Car Market 'Exploding': GM Sales Ch THOUGHT FOR TODAY The man who is all wrapped up in himself usually is an extreme- ly small package. Oshawa Times ief -- Page 15 | WEATHER REPORT Sunny with a chance of a few light showers. Sunny with cloudy intervals Thursday. Little change in temperature. Price Not Over OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottewa and for payment of Postage in Cash, THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES VOL. 91--NO. 74 10 Cents Per Copy FRENCH TROOPS TAKING COVER 60,000 French Troops Have Grip On Algiers The tist included several men that the president had vanished JGIERS »)--The. F *h Tuesday's toll for ALGIERS (AP)--The. French sday mens that te Aa had hot stvpt there massed 60,000 troops in Algiers stood at today to bring the city's 300,000 wounded, a 17 I dead all Al and geria 88 long associated with the ) Army Seizes Control, Frondizi Told To Quit RUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- Embattled Argentine President Frondizi arrived at his gover- ment house office today about four hours before the deadline set by military leaders for his resignation or forcible ouster | The army already had seized ' control of this capital in the first stages of a long-threatened coup before the president appeared at) his office shortly before non There was no immediate indi- cation of what his next step would be Shortly before Frondizi ar rived at his office his press sec- retary denied statements by staff members at his residence Moslems except tionalist Liberation Front. Tuesday night defiant European settlers under two of the dead ARREST ARMY CHIEF In Oran, French troops control. Reinforcements rolied in from the countryside to guard against any new outbreak by the Se- cret Army of Europeans fight- ing to sabotage the cease-fire) agreement France and the Al-| gerian nationalist rebels. Arm- ored cars and half - tracks pa-| trolled the streets of the Alger jan capital. The settlers' cause appeared hard hit by the heavy army fire into a crowd of European dem- onstrators Monday, in which 45 Europeans were killed and 120 wounded in the heart of the city "We are so stunned we can- not think of any reaction," said one Secret Army agent Secret Army terrorism con- tinued unabated, nevertheless Former Football Player Back Home OTTAWA (CP) -- Police said today that Tom Daley, a former Canadian football league player and official, has returned to his home after being listed as miss- ing for more than five weeks The 44-year - old Daley, who played for Ottawa and Hamil- ton teams before becoming a se- nior official in the Eastern Foot- ball Conference, disappeared Feb. 22 W.New Shooting Fray THE HAGUE (Reuters) Dutch marines and police have reported an exchange of fire with a. well-armed unit of somr 29 Indonesians on an island of disputed West New Guinea, of ficials said here today The engagement took place a the tip of Waigeo Is land off the Dutch-ruled island territory, the official West New Guinea information office here said A report from the Dutch mil tary chief in West New Guinea said Indonesians retreat after the exchange, leaving am munition and food behind Indonesian authorities recently acknowledged "natriots' were forming rilla bands "liberate New Guinea SET UP BLOCKADES Dutch reinforcements are en route to the disputed territory because of what the government the western the ec have that guer to Wes continual thr and gere of Indones Dutch warships set un bloc! ades at rances to rivers and mall bays on the south coast of Guinea Tuesday in a bid fo trap three of four Indonesian torpedo boats A Dutch spokesman eall ats a New said the CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 Lieutenant a young European on a motor ment scooter who they said had just/the nationalist rebels took ef- slain a Moslem. Oran also announced the arrest| -- of former Authorities Fares, once of now defunct president Algerian cilled the French collector until the peace between N/ fect March 19. Com- the assem bly, was in jail as an FLN fund pied City Hall, symbolic of con agree and strategic - threatened coup got when troops occu- A long under way other city and all inside the city, positions trol of limits The action grew out of victo-| ries in March 18 provincial elec-| ions by supporters of former; rines guarded key positions and bases throughout