Jo Aldwinckle, cmen Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 5, 1962 7| | 50-50 Club '62 Minstrel Revue Is Colorful and Entertaining A harmonious blending of song, dance and fun by mem- bers of Simcoe Street United| Church 50-50 Club, under the di- rection of George and Kay Pearce in their '62 Minstrel Revue, has produced'recently a highly colorful and entertaining evening The 40-member chorus Donald Houlden as its energetic director set the pace for show with original lyrics for the peppy "Hey, Look Us Over!' and 'Sunny Side Up", to be fol- lowed with such old favorites as 'Way Down Yonder in New Orleans', "In the Evening by the Moonlight' and "Is It True What They Say About Dixie?" Irene Campbell and Steve Salmers were featured as solo- ists with the chorus in "Whis: pering", accompanied by Orest Salmers. The .musical selections were interspersed by six fun-provid ing, joke cracking End Men Rastus, Keith Buchanan; Cy- clone, William Shepherd; bone, Russell Hayward; Eight with} the |« ton, Wish- . "Make Believe'. and "Love's jOld Sweet Song' by the mixed! double quartet of Beth Weldon, Jean McNab, Mary Moses, Trene| Campbell, Steve Salmers, Don-} ald Houlden, Jack Snyder and Alec Yonson proved that good old fashioned harmony is still popular As a change of pace the sec- ond half of the show featured Dances from Different Dec- ades" and included the charles- the can-can, the jitterbug and the twist, agily performed in the costume of their day by Maria Weiss, Pamela Yearsley, Joyce and Fred Nash Jean McNab and Jack Snyder} delighted with a musical drama- tization, 'I Still Suits Me" The popular quartet of Alec Yonson, William Shepherd. Jim Wagg and Ross Cotton harmon ized beautifully in "Sweet Ken tucky Babe"' The finale featured the chorus with Ross Cotton as soloist in 'Bless This House." THE GU Isabel was the Osborne recipient 'of honor Mrs. | (right) of who many | Clayton Reid on behalf of the Party Honors Retiring Member Of Bell Telephone Traffic Dept. Mrs Isabel Osborne who re- fic superintendent Enclosed presentations is seen smiling- | traffic department staff. ly accepting a gift from Mrs. Ireland --Photo by HOUSEHOLD HINT Before feeding the baby his dinner, wipe his face lightly with baby oil. This will make it easier to wash him clean after he has finished eating In addition to the 60-member tired recently from the traffic|was an identification certifi- cate and three coins indicating happiness, prosperity and good health Mrs. Hilda Gibson presented the Traffic Employees' Associa tion honorary membership and some souvenir spoons On behalf of the staff Mrs Clayton Reid presented Mrs Osborne with a hand bag con- The big news this spring taining a gift of money and the is.on Slims and Co-ordin pioneers' certificate was pre- ates! 1962 brings more sented by Miss Jean Heard of variety, more s the Oshawa business office. more styles and Mrs. Osborne came to Osh fine materials to choose awa from the Adelaide office from. This week BLACK'S in Toronto in 1948 and 15 of her are featuring Toronto friends attended the PANTINO party for OES. who are ... # Ball, William Foreman; Satch- FASHION NEWS Black' S Sportswear Dept. LOWER LEVEL Glazier, ine, 4 Times tiny tot fashions daughters of the Piyah Chapter major attractions bazaar on was the charmers from left to | Rosenheck, 4; Lynn and Betty Lev --Oshawa Photo olc more street noured guest, hostess v r every tableware rental order exceeding $5.00 dur- ing April, May and June SARGEANTS RENTALS 725-3338 CALVARY BWF The Calvary Business Women's Fellowship met recent among A GIFT TO YOU! Ex were distributed to the mem- bers. An auction sale proved|!y at the home of Mrs. William very entertaining with Mrs.|Messent, with Mrs. George Russell Sproule as auctioneer.