{steer stockers 22-25 with good] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 6, 1962 17 ;stock calves up to 27.50; com- 'n, medium and stock heifers! | Canadian Locomotive Co, 20-22. ee NET EARNINGS _ |. year ended Dec. 31: 1961, Calves: Choice vealers 34-| inet loss $151,000; 1960, net loss |36 with sales to 27; good 29-33; | $257,000. medium 26-29; common 21-24; | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Fittings Ltd., year ended Dec. . Prices Strong MINES 11 Net |Mentor At Stock a ds boners 16-20 Canadian B Co. Ltd.,/31: 961, $97 aw Ch'ge| Min Corp 20. | anadian ronze 0. +9 BL: 1, ,617; 0, tae y I Hogs: Grade A 26.55 - 27,60; |year ended Dec. 31: 1961, $284,-| $116,062. ' pulacker | 11 Net | Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 3500 55 4 54 725 11 Net | High Low a.m. Ch'ge $84 84 R4 $144 4% +% $154 15% 5 65% -- 0% 24% + 14% 36% Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings | Steer, Heifer 1 Net | Sal s High Low a.m. Ch'ge 625 $205 20 20% 225 $22% 22% 22% 215 $17%4 17% 17% 25 $3258 32% 325% TORONTO li A.M. STOCKS 1 By The Canadian Press Stock Toronto Stock Exchange--April 6 Dom Tar (Quotations in cents unless marked $.\pom Tar p z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-'pom Text rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is py Pont from previous board-lot closing sale.) peq Farms 100 $5% 5% 5% Fed Grain 5 $54%4 544 34 -- % INDUSTRIALS Fr Pete pr 1g 8s 363 365 Trans-Mt 18% 18%-- %/Trans PPL 11 Net |Gen Dev 100 $1444 14% 14% + Y%'Un Gas Sales High Low a.m. Ch'se GS Wares 212 $10% 10% 10% U Corp pr 25 $464 46 46% + % GL Paper 760 $8% 18% Walk GW $134 13% 13% G L Power 00 $17% 17% % WCoast Tr G L Pow w 100720 Westeel Gr Wpg G_ x10 $17 Greyhnd 1115 $19 Sales 365 1000 Stock Steel Can S Propane Suptest ord |Tor-Dom Bk T Fin A 814% 14% 131 (128 5 4 Stock Sales 14% Abacus 2166 36 % Alba Expl 48000 Yq | Ansil 500 %'A Arcadia 32500 7 Atl C Cop 500 110 \% | Barnat 200 124 ¥4|Bethim 2000 223 | Bidcop 78000 23 %|Black Bay 1000 17 Bouzan 2000 «56 [Buff Ank 600 230 |Camp Chib 1050 590 115 9 3 P 12% $24% 2 70 67 $14% $36%4 3 $20% $30 $5614 56 $18% 394 $38% 3 $1844 18 985 985 250 4250 --1 --2 ie Westfair 19 Weston A 9 --YeWest A wis 375 Y Knit A 4 5914 Curb 48% + M% Anglo-Nfid 15% Asbestos 254 --% C Paper 5 Hayes 200 $32 Hardee 985 Horne Pf 250 Hur Erie Imp Oil }Cdn- NW Cassiar \Cent Pat + %/\Cent Pore Cheskirk Coch Will Con-Key C Beta G C Halli y, C Mogul "Con Negus Craigmt Daering Dethi Pac Denison Dicknsn ys, Dome Elder Falcon Faraday F'west T Francoeur 52 89 100 375 Nealon 3000 5 --1 | |New Jason 2000 steer and heifer prices were|Sows gaining a $2 premium; |007, $1.68. lyear ended Dec. 31: 1961, $102, ester Ure un nS Sheep and lambs: la hundredweight according to| Twin City Gas Co. Ltd., year Nisto 500 were firm. Good and choice veal|with some fancy Southdowns to |N Goldert 36500 32 31 + 100" s88hs 5 sted. about 9,200, abou 600) DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU COULD HAVE New Ath 1050 3 33 33 |N Kelore 1000 generally strong to higher on| stags 17.50 on a dressed weight) (501, 64 cents a share; 1960, N Senator 500 +1 |Public Stockyards this week. Goodja | 5 : weight and quality; good light/ended Dec. 31: 1961, $370,000; Eevee ino enh oe calves were steady, with com-| Opemiska 133 605 605 --10 |Pamour , 9 90 95 +5 |mated about 9,200, about 600) Paramaq 10 9% |Pax Int q 31 31 es Sst THE HOUSE OF YOUR DREAMS... \Pick Crow 735 57 57 5 +1 Pit-Ore 37000 +10 9 +1 $94 $34 S41 $25 3 83. -- % 94 27%. 