the country. DRESS FOR BATTLE The commander of naval-op- erations, Rear-Admiral Agustin Pena, and his staff arrived in battle kit at their headquarters here before dawn Naval chiefs said they had tarned down a pian pat forward by Defence Minister Rodolfo Martinez designed to break the deadlock between the president and the armed forces Today's military moves brought to a head the simmer- ing dispute between Frondizi Seven Killed As Cottage Burns Down COLLINGWOOD, Ont. (CP)-- { DC-8 airliner tio dictator Juan Peron, ousted in', nother and her six young 1955 children died today when fire Military sources said Frondizi'destroyed their small frame | would be forcibly deposed unless cottage in an isolated shoreline he resigned by the 1 P.M. \area of Georgian Bay. shouts cottage Ryan, 57, denied the church had anything to do with his leaving. "I had left home under a mutual agreement with my wife and not under the influ- ence of liquor or at the insis- tence of anyone," he told re- porters recently is Ryan called his wife's charges ridiculous flection Church." EASTER FINERY SECTION TODAY The Oshawa _ Shopping Centre is featuring Easter finery on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week The details of the displays and offerings by the vari- ous stores are given in a 12-page section in today's issue of The Oshawa Times torpedo boats were intercepted off the coast by Dutch plane during the nights of March 25 vnd 26 but fled to shallow water o avoid pursuit by larger ships The Netherlands news agency 'enorted that a Dutch KLM left Willemstad "uracao, carly today carrying "0 marines. It was also under tood that Holland has also or lered two destroyers and twe ubmarines to New Guinea Unconfirmed reports here aid the Dutch may use the war hips to evacuate Dutch from he territory SENDS NAVAL UNITS The Dutch government an nouncement Thesday night, in a etter from Premier Jan. de parliament. recalled that Indonesian leaders had openly spoken of a concentra tion of 15,000 men in the Cele onposite New Guinea, a "first a king wave" for mander Pierre Guillaume, a Ld sector chief of the Secret Army RC Archdiocese and the only navy man con- victed of participation in the . generals' revolt in Algiers last Denies Charge April. He was flown to Paris to ' join his former secret army e, (2 p.m.) deadline given him by The victims were identified as chief, ex-general Edmond Jou- In Dama e Suit armed services chiefs in a "fi- Mrs. Michelle Taylor, 30, Glane, haud, who was seized Sunday g nal gre i sc Pecidistth sak : Michelle, 6, Varley s, Eric. 3 Oran. Fe ims a But the staff a rondiz S- Edith, 2, and Leonard, 1 ew 7 8 -- MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) -- Thelidence said the president's' The husband, Ernie. Taylor, The French Army command|Roman Catholic Archdiocese o thereabouts were unknown,\4): was Ndépital "aablacine said an investigation of Mon-\New York has denied a wife's| Vr eeoeY Piss? gee Diet. Ramona 7 i ved th : : Staff members told reporters neck and hand burns and se- day's shooting showed that be-|charges that. the church broke hat Frondizi had not slept there vere. shock fore the troops opened fire onjup her marriage to a_ priest, tae ge ie sh hae ee > the crowd of demonstrators,/her lawyer said' Tuesday Tuesday night. = _. The Taylors lived year-round troops at four points in the m4, ; y goad Troops patrolled <gte pe the nearby cottage, which heart of the city were fired on me: ne wife, Mrs. Alice Ryan, 41- Aires and steel : helmeted ma- doubled as a studio for Taylor, by snipers. soles mother of four from rhe a well-known artist in the area : tlen Head, N.Y.,° has filed a Collingwood firemen were As the reinforcements rolled $2,300,000 damage suit against H d W rkers called by Mrs. John Handle, the into Algiers from the viakenhe Ag the church in state Supreme y ro 0. Taylors' neighbor who said she _ hing 7 pg congenn' Court here. a was awakened about 1 a.m. by , te She claimed in her suit that k n the direction of the de and date cong t ™S./her husband, Walter A. Ryan, Favor Stri e led by Abderrahmane Fares, 8), tomer priest now living in ; Moslem socialist, who will ad- San Francisco, was taken from TORONTO (CP)--The Hydro FIND IN FLAMES minister Algeria until the self-\1,cir home April 4, 1955, by use Employees Union Tuesday Firemen, from Collingwood, determination