|Twine presiding. The theme of The next meeting will be held|the meeting was presenting the at the home of. Mrs. John Bent- Gospel to children and suitable ley, Harmony road north, on/hymns were sung followed by May 7. i the reading of the scripture by Refreshments were served by Mrs. Louis Trick Mrs. J. Corbett Livingstone,| Miss Norah Moen, a local Mrs. Duncan Foreman andirepresentative of the ! ible Class Mrs. Herbert Smith. Movement was the speaker. Using a large map dotted with little schools, she told of her work in teaching lessons from the Bible during religious edu- cation periods in the rural schools in the Oshawa area Bible Clubs are also held after school in homes with the assist- ance of voluntary teachers. Miss Moen with her co-worker, Miss Mary Edwards, presented a skit portraying a typical day in their rounds of teaching in the schools. It was learned that there are missionaries working throughout the world under the auspices of the Bible Club Movement, and summer camps are held in various localities for boys and girl Mrs. Percy Page and Mrs Robert Tremble led in prayer espcially for the work present- ed. by the speaker The next meeting will lege PMA CLUB The weekly meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club was held in the Legion Hall with president, Mrs. Elwood Bradley, presiding Favorite hymns were and readings were given Mrs. John Jakes and Mrs liam Collins The outing to Midland on June 18 was discussed, the fare will be three dollars and a few seats are still available Names and money must be in by the end of May Gifts of any kind brought in next week for silent auction to be held April 16 with Mrs. George in charge Refreshments. were Mrs. Melville Bradle George Cox Following their satisfying and entertaining per- formance of La Boheme last night, members of the cast of After a full day of the Canadian Opera Companyjbusiness and awards, the were guests at a buffet suppetjreiaries are invited to view at the Hotel Genosha. Presentiexhibits on display during to welcome them were Her|Ontario Medical Association's Worship Mayor Christine;week-long convention at the Thomas; Mr. and Mrs, lan Me-'Cleary Auditorium. Windsor Nab; Mr. A L. G. Metcalfe, Medical secretaries president of the Canadian Con- ¢yrtpey information Association, and Mrs. Met- tact the OMSA calfe; and members of the e€X-|George street ecutive by whose effort the tarig opera was brought to Oshawa guest | gee: ie \ vue, " HAPPY WAY TO START THE DAY. - goldensbrown toast topped with sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine. speakers sung by Wil- lo wishing should con 44 St Toronto 5. On rt cer office | be the on Hall mas INCLIS CANADA'S NO. 1 WASHER POT of served by and Mrs LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliar Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 met on Tuesday evening, April 3 with president, Mrs. Norman McEvers presiding Bazaar goods were shown in cluding a donation of knitted goods from Miss Catherine Fore- man. The hazaar will. be held next Tuesday April 10 at 8 p.m, and Mrs, Da Guiltin- thanked by Mrs, Leo Kryhul an, a past president, will open'for showing some _ interesting the bazaar. There will also be and humorous movies on cur- a draw for some fine prizes The Vimy Parade will held on Saturday, April 7 the Legion Hall at 2.30 Auxiliary members will with the Legion men. A of cards will be held on 17 at 8 p.m. with Mrs Williams as convener may be purchased at Good prizes and An invitation and accepted MINIATURE MANNEQUINS ON PARADE jmo, Reginald Piper; Lightnin',cast the following committees/qepartment of the local office Roy Morris. They carried on ajhelped make this production a of the Bell Telephone company One of the parade of Little verbal battle of wits with Mr.|Success: backdrop artists Wil-|after 39 years' service was of the Hadassah modelled by right are Sharon Kalnitsky, 3 4 interlocutor, George Pearce,|liam and Amy Trotter; pro-\honored recently at a party Tuesday afternoon members of | Chery! Nichols, 3: Marilyn much to the delight of those srams and | tickets, Arthur held in the company's lounge ea : present. The amusing misde--Bathe; ,make up, June! Receiving with Mrs. Osborne M . meanors of Kay Morris, Colin ig oe ge = reaune | were Miss Helen Robertson, Daniel, and company. in the !'a rave tanley aylor,'chief operator. and Mrs. Lewis ROUPS AND AUXILIARIES Med. Secretaries Fins wy. eye "yan ia ter to nermons (Rte Meal d chu kles. The flamboyant style Bruce Sonley, Douglas Court- Qchorne wore a black silk crepe To Meet at W indsor or he orchestra in the overture |ney, Jack Peeli candy, Het-\dress with a mauve orchid cor HEATHER UNIT The bus for the visit to Lind-jrent events. Two boxes of cloth ar a throughout the' program tie Britten Marjorie Webster, cace The April meeting of the Hea-jsay Auxiliary on May 7 willling have been sent to the mis More than 700 secretaries and added greatly to the tempo of Norma Courtney, Ruby Peel-| 4 floral arrangement of