Chiropractic She Oshawa Cimes yess an James Matthew, of Toronto, SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1962 PAGE THIRTEEN |aate"y maroon cee Hee the last meeting of the West-| § mount Kiwanis Club on the sub- ject "Chiropractic -- Fad or Fact'"'. He was introduced by Bob McClimmond while the ap-| preciation of the club was voiced by Mansell Gerrow. The speaker opened his re- marks with a statistical review) of chiropractic, including a def-} inition, scholastic requirements, course of study and the laws governing its practice. The speaker attempted to show the relation between the) nervous system, chiropractic, and disease by means of re-| | 1 F Cee |search conducted by eminent Seen conferring on some of | posal to remove railway | QC, counsel for Lander-Stark , Gilbert L. Murdoch, counsel tscientists and medical men, ; A i : : eno howe that the nervous, the points brought out during | tracks from King street are | Limited; Joseph P. Mangan, | for Bathe and McLellan Build- | the hearing being conducted | the counsel representing three QC, counsel for McLaaghlin | ing Supplies Limited. system was the predominant ie : . : stat by the Board of Transport | King street west firms. From | * - : ete force in maintaining health and) « nissionerk on the pro- | left are Russell D. Humphreys ' Coal and Supplies Limited and Oshawa Times Photo preventing disease. Dr. A. Speransky, the Russian pathologist, who explored the t e e jrole of the nervous system in P k d A the reaction of man to infection, ar e u 0 e ? } i OV ] postulated that in all patholog- ical processes the nervous sys-| I S ] item is predominant. Dr. Hans Ss to en e e Selye, the noted professor and Me : head of research at the Univer- , 4 car. left parked outside a sity of Montreal was quoted as ra on oe area -- at ats " " . 7 nesday night, was stolen while riggs weg pei glass the driver was in the house Decision on the fate of the|before the board shows there | These two burdens are on the sistance during stress, by keep- Picking up passengers. King street tracks was reserv- is a question of safety. CNR and the city. ing the structure and function. Marios Vandenheuvel, RR 1, ed Wednesday afternoon by the) Under the heading of conven- "The only reasonable infer- of the body steady despite ex- Oshawa, told police he parked two man Board of Transportience, the City Solicitor argued ence is that the city aided and posure to infections, poisons and the car with the motor running|Commissioners, following sum-|there was "very strong" evi-/abetted the Railway not to ;nervous tensions. and went into the house to pick/mations by lawyers for both/dence. spend any money. ; In conclusion, having indi- up some passengers. He return- the city and the three affected' "The city engineer gave much "If there is inconvenience, NEW CANADIAN ARMY RIFLE IS. DEMONSTRATED cated the essential role of aed five minutes later to find businesses. evidence on the condition of the 17, Sharp (Andy Sharp of : 3 ; h ; aN ine which | 6 strating FN rifle and Proper functioning nervous sys- the car had disappeared. The board gave no indication _ the Pi ihete cradition Damas and Smith, traffic con- A demonstration of the var- | Canadian Army Cadet Corps. of the rial : i , Siaed yet parler assistant to the |tem, Mr. Matthews explained A description of the stolen, when a decision would be hand- fran in calling their condition stants) has the solution -- fous aspects of army life was | Major D. B. Harnden, sec- | einen og ae " canadien Afficar Aonietandine A large |ow chiropractic is used to vehicle, a blue and white 1954 ed down. 2 --. ssvtineee ait ee way streets and no parking held Wednesday night at the | ond from left, representing | army Others in the picture number of parents and |™#lntain proper nervous in- Pontiac sedan, was circulated) City Solicitor FE. G. McNeely| | tinious maintenance pro-|°" King. Ontario Regiment Armories | Lt.-Col, J. R. Warnica, com- | are from left: Capt. J. Kaine, friends of the cadets attended ervation and promote resist- to all duty officers and to/made the gh ona Poating revi gram is necessary, and the pot- TWO PROBLEMS ' é ding officer, is seen as | officer commanding, No. 1913 | this year's parade ance to disease and its effect-| police departments in surround-|tion 260 of the allway ACtiioies remain. With the tracks Gilbert L. Murdoch: solicitor following the annual parade | manding radar t t Rat ee Cobban. | --Oshawa Times Photo |iveness in the restoration of ajing districts. The incident is|which gives the board power to the street it is not ible : and inspection of the Royal | he inspected a demonstration | Cadet Corps; sat. RB. f . cnt --_.