vote in three to} o¢ rorce and intdxicants and was voted 73 per cent in favor of which is 90 miles northwest of six months hence held in monasteries against his last-resort strike action against Toronto, arrived to find the cot One of the chief tasks for the wij). aa! the Ontario Hydro Electric tage a mass of flames. Taylor provisional government will be Power Commission was sitting at the edge of a to prepare and supervise the The union Tuesday counted ditch in a state of shock referendum, backed by a 7.744 votes submitted by 9,000, Taylor once played with Tor- largely Moslem "'local force' members. Of these 5,669 (73 onto Balmy Beach of the On- of some 60,000 men per cent) were in favor of a tario Rugby Football senior se- <j strike should the continuing ne- Ties e gotiations fail, There were 2,075 An inquest expected into votes against the fire, cause of which is un- Gul 1ed A union spokesman said after determined 5 the count that negotiations will Mr. Taylor was born in Col- and an "unfair re- he resumed with the commis- lingwood. He studied art at the upon the Catholic io, Jater this week. If no prog- University of Toronto after dis- ress is made Labor Minister Charge from the RCAF Warrender will be asked to in- After a year living in the New tervene, Only then will a strike York City art colony he moved ldate be set. back to Toronto, then to Colling- Hydro's assistant genera] Wood manager in charge of person- His best-known work is a his Inel. C. B. C. Scott, said the torical mural 40 feet long in the union appears to have less sup cafeteria of the Collingwood dis- port for its strike than it did trict Collegiate Institute in a similar dispute in 1958. But, he said, the commission is still willing to talk "to ex- plore any possible avenue of set- tlement."' The -commission has said if the strike occurs it will use su- pervisory and professional staff to maintain service. A-Weapon Spread Curbs Requested | GENEVA (Reuters) -- Polishjchoslovakia and both West and ° Foreign Minister Adam Rape ast Germany although other} = today renewed his proposal for| European countries could join. the "liberation" of the territory. 4 nuclear-free zone in Europe. The Polish proposals | have He called on the 17-nation dis- been rejected' by the West in De Quay: said naval armament confererice to discussithe past in grounds they would mits were being sent to New the proposal in committee and|weaken the security of NATO Guinea and added that a report by the end of the year countries 'limited strengthening of troops Rapacki said world interest in| Rapacki spoke after Soviet also was planned venting the spread of nuclear|Deputy Foreign Minister Valer The Indonesians this week an- weapons has increased consid-|ian Zorin raised procedural dif nounced that for the moment erably since he submitted his ficulties about discussing a Ca- they would not be resuming plan in.October, 1957, and pre-|nadian plan to limit the use of talks with the Dutch in Wash- sented a revised version a year|outer fo peaceful pur ington on the future of West later . poses New Guinea and said the next Poland decided to renew the! Conference move was up to the Dutch proposal because a number of|conference co-chairman, _ the| Indonesia claimed at the European governments have in-|U.S.. and Russia, would meet| Washington talks last week--as dicated a positive attitude to-|priavtely to discuss Zorin's ob it has before--that the adminis- ward the idea of establishing-re-|jections and report back to the tration of the territory must be gional nuclear - free zones, he conference handed over to Indonesia be aid The Canadian plan sup there could -be ement. Rapacki plan should port from Italian Foreign Min lof West New Guinea's futum | basically" include Poland, Cze-lister Antonio Segni. Ouay to bes th 1e several pre space ao sources said the It day York on not that a Range does happen group of New 5 sit the sun downtown Oshawa Two Times carriers took the oppostunity every in fore gol a anv se said his Street Oshawa ~ RANGERS SIGN and armed the March 18 elections The armed forces wanted a national coalition in which they could be represented WOULDN'T RESIGN Early today Frondizi rejected a formal demand to resign made to him by th# heads of the armed services The demand was the climax of hours of discussions at gov- ernment house, seat of the