Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Apr 1962, p. 20

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Apel Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Friday Saturday 8 to 12 BUSIN ESS: SERVICE DIRECTORY 'Gardening and Supplies |Building Trades BOW AN, DAVID L.. START begonia bulos now! tor, 3'¢ Simcoe South, dence, 728-0264 RAMIC. plastic wall tie, wood. working. al! floor coverings. Free esti- mates. Work guaranteed. 728-3980 L, AND H. ROOFING. Specializing in tar and gravel. Asphalt shingles, meta! roofs, insulated siding and all kinds of repairs. Free estimates MO 8-8003 or 69: 'Barrister, , Soliel- 725-9592. Resi- CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cesh Charge Dormant Rundie's Garden 1764 potting soil, seeds \Centre, King East, LAWNS and grounds taken care of by the month. Gardens rototilled, spring cleanup. Call H, A, Russell, Port Perry, 985-7051 collect LOAM, "GRAVEL WASHED STONE, MULCH FILL Troctor and loader work Lots levelled. Reasonable rates 725-2156 CHOICE . DRIVEWAY GRAVEL LOAM CEMENT GRAVEL 725-5279 Instruction POPULAR no pt 6 CONSECUTIVE nee cued 72 INSERTIONS 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 If not paid w 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered ot @ later date constitute a new originol order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month. Each word, initial, or figure counts as.a word. charge 5c additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the doy be- fore publication except Births, In Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline 'for Lost and Found and Cancellations 8:30 a.m Office Hours Daily 8-5. Saturday 8-12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times. will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not more than cne incorrect insertion of any oadver- or beyond the price a single insertion of odvertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising a ding to its own classification In the case of display advertise- ments Times will not be held responsible for more space than thet in which the actual error eccupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ail advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement, if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. 3.75 4.13 ALL types of building re repairs, "roofing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394 YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 723-2997 SHINGLING, tar and gravel MO 86-4558. CALL JOHN and get a price before you buy. Aluminum siding, doors, win- dows, awnings. John G, Fice, RR 3 Oshawa. 725-5045 after 5.30. 728-4370 UNITED PAVING CO. 728- 4801 COTTAGE SPECIAL 220 x 180" ms, kitchen; living egular price built $1132 Pre-Season Price $1059 As Low As $105. DOWN Delivery free within mile radius Free Se Bonus Offer! F limited time only, your of two voluable prem- abbreviation Box insulation, Whitby siding, dlown Phil Harper, "lessons, adults only, necessary. 142 On MA 3.2697 cou unsellor, for piano s training 0 Street, Bowmanville. PRIVATE fy teac her. student Act n HARVEY DANCE tap, RAD bal now, 424 King LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro datic. Friday and Saturday Masonic Temple, Centre Street 253. 1054 ACADEMY, Highland eect West Baton, Register 122. Investigators ACME INVESTIGATION BUREAU BRANCH OFFICE Domest General tion Security wide 00 kK Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa WH 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-413! ®. B. PROSSER, CPA, Certified Pub- Ne Accountant, 906 Centre Street, North | Whitby, MO 8-5447 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, fied Public Accountants, King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario -3509 BOB § CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723-7605. WILSO> Accountants, 114 King r Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson CA: EA CA, 728- 7554. DLANDER, HUNTER .. Accountants and Auditors icensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East. Oshawa ;:B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm, CPA 100- Investiga- rvic World ces. 9 ast -- 728-794) 24-hour Service St gta Lawn Mowers Long Sault Construction Ltd. 134 SIMCOE ST. $. Open 9 a.m. to 9 728-4614 WE SHARPEN ALMOST E GIVE US AC STAN'S