|body in a diseased state to nor- under investigation by city. grant temporary or permanent oa h ath s ood bee le for Bathe and McLellan, said Bee re : : mal health police. tracks diversion for reasons of|'° ave good pavement. the only two problems to be ence in the public interest. "After a year long traffic | - protection, safety and conveni-| #RAVY 7 considered are danger and in- hawaMan 3-Month Term GETS PERMISSION : : : cater oe at ihe shah ; ' study it has been shown that, "Mr. Crome's (city engineer | SHOULD FIX STREETS : A Imos evidence shows only that money USE CONVERTIBLE O ] King. street carries almost as b ne th it: Russell D. Humphreys, QC,|much traffic as Highway 401,| Should e spent by the city to Honored B ault ( 'ase | Don Jackson, 22-year-old eharged in his summation that! This is a very unlikely situation improve the road. The only in- n S | winner of the world's figure e the city is asking the board to---- a railway of this kind on a/COMvenience cited was traffic skating championship, is n Cw ocd 10n "extricate" the city from a sit-|street carrying this much traf-|delay caused in switching. | 3 : using the metallic blue uation which developed from fic.' "The 116 accidents involving Conference A _-- check of . vraag keep bee bee be rot yi Chevrolet Impala convert- the town's 1893 agreemea: with Added Mr. McNeely: 'The locomotives (a report es night Oshawa teenage dance in/listen and shouted that we cou ible he was presented with , tine ate al ' , the Oshawa Railway. He said railway has a site (Athol and|by the city solicitor Tuesday) the city mga rd resulted in ride og -- a" <ag : a here Tuesday night while bo pctiee Susie rope epic tasty hoa teat hie ween etd the city and the railway should'Mary streets) 'centrally andjshows only 10 per cent of the 18-year-old youths appearing be-| arreste im, Ss sOrGon! 'he makes up-his mind ee St triage 'avarnadto? be ordered to fix the streets ideally located. The merchants,| accidents happened on King Osh- , ; i , k y located. > ; Sh-| tore Magistrate Robert Dnieper, /said, and added that the ac whether to accept it final day Wednesday with two/be reversed? ; : fs fas compensation aside. favor it, | street and there have been none ; ae weep apse ho hi more witnesses called during the' Mr. Lander: "No, I don't think The city has shown neglect pi , : n Wednesday CORY EREe NEY walk wie fe Jackson has had permis- | morning session. One of the wit- so." He and is in default in carrying) "Under Sec. 260, there is no|since 1958. a tario Traffic Conference in ses- Russell Milburn, of Oshawa,| WS. : : sion from amateur figure | nesses, David Lander. of Lander out the terms of the agreement|provision for compensation." "This is very limited evi- sion at Hamilton. The 1963 an-|was sentenced to three months; Summing up the evidence. skating officials to use the | Coal Company, was the only wit- SITE LEASED - in utter disregard of other On Tuesday, Mr. McNeely toldjdence on which to argue nual meeting will be held at in the county jail on each at aid MANA Wai WhegrisiCN. 611 car until he decides either (ness called by any of the counsel .. .. . persons." the hearing the city has no au- danger t two charges of assaulting a)S4!@ ther s M ) to turn professional and tine for the Ae -- _Mr. Spicer, questioned by W : : thority to pay compensation. | Port Arthur | driver yj. Police officer and obstructing|dence of assault. Under the! keep the convertible or 10 po ike troche The thee wat G. Boyd, solicitor of the CNR, Mt. Humphreys said the "WG 'Bovd. commission coun-/SURPRISED AT STATEMENT A three-category driver li . : Liquor Control Act a police offi ; y the tracks, e other wit- ; he city's evidence to show the fe 7 Ff Joseph P. Mangan, QC, ap- 2 Pp another officer in the perform-|+/4U0 i retain his amateur status ess was J. H. Soi Canadian| aid that it would cost approx- : sel for Canadian National Rail- . censing system that would call ance of his duty. The sentences|Ce® {8 authorized to arrest' a) and give it back ness was J. H. Spicer, Canadian imately $7,500 to modify the site tracks as a threat to safety, "Gf the board can| pearing for McLaughlin Coal for special qualifications by) Ce ee -q.