pres- idency and of several govern- ment departments, including the defence ministry. The announcement that the president had rejected the call to resign was made at a press conference by defence minister Martinez He said the secretaries for war and air and the comman- der of naval operations asked him to tell the president that the views of their forces were the same as those expressed to him Tuesday by ex - president Pedro Aramburu--that he should resign, Aramburu was apppoinetd by Frondizi to try to mediate in the crisis. Martinez added: 'President Frondizi replied that his deci- sion not to resign was final." BC. Planning To Keep BCE, | Regardless VANCOUVER (CP) The British Columbia government claimed Tuesday it can keep the B.C. Electric Company even if the courts rule the legislation under which the company was expropriated last August wos il- legal M. M. McFarlane, counsel for the attorney-general in an ap-) peal against a court order plac ing the BCE under receiver- ship, said the courts are power- less to restore the BCE to the B.C. Power Corporation, its for- mer owner Even if B.C. Power wins its suit to have the takeover de- clared invalid the Social Credit government does not have hand the BCE back to it unless it chooses to, he said Mr. McFarlane said in the event the courts should rule that the expropriation last August was illegal, it will require a fur- ther court action against the government to have the actual property returned. But here the government has the power to block such a law suit by refusing to grant a fiat (permission to sue the govern- ment), he said. to get their autographed left to right Spencer, Albert Langlois, Jean Guy Jendron, and car- riers Louis Richard, 373 Olive hockey Shown are sticks | from Erwin ' service chiefs over 0 vat rT} ni 4 : 4 cepted the resignations of the high command saying it was HOCKEY STICKS RIME INQUIRY HEARS F SOCIAL CLUB LINKS | Roach Refuses To Allow Names TORONTO (CP)--Police chief, the operators of the Centre Road i Garnet McGill of Toronto town- Club. Chief McGill said, in ref- ship today told the Ontario royal erence to the allegation of pro- commission on crime that he yincial government officials' 1\was informed in 1960 that some connection with the club, that he § provincial government officials was informed by Reeve Speck were conected with a gambl- that this information had come ing club in Cooksville. to the reeve from Reeve Cyril Chief McGill said this infor-|Clark of neighboring Chingcousy } mation was given him by Reeve| Township, adjacent to Toronto Robert W. Speck of Toronto Township. township. "T believe it was a rumor the He said he was not certain) ¥2Y it was reported to me," : ; |Chief McGill said whether the reeve had told him 1 that there were "two provincial B. J. MacKinnon, counsel for ; the Liberal party, asked the overnment member: el es : ms Fetal of the preritarkt and an of. {chief whether Reeve Clark was department" .or whether there ® member of the club were 'ta couple of members of; 'I had heard rumors that he the attorney general's depart- attended," Chief McGill said. ment and a member of the Reeve Speck testified before province." the royal commission Tuesday No names were mentioned at, that he did not know of any com- the public hearing and Mr, Jus-|Plaints about the operation of tice W. D. Roach, the commis-/the Centre Road club although . Die In Blaze sioner, ordered that certain ren.|he had heard "all kinds of ru- ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- tions of a statement made by Mors" about it. RCMP said today that a mother|the chief last year be withheld wugp HAVE BEEN LEAK and her 12-year-old daughter|{fom the public hearing at least, 1, another phase of testimony died in a fire Tuesday that al-\for the time being. Mr. Justice toqay Chief MeGill said there most levelled a two-storey Roach said that the matter willl must have been a leak about wooden hotel at Harbor Grace,|>® gone into later, perhaps in'giccyssions he had with mem- about 25 miles northeast of|/°4m™era. bers of the OPP anti-gambling here. "I don't want this to develop|squad in December, 1958, con- Police said they are believed|into any McCarthy trial," the'firming a proposed raid on the trapped when flames roared judge said. He added that peo-' Cooksville club. through the 24-room building.