Ingersoll Develops INGERSOLL, Ont. (CP) --A new type of free piston engin that will run on almost any fuel. from peanut oil to gasoline, is being developed in this Western Ontario town by Ingersoll Ma- chine and Tool Co. The new engine is a diesel or compression - ignition type. Al- though 40 inches long and about 12 inches square, it develops 80 horsepower. The first applica- tion probably will be in boats. It is the invention of a young German engineer, Anton Braun, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 4, 1962 19) Fi m 1r | French Navy has found the e engines ideal for minesweeper duty because they do not tfans- ngine |mit a signal through the water. | The principle of the free " ; ee ais to Piston engine inv olves two of four inches pisbon diameter, bad var Se canine sees as been working oan its develop- pistons rams them together, A ee all ayaa ay tet charge is shot between rete % them as they are about to touch. stage i The federal gowernment has The explosion rockets the ordered the first Mhree models. /Pistons back, forcing air out of Free piston engines are not|the ends of the cylinder and new. The first practicable model |through a manifold to spin the was developed in 0859, but they wheels of a turbine. have come into thetr own in only| The new engine produces 72 the last 20 years. They nowjof its 80 horsepower at the power boats in many countries|turbine shaft. Gas turbines com- 2) | A _single-piston type to run on) jnafural gas is under study in the) |United States. Contained in a) \three-foot-square box, it would |air-condition a house. In another) application, no transmis-) sion would be required if a free piston engine was mounted for- ward in a car with the turbine at the rear axle. The typical free piston engine has one fault which has. inhib- ited its development for auto- mobiles -- the engine stops almost immediately if a misfire occurs. However, in the event of a misfire in the Ingersoll engine, the pistons will continue |their travel four or five times. Because there is no need for a as well as some :small gener- monly used in aircraft spend storage tank around the engine, Lyciting N a teacher at Queen's University, ; a Kingston, ee Queen's holds'ating stations. two thirds of their energy|cooling problems are greatly : the patent rights They are vibration-free. The'driving the compressor. reduced. 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