{minor whom he believes to have Pog : ware National Railways manager of at st protection and convenience was hat ate ' and Supplies, said he was sur- f heavy trucks was! Will run concurrently. He plead-| ' His mother, Mrs. George | the Toronto area. at Athol and Mary streets. He 'oi noct ludicrous." order diversion we are agree-\" 0 A at Christi operators of heavy tru a5! ed not guilty to both charges, Consumed liquor Jackson, said today Don A ; said hoppérs and fences would "*.')° i : able. We do not oppose." prisea at mayor h Bot wnggesied. ae Living.' On a third charge of consum-|NOT TECHNICAL MATTER picked up the car from the a Mc ae was nee have to be constructed. The rail- 'You (the Commissioners) : sag _ assertion é at a 2 Police oh me whore ee es aes chiang wc ha arm) General Motors staff ga- a -- meg QC, way would take on the project Must have been shocked! The FAULT OF CITY : he usinesses are being "'sub- stone, of Waterloo Township, /'n& sahey ; ' raf af rage here Wednesday after- 2¢4ing for Lander Coal Com- provided a suitable lease could accidents ranged from a lady) Mr. Humphreys said the city, sidized. suggested one type of licence|Pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and touching another person noon and drove to the To- |Pany, estimating the increase }he arranged with the companies breaking a heel of her shoe tojapplication was an attempt to| "Any payments made are for drivers of passenger cars,|and costs or 15 days in jail. {constitutes assault but in this) 'nic Skating and |0f expenses involved in unload- served. The site w qa roof falling in; plus a few "avoid its own default, to avoidjaccording to an agreement T 7 . a ; ronto Cricket, Skating and | : erved. The site would be leased ; ' ; : another for truck drivers and a' The second youth, David Johnicase where there was teenage) «is Giuht9 attend a |i& railway cars at a location to the three companies jointly, accidents about which no onelits own agreement. They (city|made in 1893. This statement third for drivers of tractor- Bolan, also of Oshawa, pleaded/drinking going on it was not' Goo') oarsal for the To- |Other than the present site. This ang. subject. to negotiation, Seems to know the cause. And and Railway) are confronted/by Her Honor is evident of the trailers. guilty to a charge of consumingjjust a "'technical" matter, Mr.) te Skating Club's produc- |¥4S8 Biven as $1.62 per ton of would have to amount to $500. there were no accidents at all/with a situation they created. (type of misdirected evidence The convention approved the|liquor while a minor. A second/Affleck said : an "Maria sp coal. S600. last year." "The evidence indicates the given here. idea in principle and referred it'/charge of disorderly conduct] As far as the obstruction only order that should be given Mr. Sharp, the expert who to the directorate for further against him was withdrawn at|charge was concerned, a serious Robert F. Richardson, awa field engineer, Wednesday was elected president of the On ways, said Don's decision has not fit | wg ieag a : wr sora|, He said that the lease would NO DANGER TO LIFE is that the railway and the city|has been here for one year, consideration the request of the Crown. He|situation existed at the present ta --_ -- ie es spi panies hen nae i took with have to indicate that the King jrarlier, Mr. McNeely admit-/be ordered to properly fix the did not recommend removal of Outside the conference, Chief,was assessed $50 and costs or|time in the city because of the| Uesday nig sige waht |the CNR last week, considering *1°ct, 'Tacks would not he re- ted that 't could not be argued/streets, Any fault is the fault|the tracks. I thought Mr. Sharp Livingstone noted all that is re- 15 days jattitude of the teenagers toward} 1) '{; 1 Will be. te Se (a proposal to. establish an un, quired for serving the firms. there was a "great danger of|of the city. The road and the was the strongest witness for quired of a driver of the vrais ss jthe police, These officers went] 0M° me aceon brat. he loading point on a site at Mary However, he pointed out that joss of life." "But the evidence rails should be in proper shape. us." heaviest trucks is an ordinary ROUTINE CHECK into these dances' to prevent) "oped everyone would | (Cae nae oa ™aryithe CNR cannot remove the --------_- a @hautleur's licence "Det. Sgt. Kenneth Young testi-/drinking among teenagers. The| UNderstand when his deci- ' mTOR tracks unless the Board of "J don't know about you. but fied he and Sgt. of Detectives| parents expected this of the sea ur Phi ag ghar COST NOT AFFECTED LC -- Struck Child | Orators To CELEBRATING when a truck carrying up to 40 William Jordon, accompanied! police, he said bit : f : ona: of freight apptosches my|bY two other olticers, ye mak, The police were entitled to re- Carefully be diet a te ee ae When asked if he thought if| . 