|ple's reputations could be pe gaiq he had - discussed Three persons still were unac-| "damned" with anti-gambling squad mem- counted for. The suggestion of provincial bers the idea of putting sledge- Earlier, it was reported that officials' conection with the hammers and erowbars through four persons died in the blaze.|\Centre Road Veterans Club at club windows so that its opera- The fire was believed to have Cooksville came up when Chief tion could be broken up. A few originated on the top floor. A|\McGill was questioned about a days later, he said, a John La- fireman who attempted to res-|statement he made to the On fradde, whom he identified as a cue a woman from a top-floor|tario Provincial Police in con-\prother of a man known to be window was forced to retreat/nection with gaming and police connected with the club, visited from the inferno. bribery charges against gambl- him at home and offered him The hotel was owned by Mr. ers Joseph McDermott and Vin-'three cases of liquor. and Mrs. Lorenzo Pike who lost cent Feeley and former OPP! "] was rather surprised that a hotel in 1944 in a fire which|member Robert Wright, who he could repeat to me what was alco levelled most of the commu-|have been convicted recently. said about sledge-hammers and y McDermott and Feeley were crowbars," Chief McGill said. ARTURO FRONDIZI Girl, Mother Armed Forces Seize Government In Syria DAMASCUS (Reuters) -- The!"the objectives of the revolution; and the principles of the United Syrian armed forces announcedjhave been achieved." Nations. today they have seized power,, Damascus radio broadcast anjopp_ Ty dissolved Parliament and ac-\announcement by the army SEEKS ARAB UNITY i | The 'new movement" would work to achieve Pan-Arab unity with Arab "'liberated'"' countries, "particularly beloved Egypt president, premier and cabinet.|taking over because the civilian In a series of communiques government had betrayed the "oade or De : io aims of the September military r " broadcast over Damascus radio 4 Lagtige Ben "land sister Iraq. the armed forces general com-|COUP, six months ago today, : F mand issued a warning against|Which broke Syria away from The high command said the demonstraitons and disorders. its union with Egypt in the government had protected plot: : |United Arab Republic. ters and saboteurs and deprived The command also announced : ; laborers of their gains under the that Syrian borders and airports; The high command said ' : ; sg 3 September revolution. had been closed until further no- provisional government will be! 1. army had tried to correct tice. 'formed from "loyal elements" ; 3 ; ; this situation but the govern- It said martial law was pro-jand Syria will continue with alment had not heeded its warn- claimed but the army would re-| policy of positive neutrality, ob-| ings and had even tried to infil- turn to its barracks as soon as'serving internatiorfal treaties|trate the ranks of the army in SOT amine nae . mummy |its own interests. The army, therefore, to pro- tect the aims of the revolution and to prevent exploitation, had been forced to displace the plot- ting elements and "refer them to trial." In Cairo, the official U.A.R. Middle East News Agency com- mented that the coup was the "inevitable" result of the '"'sep- aratist, reactionary gov- < ernment." The agency said the coup was motivated by government ter- rorism, despotism, economic chaos and an attempt to incar- cerate the Syrian people "'in a large prison." PRESIDENT RESIGNS Damascus Radio, broadcast- ing a series of communiques, announced the resignation of President Nazem Kudsi '"'be- cause of health reasons," the disbanding of parliament and the resignation of Premier Ma- rouf Dawalibi's cabinet The September army coup broke up the United Arab Re- public and installed two provi- sional governments until gen- eral elections resulted in a ca- |binet under Dawalibi as premier day, opening the National {and Kudsi as president Hockey League Stanley Cup Diplomatic sources mentioned semi-finals, and will play the |Col. Abdul Karim Nihlawi as the Leafs in Maple Leaf Gardens |man behind the coup. Nihlawi | again Thursday was one of the key figures in --Oshaéwa Simes Photo |the September revolt, "| avenue, and Nick Stanczenko, 396 Harmony road south. The Rangers have been staying in Hotel Genosha since Mon.- | day night. They played the Toronto Maple Leafs Tues