27% + Ys Imp Tob 48% 48% + % Hard Carp p 48 48 + % Inland Gas 4 52% 52% + "4 Inter Dis wt 7250 8% Int Nickel 500 1000 500 | Murray M 7000 139 di pew ah: 3 TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter heavy sows 19.85 - 20.25; light|560, $1.55 a share; 1960, $307,-| Standard Structural Steel Ltd,, +1 A |Newlund 2000 ; i io| basis. . i active trading at the Ontario as! /25; a few spring lambs 35-45)$131,040, 81 cents. Nickel MS 500 +2 Yearling, cow and bull prices|handyweight feedlot lambs 23 : : sheep. 8-10; common sheep 3-7,11960, $152,579. | Nrthgate 11230 670 660 mon and medium grades higher. 258 «6255 --4 head more than last week and +1 /about 1,700 more than the same --y/|week in 1961. Cattle receipts |from Western Canada numbered oY om 715 head as compared with 777 Bt At 3800 st 30a 91 {head last week Q Mattgmi 500 27 27 27 | Slaughter cattle: Choice) rock se A See +1 steers 25-25.50 with some fancy Raglan N 3600 7271 lfeedlot steers at 25.60 - 26.25; Rio Algom 925 $10% 10% }good 23.50-24.50; medium 21-23; Ris Athab 1000 $353 jcommons 17-20; good heifers . Roche 20 #9 «9 | 21-22 with choice 22.50-23.50 with g/Rowan Con 1000 5 5 5 -- sales to 24; medium 19-21; com- 1 tA t} |mons 17-19; choice fed yearl- 6 «26 lings 25-27; good 22-24.50; good cows 17-18 with sales to 18.50; medium 16-17; commons 15-1 2300 169 165 169 --1,,\canner and cutters 11 - 14.50; 1600 695 690 --5 |good heavy bologna bulls 19- me 8 + %/19.50 with sales to 19.75; com- PPro 4 {mon and medium 17-18.50. 4100 20 19 Replacement cattle: Good 4600 16% 16 Perea te clas 500 20 2 438 $57% 57% 5 2800 85 12500 16 15% 16 +1 115 169 169 169 --5 8000 27% 2% 2% --3 500 10 10 10 500 2500 6000 600 1000 100 --5 (Int Util 32 Int Stl P 5% 5% + % Jockey ¢ 67% 67144 -- \4\Kelly wits 200 75% Labatt 7 52% Lafarge 200 Laura Sec 725 250 250 z110 {Acme Gas Anchor 1 8 7% 2 Asamera 5 5 5S +1 , Bailey S A 5 + 644 -- "i Bailey S pr 200 $22% 22% 224--% 17% | Banff 500 129 12 1 20% Britalta 29 +5 9% Cal Ed $ H -- |Cdn Dev 19% -- %/C Ex Gas 19% -- WiC LI Pete |Cent Del Charter Oil Dev-Pal Duvex Dynamic 85% -- % Fargo 59% + "4! Medal a Jump Pnd +, an 14| Nat Pete 58% > KIN. Concord $ 9% -- % N Cont 4 23% + % N Davies 1000 2 Northid 1000 wang Okalta 5 1 4 +1% Pac Pete 58 Pamoil 36 1 {net Provo Gas Quonto Secur Free 10 South U ry Especially designed and built for you in Beau Valley by Kass- 105 125 478 100 4586 355 100 1050 Bath P A i i imi i ini Bets © A inger Construction Limited, and still have a finished product Biltmore pr Brazil Bright BA Oil BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone nll 2 , that will compare favourably in price with any house built 200 385 700 161 1664 650 1200 500 1000 1500 300 1100 500 395 500 4000 Lob G +3 MB PR Mass-F Mass-F 54 Mid-West 100 Milt Brick 200 2 Moly 50 § 200 $1 500 809 $5: 205 $21 235 270 100 100 350 100 270 $56 56 +1 200 2 6 --5 300 4 100 295 B P anywhere! 