2 BIRTHDAYS car on the highway, I like {o'!M a routine check of the Ava-ispect and co-operation' and Mee at by 7, MC*\the decreasing trend of traffic Driver Fined | seanie f » lon Dance Hall when the of-'should not t te. this Z . Neely, said the cost of supply- 7 . treatl : ees ai lg aera ace "= en eave rt ea tie Tin, sarc te erica ee cite oohtt "ae suneme 3.20) SER HONOTS| «cirri so Om resolution calling for a law re-- On entering the premises, These youths were given the the CNR would not be affected/cnicer said ' "| Brock street east, was fined $100| _ coun get | resi quiring special stickers to be|where a teenage dance was in| opportunity to clear out by the) recon Pp go con would "If we go by the statistics of (20d costs or 30 days in jail! . a vate "combating -- affixed by the investigating|progress, Sgt. Young said hejofficers. Had the incident stop-| College Band ake place at the proposed site.| 4 nast, I would say this trend|Wednesday when he was con- birthdays today: policeman on all cars damaged!saw a youth going to the wash-|ped right there in the washroom! Our cost would be somewhat! would continue." victed of careless driving by 1 . Mrs. D. Howie, 62 Albert in accidents. Garages would not|room. Following him into the ihe accused might not be before t _ a ~~ rego ' go nee Robert Raps street and Marilee Parker, be permitted to work on dam- Washroom he found a group of the court H d y e statement, submitted on gpeERATING RESULTS | Bruinsma was charged after, ,. woe ; aged cars without stickers young men holding a- meeting. Police officers were doing the ere naturda behalf of Lander Company, sta- he knocked down,a six-year-old|_ C@Pable orators from 13 high 481 Adelaide street west. 4 ra : vlce ; { i . Phone 723-3474. : ca, ipublic & favor by cult t : ted that coal is now unloaded! A summary of car loads, rev-|gir] at the intersection of| Schools representing the coun-| After telling them to disperse,|PUD!C a favor by cutting out The 44-niece Atlantic Union directly from the cars into the Cnues and operating results by Aanien street south and Mili|ties of Peel, York and Ontario, , | estat * drinking among teenagers, he ft ' . ea ; . eer which most of them did, he said g g e College Band from South Lan-| company's sheds, The removal|the CNR was submitted by the! street, March 19. The child suf- will compete for the right to a found the accused Bolan to be 54/0. caster, Massachusetts, directed maple CNR represent this zone in the On- | intoxicated. The other accused There has been an incipient hy giisworth Judy will appear] of the track would necessitate) ™'s'. fered a fractured femur as 8 re- tari blic speaking fi "| 1 u ers ' a foxrtsy unloading at a railway location| It indicated that car loads|sult of the accident. ario public speaking final con- who also remained in the wash-|QUtbreak of defiance among|hore this Saturday | ; a | of : here 'this Saturday | evening./into a truck, drawing it to the|have decreased from 139 in| 'The accused admitted in a/test for secondary schools to be P gh reas : room, smelled strongly of alco-|teenagers recently. The accused 4.) 7 s : | t t ; i | hia d B 500 Donors hol but did not emis be 'nis only one link in the break be- AP'!_7, a8 part of its annual) cqmpany's yard and unloading 1959 to 121 in 1960 and 94 in|statement to police that his po Nae: Easter week in To- ea ruises toxicated, Sgt. Young told the {Ween teenagers and the police,"' eg ek beginning at 8 again into the sheds. 1961. The majority of these|brakes were defective before| mie Mr, Affleck concluded : "This j ; cou : p.m,, at the Oshawa Mission- n \ : | sas : \test fo teas The doors of St. Gregory's While apprehending Bolan, the NATURAL ACT ary College Auditorium, will in- Will incur a never-ending ex- enue from these car loads de-jhe was waiting till pay day to ete sn phat ero: b head injuries when he was Auditorium opened at 1.30 p.m. accused Milburn took hold of. 