ER KING AT BURK 723-3224 Money to Loan AND RENT RYTHING * Gane JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 CORN STS Caterers WEDDING BANQUETS Mortgages FIRST and d mortgage "bo ght. RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, 3. J Van Hesiracdea Mertgane Brokat) joyfully remembered when » Oshawa, 723-4471. Pontiac Inn Caterers handle details expertly for you. THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH at BLOOR PHONE 725-0078 Dressmaking LTERATIONS and dressmaking, prompt service. Reasonable rates Telephone 728- 8666. DRESSMAKIN iterations sewing such as children' sonable rates. Telpehone time. INVISIBLE | mending a Telepho: 725-9736 or nl kirk Avenue DRESSMAKING, | able prices. 1 Telephone 723-7963 Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable for stove, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele- 8535. FIREWOOD. ary, good, tor stove, tur. } nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele ohane _co 3 2275. ! Appraisers PATRICK D. MeDANIEL,AACI, Real- Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby Phone MO 8-2311. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran teed automotive parts and accessories, 145 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you 1 Ki ig East, Mi a0 Mr John A FIRST and 725-6544 or Bolahood Ltd Bolahood J second mortgages agreements purchased and sold nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street East 723-7232. CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur doch | MORTGAGE LOANS ney available for imr First and Secon ae Mortgages, ond Agreements for Sale. on vacant and im- proved property residential, industrial, city, suburban and country, and summer cott ages, Forty yeors experience SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Smcoe Street Oshawa Phone MONIES FOR MORTGAGES on First 0 per annum Hen. i King Barristers JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA LB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park- ing available. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRY and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg., ® Simcoe Street North. 723-3446. T. K. Creighton, QC; B, C. .Fraser, QC; G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mortgages arranged. DONALD BLAKE and Solicitor, 2614 Telephone: Business dence 728- 5373 JOSEPH | P. "MANGAN, "ac, Solicitor. Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, MA ING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. Money to loan, Henry Block, 26% King St. East, 723-4697. Resi- dence, dial 728-4029. and BASTEDO. Barristers, Clients' funds available for tgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3566; Charles ¢ McGibbon, ac; _Edgar F. Bastedo, QC RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pub! % Simcoe North, 728-2991. Res. 72. plain wear. Rea S any- - re-weaving 525 Dun Mo ate loan on , Barrister East. Resi- DODDS, King Street 723-2201, alterations, Brock Street , reason East . Barrister, Office, 14% 728-8232. 142 FR E E Furnace cleaned every year "Round the Clock' 24-hr burner service Automatic delivery "White 'Rose' Fuel Oil WESTERN OIL CO 725-1212 Unified Street 3542. Barrister, Mortgage East Simcoe Residence 72 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Solicitor, Notary Public funds available. 362 King Street 7% Res. 985-7163 . HYMAN. QC, Barrister, , Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 Street East. 723-4943. Morigage available. GREER and KELLY, Barrister tor, etc., 114 King Street [East 723-2278. Residence phones J Greer, PA, S os i Terence V Kelly, PA, without bon Monies Second M Mortga Agreements Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ Buila reas available on tgage 4 and Premium Quality ges DX STOVE OIL MO 8-844! convenienc for Solici King monies Short - term and Mortgages or our stove oil may be purshesed at our service station, Hwy. No between Oshawa and Whitby, Open Daily, includ- ing Sun. 7 a.m. - Midnight. ~ Solici Dia M 2 , Ontario, 723- 4697 Registered Under Mortgage HUMPHRE sorOnTe F and | AIL Registered Act MAN, Barristers. Solicitors, = 4 uch Sake Cotes A Hue - Gardening and Supplies G. 8. Boychyn ---- Zn Hillman LLB Ofitce, 725-1177, | 725-1178 Residence, 5-4604; Whitby, MO &-2761, 725-520 NHA and other mortgage