é 25--Apts. & Flats fur Rent|/26--Rooms for Rent UPPER duplex, four rooms, all con- venience, private entrance. Adults pre- ferred. 80 Rowe St. Telephone 728-0581. $60 -- THREE Too! isiliscencostoish |SINGLE furnished room, lady or gen-|CHOICE lot 75 x washing | Elizabeth Crescent. Telephone tleman. Use of kitchen and machine. Central 725-8150, ee TTT OO OT SUTTER CH TF OH TOOT OV OE TUT ORO VT CC CCP Teer er . ¥ |27--Reol Estate For Sale|27--Real Estate for Sale | location, Telephone | 5=--, DOWN, one s, private entrance, |§759 WEEKLY, shared, $10 singly, refrigerator, stove and sink. parking, | suites $20, parking, telephone, televi- close to bus. Telephone 725-5442. FOUR-ROOM _ self-contained . apart- ment, close to Shopping Centre, suit- April 25. Apply 26 Gibbon Street. UNFURNISHED apartment, thr rooms, bath, recreation room, hi water furnace, electric stove, TV out- by MO 8-5823. oe |FURNISHED bedroom, suitable ii 728-5984 or 728-4401. _ sion, snack bar, Hollywood Motel, Whit- | PRIVATE for able for quiet couple, $75. Available|gentlemen. Telephone 725-8645 after 4\ arranged. Telephone 725-6398 for ap- St p.m. : TRAL front bedroom, furnished for | let. Rent $65 per month. Private en-/6NE LOVELY room for gentleman. \Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd. Telephone | 723-7070. trance. Suit couple or two gentlemen, Apply 87 John Street, Oshawa_ i ag jen Schofield - Aker )------ --------_ --__--__------__ -- --_ -- THREE-ROOM heated apartment, un- TWO ROOMS, bedroom and kitchen, furnished, piece bath, closet space, 728-7086. private entrance, sink, cupboards, very central. Telephone THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private entrance and bath, newly deco- rated. Available now, close to bus, Telephone 723-9615. CENTRAL -- Three-room apartment, all conveniences, ground floor, Private entrance. Telephone 728-1345. FURNISHED apartment, suitable for two ladies, living-room, complete kitchen, tile bath, television outlet, $55 monthly each. Apartment 1, Marina Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street South. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, equipped with stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. s FURNISHED three - room apartment. Available now. Also three-room apart- ment, refrigerator and stove, available April 15. Close to Shopping Centre, Reasonable. Couple only. 725-3777 UNFURNISHED upper apartment, pri- vate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, liv- ing-room, two bedrooms, close to hos- pital and downtown, adults preferred. Telephone 728-4166. LARGE furnished room divided into! bedroom kitchen and sitting room. Suit- able for one or two. Near North General Motors, 723-9576. APARTMENT, very central, modern, two rooms, with stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Available May 1. Telephone 723-2233, after five, 723-7596. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, heavy wiring, television outlet, parking, adults, $55 monthly. Apply 301 Gibbon Street, 725-1615. THREE-ROOM apartment refrigerator and stove, private entrance, downtown, reasonable rent. Telephone 725-1932 af- ter 6 p.m. 725-3352. THREE-ROOM apartment, three-piece bath, private entrance, parking, close to 401 highway. Apple Hill district. 725-6305. 'THREE-ROOM apartment large modern kitchen, laundry facilities, separate en- trance, close to school and shopping One child welcome. Telephone 723-3218. THREE-ROOM unfurnished. apartment, suitable for couple, quiet adult home Apply 175 Athol Street East, after 6 p.m THREE-ROOM apartment, stove, refrigerator, cup- rds, automatic laundry, private en- trance, continuous hot water, couple preferred. 904 Grierson Street after 6, THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, self-contained, heavy duty wiring, heat- ed, hot and cold water supplied, park- ing for tenant's cars. Available. Lo- cated at 822 King Street East. At bus stop. Telephone 725-5373. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.| bedroom and kitchen, with refrigera- tor, sink and cupboards. Private wash- room. Apply 156 Agnes Street. 