3000 , 9 154334 5 + | Ryanor 1000 2 {San Ant p ort 3585 Satellite 500 Sherritt 1000 Silvmaq 2000 ase 4 Starratt Steep R Sud Cont 2 Teck-H Tormont Trans Res Ult-Shaw \Un Fort Ventures Violam Werner | willroy Wiltsey Yale Lead Yk Bear Zenmac Curb Bulolo Yukon Con 100 1000 750 400 400 1000 32 31 1300 169 165 Gunnar Hard Rock Har-Min % H of Lakes Hollinger Hud Bay Hu-Pam + % Hydra Ex Irish Cop 1 Waite Mon Foods Mont Trst Moore N St Car s Nia Wire Noranda % NO NGas Nor Phone Page-Hers Phantom 'P SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING WEST -- 723-2265 5 290 290 280 280 28 KASSINGER of Beau Valley » 3 C Frkbs A 9% PHONE 725-9121 C Gas In w C Husky C Imp Bk C Ind Gas 150 68 oil Oil pr 1 * PR y QN Gas Can Pet pr 720 $13% 13% QN Gas w CWN Gas 260 $17% 17% 17% Mek Ae G5} 5 - en. SM ea Rolland A 225 11 CKP Dev 100: $19 ie a Lie pct ig "4 Royal Bank 25 80% -- % Tidal Corby vt 5 184 4 Russell 150 "4 Triad oi Crain RL 15 StL Cem A 100 18%4 -- % | Union Oil Crown Tr StL Cp A pr 115 $102 102 + % Un Oils Crush Salada Food 750 $14% 14% + %/Un Reef P Dist Seag Shawin 200 $24 24 Wayne Dom Elect Southam 50 $31% 31%4--% Ww Decalta D Fndry 150 300 $12% 12% -- % Yan Can BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT "Imperial Oi $62,000 Grant oi Well, | Gives Hopes | For Dr. Selye = gags. th cast aren Sa Thursday it has. brought in anjand drilling will continue. Im- Jellicoe Jonsmith Kerr Add Lab Min L Osu Langis Leitch Lencourt Lorado Macassa MacLeod Magnet Maybrun Mcintyre C cL Cdn -- 3300 1000 1 200 500 1000 1000 ai 50 11500 100 500. 48 48 You get to the 500 17500 500 5 5 » 12% 12%---% 115 $49% 49% 49% + % 4000 3 63 63 965 $48% 48% 48% % 550 $12% 12% 12% +% -- $65 64% 65 %'St Pav Sales to 11 a.m,: 1,375,000, s % +s ens 500 McWat heart of town Imperial officials said their|production is about 150 barrels find is still being evaluated, but/every 24 hours. | 'they are hopeful it will be a) Other oil discoveries were} success. C. G. 'McClintock of/made recently in the Gobles| Tae . : ;Chatham, explorations manager|area of Oxford County, the Rod-| : --by train for the company, said initial/ney field in Elgin and Colches- tests produced a "substantial/ter in Essex. rise of oil. DIVIDENDS Canadian National | | TORONTO (CP) --An emer- Selye, his standing and capabil- oil well at this community 26 perial began drilling two weeks) By THE CANADIAN PRESS the way gency grant of $62,000 has been ities -- more particularly his miles southeast of Chatham ago. It is understood costs on) Canadian Oil Companies Ltd.,| of the worry-free made to the research work of special field of medical re-/ The announcement brightened the project are about $3,000 aicommon 20 cents, May 15, re- ' ° Dr. Hans Selye of the University search, including indocrinilogy, prospects of new oil discover. @4Y- cord April 16. of Montreal by the Gustavus stress, correlations be t wee nies in southwestern Ontario. Im- The Tobacco. Road well pro-_ Steinberg's Ltd., 5% per cent and Louise Pfeiffer. Research cancer and inflammation, and perial's well is 1,300 feet north duced at a rate of 600 barrels Series A pid. $1.31; May 15, re-| Foundation of New York basic research in cancer, aging,|of a well drilled in Februaryevery 24 hours when it was cord April 26. when you go The grant is to assist restora- tion of library facilities dam- aged by fire Feb. 20. The sum of $12,000 is being paid imme- diately and the remainder in five installments at three-month intervals. The emergency donation brings to $607,000 total grants by the foundation to Dr. Selye's work since 1954. The last grant, made in 1959, was for $62,400 annually for three years and the final payment will be made