funds pr 3534 D BA, Te plept Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing oe poner (No. 2 y and Oshawa) GRAVEL - 'MU iC H cmt UCK, RO, Home Highway Call RN in between 2330. OSHAWA aire "subi 5, BA and ' THOMAS a GREER Associate Barristers ani So! citors, 130 King Street East 728-626 Mortgage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli 723-3528 : R AND TV COL CALL SANSENG BROS 728-3755 Bookkeeping ~ We specialize in garden service OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE GARDEN CENTRE 723-3222 1259 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Fertilizer, oll brands ' Free loan of spreader) eed, top soil Perennials -- Alpine Optometrist. Please Dominion lids exam- ined "at Chortle F, RICHARY BLACK, Doctor of Optom eiry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERV INCOME TAX RETUR 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades CARPENTRY, -- roofing and repairs of ali estimates. Phone Harry's. SIDING -- (blown method) Painting and Decorating PAINTING, paperhanging, low winter rates. G Church Street 725-7297 AL. CONROY . professional painting paper hanging, wood finishing. 1962 wallpaper in stock Telephone 728-0086 carpentry Goulding, 204 INTERIOR AND L WAL GS ARE FREED and blis EXTERIOR AND from ters sure re-modeliing, framing, er free 723-241 aluminum, and insulation Reduced prices for April and May. Free estimat 'Air tite Insulation." Oshawa 728-4550 eve mun es ot or | Ajax. WH iota 1920 evenings MFG. CO House - Remodelilir k and bethroom Bispning all tiling, moderntold doors, etc. Free estimates any time PHONE 723-7589 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Wal! Murals, Spray: Painting BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523 NIGHTS 725-7426 sod, Full Shode trees ' ; 10 lowering itcher WwW. Personal Service CRESCENT in CLEANING SERVICE isible Mending Pick&Sp and and Hambly Concrete PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS Telephone MO 8-4159 GARDEN SERVICE Landscape design. Spr ing cleanup ng Storage, Delivery, Cash Carry Store, © Fertilizing. Pc ng All phase of Stone work. 725-3321 JACK & BETTY LEES jonds: Personal Service MAN' out of work wonld | like "exterior cleaning. \spray for trees. Root forming hormones, house painting and Very reasonable rates Telephone 728-6879 MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Fish 'n Chips, Pies and Desserts Dinners, Made window WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. 725-3887 SOUTH Turkey Home Free estimates. _| Plumbing and | Heating © CHINN'S 288 Hillside, ALL Phone Ltd., 21, pl plumbing pressure systems, 23-7088 Har sg, heating ing, 255 Simcoe Street South new, supplies, used, old H pumps, repairs. PLUMBING and heating supplies Stark, and engineer- ALL types of repairs and rerhodelling, new and used rates materials Estimates free. Dial ALL WELL But f you on the best sist Cai experience, by interview only: GUSCOTT PLUMBIN J and AUN LIMITED 5132 207 smcoe Ss c ot. S 725 METTE PLUMBING CO. Ltd. ce - eanout and Repairs. 23 CELINA ST PHONE 725-3279 Installation Service Reasonable 8-693 Radiater Service Cat Dr ve In Russell Bryant RADIATOR SERVICE 900 Broc k St N MO 8-2506 Whitby ch Trouble Before It Starts Today Record Players -- RCA VICTOR RECORD PLAYERS stereo St St King and W., ----. REGISTERED monaural sonable Terms to suit' you MEAGHER'S 723-3425 CHESTERFIELDS re-styled. ing, like new. Why re- Free estimates. le terial for re-covering. 75 Charles Street, CHESTE RFIELDS | pay more? re- ORTGAGES = Arranged, bought andi RUG Upholstery Service |Well Drilling -- Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Cleon-outs and Deepenings Compressor Work 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 1--Women' 'Ss Column Page Hair Telephone COLD . WAY ES on special. 396 Pine Avenue SPECIALS on perms and bleaches. Ex pert hairdressing service by Mrs. June Wilkinson, Lake Vista Beauty Salon 728-0422. 2--Personal RIDE wanted to and Victoria Lae area, phone 7 DRIVING to Toronto, Spadina Adelaide, leaving Oshawa at 6.30 Please telephone 723-9077 WANTED -- A ride to Oshawa, ing at 8 a.m. from Bowmanville phone MA 3-3804 Lawrence Avenue Toronto. Tele- and am arriv Tele- cg ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 17th and 18th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock BLACK phone BATHING, trimming, de fieaing, "board- ing. Waubena Kennels. 