white ther Unit 3, of St. Andrew's/leave the terminal at 6.30 p.m. sions nurses from doctors' offices the show. Lilian Singer, piano; |!"8. ushers, Howard Luke and pom poms and pink gladioli United Church Women, was/A letter of thanks will be sent} Mrs. Stephen Coe thanked the throughout the province are ex- Kenneth Wooster trombone; committee: door met Byron with pink tapers centered the held at the home of Miss Helenjto the Bowmanville auxiliary;members on behalf of the Redipected to attend the annual Robert Holden, clarinet; Clar- Worden, Earl Webster tea table. Pouring tea were Yule, Simcoe north. Sev- for the pleasant evening when!Cross for giving their time and meeting of the Ontario Medical ence Cox, banjo The last two performances of Mrs. Henry Field, Mrs. Stew- enteen members were present Oshawa Auxiliary visited there efforts generously in sewing Secretaries' Association at the A spontaneous ovation greet- this show will bey held on April/art Karr, Miss Edna_ Green- and one new member was wel-'on Monday, April 2 clothing. Forty-three more arti- Elmwood Hotel Windsor, on ed Ross Cotton after his master- 6 and 7 in Simcoe Street Me- field, Mrs. Florence McMillan comed The next business meetingjcles were sent to the Red Wednesday, May 16 ly rendition of A Jolson Medley.'morial Hall and Mrs. Bertha Courtice Mrs. Murray Miller opened the| Will be held on April 24 at 7.30 Cross recently and now their The big event will be Tues Serving were 'Miss Eileen meeting with a scripture read-)p.m quota has been reached day evening, May 15 with a get . Cole, Mrs. George Goodall Jr.. ing followed by prayer It was announded that Mrs. Many visits to the sick and acquainted party at which mem ome conomics eac eTs Miss Ellen Densmore, Miss The secretary, Mrs. Herbert}Milton Oster and Mrs. Winni-|jnfirm were made by Mrs. Leo bers of the DSSEX County Med Carol Hennessey, Miss Shirley Piatti, read the minutes and the/fred Ballantyne are patients in) Karneth cal Secretaries' Association will financial report was given by the Oshawa General Hospital.! phe next meeting will take 2& hostesses Meet In Peterboroug and Miss Sharon Robinson Mrs. John Bentley, treasurer A_ presentation of the presi- Church, Walkerville. Mr. W. H.,. ome Economics teachers the young people, due to dent's wallet was made by Mr ized for the night of cards Avikon nrsaldant at Essex Col.(from the Oshawa Peterborough the shifting population and the/Robert McCulloch, district traf- Windsor. D ' Region of the Ontario Educa- resultant mixing of children PERSONALS of Western Ontario, Lon- a ; don; and Doyle Klyn, Women's School. Peterborough, Mrs. P.| The child could adjust well to Teas, birthday parties, wed- Editor, Weekend Magazine Pilkington acting as hostess. these shifting standards if the e Representatives from _ Port/following needs were met -- the interest in this column, Write, meeting will presenta é L ' : | doje telephone or visit the social de-|tion of the PSI Shiel d up for manville, Fenelon Falls, Pick-|to his home, and his peer group, partment with your items of|competition for the first time ering and Cobourg were pres-,a sense of independence, a opinion of a panel of judges,Grace Galbraith, Cobourg, 'self-esteem. If these basic needs completely;Makes the greatest effort in chairman of the group were not met the child would "professional! and community The speaker was Miss 'Ty to obtain them in undesir-| sec. City of Peterborough. Her workjfactorily to his changing en the having taken her to many parts vironment, those working with the of Ontario before coming to the child at home and at school @ because it's all vegetable. a ity her talk. Her subject'tience : ALL-VEGETABLE concerned the sweeping; Mrs Conlin thanked Miss Eth-| @ changes in environment andjrington on behalf of the group. | Blue Bonnet the population shift, working|take place in Port Hope in Sep) SS Soe eee Ree eee a8 mothers, television, and modern tember labor saving devices, on the Mueller, Laurentian ayenue, is;minerals and vitamins, save' She compared the settled celebrating his second birthday \the cooking water from turnips family life of the 1890's to life today for soups and gravies, advises at present, and found that a when Mr, A. W. Rundle will don, England, correspondent of|-- - = speak on 'Gardening, Indoors The Oshawa Times, was one of and Out' a group of 16 foreign corre-| 