compulsory § arbitration and 20 Liberals fore yesterday" when he first! said. PURE HORSE SENSE { Mandatory provisions covers 4 on Loca! 1000 of the National It was this matter of principle tried to mediate the dispute, He Increases were recorded for! ing the vesting of pension ben- i POLICE 725-1133 Union of Publ Ser Em- which dominated ri deb A €.'should have known at any time every four-week period through-| Manitoba Liberal leader , horse's mouth when he and | Fair at Branden. Mr. Molgat lefits in the employee and cash i jloyees (CLC) d the Ontario Throughout the day embersiduring the ont f union-jout the +. E very! 7 . " - ani ; er > i FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 sew aac veg an oa we : - ut Pg Paar -- =e = io at -- "oa hoa ce Fg akg : on Gildas Molgat took the op- rst pomprnrsiing rege -- | is shown getting whispered epg ar ph tf lag HOSPITAL 723-2211 [in : prime min ster Mackenzie King fe government would never) cent in Saskatchewan to 311.9) Portunity ee ; to. get out from their law making to | advice from Cara Macree. jimum henehie under the sec- é¢ amendment makes the that "private rights must ceaselpermit a strike 'per cent in Quebec. | some tips right from the | attend the Manitoba Winter | (CP Wirephoto) |ond draft bill. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, Union Grabs | Lakes Vessel For Big Coup EIGHTEEN PAGES EME