3-ROOM apartment, completely fur- nished. Refrigerator, heavy duty stove, television antenna, use of telephone, laundry and parking facilities. Abstain- ers. 137 Elgin Street East. 725-1588. THREE and four-room apartments in apartment building, new stove, refrig- erator, large closets, laundromat, park- ing. 68 Wayne Street. 725-3938. TWO large rooms, unfurnished, pri- vate bath, $55 includes heat and hydro. Apply 730 Simcoe Street South. 723-2315. 665 MONTHLY -- three-room apart- ment, in a private home, suit couple.| Close to bus stop. Telephone 728-4827. APARTMENTS, Shopping Centre and Hospital areas. Ossie Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870. THREE-ROOM apartment, modern kit- chen, heavy duty stove, TV outlet. Ap- ply 83 Ritson Road South. SELF - Contained, two-room apartment three-piece bathroom, ground floor. Im mediate possession. Central, also gar- age. 725-6184 or 728-2017. UNFURNISHED three ment apartment, central, heated, heavy wiring, bath, private entrance. Child welcome. 210 Chadburn Street. 725-1926. UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or un- furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking.! Suit one or two. 139 Albert Street, tele Phone 725-6662. TWo - bedroom apartment stove and refrigerator, wall - to - wall broadioom Telephone Bill Millar, 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. THREE-ROOM self - contained apart- ment, stove, laundry facilities, parking. Close to bus, shopping. Telephone 725- 0826 after 5.30 and Saturday THREE-ROOM, self - contained apart- ment, with private entrance. Available April 15. Apply 432 Simcoe South .Tele- phone 723-9522. FURNISHED in Bowman- ville, three rooms and bath, kitchen- ette equipped with refrigerator, stove and hot water heater. Available im mediately. Telephone MA 3-3591 eve- nings. FOUR-ROOM apartment unfurnished, newly decorted, four-piece bath, near Shopping Centre. Close to bus stop. Ap- ply 112 Stevenson Road North CADILLAC South, 356, completely fur- nished, modern three-room apartment, apartment private bath and entrance, heated, adults preferred. $70 lights included 725-8363. FURNISHED room, light housekeeping if desired. Close to hospital, suitable for lady Apply 271 Simcoe Street North 725-0375. NEWLY DECORATED three room apartment, private entrance, all con- veniences, apply 592 Drew Street. FURNISHED three-room apartment, no children. Also two housekeeping rooms, central location. Apply 63 Drew Street. Telephone 725-3140 360, THREE-ROOM ment, guaranteed dry, ator, private entrance, bath coe South. 725-8869. FOR R¥YNT -- Two-bedroom, modern apartment, centrally located. Parking, TV outlet. Laundry room provided. Ap- ply MO 8-3762. FOUR ROOMS, bath, upstairs. partly furnished, heat, light, water supplied, parking and laundry facilities, reason able rent to steady tenant. 723-7088 USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS basement apart- stove refriger- 1278 Sim- completely furnished, Martin, 728-9714.! - room base-| lafter 5 p.m. |CLEAN warm three-|completely furnished, private entrance, ample/nicely decorated. Telephone 723-3237 | room, very central, | \spring mattress, suit a msingg yt 65) Elgin Street East. Telephone 725-6146. |CLEAN warm furnished |housekeeping privileges, jone or two. Central. {phone 723-7917. room, light suitable for Parking. Tele- TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, /Central, Apply 253 Athol Street East. CLEAN warm room in private --~~|kitchen and bedroom, sink and cup- two-bedroom bachelor| boards, refrigerator. Laundry facilities. home, very central, spring mattress. Suit gen- t leman, cooking privileges, 102 Elgin) Street East. NEWLY decorated furnished room to - rent, central, close to North plant, oppo-| site IGA, lunch bar, and bus stop. ply 240 Division Street. TWO rooms, completely furnished for light lelectric refrigerator and stove. Central to downtown and shopping centre. Suit working couple, $15 weekly. 725-5227. LARGE furnished room for gentleman, quiet home, Simcoe). ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in prviate home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 downtown location, park-! ing space. 25 Quebec Street (near, 27--Real Estate For Sale| LOT for sale 46 x 120, Olive and Guelph. Telephone 725-5602. BRIGHT five room bungalow, on lot| 43 x 136, vacant in 30 days, Telephone in Snag ae ee PRIVATE SALE In Oshawa's best subdivision, custom-built 6-room home, unique . design, 23' living room, open, beamed ceilings, broadloom and carpet floors, 40' recreation room, walk-in gorage, 2 bedrooms and den. Beautiful setting in large landscaped lot. $18,300. 685 WESTDALE COURT 725-3668 Full price (to qualify you must earn $3,600 or more annually), $10,950.00 Brick construction, full base- ment Detached Bungolows. And yes, 3 bedrooms, private drive. One mortgage 642%. Small down payment, noe other costs '$59.80 MONTHLY Includes Interest and Princi- pal--No Second Mortgages. 725-1186 MW. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE. ST. S$. 723-1121 NASSAU STREET 4-room brick home with gar- age. Hot water oil heating, full basement. Asking $6,500. NORTH OF SHOPPING CENTRE | 3-bedroom brick bungalow only. a few walking minutes from the centre, this home is situated on a well landscaped lot, with full-grown trees, also finished rec-room. Call tonight, NORTH-WEST Situated on high ground and offering a lovely view, this six-roomed home hos many extras to offer. All. large rooms, living room broad: loomed wall-to-wall, stone fireploe, mony built. - ins sl aed Lot size 50 x SOMERVILLE NORTH 3 extra large bedrooms, in this brick bungalow with pri- vote drive, clean dry base- ment, close to all schools, shopping and bus. A good family home. Don't be too late. MARY STREET Reasonable living for retired couple or newly weds. Five- roomed brick bungalow cen- trally located and close to all facilities. Asking price $8,500, . For full particulars call 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown, Leon Manitius, Steve Zurbo, Phyllis Jubb, Jeon Peacock, Lleyd Corson, Dick Young, Lues Peacock YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING _ PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartm parking, T.V, outlet, ents. Fridge, stove, paved FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 728-9217 a __25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automoblies for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 28, 1962 for sale on| WAITING for a bargain? 10 acres and ent, Telephone 728-2557. \eight-room house. Full price $8,500. HA mortgage, three-/Easy terms. Jones Realtor .725-6412. ay rec ATTENTION Builders! Five fots 54' on| Poplar Street. NHA approved Builders) terms. Jones Realtor 725-6412. bedroom, semi-detached, one year old. Beautiful condition, real bargain. MO | 8-8253. LOTS in area of fine homes, 75 x 252 feet, $1,700. Don Stradeski, Schofield- 1955 FORD pickup, A-1 motor, body,|'s0 PONTIAC Laygrentian sedan, blue, tires, $495. Will take trade. MO 8-5631.|stick shift, radio, 6-cylinder, very low Aker Ltd., 723-2265. |'53 MONARCH, two-tone blue, two-doo: |LOT for sale, 75 feet ~ by 200 feet.| automatic, radio with speaker, fair con- Thickson's Road North, $250 down.|dition, $299. Whitehall 2-2806. Telephone MO 8-4505, fit ae Maier ill ease neivonectlee GIVE AWAY! $100 down, take over) payments, modern three-bedroom brick) bungalow, North Whitby, transferred, | must move, MO 8-8352. 96,500 FULL price. Ideal small family or retired couple, | trally located, large kitchen with cup- sale -- Five-room brick bungalow, north-east section, Beverley | Street, quiet neighborhood | Mortgage (1956 sedan BUILDING lots by Courtice public and | Must sell, $350 or best pine school, 105 ft. frontages, approved | 728-2808. offer. Telep! V8 automatic. ¥|(Corner King and Gibbon). mileage. Can be seen at BP Garage |'60 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door I shi 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale ' DOUBLE horse trailer, good condition. MA 3-2192, jsedan, low jradio, whitewall tires, |Apply 246 Adelaide West. » loans available. 