725-6321 NUTRIA breeder eng puppies tor sale. Tele- 2329 selling off stock and pens, At bargain. 35 animals. Eight fe- males to litter. 728-5579. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready training, talking strain. Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East CAGES, round and square, rabbits or other small animals 293 Ritson Road South LABRADOR Retriever, spayed, seven months old. Registered, inoculated, sire is "Field Trial" Cham- pion, Good with children. 723-9991 RABBITS for sale. For pet or for fry- ers, phone MO 8-4602 for Mrs. Good for Apply black, female, German Shepherd, fe- male, 10 months old, sable grey. Good with children, Telephone MA 3-5524 10 YEARLING Holstein heifers, vaccinated. Telephone Hampton from Excellent information, MINIATURE poodle puppies mpion stock. Registered For further 4--Market Basket POTATOES -- 75-lb. bag, $1.00 at the farm. Hampton, CO 3-2284 ed rand) See our ma- Dalton U peer: built, are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses re-built. 10 Bond Street West CHESTE RFIE LDS" "and old --|covered like new Upholsterers, Jf all 728-6451 Co., at Modern South ch airs Get the best for lens Simeoe 142 UPHOLSTERING REMODELING REPAIRING FURNITURE Fabric hore samples free estimotes gi shown ven in Free estimates your ion Guaranteed, CALL 728-9526 TODAY | TALBOT Surveyors UPHOLSTERIN DONEVAN 4ND FLEISCHMANN, tario Land Surveyor, 11 Ontario Street "TROLLOPE printing, H. FLIM AND Land Surveyors, East. Phone 216 725-6881 Adelaide On Commercial blue- 725-5632. Ontario Avenue TV--Radio Repairs TELEVISION, repairs. Cal! ice, TV. RADIO, makes Elliott ca Avenue, Thompson Superior 140 Simcoe South. radio Electronics, 723-9792 (Fred) range, washer and dryer Appliance Serv- repa Dial 728-4873 I. V. TOWERS na's vant and workmanship material try or T.V nd TRIO TELEVISION 17] 728-6781 T.V. TOWERS 36) GIBBONS ST s. Best quality BOND ST. E. PHONE 728-8180 Terms -- Open Evenings OSHAWA T.V. ee Survey and E stimat es I. V. TOWERS gal on iz ed no pair nt LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5904 or 725-7844 Service » be sure of the sibie prices all 137 Tailors LEN PULLAN (ENGLIS ments 9H TAILOR) require experienced ond alterations suit 728-5 Statior 31] Well Drilling -- Digging WELL digging and clean-outs or plied phone (cement 28-0394 galvanized. Tile sup Tele- MACHINE DUG WELLS 30" guaranteed Qu ca Fe cksand 'ing indatior 4 td. Ag 723-100 mira, Ont. Spec Work earth Well lead ialists bo Office El g Digging re-covered hay Our rates Oshawa Upholstery Ca) Dial 725-0311, 5--Farmers Column QUANTITY of good clean for sale. Telephone Frank Rossland Road West straw and Hoag, 725-6837, (Turkey Farm). HH on the spot Highest | prices paid for dead and crippled farm _ stock ~'Telephone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone licence 149. SHOP FROM your the Oshawa Times Want find everything you need 6--Auction _ AUCTION SALE | SAT., APRIL 14 of the late Mrs. 224 Brock A full line piano roor suite refrigerators dryer two scannng You'll 'phone by | Ads. The property Florence Tavener St. North, Whitby good = furniture dining two mact leaner Many new) omplete shing am ne and vacul radic televisions many other articles Sale at shorp 1 } Auctioneer oyal Pogue AUCTION SALE 35 H ford cattle and Here equipment Istein dairy etc f 24, Mr. Russell Concession lington Township form south of No. 2 Highway on the Solina Road Selling Saturday, April 7th Sale t mmence promptly 2 p.m. For further partic ulars see Bill. Terms Cash No reserves. Farm sold No Reid, The perty Lot pr Gimbiett 2 First at Jack Auctioneer 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent LAKESHORE property for sale, ing lots for developing. Fill Lovely spot for weekends, drive from Oshawa, 728-2301 FOR SALE -- Three-bedroom cottage, on safe, sandy beach, Lake Simcoe Sereened porch, kitchen cupboards and atio, Completely furnished. Full price '00 with $2,200 down. Telephone MO 8-5276 COTTAGE for gale, Semi-furnished, five rooms, oil furnace, winterized Cash price, 85,009 or consider terms 100 'yards from Lake Ontario M. Ferguson, Squires Beach, ing. Ontario. includ available, two hours Picker- If you're longing for a cozy, charming place to look in the for-rent columns of THE OSHAWA TIMES that's where they are rooms, houses, apartments! live, SEASONAL CAMPSITES 20-ft, Ie xcellent Fishing Or Boats Swimm ts. Cottages, Safe 728-2301 SUMMER HOME FOR RENT $90 PER WEEK 3 large bedrooms modern Every convenience PHONE 728-3376 time, \ Apply phone 725-0312 OSHAWA Bait Co, requires experienced Apply in person. 