1 ; Her Majesty on y se Vioes Roman Cath- o¢ricial opening of Marlborough olic urch plans were dis USS- House as the new Common- ed for the annual Night of ~-- oore better saint products Hart. Miss Sharon Normoyle ' place on Monday, April 30, athe Program speakers are Tickets for the flower tea to which time plans will be final- Canon R. C. Brown, St. Mary be held at the Manse May 23 Dr. F. S. Brien Professor of Medicine Univer tional Association held theirjfrom different racial back- sity. : 1 spring meeting at Central grounds ding aniversaries, coming and) Montreal, Quebec ' : pe of guests are ele of, One 'of the his of 'the Hope, Peterborough, Oshawa, opportunity to give and receive . A Whitby, Campbellford, Row-|affection, a sense of belonging $ See Shiel Y ' r } f achievement, recogni- news for which there is nojthis year. The Shield is to be ent. The business part of the sense 0 Vv charge. Telephone 723-3474, OMSA Branch which. in the|meeting was conducted by Mrs./tion as a person, a sense of service" H. Ethrington, supervisor of able ways | Public Health: Nursing for the; To help the child adjust satis-| Ideal for active people of ev e age -- Peterborough. Miss Ethring-|were given three key words, ry ag nutritious ton's background gave. author-|Repetition, Consistency and Pa- hild.|1 } ed at the school.} . their effect on the growing chi aunch was serv $C She mentioned the influence of The next regional meeting will Sad MARGARINE Master Eduard Mueller, sor LIQUOR attitudes and thinking of the Mr, and Mrs, Wolfgang Since contains valuable child be held the Food Department of Mac- set of standards differing from at the parsonage on. April 16° Mr. M. Mcintyre Hood, Lon. donald Institute, Guelph their _Parents" was developing " mM spondents from Commonwealth ee CROSS WA A countries to be presented to ee O / t e recent meeting of the the Queen at the w) wealth centre in London Cards to be held on May 8 Mrs. Steve Bonfordi was ws Eg) - Mr. and Mrs Warren avenue from a motoring fornia Alfred Austin, | have returned trip to Cali- niel be from p.m parade night April Robert Tickets the door refreshments was visit BE LOVELY-ALL WAYS no ea ... more control per ounce than sabia any other girdle! Siti Whitb @) comrort-nue uxiliary on Ar Names ; ~ DIPPED Waist be given to Mrs. Eric Jacklin can't wrinkle, roll, bind! 14,95 up 16.95 u- 12.95 up 95 uP 16.95.» 12.95 uP WORSTEDS SILKS HOP SACKING POP TOPS .,,.:.. JACKETS SKIRTS tn to Telephone 725-4168. Bus will % leave the terminal at 7.30 p.m FIRMOLASTIC "TIGER STRIPES are actually woven into the stretch fabric! Gives you fortified control where needed! AIR-STRIP INTERPLAY guarantees cooler, more comfortable support! SKIN-SMOOTH! No overlapping seams, no sewed-in tapes, no bulky panels! LIGHT AS A SREEZE! More control per ounce than any other girdle! RELAX-WEAVE AT BOTTOM AND TOP extra flexibility for sit- stretch-stride ease! TIGER girdle ~only 7.98 panty _~only 7.98 PeTER PAN Available at all leading department, chain and specialty shops, including are weor All styles and materials fully interchangeable matching top with slims or skirt or switch to smart mult color slims and set them off with another style pop-top or jacket. The stoff in our lower- level sportswear dept. will be happy to suggest the most ver satile wardrobe. Be the girl with the most variety in smart sportswear this spring and sum be a PANTINO g We invite you to come in and browse around under no oblige tion 1962 Sportswear while assortment is at its best, a small deposit will hold your choice Black's LADIES' WEAR 72 SIMCOE N. 725.1912 OPEN FRI. EVE. 'TIL 9 PM OVER 2200 SHADES LATEX WALL SATIN SEMI-GLOSS HIGH GLOSS HOUSE PAINT ot the Do It Yourself Store May We Advise You? Ask Us--We'll Help You mer Canada's finest wringer wash- er with famous Hercules" mechanism, automatic pump, SALE 8 large casters and attractively grouped controls for easy oper- ation. Plus many more bene- PRICE fits exclusive to Inglis . . . and it is guaranteed for 5 years. "We Service What We Sell" FRANK MEAGHER hoose from Custom- made SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers will be cut and pinfitted your home 926 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3144 " EDGAR'S CENTRE Bes APPLIANCES 34 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 92. SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-4711