ww To Tr eT VT reese err Sse) ; bi A TIO 4 b y \ Styles of Matinetion th sis Some men are not a bit confused about suits . . . they always go to reliable JACK FRASER'S for finest fit and valuable savings. You save $20 on a guaranteed quality suit for 1962 IG SPRING SALE 0 WO-PANT SUITS te NEW ALL WOOL WORSTED FABRICS are MAGNIFICENT | % STYLED WITH IMAGINATION... by CRAFTSMEN % LOW $55 PRICE for 9 DAYS ONLY % NO DOWN PAYMENT... Easy Credit Terms rRecuLAR *75 VALUES Of emart to save 2Q a Double Pants Give Double Wear -- Double Value! The latest all-wool worsted fabrics in magnificent patterns and shades . . . neat small checks, muted stripes, dignified plains, small designs, etc. . . . in masculine shades including new brown and dark grey. Good taste is reflected In every styling detail--craftsmen see to that! Many different 2 and 3-button models for young men and senior men. All tailoring adjustments are made free of charge. Naturally the $55 price Includes two pairs of pants. Wonderful 9-DAY Offer... a $20 savings on a quality suit, Buy TWO SUITS for $100... then you'll save $50 off the regular price. No trouble fitting you! All sizes 35 to 46 availabe -- in regular, short or tall models, Special Price for a Top Quality WINDBREAKER for MEN! Normal Price is 13.95 . . .NOW MEN'S ALL WOOL TOPCOATS styled with a Flair for Fashion! The 1962 'Shorter' Topcoats -- low priced, too! The all-wool velour and saxony topcoats are tailored with distinction in the 'Shorter' styl- ing. Choose Most attractive fine cord fabric in plain shades with contrasting colours in knitted collar, cuffs, and waistband. Heavy duty zipper front, two slash pockets. Various shades including red, blues, greys, beige, etc. Made in Canada, Sizes 36 to 46 i .99 Most elegant neat checks and plain shades In greys and browns. Sizes 35 to 46 In regular, short and tall models. ' 5 ye OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ask for Stan Mumford . . . Manager (1) Balmacaan-collar with set-in sleeve at front, Raglan sleeve at back, very stylish. Slash pockets. (2) Regular set-in sleeve with flap pockets. Topcoat values up to 69.50 8-65 OPEN UNTIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 28, 1962 3 The Boys' Shop ----s = = =-- = = which is Crammed with Values! for Boys from Sizes 6 to 18 THAT PRE-EASTER SPECIAL Hurry! TWO-PIECE OFFER ENDS THIS SATURDAY, MARCH Sist Extraordinary value for TEN DAYS only. Sport coats are man-tailored -- are Canadian made. Patch or set-in pockets. Handsome selection of wool blend saxony or tweed fabrics--smart checks and small neat patterns, The latest in tones of grey or heather combinations, Two- and three-button models, NOW ... SPECIAL LOW PRICE... 69 SPORT COATS... e DRESS PANTS ... Well tailored, shape-retalning. New slim, Continental styling with self-adjusting waistband, tailored cuffs. Choose (1) proven popu- lar small checks and houndstooth checks; (2) popular plain shades in flannel worsteds. Also available in self-belt model. Choose heather tones or shades of grey. JACK FRASER'S regular price 5.95. NOW ... SPECIAL LOW PRICE... 6g DRESS PANTS... bd NO DOWN PAYMENT ... Easy Credit Terms If Desired Choose woven check or printed patterns ! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Gay and colorful for Summer... low priced, too! Handsome--well styled--Canadian made. Yes, * they're Sanforized and colorfast! Sizes 6 to 18. a = = | = : = 2 } = = 2 = = : = = = = = mS = = = = = = as 2 = oa = E Sal Choice of 3 Styles at ONE LOW PRICE! MEN'S "SHORTIE" COATS (1) Young Man"s 97 io -- In fabulous oyster shade. Smart shoulder yoke back and front (front has two gun flaps). Sizes 36 to 42. (2) REVERSIBLE Shortie Coats , . . with raglan sleeves and Balmacaan collar. Navy reverses to putty; brown reverses to putty. (3) GUN CLUB CHECKS ... . set-in sleeve at front, raglan sleeve at back. Slanting pockets with flaps. 4 & 2 % EASY CREDIT TERMS No Down Payment, if preferred Wonderful up - to - date styles . .. Special Low Price. 4 ENJOY SHOPPING THE MODERN By get WAY ~p? ALL ING AT OSHA PING CENT