843 Rit- 1 1--Articles for Rent Dishes, cutlery, glosses, stem- med wine glasses, silver tea service sets, silver candelabra, automotic percolotor, punch bowls, voporizers etc. 725-3338 _|16--Female Help Wanted ,17--Male Help Wanted SARGEANT'S RENTALS - WHEEL | CHAIRS Hospital beds, invalid walk- ers, bedside commodes, crutches also slenderizing machines and roll away beds FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 12--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metols, etc., bought Open Saturday ail day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) 1, TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-3374 13--Business Opportunitie |24--House LADIES! Would you like full or r part CLASS A licensed mechanic for flat|ELGIN and § Simcoe, two time work, cellent remuneration? call 728-7414 | REGISTERED nur: For ed. For full particulars, call Morton, 655-4931 or 655-4516, with flexible hours and ex-!rate interview cent plus 2 per cent holid: art-time, requir- ed for Glencedar Nur ing Home | rs. | HAIRDRESSER, experienced or recent|723-1687 for appointment. 7 dork leony shop in Ajax requires appren- -- |tice with at least two to three yi DEPENDABLE girl for modern home,| experience, all electrical appliances. Must like chil- | WH 2 dren graduate. Telephone Mr. Roberts 0962. sleep in. Telephone 725-1873. % C Carmichael's Restaurant, nd Hillside. ply Road South STENOGRAPHER | Short Hand Essential Five Day Week 8-5 Paid Benefits Apply In Writing Stating Qualifications etc. P. O. BOX 488 OSHAWA, ONTARIO STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED FOR BARBER SHOP, one chair, fully shad NATIONAL FOOD ditioned, Steady ped, air ed 40 years, 45 years. Long term rental or Telephone 725-3420. SIMCOE SOUTH centre: snack bar for sale, stock and equ ment. Terms can be arranged. after 6 p.m. FRENCH fries truck for rent Box 135, Oshawa Times. BEAUTY PARLOR equipped, central lars, apply 5 Celina Street. RELIABLE heated, Establis' for rent, ~ persons required to customers, rere lease location, ip- 728-2095 vice established retail accounts in ci ties, tario, Part or full time. No Must have car and $675 to start particulars and phone number 150 Oshawa Times. SERVICE station with snack bar. er will sell or trade. Price Peter Feddema, Realtor, ville. Call MA 3-3644 STORE, cation, basement Box 455. downtown Oshawa, main. floor, 2,000 sq corner ft., Write fully For further particu- ser- towns and districts throughout On- selling. Full} to Box Yo- full Will divide store. Write PO) | Own-| $15,000. | Bowman- OPPORTUNITY knocks but once This) is a wel] established business and cor. ner West property in the city of Oshawa located on King Street] Owner must sell due to ill health. Building | open, all business chattels to be included in CO purchase price. King Street frontage 60 ORGANIZATION To assume typing and cler- ical duties. Excellent working conditions. Good starting sal- ary. With all company bene- fits.. This is ao permanent position. Please apply in writ- ing stating, age, experience, morital status, etc. OFFICE MANAGER 22%. NABOB FOODS Division of KELLY DOUGLAS Lit. 359 STATION STREET AJAX, ONTARIO TS hourly for evenings, exper- ienced woman for lunch bar and wait- ress work, Experienced with or 'ark roo 30 per|nished, complete kitchen facilities, eme pay, hos-|ployed women only. Suitable two or available. /three, after 7 p.m. 725-0236. ting experience to Post Office Dahawa, |SEVEN-ROOM house in Oshawa, Al- ----|bert Street, close to schools, pping and bus stop. Parking. Could sublet. | Telephone CO 3-2413. |SMALL | house in North Oshawa, ime nediat rel y. Ti ) 728-4920, SIX-ROOM brick veneer "bungalow, blower type oil furnace full basement, storm and screen win dows and doors, large lot, close to school, parks and busline, electrie jrange and TV antenna supplied. Avail- able immediately. Telephone, 723-3366 jafter four. : | |MODERN brick bungalow, two bed: HOSPITAL ORDERLIES |rooms, oi! furnace, close to Shopping i 'entre, adults preferred; bus service. 