728-5579. |$1,008 is the tall down payment on a| for |New 5S-room brick bungalow. Call Har- home a old Segal at S. Looking for the D. Hyman Realtor,| 728-6286, | boards, two bedrooms, nice size living room, oil heating, three piece bath. Fenced in rear yard, low taxes. Terms NEW three bedroom bungalow, walk- out basement, must see the bathroom. Will take car as down payment. Tele- RIGHT CAR ? | LIMITED arranged. ae Eoirerd Realtor, 204| phone 725-9478. wo | Mins Strest East. 729-3903. --|WHITBY -- Must be sold. Mode: i DAYTIME--723-2265|MopERN five room brick bungalow,|three-bedroom solid rick . bungalow. | Drive Out To | Whitby, for vented er pit aceed in- Pied saps ap ae storm 'noo, | ROY Ww N ICHOL formation telephone storms a) screens, close to schools, $900.00 DOWN $500 DOWN -- 'six-room brick bunga- ae see Bes criss] . S| low, finished recreation room, fence: 4 opportunity, 150 acres,| POSSESSION AT ONCE pea tandenaped. Ochawe South near with stream, three road anaes, COURTICE LOT 1% storey, 6 room home, jschools. T 728-4060, ov page ge City % arg ci ' - central -- newly decorated. |NORTHWAY COURT -- Five --room| (or ee eee ate DW. Meu,| before you make up your New forced air oil furnace-- |bungalow with carport, all the extras, Realtar, Bowmanville. eQuay | pee Ae dae oy walk-out basement. Price $14,495 phone 725-9478. PRIVATE sale, Montrave Avenue 228, five-room bungalow, tile floors through- cut, aluminum storms and screens, paved drive, close to school and shop. extra cupboards and sink up- ance $65.00 monthly--One $26,900 Pickering area, most scenic lo- cation, near conservation parks. New executive home. Four-bedroom, three bathrooms, 30-ft balcony, walk-out 1959 PONTIAC basement, double garage. Telephone ' MO. 8-2336 | Laurentian four:- door doors, oil heated, close to schools and bus, central location. For further in- $98.00 per month including formation telephone 725-8635. interest, principal and taxes. ping centre, $2000 down. of ap. goggle yer ig ly $9000. Telephone _725:3092|NHA 'building Tots with prepaid serv-| stationwagon, c us tom " ices. rontages an . Rea- ; : ; ; Stinson -- 725-0243. poo oon ae. ne Re caegg ll ag sonable terms. Mall Harold 'Segal ie" built radio, windshield ~~ |brick bungalow with Hollywood kitehen|S-_D Hyman Realtor, 728-6286. | washers, two-tone green 'Ap and spacious lot. Mr, Martin, 728-9714,,ESTATE SALE -- Private, five bed- and beige | LLOYD REALTY joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. Pega 1 Ae er guieed living ag ultra mod- , | TWO wooden buildings ax 277 ana|ot™ chen, recreation basement, two | + cove |30 x 14, good lumber, at 818, Ritson| aie b shower, nod 1961 FORD List Witty | Rong South. B room, stairs, halls. Brick house. Best ' THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | 725-1181. spot in city. 725-3383. | Two-door, V-8 engine |FIVE ROOM bungalow, $1,000 down gaye } t ti t - ' Pts FARM for sale, owne t sell due to) GUtOmatic transmission. $900. DOWN jpayment, | Algexionm windows and |itiness. 133 acres, 100. workable, ease! sbuila water, Pressure system, seven buildings, seven-room brick house, all modern conveniences, four miles west of Ome- pasiure and wood. Plenty of 1960 CORVAIR Reducing to only $78.00 per month after 5 yeors. Deluxe | six room bungalow, immacu- Beauti- Paul Ristow late inside and out. | | ful stone planter and lamp | REALTOR | post, completely landscaped, " close to shopping plaza and Your Key bus service, Call Bill John- to ston 728-5123 Action" HUMBER AVE, j } 6% RESALE | 728-9474 | Six room ranch bungalow, 52% SIMCOE ST. N. Four-door sedan, custom built radio. 