by, the end of this year. Before that time a decision is expected to be made in regard to future | grants. Announcement of grant is made by Frank C. Cleary, president of Warner- Lambert Canada Ltd., Toronto. Dr. Selye's research, partic- ularly into stress as a cause of heart failure and into cancer, has attracted international attention. Milton C. Rose, direc- tor and secretary of the Pfeiffer Foundation, commenting on the the latest bone and joint diseases and cardiovascular diseases." The fire in Dr. Selye's Univer- sity library destroyed a large part of a collection of 400,000 cross-indexed items--a 30 years' compilation frequently | visited by European researchers. Dr. Selye says its replacemnt will require "a miracle of effort, at} least a year's work by 20 people,! and perhaps $500,000." Dr. Selye, born in Vienna, studied medicine and chemistry in Prague, Paris and Rome be- fore coming to McGill Univer- sity im 1932 at the age of 25. fe joined the University of Montreal in 1945 and is head of} its experimental medicine and) surgery institute (Institut de Medicine et de Chirurgie Ex- perimentales). Warner Lambert Canada gives scholarships of $1,500 each yearly to the pharmacy schools} of the Universities of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatch- ewan, Toronto, Montreal, and Manitoba--a total of $9,000 an- by the Tobacco Road Oil Com- brought in less than two months pany of Wellesville, N.Y. ago. It is reported that present grants, says: "Our directors have been deeply impressed with Dr. nually; and gives various other grants to pharmaceutical and medical organizations S : distinctive STYLING ACADIAN >. Wonderful...washable...Ciltone Satin colors Stay fresh as springtime! 10 movets! 9 series! * WAGONS! * SEDANS! ° CONVERTIBLE! * SPORT COUPE! Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each with its own distinctive char- acteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks. Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock. This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at @ cori Ada ms Priva: Stoc CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Springtime freshness is yours every day with marks are wiped away quickly and easily. Your wonderful Ciltone Satin. Your rooms wy have acharm _ brushes'and rollers can be:rinsed in water. A) and beauty that washing won't fade. HS Ciltone Satin flows so smoothly... covers so completely. Because of Ciltone Satin comes in hundreds of beautiful colors--colors that can be matched perfectly for trim areas with Cilux Fashion Gloss Enamel. Next time you do GENERAL MOTORS new family-size car Colorlok Action, the color particles dry suspended in a tough latex film. This safeguards the paint's freshness your rooms, insist on Ciltone Satin, the latex paint that against wear and fading. It dries in just 20 minutes. Soil stays color fresh! GP Paints SMITH'S HARDWARE 368 WILSON RD. S., OSHAWA WILSON RD. Plaza 728-2451 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Phone: 723-4364 WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED Whitby. Ontario PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 85 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA + 725-3529 GREEN DOOR GIFT & PAINT SHOP Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES BROOKLIN OL 5-4531 DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231