'Acting Pe bh petcaud vais clude colorful compositions for Pense," the statement read. clined from $19,238 in 1959 to get them fixed. Y,|knocked down by a car at the As Ried as aba | eicasisel accor _|April 6, at 7.30 p.m. in Ander-}; ' today to usher in the April him by the arm and told him he 'rerence V. Kelly «: NTs band such as Leroy Anderson's . Additional labor, according to $13,409 in 1961. Mr. Spicer said, son Street Hish & |intersection of Albert and Elena Oshawa Blood Donor Clinic. As could not take his friend. pigeons age iba iene "Bugler's Holiday," played by| the statement, would involve it cost the CNR about $500 an-| He said the contract applies for|will be a winner elected fraun|* eet, Weaneedey afternoon. the need is great and the clinic I asked him if he wanted to : : the Trumpet Trio and band,|five hours per 50-ton car for two nually for tracks maintenance.|an indefinite period of time. i i Gat be open until 9 p.m. test- go too and he let go of my bag ago was being arrested. Holst's 1 gies Suite in F for Men-at $3 per hour and a driy-/Total out-of-pocket expense to Referring ie the CNR state- ee ae yan and| Hospital by a passing motorist, dents of the city are urged to arm," Sgt. Young told the court. jae hold. Pig iy Military Band," Erickson's ing cost of up six cents per ton, gerry the service was $8,313 ment, Mr. Humphreys asked: | speech section to represent this| reseed gst a head laceration oo Sees 7 ae KICKED. DOOR OPEN attract attention. sraccate oi Band," eres Wil- ago ones aa ee ee Spi nar cesta that dhe -- trips were made! zone comprising Peel, York and| cevh a a pg tal . ot ag, ee Saveal Shanives "It's just a natural act. I don't iam's modern symphonic the statement, would involve Mr. Spice I é Pin 1901) Ontario counties, in the provin- lice 'sai : oo welfare of their oe te eae ~ think there was really aii tie march, "The Sinfonians,"' and/five hours per 50-ton car for "heugge se of bd ins ined {0} > Mr. Spicer: "One hundred cial public speaking finals, necicuk aa a ig voy a serately 'need s00/cused Milburn and several other|'ent to assault here,"* Mr. Kelly Sousa's 'Semper Fidelis. two men at $3 per hour, driving | e Hays fy ge one hig 7 and 'twenty-nine. ce | Students participating 'in this|the tath of @ 'Horthboudd bar Se A. Seti couthe. triad i Yolinw the ac Although the combination of|costs up .60 cents ton. Truck-/ Move safely al the lowest speed; Mr. Humphreys: 'This in-| zone public speaking contest will on Albert street. The r, blood donors from Oshawa for i C- piano-and band is comparative-|ing costs, at $5 per hour would Possible. He said since 1948!/cludes picking up of empty |represent St. Bernadette's Jr.| driven by Harry Gilbert Cassel Anderson|18, 144 Annis street, was pass- "sagan aetacatel Se. F » Referring to th bstruc ; 1 i this clinic," commented R. H. Cused Bolan out of the building B roll co ction iy uncommon, David Bennett's|add another .50 cents per ton. there have been 10 accidents.!cars, I suppose.' High School, Ajax; "Repartee,"' an American rhap-| Degradation due to extra hand: The last collision with a car! Mr, Spicer: "Yes." High School, Whitby; Oshawaling a southbound truck at the Stroud, blood donor chairman, after he was arrested. He said pemyh ou ig said he did "and we are counting on Osh- he warned them not to do this)?! 'unk the facts were too fic.c t for piano andilin, and capital expenditure for Was in 1958, while the last de- ie Gal iilag ; ie a ' ° isos j et : sian : "serious in the case. There was S0di¢ composition for pial in, and capital expenditure for : : Mr, Humphreys: 'Have there Missionary College; Milton Dis-| 4; sibs awa organizations and the citi- but Milburn kicked the door . ee' 8S band played by Lilya Vinglas,|an' extra conveyor required Tailment took place in 1953. |been any complaints about the trict High School: Central Pell the | ft tr nk der rthe hi is a delightful arrangement, would add 22 and 30 cents re- Mr. McNeely recalled that it) tr ia Composite School, Brampton; | GAtHE? aceiere Ae RATERS zens at large to provide us open and shouted at him not to pied to gona wih was ; Ha sags PTE ge sole inciting any kind of outbreak. sas A : 4 | with this number of donors. take his friend away All are invited to attend the' spectively. had been pointed out that it! Mr. Spicer: 'Yes, from the! Allan A. Martin Jr. High School, | section of Division and Brock pa " s "< ig. 