1958 PONTIAC Deluxe four-door sedan, two-tone white and tur- quoise. mee. 799-5337 on main road. S. Hussell RR 3 Omemee. BOWMANVILLE Industrial plant 4,500/ Square foot brick building, in a choice) central location, Corner lot 65 x 170./ For sale or rent. Call Walter Frank| MA 3-3393. D. W. McQuay Realtor,| Bowmanville, 28--Real Estate Wanted ALL cash buyer for 50 to 100 acres | land with bush and creek, near Lake! Scugog. Joseph Bosco Realtor, Oshawa, | Hacteadlal | Dynamic 88 four-door wall to wall broadloom, car- ries for $93.00, interest, principal and taxes. Immedi- $500 DOWN | ate possession. Call Bill Hor- ner at 728-5123 FOUR-ROOM COZY BROCK ST BUNGALOW 8 ROOMS | in excellent repair, good plan Nice lot, reasonable for quick for renting purposes, paved sale. | Miler or Seesiae | 513 FAIRLEIGH 723-3211, 2 STOREY BRICK OCVI AREA j oo $11,900. Full price, carries | BUY 'cal LEASE for $75.00. Interest and | principal, New gorage, fam- | Pay rent, oat the same time ily size kitchen. Hurry for gS wn home. this one. Call Ed Drumm ot | be buying your own 4 728-5123. Six - room bungalow, all 'ser- LLOYD REALTY (osHAwa) | "<#t St Your doorstep. LIMITED, REALTOR 725-1186 101 Simcoe St. N OPEN EVERY EVENING Mn Todo -- Sen Feral SEE THE ALL-ELECTRIC CASTLE HOME MODEL ON SIMCOE AT ATHOL STREETS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 725-1186 METCALF | Real Estate Ltd. Dial 728-4678 HARMONY ROAD NORTH Very attractive 3 bedroom bungalow. Lovely shade trees set off the large landscaped and hedged lot with fully paved drive Complete with storms, screens, oil heating ond many extras Schools and bus service only a few steps away -- asking price $13,900.00. Call now for your personal inspection. 29--Automobiles for Sale: | sedan, automatic trans- 60 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, blue, radio, Mission, custom - radio, in good condition. Apply 341 boon Ban two-tone copper and | beige. SPOT CASH ptip fen | 1957 OLDS. Goed clean cars. Trade up | Stationwagon, color blue, or down. Liens paid off. A-1 shape. DO | DD MOTOR SALES 1957 METEOR 314 PARK RD, S. 723-9421 3 Dynamic 88 four - door | sedan, automatic trans- mission, custom - built radio, color black. 1960 CHEVROLET fleet- ------_------ ee dd WANTTOBEA HAPPIER DRIVER? | = Half-ton pick-up, foot box. | 1955 CHEVROLET | BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED | Two-door coach in two- tone green. xx x MXX XXX os XXX THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XX 7 €. XXXX RXX% CHEVROLET CORVAIR - ENVOY OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS'-- COURTICE 728-6206 Choose From The Largest Selection OK: FRONT AND BRUCE STREETS 2 only -- quolity 2 storey homes -- both with oil heating, pri- vate drives and garages, Priced at only $8500. and $11,000. --with low down payments and | mortgage for the balance Don't Wait! -- Take your pick and make an offer on the home of your choice today! ! AFTER 5:30 CALL: John Kemp 8-2392; Dick Barriage 5-6243; Joe Maga 5-919) | Ken Hann 723-7963 Everett Elliott 723-9290 SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED DAYTIME -- 723-2265 OFF SIMCOE ST. NORTH $7,900.00 3 bedroom -- 2 storey home situated on a beautifully landscaped lot 78 x 139' featuring huge shade trees Hot water oil heated, low down payment, balance one open mortgage payable $60. per month. Don't be late, call now. REDUCED $1500.00 $11,900. -- large 6 room, 2 storey brick home with garage, located on Jones Ave., good size living room with natural fire- place, family size dining room, 3 large bedrooms. A real nice home in good condition. Ideally located for schools, transporta- tion and shopping. Owner moving to Stotes. Exclusive Agents For Beau Valley Custom Built Homes At A Price You Can Afford AFTER 5:30 CALL: | Henry Stinson 5-0243 Don Stradeski 8-8423 Les Holl 8-5513 Bill McFeeters 5-1726 Large split level with attached garage, stone fireplace, 'fenced yord, centrally located in Whitby, extra 3-room oportment could be rented for $75.00 monthly, 6% mortgage, easy carry- ing charges. Owner transferred, will consider any reasonable offer. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or 8-5853. 4 bedroom, 2 storey Colonial, attached gorage, fully decorated extra 2-pc, washroom, large kitchen and dining room, walk-out basement. 1600-sq. ft. Full price $17,950.00. Down payment $2,750.00, Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. High 'Street -- Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow, storms and screens, garage with patio, heating cost $85.00 yearly. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8.4088 or MO 8-5853. 3 bedroom split level, finished recreation room. extra 2-nc h- room. Full price $12,800.00, carries for $98.58 PIT | $10,990.00, Down Payment $550 00, 3 bedroom homes, storms and screens. Fully decorated, 4-pc. ceramic tile bath with vanity, 24" living room, carries $87.00 monthly P.1.T. OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 BROCK ST. N. | WHITBY, ONT., MO 8-5853 | Evenings Coll MO 8-4088, MO 8-8742, MO 8-8314 Used Cars AT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 1961 Chevrolet 1957 Cadillac Impala Coupe Sedan. This top of the line Fully power equipped, sopt- model is equipped with less interior, beautiful ex- smooth shifting powerglide terior finish. transmission, finished in Autumn Bronze, This car looks and drives like new. $1695 2545 : 1958 Buick Century Convertible, power steering and brakes, dynaflow trans- mission, custom radio. Roman Red with matching interior, $1595 1959 Oldsmobile Holiday Hardtop, power steering and brakes, hydramatic trans- mission. Medium Blue, metol- lic with matching interior, | acs 1956 Ford Sedan Deluxe model, V-8 engine, 1960 Chevrolet Four-door Sedan. Here is automotic transmission, cus- a real value in a late model tom radio. Twor-toned Dark Chevrolet. Blue and Ivory. $1795 $645 1955 Oldsmobile Hartop Coupe. Red and black two-tone with ted and black interior finish. $595 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST TELEPHONE 725-6507 a = so 22 1958 OLDSMOBILE side body, with an eight-' meg | Pf fe} ROY W. NICHOLS it | ne 623-3395. ift, wheel discs. |'6t PONTIAC Strato Chief, automatic r radio, wheel discs, window washer, Best offer. Tele- CHEVROLET, also "49 Chevrolet, sacrifice for immediate sale. Apply 280 Highland Avenue. Telephone 728- 0313. COLEMAN'S and primus; camping equipment, complete repair service and parts. Miller Heating and Trailer Ac- aga 9 Tudor Street Ajax. WH -3491. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % h.p. motors, 35 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. LLOYD six-way convertible baby car- '#0 VAUXHALL Victor, blue, good con- For further . information dition, $925. |telephone MO 8-2341. riage, white A-1 condition, $30. Tele- phone MO 8-2901. dress, like new, net and | 6 Mi tour door, jradio, must sell to close estate. Price |four o'clock. |'55 CROWN Victoria, two-tone, match- jchantilly lace, size 11 - 12. Mitts to ling interior, white walls, mirrors, radio, | match. V-8, automatic. Sacrifice $795 Tele-| 725-4233. phone 725-7489. Very reasonable. Telephone TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save. 4% lb pkg. $1.00, 9 lb. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. |'53 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, four door, jradio, must sell to clos eestate. Price $195. Apply 119 Johnson Avenue, Whitby. 1955 CHEVROLET four door sedan, de- T FRIGDAIRE refrigerator, 12 cu. ft., Westinghouse four burner range. Both in Telephone 728-1277. MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, luxe radio, in good 728-6755. '53 Chevrolet, °53 Pontiac, '53 Buick. All guaranteed roadworthy. Motors, 725-1667. 5 sell r ther particulars telephone MA 3-3609. 1956 GMC truck, four speed sion, A-1 mechanically, needs $25 DOWN, bank interest, 54 Chevrolet, Stewart 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two tone, |whitewalls, custom radio, $1,295. Also |1955 Chevrolet, best offer. Easy terms,|from 401 to Concession 12 Manvers. Trade. Stewart Motors, 725-1667. vertid Heaslip, telephone Bethany 1953 FORD in custom, st offer. Must cell this week. Uitleshene VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, 728-2284 parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- (nn nn | FOU rebuilt machines. Estimates free. 56 FORD station wagon, good running| Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- 11 sell ble, For fur-|vice, 728-0591 anytime. smis-)month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- some body work, Telephone 725-9279 after 6. Pop cooler, coffee 4 grill, eheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, desk, chair. Hamilton Whitby. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 7: g MAPLE syrup! Take No. 35 Highway TV RENTALS, by the day, week or cot North 723-3043. |60 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- |top V-8 automatic, radio, power steer- jing and brakes 18,000 miles, like new. |Can finance. 723-7970. |\'5] CHEVROLET also 52 Plymouth | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. used furniture. Pretty's Used e Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. . F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- jteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- station wagon. Sacrifice for |phone 728-8567. sale. Apply 253 Fourth Avenue. Tele- WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture and appliances, for top cash offer phone 728-1131, Community Furniture, |1959 PONTIAC Laurentian four door, automatic transmission, radio, white- |Best offer, 725-2549. '60 ENVOY custom, windshield wash- er, back-up lights, radio. Excellent con- 221 dition, Telephone after 5 p.m. 726-422 '51 BUICK two-door mechanically A- perfect body, custom radio, good |tires, $175. MO 8-5631. \62 PONTIAC deluxe, two door, auto- |matic, radio, whitewalls, washers, tiful twilight turquoise, 6,000 miles, like jnew, can finance 728-1203. \'61_. eorvalr sedan, four-door, | wall tires, back-up lights, many extri clean, in good condition, low mile: |reasonable. Apply 356 Gliddon Avent |HERE is your chance to own a 1962 |Jagdar 3.8 sedan, |walls, padded dash, window washers. ~| Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442. white- | 725-47: demonstrator, in| furniture, beautiful mist grey with Fess Fhe 19 Prince Street. DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, spirit or stencil; supplies. Hamilton Of- fice Equip., 137 Brock St. S. MO 8-8442, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rentals, terms, service. Hamilton Office OLYMPIA typewriters, they're No. 1 jin their field, standards and portables, jsee them today. Hamilton Office Equip. 137 Brock South, Whitby. MO. 8-8442. |FURNACES forced air, 10 year guar- antee $2.25 per week. No down pay- oe peounee deal, $130, Telephone CAR radio, in the dash, transister, $32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, WE pay highest prices in the city for Furni-|' refrigerators, stoves, wash- 3-2294. ers, Call Elmer Wilbur, CO leather interior. It has res, joverdrive transmission, jit at Smith's Supertest. Trade terms. Corner of Conlin Simcoe Street North. 728-5912. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 radio, fender jmirrors and safety belts. Over $700 off factory list price. See it. Drive it. Buy and Road and OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. LIKE new, repossessed Singer Zig-Zag Sewing machine, does all the fancy stitches, guaranteed. Balance owing $34 terms arranged. Dealer. Write Box 128 Oshawa Times. COLDSPOT refrigerator, Thor washing machine, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Apply after six, 55 Drew Street. 725-3657. HOT Point combination dishwasher and sink, length 48" with 25" height, 36" with 18" x 17" sink. Excellent condi tion $90. Original price $450. Write Boxd 129, Oshawa Times. START Begonia bulbs now! Dormant | WOW | THE FAMOUS P.V.544 | 1962 MODELS iNOW ON_ DISPLAY | Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 \spray for trees. Root forming hor- mones, potting soil, seeds. Rundie's Garden Centre, King East. 725-1764. KITCHEN utensils, wearever, dishes, | scales, lamps, hostess chairs, end) tables etc. Apply 214 Kendal Avenue. SEWING machine, Astor, push button, hardly used. Simplex Mangle Iron, in excellent conditibn. Telephone Ajax WH 2-3904. 17-INCH Victor. television 21-inch mar- coni television. Both sets in good cond WILLIS MOTORS Your Austin Dealer Open Daily 8-10 Sundays 10-10 For all your driving needs. We have a good assortment of Used Cars Taunton Road East 725-0331 tion. iced, T 723-2580. MUNDINGER 120 base accordion with case, black and white, excellent condi- tion. Telephone 728-2959. |LADY'S standard Glider bicycle, all accessories, in good condition. Tele- phone 723-4131, |HANDMADE solid mahogany and birch, coffee and step tables at low prices. Book cases, record cabinets, writing desks. etc. CO 3-2192. 