'Telephone 723-4371, |342 FRONTENAC -- Six-room 1 house, |close to Shopping Centre. No small |children. Available May 1. Telephone | 725- 2901; after five, 728-1938. | MAIN floor, modern, three-room 1 \furnished apartment, private entran: jand bath, in new house. 385 Baldwin Street. 728-4 4409. |MODERN apartment, three rooms, |self-contained. Available immediately, --|#00d location, reasonable, newly deco- NEED peer income? 'Average $3 anjrated. Parking available. 236 Me |hour and more in spare time. Be head-|Naughton Avenue, 725-8785, jquarters in your neighborhood for finest line of Cosmetics and Home' |THREE-ROOM apartment. With ai N low rent to responsible tenants who Needs. Repeat orders. Large profit. will give weekend + fe care to two small Write for free copy of Homeshopper ohijdren Telephone 728-9875 Catalog then decide. Rawleigh Prod- henna ec ucts, Dept. D-310-CD1, 4005 Richelieu, ALBERT STREET, 165 -- Three-room, Montreal heated apartment. unfurnished, private --jentrance, bath. Cupboards, ample Fee NG man "to learn store rem closet space, $55 monthly. 728-7086. ome experience in store wor! wou be helpful. Also part-time girl wanted. SPACIOUS three. room apartment, pri- |Apply to Manager of Cole's Book vate bath, entrance and parking, very Store, Oshawa Shopping Centre. oo gpeeea King East. Telephone 728- SALES help wanted, age no barrier, '~ housewives welcome, telepaone solici- 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent tors, bonafide leads. Pays up to $5 pe: | jHour at home, Call MO 8-8767 or 8-2387. THREE large room apartment ground |floor, $70 monthly unfurnished, $80 fur- | 20--Room ym_and Board 7 complete, Available May 21, 728- shop. Genera) repairs, pital and pension benefits | Write, sta |Box 86, O IVE part-time salesmen, to call on leustomers, 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Phone Apply Harwood Colli +! 1626. | |DRIVER salesman, knowledge of Poa ing equipment preferred, 22 35. Minimum Grade 11. Write Post Oftice | Box 533, Oshawa. with experience, or we will train suitable men. Must speak ond understand English, Apply mornings only, to:-- Personnel Office, Oshawa General Hospital 18--Male or Female Help Wanted ROOM or room and board, "single beds, THREE - bedroom apartment available |Apply 238 Albert Street. April 15, Apply 128 Wilson Road South, ROOM, $8 or room and board, $12,50/N° *PPliances, $90 monthly. 728-4067 | we Bh suitable for girl, all conveni- TWO rooms, , newly "decorated, furnish- Telephone 728-2815 near bus, pe Private kitchen. refrigerator and ove, $10 weekly. Suit one or couple, ie room, suit one gentie-| man with room and board, lunches 146 Division Street after 4 o'clock. packed five or seven days weekly. THREE 'unfurnished large room "apart. | Telephone 725-8306. ey heavy wiring. Two furnished Toa Pegsrarsg arge rooms, refrigerator, stove, two- FRE room and board to you ng jady who would give weekend care © Roky ae aie a adults. Parking, /for two small children. Telephone 728- wich ed acre RE THREE-ROOM 3 apartment, three-piece ~ bath, private entrance, parking, close |PARK ROAD SOUTH, 81 -- Furnished |i. 4p) highway. Apple "Hill" distriet, |bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen |79s 6295 |with or without board. Parking. |RooM and board for a» gentlemai | close to bus and North General Moto: Telephone 725-2305. DOWNTOWN 7 four, three al iso one-room apartments, refrigerator, stove, Lyi pi 725-1932 after 6 p.m, 725. |PRIVATE room, board if desired, » unfurnished rooms, Huron and Eulalie district. $15 weekly. with private bath, Apply 157 Warren Telephone 728-3357. Avenue or telephone 725- 9309 after 4 p.m ROOM and ae UTILTIES included, ; ROOM and | board, gentleman p prefer- ES Close to downtown, bus and Gen. et, unfurnished, private bath, an- Telephone 7. Pri reasonable. Adults please. Apply Albany or telephone 725-3760. ered Motors. Parking. aa GENTLEMEN room and board, sine: ROOM a three-piece lunches packed, singles er to share. to or" high ntrance, parking, close very central, at 296 King Street East, ito 25-63: ighway. Apple Hill district, near Ritson Road. feet by a depth of 139 feet. For particu 17----Male Help Wanted lars call South. 