'He pushed me so [ told He was "the author of his own é Reis a The need for new donors i P d pid hin misfortunes", he said, and add- concert. Admission is free would cost the city $139,000 to/ city. Port Credit; Queen Elizabeht streets caused an estimated argent, as unless the public ed that his record was not too 1716 TONS HANDLED rebuild the pavement on King! Mr. Humphreys: "Have there|Jr. High School, Port Credit: $125 di eee oF blood ts ont er. G Ab d bad . During 1961, the statement Street. He asked Mr. Spicer/been complaints other than Oakville-Trafalgar High School: yeiece at the two vehicles the supply of blood to our how: roup andons "lve aaen wires." voinmonl, D jread, 1716 tons of coal were how much it would cost the/from the city?" Richmond Hill High School; | j ect san ie | pital will be hampered ed His Worship, T er TIVET hancica. For this volume the|CNR to rebuild the rails. Mr., Mr. Spicer: "I can't recall\Newmarket High School: | rw 406 Alice street and hen "sg awa be pons Apartment Plans Mr. Kelly asked that if Mil extra costs would amount to Spicer said it would depend on|complaints, other than from the! Aurora High School; Wood-| Gyula Herda 1012 Simcoe street i, i ho eh gg f Ms ss = burn was convicted and a jail $2,779.92. whether it would be done in con- city. : bridge High School; and Mark-'north, who was driving a sta- Bee his to acess sland ee The Oshawa Housing Com-)sentence was imposed that it be 0 a e est In cross examination Mr, Mc- junction with the work by the! Earlier he said that as a re- ham High School. j tion wagon. No injuries were fpond the Red Cross will be Paty Limited, at a meeting/of a limited nature. Neely asked Mr, Lander city or not. jSult of discussions held with This zone contest is being | reported. P le ross will be Wednesday afternoon, decided : "It is not your purpose to ; |the city some time ago the|sponsored by the Ontario School|--------_--______ able thea this goal not to proceed with the erec-|UAW VERY CLEAR Magistrate Robert Dnieper re- take issue with the question of COSTS QUOTED tracks along King street are!Trustees and Ratepayers Assn.,| . gl dg toys = tion of an apartment building) mgs sin Dnieper, convict: served judgment on a 74-year-| convenience of the tacks? "The rebuilding of the rail- used only from 6 a.m. to 8 also by the Ontario Municipal Careless Driver ai Yifor old age pensioners on West-|'"8 Milburn of both charges,'sld Oshawa man Wednesday Mr. Lander: "No." way along King street would/2°™: Electric Assn., District No. 4, donors Blood cannot be manu-| mount avenue. The deed for the said the law is very clear andj\after convicting him ona charge| ..'° "aNGer: NO. cost $40.000 when it was done in He was asked by Mr. Boyd: and Ontario Hydro which are . 75 C factured. The donation of blood) property. which was purchased|Unequivocal on that charge. It} of failing to obey a traffic) Mr. Lander said that the pro- conjunction with the city. It,, Ave there movements every assisting by donating prizes and Fined $ ' osts is not painful and the giving|from the city, will be tarned/Constitutes any intentional! signal Bosal: OF 8h UNLOUAE .81t0 a would cost $50,000 when the '@Y?" co-sponsoring the oratorical con- of a donation takes only 30\pack to the municipality touching of a person. "His hand James K, Valleau, 498 Simcoe; Athol and Mary streets as an city would not be re-paving at "No, on the average there is test. Teachers and_ principals} movements on two mornings, throughout the province ible| method of unloading Car loads was coal. The rev-|the accident occurred. He said| The zone public speaking con-| 4 three-year-old boy suffered Charles L. Willsher, 21, 258 Verdun road, was fined $75 and costs Wednesday when he plead- ed guilty to a careless driving charge before Magistrate Robert Dnieper. minutes, which includes gis When tenders for the project did not go up by itself. The ac- street north pleaded not guilty} alternative was "as desirable ie same' ti es tration, tests, rest and refresh- were opened it was found that|Cused also knew that Sgt. Jor-\to the charge which was laid|@S Could be had." He said, how ids ee every week." strongly endorsed these public ments. The time actually taken the project would cost $158,000.,40n was a police officer in the|after a collision March 17 atleVer, that an extra conveyor "Would the CNR give it any mr Spicer also stated that speaking contests because stu- to give a donation is four .or'Deducting the loan which could|€Xecution of his duty," he said.