63 PONTIAC, good condition, new mo- tor job. Registered Beagle pups, 10 weeks old. Telephone 725-2590, 5 to 7. SUMP pump, in excellent condition, $30. Used one season. Telephone 723-2783 mornings or evenings. 30--Automobiles Wanted 53 TO. '57 Chevrolet or Pontiac, or wagon p.m. car Telephone 723-9911 after 4 |CHESTERFIELD and chair, wardrobe with mirror, three chests of drawers, 6-inch jointer-planer with motor, bench grinder with motor, three horse power 10 horse power outboard, six LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181. WOULD like to buy car in good condi- ably small car. Telephone 725-4356, 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale |SMALL wood stove and refrigerator, 'suitable for cottage. Telephone 728-8094. | ELEVEN oak desks, five typewriter |style, matching swivel chairs, six filing jcabinets, all used, bargain price. Ham- jilten's MO 8-8442. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applion- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728- 4401, MODERN DRAPES To Create A More Pleasant Atmosphere in every room of your home. | Colorful designs in | the latest fabrics, | various styles and | lengths. Ready to drape. M. &C. Dry Goods | 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 ae ee ee 25 ~~, a: want tion, reasonable, as second car. Prefer- foot glueing clamps, pressure canner. Telephone 723-9270. OLD GUNS WANTED Will pay $100 for brass- framed level action rifles. Top prices for other old rifles, ond hand guns. PHONE 728-5574 | GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larsen, Traveller, Weymouth, Mason, Evinrude Motors, Volvo Tenta Engines. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin PHONE 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS UNTIL 8 P.M. COOK'S TRAILER SALES New and Used TRAVEL TRAILERS LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS NOW 2 LOCATIONS HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE 3 Miles East of Oshawa LANDSDOWNE TEXACO Service Station Simcoe St. N. WORRIED ? Then see us and find out for yourself how a food freezer service can take out the wor- ries and expense of food. A family of four spend with us approx. $16.50 per week for food and freezer. Includes approx. 80% of normal groc- eries. | PHONE 728-9141 for your own personal GLECOFF'S Clothing Store 174 RITSON RD, S, Specializing in BABIES', TODDLERS' and GIRLS' CLOTHING 6 months to 14 Years $20,000 Clothing Stock Reducing SALE Look at these Special Values LADIES' BLOUSES Colorful prints and solids BOG 35 59c Sizes 32 to 38 LADIES' SWEATERS ORLON AND BANLON Sizes 14 to 20, assorted colors and styles. $3.98 and $4.98 FREE EASTER DRAW With every purchase of $1. You get a FREE draw on a beautiful, ornamen- tal, electric WALL-CLOCK by Westclox WEEKLY DRAW EASTER BUNNIES Cuddly, 30-inch, luxur- ious, fluffy EASTER BUN- NIES. We have a complete stock fully displayed of Child- ren's Girls' and Teen- agers' DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR Large assortment of beautiful EASTER HATS AND SETS $1.98 and $2.98 CHILDREN'S POLO SHIRTS Size Lies, 3c. 59c BOYS' KNITTED SHIRTS SOCK eck eae 79¢ BOYS' WHITE T-SHIRTS Small, medium and lar. Wis open 59¢ MEN'S_ SOCKS, regular pair, 79c. Special .... 2 pairs 79¢ MEN'S WHITE T-SHIRTS Small, medium and large Regular 89c, Special 59c MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS rted sizes and colors Regular $2.98, Special eee) | MEN'S TIES Exciting new shades, Each HARDWARE SECTION LAUNDRY BASKET Plastic, pastel shades, Regular $1.49. Special 77¢: CHINA TEA .SETS 20-Pieces Regular $3.98 } SPOICE Go 654. $2.98 VAM HAIR DRESSING + Regular 79c for .... 596 OREST TOOTH PASTE ' Regular $1.05 Special TONI HOME PERMANENTS Regular $2 : Special .» $189, SHOP and SAVE : AT GLECOFF'S A Vist Will Convince You analysis. NO OBLIGATION | (Continued on Page 26)