7 12) 'SUMMER BUSINES "Trampoline Centres al- ready set up to go in high traffic Shopping Centre loca- catio Ontario. Can be financed. Write Box No, 208, _Oshowa Times. "GOOD SUMMER. BUSINESS" "For Sale, Trampoline Cen- tres in this City and through- out Ontario, completely set up and ready to go in high traffic Shopping Centre lo- cations. Can be sold indivi- dually or as a chain." BOX NO. 940 OSHAWA TIMES SHOOT TO HIGH PROFITS Ww 1s in th Canada's latest amuse- ment machine. He's alive!, talking, shooting, mechanical gunfighter, located by us in Super Markets, Shopping Centres, Amusement Parks and Travel Terminals. While you're at the office --- the beach -- or bowling -- have him working for you, High profits start immediately with no personal attendance nec- essary. Company will assist you with liberal financing on low investment of $3,000. Be the first. to say 'Have gun tighter will profit', and call, Mr. Qwik Draw of Canada, ot the Park Ploza Hotel, Tor onto, from April 2nd to April 7th, or write Mr. Robt, T Fleming, National Marketing Director, Executive Office, 71 Bank Street, Ottawa ou: 47 not uide Realty, 16 Simcoe Street 14--Employment -V Wanted | CARP ably for (age desires wo new buildings, further details. PETER PAN DAY NU half-day, am, unti 581 Simcoe Street North, 728- RELIABLE lady position as housekeeper or charge of convalescent for weeks. References, 728-6079. work. 1 middleaged to next Prefer- Telephone 728-9300 desires, take few MIDDLE aged widow would like prac-| tical nursing willing to do light house- keeping, experienced. Bowmanville MA 98. 16--Female Help Wanted RELIABLE babysitter wanted, pa vicinity of Park Road North. Tel worm pickers. son Road WANTED children, evenings for further particulars. South baby sitter for rt "three to live in, Telephone 728-8486 SHORT order cook required for mod- ern. air in person to Genosha Hotel. MIDPLE-AGED housekeeper by elderly couple, Must be take: charse. Room Live in. Permanent between 5 and 7 able position WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR HAIRDRESSER 5 to6n hairdressing With ot least onths n ol, Apply VINCENT'S HAIR STYLING 110 KING ST. EAST person conditioned coffee shop. Apply required to board and wages 725-4638 ing supply jear TWO ambitious men to sell real estate. phone 725-0078. Want a change? Phone)" ring. | Must be of neat appearance and anxi- Experience Bosco, | Suite 5, 31 King Street East. 725-9670 for s to earn high income. necessary. Contact Mr. , with building and bui connections, allowance and commission, | phone 7 |CABINET maker, or boat builder, ex- Also rienced fibre glass laminator. MO perienced man with own tools good salary, Tele- FOR THE BEST value in living accom: (neue modation at the lowest price, tele-|™em heated apart. high powered 'oom unfurnished | television outlet parking. Available now. 102 | Church treet. Telephone 725- 0355. | ADELAIDE 'Street East, two room ture joanne apartment, refrigerator, stove, All conveniences. Reliable couple os gules oe person, Available now. Telephons {= now and get the bes* for iess. PONTIAC INN Excellent rooms (single and double) or room and board. Nightly rates available, THORNTON'S RD. S. at BLOOR ST. PHONE 725-0078 |FOUR rooms, bath, uy upstairs, partly furnishd heat, light, water supplied, |parking and laundry facilities reason+ jable re: rent to steady tenant. 723-7023. |COZY two-room apartment, bed-sitting roms and kitchen, close to bus. Telee 728-3068. REPRESENTATIVE To Manage Oshawa area for Genero! Insurance (Direct Writer) Guaranteed Salary plus Commission and excel- lent fringe benefits and working conditions Must own a car. Good edu- cation and appearance. For the right man this is @ car- eer opportunity with a Na- tional Company. Age is no barrier an asset, Insurance experience but not essential. Reply with essential details to Box 203, , Oshawa _ Times. _ WELDING TRAINEE Arc experience Heli more work PHONE 728-5195 OSHAWA ENROL. NOW FOR THE FINAL MILITIA SURVIVAL COURSE This is your lost chance to take advantage of the six weeks training offered by the Canadian Army Militia. The final course will be held from April 16 to May 27th. You will be given all day training five days a week. You will live at home and receive the same pay as a regulor soldier, If you are