|the intersection of Simcoe and would have to be purchased. serious consideration to spend/the GNR has recommended aldents have gained poise and See minutes. be secured {rom Central Mort-| Sentencing Milburn, His Wor-|William. streets This would add 30 cents per ton) $90,000 on the tracks,' asked <ite in North Oshawa suitable ease of delivery' in oral com- P = The charge was laid after a tween the ages of 18 and nd the grant from the proy-|one of these real wise guys. Let had driven through a red light 48ked him whether a conveyor Mr: Spicer: 'We have to tries involved. He said the rail-|frequently sought after by mod-|°2" driven by the accused, was years, may donate blood at aince, there was a balance of Me assure you that you are and struck a truck which was Would not last longer than five give it serious consideration." | way has made known to the in-\ern. business "today. In their|i"volved in a five-car pile up on Clinic, The entire procedure is $44 000 wrong. It's just about time you|moving into the intersection on|Ye@"S. Mr. Lander admitted it Mr, Humphreys pointed out|dustries that the sites are avail- study 'and research of the topics jSimeoe street north outside St. supervised by trained and ex- The company asked city coun- Made up your mind which way'a green light would. that the city has a contract/able, but the industries have the students explore various|@T20"Y's auditorium March 11. perienced Red Cross staff mem- ¢jj for this amount to enable |You are going to go. The reason-. The accused told the court he COAL USE DOWN with the CNR regarding the not shown much interest, al-|avenues of information on their bers. the construction program to able people are on the outside had been driving since 1918 and)... : tracks, dating from 1893. Ac-/though they never declined the'own and also are particularly | when secondary school speakers The need for blood at the proceed? However, council at and the others are on the inside, had never taken a driving test. Questioning Mr. Lander about cording to the agreement the proposal conscious of the importance of|from various zones across the Oshawa General Hospital is jis budget discussions elimi- "I'm going to give you the op- He had, however, voluntarily at- the decline of the use of coal, city is to look after the road, When asked if there is any good English diction and usage./Province will compete for the Anyone in average health, be- gage and Housing Corporation|Ship said: "You think you are Testimony showed the accused 9Ver five years. Mr. McNeely Mr. McNeely for relocating the three indus-|munication which is a quality never filled. Day by day, hour nated the figure portunity to see both sides\tended the traffic clinic and) Mt. McNeely asked while the railway company has other alternative for serving] The provincial public speak-| Ontario oratorical honors in both by hour, requests fcr blood t is ple »d to look into the 80 that you can make up your|passed the examination with a "Do new buildings not make to look after the tracks the companies directly, Mr. ing final contests for secondary | prepared and impromptu speak- dome to the hospital. Patients construction of a similar project mind. I'm also going: to give! mark of 98 per cent less use of coal?' Is there perpetuity in the Spicer said that the only alter-)school zone finalists this year\ing sections. This provincial Often owe their recovery to the at Trenton which it is believed You a piece of good advice. But Magistrate Dnieper reserved Mr. Lander: 'That is correct. agreement?" he asked of Mr. native would be along Rich- will be held on Wednesday 'eve- contest is being sponsored by fact that blood was available being constructed at a lower ton your lip, and keep your|judgment until the accused has Since 1948-49 there has been a Spicer mond street, but the tracks here|ning, April 25 at the Sheraton|the Ontario Educational Asso- when it was required. icost. jhands off the police in fulure."'!/taken another driving test. |decline."' | This Mr. Spicer confirmed.jhad been removed recently. 'King Edward Hotel in Torontoiciation and Ontario Hydro.