between 18 and 50, and meet enrolment standards, you have the opportunity to help on a vitally important job and earn while you serve. RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN Mon. to Fri. 9am. to 9pm Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oshawa Armoury Simcoe St North Three months or Steady High School education An asset for this position is training in Boy Scouts or leadership in other youth organizations. Clean Driver's license and. good knowledge of the CIRCULATION REPRESENTATIVE Here is a place for a young man, age 18 to 22 with 360 MONTHLY -- } ind b mM \cluded, self - co dro i ree-room iB central | incatien, Telephone 22--Storage Space _and Gorages GARAGE and storage, also ~ parking space for rent, central, 106 Elgin Street ore East BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built Elevator Ser- vice... Bright... Freshly Painted Tiled Floors... Available in Few Days... Moderate Rent... Lease Available Third Floor... Ask for T. L. Wilson. THE | TIMES BUILDING | MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA 23--Wanted to: Rent ree-room upstairs apart> Partly furnished, $60 month, | adults, 725-8439. ree rooms with all » hot water and hydro in- cluded, $65 monthly. 165 Verdun Road, | 723-3086. |%14-ROOM rni hts, water, heat, parking and laundry facili- ties, TV antenna, balcony. Working jcouple | preferred. Call 725-4535. KING Street choice new three bedroom main lor duplex, garage, | to bus. posses- } sion. 728- +3893 |BRIGHT, three-room, self - contained apartment. Appliances, washing facili- ties, ample parking. Available May 1, | $75 8836 after 6. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, equipped jwith stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m |THREE-ROOM unfurnished « apartment, pes pgs for couple, quiet adult home. Apply 175 Athol Street East, after 6 Fy MAY 1 -- Nice apartment, private bath and entrance, all conveniences, ki n, dinette, bedroom, living-room. Suit- jable for lady. No children, please. 91 Ritson Road North, y basement apartment, BARN wanted, with or without how , or land. Telephone 728-9360 for curther | Rossland Hoag West sree. ies linformation, Ey wis Single man or gir) pretesred, LARGE house for sales representative |CeNgRAL unfurnished three - reom \of Oshawa firm with family of four pbentoent. all conveniences, ground {school children, Reasonable rent, July floor, private entrance and bathroom. |possession and willing to gay atl i necessary. Oshawa, Whitby. Bowm -| Telephone 728: S jville or Lice area. Please write 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT HOUSE ~yequired by midi couple and business lady, with at $100.00 SIMCOE ST. NORTH six or seven rooms, centrally loc preferred. Reply Box 107, Oshawa) All conveniences, parking 725-3302 MODERN APARTMENT Living room, dinette, kitchen, and one bedroom. Laundry room facilities. Ideal for business couple. g (AVAILABLE MAY in the Burn's Building, | Times. |24----Houses for Rent MODERN bungalow in Whitby, three) |bedrooms, large living room, dining! jarea conveniently located near high|---- }school and public schools, $120 month-| }iv. Telephone 723-1302. | FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, in Bow- manville. extra finished room in base ment, newly decorated throughout, gas jfurnace, all modern conveniences. Telephone MA 3-3935. | UPPER duplex, heated, heavy wiring, |television outlet, business couple, ab-| jstainers, near north General Motors, !bus. Telephone 728-3205. MODERN three-bedroom ranch style home, oil heat, attached garage. Reau- tifully located. Close to Oshawa Shop ping Centre, schools, Write Box 149 Oshawa Times. 17--Male Help Wanted Ist) Apply -- BURNS SHOE STORE 725-4611 Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APARTMENTS BACHELOR SUITES City and District are essential There is hard work involved, but complete training will be given and unlimited advancement possibilities are offered to the right applicant. Only ambitious young men néed apply. Apply in person 'during business hours: -- Circulation Manager The Oshawa Times | 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES ----Elevator Service |. ----Private Baicony --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors

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